Newspaper Page Text
New Series, Vol 'XV—No. 3. . ,
,ii .cil—
New Depot with Express end Tele-
/ graph Office.. Other News, . y
Dr. Arllne. of Cairo, made a
slonal virit to Pinepark last Tlittrwl^r.
' * Mrs. O F. Mills is qaite sioki
hope she will soon be couvaleecent^’ v ♦
Mr. L. Gcodlco, A. C. L Auditor and
Mr. L. Knder, route agent Southernqx-
press Co„ were here last week and
efieyked ont oar fo.mer agent, Mr. J. G.
' Moore, and cUepied in Mr. 3. L. Fuller
-We now have a nice little depot, a tele-
£ graph and express ^office. Mr. Moore
,4 . gave AnHre satisfaction with the A C.
<- - 1j.’co. mid the citizens of' Pine^ Path.
The change was made because he did
not understand telegraphy.
Mrs. Mittie Gandy returned to
home at Cairo last week.
MtO. E. Stringer’T. M. Chastain and
L. L. Barwick attended the Sunday
School Convention r«t Bostrii last Sun
day. They reported a vor.V ploa«am
trip and thitf great interest was urnni-
feeted-in Sunday work.
Rev. T. A. White preached a very
forcible ►ermon at Pine Park last Sunday
-afternoon ' W o believe, troth expres
sious heard from various ones. Iris 'ser
mon* will cat^e much thought and deep
Mem*. Walter DavK J. R. Hall and
Bon Mt oldin frem Cairo, attended
preacfiing nt P'ne Park laft Sunday.
Come nfcain.
Mr. D N. Lnro 1ms just opened »«p
a nice fresh htoek of groceries, soda wa
ter etc. Call and pee him.
Mr. J. G. Moore’s mother -in visiting
his family tor *a few days.
The colored lJeopJo of this vicinity
will soon '.have their school building
completed at this place.
Miss Olivia Lindsey of Ochleckcnee is
visiting her sifter Mrs: C. K. Stringer
Mr. Mathew Howr.e paws^l here yes
terday on hia way to the fishery. Wc
hope he will pass tics way when he gets
the fish. ' ' /
There is greatjft^maod l*pr cotton pick
ers in thia neighborhood. Some of oar
fanner* think they will not make much
over a half crop. Other* not more tlwn
E. L. Alderman visited his parents at
Pine Park on Wednesday.
Mr. J. R.’ Wllaonf
; ; “ (By Cary v ;; : >
Mr. J. R.. Wilson of.j^fapUce flawed
away la at Thursday pi, «?at thp o'clock.
Ht died at hiH Hiater’s Mrs. Beasley near
PiVloock and was brought to this
place Friday moriting. .He 'wps laid. to
feat iu Lebanon c^niete’-y, after fuu-
era! ceremonies h^^beeti held by Rev.
R. H. Barwicl. itn$ ih O. liedfearn.
He was u lbyal ofti^QA'Wid loved by all
who knew hearty aymparhy
is with the bereaved .omij esix.*dally
the two vouuger etfWren.' May God
throw liis loving anna mjourid them,
and protect them from the.\3»^res. afid
temptations of this world. '* y
Mr. K. E. Johnson andH. K. McGraw
left for Nashville Tuesday where they
intend spending a few da: *»•
Mrs. A. .1. Taylor returned from Jack*
souvitio N. C. iuesuay evening.
Lazarus Bros is getting in a full sup-,
ply of fall goods.
Cooper Devoue «fc Co. has opened up a
•took of goods ou Main street.
Mr. Leonard Hendry of Qaitmau has
accepted a position with D. D. Puaoock
at this place.
Mrs. G. W. English returned from
Quitman Monday where she lias beeh
viaitiug her daughter Mrs. D. 13* Price.
Miss Loe Hotel te is speiuling this
wtou with Mrs W. L Adams. /
Wo are very glad to hoar jtuai Sir*.
T. Brice who lias been very sick for
some tithe is improving very rapidly.
A semes of meetings has just elowd at
Mill Creek church, conducted iy Rev.
Fuiu. There was many -additions to
the church.
Mb* Jennie Ldmoueos is vim ting
Mrs. W. W. Wade* tills week.
Miss .Nora Williams is visiting her
sister at Nashville this week.
Mr Geo. W. Chesttusr. re.prew.i>«7ng
the Tiiues-Enteri>rise was iu Pavo ’hat •
urday.. y
Rov. A. J. Taylor spent Wt Monday
in Moultrie.
