Newspaper Page Text
nen can be complete
without children; it
U her nntutc to lore
and want them
a> much ao aa
it i» to love the
T . . beautiful and
pare, the critical ordeal through which the expectant mother imiit
cue, however, it to fraught with dread, pain, tuffering and danger,
the very thought of it (ilia her with apprehension' and horror.
There it no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful
•r dangerous. The use of Mother 1 * Friend so prepares the system for
tho coming event that it is safely passed without tnv danger. This
great and wonderful
remedy is slwaye SBMS J) fS m
of women through
the trying crisis without suffering.
as o 4 Informauan
SS trios],-m t»1 ,o 19 all 9xps«ia«t notfc.n.
| He Cridflola Rifafeter C«, Atlaata. «a.
••■iMM-UNI'aRPRUSt N6VKMBHR 11 1604
Isocat6d on Broad street, opposite
Piney Woods Hotel,
Up-To-Date Implements
for performing all kinds of operations on animals.
Exam 1 nation free. Board at cost
J. C. Schwencke, D. V. S.,
Thomasville, Ga.
Tho campaign for the municipal c!ec
tiou is proceeding quietly. It has been
somewhat over shadowed by the national
election of next Tuesday and t lie bond
election next Thursday. Several can
didates lmve already announced, and
these, as well as a number of prospective
ones are busy at work.
It is understood that Mayor S. A.
Roddenbery will lie a candidate for re-
election. Democratic precedent, and
his excellent record make it improbable
that he will have any opposition. It is
practically certain that tie will be com
plimented by a unanimous re-election.
The office of city clerk is for the first
time made elective. Capi . K. T. Mac-
lean who has liorttofoio held the office
by appointment of council is thus far
the only nnuouuccd candidate. City
Marshal is to date another unopposed
candidate for re-election.
Two gentlemen who now hold office
will not run again. Those uro City
Treasurer William H. . Mitchell
i nud Sexton ii. Je\ Cochran. For
| the money handler’s place W. W. Wil-
j iiamsand J. W. H. Mitchell an> eandi-
is an np-lo-Jate Hospital for for sick horses, mules and dogsjd»tes. aniatsn pretty race. Eaciiluu
many voves pledged and it is scarcely
probable than any otherii will run. Two
men are in the field for sexton, S. 13.
Hanford and A. J. Hagan- Those will
not likely have the r«co to themselves,
howevor. It is rumored that Judge J.
M. Massey and Mr. T. J. Franklin will
come out.
No alderxuauic aspirations have yet
been given publicity. Several of tho
old board, 4 in fnct announce that they
do not wish to go buck. Tho council
campaign will crystallize after tho bond
A school board fight cou.cs around
just as regularly as December shows up
on the calendar and those inforiuod say
that this limo will bo no exception to
tho rule. The terms of Fcndieu Mit
chell and Claw. $1. Smith expire. Those
interested promise to warm tilings up
as soon as the bond and light questions
are settled.
The date of tho city primary has not
been set by the city executive commit
tee. They will meet probably, next
week aad name the duy. The IsVt Toes
day iu December is the usual primary
The DURABLE Fence,
None so STRONG.
All large wires.
No Wraps
to hold
and cause
"Pittibcshs r«*r*cr” Fr.vcixa (Standard Styled
Absolutely STOCK PROOF. We can SAVE YOU MONEY OP Fracing,
We have ?ust mad a reduction in prices on Wire Fence.
Come and let us cive ycu Prices tn the best Fence on the
Coleman & Adams,
Saturday morning at hplf past aev n
o’clock, TaylorGr&ptluun the 5 year old
son of Mr. W.P. Grantham was nevercly
Injured by a fall. The little fellow was
playing in the express wagon that nwt
the 7:40 departing train at the A. & B.
depot. In some way ho fell to the grouud
and probably struck his head against-the
station platform, lie was picked up by
his older brother and carried to his home
on Smith Avouue and Crawford street
near tho depot.
He did not seem to bo badly lujured
but about an hour after the accident
wxs soized with convulsions. Dr A.
P. Taylor was at onco summoned, but
could not discover a cut or biubo any
place on tho child’s head or body.
The convulsions continued for soveial
hours but toward evening they ceased
and ho regained consciousness and’ is
now recovering.
The Circus has gone, but the
C’rcus of our low prices and the
array cf the large variety of mer
chandise we ca ry are always at
tractive and inviting.
The day of rest is at hand. Now it j
shonld nlso bo made a day of thought, j
Of course tho thought of spiritual things
should come first, but tho thought of!
temporal affairs is not far behind in int
portanco. The t hing that is occupying
the attention of most citizens of the
United Stales just, now is the natiomd
election next Tuesday. It is important
that every resident of ThotnasviUe who
has the right of suffrage should exercisi
it at the polls that day. The questions
and issuos that come up are of great im
portance. -To voto the Democratic
ticket on that, day should tie the first
duty of every man. Tho jiarty has been
assailed at home aud abroad. Demo
crats should answer theso enemies, local
and otherwise and shoe hi prove that
he old faith is strong in their hearts
still by going to (he polls that day.
For Men
who cannot come to the city
when in need of clothes we
make a specialty of fitting
you at your home. Wo
carry the finest makes.of
iotliing, Hats, Furnishings
and Underwear, and no mat
ter wh»t your size is, stout,
slim or short.
We Can Fit You
Site Agents for
For Ladies
who do not find it conveni
ent to come to the city
We make buying an easy
task by sending to yonr
bom*. two or three stylos of
garments to select from.
We t arry
~;fuknismin c .
; and undurwkar.
In Our Boys’ Department
can be had everything
ready-to-wear for boys, ex
cept shoes.'
