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.-V 5. g*Fv
IS8lSS^ai IT iSfSfe?Sk’v«u r.
.Hnb South Georgia {progress,,
<f* »•
*/ 4
New Series, Vd XV—I-- 16,.
Sax Ha Haa No Connection WHh
Controversy end la Not Portl-
aan of Any Clatc.
Vadoato, Ga., January, 28,1906
Since the presidency nf the next state
acute baa been brought into recent
newspaper controversies with whicl! 1
have had nothing to do, and einoo my
name and me candidacy fur that p»t
tion have been variously diactuai there
in, I feel that it is doe to myself and to
,my friend* to aay a word on thin (ob
ject at thia particular time.
The record* of my act* and doing*
’ and of my rote*, mu through the jour
nal* of lire legidatore*. and upon my
reoord a* a citlaen and upon my record
in the general assembly, 1 am running
for the preeideoo of thiaanate. There'
fore no one need U te in doubt or need
be mialed aa to my poaition in regard to
men or meaanre*.
1 have at aide tuly aonght to eo legia-
late that erei7 iutereat, be it prirate or
corporate, wonM hare tin own around it
that degree of protection from the law
to which it ia jnetly entitled, to the end
that all nf thee- Interrat*, interdepen
dent aa they are, might be haraioniont'
]y preserved to ea to promote the gener-
al welfare and glory, of our atate.
I cannot Justly be counted, though
tome here ahown a disposition to to
place me, u the part lain of any ciaa* nr
any lntereaf, regarding of tlm pnbl o
-welfare. Ifbythefaeor of my brother
• teuton, I am olioeeo u their presiding
officer, I ahall endeavor to bo’d the bal-
ancea even and fair, aa an impartial and
'unprejudiced judge d<*peaslng juatlee
from the bench. Just aa I have been
. governed in the pa6t by uonvlotlou Of
duty, eo will 1l-c go-erned in the future
whether elected or nor, to tlie presiden
oy of the next ttite aenate.
. W. a. VfltOT.
If oottoo man over the -whole aoutli
were aa ateadfaatly bnllUfa aa thoae of
Thomaxrille, there wonM be an end cf
low prioes. •
The Ttmea Enterprise had occaaioii to
state aome days ago that wot a bale of
oottoo could be bought in the city.
Inquiry again yeatrrday developed a
continuation of that same market condi
tion. The Inquiry, "Hate you any cot
ton to ealir 1 was invariablv answered
by the oountar-atawmeirt, -No, but I’ll
boy from Ten.”
Every merchant, aa well aa every
farmer, haa faith In the future of cotton.
Such material faith aa thm will reaolt in
a Pardon
New Building and Relatjpn With
Mecoa Presbytery will bu Investi
lhe Board of Trustee* of Yonng’a
Female College met Saturday morning
ai the Thomaaville National Bank. A
committee from the Thometvttle Board
of Trade appeared before them, and an
nounced the Intention cf that body to
aid the school in cose the trustees
should decide upon the erection of a
ntfw building. A committee constating
of Dr. U. R. Mellette and Mr. W. H
Bran Ion win appointed to secure speci
fications and estimates for the proposed
boilding. Mr. E. M. Mellette of the
Rosd Will Increase Capital Stoek and
Build Thlrty-flva tnlla Extension
From Pavel
The Georgia Northerd railroad com
pany ha* decided to ohange ita Jsou h.
am terminus from Pidcock to Valdosta.
An intereating light for the termlnu of
the road haa been going on between Quit-
man. Boston and Valdoata. The road
now mas from Albany to Pidcock, via
Moiltrie. Pidcock is a small, town be
tween Boston and Qnitman. Some
time *go the directors decided that a
ohange of terminal would result in in
creased business for the road, bnt not
until yesterday did they made a choice
Bon-d of Trade audPreaideutl O Hont j between the three oitiee named above,
of the college will ro-operate with them
and report at the ear,lest possible mo
Another oommittee from the trustee*
wae appointed to disease the relatione
of the Macon Presbytery with the col
lege. It la not impossible that a sever
ance of relations between site Presby
tery and the college will resnlt.
It la reported here tliat the member!
of the Red Feather Company have sued
the Atlantic Coast Line for damage*.
