Newspaper Page Text
Hnb S'outb (Beorafa Ipu-ogress,
.« 5
Ochlocko~ee New}.
j [By J,.r. Singletary.)
-irriw residence Of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Pate of BylveeW, Kin Pearl Pata and
J.° Stabba o f Ochlockonee, wore oni-
K id in marriage by Bow, Harrison P,
Stabba of Blakeley, brother of tbe
groom, on laat Wednesday, January
18th at 11:80 o’cloek’ The was
■beautifully gowned in a traveling 'Voit
of brown, with lutt and gloves to matoh
They left for their future home iu Ocli-
loegonee on the evening train by tho
way of Albany. Their many friends
wish them a long,happy and prosperous
■Jo. ■
Rev. Q. P. Bevlere preached at tie
V. E church on|taat Saturday and Sun-
day. *
Urn Don Rebbe g waa tbe gvies; - f
fav-r mother Mrs. O. O. Fleetwood aet*
eroldajs tide aaek. - 1
Dr. und Mr., McMillan of Oordele 1
after spending several days with nla
tires anl frieud* of that plaoe, return,,_ !
to their boon lees Saturday.
Hits Annie Luoee wet tbe gnnt t l
Mends Sunday.
Miss Joerie Bnntln spent several | d.ns
with realises in Tbomaavillo laat week.
■ i
Mua(Haney Pmsoo'of ThomasvUl , .
visited Miss Bats Fleetwood Sunday.
Btv Harrison P. Stabba, after spend
ing several days with relatives here, rr- ,
torned to his horns in Blakely Is it Par- ,
Atlanta Breaka Raoo .' Btlasard
New Vorl.- Coldest of V Inter
Mitchell Rountros and 8lnBletary S rlko Is Sprtadlnp, b it Military
fflstoOtharMsmbaraof Lajs- { Holds Uppjr Han",
lature I 1
I N. O Morray, a sp< cial roprcsentatlva
of the oeusns department of Washing
ton. is In Thomas county,anil is visiting
St Petersburg, Jan. 8#.—Governor- the various towns, compiling in forma
tion about the ootton aoresge to tbo
;oo. nty. Mr. Murray is well informed
im the illuatlon and ia doing hie work
cucfuily. He visited a njunber of ware
house., brokerage and newspaper 6(Hops
and other p aces were information is on
up and asked exlin- stive questions. His
l 'formation is t> the effect that the
acreage And the yield per .sore, in tiiis
county have both largely lnore»'ed In
li e lavt few vesrs.| ' • ,-j
Mr. Murray’s visit Is of Interest at this
time, owing to tbe oomplaints that have
been made by son them cotton growers,
of the Itiaooaraoy of tho government’s
gtd and orop reports The census repre-
-ntaiiro should be given foil and oor-
rect information of (heatatos of affairs.
fobi c Maynard, left
on ye porth bound
to» ’fader. Ga.
■•jtowi. has built two
<ol boildifcgs sineo 1000,
hfck.aadis well fur-
o't.o vea ps if The flrst
. With the iiisnr-
ierived from ti e
oas k- when the
ft* :kfe, sai-ple-
B rem tdt, an-
" . Besides all
brlok ‘’guard
-sy. it has no
-her has for
ot splendid
-nip Janu-
vt lrvet.,«»r»helm-
r t s' sii'th time, the
>ma of (|,e school and
rr. low **•««• (hsy
Tester J' y .vat one of those data th t
bring ora’edlcllons O-J the head of ti e
weather man, Itwas tie co detdey if
rite winter season. Thomisrille -pe ,p'e
•il> >n u-v Aeulog jester Joy mo Bin. felt
mere tb in t ie amreluvaiioe to leav-
log their w.,sm U-ds. A snrly g«lo was
owling ill'- uph the;*. A! day
oou ,ty m -vocueiit. t • empenr having oonfo red bp n the
"Crim, G», Jau. 8 It. 1903. goveruor-generslalmostsbselntepolet,
Bear Sir: Tho connt'es of Thomss sn’horizlug him to ose the lutiitary and
aad Decatur, b lb in popu'a'iou and 1 every otuer agency of the goveramem
nan, ir» among the 1 irgest In Georgia. 1 to preserve tbs pence-
Thu ell item ot the west side of Thomas Daring the night hand.-e is ot arrert.
aad «* ■« tide of Do »tur aru taking st»p» were made,
t)f »rmAUOiV coautjr. The propored
tsrriiory .lit ups of .boot ^ Pdter . barg , j M . aj-No’I.esure
830aqaare miles. »tih . reputation of Mldl womta ^ r ,
about twelve thoosand. Intha cbentlt lWtCTj twentJ foor , 100 „ * WUTO that, very decided ms- ^ aaploymotsv.. Intimating ihvt tit so vho
jor.iy of the citlsens within said terr- ****„,&».*,«*
tory shall oxpsoae themselves as in f svor
of laid new county, ws propose to aid ^ • - . ,
them In scoomplislilng thslr deolrts and Mosoow. Jan. ML—All the prlnti-g
Will rvqnttl your oo-operstion as mem- works an olooad and tbe strike Is
berl of tht General Assembly. We, at spreading.
promt, *k: that you do not commit Additional poUe* bare b on stationed
70a: self to other sections of the state In all streets,
deal ing new counties until tbo merits of
tht data of tlio territory menUaoed to ________
submitted to von. COTTON CONVENTION
▼try respectfully yoaro,
Foodron Hitcher, DOES GOOD WORK
J B. Singletary, .
