Newspaper Page Text
. Waggor—They say that old Cou-
ponnes, tha banker, haa untold wealth.
- G agger—Yea, that’s what the tax
collector suspects.—Town Topics.
A Prlnes's •On# Fish,
I read recently that Prince Arthur'
of Connaught had had a day’a salmon
Catling In Sootland and had caught
only one flah. An admission of tills
eort la Quite contrary to piscatorial
ethics. A mere commoner would not
hare been expected to make so bold
an announcement. He would have
called It ten at leant, or It he had
beep tied doWh to a single capture by
the presence of eye wltheeses his flah
would certainly hare aasumed noble
proportions.—Black and White,
TOgpermao»ntl»(rar«J. No atsornerron-
r ; w« alterAral flu’s uso ot Or. Kllaa'n Ore*:
NarmBertom.tfWalbottleana treatise tree
Dr. B. H. Kuxg.Ltd., 931 Arch Bt;, Pails., pn.
• S.WO.OOO pound* of
An apparatus called the telecrypto.
graph,, which telegraphs and records
In print messages oTer ordinary tele*
phony, bar been Invented by Blguor
Melcottl, an Italian electrician.
Fifty astronomical observatories In
all parts of the world have beed mak
ing observations (45.000 altogether) ot
the asteroid Eros, which will make It
possible to determine with greater ac
curacy than heretofore the distance
of the sun from our planeb
honey a year.
PWSOurelor Uonsumptloa Is an infallible
nmdWne for cough* and colds.—N, w.
aucuit., Ooesn Qrovc. N. J„ Fob. 17,ItoJ.
A ailic velvet 1* now nude ia a rib like a
coane corduroy.,
Icoberga aro the product of Green
land, glacier* and aya formed by the
thousand In tbe fat northern Horde.
Ae the glaciers sweep Into the sea they
"calve" or throw off mighty blocks,
and these are what wa know a* Ice-
Itch cured la 30 minute* by Wooltotd a
Sanitary Lotion; neverfail*. BoldbyDnig*
gilt*. Mail order* promptly HIM by Dr.
E. Detehon, Crawlwdivifle, Ind.. 21.
Laborer* in India receive four cents lor
sixteen hours’ work.
A, writer in an English automobile
paper claims that roads could bo kept
permanently damp by.the application
of strong solutions of calcium chlor*
fie or magnestUM chloride, and that
The Lady—Are you the person to
whom I gars a pie live minutes ago?
The Hobo—No, madam; the mo
ment I took tha flraf bite of that sweet
morsel I became a new man.—Chicago
mnri aiiiit
pro offer On* Hundred Dollars Howard for
any.cao* ot Catarrh that cannot ba cured by
Hall's Catarrh Ouro. "
, V. 3. Caanxv A Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J,
Cheney for tho last 16year*,andhallavohim
perleetly honorable In all business transac
tion* and Bnanoially able to carry out any
obligations made by thslr Arm.
Wssr* Tmosx, Wholesale Druggist*, To-
Waldixo, Knrxsx A Msetik, Wholosals
Us "’ ’ V ..
this would b# cheaper then oils and
without their objectionable odors.
Zircon, tbe elllcate of alrconlnm, Is
valuable for gem purposes when trans
parent, wblle tbe opaque variety finds
application In tbe manufacture of tbe
glower for tbe Nernet electric lamp.'
Therd la only one deposit In this coun
try that Is worked, situated In Hender
son County, North Carolina.
A cuto little damsel named Flynn
Was cursed with a wart on her chynn;
A hammer aba seined
A hammer sho seised
And attempted to pound It buck ynnl
—Milwaukee Sentinel.
rh Carols taken Internally,aot-
lng dlreotly upon tho blood and mueou* sur
faces ol tho systom. Teatlmonlalssent tree.'
Price, 75o. per bottle. Sold by all Druggist*. ’
Tak# Hall** Family Pills for oorutlpaljoa.
