Newspaper Page Text
I3 an ordeal which nil
women approach vith
indescribable fear, for
nothing compares with
the pain and horn • of
4 child-birth, *7hethc.^ht
the su tiering end danger in store for her, robs the expectant in her
1 8 j P'lM*aht antic. nation* of the coming event, and casts over ‘ -ra
shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of ivc icn
have found that the use ot Mother’s Friend during pregnancy obi
confinement of all p* in and dinger, and insures safety to life of ir.» s .er
and child. This sci uitific liniment is a god-send to all women e iha
tune of ^mir most critical trial. Not only does Mother's f*Y*rid
carry womut aafcly through # the perils of child-birth, but its aw
gently prepares the rystexn for the coining event, prevents “mor .ng
f dis-
lickncsi,’* and ot!v
comforts of this j
Sold by all druggies ct /,
Pi .00 jwr bottle! Rook
containing Talilabir information free.
Hie Bradiield Regaletcr Co., Aliinta.Ge.
Ll L‘ t-.l u&uk,
M nu ’
Isocated on Broad street, opposite
Finey Woods Hotel,
is ,tti up-to-date Hospital for for sick horses, mules and dogs
Up-To-Date Implements
for performing all kinds of operations on animals.
Examination free. Board at cost
J. C. Schwencke, D. V. S. r
Thomasville, Ga.
V A atch this Space?
J Yon will see bargains quoted he
Y that wi'l l>e worth while.
9 The ni isvl'lc, ib.,
dark-on St Y
(IU .Bit
, grtiu
Engines Stand Supreme
For All Pi wc-r Puroo, 1 ; 3.
BLAKESLKE and keep yoi re
llgion. No profuiiity necesi.vry.
r Stationary,^triable, Pmr.'i
01 can see every movement. Nothirg bidden or complicated about the
,\1..SLDJC. Podtivolv >AAh. Strictly high grade.
Witt for our ca*cfojus and r>ric*“H
Birmingham, - - Ala.
imnas rax :
Yt-JBBSm/t 'W
n,. n
1 in
For Tv’en
w ho cannot oninr-
“lion in iii-' il of clothe., we
make n «|»-i-in I tV of fittinp
i if
For Ladies
\ rur
h< ni •
carrv Hu* In
Clothing, Hat
and UndtTwo;;
t.-r your
• Iim or short.
We Can Fit You
makes of
1 no mat
in, h(out,
city ' who do not find! it conveni-
we i mt to coin#* to the dity.
We inak(* t buying an easy
t.a-k by pending to your
home* two or thr< e styles of
garments t(* select fr in.
We carry
Soli Agent. tor
Our Coys’ Dopartmont
11 lw h 11 <1 everything
!v«to-wear for boys, ex-
(By Mrs. Jas. F. Evans.)
The week or prayer observed by the
Womau’s Home Miraicu Auxiliary of
the M. E church south, au«l of the
Prosbyteriau church, was we I attended
turoughoul liio week. Tho premise of
oar Heavenly Father wm realized a.
every rervice. “For where two or
three are gathered together in my
name, then aui I in rlie inidat of them.’*
Ihosuug *.ud prater service that pro
cured the subject discuwuid was always
sweet and oplifting to hearts attuned
to the diviue nature. Three wooks of
prayer are of vit.d importance. While
the church is ecus taut in prayer jet
God always honors special seasons of
The anniversary nor vices at Vnshti
Home were well attended by a goodly
number of ladies and a few geut lemon,
who were much impressed with the
coudition of the Homo uud its oppor
On Oct. 10, 1003, (his Home was set
apart to God and from tho^be^inuing
the blessing of our God lias been upon
us, and we can truly say, there hath
not failed one word of Ills good promise
to “supply all jour neods according to
his riches in glory by Christ Josus."
During the past year, the Home has
been neatly uud comfortably furnished
uuil overy daily need supplied b> kino
friends, whose hearts hud been touched
by tho Holy Spirit to aid in tl is work.
