Newspaper Page Text
Hnb South Georgia (progress.
, VOL,'it.
From carl * morning till darkness ttt
Judge Hansell eat ou the bench and
tuard the woes of offenders against Mat
public weal. It was the regular crimi
nal term of oounty court and this in
what was done.
Mr. William Hiller indicted for tras-
pau on the lumber lands of A. M. Wat
son demurred to the inJiotment. Tto
demurrer was sustained and the Gam
thrown out of oourt.
Mr. Henry Rhodes was found guilty
of cutting Bill Jonta a negro and wan
fined $100 and coats or eight moothn.
The deed was done in Sandy Bottom
k.reral montht ago.
Ike Bryant oolored, went free of the
chtrge of malicious misohief. Bn
brosred he didn't more a fence.
Mr. V. S. Hopgood eras found not
guilty of assault. , s
John Blair oolored, proved to Uta
satisfaction of the oonrt that he did not .
Tom Williams, a negro' drive* at
M assay's stood yard appropriated soon
of his employer's wood for his own case.
Tom trill keep warm by the oonriot fire
for 0 months or pay £18.
Dr, George Wilson, who ministers la
bnnloned feet was accused of baring
abstracted a pocket-book oootalalag,
gl.M from the pockets of Mr. Geo. B.
Aldridge's trousers, as said pants hung
on a chair in a room of Mr. Oscar Bird's
boardinghouse. Wilson,ayoangwhite
man, conduoted his own defense: Ik
might hare paid him to hare a lawyer aa.
h i was fined *18 and costs or 8 months,..
Tints wasdlie tale of trouble told.
All veterans of Thomas County urged
to attend-. Daughters of C a nfa da-
racy errands dinner for them
''Tin'' Harrison is speak.
(By II. B. Nesmith.) Metcalfe on Tneeday afternoon was
At the town election last Monday largely attended by Thomasrille people,
lb. J. O. Pope was elected mayor, and friends end relatirea of the deceased.
Messrs. J. T. Kelley, J. L. Bsldy, H Immediately upon the antral of the
Megkhee, T. B Riots, F. J. Jordan and j morning train the oeremonies were held
Dr. W. H. Grow for aldermen. These ( in the Bsptiit choreh at Metoalfe. Rev.
officers will no doubt giro the town a T. A White who waa suffering from
good administration. hoarseness, was assisted la the service*
On Jan. 8rd at the residence of W, G. b T Rot. A. w. Healer. Both spoke
Bples, Mias Ella Bales was married to briefly of the Christian character and
Mr. Charlie Kennedy, Rer. John Carl- good work a of Mr. Swift. The serrioe
40" trill dating And on Sunday sren. waa beautiful and pathetic. Thoeowho
ingtast at the restdenoo of Mr. W.R. went down from this dty were.
Eddings, hi* daughter, Mis* Della, and Mr - i- L Pkrkar, Mr. and Mrs 0. 8.
Mr. Fran 8 rod were liappUy mar- ««ker, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Parker,
tied by Rot. Carlton. AU these people Mr. and Hrs^J. F. Parker, Mr, andMrs.
am b--"g oar prominent young folks J- M - Maseev, Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Dixon
•od every one Jain in wishing thorn Mia D. A. Dixon, Mr/ and
every happiness. Mrs ). 8. Montgomery, Mia. Luoy
_ . _ . . Brooe. Mia Annie Montgomery, Col. T.
Mia BUo Bamtt, of Barwlok, as N HopUnf> j w a HgltoiieU. Mr*,
priooipri of BeU IusUtuna opened eohocl , Dnk Ur ud Mri . Q . gwift,
Mmtdv-orntagwhhtheUriat-um- M „ llUygwlfri Mri w . wlliM ,
tar of popUa tbs sohool has ever j Mi Dekie, Mr. Fondren Mitchell.
W. hare on. of lb. bat tbarrooa lDdMr
(By J. 8. Searoy.)