The company played at Thompson’!
Opera Route oaisuaary atst. On the
38hl they were ta.eo to Albany by the
A. 0. L. The members of the ooinpauy
claim that then wus no ties' in tbs ear
and a number of them contracted sever*
cold* that ratortered seriously With
their singing. A ringer's voice is hie
•cook in trade, and such case* are not
unknown in legal circle*. It ia not re
ported how many ol tha vocalist* wen'
damaged and so far aa lhe rntpor goes
It is not seated that aoy of tha chestn
gins Usd their loon or figure* injured
by tbeehil.Atmospiieiv.
Almost Completed-
Decorator J. H. Brown and a foroe-of
twenty-one men are J>c*y painting,
paperiogjand decorating the interior of
Mr. J. H. Wade'* fine new country
home. A nnmber of rjome will be com
pleted this weak an 1 ready for aocn-
paney. Mr. and Mrs. Wad* an at pres
ent at aha lodge, bnt will mere into tha
boots within tbs next few day#. A
number of the home servants and stable
men will arrive here this weak.
Tha Popular Drug Company Massing
WHh Success In Them Contest.
That they have done this ia evidenced
by their filing for publication a petition
for amendment to oharter.
The route taken by the road will be
directly aontheeat from a point between
Moultrie] and' Paro to Valdoata. The
ltngth ot the extenalon will be thirty
five mile*. Tbe capital stook of the
oompany will be iooreaaed to $500,000
to finance the extension. The road has
always boon a money maker and the
rich section which it will traverse will
add to it* prosperity.
Other Now* From tha Southern Part
of tha County-
' (By A. W. Overton,)
Mr. 0. 0. Filly laftBatorday for Al
bany on hie way to Maoon to enter
Stanley’s Business College.
Mr. B. O. Copeland Jr. left Monday
and will enter the Sooth Georgia Col
lege at ThomaevlUa.
Mr. Ed Carter mad* • business trip
to Albany laMCvmks
Mrs. Drew visited Moultrie last Week.
Mr. S. T. Ralueyof Moultrie, Is down
visiting his old home.
Quite a number of our crack shooters
went out to trv their lock shooting
doves Wednesday uf last weak, but
owing to the severe windy weather, bad
pretty bad Inch. Mr. Walter Odum
led tbe list with $8 and one of our
townsmen toed same sriitb 3— Bnt be
only got about J» shots.
Messrs. H. O. Copeland <* Co. killed
a hng last week which •eemed'nndonbt-
edly to have beep lbs largest ever raised
this section, netting «0 pounds.
Ifanv one kuowaura larger op* than
this wa would baglad to-bear from it.
Mr. H. O Cunningham 1* in town ad
vertising Teat Bra*. Railroad shows.for
this plsoa oa Pth. Jet This with Mc
Donald Bros, ehewe Tuesday will give
ns all torts of aaaoeimant
Dr- W. B. Stringer of Cpko, visited
City Saves Money on Ares- Plumbers
Summoned to Court. Other
Cpunell Dofnss
Dr. George Wilson who had been ten
teao*d to spend rix months at the con
vict camp in OooUdge, was pardoned
The doctor derives hia title from the
feet that .hoi* an expert ataalpiilitfiT
of corns. Bswae eeat up at the last
tarn of oounty court for Mealing a
part* containing a small amount of
mousy. Be bad tarred a weak of Me
(f.twa^ia Jadg* Harwell who esnt him
np made no objection to the pardon. The
docker oam# down from dx*l$x yester
day morning and want to Quitman
yesterday afternoon. In future be will
utnSne hi* oeantaMi to corns. Be
Mr. M. Baibeoack and party of Phila
delphia, are at the Piner Wood* hotel,
having arrived Saturday morning to
•pood asveral weeks. Mr. Bttbeoaek is
oomptrollarof to* Pennsylvania rail
road. With him are MmB. J. Rsibe-
aask, Mir. V. Reitenack, Jr. and eon.
It ia a comm on question theta days,
Have you spelled for to* $10.00?”
Tha prcpaMtiou of tha Braoey Pharmacy; here Sunday.
