Newspaper Page Text
SPAY. TBtePiBY 18. mu
2 Cents a Word
Minimum charge of 40 cent*,
three times for Dab price of 2 H
insertions. Seven times for the
price of five insertions.
All discontinuances HOST
be made in person at Tbs
Banner-Herald Office or '
by letter. Telephone discon
tinuances are NOT valid.
The Weather
WANTBD^-To buy one 1918 U. of
Ga. “Bundora,” Thomas Herrohl,
Jr, Amerlcus, aa. f-16-c
INC-,.taper Hanging. No Job too
barge or too smell. Estimates
cheerfully furnished. H. H. Winn,
Phone lblO-W. fi8p
for MM nth* due, -and payable
■at Commissioners' Office in Clarke
County Court House. M-i>-c aarkTcoun?™
The approximate quantities are
NO. 300
Sealed proposals will be receiv
ed by the State'Highway Depart
ment to Georgia, in the Senate
Chamber, State <Capitol, Atlanta,
Georgia, until 12:00 o’clock noon,
Central Time, on the 15th day of
February, 1023, ior the. furnishing
of all labor, materials, equipment
and other things necessary'5:r the
construction of 1.704 miles of
concrete pavement on the Athens-
Danlelsville Road, otherwise known
as Federal Aid Project No. 300—
Chaney’s Left Arm Spells Defeat to
e Scores-
Lost And Found
LOST—Saturday bight, open-face
Howard watch, with chain nn<l
knife, initials '«m .hack. Liberal
reward. Notify Arnold Wright, 5X4
Prince avenue. Phono 300. M5-i>
GEORGIA Rain tonight* and
pitobably Wednesday morning,
warmer in extreme cast and colder
ih northwest tonight; colder Wed
nesday; much coldesjn north Wed
- nesday night.
South Carolina: Rain tonight
and probably Wednesday morning;
warmer in south and central to
night; colder Wednesday; much
colder Wednesday night
Florida; Part cloudy tonight
and Wednesday; probably local
rains In extremo north Wednesday
not mhch change In temperature.
Alabama: Local rains tonight;
colder In the interior Wednesday;
generally fair and colder; much
colder Wednesday night
Business Opportunity
FOUND—Floating- down stream
near tho banks of Middle River,
two ducks. .Owner can get same
by paying for ibis so and Identify
ing ducks. Apply to Joel A. Wler.
as fellows:
5363. 1 Cu. Yds.—Common Ex
72.0 Lih. Ft 18 inch Concrete,
cast-iron or T. S. V. C. Pine.
285.0 Lin. Feet 24 inch Concrete
cast iron or T. S. V. C. Pipe.
17.10 Cu. Yds. Class “B” Con
crete Headwalls.
18.140 Sp. Yds. Concrete Pave
1.704 Miles Shoulder Construc
ts. ^
FOUND—Ford Cord tire, 30x3 H
Owner can get same by describ
ing It and paying for this, ad. L.
C. Brown. Athens Tea & Coffee
Co. ' f-14-c
FOUND—An overcoat In Cooper's
Cafe, Sunday night February 4.
Finder can have same by' identity-
Ing and paying for this ad. t-13-p’
For Rent
and garage. Possession given at
once. Good location: Address 1048
4 or phone 0181. fi3p
—.you’ve always wanted one—now
listen to me.
I know of a Georgia corporation
that Is twenty-five yean old.
Its total sales for aix months -of
-1022 were more-than $1,600,000.
It serves 40,000 customers
fourteen states. It haa paid 8
per cent and above for years,
and has never passed « divi
dend. The book value of ita
. stock is llto.oo. Its business is
Increasing beyond all expects-
tlens. Its next dividend date Is
April 1st
I can give yon all Atlanta banks.
Dun or Bradstreet as references.
This concern will sell a limited
amount of its stock at par, $100
per share.
Sounds good, don’t Itt You can
• buy $180.00 worth of vhlue for
$100.00, tax free In Georgia, and
pay for It $10.00 per month.
