Newspaper Page Text
+ rcrw, outride city limits
on rireer, with G room I.oum*. ■
. Price$750.00.
Estate and Insurance lgent
Mitchell House Block
nasville. Georgia
Contractor and Builder.
Tliomanville, <!».
exwnrerl >ccor<1in» to luattnn-
l roved plm w . Sn'-ificathv..
rt'it p»ftn .to, farnlatMd. * r A
Coil at 1C* D»*»ou Btreer.'
IF Thirty
Before the $500.00 will be given to the
Lucky One.
If j'ou haven’t got some guesses, you Bad better come
and trade With tis ahd get some If you have got some
better get tnore, the more you have, the' better chance you
have of getting tlie biggest prize.
One guess with every $1.00 spent with us.
our prices are low enough to induce you to come o our
store to do your trading. But the tow prices offered by
us, and the guesses at the c*in contest too, is o:.e
the greatest inducements ever offered anywhere
If you don’t come, iv: know you just don’t, need anj-tljing.
our line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Underwear, Hosiery,
Cloaks; Jackets, Rugs, Matting, Trunks, Household
Goods and anything that you would imagine was
carried in an up-todate dry goods and clothing
store- Can’t be beat at double the price
Come and buy your goods here. Save money on everything
and get chance's to get some ct the prizes, at the
close of the $50000 Corn Contest, Dec 1st,
Come and. Sea TLiena'.
V /
133 Broad St. Thomasville, Ga.
Money Savers 10 Mankind.
Is all it costs you to stop at the
Sendee is clean neat, prompt. Under the management of
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ward, Thon’asviilc, <ia. i road Street.
Cotton ‘Warehouse
Williams & Mitchell, Prps.,
Horses, Mules, Cattle,' Cotvon Seed.
'We buy all kin<ls of 3 J fITRY PR03UC and pay tin
highest market pries a&ill times. When you have some
thing to se'i see us.
larro P«1o C«ve (be First Grent In*
petal to It* JlRnufisdare.
WAft Mnrcod olo who gave the first u mures, & umy uirc ( c»u«i
rrest iniietus to the glaxs Industry ill , ■ . . .
Venice. Jdrher. bc»uty. 1 l»r oxtm'nice bro«
|ti« countrymen to-manufacture mid to
ixp^.t large quantities of glue* to the
oneut to satisfy the growing demand
there. It Is difficult to deterinbm wjien
the flmt glass factories were establish
ed In Venice, says the Chicago News.
Some historians have attempted to
prove that It was as early as the_ fifth
century. The most nuelcut existing
document relating to this industry h
hd article in a treaty concluded in V237
between Behemond. prince of Antioch,
sml Jacoho Contarini, doge of Venice.
This time ataiued parchment refers to
the purchase of broken glass- a most
necessary ingredient for tlie production
of good glass—by the Venetian mer
chants in s]Mn. In 3281) the great
council of tlie republic prohibited * :e
establishment of glass furnaces in the
city proper, as they were frequent
causes of serious^ftres, and finally rele
gated the glasablowere to the island of
Murano (1202). where the Industry iuw
flourished down to the present day.
Murano’a glass manufacturere pos
sessed many political and other privi
leges. Their daughters could even mar
ry into the families of tlie proud Vene
tian patricians. In the seventeenth cen
tury tlie glassblowers of Venice were
recognised ns'tlie best in Europe. Thin
fact canned the Duke of Buckingham
to employ Venetian workmen in the
glass manufactory which ho opened In
1070 for the purpose of making imita
tions of the fine Venetian drinking
Evelyn, tlie diarist, writing in lft-tt,
gays: “I passed over to A (tint no. fa
mous for the best glasses of the world,
where, having viewed their furnaces. I
made ft collection of divers curiosities.
’Tis the white flints which they have
from Pavia, which they pound raid s ft
cxceeling'y small and mix with n«lic«
made of a seaweed brought out of Syr
ia, mu! a white sand that eauao t '•
manufacture to excel.’* j
We offer today GA head of horses and
nudes, among them, I dapple gray com
bination horse, 1 pr. pretty sorrel mares,
pr, bay mares, l bay mare, single
horses, 1 good tingle driving brown
horse, extra broke, I pr. spotted ponies,
extra broke, single and double. A nice
iot of brood mares, a lot foil of mu'««
all kinds with special fine selection of
cotton mules.