J. B. Rountree. New Orleans, Jan. gv.-The Southern
Members General Amiably of Gmr. -
•line its dire. l'l.e foreoast is f >r con
liaised cold. There Isa uno consol alien
cold consolation, de ivod from the
fact that it Is worse eltawbere, as the
following dispatches received lest night
ind'cala. - \
Atlanta, Os., Jam 83—Tho local
woxthsr butoan'reportvd a lower tem
perature this morning than In twoyssro
—six digit's above i*ro. The cold
wave Is general thmashsuf this teetio*
and is ex-ending to the soothsrn part of
the lists.
Cairo, Ga, Jan. 25,1905,
(Special to the Times Enterprise )
Cairo vt ted today to ivsne bonds in
tbe amonLt or (15,001 for a city light
waterworks. Ttie election
Mr. J.
into his b»
built at tils
plant an
was a ro*j hard fought one Oat ot n
total regia ration of I no, ninety four
voted. 0: these 77 fivore 1 bonds and
17 were against bonds. This ia seven
more than the required two thirds. Tho
•am of 810,000 wilt be expended on
water wu si, and $3,003 fur au electric
light plant Th. bonds bear 5 per ceut
Interest an 1 * .ire of im:ill denominations.
They will llud a ready sale.
r. D, Mar- Mrs. Fred Singletary spout several
days with her sister Mrs. J. H. Pa’e, of
Igltan Bylrostar, last wook.
i go. many Miss Beatrice Hay was tho guilts ot
ny order friends Sanday.
1 a dinner MissNoUio Smgietaryot Meigs, spmt
wj man tost Monday with Mrs, I. A dpsnue.
, W of Mr». Florence Whitfield of Fieri a, is
ris,’ poor Visiting Mrs. J. H. Anderson.
similar conditions ooMiusrsbta surprise was oansed by
li parts of New Eng- He disoovssy that Mg. Mltohsll’s srd
Mr. Honntrte's names ware afflxjd to
— the shove document. It 1% known that
su. >3—Tbermom- Mr Siug etary Is ufoonrae, active In bis
registered from-M endoavtr* tomakea contur seat out if
his born* town. Cairo. Bat It has been
thought that tit* other tiro mrn would
natnra ly be opposed to the movement.
Ur, tlitohell raid to a Timas Fata’-
pr so reporter yestday morning "Yes,
Isignedsuuna letter at the nquest ot
the Cairo people I did to in order to
giro them a fair showing anil to allow
them to gst tbo matter In .proper tbs; 0
be ers the members of the general as-
semi ly.' But I told them when I signed
the latter that they| con'd expsot no
help from mo In Um matter, or from
the fast era part of the oenn'y. They
understand my position in the matter.
Bis said that Mr. Booatros’s position
fa similar to Mr. HitoheU's. Ho flat
Mist Emma McCrary hie returned
from a pleasant visit to her -ister at
Htnli Splints, Fla She was acoom-
1 anied by It-r sister and brother,. Ur.
and Mrs. Mnfoae A. Starr, who will
spend soversl days with Mrs. Starr's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McCray.
[ DsiUoines, lows, Jan. SJ—Iowa
shivering today with a fierce gale and
temperature ij 14 below roro.
Carlo Hippcnlngs.
(ByB L VanLanll’ig am.)
(ByH. B. Nesmith.)
I J, B. (Pollen A Co. keep tbe finest
: i""' table syrapin Meigs.
B. O'Neal, tbo popsdar dentist
ely fitted up one if tat neatest
’• in this looallty. Tbs doctor, is
Teryold batch, bat has tbe in-
live tsetse of an old maid. His
*1 parlors an op (tairs, ever 'hs J.
larter Co's fnmitnro store, entrance
.. to Atkinson Uoroantile Oo’e.
hmrgi* yams, turnips, pass, maos-
it. cheeie and averyttiieg good to eat
J. H. Pollen St Co.
A very sad destb occurred here Son-
1 lay night. Mrs. Edna Brook Gibson,
' wlfh of Mr. John Gibson died, leaving
n baby hardly two weeks old She was
sbmui7 yoaro of age and had been
’ married sevoral years, perhaps lincftAhe
1 ate ot 13 As Kdna Brock, everybody
jn the aeboot knew bar here, aeanotf
the smartest litre gtila in it. Her
many-frieuAi and former achoolmatea
will regret to Irani sf her death.