A series of meetings wrU begin at the
Methodist chnrcli next eecond Sunday.
Cotton Pioktra Scarco—Personal
Nows Notes end the Lika* -i?.
Merrillville, Ga. Aug. -31,10^4 t
Onr little town ha* been dxtriuh&ly
The farmers iu this ueigl.iharhbod pro
working hard to solve the‘ ^robh^of
getting their.eqftou gathered stay
ing at home Aud doing most of-the work
Labor in extremely hard to get and
what low hands have been necured, are
very high priced ones.
Mrs. C. A. Alcorn has tented the P. P.
Damn residence over in went Merrill*
▼hie where she will be at home to her
Mayor N, E: Turner attended the
Thomas Couuty Sunday {School con
vention. Mr. Turner is one of the ex
ecutive committee-men.
Dr. I). C. Montgomery loft Tuesday
for Thoraasvdle and Metcalf* whithor
he has gone *o attend to some baRiuesa
Mr. J. J. Turner made a business trip
,to ThoikaKVitle Tuesday.
Misses B.itmie aud Praukio Carter left
We luoxday morning for Normati Park
waere they have gone to resume tludr
studies in the Institute.
ClieriiT T. J. Iiight was here Monday
a'u^nooti ott-oiHoiai basuiesa.
Mr. W. J. Taylor af "’Iiomaftille was
shaking hands with his many friends
bore Monday.
the families of ,T. H. Wnlcnifc and Prof,;
Mr. aud Mrs. Joseph BlacU>hear of
‘Pino Bloom Ga. were the -guests of lib*
'toother Mr. Thoniam P. Blackshear for
a few days this week. ^
There will be services at the Method-
far cliurch next Saturday and Sundiy,
bv the pastor lie?. J. H. Willis. Every
body in cordioly ibvited to attend
If Merrillville accomplishes much her j s j Rf4 , r More in 14 yoars.
caizouh will have to gu to worn wid
vioi aud uot wait for sqme outsiders
do what her ckvn citizeus ought to do
The Story of The Week In Our Neigh
boring 0lty.
[Hy It, 0. Jortlan.]
Judge W. W. Ramsey, of Groover-
ville, was in Boston last week selling
cottou and bulyng goods. The Judge 4s
one of Brooks county’s substantial citi
zens aud a model farmer.
Dr. M. R. M allot to, of Thowasville,
was bore last Wednesday transacting
business. *
Ben Hill Battle, one of Boston’s best
yonng men, died at the home of his un
cle, A. B. Gone, last Wednesday and
was bhried Thursday, a. m.. at the
Presbyterian cemetery, Rev. D. H. Par
ker, pastor of the Baptist Church officiat
W. M. Smith, one of Valdosta's busi
ness men, was in our barg last Thuis-
W. E. Battle, of Perry. Fla., was in
onr city laat Thursday in attendance
u|K>n his brother's, (Ben Hill Battle)
Mrs. Myriok aud children, of Hbhira,
Ga., aud Mrs. Adams, of Waycross,
have teen the guests of Mr. aud Mrs. H.
M. Myrick for several days at their
home in east Boston.
Miss Callie Robinsnn, who has been
on ru extended visit to her friend, Miss
Alice Eason, has returned to her home
“at Palmetto, Flu. Tiiis departure leaves
ono sad heart at Mayview to whom we
extend our sincere symimthios.
Mallory Bros, ard Hughes have sold
their extensive naval stores business to
Mnllette, Wlmley <SrCo.
Mrs. George M6Daniel and two chib
Etoousnt Plea For Education--Other
Newt of the Town.
(by IL U. Nettmiifi.)
The public tchool here opened again
last Monday morning with a very en-
Georgia Banks in Better Shape than
Last Year, Contrary to Ccmp-
treliars Statement.
According to a report from Washing
ton, a statement issued by the comp-
oouragiue Mart. More popil. «c. on t(le cnneocyi mytt timoag
rollporf tl»»n were lutiprinKand qoito 0 ^, er thing,, tlmtll.o doomed on tlie
* number more Will como in «l>trtly.' batlka wU1 bo abou{tlm M ,„ t
Now let', all poll together, ondj.lmw )n,r I ^ except certa|Q ^
appreciation of bettorjocliools and bet-„ IeM< Georgi0i w , ler0 ^ dW
torreducation. Lot our pooterity know mM d: wi U be greater and from two to
that we ate interested in tl.eir fnturo ,breo week, earlier. / ' .
success iu life, and as a manifestation
thereof try and give them all the advan
tages of education wq can. What won
derful opportunities are afforded the
youth today, that wo wero ‘debarred of.