Two new boarding houses have lately
opened here for business. The Cook
House ha* re opened, and Mr J. J
Ariina opens the Hotel do Arliue in the
residence, lately ooonpled by Mayor
Wilkes. There is good experience in
both houses to assure one that we will
hare twoexoellent eating honaa
There an SMf millea on the two rar
al routes, just started from this place,
Ladles, if yon need dainties for the
most delicate sick person or something
to satisfy the appetite of the veriest
epionre, call on os. J. H. Pollen Sc Co.
Mis. Collins of Baoontoo, after
spending a few days with tar former
OoUegemate, Mia Esther Wilkes of this
M. T. Borden a traveling man, hied
io death from a home rrh-g • of ti e lungs
at half past elgl t Wedn.adsv morning.
He represented the International Har-
vo-tiug Machine Company and traveled
G orgia with Atlanta as hta ■ headqusr*
t-rs. He arrived in Thomasvllle from
Halubitlgeat six ten Wednesday morn
i g and w:at to’one of tho city* hotels
where he breakfated, and started about
hia business, seeming in his usual state
of health, While walking along Jack-
son street near the poet office he was
seised by a violent hemorrliage, and
clang to the iron railing hack of Wolff’s
His condition attracted the attention
ot psaaereby and he signalled for help,
to was assisted by Officers Lambert and
Martin who were near, bnt before be
ooold reach hia room, he fell back on
the sidewalk, and breathed bis last.
Hs was about thirty five yen of age
• id waa well known in this territory
having (pent some time here daring the
h arresting of the crops Inst summer and
tall, tie had evidently been fearful of
suohan end, as a munrailam boo
round on hit person oontamed the jdate
of two previous hemorrhages and gave
au address to be notified in oase of trou
ble. Hi* first attaok was last Septem
her. His wife and children livo lu Oe-
iartown, Gs. and ware notified by tele
graph of the sad event.
He was a member of tho Maatnio fra-
eralty and that order looked after ills
rrmilnswhiohwere taken to Herring's
undertaking rooms. Hen they wen
prepared for interment and were
•hipped to Uedsrtown at *;Ul Thursday
T.i) dead than had about £180 in
his possession wlilott was snflloient to
imr for. his fonsral arrangements.
Not in a long time has Thomasrille had
hi sad and sadden s death.
-The Daughtjrs of the Confederacy
have arranged for the proper observance
of Lee's Birthday, on next Thursday
January llltli.
They are especially anxious that every
veteran in Thomsa oounty shall be pres
ent ou that occasion. The ladies wish
alsrge attendance of the old soidiei v, and
have made special preparations for their
It Is a day for
o lmfort and pleasure,
the veterans and all slionld endeavor to
attend. '
The exercises will start with assem: ly
at Daughters of the Confederacy and
veteran* at the oonrt house. From there
they will march to the Bander schtol
room of the Baptist oharch where seats
will be reserved for them. Hero * prt-
gram trill be given eonalstlng of muslo,
readings by Miss Francos Bell, teacher
of elocution at Young's Female College,
delivery of oroeM* of honor and a talk
to ilia voler-uis by Oaptain “Tip" Her-
ilion of Atlanta.
Captain Harrison hss been Invited to
be present on thieoooasion, and the U.
D. O. could not have made a better
eliulce. He ia one of the beet known
veterans in the state, an inspiring spea
ker, and cm who lain thorough sympa
thy and understanding with the spirit of
the day. He Is also * famous singer and
will be asked tu render the song l *We
are old tlmeOonfederatea."
After the exeroises, the Daughters will
eutertslu tho Veterans with a dlnmr
at the coart boas*. It woald be a picas,
are to them If every man who wore
the grey, now living in the oonnty odnld
be present. The day la always an ah-
Joyeble one and It Is to be hoped that
the old soldlors may to present In large
ncm’jcir. '
Mr. Jim Taylor, and Mias Miriam
Sherman, wore married last Sunday hr
JndgeO. F. Stubbs. The bride and
grotm won neighbor! livings few miles
ex t of town.
. Mr. Alfonso Oartr, late ct DeVaughn
West Virginia is here.
