Newspaper Page Text
•eprgla Jpvogress,
Meigs Menjion.
Prcf. J. S. Searcy telle of tho Happen*
Inga of the Week.'.
Life in EaetThomaa am Seen by Judge
Mnch Cotton Haa Been Marketed
Houeea Being Lt.iU.
Mr: and Mrs. J. C. Neel entertained
laot Sunday os theirgnosts, Mr. nudMre
J. p. Beverly of Tlion-asvUle.
M, W. Covington of Jefferson county
Fla., and a large Naval Stores Manu
facturer in said county was in Boston
last Monday..
Mrs. Dr. Evenitt of Moultrie is Incur
city visiting Iter parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Taylor at their home in North
A. O. Steele of Brooks oonnty war
here last Monday transacting business
and shaking hands with the boys.
Boston's Graded School haa begun
this tail's session better equipped as to
educational facilities than at any period
■We ought to
Mr. R. L. Wilder, manager of Cairo
Variety Works was here on business a
few days ago. ,
There is a pencil tree in this town in
foil bloom.
At a conference held by the Baptist
Congregation Sunday tlio present Pas
tor Rev. T A. White was nuamousiy
elected to eerve the church for the en-
Mr. White
I (By R. L. Van Laudinghnni./
isnxvitiup along all lines—
new stores and new residences coni inns
to go np, our merchants have their,
stores stocked with the largest and best
assortment of merchandise they have
ever carried, and they are doing tha
basiuess, too. 8,200 bales of cotton
have been sold here up to this (Wed
nesday) night, and it continues to
If yon are looking for a town full of
“get-op and get” come to Cairo.
Mrs. J. E. Fonlk, of the firm of Misa
J. D. Brown dktlompany, has returned
from Atlanta, where she has been spend
ing two weeks studying the latest fads
in millinery. 'I liese ladies will soon
li ivc on display a very large stock of
the latest creations in fall and winter
Mrs. G. P. Revicre, who lias been sfek
for some time, we regret to report, it
■till confined toiler bed.
H. E. Frazier, who for some time baa
been in the turpentine business in Mis
sissippi, spent a few days here this
week, enronteto his former home in
North Carolina. He Has been in poor
health for several mostlis, and hit
friends here wish for bins a
One Count
witiK -
Every Dollar.:
Magnificent LUDDEN & BATES PIANO and a TRIP to the
WORLD’S FAIR- Given away.
seeing associations! (year
has serried the church as pastor for about
He has great executive
eight years,
ability and preaches straight Bible talk.
Barely the people of thie town, with
Bev. T, A. White in the Baptist pulpit
and Rev. Chas.R. Jenf ins in that of the
Methodist church will not suffer f“r
preaching of the highest order.
Mr. end Mrs, E. J. Franklin of Boeton
were the gnest of Mr. C. H. Battle's
family Sunday.
Mra. 1. R. Anltman went over-tq,Doe-
rim to visit her brother Mr. J. B. At
kinson for a few days.
' Miss Saltlo Norman of Savannah,
(topped over a few days sgd to see her
brother, Jndge Norman of this placo
. W- E Davis, W. H. Braswell, G. L.
and W. A. Daren and J. A; Grant were
elec tod delegates to the Tuoker Associ
ation, which convenes at Cool Springs
near Doernn, in October.
There's going to be a wedding in these
diggings soon hot f promised not to say
anything about it
Mr. Ben Bridges of Valdosta was here
Sunday looking after strictly personal
Mrs JamesHagheaafOthlookbee wait
here Sunday to visit father. Mg. T.
W. Braswell. ../
Mrs. Edna Einstein and Miss Jemmle
Lon Cox of Cftmilla, spent a few deye
here this week, the guests of Mr. George
. ...ith ii =BY
heretofore in its history,
rally to the support of this institution of
learning in order “that oar sms may be
as plants grown np in their'youth, that
our d HiKhteu may bo ns corner stones
polished a tor the similitituds uf a pal
Robert MoMnrray of Savannah, and
one of the most competent and efiioient
employees of the Southern Express Co.,
visited hie parents Mr.. and Mra. R. 0.
McMorray at their home on corner of
Ads me and Stephens street this week.
Y. T. Lane, who has been one of tl&
Knighte of the Scissors and Yard
stick at Brooks and Clark has resigned
his petition with said firm.
Telegraph operator R. O. Webster for
the Western Union, who has been hold
ing do' n tlio Boston office liae left for
Miss Fannie Willis who has been on
an extended furlgogli to Oslcy.jflhfor-
Quitman and Valdosta has jgHHled
home nndjrcsumed herqWpO'itjon n
roonagvr of the oltke
Quitman hud ihe pleasure of cutor-
tainiug last week cue of ‘MMmfed'e
most cliarmiug young Indies in the ar
son 'of Miss Beltle Stanaland.