Tbs carcass of an elephant in tbe
Ghent Zoological Gardens, which bad
been killed, wet bought by a local pork
butebar, who transformed It Into
Frankfurter aausagee. Be wns able
to menufsetore no fewer than '3800^
pounds of sansagta, which sold like
hot cakes.
The novel theory that tb* difference
In tbe color of people’s eyes la a pro
tective' adaptation to surroundings
cornea front Professor Wallace, ot-
Kimberley, South Africa. Natives of
regions where blno light Is predomi
nant—Swedes, Norwegians and aall-
ors, for Instance—have blue eyfla, while
near the equator, or In sandy ’ lend!
like Booth Africa, where. Intense yel
low light le experienced, -the eyes take
■ rich dark yellow bne, ne those of-the
Kaffirs and Malays, Italians end Span-
lords. Generally speaking, tbe Scotch
have blue, the Englleb gray and the
French dark eyes. ,
fTo’be a successful wife, to retail the love ■
and admiration of Her husband should be a
woman's, constant study. Mrs. Brown and
Mrs. Potts tell their stories for the benefit
of all wives and mothers.
** Dear Mbs* Pdikilam Lydia E. Pinkhnm’s Vegetable Com-
pound will make every mother well, strong, healthy and happy. I dragged
through nine yeare of mlaerabla existence, worn out with pain and weariness.
I thdn noticed a statement of a woman troubled as I was, and the wonderful
results the had had from your Vegetable Compound, and decided to try what
It would do for me, and naed It for three months At the end of that time I
wo* a different woman, the neighbors remarked It, and my husband fell to
love with me all over again. It seemed like a new existence. I bad been *u<-
fering with Inflammation and falling of the womb, hut your medicine cured
that and bnilt up my entire system, till I waa Indeed like a new woman. —
Blnoarely yours, Mae. Cn as. F. Buows, 21 Cedar Terrace, Hot Springe,, Ark.,
Vice President Mothers’ Club." .
Suffering women (Mould not foil to profit by Mrs. Brown’s ex
periences ; lust os surely os she was cured of the troubles enumer
ated In hor letter, juflt So surely win IiydteE., Plnktaun’aVegetable
Compound cure other women who suffer from womb troubles,
Inflammation of tho ovaries, kidney troubles, nervous excitability,
and nervous prostration. Bend tho story of Mrs. Potts to all
•• Dmas Mss. PnncnAMi—During the early
■gtagMItea, part of my married life I was very dolloato
In health. I had two miscarriages, and both
■d^'£i3?Wiw'B§\ my husband and I felt very badly as wo were
\ anxious to have children. A neighbor who
> had boon using lydlo E- Plnkham’*
Vegetable Compound advised me to try
it, and I decided to do so. I soon felt that
my appctlto was increasing, tho headaches
gradually decreased and finally disappeared,
general health improved. I felt as
Gantt’s Planters and Distributors
Write for Frlcss said Catalogue#
OANTT ilFQ. CO., riacon, Ga.
BostBMS College, four soholsrshlps srs of
fered young perform of thlaoounty at less than
•ost. WRITE TODAY. * •
Malsby & Co.
41 Suit) Forsyth St, ltlanU,(U.
Slavery In Masaiohusatts.
In 1734 there were nearly four hun
dred and fifty slaves In Essex County,
Maesachueetta, alone. The present
constitution ot Massachusetts was es
tablish od In 1780. The tint article ot
the declaration of rights asserts that
all men aro born free anil equal, and
this was generally supposed to have
reference to slavery, hut It was a point
on vfhlch all did not agree. In 1781,
however, at the court In Wofeiester,
an 'Indictment was found against a
white man for assaulting, beating and
Imprisoning a black. HI* trial took
place at the Supreme Judicial Court,
1788, and the defence was that the
black man was a slava, and tbs heat
ing, et cetera, waa the neceesary cor
rection of hie matter. Thle defence
did not avail; the white man was
found guilty and lined, and thle de
cision was the death-warrant for slav
ery In Massachusetts.
