Newspaper Page Text
Petition for Charter
Petition for ha iter
To the Honorable Philip Cook, Secre
tary of State of Lie stare of Georgia.
The petition of J. T. Culpepper, C.
11 Robin sou, A. H S. Cooke, A. G. Rob
inson, aud Roscoo Luke, rostdeuca of
Thomas oouu*y, state of Georgia* re
spect! uliy shows:
First. That thby, thoir assoiitiic!?, i
successors aud hs-i^ua, desire to t vcvmt 1
ncorpontteil^uuder tho laws ot Georgia
or tiiej>arpoi*> hereinafter mentioned i
or tlio full peiiod of tifty years, with
privilege of renewal.
Second. Thar the name under widen
petitioners desire to le incorporated is
Home Life Association of vRcrgia.”
There will he no capital stock of tuid
association. The mm and object, of
the eaia association being to carry on a
mutual or co-operative life insurance
bosine.-s. accoidtug to the terms of this
• iarter, and rules uud by laws that
they may hereafter adopt that shall not
bo in any manner in conflict with the
constitution aud laws of t the state of
Petition fo: hario
GEORGIA—Thom.i8 County
To the Honorable Superior O-'iitt of
said County:
The petition of O L Harris S E
Alexander, J. H. D.*mi«s, S. E. Clurtou
and Wm H. Hbiir, all of said connt.v
and tlioir succevisors in olUce, resjiect-
GEORGI.V. Thomas Connt.v:
Tome Honorable Superior county:
The ]<otuioii of O. M. Sheppard, A.
S. Sales and A. V. Sheppard, and their
successors, all of tlto tx»uyrof Timuia*,;
vb»peoRtiliy shows:
1st. That they desire for thftmselro«,;
til ir i ssociatus aud successors to he* j
come incor|ioraie t as a ts-m Voleut hi '
stitur.ou .Hie name atul style of
uiiipA and LAiiOil K.v ;;k
HtKlim OF'OEO tuU »ur a lo.-iu ol
tttry (5Uj years wtlii the privilege of re
New Way of Using Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy.
Mr. Arther Chapman writing from
Durban, Natal, 8>utli Africa, says:
“ As a proof th it Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is n c.iro suitable for old and
young, 1 lien the fol owing; A ueighbor
of miuoa child jut ov«r two mouths old
It had a very b.;d cough and the parents
did not ktio'.v what to give it. I sug
gested that if they would get u bottle of
Clinmboilain’u Cough Remedy and put
-ome upon a dummy teat the baby was
Running it would no doubt euro tho
child. This they did and brought about
a quick relief and cured the baby.’* Ties
remedy is for sale by .1. W. Peubock.
D. & W.
Tlio Kind You Have Always Bought, and •which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borno tho signature of
— and has been made under his pep-
(jP ^7^1 - sonal supervision sit^co its infancy.
/■cttCSUW Allow no ouo to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “iIuNt-n8~f?ood” are bqfr
Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of
Infcuts and Children—Experience against Experiment*
2nd. Tha f they desire to transact,
business in tho stato of Georgia uud
elsewhere in the United Suuesas chev
shall deem advisable, with their princi
pal othce aud place ot business m Thom
ftgville iu the county of Thuums, state
of Georgia.
krd. That l here will be no capital
stock m suul association, the object of
the sa ue being to organize and carry ou
a uiutuii eo-operative labor exeimuge
business according to tho let ins of this
charter and the i ulus and bj -.awe that
they may hereafter adept (list shall not
m uuy manner conflict with tlio Con-.
stuuiiou aud law a o! the Uml.d dlntos
or with Uie state of Georgia. j
4th. That the} propose to go for
ward without delay and orgaeive said
aasoouuioa, with the right to establish
urn noli alike* or sabuidiuate lodges ujh
ou tri ms agreed Upon ay peiiuooo.s uud
thew* drairing to'charter naboi diunlo
6th. Fetui mere desire the right to
sue and be «ued, to hare a couimon seal i
of oidor, to buy aud sell <val aud i*i-
Siiuai i«uperty and to do any oilier
thing not at vto.atiou With too la«r« of]
l«.e United Stabs or the stale ofUooi-i
gu«n»ioliom may »mu proper <«n.d in rb,j prooiiMM. I hey desire Uud. the govern
uieutof ttus instilutiou siiai< bo io the
nonds of u board of nine (V;
that Uiivj (i) of said board a1i .ii couaii*
rate an executive eouiui.tiee, who shall
hare immediate charge ot a.'l the busi-
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie *
substance. Its ago is Us guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind.
