Newspaper Page Text
Rubbing with liniments, blistering the affected parts, the application of
plasters, and other means of external treatment, are usually helpful in
relieving the pains and aches ot Rheumatism, but such remedies do not
reach the CAUSE of the disease, and are therefore in no sense curative.
Rheumatism is due to an excess of nric add in the blood, brought about by
indigestion, poor bowel action, weak kidneys, and a general sluggish condition
«fth system.. The circulation deposits this irritating poison in the different
tanodes,nerves, tissues and joints of the body, and seon the painful symptoms
of Rheumatism are produced. The pains at first may be wandering and alight;
but as the blood becomes mote fully saturated with the nric add poison, the
disease grows worse and after awhile gets to be chronic. The slight, wander
ing paint now become sharp and catting at the least exposure to dampness
or night air,' or any constitntionsl irregularity, the bones ache, the muscles
are not as free in actiop as before, and where the add poison is allowed to
remain iq the.blood the joints often become aO clogged with corrosive snb-
otances that they are Jeft permanently stiff and useless. Rheumatism ess
never be rubbed away, nor can it be conquered and driven from the system
until the acid-laden blood has been cleansed
andpurified. No other medidnedoci this to
effectually aa 8.8.8. It dissolvca and re*
_ movea the impuritiea and aenda a stream of
rich, strong blood to tba affected parts, wbieb
yJ ~ If _ soothes the irritated nerves, inflamed muscles
PURELY VEGETABLE and flesh, and the sufferer obtains relief that
is permanent because the real cans* of the
disease has been removed. Special book on Rheumatism and any medical
advice desired free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA.
0o ysu want i good position—one of the better serf—one
worth haring? If you do, take a course of business and
short hand training In this old reliable school. Call or
write for full Information to
A. HT. BALL, President.
Confederate ©Hicer's Pie-
tore Presented—Cotton
Takes Slump.
Washington, Dec. 27.—(Special to
Tlmee-Enterprtoe)—President .Rooee
velt was presented today with a pic
ture of Irving Bullock an uncle of
Ms who was an oflUar on the Con
federate ship Alabama. Tha pre
sentation pleased the'president great
ly sad Miss Oalt who made the gift
was tha recipient of personal thanks
from Mm.
Thera bas been a change in the
eotton market very decided today,
owing to the continued snaults of
the bears, bringing It to a low level.
Taft la sow considered the certain
nomine, of the RepuMican party at
the next convention. Indications
are very plain to the majority of the
leading men of the party, that he la
tba man.
The demands of the Brotherhood
of Railway Trainmen In Chicago
may result In the largest railroad
strike ever knows. ' Vote bas as yet
sot been determined.
Cooper Explains Reason for Remarkable
Average ot, Boston Callers.
During L. T. Cooper’s recent stay
in Boston, It la estimated that sixty-
housand people talked with 1
end pnrohaned Ms medicine. This
is an avafaffs of over two thousand A
day. ,n, ■ <1 *>
Hi* sueoaas was so phenomenal an
to cans* universal comment both by
tha public and tha prvaa. Thera
b* a reason tor this. Bar* Is th*
1 reason given In Ms own words by Mr.
Cooper whan lntsrvlawad on the sub
ject Heaald:
“The Immense numbers of people
who are calling on m* bar* In Boston
J* not tmuauaL I have had th* asm*
(■parlance for th* put two years
wherever I have gone. The rraaon la
• simple on*. It la because my
cfaw puts th* stomach In good condi
tion. This does not sound unusual,
hut It Is lu foot the kay to health. Tba
•tomach la th* vary foundation of,
"Neither animals nor man can
main well with a poor digestive appa-
'ntna. Few can b* sick With a diges
tion In perfect/oondltlon. As a matter
, of tact, most man and women today
> at* half-sick, it la because too much
1 food and too little exercise have grad-
j sally forced th* stomach Into a half-
, sick condition. My medicine gets th*
l9toim& back where it wag, and that
-la all that to neoe**ary.“
i Among Boston people who are
Istannch believers In Mr. Coop.Fa
> to Mr. Flank D. Brown, of 67
Bioomlngdalo street, Chelsea, Mam;
He aaya:
"For five years I have sought re
lief for Indigaxtlon, stomach trouble
and dyspepsia, spending nearly all my
wags* with doctors and obtaining no
result*. I bad dull pains across my
back, radiating to the shoulders. I
bad splitting headaches, which nothing
seemed to ear*. Thera wu a gnawing
and rumbling In my stomach and
bowels. I wu troubled with vertigo
and dimness, and at times almost
overcome by drowsiness.
