Newspaper Page Text
i£. rnOi!A8VI!
Shorthand and Typewriting.
Stenographic Work Neatly Exe*
cnted. 'Phone 273.
Miss Janie Alexander.
8ldw N oxt door to Times-Entexirlffi
Lamar’s Lemori
The great family medicine
for Constipation
for Disordered Liver
for Indigestion
for Headache
for Biliousness
for Dizziness
Use it often and ■pre
vent Malaria.
Road What the Mayor
of Dothan, Ala. says*
of L. L. L.
Dothan, axju, Apr, J6,1504,
iJ^ssrr;. Xiitntftr* Taylor At
HUvjr r:rc<('-'*,
Macon, Ca,
O^n tinman J-T fcnva WN*n
Sold by good drugyisti
Manufactured only by
Lamar, Taylor & Riley
Drug Company
Cleaning and Repairing,
G. 0. Sparks, Manager.
230 Jackson Street. !
lO-fl-d and w-3m
rco.-ri mi to ft IJ who *uf-
f**r ir*»n« uUor'JertHt liver or
t . v <* 'r-i' •.tipiHjb tlmt it is
..... / I >P. X tiled It
ftwl us*» ifamily. I
huve bold 1.7isol ii .".ml have
n<*vorkn-t any ooiupiulat at
! Your» roapeotfally,
J. K. Young,
Yon get your money’s worth when
yon buy ElUott'a-Emnlsified Oil Lini
ment. A fnU half pint bottle cost, bnt
2S cent* and yon get. ytnr money back
if not satisfied with resale. You’ll
not be disappointed; J. W. Peacock.
Better See Us
About^that winter outfit whether it be for Lady, Gentleman
Child. We have dress goods at all prices, and prices
below the other fellow. Men’s and boy’s suits,
shoes, hats and underwear at prices to suit
your pocks t book.
Valorem Tax.
Constitutional Limit.
Excellency, Joseph M. Terrell
Governor of the State of Georgia.
Executive Department, July 27th 1094
Whereas the General AssembU, at
its session in I903. proposed an amend*
ment to the Constitution of this State, as
set forth in Act approved August 17th
1903. to wit:
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gener*
Jw Assembly of the State of Georgia,
That article 7, section 1, of the Constitu
tion of this State, be amended by ad*
■ding to said section the following para*
graph, as paragraph 2: lhe levy of
taxes on property for any one year by
the General Assembly for all purposes,
except to provide for repelling invasion,
suppressing insurrection, or defending
the State in time of war.shall not exceed
five mills on each dollar of the value of
propery taxable in the State.
Section 2. He it farther enacted. That
whenever the above proposed amend
ment to the Constitution shall be agreed
to by two*tliirds of the niembets elected
to each of the two houses of the Gen
eral Assembly, and the same has been
entered on the Journals, with the yeas
and nays taken thereon, the Governor
shall, and he is hereby authorized and
instructed to cause said amendment to
be published in at feast two nev spapets
in each congressional district in this
State for at least two mcn.hs neu pre
ceding the time for holding the next
general election.
Station 3. Be it further enacted, T hat
the above proposed amendment shall be
submitted for ratification or rejection to
the electors of this State at the nex
general election to be held, after publi
cstion as provided for in the second sec
tion of this Act. in the several election
districts of this State, at which election
every persdn shall be qualified to vote
woo is entitled to vote for members of
the General Assembly. - All persons
voting atsai 1 election in iavor ot adopt
ing the proposed amendment to the
Constitntion. shall have written of
printed on the 1 r ballots these words:
“For ratification of the amendment to
article 7, sectiou 1, of the Constitution
of this State, so as to limit the levy of
taxes on property ler any one year by
the General Assembly to five mills on
each dollar of the value of the properly
• taxable in tbs State, except for the pur
pose of repelling invasion, suppressing
insurrei tio >, or defending the Sta‘. in
. time of war*’; alia a 11 p 1 sops opposed to
the adoption of said amendment shall
**'*KF* v riiten or printed on their ballot
tuc words: "Against the ratification of
the amendment to article 7, section I, of
theOonsti ution of this State, §5 as to
limit t**e lew of tnxrs on property for
any one >tar L»> the General Assembly
to five mills on each dollar of the value
of the property taxable in this State, ex
cept for the purpose of repelling invas
ion, suppressing insurrection, or defend
ing the State in time of war." And if a
majority of the electors qualified to vote
for piembers of the General Assembly
voting thereon shall vote for said
amendment, then shall s&id amendment
become a part of the Constitution of this
Now, therefore I Joseph M. Terrell,
Governor of said State, do issue this my
P roclamation hereby declaring that the
oregoing propostd an endniciit to the
Constitution is submitted ’or rarihcaiton
or rejection to the ’ ot< rs of the State
quaiifiio tc vote for members or iht
General Assembly, at the peuenl fine-
lion to be held on Wednesday, October
5tb, liKM.
