Newspaper Page Text
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' '
More proof that Lydia E.Plnk-
bam’s VcgetableCompound naves
Woman from surgfeiil operations.
Mrs. & A. William*; of Gardiner,
Maine, write*! > _ . . ' „ ,
•• I XU * mat • offerer from female
in three months, after my physioira
declared that an operation we* abso
lutely necessary.”
Mrs. Alvina Sperling, of 184 Cley-
bonrne Ave- Chicago, UL, writes:
jtr ftnffarea from tmiblta. B
-tumor and nmeh Inflammation. Two
of the beat doctor* in Chicago decided
an operation."
.For thirty year* Lydia K Pink-
ham’* Vegetable Compound, made
frtta root* and herbs, ns* been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and hae poeithraly cored thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tnmow, fare^ularitlea,
Sg-down feeling, flatulency, Indigcs-
tion,dizdnM*.or nervon* prostration.
Why don’t yon try itf
Mrs. Pinkham Invites all slek
women to write her for advice.
She has guided thousands to
health. Address, Zijia, Mas*.
WMl , Marry Dr. Upcharch of Jack,
■oavtlle This Week.
(From Sander’s Dally.)
Sr. and Mrs. J. T. Culpepper an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter Sne to Dr. Nohle Alvin Up-
- church of Jacksonville, 71a, the
ereddlag to ,tak* place this week.
Mis* Culpepper, one of tbo moot
charming and beautiful of Thomu-
vflle fair womA, will wed Dr. Dp-
church this week. The wedding la
to be the moat qujet'. home affair
only. the Immediate families being
present and no attendant*. Imme
diately after the ceremony the cou
ple will take a bridal trip down the
seat coast of Florid* for two weeks.
It I* rarely that n woman of this
city will ho more genuinely missed
'than- Mtee Culpepper. Her beauty
. and charm of manner have endear
ed her to the people and made her
no* *t the moet popular girls In the
city. Dr. .Upchurch is ipoken of very
highly in the Florida elty and ha*
a flue practice. Although a young
* ansa ho hai made tor himself a
name for ehll! and prafldeacy eeldom
attained bby any men eo young la
the profession.
Other Interesting March
Services-1111 Are
(From Sunday** Dally.)
A new Banc* class ha* been or
ganised in the Bondar school of the
First Baptist Chard. This Is a
movement that was organized about
ten years ago in 8yraooae, New York
,by Mr. Bndaon, a Baptist business
Thor* were to many yonag men
In the city who were not attending
ray Sunday School that Mr. M. A.
Hudson conceived the ides of get
ting them together and patting them
to work tor the oplifting of young
men. The daw was to be a part
of the regular Sunday School and the
platform adopted was, “Young men
at work tor yoang men, all standing
by the Bible and the Bible School."
The name Bareca, meaning a bless
ing, was adopted and soon the Idea
spread and similar classes were or
ganised all over the country. It has
been a most enthusiastic movement
and great good has resulted from It
Seeing the need for inch a move
ment In Thomesvtlle, n Baraca class
was organised rad the officers elect
ed Isst week. Mr. Rnseell Stringer
was .elected president, Mr. Melvin
Goodwin, vice president, Mr. Rich
ard Mitchell secretary and Mrs. W.
E. Stevens treasurer and Mrs. Alex
W. Better, teacher.
A number of committees hare
been appointed to co-operate with
the officers in making the clast a anc-
ceas and an effort will ba made to
ray 8undsy School and It will doubt-
less be one of the greatest factors
In the city tor the good of the yonng
All who nr* conected with the
other Sunday School* are given n
cordial Invitation to join (hla class
which meets with the Sunday School
at sine forty-live every Sunday.
Industrial Progress of Georgia and
Alabama Continues Unchecked.
Columbus, Os., Jan. 10.--The
Georgia and Alabama Industrial In
dex Bays in its issue of this week:
"Reports to to* Index for the post
seven days of manufacturing pirate
bo be'established, projected construc
tion,'busks to be organised and ac
tivity ft J*a<J transactions are splen
didly'.satisfactory signs ef the times
In Georgia and Alabama. The num
ber of Items and the large Invest
ments of capital involved would be
remarkable but for the fact that they
are la keeping with the substantial
prosperity rad development In these
two states.
