Newspaper Page Text
Hub S&utb (Beoroia flbvcc vess,
V f
Commutes Selaated (o
Plano Wlnnor In o a
Next Weak.
Whars «»a Small Boy May Celebrate
a Pyrotechnic Christmas.
The ’’And*’ Contest for a $350 Piano Closes Next
Week. Send in Yodr Estimate at Once.
Everybody is GneSsing, Who. will Win? v
Ot coarae itfia against the law to shoot
Are works but the law ' was made for
■all boys and not small boys for ilia
law. At Christmas rime the kid with
out Us firoworks.woald be aa desolate as
» Juno bride eione on aa Anttio island
80 Mayor Boddeabery spoke as follows
Wall Known Character In Drunk.
Frenzy Resists Arrest and met In.
atent Death tram Officer’s Cun on
Sunday Nght. No Inquest Hole.
ichool Board. Franklin A representative committee lias tinea
Municipal Ownership so ected to canvawf tlio returns iii tho
f d Pll,r *" ll °«* famous and contest of the Tlmoi-Ga.
terprise, and deolare the sviluier. Those
Who will nonreturn Vf.'X, Pryau, ot
es tell the story of les- o«ro, Fred Feltbam. or Boston. J. J.''
i primary for municipal Torileri of Mernllrlllei j w a
gs wore lively at the polls Mitchell. of ThooaeWto, and 3.
was .remarl ablo for the PUuher. of Meigs'. ■
ersoes. For city tree*- The committed will mset /i^B
s terminated in a victory Times-Bnlerprise offloe on Friday Do.
John W. H. MitcheU. comber 80th. They will take tlio iasua
u the triangular race for of jho Weekly Timca-Buterpriar of tha»
on the Board of Educa- dam aI)c i w m
No Arrest Made.
« « " ^
Oil'Sunday night at seven o’. Ink
Sam Price, colored, waa shot and in
stantly killed,''bn Remingrou Amine,
in front of his homo by officer K. L.
Dtwkhif. The aliooiliig eras done
while the negro resisted urreet end no
impost waa held,
• Price waa ■» noted negro chaiacier.
He bought and sold ui ickena ami eggs
His wagon and team of ponies were f >■
miliar s plits on the attests of the cily.
While sober lie was polite and agree
able, bnt when drank, a common occnr-
e .ch .tlilijidm, hewaau Testable demon
Only a few months ago lie beat hie wife,
rml-ted arrest, aud alarmed the quiet
residemo portion of the city by lo
howls aud The flues from this
irf their ball *U yesferday. •
T lie eUfting city ofdlnanfta prohibit
tbediaotiargimt'&r flriug rockets, fire-
crackers and Clio like by auy person
within the city limits.' Iliia .ordinance
should beobaerred uud will be oo'otood.
Exoept that on Pridty, Deo. 23 and Sat
urday Deo U aud Monday Deo. M and
Tuesday Deo. *7. the ordinance iaans.
pended for tlio discharge. ot permissible
fireworks, provided no lire wo. ks shall
be discharged tr exploded within tin
tin Ilmira or on Jarkaon street between
tiro A. C. L. depot aud Crawford street.
No fireworks shall bedischarged on the
'publicStntna bet aluiuld l.o confined lo
oarofnlly count tha-mttay
b r or times tbs word ' and" appears in
that issue, They will then verify their.
0 milt, go carefully ovrr the estimate
„u'iniiui-d by .each individual uml do
Ware [hr, winner
l. th« prfwmei <Tt t,.., Wmitlee guar,
nun-os tlulflijKlSrtWIt he eanfuJIj
doin', t-s records have been kepi with
ab-n ntn an-urary u> rl are open at all
times to. tlia inspection of interested
parties. The oonten .no** at ms£, nit
on Weduu day Dueember 8&b, two
dwyi b foru the peper is i-siiiod. No one
kauwitiow many times the word “arid-
will appear, aud no omi will know us
til tlie oonnulUee miuonucos Us do-
private luia aud promises.