By the Governor: Joseph M. Terrell,
Philip, Cook Governor
Petition for Charter.
GEORGIA—Tiiokas County.
To the Honorable the Superior Court of
raid county.
This the petition of O. C. Shelly, J.
Frank Harris and Hugh O. Ford, all of
raid county and state, and John P.
Glower of the comity of Brooki respect
fully shown.
1. That they desire for themselves,
their associates, successors and assigns
to become incorporated nnder the name
and style of “Pavo Trading Company.
2. That the principal ofllce and plaoe
of business of the proposed corporation
will lie in P«vo. mid state and county.’
• 3. i'bai slid capital stock of the cor
poration is to be eleven thonsand dollars
(311,000.00.) divided into shares of one
imndred dollars (3100.00) each. Peti
tioners desire the .privilege of increas
ing said capital stock to an amount not
exceeding Jwenty-five thousand dollars,
($25,000.00 )
The object of the proposed corpor
ation is peonniary profit and gain to its
stockholders The petitioners propose
to cirry on n general merchandise bus!
ness, to bay and sell dry goods, notions,
groceries, farmers’ supplies, vehicles
and live stock; to bny and sell any and
all goods that may be necessary for the
proper conduct of the badness, to bny
and own real estate, to borrow and loan
money, to receive and iiold and exeente-
deeds and mortgages as security,-to do
snch other things as may be necessary
to curry on the bnsihess as propovd
5. The petitioners desire to bo in*
corporated for the term of twenty years
with the privilege of renewal at the end
of that time.
Wherefore the petitioners pray to be
made a body corporate nnder the name
aod style aforesaid, entitled to the rights
privileges and lmmnnities and snbjeot
to the liabilities fixed By law.
Dr. J. Frank Harris,
O. O. Shelly,
Hugh O. Ford,
J. P. Glower,
* GEORGIA. Thomas County, Sept. 12
1904. I, J. W. Groover,Clerk Superior
Coort, hereby certify that the within is
trno copy ot tho original memoran
dum ot file in office.
Witness luy hand and seal
J W, Groover, C. 3. C.
Secretary ol State
8 ?-td
' Duncanville, Monday Sept. 11).
Ooolidge, Tuesday Sept, 20.
Glaagow, Wednesday Sept. 21
Boston, Thursday Sept. 22.
I 8pence,'Mondiy Sept. 20.
lle'gs, Tuesday Sept. 27.
Ochlockoneo, Wednesday Sept. 28.
; ‘Metcalfe, Thursday 8ept. 22.
Merrillville, Friday Sept. 30.
Pavo, Tuesday Oct, 4, forouoon.
I Patten, Tuesday Oct. 4 afternoon.
Cairo, Thursday. Oct. 6, forenoon.
P S. Heetli T. O.
Dr. W. W. Jarrell,
Physician and Surgeon.
Tenders his professional services
to the public.
Office, over Chisholm &{Dillon’s
Phone 222—3 rings.
C. C. CJocrott*
* Thomasvltle, Oa.
Pianos and Organ®.
Representing Phillips $ Crew Co
Atlanta, Oro-gla.
Klein—ay, Knsbe, Fischer Hardman, Frank
jin, ilarrtnsfton, KlmbnU, Bsdle l’lanoa.
Kimball Reed and P<pe OROANS.
