Newspaper Page Text
Blocksheer spent Bnoday and Monday yj^iT
of last week with relative! hen whl'e
Hnb South (Beotwia (pvogrcss..
New Series, V<>1 XV—Vo 55
An interesting case wu triel in conn-
tj const yesterday morning before Judge
O. F, Hansel l, Mr. H. T. Martin
yonng man in the employ of Mr J. U.
Wade, was the defendant and he was
allowed to go free. Mr. Wade is beau-
tifyiug hu*coantry home, Mill Pond
Plantation, with the c oicest flowers he
oan find. A number of these are im
porte J. but many of them are purchased
from Thoma»Yille people, and their
blooming beauty is transplanted from
town g irdens to the W*de place.
Mr. Martin is coumiHMouni by Mr
Wade to pnrch.n>e such flowers as plea*
his fancy. It is said that on Monday
he saw some particularly choice floral
ornaments in the yard of the house
Madison street occupied by Judge W.
M. JoLes, the veteran ordinary of Thom
as county. He discovered that the uwu-
er of tiie place is Mw. (Jeorge Sampson,
and bought the plants from her.
Martin ordered Ins men to transplant
them, and they started to work. Judge
Jones objected to Ins ysrd being de
spoiled of its beautv and ordered tin*
men to desict. Ti.ey did so aim repoit
ed to Mr. Martin. He m turn had re
course to Mrs. r-atiipsou. It is said that
the told Imu to go ahead, and ta*e the
flowers, that »> e wi.u d tj.ephoue Judge
Jones, her tem.ii and make it all right.
She Was not ah e (y reach the ordiuan
over the phone, and wheu he again vis
ited his home ) e vend ilie men digging
•way. He then had Mr. Man in placed
tinder arrest. H-* gave a 1100.00 bond
for his and the case was
J jid promptly je.krdaj uipruing with
Verdict of acquittal. J, B. Merrill
repraaeoted the defendant ,od solicitor
8wtt teke aud W. H. Hammond the
WhenW. E. DnreD opened In. Oak Neighborhood Nows ..Told by Prof-
■treet ttere for bonnet, Tueiday (J-S- E.ire,-
morning he found that it' had been
entered dnring the night. The burgfS^
(By H. C. Jordan.)
Clifton Arline, son of our town mar
shall, J. J. Arline, happened to the
g^iud Ingres, In . pecnltar f»shton. m ur 0 rmne of having hi. .rm broken I
Back of the store proper is a small Monday. He was plating "see-saw” i
room, with doors aud window* barred. • n< * fell breaking Ills arm. J
A stove, with pipe running through a | Mrs. M. H. Atkinson of this place is
small opening 8’auds here. Mr Burg- speudiag a short time near Quitman
lar pulled out the pipe, fore off the J with her sister who is sick,
jacket aud entered., He dil nor disturb J A freight tram,^running through as
any of the stock, though cigar*, a .*ti “extra,” killed two cows at the de
watch, a pistol and other tempting H f ew afternoons since,
articles were in easy reach. Hi. sole j and Mrs. T. K. Dyson were roll*
booty wu tlf.y pemUe. found in the ! ed to tha bed(Md of Ml , H , B 8utioD ;
Cairo a few days siu»V aud)
cosh drawer. Mr Duren thinks an
attempt was made to open his safe,
bat it was unsuccessful. He lias r.o
idea who did the deed.
Tiie Thomasville Ledge of Elk* will
i visited next Tuesday oj District
Deputy Exalted Kuler Mom-* O. Mich
ael of Athens. Mr. Michael is the
highest B. P. O. E. officer in the state
and duriug his term uf i ftice he visits
each of the fourteen E k lodges iu
Georgia. He wdl flail the Thomasville
Incite in splendid condition with eighty
members, a flue nearly com
ptet*d and other greatly to be desired
remained several days Mrs. Su’tou is
the mother of Mrs. Dy-on aud has been
v.-ry sick.bat is convalescent.
Quite a number of Pelhamiten drive
through our beautiful streets on Bab
batli afternoon. Among the unmber
last Sabbat 11 uero Dr. Elmore, of At-
laura, un i Miss Mary Parker of Pel
Mr. Haggard Davis and wife of Ber
wick, accompanied by his friend, M*.