Company to give three rath prises «f j Mimes Ward and Banter of Thomas-
tan, five and two and a half do larc each j villa, are oharmirtf guest* of Mies berta
to tha three persons who would farqj! Freeman,
tbe largeM number of words from the
letters into* name, has caused a great
dial of favorable comment.
Is ia ntmanal that a proposition of (his
kind is mad* with no string attached to
it. The Unaoey Pharmacy Company
h*n opened their eonteet to everybody
It ia not *r«o a requisite that yon trade
with thorn. J Jut go to their store, gat a
kiuik and spell, spell, spell.
Tbe number of words to ba found in
too dictionary, made up only of the Ut
tar* a, b, c, a, h, a, B, o, p, r and y, ia
am axing. Tba study will prove faeoiaat-
ing though aa wall aa instructive, and n
groat many people are entering to*
Plana to Comet labor Swiping
The cotton mill man of Sooth Geor
gia; held an important eonfenno* in
Thosnasvill* yesterday afternoon. They
tort at tha Mitcboll H wa* and diseneoad
mimy problems of intaroat to mill man,
tha principal topic aadar cooaid
hfiw| pragttftt of wtllt i»w
away from to* other mill*.
Those who worn at the conference
war* Faller Groover sad J. W. Spa'nof
to* Atiantio and Gnlf sriiu, Quitman;
The South Google delrgatsa hava rw- B,F.||ileUaad(flki8niekltBliaili,
tamad from the big cotton oonrootion ^ mmtgo .j w. Parker of the Pelham
at New Orleans. Among thorn who utamihestmng Go, Pelham; sad J. H.
went ftom ibis Station of too state were ^ ^ Oottou Mills
RM. Pattella. J.O.Tuylor end M. L. ^
Letter* were road from th*
Johnson, of Boetse. J. G. Bteuley. J. ODctaanend Bawkiaartlla mill., and
W. Haddock, O. H. Ramsay, Quitman, n>un] ezptwU( them aa in ac-
L A. Bush, Camilla. cord with th* spirit of tU meeting.
Dalanataa Return.
The qity council, with Mayor Pro
Tern Pittman ia th* obair, met Mo iday
night In lively session. The principal
business was the report ofjthe electrio
light committee. These gentlemen had
been in conference with the ThomasviUe
Electrio'Light Company, and their re
port accepting the company’s figures
was adapted by council, and will in
futnre]govorn tbe city’s lights.
The principal change is that the con
tract la made by the month Instead of
hy the yeas as heretofore. The prioes
ureas follows: Arolights, $8.36 each
per month! ]eerie* lights, $3 so per
month; incandescent lights, 15 cents per
month. L$st jear the price paid was
$3.75 per month for the arcs and the
same figure* for tha others. Under the
new contract the city saves (3 BO per
month on each of 23 arcUght*, a monthly
saving of |B5. There are 48 series and
38 incandescent* at laat year’s price.
Either petty to the contract has the
right to terminate it upon Gi days
In Ida report Chairman Mailette
stated that he considered the new con
tract fair and tqul table, that the light
company olalmed the h candescent and
eeriea lights were furnished at cost, that
the 80 days notice danse was given to
allow the light company opportunity to
redne* Its force ahonld the city decide to
light it* own street*. The report wae
adopted without a dissenting rote.
Tbe question of the handling of the
city’s garbage wae taken up. It is now
handled by contract with W. B. Butch
and Ben. It ueemedto be the sentiment
of coaqoU that the city should bay males
•nd torts and handle garbage under tbe
supervision of lhe city Inspector. Tbe
heatyh pommtttoe wijl report on this
matter at ttie nett ideating.
Fifty-ninedollaiswaa ordered peld J.
W. Peacock for 1.000 vaodne points.
Six hundred •; these were and la the
recent vaccination by health officer*.
The other 400 are in Dr. Peacock’* P<H-
session, the property of toe city.