With what xeal and determination
ought they to embrace thorn. We owe
it to our children, to our coontry and to
our God, to mako one great, grnud aud
uuited effort for better schools and edu
cation of the rising generations. The
boy of today yrill one day bo the occu
pant of the position of trust for his state
aud of church. Ho will ho the dispen
ser of legal advice; the man, who in
tarn will teach other childron, will heal
the sick; and greatest of all, will sow the
seeds of the everlasting gospel of Christ.
Upou you, parent rest the Kroatj respon
sibility iu training them up in the way
they should go.
The was a fuueral at Big Greek church
nfcar here on Wodnesday of laat week,
that of .the only child of Mr. and Mr*.
Martin of Quitman. They were vis
iting Mrs. D. F. (Colley, mother of Mrs.
Mjjrtin]when the child died. We com
mend the Lord Jesus unto the bereaved
that they way be comforted in tills sad
hour. ,
3 Mr. Henry Daniel left Tuesday mom.
dren, of Marshall. Icxiif, are visitlig . ' _ . , . ,
.... ... t w Mr-,.. ol, i in S for NorraaD P “ k wbere 1,0 • rCeU,m
Norman Institnto.'
Baseball Boys Wand Their -Respec
tive Way« Today. %
Primitive Baptiste Meet In Conven
tion. PorionsljS
Miss Annie Strickland and Mr. Ed.
Wednesday afternoon’s Mplomlidgume
closed the baseball season iu Thomas-
villfl. The team disbnurk this morning
and the players will scatter in different
Kom were noitwi in the holy bond, of | direetloiw. Cooper »n.l M»yn»rd ’will
matrimony Snnday afternoon, at the jfhoir lota with (lie Waycroaa tmnuh.
home of Mie bri<).!’« pareuta. Mr. jml 1 Tbey will aceompauy them to the «r<w»
Mrs. S. E. Strickland, near Banvick.' this morion* rnd |i!ay k series
Elder J. F. MoCanu ofllciated. Both,! »«»*“» Brunswick, Fate re.
the bride and liicnm are very popular 1 t9rii.<o Cordelo where lie 1ft engrgeddn
and have many fnende who eatend con- j t * ln who!e«4p grocery bnetnesa. Pa-
gratnUiinna. ' ! venimrt goe* to hit liome In Helena.
. ... j, . ... ;DicLiUfcOU will spend a week at fcis
The annua! meeting of the Primitive f
t LaUraUge, aud from Chore will
Prohibition Wins by 122 Votes In
Leon County.
Tallahassee, F,a. Aug. 8l/ UM)4.--
(Hpecial to Tlmcf-Entetprisc.) The Jof-
floisl coiMolldatdou of tho. vote in the
local ojkion election, was made here to
day by die tuausgers. Tko official -count
shows thut the firohibitioo element won
by a majority of li!2 votes.
The election woa Intensely interesting
and hard fouglit from t-ho beginning of
the caiapaigu. A number of Florida’s
test orators, and several from South
\W B. Fambrouglv. Mrs. McDaniel is a
airier .0 Mra. Wateott and llof. Kam-! Mr ' 0lllirli<l Kennedy ladiapenaiti* colt}
brmifrh, neither ef whom have met thia 1 dri,,ll “ »* 1,10 ol W - H - °™ w -
Mr. J. B. Oneal had the nmfortano
last Tuesday to indict a very paiuful
wound ou his leg :ixe.
Mr. J. L. Baldy visited Thomasville
Interviews with^ Thomasville hankers
refute this statement in its entirety and
coutrndict absolutely another statement
in tho reoort from the comptroller which
to the effect that'the banks in certain,
states, and among these Georgia, are
not so well prepared to meot, the de
ni adds, and.nlso that it will be necessary
to borrow more money this year than
The Atlanta Constitution in its issno
of yesterday carried interviews from ✓
Atlanta’s bankers to the effect above
mentioned. A telegram from the Con
stitution last night says that the .At
lanta bankers unanimously refute the
report. To-days Constitution will con
tain tho opinious of baukers throughout
the state and among them, the following
from Thomasvillo baukers:
M. R. Mahetce president of the Thom-
asville’K National BjuiU saysi—-“While
it is true that dmuatSlu ltr« being made
on New York, it is not Now York's ’
money that is being uskud for, bat mom
oy that properly belongs in the south. •
A certain amount is alwaye needed to /
Services were field at Big Creek
cliprch last Saturday and%Sunday. On
Sunday the ordinance of baptism was
3ttr. Ed. S. Bailey, who 1ms been sick
some four weeks at his home on East
Jefferson street with typhoid fever, we
are grieved to say, died last Sunday
night. Hhfldeath is deeply regretted by
all his friends as well as his dear wife,
sit-tor and relatives, to whom we offer
our sincere sympathies in this sore bo., administered to a candidate,
reavemont. ’May He who guides and
directs our paths and whose whys aro
[►art finding out, be a husband and fatti
er to this grief stricken household and
arive them the needed grace to bear up
under this grenfc weight-of sorrow.