"I felt tired and worn out all th*
time, my sleep wu not refreshing,
and I would get up In the morning
feeling u weary u whan I went to
bad. My appetite wu variable—ravan-
oa* at times, than agatn nauseated at
the sight ot food. Sometimes my face
wu pale, at other times flushed. I
wu coutlpetad and bilious, and bad
catarrhal affection in nose and throat,
wbieb unsod me to hawk and spit
* gnat deal, especially in th* morning.
I hoard so. much ot the Cooper reme
dies that I decided to try them. After
taking one bottle, a tapeworm to foot
long passed from mr system. I felt
bettor almost Immediately. All my
troubles dluppund u It by magic,
and my Improvement wu rapid. I
now fool entirely well, and can honest
ly recommend Mr. Cooper’s mtdlclno
to anyone who saltan u I did"
Wo sell the Cooper medicines 1
which give universal satisfaction, r
Thomas. Jr. |
Where yon want U— •
When yon want It—
No smoke—no smell—no trouble.
Often you want hut in a hurry
in some room in the house the fur
nace does not reach. Its so easy to
pick up and carry a
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
to ihe room you want to hefl—suitable for any room in the
house. It has a real smokeless device absolutely preventing
smoke or smell—lum lhe wick as high as you can or
as low as you like—brass font holds 4 quarts of oil
that gives out glowing heat lor 9 hours. Fin
ished in japan and nickel—an ornament
anywhere. Every heater warranted.
bd.Uubr lluiiuJaiw^VI
tmi.. It (in, a Wikaal. duly L_
Ad ■»!«Culr »|laim. miiiiii.ahl |ldll sal I|.l*l■!
dtblddkinnJadiUnttow. Eroy 1m? winirtd.
U y*. and Adis A, Paladds Oil Kcdo m Rijo Law bu
paklvwafcWi.d *diy l» Idrlgu dmlir.
ThomaavlUe, Ga., Dec. 30th 1S07
Connell met in regular session,
Mayor Pittman presiding, Alderman
Evan*, Smith, Cooper, Parker and
Pringl* present.
Minutes of lut meeting read aad
PetIUon of Miss M. J. Smith
extra, estate of . J. Young was refer
red to the finance committee with
power to act.
Ordinance Introduced by Alder-
Evons'at last meeting was read 3rd
time and passed.
Fellewlng accounts passed for pay
ment; M. B. Dunlap »6; J. W. Dll-
las'$l*.7t; ThomaavlUe Variety
Works 868.71.
Council adjourned.
K. T. MACLEAN, (ilk.
Frequent Reports Come
From FairvioV’Oprr
ators Can't b Caught.
The burglary epidemic to again
becoming the topic of conversation.
They are now making frequent
maraudings la another part of town.
First they cleaned up the hennery* ot
what to known as Tocwwotten, slip
ping from that section to’ East End
and making raids here and there
wlh alarming frequency. They did
not confine their attenUons to coope
bat entered the houses and took
what was la sight.
For a few days no more was heard
of tbelr wanderings and notMng fur
ther thought of the affair. It being
surmised that they had departed tpr
more-fertile fields. In the past few
days the coops df those living la Fair
View have been the recourse of their
attention. The houses of several
have been spotted and their hens
and turkeys taken, as many aa could
be found. None of these marauders
have been caught by the police as
Ctorispnas Wedding of Protnlxrnt
Thomas County Couple.
Miss Mattie May Shepherd a*d Mr.
Heywood Chastain both prominent
young people of this county were
married.Christmas day at the home
of the bride’s parenU four miles In
the country. Her. Richard Jackson
performed the ceremony at oao
The house was beautifully arrang
ed for the occasion and everything
was dome to make the affair a memor
able one in the history ’ of Thomas
comity marriages. After the cere
mony the guests were treated to a
large and sumptuous Christmas din
ner. Only the relatives and Inti
mate friends of the couple were pres-
Both young people are prominent
and troll though of in the country and
number their friends by the score.
The good wishes of these will follow
them In their Journey together
through life.
Atl&otic Coast To tie Pro-
tected-New Currency
Bill-Other News*
The navy department of tbs U. S.
government to preparing to repair all
ships in commission and out that are
^stationed on the Atlantic seaboard.
No special significance I* attacked to
this action, It being rather expected
after the departure of the great
Armada to' tha Fficiflc, leaving the At
Untie coast anutlsfactorlly protec
Roosevelt wires Governor Sparks
that unless a special session of the
legislature 1s called to take proper
measures for protection that the Fed
eral troops will be withdrawn.
Booth Tarklngton who kicked the
Indianapolis policeman a few daya
ago falls to appear to answer to the
court for the offence.