RAILWAY, Wayorow, Ga.,
for information regarding
A Goad Tiaebir,
Wo often find boys who have edu
cated themselves In the country,
Rlmost without schooling or teachers,
make the moat Vigorous thinkers,
They may not be quite ae polished' or
cultivated, In eome ways,, bnt they
have something better than polish, and
that Jt mental vigor, originality ot
method, add Independence. They do
not lean upon their echoollng, or
depend upon their diplomas; necessity
has been their teacher, and they have
been forced to act for themselves and
be practical; they know little of theor
ies, bnt they know whet will work,.
They, have gained power by eolvlng
their own problems. Such self-edu
cated, self-made men carry weight -In
their communities because they are
men of power and ’ think vigorously
and strongly; they have learned to con
centrate the mind.
Self-help la the only help that will
make strong, vigorous llveai Self-
rellaneo la a great educator and' early
poverty a good teacher. Necessity baa
ever been tha prtceleae spur which has
called man out of himself and sparred
him on to hie goal.
Grit la more than a match for almoat
any handicap. It overcomes obstacles
and abolishes difficulties. It Is the
mail who nukes an opportunity, and
does not wait for It—the mau who
helps himself and does not wait to
be helped,—that makes tha strong
thinker and vigorous operator.
It Is be who dates to be himself and
to -work by hit own program, with
out Imitating others, who wins.—
Orison Swett Harden, In Success.
Portable and Stationary
-Engines, Boilers,
Saw Mills
CempM* Ha* carried <n clock for
IVUXDIA TZ shipment
Bern MnalslDerr, Lowed Frlcce ned Meet Term
Write us for catalogue, prices
ate., before buying.
Xa ordering Tower 1 * Slicker*
(.customer write*i «I knew
(AagSwUI *• oil right If the*
JkoaetMa ’Ft,A* *» them*.
[Tula ooaOdanaa la tha out
growth of aUiy-nln* loan of
‘The School for Mother*.’'
"The School for Mothers,” originat
ed by Mmo. Moll-Wolaa in Bordeaux,
Is being much discussed. Thera Is
s question of starting similar educa
tional ewtabllshmeilt*. In Paris snd
other large centres’In Franoe on the
same system, and thinking people are
applauding the measures taken to fur
ther the Interests of humanity.
Hitherto young girls wore brought
up to Ignore tho very .things they
should ha taught. They had no notion
of the elementary principles of hy
giene, of Hio dressing of Infants, of
tho managamMit of bonsehold ex
penses, tha price of food, etc. All this
will he taught them, and prepare!
them for the position of wives and
mothers. .
Cast for
The Bowels • _
11 Within a year after I becumo themother
WSSEl&T’ ofnetrong healthy child, tho toy of our homo.
wtfadMtyZ/iV/// JPSEf You certainly have u oplondta remedy, snd I
!■rHiiSc, iB wish overymother knowof It. — Sincerely
®Wf 1 fflOSvT . yours, Mrs. Axxa Potts, 610 Park Are., Hot
W&ISVtsT'' Springs, Ark.” *•
xy-f Mhr- .yawfy If you feci that thoroisanythingataU
wa .«1/ ¥ unusual or puzzling about your case, or
i if you wish confidential advioe of tha
most experienced, writo to Mrs, Pink-
horn, Lynn, Mass, and you will he advised -free of charge. Lydia E.
Finkham’s Vegetable Compound has oured and is curing thousands
of esses of female troubles—curing them inexpensively and absolutely.
Romember*this when you go to your druggist. Insist upon getting
Lydia £> Plnkham's Vegetable Compound.
f Tncooweia ^
8terlIog Remedy Co., ChlcafO or NsY# gpB
If Ainieted with weak ejee, nee
Thompson’e Eye Water
Tho Cars of Plsnta In Winter.