Every body will remember that we de
li vrr packages of groceries and other
thl igs hooght at qur store. J. H. Fu-
Mr. A. J. Richer on who has lield tl •
plve of agent for the rail ro.l at this
point has aocepted a similar place at
Pidcook. Mr,Singletary of Ooliiooknee
will take his piece here,
The fact there la a groat need of.more
houses, was evidenced that by the time
that It waa known that Mr. Rioliardaon
would move, three man applied for the
The style of the firm name Chisholm
and DU'on now reads differently In its
second half-towlt Chisholm and Lewis.
Mr Jim Dillon yesterday transferred
his merest to Mr. John Lewis, aud the
latter is now behind the oonnter In the
soda water and tobacco estab Ishment.
The firm of Chtaham and Dillon has
made a remarkable sneoeea slnoe 'ihe
two eiergetto y.ang mail look hold ot
It. The new'm* tuber is a'young man
of popularity and experience whose
acquaintance will aid him In his new
venture. .Mr. Dillon asks all hit friends
to palronlxe Chisholm and Lowif, and
they will do so.
Sohool at this plaoo opened last Mon
day with flslering prospeots, under lb*
management of Prof. O. A. Partridge.
He is assist :d by Miss Alma Bennett of
Jiffertoo, G*. and Mist Laurs Viek of
this place. There are nearly £00 chil
dren in roach of the school and tbeie
s'lonldbe uothing left undone to git
them Into tcbool. '
There was a farmer's meeting at On
ter Hill school house near town Things
pertlment to farming, where diteossed,
Of oon se they '‘touched up” Plymouth
Rocks, Jerseys, and Poland China* and
the like.
Were it poerible to do any good by it,
I wonld pay due respect to tlio 8tate
Sohool Book Commission. It adopted
a uniform (?) set of books for common
soliools. Howsnoh a body of Intelll-
gant men ooold see any uniformity in
the adoption of several kinds of text
books on the same subject, Is beyond
oomprehen-ion. Por tnatanoe there are
three books on the sabjoot of physiolo
gy, taro United State* histories and one
on Georgia, two Geographies by same
author, the tex s of which are almost
tdentloal, and several primer readers
and spaders, when two book! on any
one of these (driest* are all that can be
a-ed la a coantry school. Many who
have not tried to leach In a coantry
school, Imagine that the perfect coudl-
tlousexlsli jg io a city school, are pres
ent in the ungraded country schools,
anl wonder why the coantry teacher
must work twelve hours a dav against
fire or six hoars for Ihe city teacher.
Miai Helei Stephens, of Boston, has
made op a large unuio class hern. She
Is a moat excellent young lady, aud is
a very sutoeufal teacher of muslo.
The trustees are preparing to have an
other term of six months, free to all
Mitchell oonnty children of school age. .
at Pine Grove, not far from this place.
Che term will begin about the Unit of
We keep the finest flavored tyrup,
clean and bright for table us*.
J. H, Pollen A Co.
Rev, G. P. Review, the new Metho- 1
diet preacher was hare Sunday. Of 1
coarse be sent oat his best oa Sunday. 1
Mr. William Miller, of OooUdge, and
•everri of his friends spent Wednesday
in the city. They brought with them.
• ffidavits contesting Monday's munict—
ptl election in Cool .dge in which aooord-
,ugto the returns J. O. Pope waa doom
ed mayor over Mr. Miller. Theee affi
davits are in the I tends of W. H. Hmn-
utond, Mr. Millar's attorney, who will
file notice ot contest with Ordinary
W. tt Jo ter.
The oonteataots declare that twenty
Attending Conference-
Riv' J. M. Ontlor left Tuesday to
attoud o meeting of the Methodist min
isters ot the Thomasville district, at-
Cliumx. Snch a meeting is held near
the first of each January to plnn for the
work of tho year. The mooting will
lust for soveral days, probably on'il Fri
day It is, of oonne, presided over b/
Pmhliiig.cider Cook.
PoUocman Lambert spent the day yes
terday looking np people who had dodged
their dog tax and giving them warning.
