Newspaper Page Text
See Great Clubbing Offe. i age Eight Of This Issue.
► §;% J
Colored Wem&n Suffers
Oeatbln Fire Son-
day Night.
Canard From Atlanta Befendent Thought By
Nailed—He Stays Until Jury Insane-Will Be
The Finish.
Sunday night at ona o'clock the
i are department waa aroused from
their peaceful clumbers to attend a
‘ are aald to be In Fletebervllla. They
made the customary quick run and
’ found that tha house occupied by
' Alec Robinson to be slmoet burned
' to the (round. Zn was a rather
large, substantial looking Art room
« house owned by the negro who was
occupying it
After a faw mlnutea the Bremen
were told ns on a former occasion
that there waa a negro woman In |
tha honae burned to death. They
Immediately aeked the location of
tha body and attar a few mlnutea of
• investigation found the body and
pulled It out with their hooka. The
body was In a most horrible condi
tion, the flesh being burned of the
arms, head and limbs, leavinb tha
mlddla of tha body la a horribly
lacerated mutilated condition. I
waa a charred mass of burnt flesh
and bouts and praoeatod'a most give
some spectacle. The bedy lay there
all mornlag until the husband of the
women wH> was in Temps could be
gammoned end funeral arrange
ments could he made. The coroner
Went out to view the remains and
• found that It wtw ao case for a Jury.
Upon laveetlgation It waa found
that tha house was almost burnt up
bsfora tha lamatas were aware that
U ijas on fire. The whole of the
back of tha building had burnt and
tha .flames were spreading with great
rapidity to the front when the In
mates awoke sad found out the con
dition. There were In the building
, at the time two women and three
children. . It teems that the wife of
Alec Robinson the owner was sick
end being alone, with two small
children had asked Platic Wood
ward to come over and spend the
children had asked Platts Wood-
sod brought with her a young child.
After being aware of the Are In
the honae they all got np and made
haste to escape. Thi children of the
owner of the house were all gotten
out and tha two women also escaped,
but when the Woodward
. found that her child was still In the
building she Immediately, In the face
of the awful heat, dense smoke and
raging ftamss, rushed Into the room,
without any thought for hertelf or
her safety. So great was tbs mother
leve that absolutely disregarding her
own danger she went to the rescue
of her child. After getting Into the
room she managed to gat the chill
sad the m stress K waa lying an. hear
tha window, whse aba most have
beta overcome by tha flames
MB great wan the heat that the
child was bnraed about the face sad
body very severely, before willing
bands going to the window managed
> to pull It oat sa it lay on tha mat
rass. me woman waa left to bum
to death. It seams that (bars waa
no rsaaan for tola, aa someone could
have maaaged, If they had been st
all level headed, to have gotten the
body eat . Bet ft was oaly n crowd
of soared to ddaih negroes who at a
time fflte this have absolutely as
lying to •
tot from the
Sent To Asylum.
A telegram was received la Thom- New York. Feb. 1.—Harry K.
Seville Saturday advtelug that It was Thaw has been declared not guilty
reported that Judge Roden be ry had on the ground of Insanity at the time
withdrawn from the coagnaaional he killed Stanford White. A great
race, and asking tor confirmation of demonstration took place In the
the report. The reply was couched
In the most vigorous terms, and
stated that the report was malicious
political canard, and without founda
Judge Roddenbery was not In the
city, bqt a friend who la close to him
said that not only waa Judge Rod-
denbery going to stay In tbe race
I but that be was even now a sire
winner; tbat be Is dally receiving
most encouraging letters, and that
the constituency of the Second Con-
Sessional district Is gathering to
him In Increasing numbers dally, as
a snowball gathers more snow roll
ing down bill.
Tha report was evidently hatched
by soma of the present Incumbent’s
friends, and Is without foundation.
