Newspaper Page Text
In J ttiMr- unsetflzh and beautiful
* ^service in ths field of foreign mis-
' "The Little Price" will be open
ed to t'he public Wednesday eve
ning from eight to six and prom
ises to be a lovely social event from
... .. ! lll6 (rlends of M|
mere borne r ™*Yj win rexrerttfheSf o-
iUneir at the BL' Joseph
i Journal.
Mrs. B. B. any baa returned to
Toccoa after a weeks visit with
Miss Mattie Lou and Roaa Lee
The Mauds of Capt. T. H. Do
zier. will regret to learn of hie
1 a cuarmingiy . planned bridge
| luncheon Tuesday morning, which
•asambted three tables of players
number of parties being continued lllneas at hit home on
VAN*NlL Never Disappoints
Without making undue haste, 'it
la good form ti leave the ihfatre,
J after the play Is over, as toon as
. 1 -t cun be dona conveniently. Some
I people Show a tendency to block
I the aisles or linger In the rear of
which interfera
No "cure—but helps, to re- j the auditorium.
duce paroxysms of coughing. [ with o'diers, and therefore Is bad
manners. It Is quite proper to dis
cuss the play in leaving, but It
should net be done noisily.
Oca 17 Million Jm UtoJYtab
■reman tired faUnguM
•fir constipation
Marriage Is the chief event In
Chinese girl's life. Nothing's
expected of her but to please her
The matter’s settled when she’s
12 or 13 years old.
All negotiations are written on
paper of red—the color of JOy.
Everything connected with the
weddings red—dress, sedan chair,
umbrellas, candles, all decorations.
Now Recommends Lydia
EPinkhatan’s Vegetable
Washington, D. CL—"Lydia E. Pink-
ham 'a Vegetable Compound saved me
from an operation
which a physician
said I would have
to have for a
tem waa aA run
down for twoyears
after my little girl
was born. Then I
read of your won
derful medicine
and decided to try.
it I could hardly
dragono foot after the other, and ti
ter taking six bottles of the Vegetable
Compound I felt like a new woman.
1 new do nil my housework.alao wash-
inland iriming-, and do not know what
n al troublo is. My health is fine, and
1 weigh 1-lOpouncfa. When I started
taking ibl weighed 97pcunds.I gladly
recommend Lydia L.^’inkham 'a Veg
etable Compound to any one who Is
suffering from female trouble or Is
run down. You may U3c thia testimo
nial for I a®, only too glad to let suf
fering wonjen know what the Vege
table Compound did for me.’’—Mrs.
Ida Hewitt, 1629 Panna.Ave. S.E.,
Washington, D.C.
Such letters from tvor. ;n in every
»c*iaooi this country prove beyond
- u-ttlo-j the met it of Lydia E. rink-
b .p.'s v' o -jta.’t ’ (
We all know how quickly land
wlches dry out unless wrapped In
oiled paper. If that Isn’t avail
able you can keep them moist by
lucking In a box or basket cover
ed with a cloth flrst dipped in hot
water and then wrung ea dry
If I were banished from my home
Into some far off land.
Though oft I might be lonely there-
Some one would understand.
Some one would- feel a sympathy,
Debold lug, thus, my plight.
Some one would tell me of It, too,
And make the burden light
fpr a vary intereatjng. game, fol
lowed by an elegant and very de-
llclous luncheon. The lovely home
always attractive lu the . hand-
pome furnishings of antique ma
hogany was enhanced In beauty
by the many exquisite spring Dow
ers arranged artistically In baskets
and allver vases. The color note
of .rose was emphasised
not #nly In the .floral, setting, but
the cheerful glow of the big opqn
Are In the living room. Rose carna
lions centered the luncheon table,
with silver candlesticks holding,
unshaded pink candles. Miss Cand
ler, the popular hoooree arrived
Sunday to visit Mrs. Jack Good
man, and will be the central figure
at many charming social courtesies
while, here.
Mrs. Howell's lovely hospitality
Is being very cordially extended
In a series of small but beautiful
The Laura Rutherford chapter
TJ. D. C. met With the president.
Miss Mildred Rutherford Momlay
planned fop the notable occasion.
Music will he an added f-uture
and the dainties and most delicious
menu served.
The coOklrs school sponsored by
the Athens Woman's Club* under
Mrs. Frank Nv^rd grows In Inter
est at each and every meeting- Mrs.