Delk, agent of the Georgia Northern nt
Bar wick were here Sunday.
Robert Henry and Albert Mitchell, of
Pelham, spent Sunday with relatives. -
Mr. S. H. Sutton has returned from
the be hide of. his mother, whither he
went a few days ago. It will'be good
qaal.flcations. Preparations are being news io Mrs. H. B Sutton's many.
made to entertain Mr. Michael in fit
tiug sole.
lg T
'fttfsday the flr>( jsijuy gf the
••Methodist Eta" ui«de tu appearadoJ
It is to be pnblishe«l quarterly by tho
Thomasville Methodist church. The
■nbecription it ten cents per annum,
and Rev. J. M. Outier is editor The
paper deals with chnrcli topics. Some
Of the subject-* treated are revivals,
Vashti home, Sunday school library,
pipe organ, missionary and benevolent
oltiros, Epworth League, deacones-
works aud the like. The paper is a
new departure iu Thomanville church
circlet, nothing like it having been at
tempted before. It is a bright interest
ing »heet and should arouse enthusiasm
among the members of the church.
One feature of the paper that caused
Considerable comment was the publicu-
a list of the members of the
After each one's name ap-
io date to which he lias paid his
assessment. There aro a num-
no date appears, showing
have paid nothing. The
on the “black list” were th
of some good natnrtd chaffing
those who hud paid. The idea is
a novel one, and, the roll will doubtless
show many changes before it is printed
The meetings at the Baptist vhnrch
have started off splendidly. They rave
attracted imm-n^e crowds and are al
ready achieving distiuct results. l>r
White is a quiet, unostentatious man,
times he grows magnificently
and holds the nipt attention
Game Warden Limou It a. been bony
ell dnrtug the hauling leuon piping
ap with violator, of the game lew. He
ha. made a number of arre.t. and there
ere more to follow. It 1* said that he
now hold, warrants against three of
Thomsavilie's moet prominent citizen,.
ThM ;rip include. >* j.rotr lnepf l ? (nh fr , j I’ gnett PIMiw Ague. Frlddell on
friend, here thet the will recover from
hei recent lllnew.
We are requeuedstate that Sul.
day School •x«rbtsr* will Ea resumed
at Center Hill school house on the af
ternoon of the first Sunday in April.
There aro nearly a hundred children in
that neighboihood and they make a fine
Sunday school. ,
Mrs. Horace Dasher, of Cam ilia,is the
guest of her slate”, Mrs. George Joiner,
on Church street.
Miss Pearl Watson, of Gadsden, Ala ,
Miss Madie Stanaland who is attend
ing Normal Park college visited her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Stanaland
since my last budget.
B. P. Smith of Mayview visited Bos
ton last week.
Rev. A. W. Healer, pastor cf the
Thomasviile Baptist church was a visit
or to this bailiwick lust Wednesday week.
Mr.'D. A. Autry Jr. of Moultrie was
iu oint city last week transacting bu»i-
Jolitjft I*ey who spent several days at
WlnteW^priugs returned home last
W J. Taylor of Tfiomasville visited
tlie “Hub” last Friday.
Mr. L. 13. McQueen, accompanied by
Miss#* Maggie Burney aud Bettie Stan
aland left last Monday for Atlanta.
The two former go to purchase their
■pnng end summer stock of millinery,
hats, w|iilo the hitter goes to perfect
nerself in dressmaking aud get an in
sight ittto the latest styles ot the art.
Mis. Fesperman of Thomasville visit
ed her sister Mrs. D. O. Rainey since
my i .at epi*tie.
J. W. Stovall one of Temple Georgia*
most vanned oitisens, was in Boston
last week Kith a* view of locating in
this part Of the moral vineyard.
Miss llamle Belle Cnlow, one cf
iiiaii, a Hroad »lrbdi ttlercliaiii itud a re
tired capitalist. The charges mgaluat
them are hunting ou the land of another
without a perm!?, killing more than
twenty-fire birds in one day aud selling
Qualify Mjaaffl
Miss Eva Oarditl of Ocliiockonee was
Barwjck News.
