Newspaper Page Text
i-ast Chance! See Great Clnbtelng Offer On Rage Eight
■H ■■
\ ip
i And Money Missing From 1 Will Support Jos. Brown
Trank in Stuart Hotel-
Affair a Mystery
Mra. Wells Goodhue of Chi
cago, who for the put two mouths
has been s guest at the Stuart House
Sunday afternoon missed from her
trunk )9I and orer a thousand
•Jollara worth of Jewelry and other
valuables. The circumstances sur
rounding the affair are rather pe
culiar. lfrs. Goodhue locked her
trunk at one o’clock and placed the
key In a closet on one of the shelves
and went down to dinner.
After, dinner aha wu In Her room
nidi about five o’clock, according to
her statement, when she and her
young daughter left for about ten to
fifteen minutes. After she had been
back In the room about half an hour
she discovered that the trunk
broken open, the key being In the
lock, but the top of the lock loose,
and all her money and valuables
For Governor-May
Stump State
The lose wu Immediately reported
to thex police and search warrants
sworn out'against live of the ser
vants In tha hotel. They . were all
searched, hut no clue to the thief
nor any sign of the valuables found.
\VI11 Reed the porter In the hotel
wu arrested and demanded a trial
before Jud^e Bidd yesterday morn
ing at ten o'clock through his attor
ney, Col. Roeeoe Luke. The trial
wajpowever postponed by the wish
Atlanta, Oa., Match 23.—The At
lanta Georgian la authority for a pool
tire statement that Thomas B. Wat
son will support Joseph M. Brown
for Governor. That paper printed a
story’Saturday, afternoon-based. It Is
said, on positive Information to that
effect. Just what Mr. Watson’s sup
port will consist In, Is not elear, but
It Is intimated that he will stump the
State for the former^ railroad comma-
sioner. Mr. Brown will make a few
speeches In the important centers,
but his campaign will be confined
largely to teller writing and news
paper propaganda. He will open up
headquarters In the Kimball this
week, and John R. Smith, of Atlan
ta, a well-known merchant and clou
friend of Mr. Brown's, will have ac
tive charge of hfs campaign.
Atlanta lasnoed another guberna
torial loom Saturday In that of Bd-
ward H. Walks/, a real estate man of
College Park. Mr. Walker challeng
es both Governor Smith and Mr.
Brown to Joint debate. He says he
will enforce the profflbltlon law.
offCoI. Hopkins who represented
Mrs. Goodhue. The boy wu turned
loose and told to appear today when
the trial win be resumed.
There does not seem to be any
evidence against the boy at all and ft
Is more than probable that be will be
turned loose. Mrs. Goodhue hu
telegraphed her husband of the lou,
and offered a reward of fifty dollars
for the return of any piece of the
Jewelry with power to convict the
guilty party.
Among the Jewels gone are "dia
mond, pearl and ruby rings, brooch
es, a watch, pins and other valuables
■ti account of their
assoclatlou and the fact that they
are heirlooms. There Is quite a mys
tery about the affair, and there does
nob seem to be any clue whatsoever
as to where the Jewels have gone
to. It la hardly possible that the
aervants In the house could have
taken them and yet that seems to be
the only way they could have gone.
The mystery will probably be clear
ed up at the trial of the negro por
Many Tried For Various Offences.
Fines Net Nice Sun.
Thought to be Slayer of
Sheriff Tyus-Turaed
It was commonly reported on the
streets yesterday that the negro who
killed Sheriff Tyus of Grady had been
captured and t»k*en to Balnbrldge. A
negro named Tom Copeland bad been
captured in'South Florida and it wan
suipected that this wae the right
man. Mr. Joe Nicholson, wbo was
deputy sheriff at the time of tbe kill
ing was sent for and brought tbe
man back.
He telegraphed to Thom Seville
Sunday night to find out If he would
be allowed the privilege of leaving
him here. This was denied him, on
account of the fact that there might
be a lynching and the officials here
Writes of Improvement
Id Coast Line and A.
