Newspaper Page Text
ThomasrHI* Basse pvtao. T«l. XIT1.
DECEMBER 20, 1007
Burleson's Bill Makes
Illigal—Will Prob
ably Past.
Washington, Dec. 14,— (Special to
Tlmse-Enterprlse) — Representative
Burleson has Introduced a bill to
make Illegal trading In futures on
cotton and grain, this being classed
- In the hill as gambling. This will
bare on Immense Inluence on the
• actual prices of these commodities,
and It Is believed will vastly beneBt
the actual traders in the staples. A
canvass of the house lends evidence
to *he belief that the bill will pass.
Roosevelt Rands 02.
It Is announced today that Roose-
•velt will be hands off entirely, In the
matter of the Republican nomination
far president. He declares that he
will not help any of the candidates,
( nor interfere In any way with the
5 matter. This leaves the Held open
Leaders Are Ranniog
Neck and Keck—Stand
ing Announced later.
The contest this year will be found
to snrpMs all others in a closely con-
Sixteen Battleships Of! At Council Meeting Mon- Off Fur Indefinite Per
On Greatest Naval
Cruise In listory.
day Nigbt-Execntive
Session Closes It.
. for the best man to win, without any
! one candidate getting the great ad
vantage of the political machine of
’ which Roosevelt Is undoubtedly the
Fleet Halls Monday.
The Pacific fleet will sail from
Hampton Road. Monday for the long
cruise around the Horn to the Pacific
Coast. Every vessel Is in perfect
condition In every regard, and pre-
f. pared at a moment’s notice to go Into
if that Is necessary.
Atlantis Fleet Msde up.
The remaining ten battleships and
(’AUe cruisers will be immediately
organised into s Beet for the Atlantic
and steps toward that end have al
ready been taken.
Brynn Strengthened.
Washington, Dec. 16.— (Special to Impassioned, clear and forceful
Tlmes-Enterprlse)—The backbone of were the worda of Dr. M. R. Mal-
tested finish, and It now appears that j the American' navy, sixteen battle- lette, which greeted the reporter us
the three principal contestants are ships, under command of Rear Ad- he entered the council chamber Mon-
ruaning a neck and neck race which ( mlral Robley D. Evans, set sail to-' day night. The subject being dia
ls truly remarkable. The Interest - day for the Pacific/CoaBt, a IS,000- cussed was the petition of Mr. J.
of those working for each of the wor-, mile cruise which has set all the Riley Salter to have his tax for
thy causes Is Increasing hourly, and world talking. j extra paving reduced. The Doctor
the next week will complete one of ■ Parading in view before the PresI- j was telling of the amount already
tke most exciting contests'which the dent of the United States, and salut- paid fcy the city for the paving con-
Times-Enterprlse has held to date. ‘ lng as they went, the atately white I tract, which w^s not called for and
Ths feature of this week Is the ges- veseels drew anchor from the Hamp-1 which the tag payers could be laid
eralahtp of the leader ot. the forces ton Roads rendxvous, and steamel liable for. "The people who do not
of ofce of the principal contestants,! out past the Virginia capes, finally I adjoin the pavement at all are pay-
who Is sparing no effort to win for i being lost to view on the southewes- ing this tax tjw and we should not
bis organisation the coveted prise, 1 tern horixsn.
and who Is isterestlng large and
small In the work.
Those who are working for the
At tan knots speed they went,
harness them .with any mare.” said
the Alderman.i^be-atreet Interaec-
headed for the West Indies. After || an .re si paid by the city as are
treading their way along the reefs
other organisations have Indeed a; of these Islands, the fleet will bring
foeman worthy at their best efforts > up at Trinidad on,Christmas eve.
lr they Intend for victory to perch on This will end the first stage of their
their banners, and their Increased ef- journey.
form show that they are fully alive] President Roosevelt, accompanied
to this fact. | by a party of guests, cameMown from
Some races have been railed j Washington on the savsl yacht, May
waiting races,’ hut this race Is 11s-1 flower. His arrival at 8:10 a. m. In
tlngulshed by being the direction op- { the roadstead was signalised by a
posits of that, as the enthusiasm and rear of salutes,
the desire to forge ahead and stay! a brief reception, followed, the
there has been strongly manifested president having s brief message for
by each of the organisations since the the four rear admirals and sixteen
Brat wots was oast. A list of tfie i captains who are taking ths ships
coupons and the standing of eaA of! through to ’Frisco. The President
the Interested organisations will
prlated is an early Issue.
shooh the commanders by the hand
! as he went over to 'the side and bade
them official adieu. Then the Msy-
. flower turned end led the fleet ss it
(went down the bay, the Mayflower
th, sidewalks,” amends Mr.
