Newspaper Page Text
la (pi-ogress.
Bnt> South
Coolldgo Farmer! Hold Cotton. Oth
or News.
<iiy Gary V cGrsw.)
Miss Jennies auil Mat E Imoniou, of
Tallokus, are visiting Mih M, K: ire of
Quitman, this week.
Miss May and Mr. Jim Hodge liniteJ
their sister, Mrs. Dr. D. Q Dallas, (f
Haro,last Saturday.
Miss Monroe, of North Caro'lua, liar,
accepted the new . tohooi and began
torching last Monday.
Messrs. C. O. Foss and K. Vr Adame
called on Mist Jenuie and May Edmon
ton last Sunday afternoon
Mr. and Mra. D. B. Price, of Quit
man, viaited the lattera parents at tIU*
place laat Sunday.
Mr. E. Alderman and Hugh O. Ford
spent 1 tat Sonday in Tliomatrille.
W. Lssarna spent :att Sadday in Quit
man with lila brother.
Lookout for a wedding in the near fa-
are. Lookout Berwick.
Mbs Jet n o Edmonson wilt begin
tesebiugfat tilt Ad 11a sohool louse next!
Mr. A. H. Orensliaw visited his lister,
at Qaitman Wednesday.
McGrow will more upon Harris str et
noxt Monday and lie invites every body
10 call and see bit new line of dress
Misses Merywill Braddy, Bertha
Horne, Messrs Leonard Hendry, Percy
Harris and Gary McGraw speut a plriis-
uut evening wl h.UiM Dora Mills ou ia»
Mr. Poroy Harris lias accoptod'a posi
tion witn McGraw mil he invites nil of
his friends to call ou him.
Mss. Dr. J. W. L. Brauuon will re
turn from Atlanta tills wcok;
It. B. Nesmith.).
One Count
Every Dollar.
Jameson, Christie and RagsdaJ*
Pre irhotAssociation Divided Into
Diet icU-Sxtcutlv* Comm ttee Cot
Down—Other Wor*.
"Tho many fi zeu<U of yMiss Stella Bar
row will resrtt to leara that al>« i?
quite rick With typhoid fever. We
hope tho Great Healer , will bless Hie
■remedies ntod and that her recovery
•will be soon
"Mr . J. C. Pul* paid A visit to Camilla
and vioiuity lest Frida;, returning
Tuesday of tills week.
Tho Mis-es Evaus gave .an entertain-
mont Monday niglitJn honor of Mi»
Daren, of Meigs.
, Hiss Enla Keuuedy, daughter of onr
p yi . ) mB K onc to Norman Perk,
Where alio enters Norman Institute.
Our clever lien y Daniels came home
bn a visit from Norman Park laat Suu
TI10 .cuvoutini ol lire Mercer Baptist
A .sooiation continues in Hplemliil stylo.
Tho brethren nud cistern uru betas,
splendidly cared for and tlilllc glorioaa
sesilous were held yestealiv. The
•pecial atioiiti'on of tho day was direolod
to tho topic of missions. ^In tho morn
ing the mtniouary commilteo reputed
through Bev. L U. Ghriatie. Dr. 8. Y,
Jameson, norrespoudtug secretary of the
mission bund of the Georgia Baptist-
Uouveution spoke at ten o'clock sums-
tug the need and bonefl a of mission
work. Bov. L, B. Christie, delivered a
magnificent missionary term's. Ho
spoke of the importation to the chntch
and civilisation of Home Missions. "Wo
must christianize thu foreigner or bo
will forelguizc us,, we mutt obnstianim.
the negro or ho will blackeu its, wo
moat christianlz t the spirit of commer-
oialls-n or it will oommercWUs os,",
were tlm tlmri polulj made by Uiit
Daring tho afternoon the bealneae
session of the aasooiatiou voted to divide
the assodvtlou iuto 4 districts. Each
district- is expootod to hold a union
service of all ohurclies once a q-iai ter.
This return to tho old "SiH- Sunday
re-union" will lu no way interfere with '
die annual meeting. - lhe exsen ive
..i.iinltleo wail by voto of Ilia Simula-*
ucu reduced from so-'en lo livo num
bers. An tnurestingdiscnssiun of minis
terial edticitihiii was pirtioipatod lu by
Df. G talden of Qaitiu ■ n nud M>. W D.
