Newspaper Page Text
Druggist Confidence,
CONFIDENCE-No rear of mistakes—
is what we have built oar trade upon
aad pare materials are oar stock in trade
The instruments for the Tbomas-
ville Band have been received and
the hoys expect to take them out to
day. From ail appearances, the mu
sical “tools” are good ones and prom
ise great accomplishments.
Arrangement* are being perfected
now for getting a hall in which reg
ular practices can be. held. It will
not be many moons before . the
Thomasville band will make a public
show. When they do it makes no
difference what kind of music they
make they will be heartily welcomed
and more than one fond parent will
stand off on the corner and call at
tention to "my son Oscar.”
The shipment Includes a bass drum
a snare drum, a bass horn, a baritone
horn and two alto horns. The re
maining instruments are already
hare. .
When yon wttttlhri done right;
when yon want pure drugs; when you
want a “square deal” come to us
The utmost care in every department
the best servioe and the best merchan
dise, is onr constant aim
J. W. Peacock,
Agency Slierwin- Williams Paints
.Wiley’s Candies
How'woiild ,’you like to
have'somej fiesli garden
lfS=*We have the very . best
of all kinds. They are
fresh and fine.
ThotnasviUe Georgia
ritiinutum and Rioting
, in Troubled Realm.
For sprains, brqises, burns, salds
and slmllarlnjurley, there Is nothing
so good, at Chamberlain's Pain Balm.
It soothe* the wound, and. not only
gives Instant relief from pain, but
causes the parts to heal in about
one-third the the time required by
the usual treatment. ;■ m
Asit is an anti
septic all danger from blood poison
ing is avoided. Sold 1 by J.W. Pea
cock, -Thomasville Oa.
The merchants, of the city unite
In saying that the Christmas trade
fully met their expectation and was
the best In years. One dry goods
man says that Saturday marked the
biggest business he has ever done
In twenty years merchandising since
his afore was established in Thomas
If you want to
Xyk ride, go to Sal-
ter’s stables,
for^your teams
m son, He
jfl W ” will treat you
ffrjtesf»AT|„ rg right anil fnr-
nish you good
teams. Also
transfer and baggage wagon meets
all day trains. Teams by the month
or season to let.
l’hone 105.
Christmas Buying !
St* Petersburg. Dec. 23.—Sever
al thousand Lithuanians ‘haste in
vaded the province of Vltubsk, ac
cording to the Notoe Vremya, with
the intention of seising the St. Pe-
tersburg-Warsaw railway and annex-
nlg the districts of Riesslta and'
Llutzln to the “Republic of Li
Coal! Coal!
Paris, Dec. 24.—A semi-official
dispatch from St. Petersburg to tho
Temps says the prefecture of police
at Moscow has been demolished by
the explosion of bombs. Several
persons were killed, but the prefect,
who was at Kremlin, escaped.
f St. Petersburg, Dec. 23.—Eleven
persons were killed and eighty
wounded by’ troops who fired on
workmen defending a baricado at
Moscow today. The total casual
ties at Moscow yetferdly are estima
te! til 160. • t
Fill the bins without emptying the
pockets with our high grade Jel-
lico and Pennsylvania Anthracite
Coal. Our prices are the lowest,
and our Coal is guaranteed to
New York Republicans Put Him Out
of Business.
Coaly Wood, Hay, and Grain.
Soda Water and high class Ginger Ale.
New York, Dec. 22.—During a con
test lasting from 9 o’clock last night
Abraham Hummell, a noted crimi
nal lawyer has been sent to the pen
for a year for sharp practice and hir
ing witnesses to swear falsely. When
you consider that these Interpreters
of the law should be men of the high
est character it is a shocking thing
to contemplate the actions of some of
them. Often theso practices stop
short of positive crime but for a long
time there has been a growing sus
picion that however pretty the law
yer's code of ethics may sound it Is
mighty ugly in deeds. We trust that
Abe's example will be a warning to
others of hts Ilk. We are glad he
was sent to the pen and not allowed
to expatiate his offenses by any, of
Judge Lynde Harrison of New Ha
ven, Conn., has arrived in tho city
and has Joined his wife and daughter
at the family home on Dawson street.
Judge Harrison is one^of Thom'as-
ville’s best friends and tho feeling
Is warmly reciprocated.
to 4 this morning, marked by bitter
recriminations hut concluding with
mutual pledges of support the con-
i rol' of the New York County Repub
lican convention was wrested from
the adherents of former Governor
Odell by tho faction headed by Rob
ert Parsons. Parsons was selected
ns president of the committee by ac
The following item from the Way-
cross Herald refers to a Thomasville
boy son of Mnrshal J. J. Stephens:
Mr. L. I,. Stephens, who has been s
stenographer in superintendent’s
offlpe for n long time, resigned to ac
cept a position in the office of the
G. S. and F. Railroad at Macon.
Mr. Stephens is a very competent
young man and during Judge Brew
er’s illness had charge of his office
as stock claim agent for this divi
sion. He expects to leave for his
new home Sunday night. The Her
ald regrets to lose him and family
as citizens of our city. 4 |
St. Petersburg, Dec. 22.—Reports
from Minsk, Kostroma, Yaroslav and
Voro Noexli told this morning of a
general strike that had begun and
that' all traffic had ceased.