B. 6 A. Trackage.
(From Wednesday's Dally)
Chairman S. G. McLendon of the
Itate railroad commission, has re-
peeved from J. F. Lamb, an official
inspector of tbe commission, a let
ter In which Inspector Lamb states
that the traoks and general physi
cal condition of the Atlantic Coast
Una, the Atlanta, Birmingham and
Atlantic and portions of the Cetral
railroad, show marked Improve-
Defeat Elks' By Large
Score- Played Regular
Thomasville Team
The game of ball yasterday after
noon betwaen the Blks and the semi
professional team under the name
of the Y. M. C. A. was • fare* from
start to finish, it ft is taken from the
standpoint of a good game. The
Blks challenged a team composed of
Y. M. C. A. men, thinking that
close contest could be arranged tor
charity that would draw a crowd. It
did draw a good crowd but they
igenta within recent months.
As to the Atlantic Coast Line, In- were treated to a very poor exhibl-
apector Lamb atates that the phyal- tlon of the national game,
cal condition has been Improved at The Elks team was composed of
least 25 per cent since last Novum- men who do not profess to play ball
her. Referring to the Atlanta, Blr-‘. a nd have’nt practiced In years.They
were not anxlons to hnvw the Jail mlngham and Atlantic, It la stated'did the heat they conld but that was
broken into. The prisoners of Gra- that the Improvements have heen‘ 0D a pgr with the teams that ureto-
wonderful” and that within a few^ally gotten together excluding mas
months the road will be “as good who play all tbe time. The score
as any." \ | n t the and of the aaventh Inning waa
Such portions of the Central as. ■« to four. Neltb-
Scnator J. S. Ward, Jr.
' An announcement of apodal lnter-
aat which appears 1a our columns
today, la that of onr fellow laborer
fn the fourth estate, Mr. J. S. Ward,
Jr., who has been guiding the editor
ial career of the Thomasville Pr<
recently and whose forceful pen and
brilliant mind has greatly brightened
Its columns.
As senator from this county, he
Will undoubtedly look after the In
terests of his county and state with
the same keen Insight and strength
(Which has distinguished him In the
ether walks of life.
Mr. Allen Bullock of Ochlochnee,
one of tbe best known eltlsens in
the county, apent • few hours In the
city with friends Monday.
Msyor Montgomery opened police
matinee yesterday with a foil house,
there were several cases that were
of apedal Interest and this attracted
a large bunch of spectators. The
first case that engrossed tho' atten
tion of tho court waa that of Nath
Adams, who waa charged I with dis
orderly conduct, drunkenness and
fighting. Col. Hopkins defended this
man and the case waa decided wor
thy of a ten dollar fine. This
the man who waa so generally cut up
by Red Warren In a scrap last week.
Red was called to the stand and
pleaded gullty.He admitted having In
dieted these big long mean looking
enta on the person of Nath and the
Mayor fined him twenty dollars, but
suspended sentence, with the pro
viso that be give a two hundred and
fifty dollar bond to appear befhro
tbe next grand Jury to answer tho
charge of assault with Intent to mur
Wesley -Williams, Mamie Williams
and Henry Johnson were each fined
two and coats for violating tbe li
cense ordinance. For disorderly
conduct the following were fined,
Eugene Neely $6 and costs, John
Henry Ponder »10 and coat, Pattie
Brown $5 and coat, Chas Brown $5
and coat, and George Jackson $5 and
cost. For riding a bicycle without a
lantern George Young waa fined $5
and cost.
Another Robbery In Metcalf®.
The peaceful city of Metcalfe waa
disturbed again laat week by another
burglary. Tbe thief waa evldenty
one of those big-footed negroes, as
his’tracks were plainly seen. Four
of tho moat prominent cltlxens were
disturbed by this marauder. He en
tered all four bouses by ba<* win
dows, which he left open upon depart
Ing and they were found next morn
ing. Nothing of great value waa tak
en, although Mr. Harry Copeland lost
two good coats, which he had Just
.purchased. The other other were
dy county are now being kept In
Balnbrldge and It waa thonght beat
that he ahould be carried there.
He pasted through tho city Sunday
night on train 57 nod was takas to
Balnbrldge. He waa brought back to
Cairo on tba early morning train
and Identification was sought. After
seeing him the generil opinion was
that .ha was'net tba right man. All
who saw the negro who did tha kill
ing concurred In tMs and this darky
was turned loose at once. Chas.
