Newspaper Page Text
‘ r ' ‘
Friday and Saturday November nth, and 12th. A Dollar
Saved is a Dollar Made.
So make Dollars by Saving them in this Great
Listen to these Fr :n.«, nd come get your Shoes nd be Hpp/1
50 Children’s Refer Jackets, all colors, worth
from $1.50 to $3.00, Sr
-r - -, >ale price 98 cents.
40 Ladies Jackets, Tans, Browns and Blacks,
Something well worm $6.50 for $4.50.
500 yds Typhoon Silks, worth 15c for 8cts.
100 each, Ties and Collars. Very popular,
worth 25 cents for 10 cents.
500 yds all wool dress goods worth from 65c
jo $1.50 for 49 cents.
100 pair Ladies Shoes, worth $ 1.25 to $ 1.50
Special, 75 cents.
50 Mens Suits worth 5 to 7 dollars at $3.45
100 Men’s Pants worth 1.50 to 2.00 dollars,
Special 75 cents.
One lot of Men’s Shirts worth 35c to 50c for ,
25 cents. ! Sy. up, fine, pe. gallon 2oc. Georgia Melon
One lot of Boys Shirts worth 35c to 50 for Tobicso, better than Schnapps per lb. • (<
25 cents. Compound Lara per lb oc. 2 pound can Toma-
250 Men’s Shirts worth $1.25 for 75 cents, toes for 6c.2 packages Starch for 5c.
2 41 bs Flour for 75c. Good Rice per 18 2 l-2c
Soap, 3 bars for 5c. Best Salt in white cotton
saci’. 39c. Best Cheese per lb 15c: New
Remember we always
quantities to supply
want supplied in one
have on hand what we advertise in sufficient
all wants. Come where you can get all you
store cheaper than anywhere.
Yours v to Save Your Money,
Broad Street.
Thomasville Ga.
Near Monumen t
Remember tht somebody gets the$500.00 on Dec. 1st. Better take guess quick
Sheriff Sale.
OBORQIA, riiornm Oounty:
..aJIHUbaablil on the First Tuenlay In
ftoMmter 1*01 between the urual left,
how* of pal*, bifor* the court hooee
door In Thomas County, Oe, to tho
highest bidder for /**h. the following
iw property, to-wit; AH th»t truot or
puioel of lend, situate, lying und being
Ulibliiath dtetrict of Thom»» oounty,
(Wend being Hint put of lot of Und
OBQitin thirty aevan (37) in inld dlitrtct
tabdod u follow*; Commencing ut
^coon,y line raul at die corner of
'HhjH wa* formerly Barnett'* land and
fanning thence along tho South line of
tba eald Barnett'* land forty one ohaina
toihe Albany branch of the Atlautlo
Ooart Line Rail Road, thenoe along tho
lip, or Banyan Young'a land to the
orrner of the Emanuel land 93:80 chain*
to the Oounty Line Boad thenoe along
tha Oounty Line Road »;41 chain* back
to the atartlng point, containing thirty
«aa acre* more or lei*.
levied on and eold as the property of
JL0. Grant and Mr*. J. S. Hoffman to
«att*ty two fl. fat. iwued from the 8upei
tor oourt of Fulton county, Go to aatiify
tha prlnotpal, lnt-re*t and coat due on
OB «a*d fl. faa. Notice given to defen.
d<m* In writing of thi* levy. m '
Tht* Nov. 3 1901.
T. J. Eight,
114.4, Sheriff.
Sheriff’s Sale.
Adeline Mitchell yj. John Mitchell.
To John Mitchell;
You are hereby cited to be and ap
pear at the next term of Thomas Superi
or Court, April term 1935, In the cjile
above stated end show cause, if any you
have, wh/ divorce should not be granted,
i^iefault thereof the courl^wtll proceed
as Justice may appear. ‘
Given under my hand and aval
J. W, Groover.
Oierk superior Court.
GEORGIA -Thomas Ooonty:
In nndljy virtue of a mortgage fit* I
will sell at poblic sale before the conrt
house door, in the city of Thomasville
Ga., within the legal hear* of ale on the
first Tuesday in Gee. 1901, the following
deeoribed property towtt: AU that tract
of laud lying and being in tha Oounty
of Thoma*. State of Georgia, better
known as follows: Commencing at the
southeast oorner of the traot of land
deeded by Elian Coleman to Ella Cole
man, running thence west 1* chain*
and 95 links, thenoe aonth 7 chains and
90 links, thenoe east id chain* and
Haas, thence north 7 chains and 90
link*.' Said tract of land being in the
•hapeof 0, rectangular parallelogram
containing 19 1-9 acre* more or lees,
being part of lot of land No. 193, In the
18 district G. M. of said oountv Notice
of levy given In writing to the defend
ant Louisa Coaton this Nov. 7tli, 1901.
' T. J. HIGHT,
Sheriff Thomas County, Ga.
I negotiate five yean, loans on farm
anda at lowest ratest of interest. Com
mission chergea reasonable A small
abstract fee, consistent with the amount
of work and tronble involved, will be
charged In each case. Bring your chain
of title with yon.
Application for Administration.
GFORGIA—Tlioma* Oocu'y.
To all whom it may concern:
U A. Fleetwood, oounty administra
tor, having made auplicitfm to m« in
duo form to he appointed permanent ad
ministrator upon the estate of Steph
en Mingo, late of said county. Notice is
hereby given that said application will
be heart at the regular term of the court
of ordinary, for said count-, to be held
on the Brat Monday of December, 1904
Witness my hand and ofllci 1 signa
ture, thisfll dav ot November, 1904.