Uplrnw slid err, vu i from AUaun yes
At night Bev. 13. D. Rag-dale*
Pft-fissor nt University preachy
ed to a largo aodicuco -*
At tho Baptist meeting last night
fliu; was raised for the suppirt uf Mias
Keua Groover, of. Gro-nerviUe, win, is
at the Missionary Training, school at
Louisville, Ky.
Tcis was nun of tho nr at piworful.
m eiiugN or the A»»-jciftflOU. Avid,
la .cli uiiiliuslashi ills. Groover was
■ adopted as tlic daughter ol the a“wciur
, lion and after tier graduation Iter ex
penses in flic m'tsleu fields will bo paid
WORLD’S FAIR Given away.
This is the season when you want to pay your subscription any
way. These prizes are only a reward for prpmptness.'i
Vfe learn with mnrh regret*ihat our
J O to soon
fellow townsmen,
move to LaOrauge, where he assumes
active charge nagditor of the Reporter,
which he lias purchased, but we com-
p'iment LaOrange upon llli securing
, such a noble aeqisitlon at Mr Bell and
bit estimable iamlly.
One Arm in Coolidgi! has alrc .df pur
chased abrnt SOO bales of coltou for
ibis tease l and MUil the fleecv stal ls
conHanoi to co n-. We notice J> so
^ Vollrtfc Contest.
Tlie young lady jiving in Thrmaa county wlio
shill receive the greatest number of votes by six
o'clock p m. ou Wednesday Nov. 9th 100! shall
be oalled the winner arid shall be awarded the
trip to tlie great World's Fair st St. Louts. '
Yon am emitted to nue vote with eaolt one
cent paid on snbsoriittlon to ci'her the Weekly or
Daily Times Enterprise. If nates no difference
whether your subscription is behlud or
. not.-
“And” Contest.
The rereou who sends in tlie firs' oorroct et-
t mate cf tlie number of times the word "and"
•will eppearfn tlie weekly Times Enterprise of
Friday Dee. SOtli will got. the Piano. If no esti
mate is correct then tlie one most nearly correct
wilt-get tlie piano. .
Yen are entitled to one estimate w'th each
♦1.00 pcid on subscription to either tho Weekly
or Da ; ly Times Enterprise. It makes no differ
ence whether your subscription Is behind - r not
Counting the "an 'a” do «o't prevent your vatinj ail v sting doisVt prevent you
Counting, _
If pay $1.00 on subscription you get both one count for tlie piano
and 100 votes for the most popular lady.
Every cent you pay is applied to your subscription, whether]*you
count the “ands” or not, or whether you vote or not, or whether vou do both.
Open to befth Daily and Weekly Subscribers. Costs you nothing.
Here’s the Coupon, Use It.
i Bgracrtwiiiniig WW■wwnrimifinmr ■,
Ochlodkonce Items.
(By J. F. Singletary ;
J H Audersoulelt Monday for Nash-
vtlle, aud returned Tliur-.d .y.
Ilev. J, 8 Ward, Sr, is a ‘ending the
Mercer Arsocintien iu TliomasvlUe fids
week iu a delegate from the Ochlopko-
uteB -piist church He carried (jits
n!m $47 91 lor Munions from till*
church. If all the clijrolies in the ttsse-
SavannahAuorcy, tells of
to the lain of Yap.
Mr. Walter C Hail ridge of Savannah
was in tlie t-i'y on business Wed: cs! y.
Hi is tlio attort-oy who represented llie
American heirs of King O'Keefe, r.f the
Isle of Yap who left a wife ail'd daughter
in Savocuah. These people through
Mr. Hartridgo's efforts secured legacies
of $800,000. Mr. Hartrldgcia a nephew
of Cap:. C. P. Houiell of tliia city anl
'was ills gnest v Inle here. He made 1 w o
trips to Yap, wnicli is one of the Caro
line Islands 1700 miles from HongKong,
•boat as far from tlie mainland as
Manila. %
Mr. Harttidgn lias many Interesting
reminiscences of ids long journey, lie
vas>hown many courtesies by Admiral
Evaur, better known as "Fighting Bob."
