Newspaper Page Text
rummage sale.
CcmmittMi Appointed te Pi»p«r,f9,
Next Week* Event
TV*. UnnjniBge Sale, to bo condnctefl
by iholAdimi Anxilinrr of ill, V- M. 0
JL. for the bent fit of the AMoctetlnr..
Will be o greet event. The Smith Won
on Broad etreet. from which Moesrx. J
T, Pittman & Son hare joet moved, har
been generooely[' donated for the occn
tddn. The «*le will begin next Thom-
day and will la»t througli Saturday, and
all artfolee that have not been eoldby
Betnrday night w ill be knctioned off.
There are a great many people wi o
bate little idea what a ■•Kommope
Sale” ie, but anfflce it to aay that it ia a
■ale where you can boy almoat any tlili g
yon want at pricea almoetof yonrown
Making. There will be artiolea on rale
that will interoat every data and evaiv
•tfMge of people,
Meigs Mention.
Prof. J. S. fearcy tella of the Happan-
inga of tha Weak.
Her. E. J, Simpaon, after apemliny
•ometlme in Brooka with Ids fiimds
and rolativea, ia again at homo with lib
—aon, Ur. J. II. Simpton on Marshal
Mr. J G. Worst, living on the bid
Wage read, haa an orange tree wllh u
number of erangea pn it. Tiiey are
abcmt the rise of lemoiia.
Ur. Bob White, cf Williams, win
here last Sunday. , .
Ur. J. Jeff Davis, Charlie Wurst and
Uiases Emma. Wurst, Emma Rogeir
and Mary Green, attended the Sunday
Behoof meeting at Beaton from this
■trlpinlty. They are high in fhtir praise
of tlie people of that place.
Mr. W. H. Boswell is bnllding-ammi
reWdeuce on a vacant lot hi liis part ol
, Mrs. J. T. Willie, after a visit of sev
eral days to relatives in Tlicmaaville lia*
letnrued. Bite was accompanied by het
'wont, Mrs. Marguerite Toggle'.
Ur. Lnohiu Boawell. of Lelanri, ac-
ooanpanied by his wifo were here Sun-
Miss Erne Slippy. wlio has spent sev
eral weeks witli Mrs. I. It. Anltmsn at
this place, left Monday for her Iiomo in
Bntler, Ga. v
■Mr. aud Mm. A. J. Richardson, ol
tfaiapluce after visiting a number of
jd&c«i .have returned. Mr. R. is the'
popular railroad ngeut at this place.
It appear* tho ladies of thtotownaie
having trouble to get the family laundry
done, tuilcfh they thco^c to do it them-
Mrs. Qeorgo Hawktai of Lelnud entne
dowh Tuesday to visit relatives.
Dr. J. R. Oneal, our popular dentist
After a short visit to his homo in mid-
tile Georgia, is again in his office roadv
for busiutw. The DoyCor has become u
fixture and we cannot get aloug without
Mrs. C. E. Boswell, after a short visit
to relatives here, returned to Moyo, Ga.
Mrs. F. K. Ross eutertaiuod quite a
number of her young friends Tuesday
evening at a recital by her music class.
Though the class consists mainly of be
ginners, their playing oviuced tho fact
that they are uuder skillful training.
Light refreshments were served. It
goes without saying tliat Mrs. Ross
makes a most admirable Tiostess.
Absence from homo and press oi
school work makes it impossible for me
to get out the usual amount of matter
this week.
HM l IE 1 liBCKY. * i
,4*" Luck is not the*resultfof a[fortuitous 4 concourse ofevents.,®!
is the jcsult of being .•> ‘
Keenly Perceptive,
Keen topercieve a’bargain in some things,you need
and quick to take advantage of it—That’.-, luck. Did yo
ever attend a
Rummage Sale.
It’ not a catch penny scheme. It’s not a fire sale nor a dosing out sale, but it’s a sale
where everything has to be sold, all in the space of three days. What isn’t sold will be gi\en
away. The sale is not a private affair. It is a purely public spirited enterprise, conducted
by the ladies of Thomasville for the benefit of the
Yeung Mens’ Christian Association.