"During the week twenty-two new
corporation!, with total minimum
capital stock of (442,600 have been
organised. A new bank with capital
stock of (100,000 will be citabliabed
at Anniston, Ala. Near MlMedgc-
vllle, Ga., a water-power will be de
veloped and electric energy will be
Spent a Few Bourn la the CMy. In
teresting Interview , *-
(From Saturday* Dally.)
Mr. Denman Thompson, the fa
mous actor and Us granddaughter,
Miss McFarland were In the-cKj-ye*--
terdar for n short time. They came
in on the Coast Line train No. Alj
snd spent the night in the city. Be
was op bright rad early rad went
Over the City a* far to'Was possible
In that time taking In the various
sights. The old oak tree, noted the
state over for its enormous size end
Small House Catches Fire
And Old Negro Wo
man Boros.
Waaen ii WeU as Mea Are Safe
Wum Ii Bto art
Bladder Treble.
Kldnev trouble prey* upon the mind,
dizcouragesandl*«»ee»*mbit>on; beauty,
vigor »nd cheerful
ness aoon disappear
when the kidneys are
oat of order or dis-
Kidwey trouble has
become so prevalent
that k is not uncom
mon for a child to be
born afflicted - with
weak kidneys. If the
child urinate* too often, if the nnne scalds
*he flesh, or if, when the child reaches an
whra it riUldbeabU to control the
the first
This unpleasant
(From Saturday's Dally.)
Yesterday at eleven o’clock the
fire department waa called over to
Fletcbervllle to put out a negro
the spread of lto branches »»«»! honi . that was burning. The alarm organ*.
source of special delight to the old I wu , n too ute for the depart- ‘rimble udue to adiseatod conation of
«* aa « Ba *- I —* to of ray service a. the ”°* ‘° ‘
In discussing things the famous bu „ dlBg bad ,i m0 *t burned to the Women ss well as menrare made miser-
actor expressed hlmralf as very) ground before they lrr , Te d. After; .Me witoJtMn^snd^ ^ble.
much pleaaed with ThomaavUlc, Itoj the flr# ,. blef ud bIa wagon had ar- jTh e mild rad the immediate effect of
beauty and progreealveneto a. aecnj riTed he wag told by one .unding *fiftf-"^JBC^
by a stranger. While thie wa» bto troun j that there was a negro wo- j cent and one-dollari
flrst visit to the city, he 1. well man , n the bulldlng burncd to «\% bo a l tmpie°toft“e
known over the scuta and in t*ct ^ death UpoQ lnves tigatIon the chief,by mail free, also a
over the whole country for his re-, the body ♦rfiina a
The' following announcement of
the marriage of Mr. Dan Denmark la
Valdosta of Interest to his nnmer-
ona Tkbmasvlllo friend*. There are
wary tow men who come to this city
to popular and well liked as Den
Denmark and all loin In wiahlng him
much happiness and Jay tor many
fear* to tome.'
Joste Jelks, only daughter of
M. A Jelks. woe married on Wed-
at high noon to Mr. D. A.
Denmark, traveling freight agent ot
She A. C. L. with fceadqaartera In
Valdosta. -The ceremony waa per
formed In the~porlors 61 the home on
North Court street amid suitable
decorations and In the presence ot a
flew intimate friends and relatives of
<b* contracting parties, by the Rev.
Canon, pastor of the Valdosta Pres
byterian church. After the cere
mony a wedding dinner was served
And the couple left on the $30 A, G.
Jh. grain for a short tour ot the prin
cipal points of interest-to^iorlda.
Mr. an#w.Mn>'penAv«fcV *m “*k«
their fhtute-)B^#fn'VMdo«ta.—ijult
lhssr‘Advertiser? ^’
■ra Mveriuwr.. g t ; jj ,.