Williams wbo did ths killing is still
at largs. j
I.nke For City Court Solicitor
The announcement of Mr. Roeeoe
Luke appears today In another col
umn announcing tho fact that he la
a candidate for re-election to the
position of solicitor for the city
court, a position which he baa well
filled since that position waa created.
Mr. Lake baa filled the position of
solicitor to the old county court
for a part of a term, and has filled
tbe part of a tern*- - 'the new city
court has existed. His "urk In
that position, ns well ns hiv fitnes3
Inspector Lamb has been able to ex- e r side played any ball to Amount to
amino, ho says show marked lm- anything, tba Rika being out of their
provemont. | class, and tba other boys seeing that
jJXho’ letter follows: they did not havo | to work to win
Thomasville, Oa., Mar. 21, 1905. tba contest. There'was an andeavor
Hon. 8. O. McLendon, Chairman of m „j, t o got the other team to allow
Railroad Commission, Atlanta, t b* B i ka „ pitcher so u to make tha
i O*- ^ | affair at least half way dose, .hut tho
Dear 81r: For your Information y. M. C. A. aggregation rnfudbd that
I wish to state to you that from my proposition, saying that they ware
personal observation the physical afraid that they beaten,
condition of tho A. C. L. railway The only feature of the game w*s
has' been Improved at leaA 26 per the fact that John Watt, of the Elba,
cent since leaf November. 1 have only mads one error, some of tho
had several of tho engineers and others aggregating from ten to throe
conductors tell me that the track hundred, according to the number of
has improved very much, In fact the nails that they received. Tho Elks
general roadmaster told ms himself j merely w»nt ■ou». and played for tho
that the track wss much better toah, Mke 0 f charity and the others went
It waa tba first of November. .#%Dn-i' 0U t to win a gama. They are raUt;
eider this is saying n great deal aa
we have had a very harj winter for
keeping up track and usually the
tracks are In worse condition in,
February and March.
The A. B. A A. railway shows
fled. Both aides 'didn’t want to. win
and tbe ones that did won, so all aro
satisfied. i
The line-up of tbe two teams waa
for It, are too veil known to need.| wonderful Improvements In Its phy
any extended His Rica! condition, and In a few months
straightforward announcement that mere, I am quite sure that the A. B.
he has no crltclsm of bla oppoue. t,
either aa an offleeror aa a citizen,
sounds Just like Roscoe Luke. If
elected, he will he sore to fill the
position aa it should be filled, and
give the same careful attention to
hla duties that he has In the past.
robbed of small change and things to
oat. Thera la no elno to the guilty
EDabelle Items.
The Stanaland school la fine now.
Mr. Clifford Wnrr la the teacher.
Some one said thsy. thonght he
went to Eureka In the rain J Friday
afternoon. I guess he went in
hurry. \
We are sorry to hear of tho death
of Mrs. McGraw. She died at her
daughter’s Mrs. Reddick’s in Pavo
Ga. She leave* a large family to
mourn her death. Our sympathy
goes out to tha bereaved family.
Mrs. Maggie Brown and her little
daughter. Ruby, ha* been visiting
Mrs. R. R. Chastain for the last two
Next Sunday week Is preaching
day at Little - Ochlochned church.
Everybody Is Invited to com* out
Miss Ada Carter and Mrs. Lillie
Chastain were vlaltlng Mra. Mamie
Rehburg Friday
A A. railway win he equally aa good
as any of the trunk lines in this sec
tlon. \
The portion of tbe Central rail
way I have been on, shows marked
Improvement In fact all the roads
are striving to put their tracks In
good condition. I’ am sending yon
this under personal cover and In
order that you may treat It as you
see proper.
Very truly yours,
, J. F. LAMB.
Miss Mattie Rehberg was visiting
Mrs. L. R. Rehburg this week.
There wu a large crowd attended
the sing at Mrs. Don Rehbbrg.
Mrs. Meggte Brown and Mrs. R. R.
Chastain were the guests of Mrs. C.