ING store-rooms Prince Ave.
running through block. Cheap
Two close hi 7 room homes
for sale. -
Real Estate 1
Will you be one of the thousand In
vestors to take advantage of this
8 per cent with safety Is better
than 4 per cent
• -- Mall coupon today. You will be
■' surprised at tho soundness and
conservatism of my proposition.
Z-22, Banner-Herald;
obligation, please send
tails of this proposition.
me de-
Phone ...... ........ T.....
Address: Z-22, care Banner-Herald
Bookkeeping, Shorthand and
* Save 50% of expenses by at
tending this school. The grad
uates of tho Athens Business
College always get the best po
sition. Every Graduate em
ployed. write for information
y Box 143, Athens, Ga.
I- A -,* 1- ' —
For Economical Tran*
v portation
140. Miles Concrete guard posts.
Bids will be received only on
basis of the State Highway De
partment furnishing cement, F. O,
R. Cars nearest railroad station.
The contractor will be required to
shake, bundle and return empty
cement sacks to nearest railroad
Said work shall begin within
ten days after execution of con
tract and shall be completed by
July 1st, 1923.
Plans and specifications are on
file at the office of the State
Highway Engineer, 400 Peachtree
Bldg., Atlanta, Ga., or at tho of
fice of the Division Engineer.
Court House, Athens, Ga., and
may be secured upon receipt of
$6.00 to cover cost of printing and
Payments will be made as work
progresses, to-wit: 90 per cent of
the Work done in each calendar
month will be paid for about the
15th of the succeeding month and
the -.emaining 10 per cent will be
paid within 30 days of final com
pletion and acceptance.
Proposals must be submitted on
regular forms which will be sup
plied by either of the undersigned
and must be accompanied by a
certified check or bidders bond of
Bond will be required of the suc
cessful bidder as required by law.
Right is reserved to reject any
theiihe MacDonald and Bryant
Washburn Palace Theatre T onight
thins High’s cage teams play
Clara Kimball Young Wednesday; Bulldog 0reh«
•“ • • tra Extra Feature. ■
it _ .
hero this week-Snc. On Friday
njitltt 'the boys Add girls play
aeuble-header with Wnshtngtoi
and on the following mgwt
gifl* meet Marietta High.
.Both teams invsuett foreign s
Igst Week-end. Tty> girls’ we
given a drubbing t» Decatur, whll
tile ’hoys' wdre Victors over Elbe
DreTeE. Jagols At
Morgan Hog Sale
or all bids and to waive all for
This the 1st day of February,
State Highway Department of
^ W. R. NEEL,
Stato Highway Engineer, Atlanta,
Georgia- '
Division Engineer, Athens, Ga.
Fine Painting and fnterio*
Decors ting
Phone 280. Athens, Ga.
Roofers Assn. in.
Session in Macon
MACON, Ga. — Georgia Rooters
association composed of lumber
men opened Its meeting here Tues
day morning with a large delega
tion present. The North Carolina
Fine Association, Composed of
manufsetfirert, will open Ita ses
sion this afternoon. Members of
tho Roofers Association Will at
tend the Pino Association -meet
ing. Mayor Luther Williams wel
comed the delegates to iMacon.
Moro than one hundred delegates
are attending the joint sessions.
iTED — SALESMAN WITH call-on dealers with the.
it priced fabrie and lOjnJbl
Cord tires. $100.00 a week'
commissions. Universal Tire
lubber .Company, Michigan
ity, Indiana. - . fjsp
| stars at Shirt Factory. Steady
clean work. Bridge and River
Streets. ' . flScb
Wanted—To Exchange
young male calf, tone year old.
for good milch cow. Also pastur
age for cow wanted. Phone 1034.
^ nr
WANTED—Two or three furnished
roolhs for .liaht housekeeping,
with garage, by couple without
children. Must be m good locali
ty and within tlx blocks of city
center. Wjuld consider small eot-
|tage. Add.t»a F. C. Benton, Om
ni Hotel. Ml-p
WANTED—Boom and boaid 'by
business lady, close In. Address
P. O. Box 355, or address “Board"
care Banner-Herald, f-ia-c
Fop Sale
FOR RALE—Qaa range. In good
condition, or - will exchange foe
large heater. Phone 1416. f-15-c
FOR SALE-—No. 18 wood" stove,
practically new, 4 caps, at a bar
gain. Apply 257 East Strong St.