A lively riUcuasion on plumbing waa a speech , from a plum
ber named J. T. Bent in tha employ of
A.K. McBvay. Ha said tin plomhtagin
ThomasviUe was ‘-harrowing,"smd that
only through the meroy of God didl jhe
td^y. escape the Mocfrge of dlptberia arid
typhoid. Re poiutvd out speetdo in
stances c* defective work. Tho inspec
tor was ordered to ridt and if
a-oresssy. Mr. Me Gray furthar Mated
that the plnmtwr’a onion of which bp
tone* member, wonldpey tbe eaoente*
cf a disiuterested expert in can ha did
not condemn more than fB per oem. of
ChapUunMng In TbotnaaviUe. In i
he did find more than 78 per eeat de
fective tha city waa to pay the expert'*
expanse* and prosecute the ptamben
whodid the work. Tue offer waa not
Mr. McEvay spoke with great-arnest-
neor and made quite an imprtaaiea. Bis
speech cal iso forth axperiauca* from
nvacstof chaaldtrman. Thediacossion
developed to* fact that of alltlioplnm-
bers doing hasitma in Tluxnasvills.ouly
one, Richard Proaldsnt, oolorsd, lor-
Enthualairtlo Moating In Cairo As
sumes New Countv haa Been
Secured and Name* It.
Cairo, G».,Fab.l.—At eleven o'clock*
this morning, about three hundred pro-
pie gathered In a mass meeting to dis
cuss plans for the formation of a new
county, and deoided. upon tha name ot
Grady for the coonty. A nnmber of in-
terrsting addresses were delivered.
Among the speakers was ex-Congrets-
man Ben E. ftutsell of Balnbridge, Be
was followed^ by his son, R. B. Rustsll,
o-yOnug attorney of Cairo. J F. Slone,
formerly trrveliug representative of the
Savannah N -ws, spoke. Mr. Stone is
now a farmer of the Cairo distriot. B,
R Terrell, a Whtgham lawyer, delivered
an addresa of some length. He dealt
with the question of the legality of more
than one city court In the .proposed new
territory, and declared It unconstitu
tional. Col. S. G, McLendon ot Thom-
aiville and W. B. Ruddenbery cf Cairo
also spoke.
Mr. J. B. Wight pot the question as to
the name of the new county. The names
proposed were in honor of Henry W.
Grady, John H Estill and Alexander
Stephens. Mr. Wight asked everybody
in favor ot Grady, after the vote had
been taken, to whoop. From the noire
made, the choice;seemed to be noani-
moos. The meeting then adjonrned.
The meeting waa held in the open air
at the depot. When the new connty
advocates adjonrned, J. W. Jones, of
Wlilgbam, representing thy opposition to
a new oounty, spoke at tbe street oomer
to a oqpdderoble crowd. Petition* for
and against tbe new oounty were circu
lated and signed.
0 ot. 8. G. McLendon was interviewed
by a Tuna Ewntnswsu reporter no- to
the nature of hia talk. He slid:
"I took the position that as a clUxen
of Thomas county I personally regret the
movement, bnt that in accord with tbe
aanlent right ot the people to decide for
themselves, if they want and are deter
mined to have a new connty, I would
with them cncoccs in their endeavors,
sketched the geographical history of
Thomas oounty. Under a treaty by
General Jackson in 1817, this southern
territory was obtained. The section
itoath cf a line through J^cup and Al-
bany to the Alabama line waa originally
three counties, Appling, Early and
Irwin. Ac population and prosperity in
creased these counties were subdivided.
Colquitt oftunty waa formed entirely
from Thomas. The' laat naw oounty in
tha stats waa Oconee, cat from Charles,
thirty yean ago.” *
Immense Gathering of Thomas Coun
ty Farmer* Called for Feb. Ifth
Thomac o nnty Is . not behind. A
farmer*’ convention will be held here oa
Saturday, February 11th, In accordance
with tl e suggestion of the New Orleans
ootton convention.
Mr. N: H. Spengler. prrsident.'of the
Thomas Connty division of the Forman'
Institute, and Mr. Jim Taylor, of Bos*
ten, who represented thia senatorial dis
trict at tbe New Orleans Convention,
have isined the following call:
To the Farmers, of Thomas Countji:
You are |reduestod to meet at the
coort house in Tht mavville at II o’clock
on Saturday, February 11th, to promul
gate method* of reduoing the cotton'
arresge in-this coonty. Tha over pro
duction 'this year leaving a snrplnsof
nearly three millio i balsa, Juf made it
absolutely necessary for*every farmer in
tbe aonth. to reduce lila acreage aid hit
The immenaelmrortanrecf the cotton
orop to the busln-ss men, ati well xt tbt
ferment of our oounty, makes it well ,
worth oar while to leave no ktoLe na
ture* d In onr effort to raise the prtc« to
a living levej. By acting together we
can do thia.