A. C. Holiday and Mrs. Taut Hol
liday will be in charge at Wednes
day's lesson when cakes and frost
-ir-gs will be featured With a brand
new cake demonstra.fon.
The delicious Putter Scotch pic
among the other delicious pnsterles
Monday's / lessons Is still the
talk <f the delightful gtrles and
Which was calculated to make-any
cue stand up and take notice.
The splendid and very fascinat
ing picture “Clarence" at the Pal
ace Monday was happily augment-
led by the University Bulldog Or
chestra which was most enthu
siastically received and added very
largely to the success of one of
the best programs ever offered at
this lovely theatre. The twofold
attraction with Watace Reid star-
afternoon at the Villa. The meet-1 ring with an exceptionally fine
Ing wis largely attended and most support and the best Jazz orches-
Or If in lonelinezs I roamed,
Amid a happy throng.
Unknown to all, uncared for, toa-
I atlll might hear their song—
Perhapa some children, too, might
And with their laughter bless
Myself us well as others there.
And lift my loneliness.
van-nil Satisfies
M *T suffered with chronic
constipation that would bring - .
Ml on very severe headaches,** V
A saysMrs.StephcnH.Kincer, A
M of R.F.D. I, Cripple Creek, u
Va. “I tried different medi- X
^4 daet find did not get relief. H
XI I heard of T
IMforft A
» and took B for a headache, M
and the relief was very A
M quick, and it was so loag be
fore I had another headache.
M Now I just keep the Bblck- a a
Draught, and don’t let my- T
self get in that condition." |A
self get in that condition.'
K Thedfordt Black-Draught
(purely vegetable) has been
M found to relieve constipation, |y
and by stimulating the action X
of the liver, helps to drive “
system. Biliousness, indi-
» gestion, headache, and M
similar troubles are often A
M relieved in this way. y
Try Black-Draught. 7
Such fate as that I well could hear
But this would break my heart;
To be-from all of theae cast out,
Or drift from thorn apart-*
Far better that my life should end,
Than linger In some wild.
Where love li not, for mualc comes
Nor laughter of a child.
Mrs. Robert McWhorter enter
tained at one of a lovely aeries ot
bridge parties Monday afternoon
at her attractive home on Spring-
dale, which waa marked by ele
gance and beauty In nil the charm
ing details. The rooms were radi
ant In the artlitlc decorations of
flowering quince and golden daffo
dils everywhere. The spirited
gems wes followed by delicious re
freshments. Mrs. William Robin
son, of Chattanooga won tbe high
icon a pretty venittan cologne
bottle. Miss Rachael Griggs was
awarded tbe consolation, a dainty
bad van. Mr*. Rosa crane won
the booby, n French novelty.
Four tobies of players enjoyed
the delightful hospitality which
wee me ot the brightest social
evanto of tbe pro-lenten season.
enthusiastic, with Mfss Millie pre
siding In.her usual charming way.
The various reports were read and
approved. The treasurer reported
f26.00 sent Mrs. Jordan for tho
Georgia room in the Confederate
building, of Richmond, Va. $6.00
sent Mrs. S. H. McKee for Mem
bership blanks, leaving $14.41 in
the treasury. The new commit
tees recently appointed 'fiy the
president, made splendid reports.
Mrs. Oscar Davison, chairman of
finance committee Is planning
series of entertainments to meet
the pledges for the various me
morials. Mrs. Harris Dews, chair
man of the educational depart
ment has charge of the literature
to be sent the schools for the es
say contest to be written by Me
morial day. Mrs. Sexton report
ed 110 valentine boxes sent oft
Monday to the old veterans home
In Atlanta, which bos become an
annual event, each carrying a very
happy and substantial message.
Mbs Mary Wllklnz chairman ot
the Jefferson Davis Memorial re
ported a pledge of $100.00. Mrs.
Paul Hadaway chairman of the
Manassee Memorial $60.00. Mrs.
