Newspaper Page Text
. - V .»•- -'V
liadgs W M Jones
■ mm
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Hwb South 'Georgia {Progress.
TROMA^VTU.K TIMfis, vnu»
New Series, Vol XV—No. 6. ■ '
5 Mlmr> Tm .. *umnioiM, not With** adding lie Imd da-
. A C0m/I?<«Ui?1CATICN ’ cUnjd when hercsixiii'd his comuiUsio »
TO THE POPULISTS. in the army that lie >vcnld never again
s * j accept u public gffico nnd certainly he
S had earned * rest
Apain it is al c?od that Watson can
j not-hope elected, therefore lie
Uhorild net have accepted. Dark and
• S. Ward, Jr , Writes Spicy Ca d on ,
Politico! issues.
Editor Tiuies-KntorpKse:
As you have .shown n willing
have more than one »-id« discussed iif;
yoor paper and as the campaign draws
to a close I wish to use yoor columns to
make tins l:ist appeal to die Populists
and all others favoringJeft'ersouian
Republicanism, and Jacksonian Demo
cracy to.turn out on the 8*h of Nov.
and use the' ballot, the weapon of de
fense of our free institutions that wn§
parehiwo 1 by the blood of tho fathers.
One of the worst ^ ns < f our political
decay is the apathy of tho people ou alt
politicul issues Think of a county with
over 80, 00 inhabitants polling a little
\ over oOQ votes wheu several important
ameiiduieLts were up. You may speak
toamauabont exercising his righto!
suffrage and many will tell you, “1
have hever made any money by Voting
yet onr fathers did not dee from the
tyranny of the Cxur, the priest aud the
king and spill their blood from Boston
to Y oik tow 11 togiVe ua tho ballot fo/fi
money making machine If n onay is to
be tlio only (tod of this generation dork
will be the pathway of the ones here
after. The present campaign it 1s al
leged is the most apathetic in lilatory.
How could it lie otherwise when the
two old imrties have "practically the
same platform?
The Hon. Henry O. Davis in his first
visit to N. Y.. afier tho uotyiimUuu de
clared that the two platforms were
almost identical, llow can enihusiacm
be expected? There is no issue of mo~
incut? Tom WnteoU’s candidacy is cjm
exception in fTils campaign.; Nominated
over his protein
only wpic© i’Ttho o infpatgu. He is the
one consistent politici in m the state timi
lias piped pat upon cIih- ishutfl he now
advocates train the beginning. The big
politicians that I uvo alleged thut lie was
hirod to*rail by Republicans know ihut
the allegation is jiut true
l am q«6t.- sure that some of t4io|ittlo
would be litliors i t the goods box cut
ting tnbe actually believe the story,
whore • he narrow confines of the era-*
uium is so small that bloud and water
. excludes all hojioor an origiu il,idca.
Nothing less could be expected. Years
ago wlieu Tom Watson was buried lie-
ueath an avalanche < f fraudulent \ otes
gloomy iuu»: have beon the prospect of
leftersou when John Quincy Adams,
'with libs ptaonitgo, congress, 10 news
papers for Adams to 1 ngninsr, yet. lie
ma le the crusade and the second battle
won. Theqce tioa is, be sure you are
righlaud then go ahead. Iu conclusion
let me urge every Populist to lay aside
Ids business aud hear Watson ou the
first d-y of Nov. for if he does I trust
Ids . lethargy will be dispelled and
Thomas county will n%t go for Kooae
velt J S Waid, Jr. ■
Mr. Gedie Baggett, accused of man-'
slaughter Is now a free nutu, the jury
in this We having brought in a verdict
of acquittal. The hearing in Superior
Court wje resumed yesterday uior.iing
and tho exaiuiuati >u of Wita,e*He* con
tinued until u«ou.
Argumenth to iliu jury wore then be
gun. Mr rimodore Titus lvpmwniing
the ptoseentiou opened with a masterly
speech of nn liour’s duration, He was
followed by Cape. W. M. Hammond,
who for two hours held the jury and
spectators with his oloqnonoe. Tho
dosing ipeecli was an hour in leugth
aud was delivered by Hon. Fondren
Mitchell for the prosecution in ids us
ual convincing manner. The jury was
then instructed as to the law iu the
cat-e by Judge Mitoiell, and retired for
deliberation. After about an flour the
jury announced that their verdict was
paigu-r^ominatsa]^ Jr ■ * d the words -not guilty”
haw fufhtwHed' , l‘*lj )rt)n g| J{ f.\ 0 d(||i to 1I10 defqiidaut.