Let every farmer in the county lw
pretent at the immense meeting in
Thom Seville. It will te worth your
white. N. R. Spexoixb.
Pretj for ThcmruVOo.
J.g7 Tatum,
nished bond aa nqn&d by law. Under UIe ,or tDon,hi »<>»™
resolution by Alderman Evans the other* tng ’ *™*tlT inensae the danger of the
will be summoned to the city coart to
day, by Marshal Btepl on* to answer to
tha ohaig* of dolag |baMn*aa withoot a
•a. Mr. Evans raid ha desired to
be pston notice as favoring the strict
enforcement of tha licence law. “I
lag every body oot^e aptothe Uck-log,"
he said. Alderman Pittman wlU.offrv a
re oluttoo correcting th* present las
qietbod of issuing, transferring and
evadiag license, at tha next meeting.
Oouacit adjourned at 8:48 p. m , attar
00* of th* liveliest meeting yet held.
Mrs. J. K. Archibald hits goes t» Pet-
•sco’s t'j in liar licsbaru), where Mr.
Arrhlbald ia now startooed.
St. Pslrraburg, Jan. 81.—The latest
reports from Warsaw depict th* sttna-
itoo throughont Poland as inontuinglv.
serious Minor coUisions between the
troops and ttfs populace continue to
svrvll the number of tbedeail. Railroads
and indnetriea art ate complete stand-
sttU.and tha thousands of workmen who
TSO American consul >t Warsaw has
telegraphed that many store*, ^chiefly
have bean pillaged by the
mobs, and every factory is closed
general strike 1* in effect. Those will
ing to work ary compelled to join the
A conservative estimate of to* dead
at Warsaw is on* hundred.
Hiss Clifford Copeland (pent Sunday
in oehlookooM.
Mr. Will Palin is at home from tha
Georgia School of Technology in At-
Julian Lambert Shoots One Parent
In Balnbrldga to Rescue Other.
Julian Lambert, a ? young man of
about 18 years, hilleyl Ida futhtr tn
Balnbridge on [Sunday night. He slut
him in defense of hia mother- xad the
coroner’s Jnty returned » vv.dlci of
justifiable homltHe.-
It seems that old man Lambert
been working in Augcste, and
there goi. into trouble. He c
Eaiubridgo. where hie wife and
boon for some time, on Sunday
nooii. Mrt. Lambert met
train bnt ltor linsbaud greeted Imr
cnklnd words and oven, rengh I
mast-' ,■
The family vvdnt to w/rere Aits. Lam
bert was boardlrg, George Bickeifsres-
idence. After supper the at Rude of
the new comer became conttsslJy
more beUicoso toward hia wife, lie
drove his son Jniian and Mr. Cw-krrt
out of tho parlor three time* in order
thatho might be alone with his writ.
After coming .pat the third time. Mr.
Biciert went to the parlor window, sad
taming the slats, spw Mr. Lambert < pen
a knife and start toward hia wife with
an oath. ■ -
Without a moment's hesitation.Joli cat
ran in and khot.his father, the bell scar
ing his head. The deed happened hi out
nine e'clock and m five minutes llA-uwa
ras dead.
•Young Lambert is stenographer tor
the genoral freight agent ot the G. F.
& A. railroad *t Balnbridge.
Mr. P. B. BUin hvs r
asrille end will buy lumber ham It*
Schultz Brothers and Beneict, a Kg
Chicago firm. Ho will open office* on r
the Ferrill building where several Mtn
lender firms are located. Daria* tie
past year Mr. Bialn’a headquarter* hew
been in Tifton, bnt previous to l>U time
he was with the American Piemen M u4
Co in this city. The lum’er trade- is
on a boom St present and eevend near
copcorna liavo recenrly opened up elftrew
in Tfnmarrilie, The city ho* fora
time been the center of t
In Son’h Georgia a