He say> the doughty Admiral anffftrt
hnueuess about eleven
by the Moicer people People through-
fmt the audience were moved Id teufi
niu ilireu yotlUJ JfJOliliT elgttlled iheir
inteiillon of going to the iniStlotl field.
They wore Miaies Kunnie McCall, ol
Quitman, Verdio I^e Rnrrell, of
Lowtulefl county, nu l Ilev. O. A. Oox r
of Nuukin. Joe Bouk, TliomMTillo’*
Obineite retideut^ w#* introduced 10 tlio
meet Wig He will jVrcbuoly k<> back to
Chimi to teucii tlio reiigirn lie found
Thi»*Bhmk MuM tie ITeed in nil Cnaen.
Kiiclor-cil Ci 'I
t(Slnle whiilif r iwiiy ur Weekly.) T, * ,K * *l»Ti(aiy i
My Guess at the “ands”
for the Piano is
As The Most Popular Young Lady, to be given a trip to St.-Louis, I oast
old friends. Mr. J is Vlok~
ntod Mr, Brastfell.
T. O. Beicr y mid W. A.
spent Monday iu Tliomasnlie.
Mr. Jas. Montgomery£sfc«r]fri|wudii'g
several weeks telling his patenteil wasli-
dug niacldno is at homo again.
Mrs. W. D Sills nud Mrs. Pearl Gar
ris n ure visiting in Moultrie this week.
Dr. i'nlmcr Stupa tit td a finger Jmu.
tlio hand uf I'arry Hurst, a colored boy
aud employee of J. T. Groover's saw
mill, who accidentally got his hand in
tlie path of liie big sa,v. -
Misses Kate Fleetwood, Allio Mont
gomery, Olivia Lindsey aud Olive Qoat-
tlebaom went to Tliomaaville yesterday
afternoon t > attond the Astoci
atiuu aud oilier asswrmtlons.
Rev. O. B. Jeukiiis will preach at li e
if. E Clmrcii next Sunday evening at
tight o'clock.
B-v II. t’. Stulib will preac't at Po'.-
ham next Sunday at elevc^t,
Mrs. E L. llollins spout seven! days
in Smith villa hist week.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Relikcrg were tne
guests of relatives here last 8nnday.
Misa Basie Singletary aped.' fevers’
days with Mrs. W. M. Singletary in
Haigs last week.
Many Changes Among Leaders in 8^.
Louis Contest.
allowed for cacti -
Bras will
The trip to St. Loui- us the p estof
the Time* Enrernris i hat dctcloppi a
battle royal among tin friend i uf I he
sovorn! yonng ladies in tlio race. Besides
tlie pleasure of a trip to Ihe'gr.atest ex-
liositiou tne world has v -r ieo , ’here
iu the honor of being adjudged Lhe most
popular young lady in tl e ned ccnntjr
of tlio best riato lu tiio anion.
The ballots'liave been Is thick as the
dost in this raiulets country of onrs, and
srveral changes have take i p'aeu. Misa
Jounio Brown nf Cair.i > iel lu her place
at file head of tlie column to Miss Min
nie Williams. Tim third Y>iace iaocon-
pled by Mum Alice Carter of Meigs who
has m ide n phenomeui.1 rite from sixths,
place witli an ad luion of 3 W' votes.
Miss Mae Bess Slan r I ns added snb-
-tautially to her total and remains in
fourth piheb. Jauu Viiuu of Bosicgl
who leil oue vtoii aio s now in fifth
place. This is how they Maud;
tho Stan tin j.
.\l ms Minnie Williams 881S
' Junuie Bruwn, Cairo * I1M
- Alien Carter, Meigs., 4*10.
“'MayBess dialer. 4180.
" Jani Vatin, Boston....... 8880
“ Ednx VarneJoe 5430-
“ Mattie Thomas, Metcalfe. 1848
" Lacy Parker 1800
" Lottio Evans, Coolldgo... 730 -
" Lillie Williams... .