Capt. J. B. Roberts and family, who
Atlantic and Birmingham
Prizes are Distributed.
liaudle the cotton m p hut no more than
usual will be asked for (his year. Geor
gia banks aro iu better condition now
than they over were-be ore.”
Cupt, E. M. Smith, president of the
EUnkof Thomasvillo . says:—“The re
port is, iu my opinion- a mistake. I
think tho Bauks in Georgia are iff U>t*
ter condition than they have ever -been *
b Jfore. 1 have frequently expressed rite
opiuiou and hold it, that tho Georgia
banks are gettiug better all the time.
Thomas county lias eight banks and all
am prosperous.
I Dr. J. T. Culpepper, president and
cashier of the Citizens Baukiug and
Trust Company said “I am surprised at
tho report of any shortage of money
among Georgia bonkers. They am in
better bondition now than I liavewvec
known them, The Citizens Bankln; and
Trust Company lias at least one third
more deposits now that it hart a year
ago, and we have more than one-third
more cash on hand than at the first of
JcfTerwon street, has rented Mr. W. B.
Baptists was held Friday, Satnrcay.uud
Sunday at Harmony church. Elder J.
V. McCann was assisted in tho meeting
by Elders T. W. Stalling, of Lowns
county, and E, W*. Kemp, of Kentucky.
A largo crowd was present Hobday.
After a two weeks vacation, Mr.
Frank Barrett returned to his portion
go to Athens to take up his duties
coach of the University of Georgia foot
ball team. Dowell who is an engineer
iu civil life, goes back to Wpvorosft.
Crosloy. fhe ox-soldier will visit Terre
Kacre Ind. then will go to Waycross
where lie will marry aud make his fn-
with th« Moultrie Lumber Co., in Worth „ lr( , home . Linton will
county Moudaj. ' . t
of course remain hen* at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Connel, of Mou-
ticello, Fla., visited relatives hero Sat
nnlay and Spnday. 0
Mr. 1L A. Delk, of Liberty City, has
releived Mr. H. L. Davis as agent and
operator for a short time, while the lat
ter takes a vacation
Messrs. Frank Barrett,. Arthur Mas
sey, and Misses Abbie Barrett and Cara-
bel Wilxes went to Roeton Saturday to
attend the Sunday School Convention.
Rev. T. B. Kemp 'filled his appoint
ment at the Methodist church Sunday
and Sunday night. *
Cotton pickers are scarce in this vi
cinity and some of the farmers are not
getting theiricotfon gathered.
Mr. Dave Comfort, of Boston, was a
business caller here Monday j
Miss Ola Laiy, one of M<ialtrie’s pret
ty young ladies, is visiting her cousin,
Mrs. J. A. N Barrow.
There was some talk of another game
today but Waycross could not be induc
ed to remain, and the baseball day a of 1
IU04 are over. . /
The team waa composed of fine play
ers and they aro alt clever* boys, who
hold a warm spot in the heart# of
ThomuKville people. The baseball fans
tope to see them all wearing Thomas
ville uniforms next year. The season
might be termed an artistic bat not#
financial success. The team has won a
majority of the games and has furnish
ed good amusement and fast baseball.
The memory of the season of 1SK>4 will
donbtleai inspire the organization of a
strong team early next year.
Georgia, lent tl^cjreloquence to either; Parish’s cozy and protjy residence on
side. BraiM bauds graded tho streets j Main street, opposite Dr. Vann’s and
of the city, a special daily paper was is-1 moved into tho same last Monday after-
sued, uud every device kuovrn to modem j noon.
politic* WIM employed j Key. H. O Jonc* lu't lust Taewlny for
Tttllaliatt^ce liuo two vot-iit*? prectMa. | Coiro to aHdid in a protracted wMtiag
comprifiUB tlto buwue« uud residence j K,„ u e 12 miles front said eity.
port toils of Xlto city. The busint»ir,
section gave a majority of tcu wet. The
residence part was six dry.