Gandy & Mnlletto Dealers in Live
Stock, Thomasville. Ga.
New LVCay of Using Chamberlain’s
Congli Remedy.
Mr. Artlier Chapman writing from
Durban, Natal, South Africa, says:
“ As a proof that Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy is a core suitable for old and
young, 1 pen the following: A neighbor
of mine a child jut over two months old
[t nwd a very bad cough and the parent*
d«d not know what to give it-. I sag
fisted that if they would get a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and put
-oiue upon a dummy teat the baby was
suqkiug it would uo doubt euro the
child. This they did and brought about
a quick relief and cured the baby.” Tide
remedy is for sale by J. W. Peabock.
D. & W.
j'onr time trocing around!^ Little Advice About Dismiss
town on tlie hunt for some-1
tiling better. You’ll find! When a per.-:o:i buys Dir-
, , , , j mends, he want, iic/hincr out
nothing better than the goods lhe best Thty - Hn -„ e of tU
we offer. ! things that don’t permit oi
OUR STOCK | •.hodditic.-s. Diamonds are
j emblems of purity and sincer-
knows uo peer. W e aim tojiiv. You can’t liavo
please you iu every particular. ! -he cmbiciu fautU uur Dia
It Is not much trouble for the wolvci
to find fault vyith the sheep.
Always remember that n good deal
may be said on the other side.
When a husband Is mean to liip wife
ho almost always outlives her.
Patiente l» one of those things of
Which we don’t get enough ami every
ofle elso gets to) much,.
ftoiue people say that' tlio cemetery
jPere take notice a god deal
p tlinil tlie courthouse v. Sdovro.;*.
i;girt is r.s crons ns two aticka
find smiling mul piensar.-
old fashioned v.-an*”‘ v :!
ti?eet it nee!,"
of aue i:T..TTeis of the ago h '
^ lml!gmU!cn a g'rl will eL'>?: nt
UtoiO an.l the
^T?afTiuITtlwitm:l she will chow at l or
lover's little oden.-Atcl-lucaf Ci v m
Invention of il.e SlcauiiLi.,
'ike Marqulu of Worcester, v,*i
prlsoued In flic Towp:* of L ai
l«>ro, invented mi.1 conMrr.clc.l t
*!<;•;« pi engine of which we ha
au then lie iccbSl ftti-f lud It p
cshihitel tlie same year in Va:::
v.tccc- f-1 rrernt';M. J
PapTq. hran{»xT aV»T madelT p! .to::, a
liyKjji Ciptala Hivary dc-.J e: n
ouft Vt uU.lui engine on a H!l-.:i!t’; :j-
Hied Vi'fslK* 1»* * '
Cdvl'y rhq * «T tl J -
at mo spheric ci. c uupleft? 1-* "/»<
detail. J.* w: .« to r !y *
joys t! e d!st!uc , '. , .):i or E.'. " tuc
Me author of |K.» uKhit usefni eer.-ri
ahue, »1M ia])pe:tr uneu the :
unfit 170.1. j-j ; 4 sixty
I*ejirsonWed; Iv.
all k:
Just breath Hyomel Four Time* a Da\
atui be Cured.
If a few years ago some one had said,
you can cure catarrh by breathing air
charged with healing billsomes the idea
wnu'd have been ridiculed and it »o
maiecd for that eminent investigator.
R. T. Booth to discover in Hytunti this
method of cure.
H)umci Las performed almost mirro
uloiis cure* ot catarrh, and it is to-day
recognized by leaning members of the
medical proiisbicn as tbq only adver-
ti#:d ' remedy that can be relied uopn
to do ju A what ii claims. The complete
outfit ot.11)own rods but $i,qo and
consist of an inhaler, medicine dro^»
p-t nmi a Lottie ot Hycmei,
, Rev. J. B. Cook, Cl Hclli3ton, Ma>a,
says: ” My wife las suffered greatly
trutn ^cat?,rjh for (ifleen years. Keaily
tour Wceke ago slie eoimueuced to use
Hvomei and the benihcial effect was im
mediate. It is very seldom tbai she
needs clear her bead ana throat
,,In. iii able to rest cfuieily 4 night.’'