R. L. Patterson chairman tho
Mathew Fontaine hfawry Moun-
ment $26.00. Mrs. O'Kcllv chalr-
tho Cunnlghaot Memorial
$10.00 with the, above splendid
committees the, pledgee . will be
met without eny .trouble, end the
splendid work end enthusiasm was
never more happily expressed than
at tbe meeting on Monday. Miss
Rutherford announced that General
Clarke, a Confederate Veteran, of
Columbia, S. C., would make the
Memorial address, and the usttal
tra ever heard in Athene It wasn’t
any wonder that a record crowd
witnessed each performance. In
the picture which was one of
Reid's list, showed sadly the aw
ful change in his iiersonal appear
ance, probably more so In portray
Ing a character rather lifeless and
simple, but ultimately winning the
love of all. Some one remarked,
Wallace Reid Was a greater star
dead than alive, but such Is life
••Pleasures’’ and as the time worn
quotatldb “Ceasar llvihg could not
Meigs street
Mrs. W. S. Berwick's friends
will be pleased to learn she Is do
ing nicely following an operation
at 86 Vary’s hospital.
Showing^Piitit Run In the South
Mra. Oscar O’Farrell, of Kings
Mountain,’ N. C.. Is the gueet of 1
Mra. Hugh Rowe for a tew days.
“Tjfc Woman of Bronze”
Mrs. Miles Lewis, of Greensboro,
will spend Wednesday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Toombs Du Bose.
making for understanding altd real
Of Columbia University
To mak? (aploca and cornmeal
pudding take:
One quart scalded milk, one-
third cup pearl tapioca, soaked .two
hours In cold water t> cover, one-
quarter teaspoon salt, one cup ot.-
Iusseg, one-quarter cup butter and
one cup cold milk.
Pour scalded milk over cornmeal
and salt and cook In double holler
IS minutes. Add tapioca, drained
from'water. molasses und butter.’
turn into a buttered pudding dish
add cold milk without stirring tho
pudding.'.Bake one an one-half
hours in n alow overt
Serve with or without cream.
We hope some day that we may
have a ilowp-town Y. W. C. A. that
can compare fuvorably with the Y.
M. 'I*. A., as wo know that the
citizens of Athens arc as intcrest-
The’ Young Women’s Council is
a new committee. It includes the
work of the former Extension
Committee, ns well as activities of
various ether groups of young wo
ol in its girls and women as in its! men in town. Under the general
boys and men. But first we must)chairmanship of Mrs. ,1. A. Dar-
improve our worth by perfecting win there have been special sub
our org miration and showing that committees for work in East Ath-.
we are deserving of a building lens and West Athens. Other
that shall be a symlrol of cur real I groups reached teachers and busi-
strength. iicsb women. Recently a club of
SUMS UP WORK » young business, women has been
I shall now up briefly thei In KnstsAthcns a playground for
work of the various committees I children was conducted for foui
during tho past year: j month:; which will be resumed
The outstanding accomplish-j when the weather permits. The
ments of the Finance Committee;giving of u minstrel show provid-
for tho past year, has 66611 the led pleasure for -both boys nnd
freeing of the Association entirely girls during a period of unomploy-
Normal Girls to
Give Concert
from debt. $600.00 with interest
has been paid ns the balance due
on the Annex. This has been made
possible through the work of the
chairman, Air.-. Frank Hardeman,
nnd her committee.
In December, in spile pt »t!vc.«c
conditions, the Finuncie Uommit-
Thirty-five girls from the Stnto
Normal school will go to Atlanta
next Tuesday and will give the-
Padiowl” concert over the Atlanta
Journal broadcaatlnr station that
A club with religious recrea
tional and educational work reach
ed over 20 girls. The Neighbor
hood house, which has recently
been done over, la occupied by n
tollable family which keeps it
open for community activities,
le« with its workers, raised in one Play ground equipment has abo
day the major part of its budget
at Camp Highlands, near Atlant
last summer. Through the coufij
tosy of the Y. M. C. A. a tummq
ramp was held during the montl
of August attended by 83 girls..d
am going to have one of the giira
tell'about this later.)
A recent undertaking is thj
holding cf an inspirational" how
Sunday afternoons at the Ctu^^b
rooms. These meetings have beeaH|
well attended by the younger girls
The principal work of the Edtg
cational Committees, under thj
Chairmanship of Mrs. Eustaei
Chairmanship of Mrs. Eust
Devons has been the holding
be trusted for a drink, but ceasar I night, tho performance starting at
dead—etc. exemplifies that death M 1:45. Athens time. 16:45 Atlanta
glorifies, when In life a word of time.
cheer might add luster and lead
on to Glory, but undoubtedly Wal
lace Reid mhde a great name for
himself as one of the shining
lights of the movie world, and his
sad and untimely death caused
countless friends to mourn, and his
pictures will always be n guaran
tee ot a big house at tho Palace
or any other theatre. The splen
did orchestra will be the added at
traction through Wednesday even
The meeting of tho College Avc.