“ KatoCoyle #25
" Gertrude Lloyd COO:-
" IilaBrdoks, Boston...... $10
“ Daisy Dekle,....dfc.V fiBO»
Nam? of Voter
One gneM ellowbd for each dollar
paid. No one fiernoti to ha%*e over
five ppic«8C«. %
«orerdy froi*
monihs of y*;ir. Wlientbo twelfth
mouth comes around bringing the navr
surgeon who >'xnmiue« for difiahiliry
fighting Bob immediately becomes the
•pryest man on br ard ship and his thus
far avoided retirement. Mr. Hartridgc
returned to Suvaunali Wedm s ’ay alter*
Ths Cairo Columo.
boys are eiu)uiriug of )iim as fo bait and
tackle used and say'ihey are going fish-
log too We tender to tlia young
couple bar beat wisjiea for a life of prim.
peHty and happing
We understand tlpit W. B. Brown
lias tlie contract ter tho erection of a
handsome residence on East Broad St.
jact above P. A. Richter's, for W. H.
Robinson. . i
Mrs. H. J. Vinson, who lias been qnito
sick' for some days, is no better at this
Mrs. Link, who hss been visiting her
daughter, Mrs. A. O. Forrester re
turned to her homo in Macon last Fri
day. Site was accompanied by Mrs.
Forester aud children,' who will spend
sometime in the Central City visiting
relatives and friends.
B. D. Hart afield, a former citizen of
Cairo, now of MouUris, was shaking
litndB with friends liens last- Bstur-
Mrs. W, H. Searcv entertained at her
pretty home on Monroo St. last Friday-
evening in honor of her lister, Mies
Mat well. The occasion was a Mystery
Tea Each gnest wua supplied witli a
list of numbers, 8 to 13, with Instruc.
tions to select any three numbers from
the list, and later when they were in
vited to the diuldg'rooin'they, were ad
vised that these numbers untitled them
to items ou the mono numbered corres
pondingly. This was tlio occasion for
much amusement and luoghtar, ho wev
er, the gnosis whose numbers cailod for
toothpicks, salt and pepper, had the coo-*
eolation of having delicious ice cream
and calm served them also. At a late
hour tho yonng people wended their
way to tlielr several homes, ull express-
ing-tl.em-elves os having spent a most
pleasant evening. -
(By B. L Van Landingbam )
Mr. Curtis McCall, cf Attapalgu*. up.
on whom Dr. Walker operated a few
d tya ago for appendicitis, is doing well
and will be able to Imre the Sanitarium
in a few days.
Misses Mary and Estelle fl-.rtiug, of
the Calvary neighborhood, are spending
a few days in the city, tlie gnest cf Mrs
T. Wright.
Mr. M. B. Smith, a bridge foreman of
the A. O. L. railroad, lias recently mov
ed here from Dothan, A|a.
Mrs. B. L Wilder and little child are
very sick with fever et this writing.
The little one it some better thongli Mrs.
Wilder is quite ill. '
- list Thursday Mr. E. M. MaxwsU of
this place, was married to Miss Lizzie
Thomas, of Attapulgus. Murray
left town ostensibly to go fishing
and on bis return was accompa
nied by his bride end now sane of th
Marcsr’e Sons Sanded Together hare
Yesterday Afternoon
Tlio tons -if md Verier resident in t’j*
territory of tho Mercer Baptist i sure
ciatiou organized an alninni association
Wednesday afternoon. They met with
Prof. D. B.' Ragsdale of their alma
mater, at tlie Baptist church with twen
ty in attendance. There are about 85
matriculates of the University eligible
for membership, and tlie members of
the Mercer Association will be honorary
'members. The institution starts a
promising future with tlie fallowing
Bet of officers:
S. A. Roddenbery, Thomasrille, prea
id cut; S. S. Boqnet t, Quitman, vice
president; Z. A. Clark, Moultrie, secret
tary and treasurer, .
Mir* Marion Hujct is spending a few
days as tlie guest of Miss Irene Hand In
Postmaster F. D. Dismuke will re
ceive the congratulations of everyone
who goes to tbe post office today. He
lms bceu tinoe Wtdneadny 4ft« moon hn
'father of a fine girl.
Messrs. Geo. Allen, Wyche Wade end
Ed Groover came over from Boston to
at cud tlie minstrel.