Ur. John Blalock Boys Interest In
Jtr. John Blalock, who tor the past
ydsr or more has been with the
tbern Saw Mill Co., In this city
wll resign this position to take
charge ot the Wtregram Lumber Co.,
la this cltyl Mr. Blalock has pur
chased an Interest In the concern
and In future will be located
there He Is n man of
pleasing address and many One busi
ness qualities which should enable
him to make a success ot the new
venture. Bis many friends In the
city with for Atm much progress.
Miss Daisy Dekls has returned
after s short visit to her brother In
The 8tory of a Medicine.
Its name-”Golden Medical Discovery*
waa suggested by one of Its moat Import
ant and valuable Ingrsdleeta — Golden
Beal root.
Nearly forty years ago, Dr. Places dls
covered that he eonld, by the nae of pur*
triple-refined glycerine, aided by * cer
tain degree, of constantly maintained
beat and wttfi the aid of apparatus and
appliances designed for that purpose, ex
tract from our most valuable native me
dicinal root* their curative properties
much better than by the use of alcohol,’
to generally employed. So the now wocld-
famed 'Golden Medical Discovery,* for
the cure of weak stomach, Indigestion, or
dyspepsia, torpid liver, or biliousness end
kindred derangements waa first made, at
H aver since hea been, without a particle
af alcohol In It* make-up. _ a
A glance at th* full list of Its Ingtoll-
"»* printed on every bottle-wrapper,
how that It la made from the moel
fed lea who recommend them as the very
best remedies for the diseases for which
•Golden Medical Discovery * If advised.
A little book of these endorsements has
been compiled by Dr. R. V. Plerec, of
Buffalo, N. Y., and will he mailed free to
any one asking same by postal card, or
tetter addressed to the Doctor as above.
*• - -- -* mtt Mini«d from
■ differ-
» found
Ingredients composing the-Gold
en Medical Discovery * ere advised not
only for the cure of the above mentioned
disease*, bat aim for the core of ell ca
tarrhal, bronchial and throat affection*,
htnr-on-ooDeh*, and**]! ihoae.wutlnf
ins wi
pamphlet telling all abont Swamp-Root,
. including many of the thousands of testi-
generated and supplied tor mnnufac- markable ability and genius as an. He , mmedlateIjr made an effoIt to! moolal lrftera received JmmnBmn
taring and other In that actor. Iii hla Interpretation of the: ^ tbe bodj- on{ o{ (h(J burnln g gf^amt'on, N. V., be sure and mention
Old Homeetead. Mr. Thompson hu> He used , be booi , on thplthi. pa^..^.^ Sw^R^
made a name for himself that Is as and by d | nt of hard work j Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the ad-
. ... -- . ^ —— • ' ’ - - ",— *— m Y„ on evcry-
city. A great cement plant at Leeds,
Ala., will be enlarged. Arrange
ments have been perfected for the
establishment of a cement plant at
8t Stephens, Ala. A company has
been organised nt Birmingham, Ala.,
with capital stock of (100,000 to
bnild warehouses. Philadelphia cap-
splendid as that of Joseph Jefferson
In Rip VuWInkle.
He is u old man but that will not
deter him from his work on the
stage. His granddaughter In talk
ing about the old man said that be
Itallata will mine beauxite In Floyd never will be satisfied off the stage,
county, Ga., Ore mines will be open-, Every once In a while he will have to
ed near Russellville. Ala., and gold- 8° back *° I* 1 ® oM l0Te - He 19 °“
hla way from New Hampshire now
to New Orleans fot a two week’s
stay, before going to Chicago where
he Will play for two weeks the old
and well loved play which has made
'aim famous.
He Is very Interesting but already
the signs of old age are approaching
and he is feeble, although able to
get about with some little vigor. It
is remarkable that he era do what
he does. He stopped off at Thomaa-
vlllc and for the night waa at the
Masury Hotel, tho reaaon tor tho lay
over waa because It goes against tho
grain for thp old man to travel by
night and on this account he makes
It s rule to stop over for the night
at tho various places he happens to
come to.
bearing land In northern Georgia
will be developed. A company has
been chartered to build an electric
railway between Fitzgerald and Ocll-
la. Oa.