Judge Roddenbery will remain In
tbs race to the and, and be and his
friends are confidant that the count
of the ballots on election dty will
confirm their present firm belief tiff
ha win he the nefe copgrsesmas
from this district
window burned so . badly - that any
signs of recognition were Impossi
ble. -
The child was taken to s neighbor,
tag house badly burned. After morn-
tag bad corns a request was made
that they ha allowed to taka the
ehlld to tbe hospital and this waa
granted. Dr. Jarrell waa In atten
dance and it Is having tb? best of
medical attention. It Is probnblt
that It wUl live but win he badly
This Is one of many dally exam
ples of wbat a mother will do/for
her child Disregard bar own safety,
fare many and terrible dangers
when there la the slightest chance to
save her offspring. The other case
whe> e a woman was burned waa not
at all like this one but there Is some
talk of serious crime being commit
ted before, the burning. This was a
plain case of a negro mother giving
np bar life to save tbat of bar child.
Various Officers Elected, Salaries
court room, and the verdict was
cheered for several minutes.
Justice Dowling committed Thaw
to Matteawan Asylum for the crim
inally Insane and ordered him taken
there at once for an Indefinite per-
At the request of the defendant’s
counsel, Justice Dowling has delayed
execution of the order committing
Thaw to tha asylum until 8 p. m. to
allow counsel to confer as to whether
or not a writ of habeas corpus will
sued out to have his sanity tested by
a commission before be Is taken
Justice Dowling said that he deem,
ed Thaw’s discharge wonld be dan
gerous to the pubbllc safety.
Thaw's Wife hi Court Room.
Both Thaw and his wife, the lat
ter being the only member of his
family In court when the Jury unex
pectedly returned Its verdict, seemed
pleased and satisfied with the out
come. Thaw stood and smilingly
bqwed his acknowledgements to the
Jurors as they filed out
District Attorney Jerome seemed'
satisfied as he has contended, ever
Since the crime was. committed, that
Thaw was medically Insane if not
legally. Thaw's counsel thanked
the jurors with a hearty handshake.
Attorney Littleton also filed excep
tlon to Justice Dowling's decision In
retaining Thaw In custody and com
mitting him to the asylum. Only
a few spectators were allowed to en
ter the court room when the Jury re
ported. One young man who viola
ted Justice Dowling’s Injunction
against a demonstration was lined
125 for contempt of conrt.
away to Matteawan.
Tbe Jury all refused to divulge
.the secrets of their deliberations fur
ther than to say that fourteen ballots
were taken.
New Mayor’s Record
Ii Bis First Po
lice Court.
(Prom Tuesday's Dally)
Tha first session of Police Court
under the new mayor waa held yes
terday and Judge Montgomery pre
sided with the aplomb of a veteran.
The record of Mayor Pittman In his
vigilance to apprahsnd and punish
.violators of tha law was one that,
the city la profid of. This record
blda fair to bo squalled by the pres
ent Incumbent He goes at matters
with a will, thaj la calculated to
make the most hardened offender
quail and when there Is a guilty
party he won’t fall to put on the pro
per penalty.
Tha first caaejjfidge Montgomery
called was that against a white man
named Frank Doyle, charged with
discharging llrtafrfis In the city 11m-
if Early Primary He
Will Not Be a
Magnificent Speciaes
0! Cotton Stalk Dis
played on Streets.
Its. This gentle
the charge bnt
think that there
r plead guilty to
constrained to
were extenuating
After the usual reading of tha min
utea and their adoption. The city
council, with a fall board present,
started In to transact tha business of
the city for the second time since
their Installation, The TbomaavtUo
Press was given tha Job of printing
tbs pamphlet for tha dty containing
tha statement of the expert employ
ed by the dty. Their bid waa twen
ty-five dollars tor tha Job.
Water and Ught Assessment.
Alderman Pringle, Chm. of the new
water and light committee, in a re
port showed the cadency of the
plant as it new stands hat comment-
efi upon come of .the Irregularities
sow prevailing. Chief among thane
wee toe price to to charged agatad
the dty for their Meet Dgkt and
water and a mntoal mo, prmWat
to and at tho dttaa, win' ordered.
charged daring the coming year,
this will enable the bookkeeper to
tell exactly the prodte over the ex
penses of these two plants for .1908.
Police Elected, i .