Tho «Aao was one of the hardest
fought that Thomas enuuty Ims hud iu
a long time and thoie was groat inter
est in the result, both here and iuC»ir6,
where the two families affected by the
tragedy reside.
Notable Acicfrssfeu to bo Mad* and
Largo Aitondanco Indicated.
'the announcement that the Farmers’
Iiutituto for the seventh Hmiatjrinl ilm-
tr»ot, is to be lie d in Thnmo««rfile on
...dwh.. H.W Smith w» smarting j WMlnw)lay Ko¥Bnibor H( . 0I1 ,1
from the defeat of Crisp, Watson re
ceived an uuoiiytnoua letter inviting him
to come from the valley of despond,
moused wide tptiad iutoreat fhioogh-
out the counties of Thomss, brook* mnl
Colquitt. The Lest farmers of the three
H — — f
U One Count
One Vote
I Every Dollar.
Eveiy Cent.
Vote for 1
the Moi Popular Yoi
mg Lady.
Magnificent LUDDEN tc BATES PIANO and a TRIP to the
| WORLD'S FAIR Given away.
This is the season when you want to pay your subscription anv-
way. These prizes are only a reward for ipromptness. 1
“And” Contest.
Tho ponton who sends iu the tint correct" es
timate of rtie wuuber of times the front ’’and”
will e|iimir iu the weekly Times, hjuterpriee of
Friday Deo. 1 Both will Ret the Pia*> ?»If do esti
mate is correct thou tho one most nearly correct
•will get tlm piano.
You are emitted to tine estimate w’tli each
<1.00 paid 011 subscription to either. the Weekly
or. Dally Tiroes Euterpr se. It makes no differ,- ,
cnee whether your subscription is bihind or not; V
: —&
The young lady Jiving in Thomas county who
shall receive the greatest number of rot os by six
o’clock p. m. ou Wednesday Nov. !lHi;il)OI shall
be oolled the winner nnd shall '.be awarded the
trip to the great World’s Fair at St. Louis.
Yon are entitled to one vote with each
| cent paid on subscription to either the Weekly or
jiDaily Tiroes Enterprise. It makes no difference
^.whether yourj..subscription; is behind, or
Counting the’-ands” do-sn*t prevent yo|ir votin' and voting Jdoaj.i’t -preventj^you
u ntia«, ; • .»
If pay $1.00 on subscription you get both oue count for the piano
and 100 votes for the most popularj^dy.
Re merabe.r. >. '
Every cent you pay is applied to your subscription, wheftier ybil- ’
count the “ands” or not, or whether you vote or not, or whether you do both.
Open to both Daily and Weekly Subscribers. Costs you nothing.
Here’s ttie Coupon, Use It.
Hoke Smith would help him, Watson an- j Ilav# Hllnoooed tlluir |„,- lltlu „
avvered “not for me." Doubt e*. .lie j of b#luspWwn ,. The mredug will bo of that epistle knew of the per- j tllB ,, oort ,„ 16Wi buU „„mta.cst-
sonal nn 1 Lu.iu. ss friend-1,Ip of ihe ,„ x program has been arranged,
two men. Bun^ taken toon exceeding j Xbo Iuct .„ r(? w ,u be opened
Itigl. political mosnialu and showed Hie i’^, aud callo j ,„ ordcr by tlic i,x-al
glories or isdcral patronage was not uu p resid „ lt of aistrict InstUa.c, Mr.
inducement to cause him to devial.. j u . gtealey, Qa.tmau.
from 1 lie way he was. blazing towards ; Address of Welcome,
a mote perfect .leroccracy ( moeli lets will | Ad dres»-"M»rl<eting UlH Oct ton
ho now Join hand, with the folio*c.s j CropaLd Keftillzen.-" By
Uf Hamilton tnow called Republicans t U, ar , iB Joritan) 1^,0, Farmers Inati-
witli riieir imt-icuol bunking turn un<i ! t0UH
their politicians to monopolies aud com- j Addre , fi . -..preperatiou of land, and
bines. Every man H at ha* kept iu touch j ,, aUdlnB al , tll0 By Dr. Jas. B.
witn him knows that -bis erery utter- j HoumcnKi Atlauta.
ance upon the stomp nnd every stroke | Address-'-Iujurions Insects, The
of hi* mi* .Of-pen lm* l K «n directed i I)!ack of alld Plant dia .
agunst these monopolte, of class leg.s- B y Prof. Wtlrnor. Kewell,
The troubl * vrit 1 our democratic
friend* i*« il ay do not Ft ay in one pine
long enough to know where they are at.
