Newspaper Page Text
Saturday Novembar i8th, and 19th.
Saved is a Dof ar Made. -
A Dollar
make Dollars by Saving* mem in
Listen to these Prices, and come get your Shoes and be Happy!
this Great
50 Children's RefeerJackets, all colors, worth
D, Sale price 98 cents.
from $1.50 to $3.00,
40 Ladies Jackets, Tans, Browns and Blacks
Something well worth $6.50 for $4.50.
500 yds Typhoon Silks, worth 15c for Sets.
100 each, Ties and Collars. Very popular,
worth 25 cents for 10 cents.
500 yds all wool dress goods worth from 65c
to $1.50 for 49 cents.
100 pair Ladies Shoes, worth $1.25 to $1.50
Special, 75 cents.
50 Mens Suits worth 5 to 7 dollars at $3.45
100 Men's Pants worth 1.50 to 2.00 dollars,
Special 75 cents.
One lot ofMen's Shirts worth 35c to 50c for
25 cents.
One lot of Boys Shirts worth 35c to 50 for
25 o»nts.
250 Men's Shirts worth $1.25 for 75 cents.
241bs Flour for 75 c. Good Rice per lb 2 !-2c
Soap, 3 bars for jjc. Best Salt in white cotton
sacks 39c. Best Cheese per lb 15c:"*.New
Syrup, fine, per gallon 25c. ’ Georgia Melon
Tobacco better than Schnapps per lb. 30c.
Compound Lard per lb 8c. 2 pound can Toma
toes for 6c.2 packages Starch for 5c.
Remember we always have on hand what we advertise in sufficient
quantities to supply all wants. Come where you can get all you
wants supplied in one store cheaper than anywhere.
Yours to Save Your Money,
Broad Street. Thomasville Ga.
Remember that somebody gets the $500.00 on Dee. 1st Better take a guess quick.
This Sale was scheduled to take place last Saturday, but because of the bad weather we decided to postpone it. These price* are still good.
Near Monument*
Sheriff’s Sale,
GEORGIA -Thoms* County:
In anil by virtue of a mortgage lift I
will sell at publle sale before the court
boon door, in the city of Thomasville,
Ga.. within the legal hear* of • ale on the j
Bret Tuesday In Dec. 1001. the following
Anorthedproperty towlt: All that tract [
•fland lying and being in the County
«f Thomas, State of Georgia, better
kaownae follows: Commencing at the
Matheaat corner of tho tract of land
Ended by Ellon Coleman ta Ella Cole*
■nm. Turning (hence wo»t 10 oheina
jrnt M Hubs, thence tenth 7 oh*los ett4‘
' fc links, tiienco east 16 chains and 26
Itoee, tlienoe north 7 chains and 20
(Uk*. Baldtrmotof land being In tho
dkwaof o, rectangular parallelogram
I It 1-2 Bona more or lees,
t of lot of lend No. 128, In the
t O. M. of told comity Notice
«Xlevy given in wrltln, to the defend-
amt Louisa Ooetou thia Nov, 7lh, 1204.
Sheriff Thomas Comity, Go.
Notice to[Debtors and reditors
SfXBOBQIA, Thomas County.
Kottea Is hereby given to ell creditor*
tag A* aetata of P. F. Dnreu, late of said
Sanaaty, deceaaed, to render in on ac>
■«HW* of llielr demands to me within
Am Urn* praaoribed by law, properly
made oak, and all persona Indebted to
weld deceaaed are'hereby reqaeated to
maaka Immediate payment to the under-
talari ~ Thia 2nd day of Oct 1204.
G. L. Dnren,
Admr. Batata of P. F. Doran,
Sheriff Sal
GEORGIA, rhomat County:
Will he aold on the Pint Tuesday in
Decvmlcr ltC4 tHWieii 'l.e nmol lege
hoars of sale, bifore the court hooee
door in Thome* County, Ga, to the
highest bidder for cash, the following
reel property, to-wlt; All that tract or
parcel of land, situate, lying and being
In the 18th. district of Thomas county,
Qa- and being that part of lot of laud
number thirty seven (-17) In said district
bounded as follows; Commencing at
the comity line road at the corner of
jrlipt \vps fcrtnerly Barnett'? land and
running thence along the South.line ef
(he laid Barnett* laud forty one chain*
to the Albany branch of the Atlantlo
Coast Line Rail Road, Ihenoe along the
line of Banyan Yonug’s land to the
corner of the Emanuel land 25:80chains
to the County Liny Road thence along
the County Line Road 9;4l chains back
to Ute starting point, containing thirty
one acre* more or less.