P. T. A. for Tuesday night has
Several selections' Bom the giee
club program will be given and
those who are accustomed to llsiica
In on theso late porforoiuncrs of
the Journal will have the oppor
tunity of hearing the Normal sons-
tdrdq that night.
Legion “Heart to
Heart” Policy
The short business session and
the "Heart to Heart” party to bo
held tonight at the Oeorgtan hotel
ny aho Allen K. Fleming Post
been postponed on account of the the Auxiliary of the American Le-
weather, the date, to bo announced slop, will tie one ot the most in-
latcr. - i teresting nwt enjoyable affairs of
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Thompson of
Cornelia are the guests ot Mrs. R.
F. Wood.
dinner for the veterans would be I *•«. Mason will be pleasantly ro-
The Woman's Missionary So
ciety o$ Colbert held a most In
teresting meeting Saturday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Hiram
H. Hampton. The specious recep
tion rooms were attractively
decoratod with growing flowers.
Several Items of business were
brought up and rapidly dispatched,
after which the meeting was turn
ed over to the study class. Altar
the meeting, a pleasant social
hour was spenb
Mrs. Hampton waa assisted In
entertaining by her charming
young daughter, Miss Annie Hemp
held at Lucy’Cobb with Mrs. J.
H. Beusso In charge. Mra. A.' S.
Parker will have charge of the
automobile*, and that Dr. U
Broughton, of Richmond would be
present and make an after dinner
An Interesting event of Febru
ary 12th, was tbe marriage of Miss
Zellah McWhorter and Dr. V. G
Hampton, a graduate of the Unl-
verstty and who for the past three
rears has been connected with the
H. R. Palmer and 8on’s drug com
pany. Dr. and Mrs. Hamptop.afe
well known and very popular, and
on their return from their wedding
trip will take possession of the
new home on Mllledge extension
which has Just been completed.
’Mr. and Mrs. Burton C. Mason,
of Savannah, arc the guests of
Mr. BU(npf Phintzy for a few dfijy.
mombored here as Mias Sada Sto
I LegU/unalrs activities here.
The meeting i* called for SiJO
and dancing will start at nine
o’clock. This Is the firatl of a se
ries of similar, parties .that will be
held before tbe-convention here in
July nn<l the scries Is living anti
cipated with a great deal of pleas
ure by the ex-service men of this
section, al of whom are Invl.' d to
the Tuesday night meeting.
Mrs. J. H. Wood and Mra. W.
O. Payne of Athens, entertained
MsSSsi II Mwesssf
Now is die Tine
to enter the Red Seal Shoe
contest, and win ■ free pair
of the famous Red Seal
Shoes. Ask your dealer ft*
on entry blank today,
J. K. Orr Shoe Cat
Atlanta, Cs,
ful tea Saturday afternoon. The
guests were assembled in
ter room In Peebofly HdU of th*
University of Georgia. The Invit
ed guests were, the alumnae »*»-
here: Mrs. T. J. Woofter. M»J
Frank Lipscomb, Mrs. RukoR
Everett; the active rownbera]
man. Evelyn Powell. Orace Alton.
Cornells Abney. Elizabeth Barn
yard, Polly Both Bowers, Marj I
Ferguson, ®}ltn House. Dorothy
Hudgins, Bessie Parr, Barmb
Weems. Jim Chandler Turner, Hel
en atbbsl Olive *Mon. Annir
Laurie Wler, Frances Comer. Dore
thv Burette and Mrs. B. S. Bot-.
K*titi d«pto» «>!“»
Lois Callaway. Deau Bridiee, «*f-,
SuS&tSw. W Trear
or, of Darien.
CA Mra L .McBride Howell compli
mented Miss Leanora Candler .wilt
Tbe Childs Street P. T. A. will
hold a very Interesting meeting
Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock
when the Fathers will be enter
tained at a lovely valentine party.
Plans have been made fpr a very
delightful evening.
Foreign Mission week is bcin?
observed at tho First Presbyterian
eburch. with Sunday marking the
opening with three interesting ser
vices. led by lb* Reverend Mr.