The ladies have go 1 : together a great many articles of value, from
jaL Paper of Pins
i To a Suit of Furniture
These Articles Must be Sold. If one pricejdoesn’t move them another will. Every :
thing left at the end of the third day will be
The'sale lasts from Thursday to Saturday inclusive, Sept. 8th, 9th and jotb, at the
OltJiJ,Pittman Grocery Store,
Across From Mitchell Houso. Broad-St.
Thomasville, - - - - - Georgia.
- Executor’s Sale.
GEORGIA—Thomas county.
By virture of an order of the Court o
Jrdi.mry of said county, will be sold a’
mblto outcry, ou the first Tuesday ii
ieptemlxn*, 1D04, at the court house ii
said county, between the legal hours o’
tie. the following real estate sit oaten
G* Thomas county, to-wit: A certain
ut in city of Thomaaville, Ga., being oo
vest side of Crawford "Street, between-
Smith Ave. and Fletcher street, lyiiif
between lots of Mrs. Harrockson .south
*nd Mr*. Mauoy bn north, said lot hav-
.nu a frontage on Orawford street of 79
feet, north side being 215 feet.south side
174 feet and rear line 60 feet J according
to McSwain survey and known in said
survey aa lot No. 2, and having thereon
a 7 room dwelling. Terms cash.
This 1st of August, 1004.
W. B. Webb.
Executor of will of Helen B. Foote.
Property pointed out by E. M. Mal-
late, Agt. - , 8-5-4
Application for Administration.
GEORGIA—Thomas County :
W. VV. Brooks, having made applica
tion to me in due form to be appointed
permanent administrator upon the es
tate of Joseph Mallard, late of said coun
ty. notice is hereby given that said appli
cation i ill be beard at th* regular tirtn
of the Court of Ordinary f«*r *aid county
to be held on the first Monday m Sep
tember, lqo4.
Witness my band and official signaturK
thi# 18th day of July, I904.
7-29-51 W. M. Jones, Ordinary
Typewriter Hor Sale.
A good JPebsmore Typewriter, nearly
new: naed b t iftfle. a genuine bargain.
Partie* in need can get a first-class
machine at half regular price. Apply
to A. W. Logue.
8 6-1 ru Oohlocknee, Gr.
Mr. D. A. Dixon lias returned from
Baltimore where he haa boon buying a
fall liiie of goods for the well known
firm of Dixou & Son*.
Mm. M. E. Bowker desires to extend
her sincere thauks to her friends and
neighbors for their many kindnesses
during her rocent bereavmenf.
Conductor J. O. JUewis who lias been
ranning the Albany limited for the pact
weeks is now manipulating the
et punch on the Jwup-Baitibridge
Mrs. Hall Parker left yesterday for
▼ifltt to SI Louis and St. Paul.
The uuro Column, v
" (By R. L. VatLanAlngham.)
B. A. Alderman, of Pine Park, «aa in
town Friday of la»t;week, selling cotton.
» Mn, dT T. Carlton,'[daughter and
tvronon,. wiiolmvo been visiting Mr. J.
B. Crawford and -family; retnrnecl.'„to
tlielr Uoiue'.iii'Ari'adia, Fla.. one day
this week.‘
W. T. Odom and Misses Jounle Brown
and Lottio Jones ropresenled tlie Cairo
Methodist Snnday School at the conven
tion in Boston last Saturday and Snn
day. j -
Onr street ate rr«enting a bnsy ap
pearance these days and all oor mer
chants are doing a nlco business.
The cotton roceipta reached the 1000
mark Wednesday and sold, ashigliasll
1-8 all cash, whilo some sold for more on
account and for trade, Cairo has the
reputation of paying above tho market
for cotton and the farmers apprccia’e
tt. ,
T. J, Powell, of Dothan, Ala., spent
Saturday and Sunday with friends and
relatives. Tom Is an old Cairo boy and
his host ofjfrieuds here aro always glad
to see him.
”R. G-iLewiaand J. E. Hall left for
8t. Louis Tuesdayiwhore they will take
in tlie sights of the Big Fair.
MiBses Evans. Perry and Mims, of
Climax were tlie guests of kits. Junuio
Bell several days this week.