Giro plants sH tbs fresh- sir yon
can. Open doom and windows at
some distance from thorn on pleasant
days Snd give them a chance to
breathe in pure oxygon In liberal
quantity. Sirs all the sunshine you
can. And aim to ktop tho temper
ature of the room between 70 dagrsaa
by day and 66 at night. It will proba
bly exceed those figures In both di
rections, but try tp regulate M In such
a way as to avoid the extremes of In
tents host and dangerous cold. Use
water liberally on thfl foliage ot your
plants. By wuihlng off the dust k
keeps open,the pores of tho leaves
through which they breathe, and It
tamper* the hot, dry atmosphere pro-'
vailing In tho living-room. The only
way to modify thta condition la to
keep water evaporating on tha stove
or register and make frequent nee of
the aprayer.—Upplnoott'e Magurne.
Thr Pot o’ Pent.
Ten MacLaron” recounted thlr story
In a lecture oh Scottish humor: .
In a’doll Scottish village, on a doll
morning, one neighbor called' at
asother’s house. He was met et tbe
door by his friend’s wife, and the edn-
venation which ensued was tons:
for a present wtth
Baking Powder
Bny Good Lock Baking Powder. In so doing yon
the most ol the purest baking powdarat the malUU
Furthermore, If yon will save toe coupons that yot
find plainly printed on the label ot each can, yon a
muitconalTpkntr et fecu^ 0 ** 104 *' ■**
“Gann too bo weety (rainy), I’m
“Ia John in?*’
"On, ayl he’s In.” .
“Can I see him?"
“Bnt a tainted tie see him.”
“Ay, but ye canaa see him.
“DeldT” .
“Ay.” -
An Explosive.
“Inventors, with all thslr originality
and brilliance, ore often naive, child
like and Impractical,” old General
Waltaoa F. Randolph, of too general
staff of too army.
“An Inventor called on me one day
to talk about an explosive he had or
"•It Is the most powerful explosive
the world ever seen,’ be sold, ’and
It la my Idea to send It up In a bal
loon, with a lighted fas* attached to
It The balloon will be sent over the
camp of too enemy, the explosive will
go off, and victory will he ours.’
“ ‘Yet said I, ‘bnt sappoee a current
of air should blow the balloon back
over our own army. What then?’
“’Then,” said to* Inventor, taring
hla band on my arm, ‘I tell yon what
It Is, general; oar army would have to
. —n far all It waa worth. ”
“Verrk sudden?”
“Ay, very sodden."
"Did be say onytomg about a pot o-
green pent afore he deed?”—Leaves
from toe Scrapbook of a Scottish
swelling la tlose
i a permanent curs
The Pnnkvllle Debating Society wa*
In regular session, sod Mr. G. Watkins
Spnrltag was making an earnest plea
on tha affirmative side of the question,
. “Resolved, That man’s every act is
the result of a selfish motive.”
“I go farther than that. Mr. Presi
dent,” be sold. “About tbree-fonrtos
of toe thing* a man does is. bees use
Baking Powder
) wss established in 1893. The soles ham so increased to date, that- today we
I are shipping Good Luck Baking Powder ia carload lots to every section of the
I country. Tho cause of this enormous popularity is plain. In Good Luck,
I force, hut at a price m little less than they have been accustomed to pay for
I some other kina thkt ws* not ss sttisfictory in result*.
I When baying Good Luck think of it*yvWJwxnd consider the good results
\ obtained from it* use. Remember every Good Luck coupon count* lor a
I 'present. If yonr grocer doesn’t keep Good Luck, scud u* his name and we
I will see that you are supplied. > . ^ ™
’ Richmond, Va.
Florodora Cotton,
Xarlr, most prollBe. flbre lour snd strong,
jfsnii.i^a”*"*?cUrs from plinUnja grew
huh. If feet 4 Inehee through »nd »7 if*t
BsrawiU. Barnwell, S. C.
Mr. Jones—Msry, con a woman keep
anything to herself?
Mrs. Jones—Yes; her private opin
ion of her husband.—Philadelphia
Telegraph. ! -
be advancing. In spite of tha fact tha tr U 1 N to 1
there Is promise of an unusually targe , subhsMar and tartar **■*•* teas sir *<ka>
supply of tealps that will bo thfflrwt) tulHH'XJii »W W? FS’UsKttHSAW^W*'
; an entire