Daring the poet work Mist Data Brse-
weli, daughter of .- B. B. Brewell
n od Mr. George Bailed! wjtsv ranted.
Bptb these y gang pcoble live aesr Cen-
tei Hill. They havsi oar congmtala-
tionx. ' ' •* > .
Tbo family of Mr wJt. Reapeas, tie
haidwsn man, cams down from Usnses- *
Title Saturday night aid ate now "fl 1
home" in tho Richardson boose, 0? '
Depot street.
Tlw mnato of the hammer and saw is
heard abroad in our town. Besides the
Mg warehouse and doable two-storyf f
stores than an other boil lings going }
Farmers are beginning to haul oat
their commercial fertilizers. We wish
for them a prosperous year, for unless
they Succeed overr other bugineMqmuit
of neceisitv be retarded. Yet how many
people abase and scorn the farmer,
never giving a thought to hi* important,
and honornb'e vocation.
-Mr, James W. Evaus, of Tampa, FTa.,
li a Tisitor to homo folk* this week.
•• Mr. J O. Be!
ChSris have bean iseaned annoaDoing the
epprjectiing marriage of Hr, George W,
Kirkland of Wsymas to Mias Beasts
Wllby of Fort White, Fla., tbe oeremo.
ny ro take plaoe on February 8tb. Hr.
Kirkland is a resident of Wtyoross but
is wall kcotvu in this dty. Hs is cno
of the Cosst Line’s mast popalsr con
ductors and is a brother of Htinv. A.
W and D. F. Kirkland.
Mrs. Clowor who hat been visiting in
Valdosta sevarul weeks returned hero
Wednardsy to spend a fee days before
going to Lakeland, Florida, herfnlnro
uboolat Center Hi!
mode exuelleutpi
ire school laat tern
we keep the best ot
Ivor year imrdiase
of tho La Grange Re
port' a visitor here Tue-day and
w\ ifij.
Mr. P L. Pierce had tho misfortune
I to lose his fine mare this week.
Ye scribe visited .Moubrio Monday.
My, how Moultrie "do grow.” Rut a
few years ago, I remember there was
bnt two basinets homes In the tewn.-
Now she Is approaching the proportion
of a city. Wo had the pleasure while
there of seelog many of our old friends,
and of taking dinner with Mr. A. N.
Adams and his esteemed family.
Our new mayor and board of alder
men have been installed into office, and
arq now the trustees of the towns in-
Wo quoted aTbnmst oonnty politi
cian Ihe other day os predicting tint
Clark Howell will bo tho noil governor,
Morphy Cindlsr president of the Senate | newUmue in the southern portion of the
L Pallet! A Go.
-'I to u*. "Do, vgu'
‘ Well, he can out-
heard." A discos-
sndiog aronod die-
tliere are quite a
boys in town that
rile In that Une.
0 is^yesponsibls for
— --Is It tbeir 3ond*y
tabr. • * acber, literary taaclier, parents,
frirndsof tbo family or enemies of the
Oar friends from the country will re
mombi-r wo koep af^d Una of staph
groceries and will bed their produce at
highest market prices*
J. H. Pullen A Co.
Mr. Bobt. Wbeolaas, of Pelhtm, was
here Sunday looking closely after his
interests. Ths"gggV bars an eye
•a him
Hr. Tom Davis, of ;Pum Farit has
moved his family to. tba plantation of
In fa--a-’, Mr. H. C. iSkvia, aad 1* on- '
g^ed < arreting a boas", and wilt, in a 1
ah-jr- -J* plant a crop 1 If melon*.
Wi .o-rdsome get/ imeucLoos-iuc ’
ma'o s. It is pesn’isr' hat hied |J*m- j *
•rill In Jail-
Up to date J. B. Banow’sftOOO bond
haa’nof boon scooted and bo t)enl last
dlgbt In thsjall.
New County Meeting.
On February let at Cairo there wilt
be a more mealing of eitiiena for the
purpose of iliamssing the new connty
movement. R.B. Ratseil, secretary of
the vxaeative committee tut) a that a
name for the county will be decided on
at that time, and prominent speakers
address the meeting.
A show is coming Monday, Jan. 80C,
and ths little children are anxioue.y
looking for lti appearing.
Mr. Joa Benton and family left last
week to make their sojourn in Fitz-
If you want the position of Mar-! »1
at Coolidge pot in your bid nut lu,.-.-
day night.
MUses Irene HItohel'. anl Mary Par-
kerof Pelhxm and Leila aul dkadia
Baldwin, of Tolbottoa, Ga., attended c
"love feast - , party at tl:o residence ok
Hr. and Mrs. S. A. Miller, lost night on1
Oiinrefa street.
c. vi-it to Colt
Ho:t. K. P, 8. rentnsrk, a -t-stingnish-
od 'awyer anl banker of Vairfos-a, «»
in tho dty on borinsss ' ucsd tv.
W. Z. Brantley was over rrom 1 .«fo u
Tuesday. ^