Mrs. John Hughes, who has been vorv
111 at Dr. W.;A. Walkor'ssauatarium for
8 weeks, died Tuesday night and; was
buried at tlie fumily cemetery in De
catur conuty Wednesday. Mrs Hughes
leavesja mother, father, husband nud a
anrabot^nffcltildreu to mourn her loss.
May He who who] watches the fall of
the sparrow, and wlioito grace is suffi
cient for all who trust in 1dm, comfort
the hereovcd.’ouesititldssad hour.
• Prof. C. A. KeUam, who some tjmo
ago wos elected Principal of tlie Cairo
Ifigli School has arrived from Virginia,
his fonuerChomo, and has been very
busy this week getting acquainted with
tho i
Schocl will open Monday and tlie
prospect is there will be a large atteu-
Mr and Mrs. W. B. Hoddcnbery,
who havejbeen spendiug some time at
at the World’s Fair returned last Friday.
We have uot| had the opportunity of
taikiug witli’Mr. Roddenbery since Ids
return bat we understand he did much
to wart bringing the Georgia svrup ex
hibit into prominence while there.
Marvin Herring of the Calvary neigh
borhood was ih town Tuesday.
M. B. Harrison of Wliighan was a
Tuesday visitor to our town. Wo have | jie.diug not a slagje b;ise on bails.
Men told that Mr. Harrison has rented Do ver was by no means entirely re-
alionse.niid will move to Cairo. Ii* j nsible for the defeat of ills team,
has a host of friends here who will, wel-i lie bit the TliomasvUle hat four times,
come him, j and coughed up two bases ou bulls', but
Mr. Earl, Ward Pearce, leotnror, hu j "t critical limes he was Johnny on the
morist and character delineator will ds- j spot. •
liver one of his famons;icctnrcs nt the ! For the first throe innings, when
school house next Tuesday nigtit Sept. ■ TU(unnsvil>e did ail of hor scoring, the
Oth. Ho is connected with the McCon- j scenes Shifted rapidly and even tlie
uell Lyceum association and tliis will ho j stingy ones were not begrudging their
tho first of a scries of emerlait.tntntsfcr j quarters. After tins JijCcvcr, for four
whiclifarraugemcuta liavo been mad*.* long chapters, the arithmetic ran so
through this.bareau. j monotonous!v Xail of zeros jlmt every-
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. 'Wight, Wn-<! bwly’harght ho was^t *e1i.v.l.
Wight, Mrs. Tom Wight, Miss Lou cv»,;hth. tilings began to pi t up
Slater, and Rev. G.P. JRiviore have ic-J* blr ’ 1111(1 before tho inniug was over
turned from tho Fair. Mrs. Tc*ic Wight \ - vnn «’oaM-couut each individual hair on
was called home in advance of the p»J- j hoods of sotno enthusius’*. Along
ty, to the bedsido of herlittlo boy who I it looked i xceediugly stormy, and
was quite sick but wo are glad to rep*a t:^ or a beautiful catch and throw
Attcroey-at- 11 w.
Office 104 Upstairs Broad .Street.
Thomasville. • • Georgia.
Money to loan on Thomas County
JJT Real Elate at 7 percent annum
Yes this is it!
The Asbell Cane Striping Knife.
Pays for its*elf in one days use. For
sale by all hardware dealers c»r the
Wert a Manufactnring'Co
Thomasville, Oa,
is much better at this writing.
Mr. John L. Paulk movoa into his hew
store this'week and tlie Cairo BanUiug
Co. have also moved iuto their mw
quartcr*”where they will have more
light more room and mote convenience. 1
overy way. /
OnoIVlctory, One Defeat for Thomas*
villa Wednesday*-Season Ended.
There were two fine game* of ball In
Thomasvillo yesterday.. The morning
game resulted in a score of 4 to l in
favor of Way cross. In the afternoon
tho homo boys did better, nud defeated
the visitors in a beautiful coutest by a
score of 3 to 1.
It wasn’t our morning for basebaiU \V.«y
nud the boys hadu’t got the sleep out of
their eyes. Anderson pitched a good
gau& and had good support. Davenport
a 1.sordid fairly well but couldn't fctxfp
the balls^from hitting tho bats. The
score tells the sad story better than
words can do.