6. H. LEVY, BRO. & CO.
One of tho hast cat places in town Sat
unlay wan the store room in the Mmm-
ry block where the old ho*s salo of un
claimed packngfs of the Southern Ex-
press Co. was bold. Tho allurements
of buying u neat package with unknow n
contents kept tho room crowded all day.
Capt. E. D. Whitaker whs the auc-
tioneerand about a thousand packages
were sold at au average price of (iffy
centr. Superintendent (J. 0. Wolfle
and Route agent L. Kuder ai-aistod by a
naif dozen clerks conducted tho sale.
No one wan allowed to open his package
until all wore 6old. When the unmask
ing took place at six o’clock many ludi*
crious scenes were ouacted. and groans
of disappointment mingled with shouts
of glpo, the former predominating.
Mr. C. O. Atkinson bought mi empty
orate that had probably contained a
, cldcuen. Mr. J. B. Grnut ucrumnlated
a hugo box of old almanacs but his feel-
j ingwere nagged by another package of
, groatcr value. Lots of men got patent
j medicine that they couldn’t use The
l purchasers all had an interesting time
aud the express company made money.
Here's another railroad story. The
Valdosta Times brings the, news that
the Georgia Northern railroad which
now has it a sou them terminus at Pirl-
cock, wants to go to Valdosta. Tho
route has alio idv been surveyed through
from Pavo to Valdosta passing through
Morvou Tho new tcnuhius would bring
tho Georgia Northern into connection
wiili two railroads uiid give them a
good outlet to the sea besides rapping a
rich ii n ilory The road now runs from
Albany to PiUecok via Moultrie. It lias
always been a money maker and jionrcd
tlxumtuls of animal profits Into the
pockets of it* owners the Pideock family.
The day of tho short railroad is passing
howevor. It must expand, consolidate
or lose out. Tin re seems to he moro in
this plan I bun is usual with projected
railways. If Valdosta acts with her
usual energy the tiling wil! he a fact
before JOOfl.
Cairo, Ga., Nov 5, 11104.
The city election took place li re to
day. All of the presuu’ > ry i-.ficers
were re-elected without opjH/rition.
They are R. L. VaulandingMm, Mayor,
J. L Paulk, W. A. Walker, K. P. Wight,
C. E. Mauldin and K. Powell council-
men, There -sos some scratching of the
aldermen, hut tho election was practi
cally unanimous.
For Sale.
3 JV4 acres, just outride city limits on
Jackson street, with <’ room house on
sb gw. 2 Price $750.00.
Our friend tho Macon Nawnsays: On
November 1 the Thowotville Timea-
Kntcrprise has been under tho control
of Editors Wilson M. Hardy and John
D. McCartney two years. Daring tills
period tho payor bus fared prosperously,
aurl been popular and influential. It is
one of the most entertaining aud in-
strnclivo papers published in Georgia.
May it continue to flourish for many
long years under tho present able and
estimable management.
nv the
Weekly Times-Enferprise.
Weekly Timos-Enterprise 1 year and
a splendid man of Georgia, the United
States aud the world, $1 00.
(Tho map alone is worth tho money.)
Weekly Times-Enterprise aud the
Semi-Weekly Atlanta Journal, both one
year $1 40.
Weekly Times Enterprise and the
Semi-Weekly Savannah Nows both one
year £1 50. ,
Weekly Timeo-Knterprise and the
Three Times* Week Now York Wo/Id,
both one year *1 50.
Weekiv Times-Enterprise and the
Bofton Time?, both <>ue year $ 1 25.
W T o«Uly Times-Enterprise and the
Sunny South aud the*Weekly Atlanta
Constitution, all one year ?2 00.
Weekly Timca-Euiorpriee and South-
>rr Cultivator, £1 5u.
Weekly Tim oh-Enterprise and Chris
tian Union, a clean, high-toned inter
denominational weekly, $1.50.
Almost any other combination you
oan want at a price to suit you. If one
cf these combinations doesn't suit write
what you want.
Thomasarllie, Ga.
‘V e have a large variety of hos
iery. We bough .the lot cheap.
200 pairs in the lot worth fr m
19c. up to 85c. ' ell them at, per
pair, 15c
6 qt saucepan, seamless round
bottom strong riveted handle
granite ename'ware worth 85c.
| we offer them f jr Friday and Sat*
S urday 39c.
Ceaar wo d tubs, Electriohoops
; The best tuks on the market to
day, we wil) sell them the 05c
i kind at 50e,. and the 75c, kind at
| 60 cents
j W ood Screws, carpenters, house
j keepers, farmers and everybody,
j now is your chance. Every size
j and every kind, special at lo dos,
Hand saw flies, why pay 10c
for same when you can get it hers
for 6 cents.
Door locks enamel knob*, the
kind that sells at 50c. we sell it
here at 25 cents.
Earthenware cuspid r$ worth
every bit of 2Co. we sell 2 for 28c
We will close out our house
brooms, the 25c kind at 20c.
Covered dishes the 75c kind at
50 cents.
Fancy striped new designs Out
ing Flanne\ 24 inches wide, 8©
a yard
0 Inch Plates, the white gran
ite kind, this is the best ware that
stands well in this climate, 6 for
20 cents.
Soup Tureen and ladles English
make, the best that could be se
cured for $1.50. Our low price
to close them out 75c.
We will have a big assortment
of Holiday Goods on display fbff
the holidays Our prices ate a»
low t.s usual and qualities guaran
teed to plese. Remember the
place when in need of something
in this line.
In calling for any of the special
bargains advertised, please men
tion this paper.
Alex S. Yeager, Manager.
118 Broad Street