Warsaw, Dec. 22.—a proclamation
of the governor general was gaxetted
her.- today, establishing martial law
In Poland.
Warsaw, Dec. 22.—Failure of the
imperial banking house of Maurice
Nelkin was aghounce* 1 * id|y. Diffi- ;
his 111 gotten goins.
we hope that tho technicalities and
•jnibbles of which the law is so dls-
rill not prevent his
automobile arrested.
hearteningly full
pa> Ing his sentence in full.
When yon want a pleasant laxa-
v£t|kf Gjfcntnberlaln’s Stomach and
Phone 316.
iug in company with a yoi
man, was stopped by Bicycle Pol!
man Hickey, of the West IE
When they arrived there the court
had adjourned and the sitting mag
istrate had gone. Then Hickey
obliged Hayes to take the machine
to the station house. There Mrs.
Hanna gave $100 cash ball for the
driver. She complained bitterly of (
the arrest. She said the automo-
)>ib bad not been exceeding '"TTTT (
spec-, limit. She also complained
of t!i futile 5 miles excursion to
till' country. Hickey said the curl,
was going 30 miles an hour. Ha j
said be charted it along Riverside j j
drive from One Hundred and Sev- ,
entiefh to Ono Hundred and f
Eighty-sixth street.
w i 1 • ■ * r ,n er. Gov-
Od II. dial Jt the State
blit tr. committee made a state-;
toii.t as follows:
charge President Roosevelt and
i nor Higgins with a deliberate
ipi to wreck the Republican par-
was here from Tallahassee yesterda>
looking over the field. His company
is one of the best In that field and
employs star talent from both Eu
rope and America. The scope of the
work would be considerable and a
week or ten days would be devoted
at ambition.
:h in the nature
3any chautaqua
International Bureau
Plans Annual Event
For Thomasville.
Thomasville will probably have a
Chautauqua. H. H. Wideman, rep
resenting Dr. Davidson, head of the
International Chautaqua Compan>
street station, late Tuesday after
noon after a long chase. Htckej
ordered William Hayes, the
to go to the Harlem police court,
When they arrived
had adjourned and
Istrate had gone,
obliged Hayes to take
tabling hi
o a tabernacl
. ...
ment ask a guarantee
i some towns this is
men guaranteeing $10
lying In return family
3 entire course. Some
:*nt number of ticket*
u Stores liiid Muu<
nul at Morven.
tate for their own person-
I charge them with ln-
tbein' personalities Into the
lp contest' and I and my
not made this fight, but
for harmony ana will nave
lave to flight for it.”
Governor Terrell has reappointed
Capt. John Triplett to serve five years
from yesterday. His term will ex
pire December 21, 1910. Capt. Trip
lett represented the Second Congres
sional District. A gallant veteran
himself he takes the greatest inter
est in his charges at tho home. ' He
hat never missed a meeting of the
board since his appointment. The
reappointment comes as a deserved
compliment for faithful service. This
and nny other honor to Thomasville's
best beloved citizen is appreciated
by bis fellow townsmen.
Tho other membra of the Board
oMccHng Certain Taxes from
a New County.
nit today 1
uthoritiPs | ( ;
li collect- j
Quitman, Gn., D<
received lie re th
wholesale robbery
at Morven, 12 mfi<
The stores of C. W. Hodges, Ous-
ley Bros., and E. D. Edmundson Wei
entered and the robbers used dym
mite or some other explosive and
blew open the safe In each ston
They secured about $200 in mone
from Edmundson's store ami $10
each from Outlay and Hodges. ]
seems that the robbers wero afte
money principally, as very few other
things were missing.
On Sunday night tho country store
of J. M. Hester at Tallokas was rob
bed of $214, his safe being .blown
It Is thought that the robberies
were committed by a gang that has
been following McDonald Bros.’ show
Prominent Young People \Ved Undo
Pleasant Auspices.
Meigs, Ga., December 22., 1905.
Lajt evening at Pelham Miss Ruby
Graham was married to Mr. Simeon
Haddock of this place.
Mr. Haddock is with the Meigs
Lumber and Manufacturing Company
of this place and is n young man of
excellent qualities. Miss Graham
is the ward of Mr. D. M. Rogers of
Pelham and Is a young lady of a wide
acquaintance, numbering her friends
by the number of her acquaintances.
Th** ceremony was performed by
Rev. A. McLauchlin of Camilla.
rhlrd District—A. C. Pate, of Haw
Fourth District—R. A. 8. Freemar
f West Point.