In l8a?Tthoy boarded oar ship and tew k
our platform aud now’ they are mad be
cause we wouc help them take the Re
publicans, etc. -But it is alleged that he
hasfaid that lie isod ferever retired
from politics. I have never seen any*
taing direct/rom his pen to that effect
bat grsit that it is tix e. George Wash
ington \»a* rigidly traihful from alxy
and jet AUxauder »tepl eoa declared in
his history that wlien the call to tl a
presidency was made without his
knowledge or consent he obeyed the
State Entomologist, Atlauta.
Address—“Agricultural Education
and improvement of Rural schools.
By Prof J. S. Stewart, Athens.
Address—“Improvement of t^e Coun
ter Home.” By Mrs. J. fl. k. Ger-
dine, Mat roe.
The morning gemiioii will open at 10
o’clock, sharp, adjournment for dinner
at 12. Afternoon session at 1:30.
The first two addresses will be before
dinner and the others in the afternoon.
A special invitation is extended to the
ladies to be present at the afternoon
session. Evexy farmer in the district is
invited to be present and is expected to
bring Ida family with him.
This UUnk'Munt he Vised'’in all Canm. - {
lilliroa TIMKS KXTEKrRtSK. rfi
iin.itf File, Ga.: 1 . •
i y y 1 (HUU whether OiiVy or Weekly.) ‘ j :
My Guess lit the '‘ends”’
for the Piano is
As The Mist Popular Young; Lady, to bo given a trip to SL Louis, 1 cast
One eite Mll.twcd for each cent paid.
3 . ...1
Name of Voter
One i nllowcdfor each«luXiur
paid. Sq one pernon to have in^r
five guemcft.
Arc you taking the paper .now?. — v
* Ye* or No.
Populists Fixing for Wateon'e Coming
Tho Peoples’ Party it» Thomas coun
ty are awaiting with great'.interest tbo
coming of their mndida'c for President,
H >u Thomas E. Watson of Thomson,
G-orcia. He is scheduled to i*|**:ik here
ou next Tuesdav^at io a. tn, November
first. Tho speaking will he hold in tho
park. Snlwcriptions lists were circulated
this week and ;c«Jbey was ruined t<;
boild a platform. Lumber was pur
chased and work begun yesterday. Tho
leaders of tho party are expecting
large attendance.
Mrs. S. M. Beach, ofpcfsiti-’i. wa
recent visitor to the cl ft.
Miss Ca*rie Sanford lete Saturday lor
Mucoi) to v^sit the fair
T. J. Brandon of fijU,
was here on bnsiness this week.
Mrs. J. b. Duvet-oil aua laiully h:.
returned from Moody, Fia.
Faul C. Ja^k was hero from Mouliri
Mr. E. T. II Talinuge, of New Y’ork
is in tho city und yesteiday rented from
Judge H. W. Hopkins. Mr. C. IL
Young’s u»*w suburban homo on Gor
don a\eune, Mr. Talumgo is a hnsiiiess
mail of Now York but hiw his re; id< ur.e
at Bornardsville, New Jersey and is a
friend of Mr. Charles M. Cliapin. He
will bring his family here und will fake
pos*e»ion of the hon.o oh December l«t
The winter colony will find tl\e Tal-
mage family a most plessaut addition to
their ranks, and the newcomers will lie
warmly welcomed to the south. This
is Mr. Talmage's first visit to Thcnias-
viile aud he exj roused himself a < great
ly plea-ed with tli * place.
The Grand Ixxlge of Masons meets in
Klacoit next Toc»day. Mr VV. J. Tay
lor, Worthy M«i”r. of Thomasvilie
lodge ucmtier 81) is the regular delegare
from liere. He ■vill ptobably leave to-
Tho Official Announcement of the
Bapliats to no Prim Thia Section!
to tho Stats Convention
The following delegate* were recent
ly elected front the Mercer Baptist A«.
soeiniion a* delegatee to the Georgia
Biptist Convention, which will hold ite
eighty tliird annual session with the
First Bn nlst chnreli, Cnlot^ibas, Ga.,
ou Si*, 23, liKM: J. G. McCall, J. M.
