Newspaper Page Text
For Sal*. Newly Overhauled.
One 55 H. P. Tubular Boiler
Mlsa Marian Sponeo Complimont*
Mlaa Morgan Friday Evanlng
Difficulty of Reconciling Common
Sanaa and Fraafca of St,fe.
Tlie memben of the younger social
net were complimented with an elegant
entertainment last Friday erenlng by
Mis* Marian Spence in honor of Mlaa
Ernie Morgan, of Americas.
Tlie front of the hoase and lawn were
lighted with Japanese lantern* which
gave forth a soft mellow light of the
kind that yonpg people like. The form
of amusement we* unique forentertain-
ing, bnt of the variety that is the spice
of life, namely—putting the bottle in
the baby'* month. A large picture of a
crying baby wa* hung up and thoae
present were blind-folded and urged to
.top the baby’* mouth witlr a bottle.
All attempt* were more or le«a Intitleu
bnt Boy Davenport, probably on ac
count of port experience succeeded in
capturing the first prize a beautifn
Stuart picture. Finn Groover failed
to prove hi* (kill a* a “hosber” and to
him wa* awarded a beautiful baby doll
of the ebony colored type.
Later card* were gived out and'the
lady and gentleman having idem
'When it come* to; fashion* the edi-
tress of the Quitman Free Pres# write*
with ft trenchant pen. Ye, lady reader*
hearken to far wonlj.
The difficulty of reconciling common
•bum and tho freak* of fashion haabeen
noticed before. Whatever they may
have to commend them, aenaibleneaa la
who cannot come to the city
when in need of clothes we
make a specialty of fitting
yon at your homo. We
carry the\fineat make* of
Clothing, flats, Furnishings
and Underwear, and no mat
ter what your size is, stout,
siim or short.
who do not find it conveni
ent to conic to the city.
We make buying an easy
task by. seuding, to your
homes two or three styles of
garments to solect from.
We carry
There w ere beep srlrt* and monstrous
a’eevea; ami more recently, pompadour*
and the at might front effect, bealde*
many minor eccentric! tie*.
• Particular attention 1* directed to
high heels,’ however. Whoever want*
to walk iu high heeled ahoea. may do it
bnt I shan't, Minor sacrifices t wilt
Ohecr/olly make to be fashionable bat I
draw the line at trying to walk on atilt*.
French heels were not intended for the
street anyway. They are appropriate
only for carriage attire, and best of all
for evening by a winter fire when they
look pretty enoogh In a setting of lacy
Tho pompadour, hjr the w»y, ha* seen
it* best day* and is gradually disapear-
lag. A whole story might be written
about the rise and tall of the pompadour
For all pompadour* were not alike; they
were Indexes to the personality of the
wearer. There were sleek, sedate onet,
hard one*, liko a bolster encircling tho
tree; rowdy ones, drooping wickedly
Sol* Agents for
In Our Boys’ Department
c a ii be bad everything
ready-to-wear for, boys, ex
cept shoes.
tical number* on their cards went to
gether to the ever refreshing punch oowl
where nectar freah from the Elysian
spring was served. This wa* followed
by passing cards in the shapes of heart*
to ail the young men,present requesting
each to write lil* opinion of Ms mate at
the punch bowl either in termapoetio or
prose aesthetic.
The reading of the productions prov-
e 1 a source of much laughter. During
tho evening delightful strains of music
and old Juihioned games ol plcascre
were helpful in snaking the occasion
thoroughly enjoyable.'
Those who were invited to partake of
Mime* Munson Bev-
orer one eye; extravagant one*,
trek an entire head of hair and more
beside, to keep op in the world; skimpy
ones. Bnt all of them are now to be
laid low and girls who alwsys want to
be flint to ndopt new stylet should be in
a hurry to get from under.
Time Table Effective July 24th.
Trains Arrive
Thomas ville
the pleasure* wore,
eily.{Mae Cooper, Genevieve Weldon,
BeseiejParker, Martha Mallette, Mablo
Pittman, Pauline Smith, Both McBride,
Soul* Brandon, Grace Beverly, Annie
Sanford, Tempo Caaaady, Bmttv Bead,
Saute Alexander, Ethel Dekle, Jeanpe
Leo Browne, Franota Chamber*, Marie
Dekle, Andie Pate, May Bern Slater.
