Newspaper Page Text
Hundreds of Travelers
Get Mad, But None
Get Hurt.
Philadelphia, Dec,- 1Ine
with the action taken by executive
Officers Of the' Pennsylvania and the
New York Central to thk effect that
no free passes jrlll be issued after
January l extept'to railway employe*
the BalUmor* and Ohio, the Erie and'
fpMJjm Sunday’s Issue.
“TntaS 0B the A. C. L. was badly
demMflxed yesterday. The cause
waaKtrelght wreck five miles this
flSflw Waycross. ’ There were no
the accident but it play.
WBj^^^wIth the running time of
tfjpSjS^rhe train lost sixteen ears 1
o( J.Y®f ra<:k and 11 was plowed up
for several hundred yards. As ai
result the train due here at 4:20 Frl- J
day ahernoon reached here at a
/.“lordly morning. The train I
dup' here at 1 o'clock Friday night
r^M’homasvttle at 3 o’clock
oa',^<&d*y after^lm. The reg
ular morning and afternoon trains
the Delaware, ^gtawknna and Weat-
1 . ern have, made similar' dnnounce-
■ meats. Thiels In accord with a>
Uion taken by Xhe T^unk Lino Asso-
Harvie Jor<
program for^
the SoutherJ
New Orleans
elation. The board of directors of
the Pennsylvania hare' approved.
President Cassatt's order.
If you carry money on your person
or have it In your homo. It Is "pay-
j able on demand” when the burglar
comes around. You not only Jose
your money but your life la In dan
ger. Foofctha burglar aad deceit
your money In THIS bank. Your
money will be tafe and you will en
joy good health *because the moat
healthful thing Is a bank account
there are no' microbes In It to kteal
away yoar peace of mind.
There Is no 1>lace:so cafe for hard
earned'dollars as the Btroag bnrglar
proof safe at the BanV of Coolldge.
Our bank hag the great advaatalps of
Depository. Guarantee Fund, which
Insures your mouy against loss from
any and all causes. You should
open an account with ua at once. If
yor are out of town write us and
learn to bank by mail.
Cotton may be on the< road to IE
cents. The tanners' aro enjoying
the greatest feast of'thetr lives. Ev
erything they produce Is btlnglng
good prices, but their greatest Joy
Is having a VMkHke the Bank of
Deposits are
lulMHA '-’J
' n„. SB
- 1111 1 nf X,H
by W. L. n*
iultiivs.s, "T1i<’3SmN; -[/'J' ■
Hon. H:i rvl.> X;
fin Cotton
.1 (1 ll H’j'S, •( '<>-<»
by Hon. 10. A
pi-- i< 1 «■ :it
Co - o | >• ■ j;t the ■ f ’VV [, I i H
pointnifiit of nna
A t tt i noon
< 1 rcss, '• Foreign*!*;,'V,''
Fields," by HoiiBH ’
<l:ile, .Miss.,
"ViiliK' of .Mann'■' A; f
*wi i'il to tie-
1> \ Tompkins
• -i <*i B
<-rs." by .Inhn
Fir. t Xa t Iona
• In < ; ad.)aS
Night. h* hsini^H
1 SS3 1
. 1 1 i 1
1 ■ ■ '■ SI |Tw|
! * 11 1 ■<
1 |M. . ill' W lWjjj
>V)ijlll’.'.rn I’niinii fjpM ji-- ; . 4 ■ "‘j
dale, Miss., (IisruyMon;^|H.O'.Tj" , i gJ
lie of the Southern Cottoi^^BSflf
tion to tlie South," by Hon.
Jacowny, Dardanelle, Ark., dtl^fl
slon adjournment. '
Morning session, Friday, January
12, S o’clock—Address, "Object and
Coolldge to deal with.
Insured against loss just' UP; your
house Is insured against lire. We
try to give our friends '’value receiv
ed la return for the buslnese done
with us at the same time we want
them to know that we appreciate
their patronage. ’ Do not postpono
opening an account with ua because
your Income Is small. A single dol
lar a month la enough to'start' w^h
and then the way win be' easy. ^
• ,P. a. Mallory, (Sumer.