Wm. it- Jonee, oidinary.
Notice to Debtors and r editors
GEORGIA, Thomas Connty.
Notice ia hereby given to all creditors
of the estate of P. F. Duron, late of said
oonnty, deceased, to render in an ac
count of their demand! to me within
tile time prescribed by law*, properly
made out, and all persons Indebted to
said deoraaed are hereby requested to
make immediate payn.eot to the under-
dlgnvd. This 2nd day of Oct 1904.
G. L Daren,
Admr. Estate of P. F. Daren,
Administrator's Sale.
Petition for Charter.
Georgia Thomaa County:
Under and by virtue of an order pass
ed by the Hon. Wm. M. Jonee, ordinary
of Thomas Connty Georgia between the
legal lionrs of sale before the conrt
houaedoorin-tho city of Thomasville
will be sold, the following described
property to writ:
All that tract or panel of land being
the north half of lot of laucf No. 147 of
the 14th diatriot of Thomas Coonty
Georgia containing 930 acres more or
less, about 1M acres of the same being
to the County qt Jefferson State of
Florida. Terms of ssle cash.
T. W. Lewis, Administrator Est. of
Wilson N Lyons, deceased.
Administratrix Sale.
Georgia Thomas Couury;
Under aud bv virtue of au ord»r paw*
ed bv thp Hon, Wm. M .Tone?, ordinary
ill be sold on the first Tuesday in De
cember 1904 between legal hours of sale
before the court house door iu Thomaa
Oounty Georgia following described
property, to wit:
One hundred acres of laud more or
less of lot nun^er 2(12 iu the 13 district
of Thomas county Georgia as shown by
deed from J. A. Hurst, Sheriff to J. W.
Pearce. Terms of sale cash.
Mrs. S. A. Pearce, Administratrix.
Kit. J. W. Pearce, deceased.
/ For Rent
Two horse farm, good dwelling
Out houses, also woodland pasture, lo
cated iu Ochlockonee, Ga Call on or
write Mrs. A £. Boston. Cordele, Ga.
GEORGIA—Thomaa County.
To the Superior Court of said County.
The petition of J M. Simpson, G. L
Daren, T. J. Willis, J. N. Carter and E.
E. Wilkes, respectfully shows:
1. That they desire for themselves,
tbeir associates, successors aud assigns,
to become incorporated under the name
and style of “THE PLANTERS
WAREHOUSE CO ” with a capital
stock of $8*100 00, divided into sharee of
$100 00 each, with the privilege of in*
creasing said capital to a sum not ex*
ceeiing llO.oOO.OO upon two thirds vote
of the stock holders
2 Petitioner s propose, and ask au*
thority for, to conduct a general ware*
house business, to buy aud sell, lease
aud mortgage real or personal property,
to buy and sell outton, cotton seed, corn,
fertilisers aid any and all farm pro
ducts, snd to store and receive compen
sstion for commodities of every kind.
3. Petitioners desire to be incoi poi
nted for the term of 20 years, with the
privilege of renewal at the end ot that
4 The object of said incorporation
is pecuniary gain and profit to iu mem
5. Petitioners show that more than
10 per cent, of the said capital stock has
actually been paid in.
* 0. The principal office aud place of
busiuess of aaid proposed corportion is
to be in Meigs, Ga , with the privilege
of establishing branch offices.
Wherefore, petitioners pray that they
may be incorporated under the name and
style as aforesaid, entitled to all the
rights and privileges of the law.
) Petitioner’s Attorney.
I, J. W. Groover do hereby certify
that the above is a true cop* of the pe
tition this day filed in raj office the loth
day of November 1004.
O S. C.
.... Asbell Cane Striping Knife.
Pays for itsjself in one days use. For
sale by %ll|hardwar* dealers or the
Wem kathcmiiCo
Thomasville, Ga,
Head “CHEEK DP!”
during tha last year and learned the
secret of enjoyipg life every day.
"UHEER UP!” tells as in plain lan
guage how to treat the stomach and
avoid nine-tenth, of all the sickness, de
pression, nerroa.neas and weakness that
moke* people ao nnneooesaarily un
If jon have not reed it yet yon should
read it tc-dty, for your own sake and
your family and friend*.
The booklet in free at drag s’oret
or mailed on requent by
Trustees Sale.
By virtue of au order ot the Superior
C Jurt of Thomas Coumv, G*. made at
the October t«»m. 1914 I will »-cll at
public outcry at the cou't hou*e door at
Thomasville, on he first Tuesday in
Dec, next for ci**h, the water mill situ
ated on Little Tiie l Cr ek in eaid coun
ty, togather with thirteen acres of Und
constituting the mill site and fully des
cribed in a deed frpn W. G. Baggett
and wife to Mr. J. O. Ragan. Nn tid
less than $600.00 will be received.
Nov. 1st, 1904. 11—4—4t
Bertie O. Trull.
Trust e.
Forty million bottles of August Flow
er sold in the United States alone since
its introduction. And the demand is still
growing. Isn’t that a fine showing of
success? Don’t it prove that August
Flower has had unfailing success in the
• ure of indigestion ant dyspepsia, the
two greatest enemies of health and hap
piness? Do-s it not afford the best evi
dence that August Flower is a sure spe
cific for all stomach aod intestinal dis
orders? That it has proved itself the
best of all liver regulators ? August
Flower has a matchless record of over
thirty-five jears in curing the ailing
millions of these distressing complaints
a success that is becoming wider in its
scope every dav, at home and abroad,
f a ™ c °f August Flower spreids.
: r * cffu * ar f,zc * 75c: For