Bloat he ityoinel through the inh.ilt;
lot a few minutes fUut tlrtlfS a day ard
i. uil! cure the worst kind of Catarrh,
tsoomesanu heals the mucous niem
^iftit 'of the air pas-agtf, prevents irti-
lion, and effec.s u complete and Iasi-
ing ciuc. - •
In Thomasvil'c there are 'Cores pi
* ‘ II known people v.h * have been ru*ed
t catarrh by Hyomel. If k doe-, f ot
h-lp you f, \v, vil retu*n the
.v.oucy you paid for Hyoiiub
Tne News of Meigs.
(By Prof. J. S. Searcy)
Dr. J. R. O'Neal, oar popular dentist
ha» Completed arrangement, wiiereby
lie will be located p^rnmuently. He
will-fit up an elegant oiflee, equipi>ed
with the latest appliance* known to den
tal surgery. The doctor is much liked,
by^our pti-ple and tl»oy will be pleased
to know that he will be one of us,
Toe bUHttlo sof Gar e: & Va I’aadiug
haul of this place, has been sold to Mr.
William Sander* of Cairo. Messrs. Car
on* & Vanl^ndinghuin have eomlacted a
fancy grocery buhiuess duiingtlm past
year or .two.
A few days ago Mr. J. N. Carter, lb
company with Mr. George U-.veis killed
the largest rtttttlesuako that has been
seen iu this vicinity iu {years. He was
stretched full length acrossj the public
road. Foucteeu rattles and a button
adorned Ins caudal appendage and lie
measured six feot.
Mrs. S. K. Meigs of Seiand was here
Air. W. C. Brauan. of VVbitesburg. is
here winding up,his business affairs.
Mr. W. B. Hambletouand Mrs. J. M.
garter, of Thomasville, are the guests
of Mrs. T. J. Willis on College Avenue.
Vu the second Sunday morning teach-
s for the various classes iu tne Baptist
Suud»y school will meot. This is a most
mportaut thing, and every member of
rhochurch and Sunday sclioolis especi
al to be present.
Mrs. J* D. -Atkinson of Doeruu is
gpeuding tlie yreek with the f«*mily of
her father, Mr, W. E. Davis.
Mr. B. Hurst of Thomasville was
here for a few days last week visiting
nis daughter Mrs. Johd Hancock, near
a farmer whose name w^-ydid not
lcaru comes up with a stalk or coin 2‘
feettall bearing six mutared oars
Syrup "making 1* iu full sway, am)
1qS& s«wtne» i» V'ebUWi -
Mr Willis of llie SomnwM BnR-
:y Co., of Barucsvillo, U here attlio
of tlio paint shops of T. V. Dyson.
;,r*. Dyson has lately pnt on several
men and the foroi is turning out some
ijno work iu buggies and wagons.
(By R. L. Van Landtngham)
Syrup makin? is in progress a&4L
thines are getting sweet in this neck at.
the woods.
Good syrup is selling for 23c to25c
though lower prices are likely to prevaR.
a little later. Wo trust however time
the market will not go to pieces like if
did last year.
Rev. Lett;? Walker of Sumner prnactk
ed to >iu attenrive audience at the Mefch-
olist bJmroli Sunday night. Theater i*.
old Cairo boy pnd our people are?
deeply intercstea iu idea and pleased to
know that he is accomplishing so much
good. He says that the aoceesioui io
his various churches tins year aumber*
nearly 100.
Mr. S. Williams who has been, (pnta
tick for 10 days is somewhat improved
this writiug.
'' i* Is ,t Lout !).“» fjpgm*
victims* from
perspire for mi hour nt ;
i'Cp'Jj* b.’llli-ls l*fll;l to !•«.']
‘•r service than a Turkish I
Olflfouec’ Flvttlng and wife of
New l'(/rW are tattio oily. Mr. Flum
»e is mnkft/tf Arrangements for (he
• .iug of “Iris” Ut th& Opera llotiBe cn
N yVornbor 11
No Pk*cnxc(ZS(attot3.