Mr. and Mr*. Garter of Oxd were in
town Saturday.
Rev. Taylor Ailed his regular ap
pointment at tho Baptist clinrcu Satur
day and Sunday.
Dr. J. F. Harris and brother were iu
town the past week.
Work has cdbtinned on Mr. Cone’s
home on Cedar street.
Last Friday afternoon a party of
yoang |ieople went down to Mr. G. M.
Dekles and took tapper and itsyed ti l
!*t*- They report a flue time.
||Ur. J. T. Barrett went over to Thom- and M
a'Vllle Saturday on battue**.
a very pleasant visitor here this wesk.
Isler's f*harm»cy has received a large
and very beautiful soda fount. It is be
ing put in place which perhaps accounts
for the several days of cool weather wo
have had this week.
Mr. C. R. Hutchins made a bnsqicss
trip to Thomasville last Saturday.
After a trial of several years a Sunday
school ieachers| meeting has been or
ganised Every Sunday school teacher
iu the town and everyone else who
wsshea to study the la**->n is invited and
expected to come
The Meigs Mosic Club fostered l y
Misa Helen Stephens is proving itself to
be a popular organization. The last
meeting was at the Boswell House and
waa very much enjoyed.
The three months old infant of Mr.
Dan Miller in »oine miater-
loo* w»v stuck a common rewing needle
Mr. uud Mrs. Wealey A'ade pa* el ^ "bopt one halfin^h inti ita breaat. it
through town l»-t Thurday. • -xunetmd without difficulty or \n
a feature of the meet-
Carr. , aaBJ-fod^j
sang au cspc< ::dly U-autifHJ
Kinusr anit
Mist Lacy Wilkes of Boston pa-bed
through here recently on hsr way to
Summit. Ga., to accept a jiosition with
Mrs. Will Durden ia her millinery busi
Misses Hattie Broom and Bnlah
Horne, two of Pavo’s charming little
ladies visited friends here Saturday and
Mr. Herbert Davis an l sister Mrs. II.
L. Davis went over to M eigs last week
to visit their pateuta, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. Davis returm-ri homo Saturday
Mrs. Davis will remain sometia:o.
Messrs H. L. Davis and Delk spent
8 today in Meigs. #
| Messrs Frank Hav of N*-w Spring
I Hill, and Ike Spencer of Oc»dockonee,
were here a fow nights ago, attending
the Hackney Show*.
Clem Hackney with his troup, advar-
ti. ing Kaloia, spent last week here. He
give* a fairly good entertainment, Our
p< ople aud the jieople of the vicinliy
arcoud town mode fine audience*.
The next number of the Lyu-uiu
<*oar»e will be given at the auditorum
i f tho Co lege next Thursday night 23
ii st. As every cent of the mouey taken
in goe* toward bnyiug a library for the
town, we hops^s very body in the town
will bay a ticket The LadeH-Scott Co.
will give the entertaiument. A* enU-r-
.•iis* Snste Sni'thof Bo*ton wa* in taiuers they are at the tnp.
tow n awhile Saturday. T The spacious doable two brick stores
Mr Reed wan in tow u w’itli his steal. - of G. L. Darin are taking *liape, and
will add moch to that
Tlie big warehouse
Montgomery's choicest young ladies
slipped Witli“reUtiys3 while en
rente to Macon to attend 8tanle} ’s bu
rn college, Mias Mamie Belle will
icon graduate from the balls of this
noted institution, hating attended said
college before it* removal from Thom
asville. She will be an houor to her
alma mater.
Judge W. M. Jones and wife ofThom-
asville visited their sous J. M. and J.
W- Jones last Saturday and Sunday.
TheEpWbrth League Social will b*
held at the home of Mias Eaaie Taylor
in north Boaton next Friday evening
March 24th. All the Leagner* aud their
friends are cordially invited to be pres-
out us a pleasant evening awaits all.
F. C. Jon s of Thomasville spent
M-wiui uiin in our c-ity visiting friends
ami !•-tailvms.
