Newspaper Page Text
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Uliijpjui ii. j—J vtmm
Tragle Manner In wbieN Young Leo
Warren Met Death
W. E. CMbKH Will Me'/' M!« feate
And Build on Qid L^t »
General Hardware,
= —, e.i. ..■mninti-iftnT- - hr
a juunuiuiwu. ^
and, like other diseases of the blocx*.
crited. The poisonous acids with u.
trged circulate through the system, b:
'y 00,1003.
ry Klitucia*
,i .ij, r.ud tna
;vct med-
; Scribed
Ef t.i- ir medi-
Thomasmille, Ga.
The Drummers Livery Stable
Having just built and equipped n modern Livery Feed and Sales Stables
with firatAilass Carriagts, Bugg'cs nnd sa<ldle horsi'8. New Buggies Car
riages and Drummers ltigs J’rompt and courteous attention given all,
Orders for quick services.
The patronage of commercial tricycle in especially solicited. Kates
Very Reasonable. Conveniently located on Bryan street. Two . minutes
walk Oasjboi* dejiot near railroad. Call on, write, ’phone or wire.
Cairo, ai W. D. BARBE.R, Prop.
Satisfaction tiannted.
The Portable Sav.
Tfc h\ a portable mill that i.;
lumber. Capacities 2,000 to
oic. ^ iUiiicrs perfect
2: LOGS.
-our''. VariaWe Fric-
Mr. George G. Warren returned from
Gainesville Flq. Saturday morning.
Ho went to attend the funeral of i»i«
brother Mr, Lee Warren who lived here
until last May. Mr. Warren brought
back particular* of the young man’s
tragic death.
It occurei Sunday last in Mancie, Ind.
Though but 22 years old, tho young man
wish an experienced and successful aero
naut He was under contract to make
several ascensloua from Eaton Park
resort near Mnneie. He had to make
his dual appearance on Sunday after
noon. Just before ascending be inform
ed a companion that this would be his,
last trip, an ho intended to quit tho
business and return to his home at
His words camo true in a manner he
little expected. He made the ascension
alright, hut conhl not cur, the parachute
loose from. the balloon. The gas was
released from tho bag and ho descended
gradually. One hundred fcot from the
groofid the balloon collapsed and tno
parachute caught in a tree top. Warren’
hold on the ropes was loosened and ho
was dashed to the ground breaking his
neck and fracturing his arm. Ho died
instantly. His remains were sent to
Gainesville and his funeral took place
Friday, followed by tho largest funeral
procession even scon in Gainesvillo,
usclans Lost a Valuable Officer in
the Nqva! Battle.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 13.—Rear Ad
miral Withott, in command of the Rus
sian naval forces at Port Arthur was
killed in tho. engagement on Wednes
day. Tho emperor received a telegram
from Tfiing.Gbon, signed by Captain
Matoutnviteh, rear admiral of staff, re
porting that Witlioffc met his doatli
aboard tho flags)iip. Czarevitch. Both
logs were blown off. Oapt. Warn off, of
the U/arevitch, CommanderSanioff nnd
jievond officers were wounded. S-veral
other otlleors wero killed. The battle
ship sustained severe damage. Her
rudder was broken beyond repair.
The Novik has left Tsing-Cliou.
London, Aug. 13.—A dispatch from
St. Petersburg says that me machinery
of the Russian battleship Czarevitch is
endfred wort4»l°w*. ’Sim lost 201 officers
and men killed and sixty wounded,
• Admiral Withoft was on tho bridge
of the Czarevitch when a shell exploded,
blowing him to pieces.
fudge Montgomery sold yesterday the
Waite place on-Clay street to W. E.
Cochran & Co. Tiio present residence
of Mr, W. E. Cochran will be removed
to this lot and Mr. Cochran wi*l at once
erect a new home on his lot near the
Baptist church. . *
A Fall Wedding -
• It is said in sooiety circles that a wed
ding of unusual interest is scheduled for
the early autumn. The names mention
ed in connection therewith are those of a
young gentleman from the north who
haa spent several winters here, aud one
of Thomaaville’s ycunger society bells
who is not yet onfc-of her "teens.”
An lllfated Family
Another death occurred in the Heeth
family at Monticello Thursday of last
week, another son dying of fever, iliis
family 1ms been unusually unfortunate;
ten in number, five of them have had
fever this summer and three’died of it.
