Newspaper Page Text
—South (Beovota IPtogtess./'-*—
Meigs Mention.
Airline News.
(ByO. W. Stephenson.)
The many friends of Mrs. Lid.
Herrington, will be flensed to learn
that she is now a conralescent from a
recent attack of ocntinued fever.
Mr. J. L. Lavender who has been
oonfined to his room for the past fonr
weeks with | fever, we ^ are glad to
note is Improving.
Cotton pickers are greatly in de
mand (in onr community. Our far
mers cannot gather their crop.
Mr. Vince Bridget' remains were
laid to rest tn Salem Cemetery last
Saturday. Mr. Bridges, died of measles.
Miss Gertrude Gaskins a charming
young lady of Pavo, has made applica
tion to teach onr public school next
Mr. Coleman Herrington was a pleas
ant visitor to our community last Sun
Miss Bessie Williams, after several
weeks stay with relatives near Dixie,
is at home again to the delight of her
many friends.
Miss Cora Lee Brown of Boston vis
ited relatives in onr burg lest Sunday.
Miss Frankie Kennedy enlivened onr
Sabbath school by her pleasant sm'lee
last Snnday afternoon. Mr. Frank
8berrod of Coolldgo was also a pleas
ant visitor.
Mias Jennie Prossor vi-lted relatives
near Suberdale tlnoemy last.
Him Lacy Williams visited relatives
in Pavo last week.
Mr. W. S Sherrod who is now sta
tioned at Tallahassee Fla. was at home
has instructed her
Prof. J. S. Searcy tells of the Happen.
Inga of the Week..
Judee Stubbs made » [bufihcss triplet
Albany Saturday.
Dr. T. M. McIntosh, of Thomarvilfp^. .
oame over on last Sunday profesHOiallJr.
■Mrs. Lucy|Carter Walton, ef'Albsay.
after spending a few days with the
family of Mr. E. ‘Carter, has mum**
homo. '
Mrs. VinaRabon, Miss Clyde Herat,
and Master,IBalph • Hall were! receive*
into the£Methodlst church Sunday by
the pastor.; v
Mrs. Emily (Hurst, while cooking m
meal a few days ago, lost her footing,
and falling broke Iter arm above tto
Mr.|Ed Horst (went down to see him
"folks” at Cairo Snnday.
Mr. J. D, Atkinson oame over fircam.
Doeran Saturday.
Mr. J. \V. Law. who left here (ask
jeer to try Mitclioll county lands, ham
leased the farm of j Mr. John W. Alik,
good two miles from town for two yearn '
and will move back. "Uncle Johnnie,"
ns everybody (calls him, and lias wife
will move to his house in. this placet,
now occupied by Mr. D. ,0. AUi-
Ml tl. M. Mitchell-slid wife, of Ful
ham, wore visitors here Sunday, i
Pastor Jenkins paid the young people
of this place a fitting compliment Stra
der night at the beginning of the ser
vice. He said that lie has been disturb
ed lees by the young people here than at
any oilier placo at wliioh lie preaohets
The article on Snndny Schools by “A.
Country Teacher” in th#-p»per n few
days ago baa the right ring. I'll wagon
tliat the writer attended the 8 S. Con.,
vention at Boston. 1 wish everybody-
oould have beeo there. *
Mr. Joe Ross of Fitzgerald spent sev
eral days here with Mr. T. E Rosa lane
Misses( Annie Brundage and Cleric
Hand left Monday to enter Monroe Fas.
male Collego at Forlyth Ga. Miss Es-
tho Wilkes leaves Wednesday afternoon,
to enter school at Summerville, Oha-
ooga county. This is a representative.
trio, and we wish for them s profitable
s'.ny at sellout.
It Is Mr. T. E. Wnlton who Is Build-
iug a residence on Quality Square in-
stead of,T. E. Watson.
The pistol opiaode of last Monday
morning created keen excitement for
awhile on the sireete of this plane. A
pistol was found in the yard of Mr, P.
J. Lee. Mr. Loe. being » quiet upright
citizen the find was not relished or un
derstood While dlaonsrion of the mat-
tor on the streets was going on, with a
decided nnderstraln of excitement .a
negress rppeared oh the scene, inquiring
from honse to house for the lost weapon'
It appears that site waa on a drank tha
night before, and leaning against Mr.
Lees pailings without knowing, dropped
the pistol into the yard.
A few day's ago some miscreant en
tered a negro cabin almost in the yard
of Hr J. R. Macon, in the daytime and
turned things wrong i-ide up trying- to
find $18 which beseemed to know waa
there. He only got 80 cents aud a bottle
of whiskey.
Mr. Gerg F. Green o' Pelham was
here Sunday the guest of Mr. E E.