R. n. K.
Thomasville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0—16 3
Way crass 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0—1 tt 3
Earned runs, Way cross, 2.
Sacrifice hits, Waycross, 3.
Bases on balls, by Anderson 1, by
Davenport 4. .
Leftou bases, Thomasville 8. Way-
cross 7,.
Struck Anderson 7. by Daveu-
port 7.
^ Hit by pitcher, Linton. Time of game
l *35. Umpire McDougall.
Second Game.
A better afternoon for ball never
shone upon a wiregrass diamond. A,
gooa cr^d took advantage of it and
this was possibly responsible for the
brace of the Tomcats. They braced
anyway. Maynard pitched' his usual
steadrigame.fgiviug only three hits and
from deep center field by Crosley tin
t*le might have been different. On an
offer from .bannger Sinclair of 12.00 for
the first hit, Flcischinau lined out a two
bagger, Grifliu followed him with a
single. With Fleiach ou third aud only
one out, Dwyer sent a high one out to
Oroslyin the garden. Ho gathered it
iu and quick turn fla-h rent it to Dick on
the home plate. The susi>euse was ter
rible. but Dick and tfie ball together,
were iu the short stops way just a split
second soon enough aud Umpire Titus
calk'd “side out." Tl.i» was the crisis
of the game and it brought almost every
siugle spectator to his teet. After it,
tho tale whs a told one and tho anxious
ones breathed easier.
Thomaav mo, 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0—3
For Infant, and-Children.
Hie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
New Train to St. Louis.
Since the innognration cf the f *t
Mobile and Ohio Limited berw
Montgomery »ii*l St. Lorn*. AVer
Fair trhvet h ut received a stimulus i
the Moutgom«>ry rbnto grow* daily in
popularity. The M. As O Limited
loaves Moatgomtrv at night »f»er
arrival of i?*' cjuneotiug trains fr« m
tho Sout!toast and reechos Bt. ’Louis
next afternoon.
Hun ircdso Uo uaaville Rentier* K
\Y1 at ItJVlenns.
Tho kidneys aro overtaxed:
Have too much to do.
They tell about it in many ache* and
Backache, sideache, heailache.
Early symptoms ofjkidney ills.*
Urinary troubles, diabetes, Brigiu’i
.0 l (—1 . |
Burned runs, W«0cross r, Tboai;
ville 0. Bases ou balls, off Dtvyer 2; off
Maynard, 0. Left ou bases, Waycloss,
3, Thomasville, 6. Two ba*.o hits.
Fleicchmau. Sacrifice hits, Dickinson,
Bibb. Stolen bases, _0. Struck out by-
Dwyer, 6; by Maynard, 12. Hit by
pitcher,'McPhail. Time Of game one
hour and fifty minutes.
v fed
A colored man named Hammond wa
in town yesterday looking for his sou
who had run away from home le .ving
the cotton crop unpicked. He lives jmt
across the county line in Flrrhla.
Application for Guardianship.
GEORGIA—Thomas county.
To all whom it may concern:—Mr*,
Emma J. Groover having made applica
tiou for guardianship of the persons and
property of C. F., Edna, Margaret aun
Katharine Groover, minor children of
O. D. Groover, late of Brooks country,
deceased, notice is hereby given that
•aid application will be heard at my of.
floe at ten o’clock a. m., on the first
Monday in September, 1904.
Thif July 13, 1904. Wm.fM. Jones,
6-41. \ Ordinary
.. . c.- 4 Avteu man toils here a certain
B. Sweat, Justice of the Peace and
Notary ifnblir, residing at 52 T'hoiua*
street, Waycross, Ga, says: “Iused
Doan’s Kidney Pills and can recom
mend them very highly. I took them
for backache aud kidney trouble from
which I suffered for a number of years.
There was a severe pain across the
small of my back, constant, dull, bear
iug down pain, and the secretions from
the kidneys were dark and full of sedi
ment. Since using Doan’s Kidney Pills
my back is stronger and the pain 1ms
left me. I think Doan’s Kidney Pills
are a very reliable and a very effective
remedy. They proved to be so in my
case after I had failed to get any relief
from tlie use of several other remedies.”