M. Jones Friday afternoon.
Ask B. F. Lewis bow be likes to
talk to h|s best girl.
aa follows:
Y. M. C. A.
W. Pitch
Hopkins N.
Watt J
1st Base
Watt C.
2nd Base. Linton
S. S.
3rd Buo
L. F.
C. F.
Davenport M.
R. F.
Williams O.
The hatting of Beagrotte and
wu especial!;
Mr. E. L. Alderman hu returned
after a business trip to Atlanta.
Mr. B. A. Alderman of Pins Park
wu In the city for a short time Wed
Mr. Jell Herring of Grady coun
ty wu la the city Monday for a
short tlffie, < ~ i;jyj> mm?
To Mr. True, wbo hu bad th# ac
tive management of the affair and
who hu done all tho real work for
the affair, there will go out the
thanks of tho town and of the bene
ficiaries of the game. They'all ap
preciate this attention and interest
In a stranger and to him in his hit
western home will go them good will
and hut wishes of all of Thomu-
vllle. Mr. True delayed hla return
home to attend to the neceuary
things about this game and has has
given lots of'his time and attention
to It, making tbe crowd u largo u
It wu and tho gate receipts corres
pondingly large.
German Emperor Resents
Supposed Affront
To Prince. S
Washington, March 25.—The Ger
man government hu declined to re
ceive Dr. David Jayne Hill In th* ca
pacity of American ambassador to.
sneeaed Charlemagne Tower. Hr.
Hill la at present the American min
ister to Tho Hague, and wu former
ly first aiultant secretary of state
under the administration of Baero-
t*ry Hay. ,j|0jgj
A perplexing future of tho case is
presented by the fact that laat No
vember tho Gorman government let
It he known that Dr. Hill would be
ordlalljr received u American am-
bassador to Berlin. The German em
bassy here had no knowledge of
Hill’s rejection and conld not recall
any unpleasant Incident connected
with Prince Henry's visit >•
Wife of Six Weeks Passe* Away it
The Home of Mis. fi. C. Ramsey.
(From Wednssday'e Daily)'
Ths community will he, shocked
to turn of the death yesterday
morning at five A. M., of Mrs. Harry
Ramsey. She been here at ths hear*
of her husband's mother, Mra. H. C.
Ramsey for the put two weeks and
had bun 111 wit£ an attack of dyph-
theria. The dlaease proved fatal,
notwithstanding the efforts of com
petent phyaiclQs to allay .its ravsg-
ei. Tbe young life wu railed to It*
maker In tbe bloom of its usefull-
neu and power.
Bh# had only been married six
weeks and waa tenderly devoted to
her husband. After an stuck of the
mumps she. made tho trip to-Mont
gomery from Waycroes with her
haaband on an expreu car. She ev
idently caught cold and exposed her
self to the disease In some way, mak
ing herself an euy victim to 1U dan- ,
ger. Bright, cheerful and lovely,
she will bo sorely mined by her
mate. She had bran in Thomaavllle
before, having attended Ball's bus
iness College laat year from her
home In Miami, Fla. She wu a
Mlu Mertia Nelson bofore her mar
Tho funeral will ho held from
the Ramsey real-done* today at nine
o'clock, Interment being In Laurel
Hill eemeUry. Her mother will ar
rive from Miami this, morning and
her sister la already heft.
Mbs Addle Thigpen of Valdosta
Is the guest of Mlu Julia Davenport
for a few, day*.
H. C. Brown who represents the
Savannah Nawa wu In the city Sun
day with friend*.
Will Meet at Brunswick In April
Commissioner MacLran to Speak.
County school .snp«rin|tendentp
from ^Ul-over Georgia will gather In
Brunswick on Much list and April
1 and 2, to attend the annual con
vention, for which many Interesting
features have bean arranged. Gov
ernor Smith will eddreas the conven
tion on the aubject of education on
April 1. *
On Wednesday of the session Cap{
K. T. MacLean of thla county will
addreu the convention on the aub
ject of “Compulsory Education."
Mr. J. B. Wight of Grady iwlU also
addreu the convention on a simi
lar subject. The affair will ho ono
of th* largest In th* history of the
organisation and some fine address-
u are scheduled to take place.