Much ot our success 1ms be ii^duc
largo, : j7 to tic* interest and infhiwuo ot
tho Times Eui -rpri.-e. Its pen has been
mightier than any svord of iLdiltereun
or criticism that- has Ik cu thrust at us.,
Dunug thi-i joar 13 gals huvjiouu.
into tiro Homo, 4 fiom our own county,
1 from Missouri, 1 tiun Touucsho. The
others from uilferem nctiuib
Tho health of the Homo has been
good until tho past lew weeks «»uo to
the impute Water that is used. 'Vo are
praying our Father daily tin t this
Homo may soon enjoy the great, blesi.-
mg that our nearby neighbors are on-
jojiu n , good pure water. This would
gladden oar iiearts and bring tho rc»*s
back to the wau facet. Then it would
assist the girls to much in their 1 luudiy
The industrinl and tniucatioLal feat
ure of tho Heme is wdl underway. The
girls aro bright und attentive to the In
struction given them.
Rev. Ed. F, Cock’s tulk on the op-
l»ortunities and influenoe of the Home
in the girls gave as much rucourugiuent
to press forward in this work. He said
.nany good things. I would like to
,;ivo his talk in fuil but Imre iparo for
■mly two o» three reuuuks. “The mold
iug of a home nest for those girlr, that.
mt cut trua ilu*lr own l. 'arth
htones, is a vvoik tho angels might
ovet.” “Tho building of character thr
noblest work committed to ruuu.
So*ac<»ne lias said that “each human
life Jh another opportunity for tire d to
di-jilay his grace and power.” So it is,
and tiie thought will grow np?v you ns
you oiu&rato upon it. Ju»e ttnua,
am *jiod*» opportunity I,’' Iui’c ti w
dorftii! Isn’t it glorious l ‘W !;»•«•
look at ethers whom God hn.-« richl.
blessed and honored iu service, v.c ci
sec how it is; but do we ever tti»?*h ■
of ouTMi.vt-s ns God’s opportcivir. i
Every one that responds to U . cm;
“Otmo!” gives God a larger gijcoi
tho world \
Evoryone who obeys God’s c« •. main
«‘Go!” usdets Godin galtiing . i:trg«
place in tho hearts of rneu. Ev ry 11
gonorato<l heart and life is u n* v» ; ;rd
in which God plants his so ids ♦ lm
and grace; a fountain out of wi *i (i<
constant streams of healing po' «
Take it home, dear young fx in *d, h.l
•ay to yourself, “I am God's oppor
tunity. ” Be that, and your Hi) wi
become unutterably grand, and > >ar»-
perience unspoakably sweet.
A. W, Spooner, .) D.
MayorS. A. Roddeubory rennveda
telegram yesterday Mating that;! * town
of Gordon, Ala., lmd boon completely
destroyed by flro Friday in< ruing
Gordon D a town of 1000 inhs"itanti
just across the state lino on theA.C.
L, midway between Bainbrid e und
Tho telegram was signed by .1. W.
Britt, Mayor, who asks aid from
citizens of Thoidasville. The pi >i)orty
Ma is many thousands, the t w
e^ luted and tin peoplehomeh s; Any
no who wishes to help the dist'i sw of 11
, ighboring city can do ho by couiumui
iliug with Mayor Roddonbcry.
TI10 entire 1itno «*f the superior comt
Friday was spent in considemsion it
the caso of W T. Kimpp, of Mctcalfo,
xigaintt the S. F. &. W. railway. Then
after all tho evidonee had boon heard,
b. A, Koddenberry, Judge pro line dia*
missed the euro from court on tho
ground that the plaintiff had fnl'ed to
show fitlo to the property. The cnit
was an intcroatlngono. It was /or iflOO
to which amount Mr. Knr.])p cluinird
he had licon damaged by the n broad
hanging a water course. This ho al
lowed caored a pond on Ms placo to go
dry at certain of tho year thi s
The amount contributed for tlm rujj
port of tiio Home, since its found-.tu n,
i? 1838.41. With tho exception
§100.00 from the Masons and $50.00 from
tho Odd Fellows, this I nut nil been given
iu small amounts ranging from 00 up
wards. We have also received dona
tions in provisions ami clothing from
kind and good friends,
Often when the bills for the mouth
would be presented, not enough funds
would be on hands to pay then, hat
God had been watching over his work
aud moving upon the t.oarte of tl.« peo
ple, and so, day by day, little b 1 little
and from far and near the money and
check* wonld come nnd so we hav«* been
enabled to'sopply the temporal needs cf
the Horae.