'iT'Judge Robert G. Mitchell of the
Southern circuit, was offered the va
cancy on the eupreme court bench
I'made vacant by Judge Candler’s resl-
gnat.An before it was accepted by
Judge Atkinson. By declining the
honor, Judge Mitchell deserves the
“hanks of the people of the Southern
circuit who' would otherwise have
been deprived of his valuable ser-
vices. During the past term of Tift
superior court, JuBge Mitchell and
Solicitor General TTipmas did work
Bn the people of the new county
that they will ever remember. They
are a strong team, and work well
in harness together.—Tlfton Gazette.
n aRgpH V I > V.
to all of this public controri^^B|
the town takes on a large number
of employes and these employes are
apt to be organized as a political
machine. Boss Murphy Observed In
Nfiw York before the last election
that If that city took on the owner
ship and control of lighting, power
and transportation, Tammany would
entrench Itself In office for fifty years
Think of what a machine Chicago
could sot up with Its street cars and
electric plants dominated by the poli
tical leaders!
‘ The question of politics arose very
promptly In Thomnsvllle. Before
the election for mayor tt was repeat
ed. from mouth to mouth and finally
crept Inti
Mr. Cliff Dekle of Atlanta and Mr.
Bert Dekle of Tampa are In town,
making a holiday vtglt to their par
nf "Mnaril'im" v. i 1 r '“g.U
nf "The Hickory
lint only playing marked rartl^HH
nst them, but 13 carrying a cold iWH
up each sleeve. Cano Juice was once
good enough for the producer, but
this same boy now tickles hlspalatc
with Mumms.
• Clark & Co.
bta, S. Carolina,
"Fdrmer, Bank)
from overwork nnd had a chroniH
rough for years. I had tried so many
remedies without help that I had
lost faith in medicine. My daughter
bought me a bottle of YInoI. It sim
ply worked wonders for me; it cured
my cough and brought back health
and strength and I am better than X
have been for years.”
We can only ask every one In
Thomasville who needs such p ’
cine to try Vinol on ou**
return their ro*'*
Thomas * *
Hon. Joe Hill Hall of Macon has an
nounced that he will not enter the
race for Governor of Georgia. This
Is In contradiction to previous ex
pressions from his friends but this
is his own first positive statement.
In refusing to make the race he Is
acting wisely. He could not bo
elected, he has not the money to
make a campaign and Ills health
poor, surely a sufficiency r ‘
Mr. Hall is the po~
god and err-
print that one of the can-
1 didates had offered places in the
electric works to leaders in exchange
for votes. The rumor Itself was a
great shock to the people who wanted
to keep the electric plant out of pol
itics entirely. The candidates de
nied any such bargain but the tempt
ation to farm these places out in re
turn for political favors must have
been very great and men who are
running for office are Just human.
With a tempting plum like an elec-1
trie plant before them the mar *
was willing to deal wit*
and distribute te***
a mighty goo
ed mayor. TL
finally <l*‘<t<’<l
any such deal,
in a small scale t.
expect if they go
of municipal owne
lighting requires tec
Political favoritism w.
furnishing very poor lig
of a rather intermittent
Albany, Georgia
Erister Ashcraft, Florence. Ala., dis
cussion; adjournment.
Morning session, Saturday, Jan
uary 13, 9 o’clock—Address, “Feder
al Bureau of Cotton Statistics,” by
L. F, Livingston, M. C., Covington,
Oa., discussion; address, by Hon.
John Temple Graves, Atlanta, Ga.,
discussion; address, “The Newspaper
and Its Relation to the Southern Cot
ton Association,” by Mr. H. Y.
Brooke, Luverne, Ala., discussion.
Afternoon session, 3 p. m.—Ad
dress, “Capitalization,” by Mr. S. A.
Witherspoon, Meridian, Miss., dis
cussion; address, "(Organization in
Arkansas,” by Mr. B. F. Burnett,
president Arkansas Division South
ern Cotton Association, 'tJhickalah.
Ark., discussion; address, “Concert
The best Cane Mill on the market today; is the
Southerland Cane Mill
Twenty sizes and styles for steam or horse p-wer, two and
three rollers. All who place their order on or before xovembet
first will be given wholesale prices. We manufacture
Grate Bars and Furnace Doors
for syrup furnaces. Wff have just leeeived two car loads of
Engines, Boilers and Duplex Steam Pumps
General Foundry and Machine Shop, Catalog and prices
on application. All inquiries given close attention.
Foundry, Bainbridge, Ga.
Mr. Charles S. Hebard a
of Philadelphia arrived in
ville in time to receive holida
lngs from their Southern f
They are at their home on the
Machine works