Newspaper Page Text
Ju JgB W M Jones
,Hnb South Georgia progress.^
New Series, Vol XV—No. 4,
At BoUJSortngeNolu»dX'rhood.,fflttier
,'Msws From There.
(By A. i. O. StsplifiUHOUy (
Tii" printer made me.say in roy last
comcimiicatieii that there, wax notjnoro
than 750 of the cUUrau ot oar county
to emter-sclierf every ye*r. when I, said
that 110c,more titV .aerenty-flv* per
oent of the white children entered 1110
public jobooL yearly.
Oarootnmnuiry was, shocked by die
death of two ofjls best, citizens during
tlio week. On hast Friday tho bright
spirit ofiiur yoiufl? IrntwL Mr., Frank
Singletary Jiid-farewell lo all that waa
mortal, an t hasgone hours to. join nis
mother in eternal Wits. -Frank was a
young wan of .excellent, ebr racier aud,
had many Irieods who .are gnevrd at
his early departure. May. the comfort,
lug spirit of Uim-wbo.doetlr all,things
Lest," comtiuh the berenvuthunes in the
time of their distress.
We ate made sad also, to clirotiicle tilt
, deatli of our obi.friend and .weigiiher.
. Undo Dick Singletary as, every body
, called him. He'cnd la#t ^ttrd»y a)
hii iiotuv a few Uiilea irym tliia puwx-
Unule.Dick only JucScuU two d»*ya of Ow
; ing eeveuty*f»»? wu jtjat* ol«l at. tUe .tiiu*
, of Ills death, iiu latd Jbceii Ui,VJVu.i<i
; for more than two yeanj, i*clng coufioou
, to his room diuiug that .iuuv» hat Jbort;
. liu sutforirig jmtiHtuly.
„ Protraotod wrrice* at .Hold hi*riu«
church closed last TiiuwcLiy oi^hf
. jf rcvivafG^ ^u days. Modi ,gvo»l wa*»
. accpupliidied for tin* MaviurVi eausu iu;a
..five appiicattou^ xor membership wore
. lh?v. Jo&ria A dr*!)# fUhd hU
^pomfcmenc ur tho U. *«. cliprOu iufct;
e&uqday aud buuduy ui^ht. ’! ; \
Every Dollar,
Vote for the Most Popular Young Lady.
Magnificent LUDDEN & BATES PIANO and a TRIP to the
WORLD’S PAIR Given away.
This is the season when you want to pay your subscription any
way. These prizes are only a reward for promptness.
-- -<— -
. Explanation. *
V \Vc tjoo ilu-tc our ucouuer .corrc>i) OJ ;
leho.t>/ .Atr}iiio Iim, by the md.ot a i©*
.of hitC^Tieudfl, or^HiuZisd what Jut «al«$
4 *»<uuL , t got uturrtttd club.*’ i wuo up*
prisM O^ t»io tact ll«at he beUu^s to
Wmii to v?i lunined club" and .Ui*t Let
Wai juvs^eut of ti:c ubufe fu'iUUo^ed
cloU> uM h»d tippuiuied liuukuif so a
OOUOUUlsC^ to Cull ou il*o >ouug Jttdi'8
to iji-m u fjrm to join l ht> club. Luitriiti
pot kjaow.lifcU i»o wus aw UifdiU’T-uf.aiiy
other club.except a borons uuy ^uut»,
thathMff&rbfl* Niy be uutl i»U
felloweiab-uk*,ii call ou ti»» yonun lad-;
iesu..dwia u«*> have ti.l just bCtOia-'
day, auleaa ihu#ol man bi>in.n«ra ou (lie]
scene »i*J iuft.r^;4 liiu*arduut couiunt* i
te*Ma)n>i r.’j.d ;t ici time Vor nil huut»xi
men to be vu lied. We itm'u Ifiut to j
oar community ut>t! if ito i* a * lut-mbir
of hia club uhau hcioayca, it will us Jii»
fault .
The iftxnierH h:.*e ;»bOQt finished riek-
ling co <on, au-iilrj uuyr busy gatho t<g
, their coru c»op.
•Mr. Wff*. j.'fithis .bej^tn to male
JtjT.ay Monday. He hoR*€^» ral acre* of
xaue to grind and will b« etiguged in
ills wei’k f< r several weeks.
Miv** Rosa nud K.-sio Dixon, of
T ion»ib>rillo, was visiting relatives «bd
fit* ids tit rthif place last week.