_ The aale or firing of cannon crnckera
totally prohibited by ordinauoo and not
snap uded
This enepending order la sought to be
made M broad and Ubarsl as ia consis
tent with the safety- of pr..psrty aud
Their Itadden A
The tent ’ nnd" ooiitesi is'.iOSI at dealers ill the sou
a ol«M VI.. ot iU«ex« B ‘ te *piano Iim m
Wadnwi«*. v «*fM*ru»H»u time uplriidtd *
L-dden A B.will no lo
belong to tlio Times Enterprise, but _ r
be in the possession of some fortaaste ® TP™
j oome to expect sot
*'rhepisuo 1 on exliihitlon at Neel’s big Thl ’ **
dry good* store lias elioiud inuuinenv 1 * Prtaoi we »
ble compliments. More than ono lady .
line said “ riui’, is one of tlio awee’oU | t ™ <1 * J lM
toned biatiuineiitalo'erheird," Carter, " ,e °®
A Do rough, at Valdai’ firm from’ «U0«Sd With S«r;
• lilcl, the Times E turprisu parchtaed ecriptlon to either
tlie coohat pinn-, arc tlio largest (lisiio Times Enterprise.
Done by virtne of city Drdlnance this
Deo. SO. ItOt.
Tha flro limits roforrad to an 1u fol
' Beginning at the corner of Jeff- non
and Orawford, down Crawford to Smith
nlnant Citizens Scrap. Cthee
News of tho Neighborhood. '
AtA, down Smith to Broad, dowd
Broad to tbq A. 0. L Railroad, duwn
tho railroad te Madit'iu, up Msiliaon to
Fletcher, down Fletoher to tho railroad,
down ths railroad to Jaokaon. up Jack-
son to Btovene, oat Stavena to Jeffer
son, np Jefferson to starting point.
Now .that the privilege hae been ex
tended young folks and tholr parents
should take'ban not to show it, and
observe strictly the modified law.
Academy hero next Mo iday night to
the delight of the ohtidren.
Bov. Taylor filled his mgnlnr ap
pointment at tho Baptist church Satur
day and Sunday.
Oharley Thorn lull returned homo
Sunday from a year's stay oat west.
Mrs Rnthorford, a lady p>acher,
from Texas is conducing a ten days
meeting bore.
Kenneth Adams was here ou “busi
ness" last Friday.
Mr. Bob Joliuson of Ima ac
cepted a position witli the Berwick filer-
o iiiille Go. I ,
Mr. John Bicka and John McCann
vial tad Thomaar > Monday.
Mines Ellen at a Abbie Barrett spsnt
Friday aud Saturday in Thoaiasnlle.
“Drnmmer Beggs" waa in town Mon
day, Jelly as ever*
A vfiy serious difficulty occurred be-
SI S ' * woeu Mr ’ To4 * Miller and Will Hud-
Jp*jauaearly Monday moreiug wliithre-
ssoj suited in Ur. telug cut in tho
MO; back. Dr. Sanches was immediately
an anmmouod and report* that the woend
172 1* of • rattier ierioua nature.
108 ®° y Berwick visited relative* at Finn
rg Park Saturday and Sunday.
Card- err oat annoandng tho mar
riage of Mini Lille Pope and Mr. Frank
the Bedfoarn, an J Miss Bertie Dancan ui.d
fit- ^ r - Henry Thornhill both marriages in
zU. take place Wednesday ariornoon Deo.
Ht Mud, at the home of tho brides,
Ot Mia, Addle Slone from Quitman ia
L visiting tho family ot xr. M. E. Pope,
or Ur. Will Hancock, n prominent plan-
«da t«r of Clirstsrfteid ooaS^- 0-- *• tis- •
An Importaut eh »ige in railroad cir
olos, effective Jan I, wil> be tlie retire
ment from the p*itl n of genpr Isn
pertuteudum, At.auti', Donat Line, of
Capt. WiUlain B. D-uliam.
He is now in Wilmington, to wliih
plsre ho w| i l e tr, n-ferrrd ae aetUiani
to Fourth Vwa-i’r-a dent J. R, Kotily.
Mr Morton Riddell, aesietaut chief
engineer sin ■- leaf Jun>, la elated tp sue
eead Mr. Den mm.
Tne new* is or e»peoiat. intereet in
Then aavillu wlmrr Capt Deuham is
well and fur- rahlv kuowu suit whore lie
lias many rnlatlrea.
J. J. Stephens 1
J.W.H. Mitchell 1
W. W. Williams 1
r. J. Frankliu I
S B. Bouford i -I
B.J. Miller... 1
H- W. Hopkins |
O. M. Smith 2
Toklo, Deo. 80—The British steamer
King Aethonr waa captured br tile
Japanese yesterday while attempting to
leave Port Arthur. It is understood
that the eteumer carried supplies into
Port Arthur. 8he had onboard Rus
sian naval officers who were attempting
to join tlie Russian Baltic Hast. The
steamer waa taken to base bo for trial.