Hoyt Miller, our missionary- to At-
lea. Monday afternoon Mr. Mil
ter lsd tbe devotional at the mgli
ar services of the Woman’s Auxi
liary and Mrs. Miller muds a very
Interesting talk pn Africa, which
was very greatly enjoyed. Many
.’urloue things ware shown and the
offering made W4* splendid, and
for the benefit of those unable to
be present on neepunt of tbe
Weather or any otn»r reason, tbe
dpporiunlty will be given Wednes
day at the closing sei vice. An in
formal reception was held In com
pltment to Mra. Miller when dainty
refreshment* wen* served., Little,
John Miller who was born In Af
rica waa presented a beautiful sil
ver cup. Mra E. L. Hill making
the presentation >» a very charm
ing and graceful way which dosed
the very delightful services.
Tbe meeting for Tuesday 'after
noon was called oft on account of
Miss Rowland of Augusta not be-
Ing able to come Wednesday after
noon. Dr. HUL pastor, wll havJ
charge of the devotional, “Why the
Need of Prayer for Missions.” Tbs
topic will be Mexico and tile offer.
IW wilt again be taken. Tbe pfe«-
tocapf Mr. wVMm- JRUter was V
Mrs. White, “Y. W ” President,
Renders An Interesting Report
The report rendered by Mrs. ificult an organization when that
John R. White who has been re-1 work is not tied up with fine
elected president of the Y. W. C. • buildings, gymnasiums and swim-
for 1923.
Through the vigilance of the
committee the various items of the
1922 budget was strictly adhered
to, and'because of certain econom
ies practiced, there was a balance
of over $900.00. This has been de
posited in a savings account at in
terest in order to be used later in
the year to help with the 1923 bud
get. It is interesting to note that
whereas in the post the majority
of the contributors to the 1023
budget were women. This shows
that women are more und more
feeling their responsibility to their
own organizations. •
The -Membership Committee has
also fcU the necessity of acquoint-
ing itself with the work of the as
sociation before doing an exten
sive piece of work. It has met reg
ularly, devoting a part ot each
hour to a study of the association
on well as ot its own responsibili
ties. This commlttco under the
chairmanship of Mrs. Frank Lips
comb, gavo two teas fer the busi
ness women, and had charge’ of the
annual meeting in February and
the membership meeting consisted
of a supper at the cafeteria follow
ed by the usual reports and busi
ness. The Full Membership meet-
pg was held at the Baptist church,
n addition to the regular .busi
ness of electing the Nominating
Committee, two pagents were Riv
en, one in Student Industrial Co
operation given by the University
Y. W. C. A., the other by the
Girt Reserves. The Committee has
stressed the importance-of secur
ing members who undesstand tho
purpose of .the association in pref
erence to securing a membership
large in members.
been added.
In West Athens the Committee
hhs helped out at the night school
with club work, entertainments,
parties and educational classes.
A student Industrial Stud;
class, codkisting of six Univeni
ty girls and six Industrial girls
meets two evenings a month to
study wages, hours, working con
ditions, housing conditions, etc.
The purpose of this class is to pro
mote ntoij friendly feeling and
greater understanding/ between
theae two groups of young people.
The work of this committee has
been progressing along construc
tive lines and we feci gratified at
the results.
The Girls Reserve Committee,
under the direction of Mrs. Ed Por
ter and Mrs. Morton Hodgson, has
been uctivc in developing leader
ship among the girls. A week-end
camp was hold in the Fall for the
purpose of training some of the
older Girl Reserves 'to become
lenders of the younger girls’ 1 clubs.
A throe day Vocational Confer
ence was held in tho Spring at
which time promirlmt men land
women spoke of the occupations
open to women.
The programs of ail the clubs,
High School, Freshmen, and Grade
■Yliools have had,as their aim the
mental, physical, spiritual und so
cial development of the girls. In
addition to this emphasis has been
placed on service work, such as
the distribution of Thanksgiving
baskets and the holding of the
Christmas tree celebration for
Eight girls made contact with
the National Organization by at
tending the High School Girls
Conference of the Southern States
two Bible courses, one in the
Spring, under the leadership of
Dr. Howard .Morgan^ the other h
the Fall under the leadership oj
Miss Howell. These were well at
tended by the public.
Plans have been made for th<
instruction of Board members al
tho regular monthly meetings - iz
regard to Town Standards, and
Association policies and methods.