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend.
/J Bears the Signature of
The ti. :.t rtaith Canute.
No poor ninu tan alter Uoborlierwith
any of the ox|X>riMHiitnl health fada.
He Is toobosy making u living for him
self and family, nnrt alien lie iealflicted
with a bad couch or cold, or develops
catarrh «i tlio direct result of a cold, lie
•imply eitkea » few doses of Ur. Rosohee’s
Gnrnmn Hjrnp. And if something more
serions, ray consumption, prostrates him
or any member of his family, German
Syrup cuu again he rolled on to effect a
eure. Trial iottlo, 5c. At H 8 Priio
& Co
l’liat they do iu good faith
inland to go forward without do.ay to
organise said association, with ita prin
cipal office iu the city of Xltomaeville,
eoontj of Thoaias, stale of Georgia,
with tlie right to establish brancii offi-
eea at aaoti other plaues|lu the suits of
Georgia as the? may sue proper.
No one who is acquainted with it-
good qitallttai can be surprised at the
treat popularity of Ohaniberiain'a
Cough Remedy. It not only cure, cold,
aud grip effeotuilly and permanently,
bat prevents these diseases from mult
lug in pneumonia. It is also a certs!
cure for croup. Whooping cough is no
dangerous when litis remedy is given.
It contain* on opium or other harmful
aubstanoe and may be given as confl
dourly to a baby aa to an adult. It
also plousumr to take. When all of
those facts are taken into oorslderati n c
it is nnt surprising that jmoplu in for
eigu lanls. as well ss ut home, esteem
tilt* remedy very highly and very few
are wllliiu to take any other after liav-
iu/f oiioo used it For safhshy -J. \V.
Peacock. w
Petitioners slnwr that they
have given thirty Cays noti a of their
intention to apiily for. said Oliver by
publication of said petition iu tfco
Tbomasvdle Tinies-Euterpriae, a newa- <
papor'ot general circulation aud the
newspaper where the legal advertiae-
meuts for tlie county of Tltomas are
week for tour weeks
In Use For Over 30 Years.
published, om e
before the fi.uig of tills petition iu the
•Aloe ot the Secretary of Stato of (lie
•tate of Georgia.
Wherefore, your potitfouerd ftln» .thin
nun n.-e a mm ot wllh e, (lie nubt totne
Hurt 1>j mwl, 10 boirow uu<1 lonn uioucy
to uw u ( ei*»iUHl anti real f»uiu, tho
HK»it to buv Mini nrtl the kihw.
rt. Tu«\v i.o-irti time tlie ^overnmnut
ot Miih lUittiiuiioui Rli.tir be in tint hiuKiH
of a Jhmrcl of 14 OirtfCtont, aad that live
(."») of R-ii-1 direoior* riliatl on iMtltute t n
executive emmuiuee uud Khali have itn-
tuirtiiKu (iisir^o «r nil of the bmiiie-R oi
tlio lUHtirutJon, aud that thin executive
(WdniiUiL 1 tor tho tirat t*vo ytmi'u Hb.ill
coiiHiat of C. L. Harm, S. E. Alexander,
J. S. Uoimif, S. 13 Clayton ami Win. H.
Blair, wr.oKO 4trui of otUcu shad be
fur two (2; yea « and uutil iliyii sttcces-!
»irs ure elected and qualified. That uny
vav.iauHRiu raid exrcotivu comiLituo
oi said thinrdyof duvet jr* shall bo flllcil
by tlio board o! ore at any lo^uhii'
uiot'»uiK. ,'■ s.ud b»nird of directors
a'lsiti bavt- un lr»rtty $oelect such olli*
etirs Mtid jires.rnto cch byUwa ntid ru'.t«
t-liall Kumu to titOiii to ineei. and pio| • j
•r for the iurtUMKOaiClH of tho lliKtiti • i
tij:i ]
Whetefore, FvtiiioueiH pray for tin ti • |
h.’Ivim nud t.ictr legal HQceessori to to
nude a nt»tly corpw.-Mfe omi politic, with
ail iliu rJs.lits, j>' vil'gtH, iiDumui’joa)
• n i nj-ttkUouh ft cl iyJuv., ami to do,
will leirgauiK quoted here
that will bn worth while.