Me. Jtio. Wiifoti and family ace Vi«-
iti’i? yulatices at MerrlUeille ibis
;-“And" Contest.
The ptrson who wnde in tho flrtc. correct w-
•timarebf Me'jiomfccr of times the Word "and'’
, will «p;vgi* tn the v'.eWy Times Enterprise of
Friday Dee. jifltli will get tlie Piano If no esti
mate is oorjent. then theoue most nearly correct
will get the piano.
Yon are saddled to one estimate w th-each
*1 .00 ptidsm^ffpoilption'to cither the -Weekly
or Da’ly Tiaic^tderpriie. It makea oo diJTor-
euce whetl.«v aubrctiptimi U behind or Mot.
“Atid” Guarantees.
We Ouarantee TTia!::
. 11. No person connected with the
Times Enterprise shall enter the
, “aiid” contest.
:S. Thsi nehody can possibly know
before band iivw many ^ands" there
will'be iirtlie weekly of Dec. 30th.
i'JL .’t hat the Weeikly Times Enterpiisc
icf Dec )30tli shall consist of 12 pages,
ji st as usimL
.4. .Thai every “and” or abbreviation
to “and/ 4 either in reading matter or
advertisement rtraftt he ^counted
, 5. TAat a‘Committeeof thoroughly dis
interested citizens shall do the count
ing jsk 1 m_ke up the aw ards.
,1b. 1 bar .the piano gir«a away shall be
♦the bestial the l.uddeii at Bates make.
,1b) That the regular price of it is$359.05.
•(«- ) I lipt Itshall be new aud'thorougWy
juaranteeA -
Voting Contest.
The young lady living iu Thomas couufy who
shill receive the greatest nmnber qf voten by six
o’clock »> m. ou Weditcsday Nov. 9th 1904 shall
be called the.winner and ^iall be MTaVded the
trip to the great Weld’s Fair at Stw^jpais.
Yon ate «»ue vote witTi each one
• cent paid ou Hdbkj^ipflou (ieijHor the Weekly or
Daily Times EutelpriHe. 1 It, n ake« op difference
whether your subscription is behind or
“Voting” Guarantees.
We (iuatantee that:
.1. The trip to the World's Fair shall
be awarded to the young hoy living
In Thomas County who shall receive
the greatest number of votes.
2. Hint the young lady elected shall '
be furnished, free of all o st, (a) with a
Railroad ticket to St. Louis and re
turn, (b) with entertainment in St.
Louis for one week, (c) with admis
sion into the fair grounds.
.& That no vote shall be counted ex
cept it be accompanied by one cent
•on a subscription.
4. I hat no vote shall be counted after
six octock p, m. on Wednesday Nov.
9 th.
.5. That all ballots cast shall be pre
served and that s-ecords of the con test
shall be oprn to inspection of any
person at any timo.
Chairman Lu**f*rd-Calls Th*m To*
6ether for Most Saturday.
To tUn executive‘committee of the
People * party of Thomu ooauty. Yoa
ace requested to meat in Tbomaaville of.
Dr.< CM*idy’• drng ctore at 10 o’clock
do Tbareday Oct. 18th to attend to spec
ial batmen and oronge^r clieepeaking
by Watson or Judge Hines about the
90tb or the day the committee may ar
range All are earnestly requested to
meet on (Jfck d»y.
O. O. Lunsford
Chairman Com.
: uuintiiij;ttur "unoa" da aif.* prevent-yttfir VIIIIJI^ unj votliif p ovc:it"”yuii
I £uitiit»i|r,
I If j?ay $i$0 on subscription you get both one cotint for the piano
| zmJ 100 voteaTor the mcst popular lady.
Re me m be r.
I Every tent you pay is applied to- your subscription, whether you
| count the"az:ds” or wot, or whether ycuyote or not, or whether vou do both.
I Open to both Daily and Weekly Subscribers. Costs you nothing.
Here’s tlie Coupon, Use It,
S£S.'. Vi. SWSS.V'E W v La • v*<a»''4ia4BWiAvrci'tk'tcAV>»*i.j-A..i>kVi 5ViS5SG®3BSadt5H«3aB
* TW. BUnk Mint lie (,'Mfd In all Caro.
f’D!Tck.TIi:»'» O-TFliraiar. Tlunuulrtllr, C+,-.