W. Valentino Pitcher, snnofafr. W.
A. Pilcher, of this place, cams near los
ing Ids life in a game of buss ball at
Field's cross roads several miloe east of
this place. He waastrnok In tne head and
Senator Clay, Grand Master Ben nett
and Others Coming Sept. 23d.
In addition to the attractions of bar-
beone, picnic, mtuio, baseball, raoiug
aud other sports, a splendid program of
Speaking has been arranged for the gala
day,of Sept. 38. Mayor S. A. Rodden-
who has charge of the program has been
bu-y end as is nsnai with him has ob-
tained results.
United Statesmens tor A- 8. Olay,
will be here. Senator Olay has a rep
utation all his own for ragged eloquence.
He Is at his best on an occasion of this
kind. His talk will not deal with polit
ical issues, but will be a good old-fash
ioned sample of fraternal oratory.
Hon. John W. Bennett of Waycroes,
Grand Master of the Odd Fellows, for
the state of Georgia will give an ad
dress. The many Odd Fellows will
welcome this opportunity to grasp the
lined of their chief, and alt will hear
with pleasure the words of this gifted
Georgian. Hon. W. A. Covington, the
silver tongned orator of Oolqoitt county
will also deliver one of his noted speech
es. It will be an oratorical feast sncli
as no one can afford to miss. Brief and
bright, not loog and languid will be the
"And” Contest.
The person who sends in the first correct es
timate of the number of times the word “and”
will appear in the weekly Times Enterprise of
Friday Dec. 30th will get the Piano. It no esti
mate, is correct then the one moat nearly oorreot
will get the piano.
Yon are entitled to one estimate with each
$1.00 paid on snbecription to either the Weekly
or Daily Times Enterprise. It makes no differ
ence whether yonr snbecription is behind nr not.
“ And” Guarantees.
We (Guarantee Tha':
1. No person connected with the
Times Enterprise shall enter the
“and” contest. v ,
2. That nobody can possibly know
before band how many “ands” there
will be in the weekly of Dec. 30th.
3. 1 hat the Weekly Times Enterprise
of Dec 30th shall consist of 12 pages,
Voting Contest.
The yenng lady living in Thrmas county who
shall receive the greatest number of votes by six
o’clook p m. on Wednesday Nov. 9th 1004 shall
be oalled the winner and shall be awarded the
trip to the great World’s Fair at St. Loots.
Yon are entitled to one vote with each one
otat paid on subscription to either tiie Weekly or
Daily Times Enterprise. It n skes no difference
whether your subscription is behind nr
“Voting” Guarantees.
We (iuarantee that:
1. The trip to the World’s Fair shall
be awarded to the young lady living
in Thomas.County who shall receive
the -greatest number of votes.
2. rhat the young lady elected shall
be furnished, free of all cost, (a) with a
Railroad ticket to St. Louis and re*
turn, (b) with entertainment in St.
Louis for one week, (c) with admis-.
s ; on into the fair grounds.
3. That no vote shall be counted ex.
cept it be accompanied by one cent
on a subscription.
4. That no vote shall be counted after
slxoclock p, m. on Wednesday Nov.
An Anoqpmoul Warning
Ur. Jim Homo of Metcalfe was in
town Tuesday. He told his friends
hero ul an anonymous luttot, lie receiv
ed postmarked “Thonusvllle, Sept 10th
4 p. m.” It purported to be from a
Salem church
delegates to call for the association to
ooavene with them in 1905.
The "Andt" end tha Voting Are Cre
ating Great Interest.
The big doable contest started by the
Off For Balnbridge.
The Craker Gan dab's team will
leave to-morrow morning for Bain-
brige. Thu team selected is ctmpos-
cd of Roscoe Lake. Will Hopkins, Wm.
Proctor.UobVaraedoeand J. L Turner.
J, W. Peacock is snbstltnte. The tour
nament is scheduled to last three days.
There is added money in each event,
uud a enp for the beet team.
Timex-Enterprise is proving even a
greatersncccss titan its origin.tors had
supposed. Some penplo may have conn-
ted tho ands on Sunday. At any rata
every moil on Monday brought snhstrip-
tious, guesses and votes. There is a
wide range in the “and" guesses bnt of
oonrse no one knows who is right. The
Toting is well distributed among a num
ber of young ladies in tho town nod
county. The first count will be pub
lished this week-aud there is much cu
riosity as to who will he ahead at the
start of the race. The wise ones are
voting and gnessing early. It posts
nothing to do either. Every cent is
applied ti subscription, and the prizes
are indeed worth having. Take a trial
at them.
4. That every “and” or abbreviation
for “aad,“ either in reading matter or
advertisement shall be counted.
A That a committee of thoroughly dis
interested citizens shall do the count*
ing and make up the awards.
