Newspaper Page Text
-Hub South Georgia (progress..
rH<IM \'*Vl'U.E Tl'MF-, Vfl
New Series, Vol X\I’o. 7
Mr. J S. Montgomery, one of onr live
real estated* alert bus. started a move-
mpnt thatisfuH of promise.
That Thomasville needs a new op to-
date Tourist Ho'el, an t needs it badly
is universally admitted
That tile poojile or Tliomaaviile are
not able to build snob a hotel os we
ought to bare is also a fact.
Mr Montgomery's plan is id raises
bonus, as large as he can and use this as
an inducement to oaraide capit-1 to do
the rest. To this end he hss noles pro
pared payable IQ K. M. Smith, J. T.
- Culpepper and M. B. Mallette, or order
upon the completion of a' hotel to boat
not lass than one Itnndrefi thousand
dollars furnished, provided the same is
opened for the .reception of gue-ti by
January 10th, 1806.
These notes a- e to be delirered by Messrs.
Smith, Colt epper and Matlefie to the
person or corporal Ion building each
hotel, and air to be void if the hotel is
sot op ucd for the reception of guests
by the day named.
A bonus cau doubtless bo raised, that
wl'l be large enough to induce outside
capital to take up tie movement.
Mr. Montgon ery's Ideals to gel some
practical ard tnc. o sfnl hotel mm to
put up the rust of Ills money, locate the
hotel w here he (.leases within the desig
nated limits.
Now is Onrchance to show how rood
we desire It* h ,ve it rood-rn op-tn date
Tourist Hotel, and f e cry one in town
will.hel* 1 , the hotel can and will In*
realtty in the no*r future.
Miss Alice Cartir who was deservedly
adjudged rhe most popular young lsdy
iu Thomt s county ,'n t o voting com e,t ot
- the Tlmes-Eoterprise, left Tuesday night
at 1 a. m, for St. Lou la Site will enjoy
all the oloelng days of the great World's
Pair as the guest of this paper. Miss
darter was accompanied by Mr. slid
Mrs. J. N. Carter, Mr. end Mrs. W. H
Boswell and Mist Sams Boswell. Tho
party came down from Meigs Tuesday
afternoon ; and will. spend tl..
time until December first at the Pair.
Every arrangement for the paper's rep
nsentative to tee the most interesting
eights of the extxislUon have been made
and the trip will bring to a dose a most
exciting and pleasant episode In the life
of the county.-,
lilJtitlge W U Jcasi
Ur. Einstein of the A. done do., at
Amsterdam was in town Tneaday. Mr.
Einstein states that his company has
already shipped more than SO cat loads
of cane to the Georgia Uar.e Syrup do,
hare and that they will ship them at
least 78 osrn more.
It will be rememoered that the Cone
tobacco farm iu Decatur county is the
largest in the south and probably tbe
largest Individual farm in the world.
Mr. Einstein states that they have 600
aons under cover this year. The Cone
tobacco hss Just been awarded first prise
at the St. Louis Exposition.
Fixtures Hera.
Tbe fixtures of the Braey Pharmacy
Company's new store arrived here yes
terday morning after a long delay on the
na.l, and are now being put in place.
Mr. M. Bracey,'the manager, says ho
will liars one of the neatest stores in the
state ready for bneiueesin a few days.
- Evrngsltetl Meetings Next Week.
Rev. W. L. Welker of the VinevUle
Baptist church in Macon Is coming here
next Monday. He will oondnntf , Week
of EvangelicalServices for men and boys
at tbe Young Men’s Christian Associa
tion. Mr. Walker is a preacher of pow
er* and them is much interest in his com
ing, in religious circles.
’piano herT
A beautiful Instrument, Cams direct
ly fipm Luddon and Bates fae ory
and Is on exhibition at Noel’s. Poo 1
pie will count "ends'' like wild fire
now. *•
The Times Enterprise piano has ar
rived and is oif exhibition at Neel Bros,
With the oloting of the voting oontest,
the fun was'nt nearly over. The "ana"
contest nut more than smooth longer.