Pecan Trees
Wrlt^ for Prices
2BLOOMINGTON 111—The engine
crew of-the Chicago and Alton
passenger train No. 4, were killed
Monday night) neef.Nltwood, when
the train crashed into the caboogo
of n northbound- extra freight. Tho
passenger engine turned over, kill
ing Engineer Elmbr Shurburno, of
St. Louis, ehd Fireman Olem Erick-
Son ,of Bloomington. Brekeman II.
E. Wallace, of the freight train.
Was seriously Injured. A heavy
fog, It is slated, obscured warning
lights on the freight train.
George Chancy of Baltimore has
a left arm. Lota of folks do. But
George’s left urn) is uno of the best
left arms in tho buslnf se--uny
A six-inch movement of that left
arm is generally worth from $2500
to $6000. Think of It.
George Chaney la a fighter. A
lightweight resurrected fom the
pugilistic scrap heap by that clev
er little handler, fc'ammy Harris
of Baltimore.
Chaney started life as a bantam
weight! and did well. He got into
tbo featherweight bias* and tackle,!
Johnny Kilbane of Cleveland. He
was out In a Jiffy.
Chaney had plenty of money then
and life was one sweet song..
Little of the singing - was • done
around the training camp. , So the
fortune went and likewise ‘cU<l
Harris got.him then, started him
going as a lightweight and' a
bunch of knockouts soon won back
his old popularity. He had learned | for that,
a lesson—saved his money and took
care of himself.
The left arm did the rest. He
started knocking them for goals.
Once he ran up a string .of 14
Last week he whipped Frankie
Rice, a young battler of htg owr
heme town. The fight went! two
minutes, a snappy left, traveling'
not more than six Inches, caught!
Rice on the "button." He- Went'
cold. It was Chaney's eighty-sev
enth knockout. Of the 87 the good
left took care of 77.
Chaney's left arm looks like
heavyweight’s. So do his should
ers. He|* short and slender of
limb. He can make 129 pounds
The knockout star is now $2. He :
won't quit until he has-a hundred:
kayoos to his credit. And they're
coming slower and slower for the!
good llghtlwelghts are afrard of him 1
and promoters won’t -put him bn 1
with bums. The tans are too, wise!
Monroe Beaten
By Bogart Girls
Bogart to Meet
Dacula Friday
Transfer Co.
Northbound ■ Southbound
8:55 a Atlanta-Monroe l’c’l 6:15 p
2:40 p Atl.-Birm.-Mem. 3:20 p
2:40 p Norfolk-Rich.-N. Y. 8:20 p
7:56 p Atl.-Abbevillc l’c’l 7:30 a
11:24 p Atl.-Birmingham 5:28 a
11:24 B Norfolk-Wash. 5.28 a
11:24 p Wilmington-N. Y 5:29 ■
•Long Tripe Oar Specialty.
Cheapest Truth is Town.
300 Thomas St
Georgia Railroad
Arrive .Depart
7:20 pm a- 8:20 am
ItrlO pm 8:25 pm
Will be six months old, Febru-1 GAINESVILLE MIDLAND
aty 23rd. Son of Jno. H. Dillard, I -.RAILWAY
owned by Frank Hill, Jr. Pori •Schedules
further information, applr 174 Sa- 1 Leave Athens Arrive
vannah avenue, Athens, Ga. ! 7:45 A. M.* - *5:28 P. M.
f-14-p 110I46.A. |L«« _**10:10 A. M.
cow, Ml stove, kitchen cabinet,
baby bed! Phone 19-W.
j 1740. flieh arrives Athens 8:30 4
ES, dressers, cblfforobes. tables,
chairs and rugs. Cali 1765. 114-4 ‘
BOGART, Ga—The Bogart high
school girls’ basketball team con
tinued Its drive towards a cham
pionship by defeating the Monroo
high girls’ team, 13 to 11 In an
exciting game. The game was
played by the boys' and girls’
rules, to suit each team. Monroe
being accustomed to the. girls’
rules and Bogart boys’ rules.