Justice of 1 e re-- What do ire n Uy
iviKK it wan no, piv-nx-JitrK !:•••
lu«? Von ucUn-mieilKc that you .,r >!..•
Into tho pftlnlUrn lumltVaic «i,>rc niu!
toll- n I,.!!:. Ii of keyo. JIustilB V.-|h-
imb. ymxmh. Hut dot wnai'tOnh fii'ilt,
JedRo. Mtotn? flllUT llotlo put look:, oil
fc.V'lMi coop iln; iiotio oh nmi) key.c
would Bt. an' iloro wuzti't no udder
rf-ay Icy c!c in vr-ifout his bealiio' me
in' i;y ’■o'T(-r!dym keyt,. Vit«-
s'.ih; dnt'.i do truf. d-odyo.
Served in Any
' Style and any
monels are beauuful.
mid see.
«iK nnn bank deposit
MFvJaVW R. R. Fare Paid. Notes
. . . taken on tuition. BEST
ini cheapest cn earth. Don’t delay. Write to-day
-Tl»« Grand Fcslivul and Carnival al
Savannah, Ga., Oct. Hist, N«*v. 5th, in
clusive, itluutic Coast Liu«* will sell
round nip tickets at raio ofj one fare
;>loi. 25 cents, ticket* to lie sold Oct.
:i!sr f Nov. 4th, inclusive and for trains
nivinu Savannah ladorc noon Nov.
. i» Tin* Festival and Cnrnivsl wi.i
• given on grander scnlo than aver.
(>•* principal features will be;
•Magnificent drill of Troop H Seventh
S ’Cavalry. A grcaC stadium has
fV» n creeled in winch the principal
eiunrea will tic given# Band Coupert.
5.(iriot Races, High Bicycle Dive*
Git-F Acrobatic Fcrfotmanco. Tie
‘i J IKE” will contain a gorgeous array j
l* arructions. The lest Cyrnival e\e |
•t >ftVjkMiaJi. J-Vn’t foigrt thb riWf*..’’ j
W. II. LEAiiY,
Livjs’on 1 aMcngcr Agent,
iir1», Ga |
(By II. B. Nesmith.)
M«. O. J2. Dcati.d rtUtiv,- j.
PWllft'l Hii4 wowk.
.Mr. W. L. Bites liaiTretnrnedTfiwn
j Mncon, AliUiidkevillu nmi otlicr points.
Mr. Batts ik pat^n^ 9*ft dgrfe? fpr
jointing, 6r huitiug rallrokd raittug,
making a more perrect joiut, and there
fore it* use will insure less wrecks. We
.earn that a certain railway company
inti iittttted to iiso them jaxt us soon us
i:o cult get thtini niahufuctured, and uo
-Jpabt other* will foliow.
Mr. Frank McGahc-0 /eft Tuesday for
Hampton ftpring* and other ]yoiut*iu
the flowory statwi
You missed-something good Iasi Sun
day night by dot goiug to tlio prayer
meeting. CouSs next Sunday night and
bo *»u hand ut 7 o'clock.
Mr. uud Mr*. J. E. Ilurst and chil
dren ami Mrs. \V. B. Brown and clrii-
dreu returned Monday night from a tow
days outing at Panacea Spring*. They*
report a jolly time and plenty of fish-
Yy A. Dillingham of Gincinnatti is.
Jicre with a fine show advertising. Ii is-
Plant Jnice” Remedies. He givea a
performance every night and on Satur
day afternoons on Broad streetm front;
ef Wight & Browuo'a Drag store..
At tl>e homo of tlie bride'* father fiatur
miles south of town on Sunday* afire**
noon at 3:30 o'clock, Miss Ola hBKm
aud Mr. Hiram McMillan were united,
iu the holy bonds of wedlock. Bar,. Ck*,
P. Riviere officiating.
" About 2 o’clock ^Tuesdiy morning a,
noise was heard on the front veranda ad
Mr. John Oliffoids and Forcio OliffcrA
soured a revolver and proceeded) to In
vestigate. On ronndiug the corner cC
r i ivj house Uo was confronted by a nogto whom lie immediately inatrocte#
tdthrow up his hands at the same tuna-
presenting hi* pistil ready to fire. The
negro obeyed and a runner was
patched for tlie night police yfhfr pod»
arrived and taking charge of the mm
locked* him np, The negro cams ilk. ore
the “short” from ThomwyiHe end bad
. videutly ombibed an overdose of
lunt* wliiie attending the circus?.