It doeeen't dose until the 28th. ot Da
comber at six o’clock p. m. Then some
body is going to get the moat magnifi
cent Christmas present ever given away
by a public institution in all tbe life of,.
The terms of this "and" oontest have
been named a good'many times, but a
rchcarsh of tliem .may not prove uitlu-
forfeiting. To the person who o.'inm
nearest -to estimating the number of
times the word “and” will appear in
the weekly Times Enterprise_of Dec.
30th. this magnificent Luddon and Bates
piano will be given absolutely free.
Of course, the Times Enterprise, nrr
anybody else.'oau. not know how malty
times the word,"an(i” will appear in auy
issue until after it is published. The
contest closing OQ the 88th, two days be-
fore .rite paper in question is issued,
mikes everybody’s chance Just exactly,
the same.
Tits Times Enterprise guarantees hew
aver that the £sne In qa.-atlon will bo
exactly the same tixe, twelve pages, as
nil other issues have been for nine
mouths, that it will contain exactly the
same sott of matter, etc and that every
■fand” in tho paper, adver
tisement or readlngmatter, shall count.
Tbe piano Will be given away, and who
gets it matters not to the Times Enter
prise so it is gotten fairly.
The piano arrived hero yesterday db
redly from the factory, and is a beauty.
Tito fame of thoLudden and Bates Mu
sical Instruments is almost world wide,
and whoever gets this one can never
again disparage his good fortune. . The
piano is complete in every detail, with
stuut and stool, and it will repay a visit
from anybody to Heel's store to see it.
Because of its central location, the Heel
store was deemed a bettor, place to dis
play the ptauo than the Times Enter
pried office; by the courtesy of the
Messrs Neel this privilege was granted,
Anybody who wishes ttaecnre sample
copies of the weekly oan get them at
this office.
■ Mon of the offiib'e-and clover geuttii.
men who manipulate the punch and jui.l
the Ml o nl on the trains ruunlug
through i homasville, are member* of
New Years Division of the order of Hail,
way Conductors, which lias its head,
quarters at Woycross. they make
friends of whoever travels with, them
and a bust of people are interested iu
them and their order,
At a recent meeting bf the dlv'sion
held at Wayooros* the following offi
cers were elected; .,
George A. Groom 0. O.; W
H Strickland, A. O O.i J. 8. Baugh,
8 and T.; W. J. Clark. Sr. O.; H.
f>. Riddick, Jr. C.; J. J Harris, I. 8 ;
J. Cannon, 0. 8.; . W. J. Swain, J
0 Lewis and A. B. Coohrnn, trustees.
Walter F. Eaton was rlected rep.
(tentative and Georgb A. Groom, at
tomato to the grand convention which
will convene at Bor lland. Ore, next
The Thomuvllle Odd Fellows who
nave been at the Tif ton convention came
h-rne Tuesday afternoon. They
broght good nows from there, for Thom-
asvillo is to have the next convention.
Thii will take place about six months
henoe, sometime between next February
and next May. It will bring a hundred
or more Odd Fellowe to Tbomasville.
This city, hss been a center of Odd Fel
lowship for several yean having one of
tbe largest and most active lodges in
tlie entire state. Division Deputy Grand
Master W. M. Parker has his residence
here. Tito loosl members ot the order
were mach pleased at tbe news brooght.
baq» by the returning delegates and
■naay expressions of gratification were
This was the first gathering of tbe F,
L.T men, under the n-,w plan of divi
sion Into judicial circuit*. It wax lu the
nature of an experiment, and worked
oat spleudldly. The attendance waa
good, a number of inspiring speeches
wen nude, and a splendid banquet was
served. One pf tho features of the
evening waa the degree work done by
the team from the local lodge.