Bushin, A M. Bennett, L. B. Christie
J. E. Howell, W. C. Willis, Dr. 8. 8,
Ganldeu, Fondren Mitchell, W. F
Ganlden, H. B. Nesmith, W. J. Barlow,
A. F, Sellere, C. A. Cox, A, W. Bealcr,
T. A. White, J. Mi Patterson, B. T.
Elliotr, G. G. Stanley, 8. A. Bodden-
bery, J, P. McCann, W. Lr Cook,
W. H. L’u jepper aud J S. Monigoui-
J M. Rotltiu, Moderator,
Stendlnf- cf tho LendoV^ In tho Raca
tor 2t; Loutv,
To-day maik« tho beginning of the
end of the St. Looi* contest. Less than
two week* of the voting remain tor on
Wednesday evening November 0th at
fl o clock the contest closes. Develop"
moots will follow rapidly from lifts rime
on. There is always a calm before ftxo
storm iu such affairs, butdbe storm of
ballots bus I has far been uninterrupted.
here is u certain amount of holding back
of votes, for thiHast moment, that may
enure sonic surprises, hot the frieudq of
each lair contestant are afraid that
evirybody else is doing iho same, so (be
ballots come merrily in, as uo oue wants
hia favorite to fall belt’xid.
The dotails for the entertainment' of
the Times Euterprhu guest are being
rapidly perfected. She will be enter
tained ut the Christian Endeavor Hotel
and accomodation* hare already *T*,
reser.ed. She will be famished with
msuy adaii»iiin tickets as .lie ileslm,
and enu go in aud oat ct the Fair
Grounds, each day as film as suits bar
pleasure. She cau view iho grounds
fredit (lie Ferris « Imp 1 , visit.tbo ■OUK
DwtrWs 'll! their iisuut-, be esoorted
tificugh the liiillii uc n Mivation and
visit msuy other auu.i di ns on, tbs
Pile aud away iron it, asjliCtree.t of
this pnper.
Now ttie standing; Miss Minnie Wtt-
iiarnt retains tiie lead she took last Sen-
day. Miss Alien Carter with a sjilendf*
addition to tier vote lias almost readied
the ten thousand murk. Mirsna Slater,
Brown and Vauu are close behind tbo
two that nsmed. There r.nt rumors of
a eolith vote of .’tune thousands frogt
Pavo>1itsWdeli,.and other uit&estinc
ITifprSnlhgs aHalong the list, which the
next publication. of figures oil Suudtliy
w.d show. : ' ■
Th, Staitdin’o, '
Miss Minnie hVilliaitg., Ii»>5
'• May Bcsn Blitter.. 8»W
.! Jonnia Brown, Cairn.„... . O'.fiS
“ JaiiiB Vaiitt,Bos(*n. 'j, *7*9
•• Edna Yarnoioe. j,,:,: !i(5Q
“ Lncy Parker . 1#09
* ” Mattie Thotnasi Aietcaifc. il8*6
” Lottie Evanis,. Coolidgi-.., i j 920
Lillie .Williams... J t .. -
” (tortrude Lluyd’.,.
” Dui»y fXikle v»ifOO
Fleet Bern herded English Haul
/ VMS.Is tn North Sae.
moprow night for Macon.
. W. T. Gnnlden, Clerk.
Wi-'lnfwlay in tosai. .. .
liondon, Oct 24—Foreign Minioter
LaiiMlowne ami M. Beuckeudorff, tka
Rnssifin umbu’-Mndfir, l>oth were out of
town yesterday and all the goverurnggl
offices in Loudon were closed as vjtngl
ou Sunday; therefore no official view
could be gleaned of the firing by Rimim
war vowcIk npon a Drill* i fin'ilngflc**
la the North Sea, Tiie first- rtqxorta if
t io affair received in Lon Ion were re*
girded as almost incredible. Wher,
however, cumulative evidence no longer
left douot of the general accuracy of
tiie reports astonishment became bewil
derment a* to what possible motive ccuM
have Jed Run-inn officer* into such a*
extraordinary and inexplicable conn* of
action, unless » satisfactory ex
planation W immediately forthcoming
could outy be regarded a* an act of war.
This is the view taken editorially by al!
the morning papers. The worst feature
of tho^story, as viewed here, is the
hpurtlessness ilispUyed by the Russian
fleet in steaming away without taking
the trouble to sreerr/iin even whether
their Are hod inflicted auy damagexnd
without any effort fonocuoJho victims
Mr.‘A. P.'Brown of Boston ep ni