Parksr In his usual deliberate way.
The assessment was allowed to stand
as recommended by .the committee
on streets.
' Dr. T. R. Jones’ petition to have
bis floor lowered to comply wltb the
street was referred to the street com
mittee and they recommended that
the city pay for a step and having
the doors mads to suit the change t ie
cost to be about twenty dollars. Re
port adopted and same ordered done,
Anti-Hplttlng Ordinance.
, At this juncture the recommenc'a-
tlons of the board of health came be-
ioi—Other Latest
Washington, Dee. 17.—(Special to
Tlmes-Enterprlse. j —Secretary Cor-
telyou la s|ck and has been compelled
to leave his work and recuperate for
an indefinite period. The Btrenuoua
labor adjusting financial affairs at
New York recently followed by the
enticement of the presidential candi
dacy and'the work In that direction
has caused a physical breakdown and
his physicians demand that he give
up his duties for a while and recover
hla strength before resuming work.
Coming as it doea just at this time. It
must be a serious blbw to hts hopes.
dstlon Is a good one and It Is very
probable that the health committee
will take some definite action next
Hose, Taxes and Other Things.
The clerk read from the hose peo
ple a communication telling of the
cause of delay in completing repaint
to the hose recently bongat from
them. He was lnstrncted to write
them to hurry up the matter as the
city was not strong where hose wss
concerned. Mr. Pringle ever ready
with his customary funnylsm remark
ed then, “That’s good I never like
to be out of hose.’ None of the al
dermen aoamed to appreciate the writ
of the fhcetious alderman and did
Cord of Thanks.
Editor Tlmes-Enterprlse:
Will you kindly permit me to con-; leading to Thimble Shoal light. Here
Jones Dohlman. mayor of Omaha j '®1' through your columns my tmdy- the Mayflower turned for the final
la Washington today, that the ln * thanks to the many friends for | review.
.withdrawal of Roosevelt from the! their great kindness and sympathy As a naval pageant, the review and
rece atrengthened Bryan’s chances In j during the Illness and death of my j departure was the most notable In ,
, the west greatly, as the western ad-j dear husband.* j American history. The guns which '
Hirers of Roosevelt could now bej MRS. J. M. .MAS8EY. j had voiced a welcome to the PresI-1
•wnng Into line for Bryan. 1 j dent on his nrrival In Hompton Roads
Cannon's Stock I .unking Up. MASSEY'S FUNERAL. . uttered a good-bye tribute as they
fore the city fathers for action and' not * ven n °‘' C8 ‘ h8 “»*• The alder-
thoy with the customary amusement! m » I > dlant “««" lo be disturbed over
referred, deferred and conferred the ,he omlBslon but proceeded on his
privilege of action upon the health apparently rejoicing. Noliody
committee. ^Iderman Pringle was 1,9 J*‘ ha " reported that he was over
given the merry ha-ha about the eon-1 f° UI: d without that one usually nr
dltlon of the court house and the tle.'c. Alderman Paiker brought be-
remedles suggested by the report. He (oro he body a consideration from i
j explains by saying that this deplor-'
able eondltlom has Just been ended to'
Wall Street's Monied In
terests Want Cleve
land ti Ran.
the attention of that body and that
the sanitary condition of that house
was not of the best at thU time. Tilt
I anti-spitting clause In the recoramen-
Cannon's strength as a presidential 1-nrge Number of Friends Attend the pnased the Mayflower outward hound. 1
possibility Is Increasing. He stated Funeral nt the Baptist Church. j The salute of welcome was paid In b c raised for their relief.
One of the largest funerals that the union, while the farewell wua an in-1
town has seen In a, long time was dividual offering from each of the] Rattlcslilp Idaho a Success.
today tost he would accept the nom
ination If.offered. The strength be-
n-gri v o-.u n of the fn-t 'h-.l »'..e
h:td pnif ’.jxrs on p-.bperty i! i-ui
already been paid upon and the
amount was ordered refunded. T.