A certain widower living in Boston
and one who is uylug to got. uian ml,
took four ladies out riding st one time
laet Sunday afternoon. Amougst this
quartette was a very vivacious intelli
gent and pretty widow,
W. J. Taylor, one of Tnomssville's
lending clothiers was in Boeton last Sun
day visiting friends and relatives
William Holloway of Monltrie visited
ids best girl last Snnday.
Miss Ona Neel is being assisted in her
millinery business by her sister Mils
Retu, and she makes a good assistant.
'Miss Sallto Neel visited the oonnty’e
capital last Monday-
Two of Isaak Walton's disciples hied
themselves off to the Stnkasome 3 miles
north of Boston last week. If they
caught any. tills scribe ain't aware of it
ae not a scale was presented to this par
W. M. Fembrongh, one of the most
expert electricians in the stale and con
nected with one of tho leading electrical
houses in Atlanta is at homo visiting
his parents Prof, and Mrs. W, B: Pam-
Leon Neel of tit. Augustine, Fla., is
sick at his father's, J. 0. Neel, In' South
Loon is connected with
you want to pay your subscription any-
way. These prices ate only a reward for promptness.
*“AiuP; Col]
The person who sends in I
timate of the number of time,
will appear iu the weekly Ti
Friday Deo. 80th will get the
mate is correct then the one n
will get the piano.
Yon are entitled to one eMbhate w : tli each
01.90 paid on enbeoription to (Bfier the Weekly
or Daily Times Enterprise. It makes no differ
ence whether yonr subscription Is behind c.r not,
, “And" Guarantees.
4 We fluaraniec Tha ! : M -
1. No person connects 'with the
Times Enterprise shjdB jerfter the
“and” contest. * , .
2. That nobody can ^resibiy know
before band how many "ands” there
will be in the weekly of Dec. 30th.
3. That the Weekly Times Enterpiise
of Dec 30th shall consist of 12 pages,
just $8 usual. ..
4. That every '‘and” or abbreviation
for “and,“ either in reading matter or
advertisement shall be counted.
5. 'That a committee of thoroughly dis*
interested citizens shall do the count*
ing and make up the awardB,
6. • hat the piano given away shall be
the best of tbe l.udden & Bates make,
(b) That the regular price of it is $350. W.'
'(c) That it shall be new and thoroughly
guaranteed. >
Voting; Contest.
The young lady living in Thomas county who
shall receivo the greatest number of votes by six
o’clock p. m. on Wednesday Nov. 9tli 1901 shall
be called the winner and shall be awarded .tfte
trip to the great World.'* Fair at St. Louis.
Yon are entitled to rue vote with eaoh one
cent paid on subscription to either the Weekly or
Daily Tiroes Enterprise. It a akes no difference
whether your snbscription' is behind or
“Voting" Guarantees.
We (iuaranfee that;
1. The trip fo the World’s Fair shall
be awarded to the young lady living
in Thomas County who:shall receive
.the greatest number of votes.
2. That the yotmg lady elected shall
be furnished, free of all cost, (a) with a
' Railroad ticket to St. Louis arid . re
turn, (b) with entertainnfeft'w $t.
Louis for onefweek, (c) wifh-admis-
smn into the fair grounds. " J - - :
3. That no vote shall be counted^-
cept it be accompanied by one Jut
on a subscription.
4. That no vote shall be counted after
sixoclockp. m. on Wednesday Nov.
is first correct es-
[the word “and”
lOx-Euterprise of
lane. If no esti-
at nearly correot
speedy recovery. . '
Misses Alta Brownlee and Bnbp
Mills, of 1 Whtgham, spent a few hoars
in the city Monday afternoon. •
Miss Mattie Lon Maxwell, of Max,
Ua„ arrived Wednesday, and is the
gnest of Mrs. W. H.r Searcy on Moaraa
Frank Searcy, who has BeWf^spending
the summer with relatives in Middle.
The social meeting of tbe Epwortfy
League was held at the residence of Me
and Mrs. J. B. Wight, last Tuesday
overling. The music furnished by Me.
/Iwj. Omunbsis, of Thomasville, Mra.
F. M. Brannon and G. A. Wright was
^‘.enrire Bntlerr*fthe Conte? Hill
up to Leesburg to
•pond a few days with his sister.
Major J. D. Marshal, near this place
has the finest oalf in the county. She
4s fifteen months old, and gives two gal
lons of fine milk. He had an offer of
fifty dollars for Iter a few days ago bat
k mdly refused it.
Mrs. J. A. Grant and two little
daughters returned Saturday from a
visit to their old home near Americas.
The family of Mr. Will Merritt, of
Cairo spent last week with Mr. Bob
Merritt's family near this place.
