Newspaper Page Text
Show Here For Full Week
Beginning January Sixth.
What came very neat' being a ae
ons accident wad wltneeaed on
E.Vf. Weaver, manager of the 8tf
IxmlsCarntval Co., wax in Thomaa-
villcMonday and made arrangements
. for- the ^appearance of bis shows here
for the week beginning January
Silth. There are six shows, a Fer
ris wheel and a merry-go-round in
the aggregation.
The shows are accompanied by the
.'Royal Italian Band which .will glVe
free concerts twice dally. The com-
, j pany has made four visits to Thom-
' asville and on every occasion has put
1 out clean shows and. has proved that
I the performers were clean and hon-
I doubtless attract a good attendance,
eat people. t
Big Hitting Flawed
Complete Victory Fir Mont
gomery teats McIntyre By. Oialjr Five fotes..
Tor Next Week Chas
Lane In Charge.
ft 'An event'of great ednoatloaal in- 1
terest to the people of 8onth Georgia
Sip the annual Teacher’s Institute of
*fa teachers of Thomas county which!
will be held In thla city, commene-j
ling' on the thirtieth of December!
^)snd continuing until the fourth of
Sanusry. The Institute will he con-j
ducted hr Professor Chas. Lane, a.
pedagogical expert and a man noted
'rjat g wjtty lecturer. He will make
!4e proceedings instructive and en-
The event will bring about forty
‘Ik the teachers of the county to
nomaavllle and many of them will
9^e fart In the interesting program
wt||Ui hat been mapped out by Com
missioner MacLean...
lilt h u boon customary to bold
-aese institutes In the summer, bat
b the request of the teach^p the
(aie was changed to tb^ winter ao
that the beneats derived sad m«th-
oft. suggested to them may he ap
plied- Immediately. Attendance Is
cBnpala&y&oa,the teachers In the'
One of the most interesting nujn- . ’
bers of the Times-Entertrise.' thaj' ;
has ever appeased will bahhf special ,W
Christmas edition : that. will bo ‘put' '
out tomorrow morning. This will *'■
have a special illuminated cover in
three'colors, showing Santa Claus,
his reindeers and other appropriate
But it is not the cover so mugf
as the cop tents that will make the
paper worth having. It will have the
usual news of the day In Thomlk- ,
vlllo.and the world at large and/ln ,
addition to-this a- most Interesting .
symposium of Jetters. The minage-
ment has given this opportunity jto»-,V
the Thomasvlfleit'lKiys and glrll ,«ii
hate'gone out Into the-at^rli to". - ■
convAy greetings to the "folks'at
home." Thaae mesaagae of Yule Tide '•
sentiment most Interesting. There
will be .a greeting from Governor j a ■
Hoke Smith to the' people the,
town and cointy. -Railroad Commis
sioner HcLendon, General McOlMh-v-O'.,
an and others will have * Wort)'to 'V
say. Theurgy will he represented ,
by bV. G. S. WJiltney, B«V MW* ,
W. Baaler, and Rev. John M. Oilier.
Judge Roddenbery prill, also baaeV:', -
Chrlttmas toast. The edition Vlli be' * ' *
Rosed, Just such >ms. Ifr- you/will'' V;'
want to heep and wl}! fcV pleased to/'3u
send to yonr friehds. jty-.-
Extra copies may tie proctn'ejjftsr^^? 1 •
ten cents dach. The supply 4111 be P
limited and It would be well to leave ’ $1
your advance order at the. b'iulne»» *
f® 0 ®. j 'dh : -s
Most of the tpteta tpast were
straight and there'wiyp tittle scratch-,
tng done. There war tile, usual largo
vsat pocket Vqte that could be jpsii/
gucried at. Many of the tlfcket* useji
had been ''■$$
the voter
is on the
Geography—Prof. Chas Lane.
Competition and Declamation—
Mias Christina Park and Mrs. A. B.
opposing factions and-'roen
n reached the poll If ho Wi
0 doubtful list ha was besieged by *d"
herants of either aide. Probably few
votes were changed by thla sollclta-
k tlon, however. .Good order and good
' nature prevailed all day, and every
body was willing to accept the result.
1 Long List a Tedious Count.
} Ov4| to tho long list of. candi
date# tho counting waa a very, tedl-1
ouaniffalr. Tha clerks and manager*
, started the counting Immediately af-
! ter live o'clock and the results ware
i not known until an early bonr thla
j morning.
Thera baa been a good deal said
I about automobiles in .this campaign.
II One flgured prominently late in the
afternoon. An anti-cow voter was
, three mllet in tha country,, while on-
l ly twenty-live minutes until the polls
closed. Mr. Fraser Driver whirled
him up In bis machine with five min
utes to spare.
The day developed the /act that It
It was a ight of the rich against th”
poor that there are a lot of rich peo
ple In Thomasvlllo.
* Several gentlemen who transact
business here were facetiously referr
ed to as foreigners.
