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be Prosecuted by Law If You Don’t Wear Them.
• • " W
-..v (
Yv'.U •• I
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Yon will drive a long; way and wait n long time to get a quarter of a
cent per pound more on your cotton. A quarter of a cent per pound
amounte to only (1.25 on a b&lo. If you work «o tmrd to make this $1.35
. why not work at leant a little bit to SAVE THREE TIMES that Bum on one
day’ll purchases. A dollar aaved in etactly the name size aa a dollar nude.
We have a varied itock where all your want! can be supplied from a
PAPBJt OF PINS TO A SUIT OF CLOTHES. In each department we
have nocli an anaortment to pick from aa can t be found eledwhere in South
Georgia. Buying in such quantities gets low pricea for us. Low prices for
ua means low prices for you. Come aud sec for yourself. Next week we
will quote you tome pricea.}
money may all c6me back to you if you area good guesser. Somebody is going to get the $500.00. Try a guess at the corn.
Yours Sincerely
' tm
Broad Street.
Petition for,; Charter.
GEORGIA—Thomas Oouxtt.
To the Hoaorable the Superior Court of
said county.
This the petition of C. 0. Shelly, J.
Frank Harris and Hugli.C. Ford, all of
■aid county and state, and John P.
Glower of tlw county of Brooks rasped*
fully shows.
1. That they desire for themselves,
their associates, succo&iorK uud assigns
to become incorporated umler iho'muae
aud style of "Favo Trading Company.
2. Thni tlie principal office and place
ol btuiue.ll id (lie proiwsed corporation
will le in p.vo, said state aud county.”
H. l'lutc tlie cnpital slock of tlio cor
poration la tobeolercu thopsand dollars
($11,0*0 VO.) divided Into slimes of one
hundred dollars ($100.00) eueli. Petb
tiotturt desire, tlio privilege of inemu.
lug said oapital stock to an amount not
exceeding twenty-live thousand dollars,
($83,000 00 )
4. Tin object of the proposed corpor
ation It peonniary profll aud gain to its
atoel.holders Thu petitioners propose
to carry on a general mercliamlise busi-
net*, to boy nml soil dry goods, notions,
groceries, fanners' supplies, vehicles
and live stock; to buy uud sell any aud
all goods tluit may be ueceMiry for the
proper ronduct of the traduces, to buy
and owii real estate, to borrow and loan
money to receive and hold and execute
deeds and mortgages at securi y, to do
such other tilings sb msy l» necessary
to carry on tlie business aa proposed.
5. - The petitioners desire to be in
eoeporated for tlie term of twenty years
with tlie privilege of renewal at tlie end
of that time.
Wherefore tlie petitioners pray to bo
made a body corporate under the name
anil style aforc-a d, entitled to the rights
privilege, uud immunities aud .abje"
' to rile liabilities fixed Oy law.
Ur J. Frank Harris,
O. O. Shelly,
Hugh O. Fold,
J. P. flower.
31A Thomas Conuty, Sept. 18
I. W. Groover, Clerk .-nperior
r certify that the withiu la
' .tha original memornu
4 and real
W, Groover, 0.8. a
Thomasville Ga.
Near Monument
Administrators Sale.
GEORGIA— 1 Thomas County
By virtuo of nu order of the court of
ordiunry os Raid coujity. Will be sold
At public outcry, on tho first Tuesday
in November 1D04 At tho court house
in said county between the usual hours
of sale, the following real estate sit
uatod in Thomas coanty to-wit: -One
nor© iu lot No. 883, five ocjva in lot 302,
ninoty acres in lot 18, 18 1-5 acres in lor.
891, 35 acres in lot 338, 135 acres iu lot
817, 9 ncres in lot 30, 151 •*$ acres in lots
881 and 833, 10 acres in lo: 883, 30 ncres
iu lot 8-14, 50 acres fn lot 883, 00 ncres
in lot. 10. 75 acres in lot 383, 15 ucren
lot 370, all in tlie 18th land district of
Thomas county Georgia.
r Tho sale will coutluno from daT to
day between tho same hours, until all
Mid prnporty in sold. Terms cash.