An Interoetlne .Visitor. -
!g the visiters to Thomasville
yesterday was Miss NclUo Forbes of
College Park, Ga. Miss Forbes besides
being onokif tlie moat talemed elocu
tionist..* iu the south is a young woman
of ibhoniable beauty and charming per
sonality. Her talent as a reader, has
given her friends muoh pleasure for s
long time and sha has recently d-oidrd
to make it her lire work. She will mu
tier professional debut on the first of the
year. At present she Is traveling with
the Ottcrbeiu Qua. lette nud appeared m
Quitman Inst niglit. ..Miss. Forbo... Imd
a thrilling experience recently at lie
home In College Park. The home of
President Cox of Cox College oatight
fire, and tlie family narrowly escaped
with their lives'. In their haste they
left behind two little children, who were
In danger of a horrible death. Miss
Forbes dsshed throng!* the smoke and
flames and onrried the little ones to
safety^ She is a frienfi of Hon John
Temple Graves and he In oointnon with
others of her friends are watching her
career withjuteroit. *
The adjutant general's offioe hss is
sued orders to the effect that no com
puny of tho Georgia state trooia shall
have least hen 88 or mom than SOeu-
listed men. The matter Is of local in
terest to the Thomasville Guards but
does not affeot the statu of tlie com
pany. They have at present about 40
enlisted men, being within the pre-crib-
ed limits. Just before the Mansssu
maneuvers the company bad sixty man
on lie rolls trot several have boon dis
charged siuce then. All extra equip
meat above that tor the ohogea -fifty
must be tent book to state head
Mr. O. W, Winter returned Tuesday
from a trip to Valdosta and Kinderloo,
where be had been to secure a large
number of cows for use at his dairy.
He bought the entire herds of McKee
Bros, at Kinderloo and B, B. Myddle-
tonat Valdosta.
There were fifty seven cows in the
two herds, aud this gives Mr, Winter a
tots! of seventy nino in-iudiog whit he
already had. This is probably the larg
est. single herd of milk cows in this
part of Georgia.
Mr. Wiuterhas had excellent success
with his dairy and bis eateiprise is com
Tho Twentieth.
The twentieth arrival has jut enter
ed the Yuhti Homo, a little girl named
Beaty from Clearwater, Fla. She is
the first Floridian to enjoy tho advan
tage* of tho home which is doing won
derful work iu its chosen sphere.
Capt. Ouse Announces,
lu this morning's paper, Capt, R. P,
Dors announces liis candidacy for Ju
lies of the peace, subject to the election
of Deo. 81.* This annonnoemeut has
more than usual idierest on aocount of
i lie Captain's wide acquaintance and
popoisrity. He Is a voiehtn who serred
with distinction, was for many years
sheriff of Thomas oonniy, aud needs no
introduction or recommendation to tlie
voter* of tho district. -His nnnonree-
ment jy|Fre second for. the place now
justice John W. H Mitchell,
hstice.J, M. Massey announce,
srlcan Arbitration Treaty
Washington, Nov. 33.—Special to the
Tlmes-Enterprise. The German-Auteri-
ean arbitration treaty was Signed here
to-day. This is regarded as one of the
greatest triumphs of modern statesmen
ship nud a long step ^toward the world
wide peace toward which America lias
been leudtug the way. Secretary Hay,
who is well known in. ThomasviUe is
largely responsible for tlie snccessfcl
culmination of the,negotiations.
The following interesting lolegram
headed "rejoice" waa received here yet
terday from Mr. W. D, Upshaw who is
at the Georgia Baptist convention In
Colombu. “Go(t wonderfully blessed
onr Alex in tils convention sermon. Per
fect composure, Impassioned eloquence,
and great spiritual inspiration."
The telegram refer* to Rev. Alex W,
Healer, pastor of the Baptist church in
this city.
'In speaking of the sermon, the' Uolnm-
bus correspondent of the Coutitutiou
The convention eermon was preached
by Rev. Alex W. Beeler, of Thomasville,
Ga., and for over an hour lie held tht
complete attention of the vuc audience.
Hie test was "He bath not dealt so with
any nation."
HU general sabjeet was. ."A People
Led by a Loving 6od.” He traced the
ItUtory of Ainerioa, showing the hand
of Godintliedevelopement of the na
At the oonoluiou of tho sermon, Dr.
William H. Smith, pastor of tht First
Baptist church, said/she congregation
would Join in tinging "America", writ
ten by a Baptist, to which foot Rev. Mr.
Bealer had made reference, and tlie
many hnndred people joined heartily in
singing the national hymn.