Cols, W. H. Hi.muinnd and Ttieu
Titu* two of I’M’Mtsiille’ft legal lights
were in oar city last Tuesday looking
after a case in the Mayor's court.
Mrs. M. A. Jordan after a pleasant
visit of some weeka to her daughter,
Mr*. 8. A. Wilson in Moultrie retnrned
home this week. i
Mrs. Roy Burnett aud son of Florida
are visiting her sister-in-law Mrs Lain
B. Clark at her home on East Jefferson
(By J. N. Donaldson.)
Farmers in this section aie sticking
olosely to their farm* these beantifnl
spring day* planting cane, corn, water
melons and other diversities of crops.
he frnlt crop in this locality shonld
no disaster befall them will be fine.
Peaches, pears and plum* are in fall
blossom now.
A young lady arrived Tuesday and
without a name, and is tlie gnest of
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lunsford. Judg
ing from the broad smile* Mr. Luns
ford is weunng the intends making her
homo with him. Pa Pa.
Mrs, N. E. Tamer retarded home
Inst Wednesday after eevernl days visit
to Meigs and Thomasville with relatives
Mrs. M. J. Evans of Coohdge came
down Friduy aud was the guest of rel
atives. j
Mr. N. E. Turner transacted business
iu Thomssrille Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Evans and family
left Saturday tor Tampa, Fla. where
they will reside in tlie future We re
gret to lose such an estimable family,
We hope ere long they will return.
Wo are glad to see Miss Agues Owens
o it again. Hie has been suffering with
an attack of giip.
Miss Mattie Manston returned home
last Wednesday from an extended visit
of several months to Savannah, to the
delight of her many frisnds.
Mrs. Mary Beaty and Mrr. Joseph
on their way home to Pinebloom.
Mrs. J. J, Hardy of Quitman left
Monday,.-for her home, after several
days spent with her sister Mrs. J. N.
Donaldson, who was much improved
when she left.
Mrs. Pal lie Lake of near Chastain,
w m the guest of her nncle B. E. Chas
tain last week.
Boitt Moore visited Meigs lsit Sunday
week. i
Misses Jaunie aud Frankie Carter
an 1 Miss Bell Duren came down from
Norman Park and spent a few days
with her parents last week.
Will Remain Open-
Ti erb nr- many ndrthern guests s-till
at th.i M< obeli House who announce
their inr-iit on of remaining for some
idtal>»ig*r. At was stated when the
hotel firet opened, it be operated as
an all the year rfuud house, open from
Jtuuary 1st to January 1st. The fact
Is well known. to the traveling public
and is adding to the popularity of tlie
bonne with tourist and commercial trav
elers also.
Arthnr Chastain was iu our city last
Sunday looking after the interest of hi* i
best girl; and by the way, she is mighty
pretty if this scribe in auy judge.
Should the concatenation of events
materialize whb’li the prophetic eye of
this correspondent discern* in tlie near
future, there will be bappy timos iu the
old laud yet. Mark tlie prediction, as
coming events cast their klutdows before
Hopkins Wins Shoot.
Mr. Will Hopkins won the cop at lha
Country Club shoot Tuesday onasocia
of 22 ont of 25 Dr. W. 8. Brown wcu
ruuner up prize. The shoot was
unusually successful.
Mr. Darden of Monroe Georgia, rep
resenting the International Harvester
Company of Chicago, after »p.-uding a
week in oar city, the guot-t of the
Robert’s Hoase left lost Tacs lay a.
for nia home.
Ed Alexander wa* visiting Ids best
girl la»t Tuesday. She tatcruacics at
John Milligan of Newton Ala. was in
Boston this week visiting his brother F.
. T. Brian of Macon was the gnftt
of tlie Robert's Home this wuek.
Miss Nelli*- Nelms of Eslorsdo Arkati*
visiting her Irorher, Mr. Ccie
Wants a Reformatory
Rev. Crawford Jackson, of Atlanta
was in the city Tuesday 6n his way
from Baiubridge to Tifton. ftr. JiuL*
am is much interested in securing tlie
passage of a bill providing a state re
formatory for bojs. He hope* to re
tarn before the legislators meets and
hold a raa«* meeting here in tho inter
est of the (mum*.