This 4th day of Oct* 10^4.
Robort F. Dixon
Adtn’r. Estate of Johu B. Dixon.
Petition for Discharge.
OSORGI A-Thomas Couutv.
Mrs. Sallio L. Hayes, Administratrix
with tlie will annexed of tho estate of
S. L. Haye.d, late of said county, decoon-
cd, having flhd her petition for dis-
charge, this is to eito all persous con
corned to show can. 1 *© against the gram
ing of this discharge, at tlio regular term
of the Court of Ordinary for sam coun
ty to be field on tiic first Monday iu
November, 1004.
v Wm. M. Jones,
Application for Guardianship.
GEORGIA—Thomas OotliTY.
To oil whom it may concern, T. F.
Dyson having applied for guardianship
of the person and proporty of Madonna
J. Dyson minor child of Fannie M. Dy
son. late of said oonuty deceased. No
tice is given that said application will
bs heard at my office at 10:00e. nr. on
the first Monday in November next.
T ils llrd day of Oct. JltrfM.
William U. Jones
10-11 ft Ordiaarv
Application For Administration
GEORGIA—Thomas County
M. A. Fleetwood, having made nppl'
catlou to mo iu duo form to bo appoint
erl permanent administrator npon the
OHtnte of Mrs. *M. F. Bouton, lato of
said counfy. Notice is hereby given
tlmt Mild application will be heard at
the regular term of the court of ordina
ry for saifl. county, to bo hold on tho
first Monday in November 11HM.
Witness my hand and official nigua
tore tills 4th day of October 11)44.
Wm M. Jones.
Sheriffs Sale.
GEORGIA—'Thomas County.
Iu nnd by \l:tuoof a mortngo fif.i is
sued from the Superior Court of Thom*
as count) , Ga. 1 will sell at public wilo
before the court honso door in the city
of ThomaaviHe, Thomas county, Ga.,
within the legal hours of sale ou
first Tuesday m Novombcr, 1D04, the
following described property to wit:
140 acres of land in tho uorili west cor*
ncr of lot of !uml No- 337. in tho 17th
district of Thomas county Ga. it being
the r .n»ct of land convoyed by 1*. Pin-
dergast to A F. Prevatt on the Itfth
day of De?. lSSfiami recorded in book
V, ]Kigo 710, Records of deeds of
The mas couutv. Ga. this Sept 28th,
100-1. Defendant notified iu writing,
T. J. flight,
Sliet »tf Thomas Co , Go.
Application fof Support.
GEORGIA—Thomas Couutv.
Mrs. Annie Daren, haviug made ap
plication for twoivo months support out
of the estate of P. F. Dareu and ap
praisers duly appointed to set apart the
same having filed th&ir return, all por*
sons concerned_aro hereby reqaired to
show cause before the Court of Ordi
nary of said county ou tire first Monday
in November, 1P44, why said application
should net be grunted.
This.4th day ot October, 1804.
Wm. M. Jones,
Administrator’s Sale.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
T.y virtue of an ordor of the Court of
Ordinary of said copr.ty will bo sold at
public outcry on tlm fir^t Tuesday in
November, 1004, at tlie court honso iu
►aid county during usual hours of/talc.
the following real estate situated in
Thomas county in town cf Pavo, towit:
Roideiico lo*. in block "V” fronting
Sycamore street one hundred seventy*
four feet and Anderson street ninety
four, having a five room dwelling house
on u. HosMenro lot jn block # *W”
fronting Anderson street sixty-flvo
yards and W.Uou street sixty-five yards
Rvsideuce lot iu block “A” fronting
Hnrris street two hundred and ten feet,
running back of uniform width two
hurdied itrd ten feet, Store l ouse and
lot in block “D,” now occupied n« mill
ju ry store, fronting Main*stieet tweuty-
five feet, ruuniug back one hundred
fetfc.s Terms easti.