At the end of tho first half Mon
roc led, 11 16 6 but Bogart- pulled tend,
up during the last half and tur a
beautiful goal by Lovls Smith The
game was saved.
Tho stars wore, for Bogart,
Bradberry and Smith and for Mon
roe, Arnold. The two teams meet
again oq the 22nd.
Tho line-ups In tho game wore:
Arnold (11) Bradberry (9)
BOGART, Ga.—The Bogart high,
school boys’ basketball team .will
play tho strong Dacula team at
Bogart Friday afternoon at 3
o’clock.* Tho Bogart team ha*
tied tho successful girts’ team re
cord by winning five game* and
losing one.
The game Friday <• expected to
be one of the best of the season
and .the public is Invited to at-
Five Recruits
Are Released
Coach N.'chOhsrm t lassies have
lost to WlMerville, Gainesville,
arid DcCajur in a row, but are de
termined to slop tbit losing streak
in Friday's tilt. The girls <t : fca(-
oil Washington in their own back
y*W by a large acoro on d provdous
occasion and at» bent upon doing
tho same stunt 'this Week.
The bvyg, under coach Charlie
Wlehrt, lihve aU altogether differ
efit Story. In aU their engagements
they have come out with the larg
er end of the score, but their
jdloselt game of the season was
with tho Washington lads, winning [-approved
Under Amendment Presi
dent Would Be Inaugu
rated in Jan., and Old
Congress Would Die.
by a three point margin. Washing
ten will be out seeking. blood in
this halt's and a good game is
Remember: Athens High versus
Washington In a double-head, ,-r
Friday night, and on Saturday
night the local girls play Marietta.
Where—Athens High Gym. $
' Time—8 o'clock, on each night.
A nominal pHos o'f admission
WlU'Irt Charged.
The University Bulldog o rch .,
tra opened yesterday 7*'
■light at the Palace Is C* 1
vaudeville attraction for ami"'*
Spry week. These ^
a ‘‘It »? was demon,top
ed. l.v cncorM '«!
«#' ed by. the several
WASHINGTON. — Tho Norrisj
amendment to the federal honnti-
tution eliminating the present)
session of an old can^rers after j
etaetion.of a now congress Uni,
changing the <Liti- o; inauguration!
of president frr.r i March 4th to
the_ third Momii-.^ in January was
Tuesday by (hr- s^nat
Tho resolution errtbedying the
amendment oas adopted after
brief debate end by a vote of 63
to 6. It novr goes to the house
■with approve! there before ad
journment jf congress regarded
as problematic.
Dr. T. E. Jago (pent hut) week
i n Morgan county and .attended the
log sale held ln Madison. All >$ie
swine offered were of pedigreed
Stock, of different strains end ave
raged about $50 per head. These
hofa were relied and shipped in
from South Georgia, where farm
ers have token up stock raisins'to
supplement ootton. Most of the
hogs were bdugh$ by Morgan coun
ty fnnners but a few were purchas
ed by /Clarke ,and Oconee people.
Several fanners lIT Clarke are
preparing to embark in the hog
raising bustMSst.
Dr. Bennett Is
Welcomed Here
.^he has recently completed a new
picture, “The V/omin of Bronte,*
a photoplay based on tho cele
brated stage hit of the tame name,
The announcement that Dr. .1. J.
Bennett has accepted the call to
the pastorffte of the Prince Ave
nue Baptist chnrch has elicited
much favorable comment here.
Dr. Bennett is one of the best i were forced to respond too at all
known and generally popular miri-! performances. In spite of the bad
isters in Georgia and hos many 1 weather the Palace was crowded
personal friends here already. • all day Monday and the eiprea-
His son Joe is captain of the j_ sions were heard from everyone
1923 football team and a pbpularj that It was one or the best shows
student at the University. Thej all round of tho season. Tonight
church is being congratulated up-j Katherine MacDonald and Bryant
on securing Dr. Bennett as its j Washburn will be seen in a great
minister and a warm welcome j drama, “Tho Woman Conquers"
awaits him upon his arrival in with the Bulldog Orchestra in a
Athens to make this city his | new program at all performances,
home. His family ’will also bo i Wednesday for the first time
Held Who Tried
To Free Jailec
DUBLIN—Six women and a man
named Fordc, arrested Monday at
Llpterick. are reported fit Have at
' pted to' obtain the release of 20
oners from the Jail there. They
,jed the sentry to allow tho
[sorters to escapb ’over tbs 'wall.'
