Newspaper Page Text
South Georgia Progress.
t'atilislieil.cvtn- Friday ty the
TfMies.Enterprise Publishing Co.
Wilson M. Hardy, Preeltfent,
John O. McCartney, sac. A treas
At the Tiiuo-Enterpnse Building.
Thomasvillo, Ga.
Kutored at the postoffice at Thomi: -
rille, Ga., M 'tecoud] class mail
matter ' -
Weekly, One Year.... ...
« Six Months..,..
« Three Months...
, OneYear.........
•• Six Months........
♦* Three Months.... •
« One Month,
.. w
. ,$6.C0
.. ».ro
.. 1,86
.. so
Official Paper of Thomas County
Guaranteed Circulation 2477
Harvto Jordan is .till oryinj.
to yonr cotton,**
Scientists say tlie moon I, craotcd.
Man In the moon most have turned Re
Most of us are aadly impreta-d by tle
now proverb. “Where tbem’a a'bill
there’, a way—to .pend it." *
Llent. Peary eoj. Artio cold enrr.
baldne... We liad rather lire When
wo don’t ueed the hlr.nto thatch.
Atlanta’, pyfoteolmlo major-elect
Woodward ha. .tartod out wrong by
getting angry with tho newspaper re
porter*. The friendship of a new.papci
man la tuoro to bo desired than that ol
the King of England.
Poor old Dr. Ohadwtok Is to be plump
ed Into Jail a. toon aa be return, from
Enropo. Ho 1. what many a
man haa found ont In a lower degreo,
that it’a bad to be tied np with tli-
wroug kind of a woman.
When it come, to figuring on the
Sonth’a reproaouta-ion wo will .how tliat
While we permit the negro to register
WO oannot permit him to vote and con*
grew wilt have to credit us with thoao
darkle, who are qualified.—Columbia
State.. e V.
Here i« a center shot from the Au
gusta Ohrouicle.
Senator Uaoon says he was misnuder-
■tood a. to hi. attltndo on the negrodla-
franohlrement question. Well, hi.
Mend, are glad to be ket right—beo.tue
they had always regarded A. O. Bacon
Ma.talesman of blggor mould than
“Tonngman, come South,*’ more
tlian erer beforo, this la good adrice to
day, say* tho Albany Herald. There la
no doubt conoernlog the future of this
Motion, whose prosperity Is causing the
whole world to marvel. It U a land of
opportunities, whore honest labor yield*
rich fruit, and where Damo Fortune
lend, a willing oar lo tho earnest plead
er. The South la one of tho garden
.pots of eorth “Young man, com.
There 1. no rest for tho weary,, nor
the advertiser. A Thcmtrville mat
has found this ont. He said to the
ed.tor the other day: “I am going to
get after onr Boi-rd of "rad. this spring
and make them torae another booklet if
1 can. The racoess Of tie Tbomaarille
booklet lias shown * the need of this.
The new booklet ought to deal with ilie
advantage* of the town and oonnty as
plaoe of residence. I am confident that
it would do great good.’’
The gentleman ia right. There are
thousand* of intelligent people In the
north who would welcome an opportnnh
to ekeape from the ngora of winter sea
sons. Bnt they do not know, or atany
rate realize only dimly, the advantages
jf this section. The “among the pines'
100k was not intended to appeal to
them and does not. Bnt n book telling
them in terse, attractive style, of the
business and agricultural opportunities,
rhe how and when of making* living,
would bring immediate remits The
money for the book oootd aasUy be
raised. The oonnty towns wonld do
heir part. W* hope to see the ononly
booklet a development of Aha near fa*
‘I received a let ter the ocher day from
Elbert Hubbard, editor of the Pbillstin.
magazine “said a Thomasville lady In »
Sunday conversation. “He writes e
mutt Interesting latter and one of Ui
moat interesting things lie said was thu
he is planning to ooma to Thomasvill
this winter.”
Hnbbard ia one of the characters t>
America The lank apoatle of qoee
tom la dtno need as a freakish fake h
hundreds and regarded as a muter min
by thousands. He Is a shrewd mone-
maker, a literary qoack, wield, an ni
ine stylo and uys what he think* D«
*u always regarded u somewhat ►
pouur, in bia nnconventloual ideas ni-
’ll a divorce suit brought him- Into ma
lodorous repute. Then it was font c
that he did exaotly like he said If lu
oomes to Thomasville the.- people who
meet him will certainly be entertained
and one can forgive much in a person
who is entertaining. And the Elks
ought to giro him a social session for
he onoe paid ihem a beautiful trlbnte
entitled “The Honorable Elk,” that
hangs framed In nearly every Elkpodge
In America.