I*. W Humphreys,
0 30- i. Admr. Estate Of Sallio Dubes.
Application for Support.
GEORGIA—Thr,mas County
*i ho minor children of Aleck Cochran,
deceased, having'made application to
this court through their next friend
Elias Cochran for a twelve months sup^
port out of the estate of the deceased,
and appraisers duly appoint- d, to set
same aside having made their report, all
persons concerned ars required to allow
cause before the court of ordinary of
said couutv on the first Monday in No
vember 11)04, why tho application should
nor. bo granted andnhe report of the ap
praisers confirmed.
I negotiate five years loons on farm
and* At lowest ratest of interest. Com•
mission chargee reasonable A small
abstract fee, consistent with the amcuct
of work and tronblo involved, will b
charged in each case.. Bring your cfisii
of title with you. #
Attorney-iit • Law.
81-> Moultrie, Ga.
Application for Support.
GEORGIA—'Thomas Couuty.
Mrs. Maryland Butler, having mare
application for twelve month’s support
our. of tho estate of F. H. Butler, and
appra’sers rtalj appointed to set apart
tiie same hnvitig filled their return, id
persons concerned aro hereby required
to .show cause before tlie Court of Ordi
nary of said couitv ou the first Monday
in November, 1U04, why said application
should not Ik) granted. Tills 17th day
of Siipteinlur. ID 14.
Wm. M. Jones,
‘dii i
Administrators Sale.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
T»J all whom it iray c^rn:
Mrs. Mary Hubank* having, in prener
form, applied to me for Permanent Let
ters of Administration on the estate of
J. O. Eubanks, late of said county, de
ceased. 1 hii is to cite ail ; nd singular
the creditors npd next of kin of J. O.
Eubanks, to be aud appear at ray office
on the first Mo.iday in October 1904, at
to o'clock a. nn.aud show cause, if any
thev can, why pemanent administration
should not be granted to Mrs. Maty
Eubanks cn J.O. Eubannk’s estate.
W itness my hand and official signa
ture, this 5th day of Sept. 1904,
Wm. -M. Jones,
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
Notice is herebv given that tbc unde
signed has applied to the Ordinary of
said county lor leave to sell land be-
snging to estate of John B. Dixon Ur
the payment of debts and for distribu
tion. Said application will be beard at
tbe regular term of the court of ordinary
for said county to be held on the first
Monday i«f October 1904.
This Sept. 51b 1934.
R. F. Dixon,
Adrahustratorou the estate of John
B. Dixon.
The Asbell Cane Striping Knife.
Pays for its self in oue days use. For
sale bv hll hardware dealers or the
Wertz Marmfsctnrin f o
Thomtwrille, Ga.
No one who is acquainted with its
good qualifier nan bj sur> load at the
great popuhirity of < '-'mtul •:lsin’&
Congh Remedy. It li-ito.i • (tn.*-« co .U»
ttttd grip otTivtually uud permanently,
but prevents t Iiomo diseases ft 01x1 result
iug iu pneumonia. It is nNo a certai
euro for croup. Whooping cough is no
dangerous when this remedy is given,
ft contains uo opium or other harmful
substance and may .be given as confi
dently to a baby tu* to an adult. It
aNo pieman' to take. When all of
those facts are taken into cousiderati^n
it is not surprising that jieoplo in for
eign laud#, as well ns at home, esteem
this remedy verv highly *i*.uu very few
are willing to lake any ether after hav
ing once nsed it. For sale by J. W.
Peacock. w
Horses anc( Mules for
Full car load of each just received
from the west. They were bought to
extra good advantage and we will give
our customers tlio oeneflt
Between Cotton Warehouses.
as good as currency.
Just a' little bit better.
For sale by