J. Bottoms showed also through ton
Mayor that his taxes were wrong
according to the latest assessment
and bis was also refunded. The
Pinny Wood* tuxes were Incorrect
Admiral Evan
flflit to the end and It appears that collected to pay the last tribute to'flagship leading. The vessels rail piete success.
one of the other will be nominated' their friend and fellow cltlsen. It four hundred yarda apart, the line J Christum* Goods Display.
. was a most striking tribe!" to tile: extending, from the flagship to thej Cotton Report Wrong, The mayor said that hw had been
{lovllness and force of the man’s char-j last vessel, a distance of over four Heflin of Alabama Introduced a rcso- asked by a good many of the mer-
I acter and ahows beyond all perad- i miles. § lutlon today declaring Wilson’s cot- chants to permit them to show or
T"j venture that he was loved for being!' Taken Out of His Hands. ] ton report overestimated, and' re- display on the'streets for the Christ-
Mother of Mr. S. W. Davis Passes'a true, honorable Christian gentle-! Assistant Postmaster Hitchcock suulted in great damage by Its over-'mas' season their goads on the alde-
Avray Yesterday Morning. ! man, and one who lived up to what ; will not make nny more appoint- estimate. This produced a heated walks. They all agreed that this
j he thought and believed. ! menta In the south hereafter, the controversy and will bc fully fougntj was the thing to be done and It was
The people of the town and county] The abort talk of Rev. A. W. J power to do bo, having been taken .out out later. B0 ordered until after Jan. 1st.
will be grieved to learn of the death Dealer was most forceful and ini-1 of his hands. President Roosevelt is, LaFollrtte Hoorn Started, The amount due Mr. Jsudon was
Tax Rooks Closed.
hind the movement to make Hughes ’ that of Mr. Joseph Massey Sunday at sixteen ships. Tho fleet passed out j The new battleship, Idaho built by accordl-g to Dr. Mallette's figures. The time for the dosing of the city
prf i,., nt is also Increasing. These the Baptist church. His friends all in Blngle column with the govern- Cramp at Philadelphia, stood her trl- Mr. Redden Smith having paid on a tax books was definitely settled for
two will undoubtedly remain ‘u the] over tho city nnd the county were Imllt Connecticut. Admiral Evan's a | off the Delaware Capes with com- fifth of the amount already. Refund-, January 1st and anyone can pay.up
ed. before that time without execution
being Issued against them.
Mayor Pittman requested that the
yesterday morning of Mrs. Mary A.ipreaslve and showed to the people wrathy over the matter, the last ..A boom to make LaFollette Pres-^ a j lown [>y Alderman Parker to be
Davis of this city. She had reached! that Mr. Massey was considered by
the ripe old age of eighty-sne years j the minister of his church as one
tad each had added something of
taring kindness and good deeds to
the lot of mankind who came in con
tact with her. Always thoughtful
liul generous she has made thany
friends In her journey through the
world who will mourn her loss with
sad hearts. For the past few years
heart trouble had been feared for
her and this fatal disease teok her
to the other home.
She,was the mother of Mr, S. W.
Davis of this city and leaves another
son and daughter to walk with sad-,
dftned hearts at her departure but
worthy the highest praise and eulo
gy from his brethren. He likened his
life to that of the Apostle Paul when
near the close of his earthy mission,
he wrote to Timothy telling him of
the approach of the heavenly king
dom. True, pure, and loyal, he
stands a shining example of the true
Christian, believing wholly In the Sa
vior and working for and living up
to his teachings at all times.