I'i;,:.-,iJ I ngf • <r iry rtdininicnloTi r
Uy Git»s at ihcands"
for the 1’iano is
3 -
5 V
One gueM rllowcd (or each dollar
paid. No one ptftonHofrfaveover
five |am«s. whether Lm.y or WetAily.)
is The Meet Tcjiiiar Yotrg Lrdj, to k given a trip to St Louis. I cast
Vote* for Miss..: - _
One voir allowed for each cent jnld.
TiaiBl Mirraih
Ono of th<CMo«t Hospitable Man In
Georgia Passes Away..
Mr. Chas Davis is dead. He passed
away at six o’clock last night at the city
Charlie Davis as he was familiarly
called, was one of tho pest kuown men
in this part of Georgia. His home for
many ^ears had bceu qm forapnia L\l e
aud at his >house he has entertained'
many of tho notables of this laud. His
house was known far and near as a
hunting and fishing lodge, and great
lias been the pleasnre furnished |here
for tho good sportsman.
This section, of Georgia first’knew
Mr. Davis some 'fifty years'ago ns an
engineer on the old Atlantic & Gulf
railroad between TJiomosvillo and Sav
annah. Soon after the war he settled
ou Iamonia lake and began to dispense
hospitality to tho citizens of thirty states
Mrs Davis, his wife, died some fif teen
years ago and is buried on Laurel Hill
tihe was Mrs. Manning, a sister of Mr.
M. M. Fateh and n widely known lady.
Mr. Davis hod beeu in bad health for
some time. He was taken seriously
sick last week, and was brought up by
iiis friends from his country home u
the'hospital here. His age, about sit*
ty-flve, told against him, and all tiin«
science could do to save his life proved
Name of Voter
?. O
Are you taking the pafer cowi-.T
Methodist Ladloo Here Todey and
Their Hosts.
The delegntf'R to tho district confer-
ence of Hie Homo aud Foiiegn Mi.-slou
Societies nfthe Td^maivil’e ctistrico^ of
tho M.D Church Sooth .arrived in’Them-
a vibo Ytitetday in time for tho openii g
Sf-slou. Tho first gathering was l eld
Thursday uight at the Methodise churili
ar hnlf-past Seven o’clock. At tliiaraect*
ing (1< votional services was conduct-
el by Rev. K; Raid, r.ndVpbrts', son;p,
‘Mi mid tlm like , tilled oat UiO
program. |
»t*ra will t»o ^al)ont fifty who will
take pert in the proceedings. Enter-
taiumeut for all has been v fnrnisfioa in
the hosp't'ihlo houea of the Thomu«-
villo MethofliBts.
Tho TiiiieB-Ent^n»riH2 iu bch\i? of tho
eutiro city eitetuis a most cordiul w« |-
conn to fheso iicble v iimcii, ’ and tinMs
th it ll»“ir delibemtiona may be of groitt
goo-l jo the cause in which they so m-
BOlflnnly labor.
V!if' 1st of (hojj'iadios who nro ha 1 ®
and flew** who ,WU1 ontertaiu thorn
hi id’fi iunvii:
rn M L. Hayen—Mra. Laura Ii,
Johuaoit and Mrs. J. A. Johi boii, A1
Mrs. W. A. Pringle—Mrs. C. It
Jenkiua and Mr. Dr Hill, Pelham.
Mrs. Ed, F. 1 cult—’Irs Llgfitfoot,
PollMm, Mrs. Bhiainganm Americus.
Mn*. W. S. Aarfiii—Mr*. M. J. Hall
Mrs. >f. ./. Williunm—\Irn. W. H
Gamiway^.Albany, Mrs. ti. D. Cherry,
Mcm T U —Mm It. *». Mnl-
laid, I'.bittiii.
Mis M. It. Midetto- Mrs. Lnla
GJnrk. Host on, Mi-s Jc-nuio h’tubbs,
Mw A. A. Cut-Bady—Mrs. T. E. Wal
ton, Mt-itm. ' -*
airs Georgy Sitiirh- Mr*. T,> J.
Mountfi»rd, Mrs. J R. While, Metcalfe.
Mr**, (’aiviu Can-oil— Mrs. Coleman,
Mrs. Praff. Fo^s’er.
Mrs. J. W. Dillon—Mis. F.irnbrough,
Mrs. *S E. Bor Km <—Clifford
Mrs. Le« N -el—Mrs. hu-io iiumiii^n,
Miaa Tyler, Bain bridge.