Levied on and told oa tins pronerty of
A.G. Grant and Mrs. J. S. Iloffmau to
satisfy two fl. fas.Ueaod from tho Super
ior court of Fulton county, Ga to satisfy
the principal, Interest snd cost due on
on said 11. fas. Notice given to defen
dants in writing of tills levy.
ThUNov. 8 1904.
T. J. Higlit,
U 444 Sheriff.
1 negotiate fiw years loans on farm
mtisl lowest rateet of interest. Com.
aWm charges reasonable. A email
—V—"* a* ewwisSantUuh the amount
work and trouble involved, will be
Ahxrged lneaohoase. Bring yoor chain
grace with yon.
Moultrie, Ga
Georgia Thomas County:
Under and by virtue of an order pass
ed by the Hon. Wm. M. Janet, ordinary
of Thomaa County Georgia between the,
legal hours of tale before the court
house door In tho olty of ThomatviUe
will be told the following described
property to wit;
Ail that tract or panel of land being
tho north half of lot of land No, 147 of
the 14th district of Thomas County
Georgia ooutsiuiug 280 acres more or
less, about 180 acres of the tamo being
tv the County ot Hefferson State of
Florida. Terms of tale cash.
T. W. Lewis, Administrator Est. of
yrilton N. Lyons, deceased.
Administrator's Sale.
Trustees Sale.
By virtue of an order ot the Superior
Court of Thomas Conntv, Gt. made at
the October term, 1904 I wilt sell at
public outcry at the court house door at
Thomasville, on the firm Tuesday in
Dec, .neat, (ot oasb, the water mill situ
ated on Littlo Tired Onek in said coun
ty, togathrr with thirteen acres of Un 1
‘ onsiituting the mill site and fully des-
ctibcd in a deed fio n W. G. Baggett
and wife to Mr. J. O. Ragan. No bid
less than (600.00 will Le received.
Nov. 1st, 1904 11—4—4t
Boitio O. Troll.
Petition for Charter.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To the 8operlor Court of said Ounnty.
Tho petition of J M. Simpson, G. L.
Dnren, T. S. Willis, J. N. Carter and E.
E. Wilkes, respectfully shows:
That they desire for themselves,
their associates, sneer store and assigns,
to become incorporated nnder the name
and style of -THE PLANTER'S
W (REHOUSE CO.” with a capital
stock of *8600 00, divided luto shares of
(100 00 each, with the privilege of in
creasing said capital to a sum not ox-
oeedlug *10,too,00 upon two thirds vote
Of the stock holders »
2. Pe.itioner s propose, and aak au
thority for, to conduct a general wsre-
hdnso business, to bny and sell, lease
and mortgage real or personal property,
to buy nud sell oottou, cotton seed, corn,
fertilisers ar d any and all farm pro-
dnots, and to store and receive compen
sation for commodities of every kind.
8. Petitioners desire to be Incorpor
ated for tlie term of 20 years, with the
privilege of renewal at the end ot (lust
4 The object of said Incorporation
ii pecuniary gain and profit to its mem
6. Petitioners show that more than
10 per cent, of the said capital stock luu
actually been paid in.
0. The principal oflloe and place of
business of said proposed oorportiou is
to be in Meigs, Ga . with the privilege
of establishing branch offices
Wherefore, petitioners pray that they
may be incorporated nnder the name and
style as afhresaid, entitled to all the
rights and privileges of the law.
Petitioner’s Attorney.
Application for Administration..
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To all whom It may concern
U A. Fleetwood, oounty administra
tor, having mad* application to mein
do* form to be appointed permanent ad
ministrator upon tha setate of Steph
en Mingo, ute of said oouatv. Nodes la
hereby given that said application will
be heart at tbsjrsgular term of the court
of ordinary, for said county, to be held
00 the Bnt Monday of December, 1904
Witness my hand and official signa
ture, this 3d day of November, 1904.
Wm. M- Jones, ordinary.