Uliian Beve*, ClaraNcel, Alma Owen*,
and Emla Morgan and Messrs Pinkney
Grantham, Boots Cook, Neal Dixon,
Rob Balfour, Harry Jorger, Archie Pitt
man,'James Mallette, Frank Bright,
Carl Gibson, Frank Lawson, Finn.
Groover, J. T. Winburn, Sidney Flcm.
iug. Boy Davenport, Herbert Neel, Bob-
art Thrupp, Lewis Houston, Frank
■MltoheU, T 0. Mitchell, Henry Grib-
ben, [Sam [Mitchell, Charlie Thrupp,
Joe Beverly, Bam Hayes, Willie CJoop-
per, Burnell Stringer, Roy Autry, Roger
Parker, Bradford Aneley, Mell and Del-
rail Goodwin..
The Methodifts of tlie Thomasville
district have a gojpol tent, whieli i*
moved from place to place, la tlie dis-
triot. It ha* been tlie scene of many
inspiring revivals. It will go to Irou
Oltv on September fifth, where a revi
val will be held, by pastor John Swain.
Bev. H. 0, Jones, of Boston, Rev. 0. T
Clark, of Camilla, and Re\. K. Read,
of this city, will assbit in the service.
Fire Protection for Pelhem.
PELHAM. Go.. An*., SO.—Main* are
being latd along the principal streets for
• hydrant system to supply fire protec
tion for the town. No effort will be
made at present to extend the' water
works over tlie enttra town, bnt only in
the bosineee section. The proposed *7*.
teas contemplates a cost of seven or
eight thousand dollars.
Cbn tree tor Wlllian Miller, ct Thomas-
ville, will do the jrttk.
Thomaavllla Golfer Aetonlahee Scotch
men at the Heme of Golf.
Mr, Charley Watt, of thl* city, who
hae boon abroad with his parents, gained
considerable notorlty by an nnnsnal ac
cident. The following clipping from,
the Ediugbnrg Now* tell* the story:
In playing an approach shot yesterday
to the first hole over the burn on the
old cenrae, Mr. Charles Watt, from
Thomasvillo Georgia U, S. A , killed a
•indmariin. This la not an unique ex
perience by any meana, bnt It is a num
ber of year* alnoe each an incident has
been recorded hi connection with St.
Andrews Links.
A letter from there states that the
Thomaavtlle boy and a Loudon friend
Of his, beat two yonng Scotch relatives
<1 up. and that much comment was
caused by tlie American mid English
man beatlug tlie Scotchmen at their own
Tlie eighteen hole oourao at St.
draws is five miles around, nui it takes
two and a half hours to make the cir
cult. Mr. Watt soys the course i*u
m ignifieieut one and all the obstacle*
natural ones.
New Fruit Cara
Tlie Atlantic Coast Line lias placed
•a order for 500 ventilated fl0,l“00-pouml
capacity box cars, thirty-six feet long
double felt lined, with side and end
Ventilators. They will have steel truck*
and steel body bolsters, metal brake
beams, Weatlngliooso air-brakes, Thorn
burg tandem draft-gear attachment*
and Tower couplers. They are design
ed for the handling of the rapidly In
creasing sliipments of perishable fruit*
and vegitable* from Georgia, Florida
and tlie Carolina*.
" Vertical “
* Locomotive " on
wheels. ' — -
One io H. P. Vertical boiler and en
gine. J ;
I No. 2 I)«*Loach Saw Mitt, Simple*
I—4K in< h Inserted tooth saw.
- n —Small saws.
I—Soul** steam feed rope leed as good
as new. .
*—»5 H. P. center crank engine.
1-35 vs .. AS
• good ns new.
I-— Button saw mantle,
i—Set 36 stringer logging trucks new
3—Sets 36 pole . „ |
t—-'4 Duplex Steam pump, new.
1—2 1-2 Gardner governor. „ j
1—2 1-2 „ good as ,
new. m
-2 King governor.
2 Monarch governor.
2 1-2 Pickering grvernor. %
12—Sets I2 Pickering Carriage truck,
new, the best made.
Prompt attention upon work. We
will be prepared to furnish cane mills in
30 days.
Works near A. C. L. B. B. Depot.