Fifth District—W. 8. Thompson,
f Atlanta.
Sixth District—C. M. Wiley of Ma-
Seventh District—C’. D. Phillips of
Eighth District—T. E. Winn of
Ninth District—H. W. Bell of Jef
Tenth District—W. M. Dunbar of
Eleventh District—A. P. Perhara
of Waycross.
Hawklnsville, Ga., Dec.
Martin of the Oconee cl
temporarily enjoined the
of Montgomery, county fi
iilg a* special tax levy from the
zons residing in that portion o
newly formed Toombs county cr«
from Montgomery.
Hon. Joe Hill Hall and Ws
Roberts presented the petition
Injunction which sets out that 3
gomery county has levied a sj
tax, the proreeds of which wi
used to make repairs and imp
menU in Montgomery county
that this tax was levied since the
matlon of Toombs,
j After hearing the petition Judg
Martin granted the tein
i prayed for and sot the final hearlni
at Mt. Vernon on January 8.
Dec. , 22.—The
two electric, light plants
yesterday,, fconsequently the
f&trt of the city wat? in dark-
night. Daring a tour of
An Associated Press corres-
saw dozens of .workmen be-
soldlers with fixed bayonets
being marched to prison.
St. Petersburg, Dec. 22.—The fail-,
ure of many railroad employes here
to obey strict order and the ability
of the government to move trains on
all but the "fealtic roads are worrying
the strike leaders. Trains are run
ning with ordinary crews on the
Nicholas road, to Moscow, but all
trains are heavily guarded.
Riga, Dec. 22.—Officials, land
owners, priests and others of the bet
ter class are arriving under escort,
leaving aJ! government and private
property In the hands of the revolu
tionises. * .
Goldingen, Cfturland, Dec. 22.—
Thursday a committee of people com
pelled the district governor to send’
the troops away. The town Is now
under the control of the revolution-
the minister
giving them
Mr*. Mark Hanna Stopped From
Speeding By New York Policeman.
S. B. Hen nett Now in Charge ol
Thoinnsvillo Division.
Mr. S. B. Bennett, tho new super
intendent of the Thomasville divi
sion of tho Atlantic Coast Lino Is
now in charge. He succeeds Mr.
D. F. Kirkland who resigned sovernl
days ago. Mr. Bennett follows one
of the most popular railroad men
that the Atlantic Coast Line ever
had but all who know him feel sure
that he will make good in his new
position. Mr. Bennett will make his
headquarters at WAycross, but his
duties will frequently call him to
Thomasville. He was formerly sta
tioned at Montgomery and was mas
ter of trains on the Montgomery dlvl
Moultrie Counc I linen Introduces
. .dinmice Against Jug Trade.
New York, Dec.
| Mr. Dan MacIntyre, Jr., of Atlanta
-An auto- j 8 t jj e gue st of Mr. Remer MacIntyre
The people of Moultrie seem to be
determined to do Way with whiskey
drinking in that neck of tho woods.
A few days ago they formed a tem
perance Union to fight blind tigers
and 200 men took the pledge. Now
they have attacked the todyy sippers
from another direction. An ordin
ance has been Introduced in the city
council to prevent railroads, express
companies and other common car
riers from delivering nny kind of
liquor in Moultrie. .Such an ordin
ance has been passed by other pro
hibition towns in Georgia. They al
ways bring on an Interesting legal
conflict and mean long litigation.
The law can not bo made to apply
to shipments from outside the state
as thht woul£ be Interference with
interstate comtnerce. It may be that
Moultrie booze fighters will have to
get their wet goods from Carolina
and Florida.
23.—A Herald
rum St. Petersburg says:
ing of the cabinet tho
himself in heated
the want of agility in
meet the situation,
I hours to come to
16 decision. Failing in this, tho
porlor said lie would take the
is into his own hands immediate
md rail a meeting of his military
nctl to consider the advisability
declaring the whole of ! Russia
porary relief | j n a stat0 Q f 8e | get The ministers
left in a very crest fallen state of
Moscow, Dec. 23.—Troops sur
rounded a school house where work
men were meeting last night and
summoned the men to surrender.
Blank shots were fired to intimi
date the men. The wqckmen replied
with revolvers and bombs. Artil
lery was then brought up and the
schopl house'• bombarded until the
survivors of the workmen surren
There is no doubt that the right place to find the right
goods at the right price is
(J> C. B. QUIUN'S STORE. <*)
i He hu the room , crowded fro m top tp'bo&jk with the finest Uns
of Christmas goods ever shown tn Thomasville. Tho best Christmas
gift is one that Is useful a* well ns beautiful. Quinn has them at his
store. Chlnswsre, Queenswsre, glassware and every other kind of ware
In the greatest variety. A visit to to his store will take gway that "don’t
know what to got”feellng. Something for everybody. Ail we ask is that
you come to see. Our goods and prices will do the rest.