The deatli of Richard occurred here at
almost the same time his father died in
Monticello. The othor two members of
tho family who were sick are out of
danger. — Quitman Free Press.
His Hardest Day.
Judge H. B. Peoples, of Nashville,
was in tho city Thursday, on his way
Irom Tliomasviilu where he presided for
Judgo Hansel!, of the county court,
Wednesday. Judge Peeples declares
is was the hardest day’s work he over
had on the bench. He disposed of fotir-
tcosi criminal cases, nine of which were
convicted and live found not guilty.
t}uito a neat little sum went into
Thomas county's treasury as payment of
flues —Tiftoa Gazette.
A disease so painful and far-reaching :ti u.*
Upon the human system as Rheumatism, must have a deep
and well-laid foundation. "
the blow
blood is charged ■
down the health, irritating
the nerves, settling in joints I had a severe attach
and muscles, and causing the doctor* FKa a wj*n2e r.'i go**!
sharp, cutting pains peculiar icine every wu .. /*. >•
to Rheumatism. Unless the ^f^and°b^an r the uio’•>I J t
blood is purified, joints and ©lbow joints' were so sv/.SJ'U nnd i<
muscles become costed with StKoureUlf wUot" b^?n°so»- bnt 03 1 ‘‘ aw $
the acrid matter and are ren- wag helpiiurmo,continued,and to-day araacound,
dered stiff and sore, and the wr ^J.J , A n * v n CQ . ve j* 21, CHAPMAN.
meat. Laments. ,
est of nil blood purl lien, nnd tonics, and in no disease
does it art so promptly and beneficially as Rheuma
tism, neutralizing the acids and restoring the blood
to a pure, healthy condition and invigorating and
toning up the nerves and nil parts of the system. It is guaran tee s.ric y
vegetable. Write us should you itcsire medical advice, which will cost you
"For What is worth injanything
Rut so much money as ’twill briiiR.’
We (lesiii
line of
t-> call attention of our cu-t"iners this week to a large
Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements.
-We handle tin
Weber Wagon and the Virginia Wagon, the Oxford Buggies
and the Rex Buggies, and the McFarlanc Buggies and
We have? combination corn and cotton planters and combina
tion guano and corn drills.
Can be set and ready f o saw
tioa Cable Feed. Stationary I
end Stationary Engines, Ra’wi
BACON & m.l'l
=ALU4? r Gt
Kjs.’rft 1 ;*. s a
Thoroughbred Chickens.
Barred Plymouth Rock and White Wyandotte
EGGS. Price $1.00 per setting 15 eggs.
C. W. COCHRAN & BRO., - Thomasville, Ga
My pretty maid? I’m going to Tyboo, Sir, s!i
tliat’s the place where tho jivoplo are going
have a good time.
Witn its mauy attractions, its flue orchestra, its
bathiug and its exeellout enisiuo is tho most popular s
resort on the South Atlantic Coast. Rates <2.30 per
$12.80 and $15.00 per w« ek.
The Pulaski House.
John McLaughlin Met Death Jn
Freight Wreck near Dothnn
Nows reached the citv Sa turday of a
\ J freight wreck on tho Atlantic Coast
Lin»*. which caused tho death of engin
eer John McLaughlin who made thin
city h s homo.
The wreck occurred shortly before
midnight ou Friday night, its scene
was £lba Junction, a small town seven
teen miles west of Dothan Ala. Mr.
McLaughlin was engineer on a local
freight, running east. It is reported
that ho misunderstood Ids orders, and
i ran by the meeting place scheduled to
| allow the through freight number 211,
•westbound to pass. The two trains
j met bead oil and crashed together with
i great force. Mr. McLaughlin was ai-
; most instantly killed, his fireman hurt:
and two brakomen somewhat shakou !
J up. The train crew on tho through,
t freight wore not injured.
; The Coast Lino officials were as mum
: as the proverbial oyster, as is their hob-
i it in cases of wrecks.
They declined to go into particulars
TT but the facts as related above are cor-
1. And ! rec t, Mr. McLaugiilitt's reiuaius were
year to ' gout to Montgomery and tho injured
' men wore sent to the hospital there.
} He was formerly a resident of Chicgo
^3 aud leaves two ^laughters, voting ladies
iplendid ^2 iu a convent there. II is body maybe
.ide ^2 sent there for interment. He had boon
jin the service of the “Coast Line al>out
Metcalfe Marriages.