Emphatic endorsement can be had
right here in Thomasville. Drop int
R. Thomas Jr’s drug store aud ask what
his easterners report.
For sale by all dealers. Foster-Mil-
torn Co., Buffalo’ N. Y., sole agents for
the United States. Remember the
name—Doan’s—and take no other.
Petition for Charter.
GEORGIA—Thorngs County.
Totlie'Hou. the Superior Court of
said County. ' ^
The petition of S. Steyerman, Edward
Long*erg and Harry Stayer man, ail of
said State, respectfully shows.
First. That they desire for them
selves, their associates, successors and
assigns, to become incorporated under'
the name and style of “ThdSteyerman-
, Second. The term for which peti
tioners ask incorporated ia twenty
years with the privilege of renewal at
the end of that time. ,
Third. The capital stock of the eva
poration is to be Fifteen Thousand Del- -
lore, divided into shares of One Hundred
Dollars each. Petitioners, however*
ask tho privilege of increasing said
capital stock to an amount not exceed
ing Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Fourth. The whole of said capita
stock has actually been paid iu.
Fifth. The object^ of the proi ae#
corporation is pecuniary profit and g&i*
to Us stock holders. Petitiorers pro
pose to carry on the business of general
merchants, dealing by wholesale and
retail in dry goods, notions, farmers
supplies and provisions; buying and
selling alPsuch goods as may bo neces
sary for the proper conduct of said pro
posed business; to buy aud own real
estate; to borrow and loan money, to
receive and hold aud execute deeds and
mortgages as security; to sell and buy
live stock and other personal properly;
to do all such things as may oe notes-'
sary ro cany on the business as’pro
Sixth. That the principal office and
place of business of tho proposed, cor
poration will be in tlie City of Thomas-
viHe, sail! Stale aud County.
Wherefore, petitioners pray to be
made a body corporate under tlie name
and style aforesaid,entitled to thd^ights,
privileges and immunitie* and subjeot
to the liabilities fixed by law.
Petitioners Attorney,
GEORGIA—-Thomas Comity.
I, J. ’ W. Groover, Clerk Superior
Court, Thomas County, do certify that 4
tire foregoing is a true oopy of the
original on file in my office.
Witness my hawlj audj official signa
ture this 10th day nrApgosf, ltt04.
8-12-4f. Clerk Superior Court.
Guardian's Sale.
mas County. n.
order of the Court 0 f
; virtue of
Ordinary ol sand county,will be sok, at
public outcry rt iho court house door in
ihc city of I homa ville, Georgia, on the
Tuesday in September, 1904, bc-
-n the hours of sale, a* one half
(1) interest in the following real osf.atc,
situ tejn the town of Boston and county
of Thomas, to*'it: — One lot* on corner
of Main and Jefferson Sts., fronting on
u St. v 30X90 feet with mie story brick
store building thereon covering lot.
One lot fronting on Jefferson St., Bos
ton, Ga., contain’ng one acre more or
with a live (5) room dwelling house
thereon, bounded on the North by Jeffer
son St., on the East by F.. R. Whaley,on
the South bv Rev. !>. H. l’a*».er, on the
Wen by W. R. Forster.
One lot fronting on Stephens St., Bos
ton, Ga., containing or.e acre more or
less, with a six (6) room dwelling house
thereon, with servants house, bounded
the East by Stephens St., on the
South by H D Philips, on the West by
Baptist church lot, and on the North by
Jackson Street
One lot in Boston, Ga., fronting on
Green Street and A C- L. R’y contain
ing one-half (i)acre more or less, "bound
ed on the West bv Green Street, on the
North by Levi Hayes, on the East by
Mrs, Missouri Horn, on the South by A.
~. L. right of .way.
Also ten (ih)acresjof land, Lot No. —
fronting on the TboraasviHe and Boston
public road four (4) miles west of Bos
ton Ga, cleared but not under cultiva
The sale continue from day to day be
tween the same hours until all of said
property is sold. Terms GASH.
This 2nd day of August 1904.
J B Brooks,
8-5-4* Guardian of W j Piook«^