Gdd Fellows Give Fifty Dollars to
Vashtf Home.
The hearts of the managers of the
Vashti Home were made glad yesterday
by the receipt of fifty dollars from the
local lodge Of Odd Fellows. Half of
this amount was voted from the treasury
Of the lodge and the other . half was
raised by private subscription, from a
number of goneron* members of the
ordpr who wished to supplement the
lodge’s gift by contributions of their
own. TImi institution, which is doing a
unique and worthy work, is entirely
deserving of such splendid gifts.
As an instance of the generosity of
Thomasville people, aud the power of
the press,'the * managers report that
every one of the immediate wants men
tioned iu yesterday morning's Tim* s-
Enterprise was supplied before eleven
o’clock. .
The prizes of $10.00, $10.00 and $5 00,
offqred early iu tho year for the three
have been occupying a suit of rooms in I lar K m waiermelous produced along the
Mrs. Lula B. Clark's roririeuce ou gmwfWi* of the A. A B. railroad hate been\SifpMmber, The money market la far
awarded. F. N. Carter wins first money, j f roni ^ght.” I
C. H. Johnson second and J. J. Davis | The flnBnoW condition of tills entire
third, and their melons weighed respec- j 8ec ^ on Lieorgia is exceedingly satis-
lively, 80, V and 74 1-4 ponnds.
All three of those prizo winners were
raised near Merrillville, iu Thomas
couuty, uud go to prove what everybody
knows, tlint Thomas is the best county
in niu'hi Gouigiiv. »
The eighty-nino pounder, raised by
Mr. Carter, was tiiosamn melon which
was sent by tho Tiraes-Enterpriie to
Jndgo Alton B. Porker, and which gain
ed so rapeh advertising for the county.
Eighteen melooa wero entered ’in the
Mr*. J. B. Brook* i. «|aito hick uft-'rir
homo ou Soutli Htepti«u«ou street. We
hope to 1m able to report her convatea,-
iugoar next budget.
C. T. Beggi, of l’aro, ami repreeout-
iug the John B. Daniel Drug Do., of At
lanta, waa iu otfr city last Monday
selling drags.
Jndge M. Banin and wife, of Quit
man, aro here visiting tho former's sister,
who is qaite sick.
Mrs. LalaB. McQueen and her sister,
Miss Msggio Barney, retarued nomt| last
Monday from Atlanta, whither they
had been to purchase their fall and win
ter millinery^tock.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cone desire to re-
return their sincere Blanks to those dear
friends who so kindly rendered assis-
tanco and ministered nnto their nephew,
Ben Hill Battle, daring his sickness and
death. We will ever cherish their kind
ness and may they be ttclily rewarded, I
both in time and eternity,
Bride Make* Long Journey to Wed In
a most pleasant mission,,
irs. Lillian ft. Mammy, of.
Miss Carrie Jones returned yesterday
from a visit to Mrs. ft. U. .Mays at Quit-
J. M. Groover and H. M. Groover of
Boston were among the prominent vioi'
tors to the eity on Wednesday.
Mr. James Long the popular clerk at
the Stuart House is spending a vacation
week at his old home in Alabama.
Horan Bolted-
‘ Yesterday afternoon while Bill Pon
der, ,t colored man waa driving a gi een
horsoto a breaking cart the horse bolted
and thew Bill ont. It ran op Jackson
street, turned down Madlrtn and into
Sheriff. Eight was in Boston last Wed- j Gandy and. MaUette's stsblvs without
nesday attending to official botitets. any injury to horse of)
Wednesday afternoon the A.CM,, train
irom tho east rollod into tho donot an
hoar late at 8:20 p. nr., having on board
an attractive lady who hadmado a long
jooruey ou
She was Mrs.
Washington, D. C., who came to Thom-
•srilia to marry Mr. J. C. Bolding. '
Mr. Bolding wus anxiously awaiting
her at tho depot. They went imm.-.
diataly to the office of Ordinary W, 1.
Jpnes, who waa oxpecting them. After
securing a marriage license they went
directly to tho Baptist pastorinm and
were joined in wedlock by Bov. Alex
W. Bonier.
Mr. Bolding is an insurance
n in Thomasvillo for
weeks. He sent north for lias
who made the southern trip
btuinees prevented him from
north. Mr. and Mrs. R-tding i
home at the cornor of Orawfor.l
Mr. J.-R. .
merchant wt« iu t
; .1 ■