Mercantile Company Opene There.
"-Important Wedding-Other Newt.
Miss Alma Robertson and Mr. J. L.
Barwick were united In matrimony
Sunday evening at 6 o'clock at the home
of the bride's father, Mr. W. M. Robert
son, three miles east of Barwick. The
ceremony was solemnised by Ref/A. J
Taylor, In the presence of the
family, and a 'few relatives. The
groom la one of the biggeet and
moat aocceasful farmera in tli(rt com-
‘mnnlty. Mr. Barwick haa purchased
Hon. J. B. Rountree's plantation of
elghr hundred ncres which he will take
possession of the 1st of January,
The bride Is a yonng lady possessed of
m»ny charms, and is very popular.
They have been recipients ’ of many
congratulations by their many friens.
Mr. Philip Orth, of Piilcqck is patting
down a shingle mill bore. The m I
will soon bo in operation nnder the
supervision of Mr. L. D. Johnson.
The many friends of Dr. S. K. San
dies are glad to see him out again after
bring confined to ilia led three weeks
with fever.
The Barwick Mercantile Co. com
posed of J. L. Massey, S. E. Sanchez, R*
L. uedfe&rn, audjH. L, Davis, are open
ing np a new stock of goods in Meaiwy
Bros, old store where they will be located
fur the present. M r. H. L. Davis has
chargo of the business and will carry a
fnU line of general Merchandise.
Men’s Shirts.
Something worth $t.25 for 98c
A complete line of cheaper ones, ranging from 25c to 48c
Genuine 4-ply linen, all sizes, all styles, the 10 and 15 kind 5c
Genuine Hurbuts the best made, regular price 25c to 50c box,
we sell box 15c to 25c. box papers, all grades, all
good quality for the money, from 5c to 15c box.
Pen and pencil tablets, memo, books, ac
count banks, blank note, receipt .and
bill books, pencils, pen staffs and
pens, in fact-ev.-rything you need
iu stationery at prices that arc
0nr Spring Sti
rt is Ready
For Men
For Lelies
who cniinot come to the oity
wheD in heed of clothes we
make a apecialty of fitting
yon at yonr home. We
carry the finest makes of
Clothing, Hats, Furnishings
and Underwear, and no mat
ter what your size* is, stout,
■iim or short, -
We Can Fit Vou.
who do not find it conveni
ent to come to the city.
We make buying an oasy
task by seuding to your
homes two or three styles of
garmeuts to select from.
We carry
Sole Agents for
In Our Boys’ Department
on be had everything
ready-to-wea$ for boys, ex
cept shoes.
B. N. LEVY. BRO. £ CO.
With every dollar your trade you are entitled to one
guess in the
A. F. CB1MWELL & Co.
133 Broad Street, or Stark Corner, Thomasville, 6a
Never Eat
When You’re
Not Hungry.
Tako Hcntzls Curative Bit-
tore tar appetite and digeation.
The beet friend in the world to
carry yon through the depree-
slonof hot weather. Atonic
for tho nervee; a atrengthener
of the Btomach. If yon want
to enjoy health all the year
read “Cheer Up1” the
iattella how. Free at
g store, or mailed on
Store Fired At Metcalfe.
Metcalfe, Ga., Sept. 15-04
The Official Announcement of the
Speeehee for September 23rd.
At ton-thirty o'clock next Fridey
morning tho following program will be
carried ont in the park. Tho mnslo
will bo furnished by Newson'a hand,
who will cornu from Jacksonville, Fla.,
for tho day. The band ia one ot the
best in the aouth.
Music By the Band
1 Prayer Rev, Ed. F. Cook
, Address of wolcomo
Mayor Roddenbery
Music Bund
Response Hon. W. A. Covington
Address U. S. Senator A. S. Clay
Music Band
Address.Grand Master Jno. W. Bennett
Impromptu Addresses.
Barbecue Dlnnor 12 o’clock Everybody
The ox races mule races, greased pig
race, baseball game and' other amuse-
Cairo Furniture Co.