"TiH agrtid tSrdfl’Wtoldlers
ise '-Came over mstead and
the waiting plotters,
document signed by Dhputy
Mgloncy, of Liam Deosy’s staff,
LsSsttinir ‘that txu morals or the
rregulars Is brdken, Is said
have been found on Ford. .
lev. Morgan to
Freach Sunday
Smith (4)
Barnett, Roane
Crow, Daniel
Smith :...
Referee, Foster.
Tho record
ST. LOUIS—The roiesse of five
recruits was announced Tuesday
by Branch Rickey, munager of the
St. Louts Nationals. Pitchers Eearl
Cash and Glenn Hostettar and
James Hod gins, an tntielder, were
sont to the Fort Smith alub or ,the
Western Association; Henry Ylck,'
a catcher went to the Houston,
Texas longue team and pitcher
CerroirOrim, wan released to Syra
cuse of tho International league.
Bogart’s glrla’
team to date Is, yvon 6, lost 1.
Lawrence fcosta
Issues a Poster
W. O. .Bolton. Agent, Phone 1661
CentrSl ot’ Georgia Station
Dhpart for Macon 7!S0 a.'to.,
nft-j-1 v(4A5. p. te-', •
Arrive from Macon 12:10 p. m.,
*9:3Co. m.
Fox further information phone
J. Y. Bruce, C. A, 640.
1 Daily. ** Daily Except Sunday
No. 6 leaves Athena 8:00 a. m.,
arrives Luts 6:"“
Jib, 8-leaves
Lawrence Costa; traveUny repre-
scntat've t tho Josejh Costa com
pany of Athens and one of the big-
gcs5 Ororgia . Unlvoj-city athletic
boosters 'of tUe oityf. ,hOji.;n»iieir#jled
all the info:-i-.ati:n iclatlvo to tHe
Red and Bine!: hnsoball and (pot-
ball echotlulcs on a noqd locucink
p:ster ard vvilKput tlvebi all (over
north east Georgia advm’.vslng
“Georgia In Atlione," this being the
way ho sees the athletic, events
Thfc pester' ib ^IRhrtratea with
scenes from bnscbnl! and football
and carries pictures nls> of coach
es Stpgemnn and .White. Ptof.
Sanford and CkptUnsI Joe BernetV
and George Clark.
A number of advertisements
adorn the poster altc.
The posters will be posted all
ofer the Athene'territory and’will
serve as a guide to those coming
here for the games this Bprlfig and
Negro Children
More Healthy
PARIS — “Aft soon ms Carpen-
tler Is finished with Joe Beckett,
that ts to say after May 11, be will
be at the disposal dt Siki” said.
Francois DesCamps to L’Adto,
ft. Brollhelt, SIM’s tnanagef,
wti delighted with the amnesl
G. B. Miller, C. A., Athens, Gs.,
. Telephone 81.
the SdngsieM boxer reo
.forfeited cbamploiishlp as
j possible.
Whether lack of rich dishes and
necessity for eating wholesome food
hod anything to do with It or not
fewer negro Children than white
In Clarke countly have health de
fects according .to examination
made by- County Health commis
sioner J. D. Applewhite, it was
lei rncd Tuesday.
Dr. AppIe#Klte could net account
for the larger number, df white
children wMi defects over* negroes.
It. was found, however, that the
defects in whit* children were'
mbs,fly those of the teeth and It:
«igy be n*gh> children hive belter
teeth from eating more Solid foods.
The detects covered thomfbt’gye,
throat and teeth. ,- -
Again, the total of negroes ex
amined in JannaiTT of Gili year it
compared with that of a'certain
number in 1120. Since that time
the percentage of defects ,lp white
children h*i dropped considerably,
in' 1920 222 Children .white, oufl of
223. examined were found with de
fects. In January .this year only
141 nesro children were defective-
out of 210. .sixty-six per cent of,
the white childrep examined In 112*
had defectsVe teeth. 0
>RaNKL$N; JLi C.