The British steamer Nigeetoa, bound
.for VlaJlvoatook, waa captured by the
Japaune yesterday off Sultan, Korea.
She had a large quality of contraband
Mid was rant lodaaebo.
In another oolumn of thl* morning's
pepurappears the official order fora
bond election to b* held iu Cairo oa
January 86. Ths onuueil of our neigh
boring oity propones to lane bonds to
the amount of $16,000 to be paid off in
SOysura. $10,000 of the amount goes to
the building of u system of waterworks
and $6,000 to aa eleotrlo light plant.
The citisens of the pluoky town seem
determined to have those modern im
provements and there Is Uttl* donbt that
the bond issue will carry In the ap
proaching election.
County People Loeete in
thle County-
M B Mellette....
J O J Lewie
W. B Hambleton.
W-B Cochran....
A W. Kirkland...
Jits F. Evans ....
O Vf. Herring....
llnkden, Dec. 20—Iniidilloni litre
c i-dav are in the greatest contrast lo
thu-e of a uicutli
Hon, L. N. Carrington, representative
from Madison county In the last legisla
ture i- in I ho cite. M-. Carrington laa
purchased what ia known aa tlie Jeff
Simmons plantation in this county ties
Pjto. He liaa moved there with his
family. Anomberof his friends .and
neighbors are also moving to the samtf
place, and the large form will /jOntlti
re ltd ill an up-to-date manneVe^tbers
■till are ptaaniug to follow this example
and locate in Thomas county.
Madison county la in the extrema
northeastern part of the state, between
Jackaou and Elbert and north of Clark
Mr. Carrington's instance ia hot one of
many that might be sited. It shows
that North Georgians are realising
what residents ot this section have long
known, that Thomas county it the best
Seutsooe has boon pwied ou the Turn
pa physician whown* found guilty "f
malpractice ou I lie person of M re. Jas
Evnus, former/ of . Ooolidge iu this
county, enusiug tier death. A recent
issue of tho Tampa Herald saya:
In the case of Dr. Hiram J. Hanip-
too, oharged and found guilty by lim
Jurr of ‘manslaughter, hie attorneys.
Macfarlane A Uleu, haring given notice
of motion for a new trial end haring
made motion for same, Jodg* Hortliu
dented motion and eruteuCed Dr Hamil
ton to fire years in the state penitenti
The oonuaal (or the physician will at
con appaal the ossa.
The defendant was allowed to fin a
snpsnsdeas bond in tb* sum of $6,000"
D\ J. S. Hunnlcut All-
Dr. J B. Honnlont, formerly proles-
sox o^agricnltnrs at the of
' Georgia, and later editor and proprietor
of "The Southern Cultivator," died
Monday at hie home In Atlanta and was
burled Tuesday. He wee known to
mmoypooplain Thome* oounty. Only
bet month he attended the Farmers’
Institute ben and. delivered two ad
dresses. At the rime of his visit to
Tim Russians
are fortified for thirty miles sooth on a
line, the fortifications bring snob that
no oue believes Ilia Japanese can break
or ran theta. 8honaare open and doing
all a trade, soiling expensive goods,
furs, silks and ran bits of bronzo.
Everything indicates prosperity, and
the town ia Uviug an old oriental lifts of
ease with the leaven of ^fokdtn energy
Introduced by a population of a quarter
of a million fmrignere scattered in the
vicinity of til* place.
J. W. Dillon
health, hot no on* expected hie early
Mr. John Paeco of the A. L. L. engine-
ering oorts was in town yesterday. He
was accompanied by Iii* younger broth
er, Mr. 8am Phecp, who Is a medical
■undent gif the University of Virginia
and was on Ida way to his tome In Mon-
ticrilo foe the holiday time. - .'
opunty iu the stats. Tb* cooing of men
of character and (tending means much
to the community. For all sach Thom
as county has a warm weloomo.
A New Mater- a
Mr. Galvin Brown w.u li.u been put
ting in tho Baptist or*.if (at jn-t in
stalled swat* 7 motor in tlie Eptsoopal
ohnjjili. This organ though old has si
so had some repairs aa J these with the
motor make tb* instrument ranch more |
Mr. und Mrs. H. ril Fudge of'Atlanta
are tlie gupstf of hr. and Mrs. H. C.
IK unsey on Dawson street. Tftay a rived
last night for assay ,.f several day..
list. Mr. Heath handled many thons-
asdi of dollars yse'.erdvy and the hooka
sto.nAr in good shape.
guest of friends In this city for n mouth,
will return today ta liar hOm* in Naw.