Tho regular tax of oae dollar was due
on the first of last October. Three
months of grace ought to be enough, bnt
ap to date only seven dog owners had
don* the necessary act Mr Lambert
feds sun that there are more than seven
dogs in Thomasville, and those who
have aeon a canine crammed street agree
with him. The penalty for a dog found
unadorned with tbs city's license hedge
is death, death, death. Those who de-
•ire to save their pet* from the beads-
Qian's ax would do well to visit dark
otfioe, part with a cart wheel
and (scare a license to live for tbe four
footed friend of men. Mr Lambert
•ays that after this warning the dogs
will be impounded, and unless expenses!
an paid sod lioeoee taken ontthey will!
Nsshvil'e, Tcnn., Jan. 11.—In joint
session of the general assembly today,
William B. Bate waa chosen to soooecd
himself as United States senator from
Tennessee. The Republicans voted fer
Congressman Brownlow.
At the aonnal mooting ot the Tbont-
ssville National Bank mnolt bosinoss of
importance was transacted. A feature
of Interest Wes the fact that the b,v laws
were changed to admit of the enlarging
of the Board of Directors from seven to
nine members. Ths two new mem
bers who were elected were W. L Mac
Intyre and W H. R.ckwell.
The other member* who were re
eio.-tek were T. J. Ball, S. Bceyermin,
M. B. Mellette, W. A. Pringle, W. D.
Peaoook, J. W. Peacock aud G. W For-
eflloient officer*,
Catholic Clergrman
A di-tingni-hed young Oatholloclergy-
man io the pereoo of Rev. M. J, tydalne
is registered at the Nitoln 11. *
Fathi r Splatne ia oonnected with the
Cathedral of the Holy Cross,. Boston,
Mae* , and la secretary to Archbishop
Williams of the san.0 church and city.
He seeks oar climate for recuperation
and rest, and will remain some eight
.weeka daring which time he will serve
the chorch at this point.
of them were for Miller. Other senoe
tional allegations will be marl*. If a
contest is filed, ten days notioe will bo
given the other side, and the case will
be heard before the Ordinary's oonrt
Mr. Miller held au affidavit from fif
teen reeidente of OooUdge saying that
that they hbd voted for him. It la re
ported that the returns aooordod him
only twelve vote*:
Baskets for Cub*.
The Interesting news comet from Va'-
dost* that Mr. E. J. McKee well known
Inihisoity, will furnish baskets from
hta fao ory at Kioderion to Onban track
grower*. He ha* recently returned from
t visit to tbe taland and send* eight car
loads there.
rill. The pr sent
President Mellette, Cashier Rook well
and Vice president Ferrill were re
The affairs of the bonk are In a most
prosperous condition and the year waa
one of the best In the history of the
Mr. Louis Ward who hat tnmwfttRy
managed the Brighton Hotel tor several
non ths baa transferred hta lease Io Mb'.
Designs Flag-
I The Seventh Press brings the news
that the city of Savannah has adopted aa
its official emblem a flsg designed by
Miss Corn lie- Maclean. The young
lady is .t niece of Hon. K. T. Maclean
and lias visited him here. Sbe poetesses
marked artistic ability and her work has
often attracted favorable comment.
and Mrs J. M. McGee of EnLaa. Abb.
'ftie new leases will take charge of tho
howl on Monday, liter rooogntasftaob
asvil.e onportunitlet as a baiineee outhsg
and are confident ofvueceM. Mr. Want
will return to hta place nkir town, and
keep boarders there. ’ - ' ■
Funeral of Mr. Loe*
The faueral of Mr. B. O, Leo was
held from the resilience on Clay street
Tuesday morniug at blue thirty. Rev,
J M. Outier performing' the last sad
rites. Ths remains were laid to test on
Port Said, Egypt, Jan. 11.—Roar Ad
miral B jtrnvskj's division of tbe abo
und Russian - squadron entered
ibo canal at noon tod.y. In destination
is uncertain, but ii is .probably Mado-
g«ki, by way of Ji nil, French 8omaI-
Itaud. The warsMpi wars psrmltte l to
ship ouly a toodsait 1 tons of coal among
even ships, beo.-.M taking ptwrtalom.-
Mr E.8. White of the ■ Meigs p
o jrliood, aud a cu ling msn ot hta <
muolty, visited town Tuesday.