The Japanese Mikado opens Diet
ThomaavlUe, Ga., November i
In view of the fact that financial and declares Japan to friendly to the
centers have temporarily dlscontin- j wh , ]e worM . Brilliant spectacle to
nod shipping currency aad la addl- j made of the affair,
tisa (hereto have availed themselves j Maxim Gorky la slowly dying of
I of the right to sixty days notice consumption la France,
of Intention to withdraw savtags do- j The senate finance committee are
posits, th* OGLBTHCrtPE SAVINGS oImo , t ready to report on ths cur-
Fair View are on the look out and ex
pect to land the guilty ones on their
next attempt.
The average man resents having
his valuable fowls taken almost as
much as he would good old coin and
there are many who would rejoice at
their capture.
Mr. R. L. Redfearn of Berwick
wsr among the visitors tba city yes
Lady Well Known In ThomaavlUe
Shoots Herself.
Mrs. Barnes, a niece of J. W. Had
dock of Brooks county was buried
at Hickory Head In that county Mon
day. This lady met her death In
Montgomery Saturday morning from
pistol wound which che Inflict el
upon herself. It la not known wheth
er death was accidental or Intention
Mrs. Brooks was well known In
ThomaavlUe, being a nice* of O. W.
H. Stanley, whom she visited here
several occasions. £ Bn Bung
friends will he shocked and grieved
to learn of her untimely demise.
That ear American tarsus abound is
plants which potMas the most valuable
medicinal virtues to abundantly attested
by aeons of the most eminent medical
writers and teachers. Even the urtu-
torsd Indiana had discovered the useful
ness of many native plants before the
advent ot the white race. This Informa
tion, Imparted freely to the whites, led
tha latter to continue Investigations until
to-day wo have a rich assortment ot most
valuable American medicinal roots.
Mr. J. J. Parramore of Boston
among the visitors to th* city Fri
t .
Mr. W. H. Searcy of Cairo waa In
the city for a few honra yesterday.
Mr.'l. L. Potter of Cooltdge rpeat
Friday In the filty on bualneee.
Worn as Wen u lea An Ha
Miserable by Kidsej and
Bladder Tronble.
Kidney trouble prey* upon the mind,
discourages and lessen* ambition; beauty,
rigor snd cheerful
ness soon disappear
when the kidneys are
out of order or die-
Kidney trouble lias
become so prevalent
that it is not uncom
mon for a child to be
born afflicted with
weak kidneys. If the
child urinates too often, if the unna scalds
the flesli, or if, when the child retches sn
sge when it should l>e able to control the
passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet-
ling, depend upon it, the cause of the diffi
culty is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of
the kidneys and bladder and not to a
habit as most people suppose.
Women as well as men arc made miser
able with kidnev ami bladder trouble,
and both ueed lhe same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized^ It is told
by druggists, in fifty-
ceut ami ouc-uollar.
size bottles. You may
have a sample bottle
ot Swimp-Root
Dr. Ptercs believes that our American for-
ests abound In moot valuable medicinal root* bv mail free, also a He
for the cure of u».t .ml total dlt-J pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root,
worifi wo^tovMttojto tbem; , Including c ,f tlic thousand. 5 testi-
uionial letters received from sufferers
cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamtou, N. Y.. be sure ami mention
this paper. • Don’t make any mistake,
but remember the name. Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every
and. In confirmation of this conviction, ho
points with pride to the almost marvelous
cure* effected br his "Golden Medical Dis
covery.” which has proven Itself to bo the
moat efficient stomach tonic, liver lnvlcor-
ator, heart tonic and rcculator. and blood
cleanser known to medical science. Dyspcp-
, or indigestion, torpid liter, functional
and even valvular nnd other affections of
tho heart yield to Its curative action. The
reason %chv It run* these and many other
•affections. U clearljp >hown in a little book
“^tracts (torn the standard medical works
n U mailed frr« to am vldruu by Dr. R.
Y. ’Pierce, of DufTalo, .Y. Y.. to all seedina
| request for the sama.
^ ^
j tlo% less marvelous, in the urmrrll-Ied !
jNCurea It Is constantly making of woman’s !
1 many peculiar affections, aeakr.PvM., and
. distress;m; doramroiuanU. Is Dr. I*i« ree’* !
Favorite PrvM-ription. as is amply au«;,tod ;
by thousands of unsolicited testimonial* in- !
! frtbutcri bysraioful patients who have! cn •
I ctuedbyitof catarrhs! jvlvledrain*.ra.; fill
periods. lnv«nlartttes, prolapsus and i-i^er j
displace men’s caux-d by weakness, uicer- !
atiouof and kindred affections, often
after many other advertised medicine*, and 1
physicians had failed.
, -o W
Both th, »hor, meaticnel
shell? ma.l, up from lhe slrecrtc
astir., medicinal* ruots. Tne pro
AND TRUST COMPANY hereby gives^ rPnc y measure to be considered by
aottce to all depositors that the ruto^ congress. They will In all probabll-
requlrlag sixty daya no tits of lntsa-; j ty provide for more national bank
tlon to withdraw deposits to
In affect from this data, and till
further notice.