The nine from Eoroka exchanged
shouts ami words with the Fields’ Cross
Roads nine on the Meigs diamond Sat
urday afternoon Uesnlt 11 to 12 for
We were misinformed as) to Miss Es
ther Wittes' attending school at. Sum
merville. rthohasgoue only to visit
some of her former college mates.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Boswell of Csmti-
la.'and Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Boswell of
Lntaud, attended church, here last Sun
dae. f
Miss Mujg^in Dureuol this City is vis
Ring relatives iu Thomasville, Mem-
vilie, Murphy and other points this
Miss Emma Boswell of this p'lacs is
attending Young's Female College at
Mr. J. A. Hasser has moved his family
into the’resideuce lately vacated by Mr.
Hassell Davis.
Mr. Coy Fisher t»t:d family are visit
ing the family of Mr. G. W. Fnlford
this week.
Mr. W. E. Davis went over to Doernn
The members of onr Silver Cornet
hand threaten to re organize at sn early
date- This will de delightful news to
everybody iu this place. •
Some month ago the wind storm blew
tho spire from the steeple of tbe Baptist
church. The chnreh has lately been re-.
painted. A new spire or beautiful de
sign made of alnminnm.'ha* been pur
chased and wiil/coon'bo he'
Mrs. H.*W. Moncrief is spending this .
week w itb relatives in Monltrie.
much enjoyed bj all present.
Miss Mary Belle and Richard Pearce
went to Climax Tuesday evening.
Miss Allie Brinson is spending a fftar
days in Whigham this week,.the guest
of Mis* Ethel Terrell.
Misses Missonrl and Johunte-Brown
entertained thotr Snnday school classes
at their home last Saturday afternoon.
Delightful refreshments, were served,
aud the little girl! spent a most enjoy
able- afternoon romping oyer the spa;
cions ^grounds and enjoying, various
W. B. Brown is pnttiug^the material
on tlie ground for the erection of a neat
five-room cottage on Muck street.
Tho lecture by Eprl Ward Pearce,
which was to hnve been last Thursday
arming, . didn't “be” as Mr. Pearce
missed . his train it Mndison, Fla., and
arrived here too lato.
•Some of onr out.uprising citizens are
negotiating with the Alkahest Lyeonnk
Bureau for some high-class attractions
Among them, Ralph Binglmm. tio we
liave the promise of something better
' farther on.
1 C. Walker is erecting a nice residence?
on Decatur street, which we under
stand is already rented.
Cairo needs more houses to rent and
wo are glad to see that some of oar citi
zens who have the money and the lota
are supplying tills need. May the good
work continue.
5. That all ballots cast shall be pre-
served and thatrecordsof the contest
shall be open to inspection of any
person at any time.
Counting the -ands” doesn't prevent your voting and voting doesn’t preverit you
emitting. '
If pay _$ 1.00 on subscription you get both one count for the piano
and 100 votes for the most popular lady.
Every cent you pay is applied to your subscription, whether you
count the “ands” or not, or whether you vote or not, or whether you do both.
Open to both Daily and Weekly Subscribers. Costs you nothing.
Here’s the Coupon,
east Boston,
the Southern Express Company, and
holds a very responsible and lucrative
position With said company.
V&Idntita has one of Iter mosr. lovable
young ladies visiting in Boston in tho
person of Miss Sallie Mathews who isthc
guest of.Miss Ola Mae Parish.
Miss Jane Vann has as her guest Miss
Susie Stephens, a pretty and charming
young lady of Tampa, Fla.
Two of Harwich’* citizens, viz Mr.
Jim Massey and daughter were here
since my la*t epistle, trading, visiting
etc. '
Brooks county’if ex.olhcij 5. P. and N.
P. Jwdge W. M. Ramsey, WiH ia our
city last week trading and selling cot*
Miss Jane Vann gave a reception last
Tuesday evening at her; beautiful home
on Main street in honor of her friend.
Miss Susie Stephens, of Tampa, Fla.
We learn that quite a large crowd were |
present and were enthusiastic in their
praise of the entertainmert.
Thfj Blank Must be L’scd iu all Com*.
apply on my subscription to The
Times Enterprise
(Stale whether Daily or Weekly.)
My Guess at the “and;
for the l’iano is
Mra, J: McR. Williams came Lv^tj
Macon last night to visit her lather j
G. T. Stnart.
vote allowed for ■
Messrs. Georgo Neel
Jorger will.leave in a few
Worid’s Fair.
Name of Voter
Miss Margaret Ansley came
Tuesday afternoon from a stay i
months in the north and east.
One gites* allowed for each dollar
paid. No one person to have over
Are you taking the paper now?.
Mr. Loots titeyerman returned
day after s goods baying trip to