When brought before tfce mayor he
wn s recognized as .Tim G *
toquie‘ -
a’ld fa ijfHftolre, darkey, and bt
m* fif h/s pasf good record he was let,
o after paying a flu9 of is.00.
Mr. Frank Smith left Sunday for
MonticePV), Fla, whore lie goes to ac
cept a popitftn.-
Mr. Willie A. Rohberg desire* to re
turn thanks to hi* niiiiiy fiicnds lor
tluir kindly attention and expressions
of sympathy during the illness, and in
the dent It of his wife, Mrs. Zudin Nora
Rehberg who died Oct. 81*.t IttGt.
have you to understand that I cm
my fortune through my voice.”
“Yes. ! board yon proposed to yo
wife with It.”
w. s,
V.'okm. Fumonth:
Mrs. Annex—FM tell jam wbnt I'll
do, Bridget. If you’ll consent to stay
I’ll raise youwwages. Bridget- Listen
to her, wud ye't Raise me rrnpoi.. in-
dado! Ye'll Intienso* rae'ealaiy, tbaL’.i
pbwat ye’ll do.—Brooklyn Life.
The Modern War.
He—And so they got married? Rbe—
7m,.they)got married, were separated
again In a week’s time and bar* lived
happily ever elnce.—Philadelphia Bni-
lotto. * 4
, Pont! it-
Oflictf over National ii i,fc r
Thomasv die, Ga
V'lioiw HO 2.
SATIS PACTION OtJAIIAXtSa® r h pfTissville.
j Metcalf Mentions.
Mr. ami Ati-S. Charles Thompsoa are-
in BoSioii arrtema friend,.
Mi,s Lilia Korea, whu hn been tenchr-
iiik’ here ri'turned to her borne in lk*un
Mi„es Mamie Howard 'and Ain a,
Copeland who have bernapsndinsrafeW ,
days with Mrs. Amanda O.rroll rcruri^#.
ed hovre Sunday.
Mr., F. I'., Dozi-r of Savannah sp...t
Sunday her. wiih hia Mr. E. F„
Miss Sallie Lou Lilly, one of oar pag
er younp ladies, is visilini; th« fAmuy
oi Mr. Cnn, Dixon iu ThomusviBo.
Mr Jas. W.liy, Sr, Mr,. Jw. Wylly
Jr., M r«. McLeodan ' Miss Mamie W> t.
ly came up irorn Lloyds a d »p eo t Sun
day amoiik' relatives. , ••
Lilli j Mi,a Ijirilc String, r, who bat
n in Cairo gon jf lo school l. visum*;
Mr. M. I). Stringer. /
Fin,ion Kendall & Co.. U'i-
priitme operator,, have rohiour lh*'tr
bu mess here t .a company which in (tic
fuiure will be know as. ;lc Metcalf
Naral Sierra Co., ui d under the dine-
tion of .dr. J Ii, Wav of Mos'ort. Mr.
K.rtdrll ^ill pr bnhiv rron|inrre to ir*skSn
here n, he ha. hr rig! t timnernfere miles
souilt of tuii'n nit i ** iii pm tip a [.hate
ntar Moccasin Oap in th- near futtcsci.
Iff. W. W. Jarrell,
Physician and Surgeon.
Tender* hi* j roftvttinnal nervicaa
tlm pnblio.
OflU-i*, over Ohisholm A DdIon’s ’■*
C. Cocpoit,
Thom»»viti-, tis.
Pianos and OrgqnsJ
iepresenting Phillips & Crew Ce-
AH»nt*, U urria,
MHn«rrty, KttuJif. KtM-hn* Ilnr.lman. Knu;* |
>tn, IliinirgtAu; Kimball, I'lunn*. .
Kimball Hnrd and P>N OROAMS. •