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If you had a nouse that brought yoU, au income of $100 each year wouldn’t|yoir
insure it for $1,000? \ /
You c- rtainly- would, all good business\men do.
You Would do it knowing that your house may never burn and you may never get
back one cent you have paid for this insurance.
If your earnings are $100 per year are you being, fair to your family and estate
it you do not protect them by taking out life insurance?
You can do this knowing that you are sure to die and get back more than you
have paid in / ' V *
Or that after a certain period, if you are ‘still living, you can get back all you
have paid in cash and have a nice'sum laid up for a rainy day or old age
Any man or woman in good health can take advantage of this proposition by
making application for a policy of insurance to. the
Fill out the coupon and mail it to us for full information.
C. M. & B. H. SMITH,
General Agents, Thomasville, Ga.
Oat this oat and mail to.
MM II NtlMI 11IIIIII I'll I lllllllllll.HI IIIIII11 HU IIIIIIHIItl II n«l
,0. M. &E. H. Smith, General Agents, The Prudential
Ins. Oo. of Aniorica. Thomasville,' Ga.
Dear Sirs:
Without expense to me and without committing myj
self to any action, will you send mo farther informa
tion as. to insurance policy on my life.
I was born on the
My occupation is
Yours truly,
} <»
/ Address...*
The McGee Adjustable
They fit perfectly.
They have no Strings or Laces'.
i They are easily and quickly adjusted to
fit any one, no matter ,how
large or small.
| They are made of - the best material and
i are of the latest style,
i rsJiJtir;
You can buy them for less money than
you can have one made for.
1 The McGee Adjustable.
; Can be found only at
Louis Steyerman,
Comer Broad and Jackson Sts.
.Agents for Standard Patterns.
Word Sent Out to Various Socrot
Orders of September Picnic.
Special invitations to various secret
orders to come to Thonmsvillo’s Sopfem
ber picnic were ^eut out yesterday.
Mady-of the lodges have their monthly
meetings during the first week of, Sep*
tember and the invitations were sent in
order that the brethren might receive
them in ample time for full considera
tion. Mr. J. D. McCartney, chairman
of the invitation committee has written
to each of the lodges represented within
a radius of fifty miles, inviting them to
be present and partake ot Thoraasville’g
hospitality on the 23d of next month.
In addition to this the members of the
invitation committee will see that all
are urged to como.
Of course the invitations are not con
fined to secret order men only, but ap
ply to their friends, and in fact to
everyone, in this and neighboring conn-
ties,'as has been before stated.'
Among the lodges which will have
representatives here on the* great day
are the Masons R. A. M. Odd Fellows,
Encampment, Knights of Pythias,
Woodmen of the World and Elks. The
tow ns that have one or more of these
lodges are Boston, Cairo, Pelham, Meigs,
Ochlockonee, Pavo, Fitzgerald, Quit*
man, Whigham, Valdosta, Bainbridge,*
Camilla, Tifton and others. A special
invitation is given to every man woman
and child in Thomas county to be pres
Thomasville has a colored philosopher
in the person of Joe Calloway, the court
house janitor. Joe was recently en
gaged in conversation with a negro
preacher whose vocabulary has a super-
abuandnoe of polysyllables. He aston
ished Joe by giving voice to the follow
ing sesquepedalian sentence:
“Mr. Calloway, had it ever transpired
to your acute observation that periods
ofjunexampled prosperity am unvaria-
bly preceded by intense application.”
Joe after a moment's thought responded
“It certainly had that’s why there sm
so many nfggort in hell.’*
The tailoring on these suits is perfection. For fit, elegance
and durability. We absolutely guarantee the fit and wear of
every suit sold. Our entire line of Gents Furnishings are
already in stock and we can please the most fastidious. Oitr
line of fur hats and derbies, for men and youths are the best
that ever crossed the Pike. Styles are superb, quality cannot
be beat. Prices $1.50, $2 00. $2.5oand $3.00. Our stock of
kid gloves are the correct things in greys and tans. Our en-
{1.25 Negligee Shirt goes for $1.00, the best in the world,
Cap at
Mr. W. T. Odum, lot Cairo, ws» a
prominent visitor to the city this week.
Mr. Odum is a true Sunday school work
er. He attended the county convention
at Boston and hopes to bo at the State
Convention in Macon.
Removal Notice.
We desire to inform our friends and
patrons that we have moved from our
former stand to the store adjoining the
old Sampson stand, at 108 Broad street.
Wo are ready for business and hope to
have your continued patronage,
bl-10 and w J. F. PITTMAN & SON,
Among the pnblished list of Valdosta's
schoolteachers for the coming year,
Miss Etna Peacook’s name appears
coupled with “third grade B.”
Mrs. Frank O. Smith and two little
daughters, Sarah Ellen and Mary Eva,
are visiting friends and relatives in
Waycross, Jacksonville and Savannah.
Miss Alma Owens of Monltrie arrived
yesterday to be the guest of Miss Annie
Fuller. After spending a short time
here Miss Owens will go to Macon to
enter Wesleyan.
Mr. W. A Terrell of Atlanta is in
the city. He is the oldest brother of
Gov. Jos. M. Terrell. He is a special
agent for the New York Life Insurance
Co. and is in South Georgia on business
connected with the company.
Mr. William Miller spent the day in
Pelham yesterday. He is figuring with
the town authorities about boring an ar
tesian well there.
About one-third of our large
and elegant stock of
Fall and Winter Clothing
For Men, Youths and Boys. Prices from $2.50 to *
$25.00 per suit. Our HIGH ART suits ranging
from $12.00 to $25.00 are the finest, designed by ■
best artist in that line on earth.
Ur. W. D. Hinson of (he Cairo neigh
borhood waa in town on Friday.
Her. E. E. Rose, the Methodist minis
ter on the Metcalfe circuit was in town
Mrs. S. L. Hayes and family and Dr.
Harry Ainsworth, who have been at
Brevard, N. C„ have gone to Waynes-
vilie, N. C. The doctor reports “all
sortsofgood time.”