X •lui* at hi* home ou North Green
Miss Ona Neel's regular spring and
summer opening of millinery gotx H,
hats, ribbons, etc, will take place*ou
Wcduetday, March 2!)th. i he has jnst
returned from Atlanta wl-« re she pur
chased one of the most ovely, up-to-
date styles of goods pert, min: to her
Hue i hat was ev^r shown in Boston.
Evnry oue is cordially invit ed to con.e
aud see hrr magmfleout display on t e
day aLo«e mentioned as she is confide*!*
that hiie can please tlie must feitidiou*
Yeitentaj'a itroe of th* QuHbzb
Advertiser contained the following;
“A suit to recover damage, to tb*
ztnonnt of ten thousand dollars brought
by parties in Quitman, haa beea filed in
Thomss sopertor court. Tlie bd!*1
brought by J. OeLoach and ft. X. I
fin against Col. Dillingham, of Plant
Juice fame.
“The ground noon which they seek to
recover is the nse of their names with*
ont permission in newspaper Advertise,
mens which Col, Dillingham, published
in Thomasville, Quitman and Valdotta.
Cols, Branch Jand Ilooeuhero 'repre-
sent the plaintiffs and Col. 8. ^LBeimet
the defendant. The ratt will be watch
ed with interest owing to the promt*
nenco of all parties concerned."
The salt was broaght in Thomas .
snperior court.
Col. Dillingham waa iutarviewad on
yesterday afternoon bya Times'Enter
prise reporter. The Colonel mid,
“Ye*, thesnit has been brought bat I
am not worrying about It. In foot I had
paid bat little attention to the ma'ter.
There is only one point of oifference
between Messts. Dr Loach and GiOIn
and myaelf. They do not dispute that
they were benefittad by Plant Jnic*.
The) stated to me that it had onred
them. They have written Utters to
that effect. We nn thtll names on the
platform every night for weeka. They
aimp'y claim we had not permiieion (o
The last Pullman sleeping ear be
tween Thomasville and Montgomery fee
this season will leave hart on Saturday
night April lit. The last tagalar
through to Hew York will leave bam
on ToMday April 4th. and the last chair
oar tor Jaanp on April 8;h,
Will be other special through Pull-
in vi, mode np af'er these
they are needed.
The election Wednesday to choose as
occupant fbr the office cf tax,pectins
made vacant by tha death of ^oha
P. Howard waa held yaetarday aod waa .
a very qalet one. Mr, George W. How
ard, brother of the former receiver had
no oppoeition, and for that reason lie
election canard no excitement. Never-
tbale,a Mr. Howard waa oompUm-tuUd
with a good sized sots.
At the Thomeaeiile coart house the
polls opened at 7 a. m. and closed at f»
p. m. Judges Bibb, Hainbieton. usd
Falter, and Clerks Groover and Bennett
had a qniet day. aa bat few people
voted. Tie total number waa fit.
Moet of the time tlia managers saeaut
doota in the spring sunshine ai.d
swapped Ash yams with the aonrt ben. a
Tho polls were opened at Cairn, 3oa .
ton, Meigs, Coolidge, Metcalfe, Oohlotl-
ouoe and in fact nearly every praclnc* ia
the county. At all of theee a light vote,
was oast.
Judge Robert U. Mitchell is ia NesT.-
ville, holding Berrien Superior Court.
There is a fall docket and the sefelou
will probably last two weeks.
r J. G. Taylor of Boston apt in
Tuesday in town.'
Mr. P. N. Harley yesterday parcl u--
ed from J. 8, Bailey the Gilmore si t» i
liilf of tl.e “H. W. Ileetl blojk" it-
tween Heed and Millar atiMt*. Hi
price paid for the property was .tela, si
♦VKOand *7.000. The two dwet. ii; occupied by C. M. William* - u>
tire Loftin are on the property.
Harley will pro'iably remove one • f
dweltliign to another locution, a
a haitdiom*! re.idenoo for
ca;wncr on tlie lot.—V