Newspaper Page Text
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DMunt a
General Hardware.
K.T. McLean
Thomasville, Ga.
^Life, Health
Accident Fire Insurance^
Thoroughbred Chickens.
Barred Plymouth Rock and White Wyandotte
EGGS. Price $1.00 per setting 15 eggs.
C. W. COCHRAN & BRO., - Thomasville, Ga
E My pretty maid? I’m going to Tyboe, Sir, site raid. And;
- that’s the place whero the people are-going this year to;
~ fi , havo agoodtlme. ■ • ■ :
“ Witn its many at tractions, its fine orchestra. it# splendid :
Z bathing and its excellent cuisine is the most popular seaside:
resort on the South Atlantic Coast, Rates $3.60 j cr day; Z
Z ' <13.60 and $16.00 per week.
The Pulaski House. :
b tho moat popular placo iu Sm uuuali and alionld lie your ;
• liandquarton when in the city. Writo for illustrated-booklet. ;
CHAS. F. ORAHAM, Proprietor. \
“For wliat is worth In’anything
But so much money as ’twill bring.’ , "Butier.
Wo doairo to call attmitiou of our customer, this week to a large
liuo of
Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements.
We handle the
Wehwr Wagon and the Virginia Wagon, the Oxford Buggies
and the Rex Buggies, and the McFarlane Buggies and
We have combination corn and cotton planters and combina
tion guano and corn drills.
Wo Imve tho beat line of Fertilizer Distributors we ever saw. You
can put out with them from oue hundred to two thousand pounds
of fertilizers per aore. ,
Wo also carry a full lino of two horse riding and walkiug cultivators
and weeders.
We aro still offering bargains in
—Flour, Sugar and Tobacco—
and have on hand yet somo select North Carolina Seed Finders.
Remember that wo give with each 25c cash purchase a ticket en
titling you to a chhnce at the beautiful Ames stiok seat run about on
display in our window, which will be given away on May 28th,
of our customers will get this beautiful run about,
lucky one. COME to see ub.
You may be’the
Comfort Trading Co.
Themssvllla Guards Want *o Camilla
to Protect Negro Williford and hod
a Hord Day—Splendid Precautiona
ry Measures Taken by MaJ. Wyley
Thouusville waa la a state of anxious
excitement yesterday. A telegram came
from Governor Terrell Wednesday
night ordering Major Wyley and Cap
tain Brown to report at Camilla Tester-
day with Thomasville’s complete com
pany to protect the negro Williford
who was scheduled for trial at Camilla.
The soldier boys had just returned
from Manassas and had scattered
everywhere. They responded to the
call thoogh like tree soldiers, and when
falling-in time arrivad there were 37 of
tliem in line. ’ They presented an uu-
usually martial and determined air aa
they went to the depot. The effect of
the bard.encampment waa plainly vis
tide. The step waa that of a veteran
and tho mein that of a different sort
from the Statesboro army.
Major Wylly recognised the India
uslble value of canth It, and he placed
a lientonant and three men on the en
gine to xee that tho train waa sot inter-
feared with. The omnioos order “load’’
waa given before the treope got in tho
train; it wae responded to in a more or
mi ridiculous way by bystanders. The,
scattered aa U they were the offending
m n b.
Williford, the man who caneed all
this xtir, had bean brought to Thomas-
villo from Tallkliasaee early in the day
by Deputy Faircioth. He waa placed
in the middle of the company and
ught to hava felt aa safe aa a bag Hr a
rag. He is a little negro and has a stiff
leg, and unarmed would be a baby in
anybody’s hands. His repntation lias
been unsavory for a long time, and
tils face bean out the reputation.
The detralnment at Camilla wns no-
oomplinhed with the ntmoet facility.
The Albany and Americas companies
had arrived soma time in advance of the
rhomaaville boys and were in waiting
for them at the depot. A hollow square
street wide, was immediately formed
and tho negro placed inside. In this
fashion the long march was made from
the depot to the Camilla oourt house.
Upon arrival there Williford was tak
en under heavy guard to the court room
on the second floor. A cordon of sect!
uele was thrown completely around the
court I loom end orders were given thorn
to allow no one to enter the yard with-
out express direction from the com
inandtng officer. If any offender re
fused to halt after being summoned
three times to do so the sentinel waa to
shoot. Eaoh stairway was guarded aud
i company of reserves stationed in the
oourt room.
These measures proved thoroughly ef
fective. Not the elighteet demonstra
tion waa made, aud after it waa all
Guess how many grains in
one gallon of Shelled Corn?