The following comment Is made upon
a beloved citisou ot onr town bjth*
Macon News:
“JndgeH. W, Hopkins is a wheel horso
In Tbomu oonnty politic*. The people
down there Jost won't beat him, and
they dare anybody else to try It. His
oonstitnente bestow lint one office upon
him, and then-another, and when the
sopply of looal posUlcns give, ont they
.end him to the state senate. Inst week.
In a hot popular election, Judge Hopkins
was chosen a member of the Thomas-
Tills school board.”
Onr neighbor Florida wonld seem to
be a good state, for ambitious youths.
The governor who retires from office
next weak went to Florida singing songs
from the back ot a Wlaard Oil wagon
and tho new governor onon oooked tn a
schooner. But fee that ualtar a great
many governor* have mad* remarkabl*
records. The governor ot Minnesota is
a son ot parent* who Ueed In'.the pan
per boos*, and the governor of Mama-
oknsetta used to oobbl* sh-s*. Thu*
men ought to tM’lbt* to gtt* an' admin
iteration broad and sympathetic with
*11 classes.
Andrew Carnegie, the hrew Sootamau
Is acting u the tail to Oasal* Chadwick’*
kite In the pnbllo prints jost nowand
anything pertaining to bis name to:
with avidity. Everybody knowiothu
philanthropy, and Snpt. J. A. Epply of
the Thomuvlllo water work* clipped a
good story from a northern paper the
other day. Ills partlenlarly appropri
ate now that ThotnasrlUt 1, on the ere
ot haring two new pipe organ..
To a village In Massachusetts the great
Iron mss ter presented a pipe organ,
whlon wu pronounced very fin*. The
first recital stirred the whol* oonnty,
Some mouths later Mr. Carnegie WSI
urged to ooetribute toward the Improve
ment of the waterworks -system of the
village, whereupon, feeling hlmstlf lm-
posed upon, he replied wrathfully
through bit private r.ecretary that he
thought it aa little u the community
ooold do to take oare of Ua own ctr-
porate neoeasltlea; that It waa to th*
moral and phystoal welfare ot the (eo-
ple to improve their waterworks them-
selves, &o. The answer to this letter
by tho authorities of th* village con
tained thto statement:
“Onr waterworks wu entirely satis
factory for all onr needs, until yon gave
na that splendid organ. We find now
that the pressure ain’t snfilcient to pump
the organ, and thought you’d like to
assist pa tn purchasing a new boiler."
Oarewgl* haa th* letter framed In
Bklbooaaiie. Here’* hoping Tbomaa-
viUa Wont have to ask him tor aid in
tarnishing eoctoaUitlcal harmony.
n mighty bad shafe. j. rr
There was ona yearling about su>flusl
from lack of atteniion. Tho cattl
put lu there and arc not given any food.
If their owners do not call for them ip
a day or two the cattle get tn horrible
shape. The city ought to feed them
Slid mako their owners pay, for it. At
any rate lomethlag should be done and
the cattle onght nut to be made to
antfer.” The newspap,r man inter
viewed Marshal Stephana in regard lo
thto state of affaire. The mmelial said.
“Cattle are never allowed to suffer in
the pound. Their owners wonld like to
see the olty fatten them bnt they kick
like everything when the bill to pre
sented. The law allows ten cents a day
as a feeding fee for battle. On account
of the owners’kicks we ha/e not, oom
menced to feed them tha minute they
are put in. Wo sometimes notify the
owner aud wait a day nntil he can come
and get Ins cow oot, before we begin lo
feed. But none ot them Jgo hungry
long. In regard to tliat yearling he waa
only pnt in thto morning and was hardly
able to walk when we took him np. So
it Isn’t onr fault.”
It seems there are two sides to the
pound controversy. Nobody wonld con
sent to let the animals snffer, and the
officers statement that they do not will
be good nowa to those opposed to cruelty
The Inmate* of the stale sanitarium
had a special Christmas dinner. There
were only »,W6 patients at the instltn:
clou and it only takes the following
One hundred and sixty-seven turkeys,
M geese, 800 ohlokens, 50 barrels of ap
plet, 60 bartttoo! oranges, SO bunches of
■ananas, 1,000pounds of assorted oandy,
1,000 pounds of assorted nuts, 1,000
xmnds of assorted frqit, 800 pounds • t
stains, 400 ooooannta, 1,000 pounds ol
weet crackers, oaks*, eto. Many of. tin
unfortunates look forward lo Christmas
■a one of tho happy days of the year,
•early every patient receives boxes ol
,-ood things from their friends and rel
utve* at thto season of the year end the
•anltarinm hat had to ran extra wa-
<ous handling the paoksgee from tho ex
press efilce.