It wte a thrilling moment in tho con
vention , ana Wm. D. Upsuaw repre
sented the sentiment of the entire an'
dience when he impulsively pressed for
ward, called Rev. Mr Beeler to the edge
or the rostrum and warmly shook hit
hand, thanking him for tlie sermon.
Wednesday afternoon at half past dne
o'clock, th i relatives and friends of Miss
Hattie Mash and Mr. J. Wayne Moore
of Montgomery gathered at tlie home of
tlie bride's parents on Dawson street to
witness their marriage—The wedding
wasaqniet oat very pretty one'and
every do ail was carried ont to perfec
tion. The ceremony srss performed iu
impressive style by Rev. Chas. A. Cox,
of Quitman assisted by Rev. Edward
Bkagen of Valdosta. The attendants
were Miss Ella Mash, maid of honor.
Mr, Arthur Lone of Atlanta best man,
little Miss Geraldine Atkins flower gill
aud Master Charles Cox of Quitman
ling-bearer. -Mr. and Mis. Moon left
on the 3:80 train for a tour of the Flori
da resorts.
Mr. Bslfford Robison wont up to
Americas Wednesday evening to spend
Thant solving with tus brother.
Splendid Contribution for the Poor
Made Wednesday.
There was more happiness to the
sqaaroinoh, at the Thomasnlletpublio
school building yesterday than any
place else in town. It was happiness of
the best kind too, the joy of mating
others happy. On Tuesday, Superin
tendent A. J. Barwiok, desiring to dro
velop the qualities of generosity and
ohsrity in'his young charges made tie
suggestion tliat each child bring some
contribution to be sent to I he poor of
the oity.
.As is always the case when Thomas
ville is oslied upon, the response was
most generous and ample. Everr child
who oame to sohool brooght tomothing
for those less fortunate than he Tie
gifts were first placed on the uesks of
the teachers in the separate rooms, ai d
were consolidated 1 on the chapel plat
form. They made a most imposing
array,and a catalogue of them would
look like tUdBObtory of an up-to dale
department store. There was food ot
every klridr ^nothing, olives, potatoes,
floor, jellies, jams, syrup, meat and sn
abuudanoe of fruit and candy for the
little ones.
At 13:30 thS children and a number
of visitors gathered in tlie ohiipel. Tbe
happy faocs ftf ttio little ones were good
lo see and they sang tlicir songs with a
rim that told of joyful hearts,
A short program was began by the
singing of “Praise Him-”. Then Mr.
Burwic.k r ad the rsaliu of Thanks
giving, the Rev. G, S. Whitney
lead lnpr«yer. Mina Jessie Beasley road
the Governor’s Proclamation, after
which alt leeitsd in concert' the 33d
psalm- Thou followed two readings,
! A Word on Thanksgiving” by Sum
Hayes, and “A Word of OJwor” by
Clifford Mltoheil, Mr. O. A. Keith read
the 163d pialm and Mr. Wliltuey made
a brief and appropriate talk. All Joined
i t ringing America with hearty good
will. y '
. Iu the afternoon thoigood Indies ot tbe
General Benevolent Soolety distributed
the goods and the .'substantial semi of
money given by tbe children. They
fool assured that there will not be sn
empty larder in ThomasviUe to-day.
The Inoldont Was a bountiful one, not
only in its material help to tho poor, but
lu the groat lesson It tanght theypnog
folks. ______
Commissioner Bryan's 8on Badly
Wounded- O.htr News.
Onr commnnlty was shocked this
morning by the horrib’e news that Mr.
Bertie Bryan, son of bounty commiss
ioner, J. Q. Bryan Esq., was shot and
dangerously wounded list Sunday night
by Wesley Jaekton • man living near
him. Reports as to the shooting are
confiio'ing lint from the best informa
tion obtainable it seems that tbe two
men wore wrestling and Jaokson got the
worst of the game and became angry
and fired loor shots at Mr. Bryan, one
of which took effect in the loft ride rang-
ing upward and poising through his left
lung. Mr. Bryan's condition is danger-
ons, bnt no arrest has been made.