There being no more routine bus
iness the body went into executive
Med on to elect police for the coming
year and transact other badness of
that order. The day police ss se
lected by the body for If OS'will'
be the same as the past-year t
one exception. Tha day police Will'
he Does, who Js also assistant Mrash
al and Fuller. The night men are
Dawkins, Dickey and Hilton; Tha
only change was the election of Mr.
Fuller as day man, putting officer
Dawkins Into the night, force
leaving out Ofleer Singletary.
circumstances and that no fine
should he Imposed. The mayor dis
agreed most heartily with this and
fined the gentlemen $10 and coats.
- Dave Mitchell, a negro waa next
and he was charged with sweeping,
trash on tha alfiawalk. The offender
finally admitted that this bad been
done and a fine of two and costs Was
the result, the mayor giving a warn
ing that others .who'violated this taw
after this cas* would get'tbs limit oi
the law.
Apios Lester and T. Sampson wars
both called up for keeping fish for
sale on tbe streets of the city and
plead guilty. The mayor then fined
both g5 and cost with the Injunction
to "go and sin no more.’’
This Is a good evidence that the
present council through their chief
oxecutlve mean to give to the citi
zens of the town what they want and
desire as a unit, well kept, neat anJ
clean streets. If this can be done
by law the present mayor says he In
tends doing It, and that any and all
offenders will be given the same mod
Iclne. The stlak barrels on Jackson
street and any and all other nuisan
ces will ba moved and kept away In
the futnre. Neal Cargill plead guil
ty to disorderly conduct and was
fined |8 and coat Lu'Mitchell re
ceived tha same dose for the same of
fence. Walter Parnell discharging
firearms In the city limits plead
guilty and fine was Imposed to the
tune of |10 and cost. 1 -
The salaries . of the Superinten
dents of water and light ware raised
both bob re-elected. Rapt. Ep-
ply gets 11,70* this year ss against
tl.Ul Mat year and flap! PriajW
|1,too Instead of »UM, The sal
ary of thqtlty attorney was mads
yico.aad ion. W.JL Hamjnoad rw
Card of Thants.
Mr. Frank Jones wishes to
preat deep and sincere appreciation
for the many expressions of sympa
thy and. condolence that have bean
offered him la hie lose of n recent
date. While enable to properly ex
press to each end every one what ha
feels,’ Mr. Jonss takas this method
of extending to everyone thanks for
their ktndnsas and good will.
Mr. Ctaas.B. Darrah of New Tort
if-to the city, and In tha future trill
fill the place of elerk at tha ifaaury
Hotel, formerly held by Hr. & a
Hudgins. .Mr. Hudgins has as pel
made no definite arrangements for
the future.
Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 3.—Seaborn
Wrtglt la evidently "up In the sir."
yet shout his candidacy for the Uni
ted States senate. As elected, he Is.
susd a signed statement 8unday
morning through the Rome Tribune-
Herald. He brings hie possible can
didacy on the Issue of the primary
if It le an early primary, then he
won't run; If It le a late one, he will
have a go at Steve Clay. Mr. Wright
la a member of tha state Democratic
executive committee from the state-
at-large, and It Is Indicated In hla
card to the public that he will make
a rod hot fight for a late primary.
Incidentally In hla statement ha
touches off some bomb-shells.
Among other things he says:
"It looks now ss If some cf my
fellow soldiers of two years ago In
the great army of reform have some
what modified their Ideas as to the
desirability, I might say the neces
sity, of lata primaries In Georgia."
Just who this thrust Is aimed at
doss not appear, hut there la no mis
taking his Jab at Senator Clay. Ha
says of Clay;
; "Couple tha above with the light
ning record to the last faw month*,
made by the distinguished senator'
who would ba my opponent If I ran
for the senate, on, the question of
temperance. Finance .(of the pop
ulistic variety,) rural-mat) expan
sion, suppression of emigration to
the South and other magnltudlnooa
Issues of the hour have hedged him
In with a kind of Chinese wall
against my opposition. I am very
sure It would take me six weeks to
find my bearings and get Into the
ring and at least six months to over
take the distinguished senator on
sny of the questions above enumer
He then says that the “rapid and
radical expansion of the sonator
makes It somewhat Improbable that
tha people will have an opportunity
of nominating mo for the senate this
year." He pays high tribote to Tom
Watson, and congratulates him "on
the progress hs Is making as school
master with hla now (tuplls.’^i
Tbs Roms Tribuno-Hhrald la tbs
same Issue contains a latter from its
Washington- eorresppndont, James M.