Administratrix Sale.
Georgia Thomaa County;
Under end br virtue of an order post
ed bv the Hon, Wm. H. Jones, ordinary
will be aold on the first Tuesday in De
cember 19*4 between legal hours ot sale
before the court house door in Thomas
County Georgia following described
property, to wit:
One hundred acres ot laud more or
Ism of lot number 262 In the 18 district
ot Thomas oounty Georgia as shown by
deed from?. A. Horst, Sheriff to J- W.
Pearce. Terms of salecssh.
Mr*. 8. A. Pearce, Administratrix,
Bet J. W. Pearce, deceased.
I. J. W. Groover do hereby certify
Hint the above la a true rapt of tho pe
tition tbieday filed in my office the 10th
day of November 1904.
O S. O.
Yes this
Tha Asbell Cane Striping Knife.
Pays for ita[eeli in one days use. Per
sale by alRhardwire dealers or tha
Wtrtr V11 tiM'uiliCo
Thomasville, Qa,
Adeline Mi'chell vs J°hn Mitchell,
To John Mitchell;
You are hereby cited to be and ap
pear at the next term of Thomas Superi
or Court, Apiil term 1905, in the case
above itated snd show oause, if any you
have, why divorce should not be granted.
In default thereof the court’wlll piocccd
as Justice may appear.
Given.under my band and s-al.
J. W. Groover.
Clerk superior Court.
Forty million bottles 64 August Flow
er sold in the United States alone since
iis introduction. And tho demand is still
growing. Isn't that a fine showing of
success? Don't it prove that August
Flower has had unlaiing success in the
use of indigestion an 1 dyspepsia, the
two grcatcat enemi's of health and hap
pints*?' Do-s it not afford the best evi
dence 'hat August Flower ii a sure tpe
cific for all stomach and intestinal dis
order*? That it has proved Itself the
best of all liver regulators ? August
Flower has a matchless record of
thirty-five years in curing the ailing
millions of these distressing complain s
a success that is becoming wider in its
so pe every day, at home and abroad,
Of August Flower spreids.
as ihe iame
Trial b tries, 28c: regular sue. 75c: For
Site by I *
*100 REWARD, *100.
The readers of this paper wi'.l be
pleased to learn that theie is at least one
dreaded disease that science lias berti
able to cure in all its stages, snd that i>
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure (a the
ouly positive core now known to the
medical fraternity Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a
tntional treatment. Hall'* Catarrh Cure
is taken internally, acting directly upon
-the blood and the mucous surfaces 01
the syst-m, thereby destroying Ihe
foundation of the disease and giving
constitution and assisting nature indo-
tnnch faith in its cufanva power* that
they offer One Hundred Dollars for any
ease that it fails to core, bend for list
of testimonials
Address F. J. Cheney & Co., To'edo, O.
Sold by all Druggists. 75c.
Taka Hall's family pills for constipo-
tion.; «Mj» asosew
Machine Which Should Prsrt a as cm
<e the Ceraaleat.
One complaint about the old fash
ioned blocking brush for polishing tb*
shoes D that It requires considerable
exertion even for the lean man-to ap
ply the blacking and bring It to a state
of polish, and when the tot man trie*
»o can hardly blame bim for wish
ing for some easier method of doing
the work.
Several schemes have already been
Introduced for this purpose, and still
another one la shown in the accompa
nying Illustration. The principal use
for this machine , would seem to be In
brushing the dust off when the shoes
have become (mated over a recently
applied coat of polish, but It will help
materially in applying n new sblne. It*
method of operation la obvious.
Time Signals hj Wireless.
The distribution of time signs Is
throughout'the United States by tele
graph from the naval observatory at
Washington is the means of furnishing
the people with correct time snd Is
greatly appreciated. To transmit such
signals to ships on the high sens is now
deemed possible by means of wireless
telegraphy, and the navy department la
aaid by Harper’* Weekly to be con
templating inch a step, with the flrat
transmitting center to be located at
Key West Exact time at sea is eaaao-
ttsl to navigation, and every vessel
carries a chronometer, keeping Green
wich or Washington time, whose error
or rate mnat be known accurately and
allowed for In making the'dally com
putation of the vessel's position. By
the proposed plan from each center
wireless signals would be sent ont at
exact noon according to the naval ob-