Hem pah Ire Orphans
Ike, Webster place I
Boston and Maine
removed without serious injury,
firemen were hurt.
Rev. P. C. Morgan, son of Dr.
JAmpbell Morgan, who Is now con-
acting a series of mcetjng e In
fUintlngton. W. Va„ will proach at
he Prince avenue Baptist church
next Sunday morning and evening,
si'll and 4 o'clqck.
Accompanying Mr. Morgan will
be Prof. W. H. Collisoa, his song
•ladder who will have charge of the
muSlc at both services. Rev. Mr.
Morgan has a. large number of «d
•nirari In Athens and they will
avail themselves these opportuni
ties of hearing Mm.
N. C. Aids Cotton
Commission In
Furthering; Work
,.Raleigh n. c.—Following rot-
Ituntlon here Monday night by tho
3dfieral assembly of the Everett
b|ll to auehorixe the state of North
dtrollnn to cooperate With the cot-
toh commission organised tor the
prelection end advancement of the
cKp in Southern stales. A. M.
McLean, a member of the North
Carolina commission and former
managing director'of the war fi
nance corporation,' today issued a
Statement laying that If the legls-
lauires of five otbei cotton states
Bow in session, pass a like bill,
the commission will immediately
bSgin to function.
“The North Carolina legislature'
Mr. McLean stated, “by unanimous
vote has Just adopted the Urilfortn
act recommended by thS; cotton
■tgtes commission which met: at
Memphis in December, test for co
operative action on the parlor the
obttOn statas to'eradicate and con
trol the boll weevil and other In
sect pests. If the legislators*,• of
five other cotton sllUes adopt this
uniform act the commiialon will
immediately begin to function:,
d*r government Sanction 4s- Pro
vided In the aett” fTadokti
Tlie statement added that it la
dspheted the Other southern legl-
lautres now In aesefon will r
like bills.
JlidgR Thigpen Dies;
Was Well Known
D. Thigpen. 4$, orattery of Waeh-
■“ton county, died here Tuesday
rnlng after an iilnei of several
weeks. Judge Thigpen wU well
known over die state and Was
Prominent in the etihlra dt the As-
■dotation of Georgia officers. He
during the' funeral' hour 'h
morrow, Teb-grams of cbnllolen>-e
began arriving IMa morning to his
wife and six surviving daughters.
welcomed here.
shown in any southern theatre the
Palace presents direct from the
New York Studio, Clara Kimball
Young in "The Woman Of Bronie'
one of the dramatic hits of the
speaking stage. The Bulldog or-
program of music for the last time
on Wednesday.
WASHINGTON — Although the
treasury"-describes the rffor.ts of
Civnlan. to aid in tho capture of j ^-“traV.Hho offer aa ail new
law violators aB commendable, 1
there is no way in which it can
'renumerate those exter.idlhg such
assistance for expenditures oc
curred according to a decision made
by tho comptroler.
The decision was based on a
claim by'a drug company In Val-
difts- Ga.v which had spent $3.45
WiteicplfdnV)'tOUh Ttt> 1 advifjc- the
narcotic-agent at Atlanta of the
whereabouts of an alleged vi-lator.
WASHINGTON—Tho Cuban gor-
ernment has been aavrsed by the
state department ‘that the Cubaa
steamer Miguel -Ferrer had not
been seized by prohibition enforce-
thcn'J offleerj nor has It been, re
fused clearance papers by ngentl
of this government.
Find Any Bombs Today?
Seethe are getting to be’almost an everyday affair In-London Judging
roRLtbis Wlthamatow Council order which instructs heueehoiders net.
> put their bombs in the ear hags pail but to turn them over ts the police,.
Goal Mining in New York
^. ^•W^’ork vrcblns arc
In their homes. Hero they nro shown
Ptosolra th# oosl skortaf*
ecnl from cue c< tbs ebsta*
for tho jolicc^