“Among other Industrial plants to
be established are.
"Artificial atone plant, Dublin, Ga.
fertiliser factory nnd oil mill, Brun-
dage, Ala.; lee plants, West End,
Ala.; and Winder, Ga.; ice plants to
to enlarged, Decatur, Ala.; planing
mills, Gainesville, Ga., and Tallade
ga, Ala; tnrpentlne plant, Rutledge,
Ain.; ginnery, Dexter, Go.
"In addition to residences and bus
iness buildings, the index reports
the following to he constructed:
‘Bank building, Cuthbert, Ga.;
(50,000 church, Birmingham, Ala.;
church, Notssulga, Ain.; lodge’bulld-
Ing, Alexander City, Ala.; Pythian
caatle, Gadsden, Ala.; summer re
sort buildings, Belma, Ain.; ochool
buildings, Douglas, rad Folkston.
club house, Birmingham, Ala.;
paving In three cities. Construction
of tanitary sewerage system Is con
templated at Andalusia, Ala. The
Issuance of bonds for Improvement
of roada In Dallas epunty, Ala., Is
under consideration.
‘Plana have been accepted for
(50,000 courthouse to bo erected at
Thomaston, Ga. Bids are asked fo
contract to eroet Federal poatofflee
building and court house at Tusca
loosa, Ala., and contract has been
awarded for the construction of sim
ilar building at Gainesville, Ga., toj
tost (38,000. Seventy-flva -thouund Next morning os he starts to rise
An Unwetcomo Guest.
About this season of the year
A little germ comes snooping
Not bigger than a pauper’s board.
But quite able to hold Its ground.
The haughty, husky son of toll
It meets and gets him on the hip;
It gnaws Into tho Inner man,
And then a fellow hos the grip.
He may be w-a’.Mng down the street
Without a rave upon bis mind.
When, uttering ns warning ahont.
The little germ comes up behind.
He does not kt-ow he Is attacked,
Because the loxy germ Is sly.
But when he opens up' hla mouth,
He goes Inside to multiply.
brought the body out.
was frightfully burned, both
legs being entirely burned
to a cinder and the arms to
the elbow also burned with the barb
bones sticking up to show that there
had been flesh there. The middle of
the body was not burned at all, not
even the clothing being burnt.
The negro was Frances Dillard
and had been living In this two room
house, owned by Mr. W. B. Hamble-
ton tor some time. There Is a de
cided mystery about ber death as
there Is no reasons 'for the lire nor
fbt' her death. No screams were
heard by the neighbors nor was the
Are discovered until after It had
gained some headway. Some of the
negroes who were standing around
at the time of the lire said that they
saw the body In the building but that
they were scared to go In on account
of the Are.
She was known to have bad some
two hundred dollar* according to the
statements of some men to whom she
had applied to keep It for her. They
had told her to put In the bank but
this she declined to do. When the
building was searched about forty
dollars to silver was found. Wbeth-
„ dress, Binghamton,
1 ! bottle.
OtPfEU *30«S>3rToUPajE0 1686
Pttnfi and liberal cUa paimenls
hme mS* Onflnwdd MieUdc
Metre tffteUty* prelection hr
•0 risks af fewest prices
Continental Casualty Company.
1208 Michigan Ave- CM cage, ID
For Tax Receiver.
In persnuce ot the regular tar-
tom of the Democratic party la fhls
county I hereby announce myself (or
the office of tax rreefTer lot Thomas
er foul play was done her and the j county. I respectfully request thr
house tired to hide the crime Is on- support of all citizens, and If elected
dollars of bonds Issued by Raffle, Oa.,
will be devoted to making Zlreeflth-
prorements. ere...-
In Baldwin county, Ala., a tract
ot 11,054 acre* ot land was purchas-
sd for (130.000. A land company
hat been orgutied to develop real
estate at Decatur and New Decatur,
A land Investment company
has applied for Incorporation at Sa
vannah. Ga.”
igh.*, snd <#11 those wasting
..-hlch. It not promptly sod
properly treated are ilable te terminate
to consumption. Take Dr. Piaroe’t Dis
covery In time and pc never* In Its ns*
SkeDto^d^ppolnt! Tromnehmustnot *P°nU will be put In repair prompt-
-'rS^^tconsumption ,y ’ “ thelr VT * Kat «“ ke
riajovnaeto stapes Ne.medtdoewlU. walking on our main street* during
i that lead sp I*
• Kir Your Downspouts.