Metcalfe, Ga. Aug. 13, J0O1.—Met-
alfe was tho scene of two interesting
marriages on Wednesday hist, one being
au entire surprise to everybody. Miss
Lizzie Wheeler aud Mr. Norwood, wero
married by Rev. E. K. Ro-e, iu the pres
ence of a number of- friends. Nosoouor
had tho words been said than another
couple from among the sjiectators asked
that a similar ceremony be performed
for them.
They were Dr. W. 13. Watkins and
Miss Sarah Mash. Tho astonished vis
itors saw therefore two weddings in
stead of one. All of the young people
are prominently ^connected aud well
known throughout tho county.
i lmvo thd best line of Fertilizer Distributors wo ever saw. You
can put out with them from one hundred to two thousand pounds
of fertilizers per acre.
Wojilso carry a full line
aud weed era.
»f two horse riding and walking cultivators
Wo are still offering bargains in
—Flour, Sugar and Tobacco—
and have on band vet some select North Carolina Seed Finders
Remember that we give with each i2’»c cash purchase a ticket en
titling you .to a chance at the beautiful Ames stick seat run about cn
display in our window, which will be given away on May 28th. One
of our customers will get this beautiful run about. You may be the
lucky one. COME to see us.
Party of Young People go on n Straw
On Friday night several of^the youn
ger sou ial set chape roped by Mrs. E, L
Brown made their way to the always
hospitable home of tho Craigmilea.
Music and dancing prevailed as the
most popular form of pleasure and all
rejiort a delightful lime. Those pres
ent were Misses: Jeanne Leo Brown,
Agnes Lillienberg, Louise Hopkins
Marian Balfour and Messrs. James
Grihbeti, Dodio Williams, Jimmie Long,
Ernest Mallard aud Willie Pa in.
Comfort f rate Co.,
Announcement of
A Colt Show.
One of tho events of picnic day, Sep
tember twenty-third will bo a colt show.
It will be held under the auspices of
Hon. W. L. Bibb aud Dr. T. M. McIn
tosh, both of whom raise fine stock.
Everybody in the couuty who owns Ja
fine colt is expected to bring it along aud
put it on exhibition at the corner of
Broad and Jackson. There will bo a
premium offered for the best colt.
Proprietors of Meigs Big Livery Stables
beg to inform the public that they are
now tally fitted up mid prepared to serve
all with very best accommodations.
Having recently bought out the firm of
” Hurst A To., anil in combining
the two rhuy wilt conduct a first-class
Livery. Feed and Sales Stable. Best
turnouts, all kinds of new and up-to-date
vehicles. Drummer-,' Rigs and Fine and
vast Horses. Rates reasonable and
satisfaction guaranteed. Calls answer
ed promptly. Phone, wire or write.
Meigs, Georgia.
2 5 Per Cent Off.
For tlic next 60 days we will sell our entire
stock of
lie made i
> at tho Masnry
^ here*.
^ i hotel.
• Is the most popular .place in Sav-mnah and shonhi be your H« was a* quiet unobtrusive man,
Eheadquartors when in the city. Writs for Illustrated l»ookict. ^3 ; noar i y seveutv years of agejand devotod
CHAS. F. GRAHAM, Proprietor. 2j to his work. Ho was well liked by all
S who came in contact with him, aud Ins
Sfx Couples Surprise Ml:
Oil Friday
younger set
eniug six couples f rom the
t met at the residence of Miss
Susie Mae Watt for an eveniug of pleas
ure. Of course the party was a surprise
bat Miss Sasic Mae was equal to the oc
casion aud dispensed her usual cordial
hospitality ma gracious manner.
ggUusic and games were tho features of
the occasion and added much to the hap
piness of t hose present who were: Misses
Miuuie Williams, Tempc Cassady. Eve-
At 1 4 off the regular price.
We.have a large assortment of attractive patterns in both
China and japan goods and the prices range from 12
1-2 to 25 cents yard. Dont’s allow your floor
to go bare when you can cover them so
- cheaply. •
We have‘’BARGAIN DAY” prices on “FURNI
TURE of all kinds and it will pay you to call on us
when iu ticed of anything in this line.
Retake Country ProoucemExchange
death will cause great regret.
Lawson, Jim Mallctto. Sidney Fleming,
William Brantley, Archie Pittmau and
Herbert NeeL
Cairo Furniture Company,
R. L, Van Landingtiain, Mgr.