P. O. 105; Telephones 134 and 510.
On* of Thomss-hlo's IWintar Vlaltora
Married In St Louie.
Daring the past week the following
cards were received in Thomasville;
Mr. Harry Arthur Jones,
Miss Inez Pearl Brookfield
On Friday night Jnly the eighth
Nineteen Hundred and four
Saint I/JUis'Missoori
At Home
After July Twenty Third,
6137 Dresel Avenue
Chicago, 111.
Mis* Brookfield is well remembered
as a visitor here during tlie last two
wiuters. She made many friends among
the young people who will bo interested
iu hearing of her marriage.
Mr. J. T. M. Watkins of Tiftoll who
ha* been in Dr.fT.-M. McIntosh's san
itarium here writes to lit* homo paper,
the Gazette, and Buys that, “no betted
treatment can be obtaiuod this side of
tlie Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore'
and perhaps not there, for tlie Doctors
s ml and mind are' in his profession.'
Trains Leavp •
7:40 a. m., 4:15lP-
H. C. McFaddeu,
General Passenger
Qnlckestjsnd best Line to Macon
Atlanta, 81. I.onis and all. points West.
Finest equipments in the Bonth, Coaches
electric, lighted, with fans in fcmmtr
and steam heat in winter, making travel
comfortuUe mid easy.
Tickets on sale to all;point* iu the
United States.
If you are contemplating a trip,|a*k
onr Agent for information—wo may^le
able to save yon money nnd time.;
A. L. Spicer,
Vgent, Thomasville.
I. G. Knapp, Com. Agent, Fitzgerald:
Choice Oats, Corn, and Wheat Bran ground together
The best and cheapest cow food known aud is unexcelled at
a milk and butter producer.
Just received a freah car of tliis renowned feet] for Horses
aud Mules. Keeps your stock up and feed bills ‘'down.”
Highly eudorsea by all large feeders.
We have a big stock of fresh corn, oats, hay, wheat,braL
cotton seed meal and cotton seed hulls in sacks. Let usserw
you when in need of anyth’ug in the feed line.
Try a case of our assorted Soda Water and Root Beei
We are bottling all the popular flavors and guarantee purity
and xcellence.
The Thomasville Ice Company
- Those who wish day board or pleas
ant rooms with board can be accorn
dated. Everything clean, comfortable-
and homelike, good and prompt service
given to all. Phone 171.
Masury Hotel.
Summer Bast Time to Core Dyspepsia.
Mi-o-na tlie One Guaranteed Care. '
Oat-door life, fruit and 1 berriee in*
plenty, light clothing, and a 'change-
from the hearty diet of winter, make
the gammer mouths the best time of
the whole jear to cure dys»jei*h».
Mi-o-na tablets taken after each meal
| will soothe and heal tho inflamed stom*
j ach lining, aid ia assimilation, and di
j gestiou; will increase the vitality, and
| give strength and tone to all the digea*
j rive organs, so that you can forget your
| stomach. Mi-o-na is the one 'remedy
; for the cure of dyspepsia that is sold on
an absolute gaaranteohy J. W. Peacock
to refund the money iu case it does 'not
Mi-o-na gives strength, makes ricV
blood, firm muscles, aud perfect health.
It puts tlie digestive system into proper
working order and gives such strength
and natural action that you can eat any
thing yon want and when you want.
If after yon have nsed Mi-o-na for *
mouth you do not feel satisfied that it
has done all yon ex]>ecled, take back
the empty boxes (each box contains two
week’s treatment) to J. W. Peacock
and lie will refund your money without
question. The risk is all his and yom
are the sole judge as to whether tl*o
remedy costs you anything or not.
Cow Hide
FuT, Beeswax, Etc.
J. B. WATKINS. - • • Man*),’
Oflico at Willisma’ Stable :i8 W
ackson St., Thoaiasville, Ga.
Prof. J. S. Searcy who so ably repre
sent* the Times-Enterprire at;Meigf,
was in the city Saurtday on his way to
Boston, He took part In the program
of the Sunday school convention * there
Mlsa Bessie Peeples, of Whigham, was
the gneet of friends in Thomasville yes
terday. She was on her way homo from
summer trin to North Georgia.
Cutbert, Ga.
Fiftv-First Year Begins September 14.