The relations of the Oen-ral of Geor
gia with the traveling public and the
newspaper* have always beeu most
Whon there la .any defect in
ihelr service they reallr seem grateful
when attention to sailed to it, and If
possible they remedy to The Time*-
Enterprise recently called the attention
of Central Fa-wan gar Agent J. O. Hall*
to the annoying delays often Inflicted
upon passengers between Albany and
Thomasville. and the delay In the mall
■errto*. Mr. Hall* In replying tail* ot
step* which will remove the cause of
complaint. He fertbar say*. “We an
very anxious to have tha aarrioa betwaen
Atlanta and ThomasriUe reliable end il
to cur purpose to leave nothing undone
to aooompitoh thto result." Hit actlpoe
prove hie word*. Compliments of th*
to the Central of Ueorgla.
A gtopped In
Ectarprtoe office yeaterday and sold “I
wish you vroald bit lham amp about
ntroversv started by the IStt
of Oiborne ou state politics. Is srill boil
ing with no signs of abatement. Ever;
day some new development in (he affair
oomes to light. It has already h
shown that the Hou Fondien Mitel,ell
waa “butchered to make a cor..oration
holiday” in the last ape-kci-hip
One of bis opponents, Hou'. Enj-rsoh H,
George of Morgan county has an inter
esting interview lo yesterday’s Atlanta
Ooustitntloa Be indorses as tree the
warning to D-tuocrato sounded by Mr.
O»lx»rno He says in regard to the
speakership race,
“Mr Morris, ia the rare for speaker
nnnanttonably had the *i.p,*rt of some
of the best men in the house This is
true of evrrv ballot. I apply It with
pleasure and emphasis lo the tost bailor
when a Urge uisj-trity of the tuen who
bad etood steadfastly to me, nntil over
their protest I withdrew from the race,
voted for Mr. Morris I myself voted
tor Mr. Mitchell, a^d have never seen
any cause to regret - my vote. Undet
the same ^circumstance* I wonld _do sc
Tha next man who writes a dictionary
will probably define climate as tot
thing to kick about. Even hen in
Themasvtll* where thlbgf spell perfec
tion, men have bean so ungrateful at to
cuss the weather. A trne understand-
ing of great men to obtained whan sever
al hundred yean have passed away,
To get the right perspective on' onr
climate a person onght to transplant
hlmseU several hundred miles tn either
direction. Then when he gets book
home he a 111 knowhow to appreciate
Th'ie art various cities that advance
claims to being the center of things.
Every state haa a town that vannto It
self aa tho geographical center, the oen-
ter of population the manufacturing
center or something similar. We want
to adranoe the claim that Thomaarilte
1s the elimatk) center- of the United
Here the cold of winter to tempered
by the «arm beams of the ardent ran.
The heat of rammer to modified by the
cool gnlf breeze*. The lauguor of sprit g
to dispelled by crisp mornings and cool
nights. The melancholy of autumn 1*
driven away by the bright cheer of ver
dure. The weather allow* a healthy
hearty happy Ufa, Then are maay
good things about Thonatvill* but the
“Who elected Morris! If yon mean
was he eleoted solely through the influ
enoe of one rat of men, I must answer
that he wa* not. A great many of bis
votes were doe to personal friendship
and admiration, a great many voter
weio doe to the gtogasphy of the start
If yon mean, oon’d he have been eleoted
without the Influence ol the corpora
tion*, I answer frankly that in mv
opinion be ooold not. Thto to only an
Oitulon; a man knows very little, except
on hie own side My opinion, however,
oandlilly expreeied is, that but for the
mom stubborn resistance, the moat
tat and bitter fight made b.v the
corporations sgniort Mitchell, the latter
wonld have been eleoted. I liudlj
think that there ean be two . pinions on
chat subject. Did the corporations light
me? They were too buy fighting Mit-
obeli. Had Mitchell been ellmlnatsd,
they wonld have fought me nnqnea-
Then along oomes Jaatoh Carter, the
Atlanta correspondent of the tJavannah
Press and the Anguta Chronicle. Mr.
Carter, knows all about politics, or at
any rata think he dot*. HO suggests
that Mr Osborne to out -*fte£ ..Judge
Hamilton UoWhorter the king bee of
them alL He says that the^dual by
which Mr. Mitchell
about In thto manner.