One of the flrst official acta of
Mayor Montgomery was to Instruct
tho Murabai to hare the property n-.;-
aers connect up the downspouts w'.'h
tho drainage outlets. There is a
difference cf opinion as to wtme
place- 11 Is to do this, whether the
property owners or the city. The
owners claim that these spouts were
disconnected by the city when the
now sidewalks were put down, and
that It Is the city’s place to have
them put back In good condition.
This Is being- looked Into by the
Mayor, rad he will set as soon'as
possible. It Is to be hoped that the
a rain most unpleasant
He pets a sort of wireless hint
That something's wrung In his Inside
And says some things not lit to
His head seems made ot solid lead;
He has the toothache la his boaes,
And as he tries to limber up
The neighborhood can hear his
It dallies with him thru the day;
It doesn't kill him on the spot,
But sort of bums him at the etake.
To add heart Interest to the plot.
A boiler works Is In his head:
His body feels the driver’# whip;
His bones are broken on the wheel.
And then he knows he has the grip
—Dnncan M. Smith in the Nash
ville American.
1; a matter of conjecture but this
is the opinion of many who discuss
ed the affair. On the other hand it
Is n matter of mystery why they
should have chosen the day time If
this had been their Intention.
There was a report that her life
had been threatened by a neighbor,
but this Is only a horosay and cannot
be verified. Two days before the ac
cident she was up town and in th*
oest of health apparently. It ia prob
able that sitting too close to 'he Are
she might have caught and been un
able to put the fire out, hut this
would hardly e the case as only the
lower part of the body was burned
and the head and waist unharmed.
The body was taken to the under
taking establishment ot Hilliard
Rawls snd it will be given proper
attention for burial. She was an an
te-bellum negro and was liked by
many whites. The coroner came out
there as soon ss he heard of it but
decided that It was no case for
jury. Tho body was left ss It was
taken from the house by the fire
men, In the rain and weather, until
tho afternoon when It was taken to
tke undertakers, -
will devote my time and attention
faithfully to the work. I have (erred
the county In this pcsltlon In years
gone by rad am fully a-quaintod
with the work and am positive that
I will he able to properly condnct It.
Old Negro Dies.
Billy Brown, h well knowu negro
living Seven miles front town on thr
Boston road died last night. The
cadse of his death was the result o
•a serious accident which he had st
Faro about two -weeks ago. He hsj
.passed the seventy-fifth' mile stone
and the shock and attending injury
were too much tor hla trail body.
Living all bis life In th; county he
was well-thought of rad eateemed by
many In this city and all over the
county. He was one of the old time
negroes with no arrogance and Im
pudence so common to those of
latter day. His death will be re
gretted h)' those who have known
him and the good qualities that he
Eearly Alderman spent Friday in
the city.
Plant Wood’s
Garden Seeds
Our business, both in Garden
and Farm Seeds, is one of the
largest in this country, a result
duo to the tact that
i Quality is alv*ays our,
lint consideration, q
We. arc headquartera for
Grata and Clover Seed*, Seed
Oats. Seed Potatoes, Cow
Peas, Sola Beans and
other Farm Seeds.
Wood’s Descriptive Catalogue
u the bstttnd mmtpractlcalorM**
-— \T,W. WOOD* SOUS,
Mr. D. M. Spring of Metcalfe spent
Friday to the city on business.
Hr. B. F. Smith ot Metcalfe w*
In th* city fOt a short time Friday.
Mr. Dick Carroll I* In the elty tor
tow dayn with friend*. ( , 4