TRUST COMPANY Cortelyeu and hta whole family
are very 111 with sever* attacks of
grippe at tba heme of the aeeretary.
Both tides have finished In the fa
mous Powers trial and tbs affair to
Miss Maggie Rhodes. Mrs. W. B.
Brldgar of Moultrie, Mr. E. H. Pope
of Mtcon and Miss Alice Amerson
of Tilton were the geest of Mrs.
Dr. W. F. Blaslngame Friday.
Mr. William Linton to In tha city
spending th* holidays with home
folks. He to attending the Os.
School of Tech, and Is making qalte
_ record for himself at that Inatl-
lot* Order Create. Two IHvl.lod*-'-
At Brunswick and Birmingham.
Tba Atlanta, Birmingham and At
lantic railroad has been dlridtd Into
two dlvtolons, to be known aa the
Brunswick division and toe Birming
ham division. The Brunswick divis
ion will gs under tho supervision ot
Superintendent 0. C. Smith, who has
his headquarters in Fllxgcrald. and
will include the line of the road from
Brunswick to Oglethorpe, Sessome
to Waycross and Fltigerald to
The Birmingham division will In
clude the line from Oglethorpe to
talledga. Ala., and from Pryltou,
Ala., to Ashland, Ala., and will be
under Superintendent C. L. Brunei-,
whose headquarters sill be at Tal
Both divisions of course will be
directly under General Superinten
dent Winburn of Atlanta.
Popular South Georgia Ooaple
Marry la January.
Mr. ana Mrs. W. C. Vereen
Moultrie, announce the engagement
of tbelr daughter, Jensle to Mr.
Reason Chestnut Bell of Cairo, Ga.
Tho wedding will taka place the lat
ter part of January.
Miss Vereen to a member of one of
the most prominent families la soues
Georgia and to popular among a
large circle of friends In ber home
town. Mr. Bell 1s a member of th*
bar at Cairo and on* of th* coming
-lawyers of this part of th* atat*.
He has many friends by hla ener
getic. peivlatent work In bis profes
sion and Is well and favorably known
to many people of this city.
Messrs. Pinkney Grantham and C.
W. Quinn wer* In Mantlcsllo for a
short visit Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Brandon are
In the city with Mrs. W. H. Brandon
for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clarke toft yes
terday for Sylvester where they will
In the future reside.
Miss Ida Cassady, after spending
a few days with relatives, left for her
home In Bulubrldge yesterday.
- processes cm*
stuiieu cnemisu tt.a puarmansu wita th#
ala of apparatus and appliance* specially
drained aud built for this purpose. Both
medicine* a*vrt.tlrelr free fn.m alcohol and
all other harmful. baUt-funutoff drug*. A
faU lut of th*lr lacradloua to printed oa
. Good to Eat
That’s why everyone like*
(Appnmdby Pore FooaOotamlMfora,.)
Easily Ftwpared.—Simply add
yuitog water snd let cooL
iTlazor, : Lemon, Orange, Raspberry,
Strawberry, Chocolate, Cherry, Peach.
10c. per package, enough for large
family, at all grocers.
Recipe Book
Highest award at
all Expositions.
• Ike Ctaoet hr. read CSL.U0.7.X.T.
Found Near Moultrie Yesterday
Morning and Taken Into Custody..
Moultrie, Ga., Dec. 27.-—This
morning ot the home of his father-
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mitchell, who
were married recently In Sparta are
receiving hearty congratulations In
Thomasvllle. They are the guests of
. Judge Robert G. Mitchell for a few
in-law. Burl Baker, near Moultrie, days
Luther Sheffield was arrested. It ^
will he remembered that he Rilled j Mr . r. M . A Pplev , hlte was ln town
jh.s father near Cordele in a quarrel] Friday.
t The young man la only about twen
ty-throe years of age and was at the\ y[ r C X Dalfnnp t q
- , * ir - Balfour of Savannah Is
time of the tragedy living with his j
father. ■
drinking together
Christmas Eve when the falling cut
took place, hot words being passed,
jthe old man attacked the boy with
an axe handle, whereupon the boy-
shot him with bird shot as he enter
ed tho door. The boy , u taken
back to Cordele to anawer for the
crime. s
la the city to spend the week with
home folks. Mr. Balfour is one of
the progressive business men of Sa
vannah and his many friends In
Thomasvllle are congratulating him
on his well deserved success.
Mr. Tellie Taylor, of Norman Park.
Is in the city for a few days with
his brother. Mr. George Taylor at the *
j t ; p«»r ;&a