Mr*. Ellen .Bulletto--Mrs, Van Land*
inghara, Cairo.
Mrs. Robert Deklo—Miss Missonri
Brown, Cairo .
Mrs BIhcU—Mr. John Brown and
son, Cairo
Mrs. Tim Pittman—Mis* .Tefiio Par-
ker, Whighnra.
Mrs. Jit a. Evans — Miss Corbin Brad
ford, Whighmo. Ward Wight, Cairo. ,
Mrs. Julia Itobinsoin—Mrs. Carmfch-
lel, Attupulgus, Mr.f, Cl«:s:unt, Dona!-
Honville. \
Mrs J W. Reid—Mrs. D. D. Davie,
M iw Lily Alfried, Albany.
Mis. H A. Roddenbery—Mrs. W. D.;
Roddenbery, Cairo,
Voting Ha»~ Been!IHosvy During Last
Wood 12,000 Voles ;Ca,t Making
Many Changes In Cpnteat
I' contest 1ms advanced in 4
gallop duriug the past week. About
as raauy votes were cast during that
time as had bcou cdst altogether before.
Probably,the tensatiou of the week
was tho jump of Miss Jane Vann, of
Boston, She advanced from aoout mid-
way of tho list to first Miss
Vami is exceeding {opo'ar in all ]niti
of Thomas county as well as at Boston
and her friends say they, propose, lo
fight foe her. Ml,scs May Bess Slater
aud Kdua Varucdoo or ThomasvilM,
Jonuie Browu of Cairo and Alice
Garter of Meigs have each received &
'arge vote, far more than holding the r.
own. Bach of theso young ladles ha* a
strong following that nte determined
they shall win.
The advouce-of Mies Miumo Williams
to 'sixth place is no more than might
Iia70,beeu expected. Seine jiersons state
that her race has but begum ,
Only a month is left hovknntil tho
conicet iH over. Eaeli duf ifMfcrms apt
to n higher pitch than befojeabd by?
November 8th it will bo ubout the sole,
topic of thought.
After to-day, the name of i.o contest*,
aoc having lets time 6- 0 .votes
ill be published, Ot course uuy person
oin be voted for whether their usmobe
published or uot and as ./.on as their
oto read es MViheir, naiao will appear
1:1 the piloted list.'
1 here are remora ot n dark horse to
L ■ brought iu the field at a ran this
The' Standing,
Miss Jam! Vanu, Bostoii , 1M80
--. Slay Bess Kluter IMHO
“ Edni Varneloo ......e.. 8230
" Journo Blown, Cairo ’ 807*
“ Alice Carter, Meigs *310
Mlnuie Williams 13M
" Lucy Parkor 750
“ Lillie Williams 07*
Louie Kvuus, Coolidgc... U30
-• Oortruilo foojd 000
• •• Lila Brocisii, Boslou : 000
•• Daisy Dekie 475
-• Alico .leuhlus , ,4C0
Kato Coyta
’• Mattie Tliuaiss,, Metcalfe. 'S'.O
'* Bessie Blackshear 800
" Kiliel Gassets 800
•" Caruhello Wilkes,JBarwirik , ,60
•' Neil PriilBle hq
Going Inn Uo,„
jJr. M. H.uni eou wlio for a
yOirs lets boeo it; busthu'i, m Thomas,
ville will :o enter the mercantile field,
lid has leu.eti Cue s.olvr ,0 lot ou Broad
slivtit uwilt.i l/ -His. i, 11, a.„r t , and
'n-er.y ...-.m;».ue oy .,. T. t*i mum aid
Hon. Wuuu Mr. Sampson seiu Ins bos*
mess to Cnisliolut and Lnlloii seveial
molulis ago he expected i u £0 .„ Europe
hut has decided that- ThomasviUe is
good enough tor him lie lute not de
cided just what line of businoss lie will
Work Started Yesterday.
After many delays work has at last
comtueueed at the site of the Elk's club
house. A large foree of m. n were ut
work yesterday digging out the founda
tion. The din is being carted to the
Yr M. O. A. lot and is being aged to flli
iu thglow places.
A Surprise Picnic.
At the noon r.cfsa Thutaday at
Young's Female College the yonng
ladles of tho Thsliau society entertained
tbe members of tho Adelphlan society '
Sit a picnic luncheon. This graceful act
from the me-tibers of ilia older society
wa, much appreciate • by the caw or
ganization, and all enjoyed the p