6. ' hat the piano given away shall be
the best of the LifUden & Bates make.
(b) That the regular price of it is$350.M.
(c) That it shall be new and thoroughly
5. That all ballots cast shall be pre*
served and that records of the contest
shall be open to inspection of any
person it any time.
368 Phoni«.
The Bell Telephoue company itumed n
new telephone directory yesterday. The
book contains the names of 8(18 phoue
users, snd this makes a very complote
and conrenent service.
Countingthtf ••ands" do sn*t prevent your voting and* voting doesn’t prevent your
If pay $1.00 on subscription you get both one count for the piano
and 100 votes for the most popular lady.
Mr. W. T. Knapp, one of Metcalfe'S
prominent citzens was in town on busi
ness Tuesday.
Remember. ,
Every cent you pay is applied to your subscription, whether you
count the “ands” or not, or whether you vote or not, or whether you do both.
Open to both Daily and Weekly Subscribers. Costs you nothing.
Here’s the Coupon, Use It.
A Rummsgeous Success.
The interest and zeal displayed hy tho
Itdimi of the Y. M. O A. auxiliary
eoapled with the Ubenl shower of attlo
contents, made the Rummage Sale of
last week a tacoere. The tarn of $78.
was cleared and will be applied to the
furniture deportment of the Y. M. O. A.
Young’s Opened With Bright Pros
pect* and Interesting Exercises.
wm rendered naoonecinae for
He is however at this writing, “right
xido up with care.”
For tile time being the round Up gjns
in tliis place Iiave shat down.
Lest Friday night Marshal Arline, as
tiie result of some good deteotive work,
landed in the guard house a negro hail
ing from Jacksonville, who confessed
Tuesday evening marked the open
ing of Young's Female colloge. The
published program was carried oat with
the exception of the absence ot Miss
Frances Bell, teacher of elocatlon who
has not yet trrived In the city.
The addresses hy Mayor Roddenberry
Clutirman Himself, President Hunt and
others were well received, and breathed
a spirit of enthusiasm that will mean
much for the college. The mnsical pro
gram wax arraugpd by MUs Merrill and
wax of a variety and nature that pleased
the good sized audience gathered in the
auditorium. Tiie public reception that
followed was enjoyed by all.
Tiie business office will be open for
matriculation and classes will cravens
at 8:20 this morning. ’ Although yester-
diy was not the uppoinred day for ma
triculation a number of foang ladies in
and ont of town were present to enroU
their names and Mr. Hnnt says that the
prospects are oil that tiie best friend of
the institution could ask.
List of Ladles to Servo at Tables at
to being the principal in several petty
burglaries that Iiave been perportraletl
here lately.. He -implicated two others.
Marshal Arline thounht he had a good
thing as ho turned the key snd went tn
his rest at a late hoar. At 4 a. m, Sat*
onlay Mr. W. C. Thompson, who con
ducts a market in connection with hi*
other business, discovered that the door -
of the gnard house was horning. Ho
carried water and partially put out tb*
fire. When lie returned With mere
water, ho discovered a blanket at the
door. The negro had wrapped kteself ',i;
j in o blanket an 1 crawled thronfii the
Mr. J. S. Macon made a business Irij
tp Thomosville Tuesday.
There are six steam whistles in (Ids
place that represent oar maunfseturtug
'interests . ■'
The following ladles iiave been named
a* a table committee to iiave charge of
-the serving on picnic day at the park.
They will be present and see that every
oue has a snfiiceucy of the barbecue and
picnic dinner:
Mesdames. Lee Brow n, John Gtant, T.
J, Eall, W. H. Hammond, H. W. Hop
kins, L. H. Jerger, G. S. Whitney, J. S.
Clifton, J, T. Cnlpeper, Jas. Watt, Cos
sets, W. P. Grantham, R. O. Balfour,
George Smith. Chas. Griffin, S. G, Mc
Lendon, E.' M. Smith, A. P. Taylor,
Henry Arnold, Ja». Groover. B. A.
Daniel. Aliases Cynthia Maclean and
Tim its H.vrmi'RihK
to apply on my suUcription to
Kiictosctl find $
(State whcthcr*Duily or Weekly.)
As The Most Popular Young; Lady, to be given a trip to St. Louis, I cast
My Guess at the “ands”
for the Piano is
allowed for <ach cent paid.
Xante of Voter
One guess allowed for each dv
paid. No oue person to have <
five gueMC*.
Are you taking the paper now
One Count
Every Dollar.
AND Every Cent -
Vote for t
.v .
he Most Popular Young Lady.
Magnificent LUDDEN & BATES PIANO and a TRIP to the
WORLD'S FAIR Given away.
This is the season -when you want to -pay yhur subscription any
way. These prizes are only a reward for promptness.