A course in Civics will begin thii
coming week. Lectures will be giv
en by prominent men of the Uni-j
veraity. The whole association ’
been benefitted indirectly b
educationally and inspirationally
by the attendance at the National
Convention at Hot Springs, Ar-T
kansas, of Mrs. Frank Lipscomb
and Mrs. John A. Darwin as dele
S tea, and the attendance at
lie Ridge Community Confer-]
ence last summer of Mrs. Frank
Miller oni) Mra. Everett Patman.
The House Committee, Mrs.
C. Brown chairman, opened,
rooms down town on College Av
March the first. These have '
fitted up attractively and
proved to be greatly appreciat;
not only by members of the
elation but by out-of-town visitors]
Especially by the Summer School
students an a delegates to conveq
tions. The opening of these c'
rooms was ,mkde possible by
renting of -the former board
house to some one Who promi:
to take charge of the girls for
Y. W. C. A.
The Committee-also had char,
of the Gymnasium building, ioul.
ing after ita upkeep and durinj
the summer having charge of **
swimming pool.
The Association has been with
ojt a Gen. Secretary since March/
it has been fortunate in havind
the services of ita associate sSCTM
tary, formerly Miss Ruth Via
now Mrs. Russell Everett through]
out the year.
Since early in the fall our form!
er vice-president, ffrs. T. J. Woof]
ter has been acting Gen. Secrt j
tary. Because of her experience 1
the past with the Associatio
work and her extensive acquaint]
anco here in Athens her
has been invaluable.
A., of Athens is an interesting one
and is published below for the
benefit of the many people in
Athens who interested In this or
Mrs. White has made a most ef
ficient head of the “Y. W” and
was selected again by the board as
president. The report follows: '
It is about a year and a half
since the Athens Yoting Women’s
Christian Association was reor
ganized from the City plan to
what Is known as the town plan.
During this time our emphasis
has been on the laying of a solid
foundation for the future rather
thhn on the doing of spectacular
work. We have been milking per
haps what seems tb be slow prog
ress bot we hope it is sure prog
ress. We have realized that our
first duty was intelligent board
membership, as the Association is
for the' development ,of Board
members as much as for the de
velopment of other women ami
girls in town. The Athens Asso-
sociaticn it striving to reach the
standards of the brat town Aaso-
ming-poola. But, we all know that
(the unseen iz more vital than the
seen. The town association •tres-
sod its program rpthsr than Ita
building and equipment
Since the Town plan of organi
sation is so new and consequently!
so little Known I wish to quote a
brief paragraph from Nan article
by Anna Seaburg, Executive of the
National Town Department.
"The town association must be
simple in organisation, cost as
little as possible, serve the whole
community and have a program
flexible enough to meet all sorts
of needs. The vital principles of
the town program are as follows:
“No membership feen are re
quired. A membership of service
and conviction with regard to the
purpose of the Association is
earnestly sought All activities of
the Association are open to all
glria and women whether mem
bers or not. "The management of
tho attain ot tbe Association is
shared by all groups. Representa
tives from industry, the profes
sions, business and the home serve
ciations in the Country.' It# is dif- on the board and committees, thus
Royal Tailors
Made'to Measure Suits Guaranteed to
- '* Be All Wool
SPECIAL: Our $1.25 Shirt Sale Still On.
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** *ze Trout,
Cane Sugar
It 31
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It is important
Sugar is a product you uie nearly every meaL Its coit is low.
ttfief ...
but the importance of using clean, highly refined sugar is great
When you order Domino Package Sugars you can be positive*
Iy certain that yoti are getting the highest' quality, dean cane
sugars made. They aye protected {com dirt, insects and handling
by sturdy cartons and- strong cotton bags. They are always cor*
red in weight, uniformly good and of maximum sweetening power.
Every woman will appreciate our Sugar Etiquette Chart and
.the helpful book of Domino 5yttip Recipes. We will gladly send •
you both of thesertogether'wifh tfje interesting “Story of Sugar”
and a book of gummed labels; for your preserve Jan. They are
gummed labels fpr yqjsy preserve Jan. They are
free upon request. Address American Sugar Refining Company.
117 Wall St. New York, N. Y. V*
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Package Sugars
American SugarRefining Company
“Sweeten it with Domino M
-„ Corifectionen. Brown; Golden Syrup;
L ^|ugair,. $qgbr>Ifoney; Molasses
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