James T. Horst, who bib .made a ,
reputation as an accurate torcastcr
of election results made hla prophecy
at half past one In tho afternoon. Ho (
said the total vote would be IS7, that
I the anti-cow aldtrmanlo ticket would
win by an average majority i
and that MacIntyre woujd be'
or by IS majority.
Some folk* had aback ride F
thaiBwIll nqt have another on*
Arithmetic—H. C. Rgnisey.
Eng. Grammar—Prof. Chat Lane.
Bgnmanahlp—-J. L. Cook and Mrs.
C.r Whitehead.
Eng. Grammar—Prof. Chas Lane.
Dr. A. It. Wllllami will go over to
Valdosta Sunday to praaeb a sermon
for the ft wights Templar there.
| '* rf
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Morgan and Mr.
F. M. Morgan of Quincy are in the
city for a few days with Mra. J. C.
1 or Major.
J 5 MnMbtnory
H. J. McIntyre ..
For Aldermen.
FI fit eight elected.
W. A. Pringle .
M. M. Cooper
J. F. Pittman
W. P. Grantham
J. M. Dekle
F. H. Smith
W. C, Pittman
L. H. Jerger .. ..
W. H. Mitchell
W.E. Beverly
Ju. F. Evans
«. S. Parker
B. Edward
C. T. Gandy
W. B. Hambleton
A. B. M A. To Talladega, A‘», . vZj
That road announces that .trains
will be running to Talladega, Ala., .
by tho llnd of this month. T1U* A. :
B. A A. road is going to'be a con
venience to the people of this ciiy
when the trains are naming- Into '
Birmingham. They already have a 1
lino schedule into'Atlanta, apd It lw b
hoped that ip the faeay future a
sleeper will be pnt on between fhom-
asville jnot that vtty. This; willy
give,to thla'city tjo good rob^fk •Brl
to the Capitol and,Jna service.;:
Paw of the residents, of Tbomaa-
vllla have been aware that a very lp-
teresting personality haa been In
Thomasvllle for the paat several day*
str. H. A. Kilmer, wno was oruer.y
sargeant of Troop H, Roosevelt'*
Rough Riders, reached Thomasvhle
last Wednesday, and has Been busy
since that time rejuvenating type
writers, adding machines, and other
macblhea of like complicated natore.
Mr. Kilmer talks very interesting
ly of hla service In the Spanish Amer
ican war of '18, whoa he received
in the hip a Mauser ballet from tho
Spanish forces at San Jnan hill which
permantly pnt his pedestrian pow
ers out of business. He waa wound
ed In the knee cap, and bad a toe
shot off, but these "minor caanal-
t!«" war* not discovered until he
reached the hospital. Mr. Kilmer
states that he saw Capt. Capron kill
ed in the Lasquanah ambush, and
that he was within fifteen feet of
Hamilton Flab, Jr., when he met hla
death at the foot of San Jnan. ..8lnce
then be waa with the ynlted«tates
secret Brvlce, in which duty he
Ant entirely around tho world.
Mr. Kilmer-la a member of the ;
Spanish Americas -Wkr Veterans, and
John W. Lester of Houaton, Tex.,
and hla little daughter arrived last
night to spend the holidays with hla
father Col. R. E. Lester. ..
Mias Addle Green of Charlotte,
N. C., will be the guest of Mlsa Mo
selle Griffin daring the holidays..
Copies of the Christmas Issue will
he on aalo at Thomas' Drug Store,
where they can bo procured for ten
cants eaoh.
J. W. H. Mitchell
J. J. Mash
Mrs. Hlppolyte, welt, known to the
people of this city as Mra. J. C. Peters
was in the city yesterday shaking
bands with old time acquaintance*.
ty—Prof. Cbaa. Lane.
-V. V. Anderson.
A. J. Stephens
L. E. Con* ..
Mr. Dan Malloy of Montlctilo wds
in the city for a few hours yesterday.
Mrs. Julius Tonng of Metcalf* was
In the city doing Christmas abo&lng
'' Mr. H.'L. Bullock of Ochlockonee
was apiong the .visitors to (ha ettf
Monday. ,? •
1 Mias Snxanna Unthicam from Dur
ham, N. C. Is spending the holiday*
with Mr*. W. E. Beverly. ' a , .
Wjj standing around readjr
ke. vote*. and the ballote fell
la all.the morning. The total
lit was sW. .*¥hla to the lar-
. thd.history of the city end
only *!;of,being the Entire
A' drove of cow* that were’ driven
by daring thp morning were greeted
by-mingled cheers sad biases. .
Alderman 'W. H. Mitchell had ftil
annual awakening and was “Johnny
on the Spot” all day,' ; ' Jk‘ jj
The pereonal popularity of Alder
man Gandy gained, him mtay votes
from the antl-«ow people. VM
Candidate Beverly was makia* his
first political rate, bnt he haadled It
Hk« a veteran. , ' -
lag pdradnality.
Grpevlve ^arkblli of
he city a* the guest
it. t Of this number
M thp box before one
i were acorfa of ear
ths polls aJI day long.
good natared and ;
a wore phased. Loti I