To oar dear font ar«d loving F.itfa r
is our praise given.
“Opportnmti s lo u
y.dnee stamped upon
must be chuliengcd
qoite like other <L*vs:
comes, quite Ii*e otf
tiiat day &»’d in
u lifetime laces
Jltlportonlty of It:'
its meauing bru
come with their
A day A
in it a sing-
t 1/
| ' s ,| j only wuy to
T.) fj,^ eve y oj"
ugiufully uni ask
ad earnestly Lb tl.<
tunitiei when they come, whether open*
depriving his stock of water aud
hi* fumiiy malaria.
The railroad was re prison fed b
t*ral couiibel Bennett of Brunswu
Local oonnad 3uodgrass. J. F.
ell ropresouted Mr. Enap)>. ’1 l.t
h of courso a victory for the 1.
but (he salt will probably bo h
/ jx: : *. ~ —-—— ■—
Is Santa Claus
For the last tan years during "oui;
business annals. Santa Claus has al
ways chosen our place for his head
quarters, for tire simple reason that
we were well supplied with articles
suitable for the holidays for the little
tots, youngsters and grown persons,
Everything yon can Mention
Will be displayed in proper style.
Think of us wh n you want any hol
iday goods.
Plenty of Bargains for Everybody on
Every ,day’s Staples.
Galvanized iron wash tubs medium
size the kind wo always got 65c tor
is perfect as U. S. currency and as
round as a silver < ollar. Special 60c.
Galvanized ash basins beats all
other kinds to y i ce^. Djiit rust, dont
break off, alw ys bright, good size
worth23o. Srocial 15c.
25c House Fi ;om3 19c.
10 quart tin dis 1 pans worth 20 c
our low price now 10c each.
Weekly Tlmes-Enterpri:
Weekly TimevEnterpriao 1 yet- • and
a splendid mao of Georgia, the t li.c i
State* and the world, $1 00.
(Tiie map alone la worth the m< toy.;
Weekly Time*-Enterprise am tin
Semi-Weekly Atlanta Journal, both one
year $1 40.
Weokly Timca-Euternrine an I (He
3omi*We«kly Savannah Now* bot'i cue
year$l 50.
Weekly Timoo-Enterprii*e an l ".ho
Thrco Times-Week New York \v’orld,
both ouo year 41 50.
Weeklv Tiraes-Knterptiso an l the
lohtou Time*, both one v oar $1 2u.
Weoklv Tirae*-Et]terprf*e and the
tunny South mid the weekly Allantu
?oustitntion, all ono year $2 (X).
Weekly Timen-Eiiteqiripe and Cfiris-
in Union, .-i clean, high toned xuior-
leuominauoaal weekly, $1.50.
Almost any other combination you
oan want ft- a price to .suit you. il one
f these coiubiuution* doeaJi't sor write
what you want.
Tliomaaavillo, Ga.
In Calling for any Special Offer
please Mention this paper.
4 qnart doublj thick preserving ket
tles 10c
• Mens fleeced underwear, the right
hing for this time of the year, worth
$1.00. Our spe ial price 88c per suit
of two pieces.
Galvanized iron slop pails double
coated and heavy ware, fitted with
cover, worth 60c our price 38c
We have the largest and most com
plete assortment or notions in the city.
Come and see us. Our prices always .
roc?£ bottom
Alex S Yeager, Manager
118 Eroad Street