Karla, , who Is a Georgia man, la
which Senator Clay Is made to deny
that ho over directly or Indirectly
gave Governor Smith to understand
that ha tCter) would not have op-
possd Smith la th* event of the gov
ernor's candidacy tor tha i
Senator Clay said that' tha only con
verse rion between himself and tha
governor was la a Jocular vain. Gov
ernor Smith la aald to have told Clay
that ha had hla eye on Clay’s asst
To which Clay replied that his health
waa sot good emd nnleaa U Improved
Quite a good deal of attention was
created on Broad street yesterday af
ternoon by a farmer from Wilkes,
county near Washington, who was in
the dty to sell cotton seed. Hs had
with him two cotton stalks with
shout the finest bolls filled with cot
ton that has even been seen hero.
It was literally covered with the
fleecy staple, beautiful, white and
clean, even more beautiful than tha
exaggerated pictures sometimes seen
with tha cotton stalk. It Is said to
be the most prolific cotton seed that
haa ever bean put on the market.
He haa boon selling It for about four
yean and haa met with great luc
es**. Never having boon Into
South Georgia he is trying at this
-time to put some of the seed with
tbe farmers of this section. .
He says that ho can readllyfhtee
cotton that will class well, about four
balsa to tha acre. This seams hard
to believe but a glance at the two
stalks he carries with him will rsadl-
lly persuade anyone of tha correct
ness of tha statement. A cotton man
who saw the two stalks remarked
tbat ha had seen many kinds of cot
ton hot never anything that' could
touch this. It Is called by tfre owner
yho still taps about two thousand
frqkheie. pt-toe Med left "the Hgr- .
din Debt Killtaf?’ He «aya l( > haa
been tried end tound ell to the good'
he would not bo to Smith’# way.
Clay aMs that ho Is Mw‘ta.perfWt
health, which mean* that be wlltV
• candidate for r»eiaett»a'afid feels
pretty ears of too result.
iat he may
something further to Mr aftor
lbs meeting of tha stats ZtoMocratl*
,. . T ;
Knocked off Trestle and Killed by
Coast Una Train No. gp.
The Atlantic Coast Llaa trala No.
It Sunday'morning. killed a negro
woman Sunday morning three-mile#
toll side of Boston on a trestle of
tha road. This woman had been
warned according to the itory of too
watchman employed by tbe Coast
Line, not to go across, tbat In some
unguarded moment the train would
come along and knock her off. Tha
woman disregarded this warning *
and aarly that morning before thk
watchman could see her was on the
treetle walking across.
She htd hardly gotten to the mid
dle when the noise of the approach
ing train waa heard but too late for
too woman to make her escape. It
was also too late for the engineer'to
stop the train and aha was knock
ed off being killed instantly. The
Ooronsr. Mr. Ches Gandy was sum
moned and responded with hie nsnnl
promptness, going Immediately to
too scene of tbe disaster. ■ He found
that this wee no case for a Jury,
there being aaveral eye witnesses to
too affair sad all agraetag that it waa
csiwIsmbms on the part of tha wo
rn man to go on the track When the
mast have known that fi train was
approaching. >
Ctapt. Ma c Leaa.
Tha cUImm of Thomas eodaty hire
delighted to loam that Capt K. T.
MapLeaa will serve ths couity again,
for the next four years as County
>ol Superintendent. During his
term of. oOeete has made one at
the best ofloers that the county cab
beset of. Always on- toe. alert fbr
to# good of too aehoots.and working
for .tootr advancement gad progress
•srrfcao hiToheen to every way .
i factory. 7t U'» fitalUrofgreat '
iknro that .ba in to. continue, this
gaod-work, and It can confidently be
•led Oat the advsaoamsat.or the
«Mwtog Mat tear-yearns ;
will bO area mere marked.