We are going to give to our customers, $500.00
in Gold on December 1st, 1904. Here is the Plan:
We have had placed in 4 quart jars, one gallon of corn, ami
reeled by Judge S. A. Roddenbery, mayor of Thomasville. One of
tiiese jars is placed at Evans & Sou’s Warehouse; one at Neel Bros.
Store; one at A. F. Churchwell & Co’s; and one at the Thomasville
Shoe Co’s (
With every dollar Cash spent with any of the merchants signed
below, between September 1st, 1904 and Dec. 1st, you will lx- entitled
to one gness at the total number of grains, in the four jars. With
every bale of cotton ginned at the Fanners Gin Company you will also
have a guess, and another guess with every bale of cotton weighed at
Evans & Son’s Warehouse. The following gentlemen have consented
to act as judges in the contest: W. H. Godwin,’ E.. P. Clay, J. S.
Ward, Jr., J. Q. Bryan, Geo. M. Dekle, Ad. Way, Jr., T. J. Bran
don aud T. W. Lewis.
The person guessing nearest to the number of
grains in the four jars will get $ 100.00 in Gold.
Next nearest will get
2 next nearest will get
5 next nearest will get
20 next nearest will get
40 next nearest will get
50 next nearest will get
50.00 in Gold.
25.00 each.
10.00 each.
5.00 each.
2.50 each.
1.00 each.
In case of a tielor one prize, it will be divided among (the peo
ple guessing the same. (To explain—Should two people tie for first
prize, they will receive $50.00 each. Should two (or more) guess next
nearest the prize will lx divided equally among them, and so on.
ever it was hard;ito see why all tills
trouble and expense waa necessary. Tho
Camilla and Mitchell connty people were
entirely satisfied to let the law take its
uunrse. It.
Judge W. N.’ Spence preaidod with
Col. W. ; E. Wooten solicitor. The
court appointed Judge J. H. 8caife. 8
S. Benuett, and B. B. Lane to defend
the negro. A motion for change of
venue waa denied.
The jury went out at soveu o'clock
and after a few minutes consideration
returned ' with” iTvetdict ' 0 f guilty.
Judge Spence immediately sentenced
Williford to liang on Oct. 6th tho near
est date puesible under the law. He was
takea aa soon aa poaaible to Albany for
,afe keeping. The home boys returned
on a special train late last night, thor
oughly worn out. They had a hard
day, some of thorn getting no breakfast,
and all of them being served only with
a sandwich aud a cup of coffee for din-
Supper was equally as acaut.
W. E. Williams, formerly of this city
but now of Tifton was here on business
Miss Josephine Henry, ofMonticello,
is the attractive guest of Mrs. W. P.
MORAL—Bring your cotton to Thomasville; soend your money with us;
get the best goods for your money (or you needn't by them); get into this
contest and maybe you will get one of these prizes.
Man cf rirst R-glm-nt Commenssd
by Acjutant General cf Their
Brig ■ a -
Coll T. X. Hopkins Thnrsday received
a letti-r from Edmond Sigerfoss, Cap-
lain and Adjutant of tho fifth United
•Stales Infantry and adjutant general.
The 1-tter roads:
Commanding Officer, 1st , Georgia Iu-
fautry, Provisional:
Before relinquishing command of the
First Brigade the Brigade commander
.lirecls mo to express to you his appre-
liati .11 of tho soldierly qualities which
thu officers aud men of your regiment
displayed during the Maneuvers. The
men of your regiment were well discip
lined and submitted to the long hot
marches and other hardships of the
Maneuvers in a true soldierly spirit.
Very respectfully,
Edmund Sigerfoss.
This is high praise and speaks vol
umes for the eftlaeucy of the l-'irst Reg
iment and its commanding officers. The
ThomasviUe’.companySwas a'part of
tliia regiment, and tho other companies
wore from South Georgia town*.
Col. Hopkins yesterday sent copies of
the letter to the commanding officers of
the -various companies,' that all might
know of the splendid compl'ment paid
them. Tho Thomasville boys and their
friends will share tho pleasant conscious
of deeds well done and merited
To Meigs
W ith Your Cotton
The J. N. Carter Company desire to say‘to
their friends and patrons that their modem
gin plant is now in operation and that
Cotton intrusted to them will be handled
to the satisfaction of the grower.
We have eliminated every feature of middleman’s profit and
aud are in position to pay the highest possible prices
for all cotton coming to us. It shall be’our
' policy to protect fully the interest of our
patrons, therefore we do not hesitate
to solicit their business.
We are well up in all lines and vou can make no mistake if
you buy of us sue!: goods as you may need, Our
prices are always in line.
Every transaction with its—At the office or over the counter—
will oe brought to a satisfactory conclusion.
Dealers in Everything, j
Meigs. - - Ga.