Thotnr\«vi’lH, '}
JaekhVin St
at ve^ccumuttco or Kiid bourdof din c
ton hhuil be tilled at any regular im-h
n^of tiio cxcuutiye committee nud by
th’j exccotivo committeu.
8ih. That «aid executive cohunitUi
•U.i-l hkVe anthority to cltct t,uch oil.*
o'Hoei-R nud pi esci ibe mndi oilier b} -Saw
aul inlcR.tnd uiatio ku«jIi couxtbutioii
a hi mil lOtrn to them propur f r tit
mamig* m*.-ut of tiioTiiRti ution
\\ 11KREFURE; Hot11 icmer* j *r y f• i
ilntnsclvH-5 uud their legal kcicco nor- «•
lie wade a bod v corpur ito and pol u
with a’.l teo nghtr, privdcgVK. iinutut i
tie* antler* k t- -ti«»u»» ti.vtd by tti.v
IVtilloiitra’ Alivi-iCiH
I hereby certify that
of tho original no aoili ei
•Thoroughbred Chickens.
Barred Plymouth Rock and White Wyandotte
■HOGS. Price per setting is eggs.
C. VV. CCChRAN & BRO., - Thoniasville, Ga
•v for yo ir tine troi'iug aruuud
“ ( c ““f t°wn °u the hum fur some
thing belter. You'll find
nothing belter than tlie goods
we off. r. ✓
knows no peer. We aim to
please you inev. ry particular.
n.fl’MJCK C<‘
l ! (31 .AK PBa DAY
ill it costs you to stop at the
GEORGIA, iho;ni.f, minty, r. Jus,
J. «/iuover, Uierk toa;>orl r (Joint d »
neby certiiy mat the abovo isatrue
id correct copy of tnc original on filu
• lusotiicc. ThifOct k'rf, 1'Jj4.
JAti. W. UltuOVKR, j
CbTk. '
myoffi’e, TldzOct 8N-. HK;4.
11 4-lr 0 :
uinnagement of
iiroad Street.
Service is clean, neat, pruinpi. Under the i
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ward, Ttwmjsviiie, fla.
Ea* !> r Wanted-
a firat-clniK barber to fill |>er:iument
i.itioii. Wajief *’•» i*'. thHiri it*
wii. Wl»it4 preferred. Apply to T
Holton, Ga. dl w2.
Do not take chances on it wearing away or experiment with some unknown preparation
which may leave the bronchial tubes and lungs weakened and susceptible to atta9k from
the germs of Pneumonia or Consumption.
Sow Earl; For Best Results.
Oar Trade Mark Brand is the
best and cleanest, quality that
it is posdble to procare.
not only stops the cough but heals and stre
from a cold. Contains no opiates.
It Saved His Life After tiio Doctor Said
Ho Had Coiwuriiption.
V/. R. Davis, Vissalia, California, writes; “There ir, no dcubt bat
what l'Olcy’o Horny and Tar sard rr.y Ufe. I had an awful ccugh
On my lun.;e uud the doctor told me I had enneumption. I commenced
taking Foley’s Honey and Tar and (ound tenu' iiou the hrst and
three bottles cured me completely,”
Sown with Winter Oats, mokes
the iargert possible jie!<l of the
best and most nutritious hty.
Write for prices.
Tells all cbout seeds for fs
sowing. It is the most valo,
ble and helpfol publication <
the kind-issued in Ameria
Mailed free on request.
If you have rimer tried tittr
great remedy
for a free sample and stati
your symptoms.
He simply ask you to try It
at our expense. H e know what
It will do.
Thacher Medicine Co.
A Poftectaan’s Testimony.
J. N. Patterson, night policeman, of Nashua, Iowa, writes: “List
winter I bud a bad cold on my luugs aud tried at least * t J
advertised cou^b medicines and bail trcctiuuit from two :
without getting any benefit. A friend ri cocunendcd He ’ *
uud Tar and two-thirds of a Leslie cured a:c. I c
greatest cough and lung axlkLic in the wc-'W."
Three sizes—25c, SOc and $1X0. The 50 cent size contains two and one-half tinier aa much as tLa small size and tho
$i.U) botuc aluivat six times *u much. R&fuiQ IkliiStiSutcSi
j. w iev:ou.