To those parents wlio'tre looking for the right
school for their daughters, we submit for consider
ation the foil lug facts:
Andrew Female College is lu a high and haaltr at ion
above the wiregras* in one of tlio moil beautiful sootions of Georgia
The cost of attendance is exceedingly low considering the
excellent adnantage* offered in all departments; Literary. Music.
Alt, Elocution, etc., and the abundant provision for the conveni
ence, comfort, safety, aud welfare of those who share her home
Andrew offers an education eminently practical.
Andrew’s cnrripnlm is broad and high.
Andrew's corps of instructors is a body of men and women '
who feel called of their work and who labor with painstaking care
to allow themfelve* approved in the polish of mind and heart, and
life of thoee who are committed to their training and care,
Andrew's special departments are powers of strength, es
pecially is this trne of tlie Music department. One of oarleading
teacher* has spent five years in Europe, besides having enjoyed tlie
best advantages which America affurds.
If yon want to send your daughter to a school where she
will receive the very best attention while securing unexcelled
advantages, write for a catalogue and full particulars.
Homer Bush,
Toxas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Ok
California, Cioorado,
Utah, Wyoming,
Oregon, Montana, Washington
and oilier points
West, Northwest and Southwest
Dist. Passenger Agent,
Many men and women are constantly
tabjecred to what they commonly term
"a continual strain” because of some
financial or family trouble. It wears ami
distresses them botii mentally and phys
ically, affecting their nerves badly and
bringing on liver and kidney ailments,,
with ti e attendant evil of constipation,
loss of appetite, sleeplessness, low vital-
iry and despoudency. Thoy cannot, as
a rule, get rid of this “continual strain.**
but they cau remedy its health-destroy-
ing effects by taking frequent doset* of
Green’s August Flower. It tones up
the liver, stimulates the kidneys, insures
healthy bodily functions, gives vi» and
spirit tc one's whole being, and event-
naljy dispels the physical or montal dis
tress caused by ‘'continual strain.’*
Trial bottle of August Flower, 25«;
regular size, 76c. At aH druggists. •
After the Fox.
A number of young men in the city
are eujoyiug a sort of serial for hunt.
Dr/ J. E. White has in his possession a
yomg Reynard that lie bought from
Florida. He h&» already been run once,
and daring the course of the evening
was caught* twice, alive both times.
The boys will then turn him loose and
try him again Monday night.
Our Assortment
of new and superior Articles
is worth looking over. You
will find every modern pre
paration and appliance for pre
set ving one’s
Bath and complexion brushes,
fine Soap, Manicure Tt —
fumes, etc.
Wi>en the oiio is not Sowing freely
iuto the bowels, it is taken up by the
blood and is deposited in all parts o
the body. Every important organ, i»
fact, every tissue of the body even to
tlie skin layer*, are affected by tho
poisou laden bile. It sups the energy
Inlls tlie brain, weakens the lungs and
Kidneys and invite* disease germs. It
affects the heart, ‘»tomach bowrli,
•musing marked functional disturbances
’fist may r^olt in disease. A bilious
or jaundiced condition of the system is
very dahgerors and should bo corrected
it oiico. Bydale* Liver Tablets speedily
care biliousness They act specially
on the liter, bile bladder, bilo duct and
tlie bowels. They never fail to care
liver and bowel trouble*. Price per
box, containing oo tablets, 25 cents.
J W. Peacock.
Superb Dining car Service.
StopOvers, Going and Rcturuiag; at
Atlanta, Knoxville, Louisville, Ashvitte,
and Principal North Caroliua Mountain
See High Bridge (highest railroad
bridge in the world) Famous Blue Grass
Region, Lexington and LouisTillo.
Free reclining Chair Cars and High
Class Day Coaches. Through Pullman
sleeping cars Jacksonville to St. Louis.
Folders, rates, etc., cheerfully fnr-
nishen upon application.
J. C. Lusk,
District Passenger Agent,
106 West Bay St
Jacksonville Fla
Rubber neck or joints with Elliott's
Emulsified Oil Liniment. It will re
move all stiffness and soreness. It is
much better than plasters for lame
the chest or aide. El.
Oil Liniment cures
Rheumatism. Full 1-3 oint
23 cents. J. W. Peacock.