Carlo, Georgia,
We can rave yon money on yonr Furniture Purchases because we
are EXCLUSIVE FURNITURE DEALERS. We can fnrnish yonr
house from parlor to kitchen and have ,'au immense stock of cheap
medium and fine goods to select from. We have tho BEST STOVE
and tho BESTREWING MACHINE on earth for the money. We
guarantee every one to give satisfaction or monev refunded. We are
offering a Rocker for $1.75 that will cost yon $2.00 anywhere else.
We bought a lot of them at a SACRIFICE PRICE and. while they
last our customers will reap the raving. Yon should see our large
stock of Rvgs, Art Squares, Lace Curtains and Window shades. We
bny direct from the mauufactnrers and rave the jobber's profit. We
take COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds in exehange for merchan
dise and pay highost market price for same.
Cairo Furniture Company.
Cairo, Georgia.
Rydale’s Tonic
LOST —Near Sumu/i, dark buy muf^
tang Pony, E-mail site, blazo face, long
tail, branded F J, on left ldp. Return
to Scsiua, Ga. 9 J6-3v,
Bought Another One-Fifth.
Judge Montgomery gold to Mr. W. A.
Pringle Tuesday another one-fiftli it*
to rest in the two brick stores on Broad
street. This gives Mr. Pringle four-
fifths of this property. He will proba -
bly in tlie near future make very decided
improvements on this property.
a flaw, scientific remedy for the
Blood and Nerves
It purifies tbs blood by ellmbistliig the rate
meats will bo In progress in ring the ; matter end other Impurities end by dtstreyisg
The store of Mr. Jim Horne was set entireday. I tte germs or microbe, that Infea the blood. It
on fire st an early hour this morning. 1 i b«M» "P “■« ““>•• ■* ■reu.rin* »nd multiply-
It wns discovered by early risers, who! Bacon and Griggs Coming Too. | i"* 1 *" 1 ® 1 * cor l >l “ tl1 *'tho Uu<i<l ran
j and red. It reetoreo end stimulate, the m-rvoo,
put it oat before much t’emsge WSS| United Statas Senator A. O. Bacon riiu.lAsafullfroo«owof nerve force through-
done. A loss of about five dollars to 'and Congressman James M. Griggswill out tho entire nerve system. It .peedliy cure.
goods resalted before the flames were | K . nmo ug the distinguished guests on
extinguished- The front part of the September 2Sd. Both of those gentle-
store is away from the residence portion men ) mV e expressed their intention of'
of the town, and tho flames ware stait- coming, and wifi ha warmly greeted by j
cd there, so that they might progress friends, Though they are not ou tno j
unseeu. In the present strained condi- pro;?r . im f or M -t speeches, each will j
tion of public feeling, the fire which has doubtless have a few words to say. 1
been charged to an incendiary is cans- - — , I
unstrung nerves, nervousness, nervous pros
tration, and sll diseases of the nervous system.
• ml cars for
RYDALES TONIC to a apeetto for all forma
of Malaria. Xt acts on a new principle. Itkllte
the microbee that produce Malaria. The caw*
being removed, thedleeue quickly disappear*.
RYPALE’S TONIC is guaranteed to cure tha
rno«t obetlnate capee of Malarial Fever, Chilli
and Fever, Ague, etc. We authorize ait dealt**
handling our remedlea to refund the porebara
price for every bottle of RYD ALE'S TONRJ-
that doe* not give latisfictioo.
Miss Blanche Bishop c?me down from
Ochlocknee yesterday afternoon and is
now a student at the college.
lug iatODS j excitju.ciit. Cooler heads j
are coauseliug moderation.
Mr. C. A. Keith, who will teach in J
the Thomasville public rchools arriv
ed in Thomasvillo yesterday morning.
He is busy getting ready for the open-
ing ot school next Week.
Dr. S. S. Gauldon of Quitman was in
tho city Wednesday.
Judgo Robert G. Mitchell is holding |
court In Statcnviile this week.
Mrs. N. D. Mooreitouse, of tiavaunali,
is tho guest of Mr*. C. W. CJcoper. |
Tames H. Brown,
Interior Decorator.
Papsr Hanging, Fainting, Etc.
v. o. box m.