Everybody In this community is busy
making s<rnp Tho majority of the
farmers hare lsrge cane crops nnd will
requir* w eeks to make and market their
syrup. The yield pr v acre is better thin
it was last year and tho gr«Ue is finer
which demands a better price.
Mrs. Ktliol Hugh(s, of Montirelio,
Fla, lavishing bar parent's, Mr. and
Mrs J. T. Draw, tld> week.
Mre. Motile Zorns ol Ashton, Ga, is
7islting her daughter. Mrs. Lon EUs
Aldredgs this week. * -
Mr. B. F. Smith, who luu lately re
moved from Brnnswlok to Greeoville,
Fla. is spending a few days in town.
Skelton Family Now In Cairo- Other
Cota Postponed '
(By T. H Tiller.)
Bambridge Ga. Nor. 38,1904. _
Niel Sutton accused of kidnapping
Alice Skelton was fonnd guhty last
niglit. at ileren o’clock, by the jury and
recommended to the mercy of the :onrf«
fudge W. N, Spence disregarded tlie
ecomntendalions of the jury and ten-
cenoed Sutton to fire years in the pone-
tsntlary witli a few eloquent remarks on
tlie gravity of tbe offeuse. Suttona at
torneys immediately moved for a new
trial. Tho case agaiuithim for attempt
ed asannli lias been tostpoued to
journed term of court in January.
Judge Spence was called tohis home
in Camilla -this morning by (he illness
of Ids wife. Judge Henry 0 Sheffield
of tlieFauntaulacircuit is hearing minor
cases. The Skelton family and the
little girl left this morning for Cairo.
They will go to Wsycross in a few
dayg where Mr. Skelton has work. Tlie
testimony was sensational in the ex
treme taking three days - and the jury
was ont several hoars. ' i *
Susina News Items.
(By 8. M. Beach.
.Tho poreonal effects’of the late Charlie
Davis, will be sold by auction next Fri
day. Dr. A, M. 'Uanuing has charge
of the estate.
The deatli of Mr. A. W. Oeakle, one
of ont esteemed citizens for many years,
is greatly regretted. The sympathies
of onr pcnplo-Srpyvlth the widow and
her chidieu iu 'their sorro* and great
lose.— • 1 ■"
Judge.H W. Hopkiqe of Thomaseille,
and Mr. B. F. Schuermeir of St. Pani.
Minn, who is well known here, are at
Ur. J. W. Hayes wont to Thcmas-
vllle last Friday.
Mr. Winters ol ThomasviUe wont to
Bradfordvllie last Thnradav, to look at
some stock for his dairy.
Ur. J. B. Mitchell of ThomasviUe, is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mi'cbeU--
Mrs. H. W. Hopkins and Mr. Jamas
Hopkins came down to Sherwood last
A continued stream of wagons pass
here on tho way to the Bay. Mallet are
unusually fine this reason.
John W. H- Mitchell.
Today Jnstioe John W. H. Mitchell
signifies his Intention of seeking re-elect
ion to his offioo as Jut Hoe of. tha pesos
Ho has held the offioe but one
term and feels that precedent and bis
past rtoord entitle him to another. Be
Is referred to by Ids friends “as the best
justice Thomasville overbad" and they
will work hard for hta re-election.
Mr. Hereohel V. Williams, and his
bride who was Miss Lillian. Strickland,
came Wednesday niglit from Savannah
and are the guests of bis motlu r Urv.U.
J. Williams. Mr. is an old
Thomasville boy, now with the South
ern Cotton Oil pompany io Savannah.
Bis marriage took place there yesterday.'
His rriends lu town will to glai tomeot
and congratulate him. .
Hopkins Wlno In Brunswick-
Brunswick, Go , Nov. 28.~Iu the
wliltojprimary here to-day R. R. Hop
kins, for mayor won by a majority of
181 over 4. J. Orovatc the presentlu-
cumbeut. His entire alderman, ticket
was elected. '
Mr. Chas, Gelid, who has for
yeort ooudooted “ l'he Oriental Bazaar"
in this city during tlw winters tuts rqt t -
tamed for the reason of 1901He
is at his old stand in Tattle’s store and
is being warmly welcomed by bis friends
and patrons. . - " ”