“Two yeata ago there.
for speakership, the candidates being
Messrs. Morris, Steed, Mitchell and
George Ur. Steed had 18 or *) voeea
and Mr Morris needed them. It to said
that a oonfarsnoe was held which wu
attended by Messrs. Harry Flshar, John
D. Utile,. Albert Howell and Senator
Olay. A* a result ot th* oeoferenoetl
to said Mr, Steed withdrew from th*
rao* and hi* support want to Mr. Mor
ris- It to alt Mr. Morris agreed to rap
port Mr. Steed for president of the t
ato next year.
Lest spring a conference to said to
have been held In which Maasis. Os
borne, Little and John Bennett took
part, whloh looked to the election of
Mr. WattofLowndee u president of
the senate.
Trade The Churchwell Way—Save Money
Begins Thursday Jan. 12 1905
and Lasts Eleven Days
Odds and Ends.
Something Great.
Only Place
Starke Corner, Thomasville, Ga
‘•Money Savers to Mankind.”
The’season for shooting birds if now open. If yon are
going to make any reputation as a marksman you must have
gd'Gan, If you wish to achieve the best results you must
have, the best Gun, You may get the best for any game
Jno. G. Burney's
Hard w te Store, Boston,G.
Everything in. Hardware.
their pound end the way U I* ran I huritotheeUma**.
Later a eeoond oouftreooe to said to
have bean had, in which 'judge Mo-
Whorter took pa<t. Judge McWhorter
to said to have agreed to,’Support Mr,
West if hr. Steed thould.'not be tn the
rue*. Another report «*ya hi* rupport
wan promised unconditionally.
W hen Mr. Steed’* friends heard of
the conference they told him he wu
about to be side tracked and advised him
to go to wurk, which he did, and it to
now said be haa enough vote* pledged
to lucre i to election.
Mr. Osborne, finding that be did not
reoeive tho aastotano* whloh he rappoeed
lie wu going to reoeive, opened fire,
with the expectation, some believe, of
toning Mr. Steed ont of the raoe. Mr.
iteed’a election Is regarded u so aertain
that there to not the slightest possibility
that be will retire.
The statements made in thu dispatch
are from beat information obtainable
and without any intention to prejudice
the cause of tho gentlemeojnamed.
There to no Intimation in any quarter
that anything more was said or done
than to usual in oonfsreooes tliat are
bald by all politician* from time
It to eialmed that there to a diffareoce
between lb/ Oeborne and Judge Mo-
Whocteratto what wu agreed to at
"Do You Wish To
Growing Good ,
It so, I can help you 'start right by
rallying superior reed at a reasonable
Last Spring the ravage* of rat* foroed
me to plant my watermelon crop three
times before a stand wu secured Con-
htquently my melons ripened too late
for profitable shipment and Instead of
allowing • hem to deny I saved seed in
the following painstaking manner from
Ijerfoctly shaped, sized and_ ripened . re-
market melons, the first on live
vin s.
Both ends of each melon were cut off
end thrown awa., the melon split and
he perfectly matnred.aeed taken from
the center and dried with special ears
No teed were saved from rejected or d-
o»td melons
I guarantee these seed lo he strictly
first clast, as good u have ever been
grown. I
_ will plant my next year’s
from seed In ‘tha earns box from
whloh I will eeU Corny customer*.
Aa I have only one thousand pounds
on hand tha sooner orders are eeht in
the surer they wl lbe filled.
Prioe 60 cents per pound, eaali. As t*
ng responsibility I refer to any Merean-
Agency or reapooribl* toslneae
Blaokvtlle, S. a
EDEN SEED. n-a8 am
Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills
are n most remarkable remedy;
fo ’ “
for the relief of periodic pains,
backache, nervous or sick head"
ache, or any of the distress
ing aches and pains that cause
women so much-suffering.
As pain is weakening, and
leaves the system in an ex
hausted condition, it is wrong
to suffer a moment longer than
necessary, and you should take
the Anti-Pain Pills on first in
dication of an attack.
If taken as directed yon maw
‘ ' ' fc
have entire confidence in thei
effectiveness, as welt as in the
fact that they will leave no dis
agreeable after-effects.
•They contain no morphine,
opium, chloral, cocaine or other
dangerous drugs.
“For a lone time I have suffered
xreatly with spells of backache, that
seem almost more than I can endure.
These attacks come on every month*
and last two or three days. I have
never been able to get anything that
would rive me much relief until Ilm-
began the use of Dr. Mile** Antl-P&la
ri»* same wav, ha* used Uwm with
•Dr. MllasP Antt-Mtn PIB* are
■ wlh guarani
Mills and Factories of the country ran
sacked for Values,, the best selected and will
be Sold During This Sale, at from 25 to 50
per cent off regular price.
Accumulated during the recent Holiday
Rush will be added at give away prices to spice
up things.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Inti