The Interment at Laurel Hill cera-
etary was witnessed by many of his
friends and those who knew him on
ly through his beautiful character
With the loving memory of many, an j j ti effect upon others. Messrs,
aoble deeds. The body will be taken 1 j. t. Culpepper, J. M. Dekle, C. M.
today to Valdoeta for burial. The j Roblnaon, W. W. William*. B. F.
sympathy of the community go ont Cochran and W. H. Bibb acted aa
to the relatives In this tint# of lorn. pall bearers for their lost comrade
straw being the recent appointment* ident haa originated In New Hamp- 1 *omet'aing over $1,800 and $1^0ij
~ -* "’ - - 1 - 1 —- -- v ““ mA ~ was ordered paid him at once.
of Postmistresses at Taccoa and Con-1 shire where he has many warm nd-
yera. {mlrers. It Is believed that he will
1 draw strength to him, and his can-
Tlllman Roast* Cortelyou.
didney'm. he a serious factor !n ice
In his characteristic manner Sena- fight which will be carried to the Ho-
tar Tillman put Cortelyou and his fl-| publican convention. *.
nanclal policies on the gridiron and, ___
roasted him fiercely. Commissioner at Goldfield.
The cummtaloners sent to Gold-
Adjonmcd aa Usual. ] fled are now on the ground at Gold-
After a abort session today in ] held and have begun their Inquiry
which nothing of much moment was as to the cause of the conditions
accomplished, the House adjourned ( there,
until Thursday.
Large Fund For Widows.
New Treaty With Japan.
It Is reported that there la under
A subscription was started today ^ consideration at the White house a
for the assistance of the families of treaty with Japan, nnd negotiations
the minors who lost their Uvea In the In line with this hare already been
mines of Monongab. It Is hoped that progressing for seme time. Details
two hundred thousand dollars will are not available at this time.
He recommended that Mr. W. W.
Bruce be assessed something over
$7 for extra paving done at the cop
ner of Broad and Remington and this
was done.
Romnved Money Pnhl
The treasurer's report was read tn
the body add it showed tnat there
was In the city treasury on the first
of December about fifteen thousand
dollars. Dr. Mallette supplement
the report that the borrowed money
had all been paid. Then the alder
men went Into the boqoet throwing
business and many and varied-were
the boquets hnrled at themselves
and each other on the satisfactory
and careful way that the bnstneaa
and finances of the city have been
carried on daring the past year.
city have lights put In the court room
ot the city hall end In the ball
the police barracks and thhs will be
dona at once says.Alderman Evans
and that means It will be.
Alderman Smith was requested to
have abmething dono with the vault,
there being complaint that the doors
were being ruined by the dampness
on account of Improper ventilation.
It was not dry enough (Che vault was
meant in this sentence) not Thomas,
Executive Session.
There was at tlhs time it sweet,
soul satisfying silence for a few mo
ments. Mayor Pittman then In dul
cet tones announced that there was
something he wished to consider ;ln
Executive Session- He didn’t spy
what It was so you can-never know.
The reporter In hiB usual awkward
way arhee asltb precision, looked be
seechingly Into the faces of the as
sembled aldermen and made hla
weary way from their midst, amid
the mocking voices ot these worthy
men, to taka bln lonely way to the-
print shop, where the humming voice
of the press and shrieking calls for
“copy” awaited him.
Washington, Dec. 18.—(Special to
Tlmes-Enterprlse)—It la ' being re
ported that the Wall Street Interests
are very eager to see Grover Cleve
land, twice Democrat President of the
United States, run against William J.
Bryan for the Democratic nomination
at the next convention. It Is not
supposed that Mr. Cleveland would
accept but the move is one of the
most Interesting that has been made
In this campaign.
All of the developments were not
confined to the Democratic aide of
the camp. George B. Cortelyou gave
out a stereotyped form of denial that
he will be a candidate but It was
couched In. such language that' be ,1s
left free to run and It hs certain that
he will be a candidate.
Frqm New York cornea the new*
that the Hughes campaign will be
pushed to the utmost and It is re
garded aa certain, that the vote or
the Empire state in the Republican
convention will go to the man whom
Mr, Dooley describes as blessed with-
the trailing arbutus on his face, •
There was lota of nipping and tuck
ing to do U but It was done was the-
comment of tho honorable mayor
Those fallows whd come after us fire
going to have a time keeping down
In the road was the concensus of
opinion and no one of the gentlemen
present envied them the Job. It-
wasnt a case of sour grapes either.
The business of the city has been
wonderfullyj carr i e< i °h during thy •
past year by this same council and
considering the multitude of annoy
ing and aggravating things which
lmvo come up for their settelment,
the showing was a, credit to them
aid a piece of work to be highly ap-
have come up for their settlement
ore duo a vote of'thunks and a re-el
ection—If they want It.