Newspaper Page Text
COLONIAL — Feb. 24
SATURDAY Matinee and Night
Mr. Cordell, who live* on Du-
■ ave., has built a radio outfit
| that works to prelection. • Laat
Sunday he Invited several friends
to his homo and they heard lino
sermons delivered In Elisabeth
town, N. J„ In Iowa and othet
places. Those who 1 enjoyed the •
occasion said they heard the words
and music as .distinctly aa It In
the building.
The Wlnterville Pure Seed Assn
elation Is receiving orders from til
over the country. This phows what
Aj^lh& shame . i
Book'Lyr/cs'and Music ^CHASGEORSE
our farmers can do by intelligent
! The line weather we are now hav
lug brings many country people to
| town and our merchants report S'
nice business. Yon never hear
complaints now about hard Itmes.
Our hardware men say there is
an active demand, for farming
tools and which Is a good sign.
Many Improved and labor-saving
Implements are being bought.
Bcdlcal science.. ttsd-cvUs mssa dear-
purs itch bleed. Thwr mean clear, rud
dy, lovable complexions. They mesa
■errs power, becaure alt your atrvee
■re fed by your blood. They mean
freedom forever from pimples from luo
Mtckbood poet, from holla, from eexe-
mu usd lain eruption*, from rbeumo-
Hun ImpurtUra, from tut tired, ex-
Sasited, run-down feeltns. Iteil-blaod-
tells are the moat Important thing In
tbe world to each of ns. It. & A will
build them fer yon. .8. 8. 8. has been
known alace ISM, ta out of tbe treat-
rat bleod-buOdtra, Mood-cleansers and
system etrengtbeners ever produced.
8. 8. 8. Is sold st til drug stores In
two ripen. The terser Am bottle la
tbe more economical
C C make* you feel
3.S. S ( li)f ifottne/f again
Mtj Charlie I’hliilzy Irft today for
the bif boll weevil meeting in Atliintn
A number of farmer* around the city
also attended.
A party fr«»in Franklin county in
‘.own today, **y Mir.v hav.* not utan-
loned Iiojh* of finding oil and Kamo
Ooirtle* from a di*U»nc<* are now in
the county InvcMtif at In? the matter.
They will probably Kink a well.
PRICES PLUX TAX—Pop. Mat. 3 p. in. 50, 75, $1.00
Night 50, to $2.00. Seats Wednesday 10 a. m. box of
fice. .v
Nearly every evening parties
from surrounding country and
neighboring towns como to Athens
to see the movies. Saturday night
a large party came nearly ‘ twenty
A farmer from near Helicon Springs
in town nays that several negroes
have been alarmed by those warning
notices and left. Lost week a spten-
mlles to see tbe Four Horsemen.
The patronage given these splen
did places of entertainment la
growing all the while.
Farmers In town today say that
the cold has not'harmed either wheot
or oata and the outlook for a fine
yield was never brighter. Thly aU
seem In high hope and spirits.
Mr, J. u.' Dorsey has returned
from an attended outing to White
Springs. Fla. He reports a delight
I'ul time. Doc. Is warmly welcom-
ed home by hie many friends.
Your road ,tax Is now due and
> t./<•;
?bt>6$ ‘Mfv v *•
For quick and sure results
phone your wants to 75
around or put off.
Mr. Crawford Williams, of near
lla., Ib in town today and says
many farmers have not as yet laid
in their supply of poison, as they
think it may get cheaiwr. Farm
ers are waiting for the land to dry
out to speed the plows.
The McGregor Co., has a most i
Interesting display of rubber In one |
of their wlndowa. that yoir should i
see. It shows rubber In every pro- |
cess of manufacture and Is an In-,
terestlng study. , j
W. T. Collins, Inc., have one of!safe bj
the moat unique ana artisticly dec- (ache, t
Warren J. Smith & Bros.
H. R. Palmer & Sons
Prince Avenue Pharmacy
Patrick’s Pharmacy
H. L. Cofer & Go.
1:30 P. M.
, - -1 - ■ *:
1< i i;l’art) 0 .'YJStf,
iarfiiil Tti*> X<i
il I'rfjLjrtfviq oforn li
Hae Murray Latest Feature" Jazzmahia” And
Buster Keaton In Newest Comedy; Great Double
Program Palace Theatre Thursday And Friday
* »•/, ChkrJn
A? Woctt
AY AND FRIDAY supporting cast.
rJa* Larkin In M. i The picture opens on a .small town
crM) J farm where Duster la competing with
II ray it in. but we’ll; the town dude for the hand of it Kiri.
poqcnta of eynrop*
a: t?s.** t ne *10*. Today the na-
s in il.c Kriiiv^jf Jan. it domi-
rv*r> « "lal artlvlty, at leant
u**! • **fiil qvcptf Takiiyc COK-
> .f V ‘Miflo 'it affairs, Di-
ls i. :<1 opened wide the
st fir i: • golden stream
l> t .■ ro&ualjjn of one cf tho
<Ul» - r a tot;.p.^JQd pictures of
iti .f'.tl
Hide for fuiA furpnvM only the
xy nn> it r c$pd over quickly. It
f , ayncopflcJ Oraustnrk
Uwmo wit li .hi ^\nu,rican and Monte
rWjn for.good moat- ’
irr Tirii i: ■ i Inc'continual plottlnja
n»i tMiAwmffR-of her country-
ii'i not t > marry
o't .. 'flv’ pretender to tho
UnnA Q :-»:i Nincn fleea to AtncrI-
irter of one of
Ur iiig ddl!'.-: There she bccomea aU
dances, but In
country to ex-
to. Her Arheri-
thither and all ends j
Because of hla apparent wealth the
dude la favored by the father, who
tells Buster he has no chance to. win
the Klrl until he goes away and makes
food. .
; Hauler kaveu for New York and
while there lie Writes home t% the
Kin. speakiny of his various Jobs. HI*
letter.* are *o worded that she mis-
ccrstriMS his meanlny and In her vis-
lens picture* Duster reaching the high
spots of wealth and fame. After her
vision Hint* r is ahown aa he really
was: n bunging youth dtrifig^every*
ih'.tJK wrong and getting into unlimit-
away to seek
i Icrtial haptifnctfs in
Local Pick-Ups
It is said that fully 200 peoplo
In Clarke county win this year go
Into raising Improvod fowls.
About this number have applied
for eggs or cLlcks to start on.
ty rwcf bc. Himc of hor
tk «: tl r. turnAo liia j
pm tb- pi f olti
st».r> has been wrltV-'ii with
JUm Murray's dancliiK proclivities In)
At every stop Mac Is given an
•opivrtunili to •'d'-Uftytu-wicked sinjui-
i^'fwie i'll her preuy-tKitsles.
The ahlfc. "f rMlra^|ph^ Is formed Ip .
cuehpjyrc urlKhuil
nun Its predecessor * and coMiing
eoou?it t" make Hrltuln's. debt to U.
f pale Into InsiKiiUicapfi*^
reltlngs, its*fn‘ivory Murray
don. arc umiMiully ulalnirate,
•f them rciicldiitf heights of ar-
tlillr E|,l#Silor. A saving gnu-e of the
thole il^liur Is the fact tha|rJ)M^Jik|^.
nctor aiu£ author have neen tn'tt 7
ichs doc^nut^lfiti\ide*(it &
time. *w/* J'/
• are some thriving airplane
ihou ihonlng u&fli*-doing A tall
•In. The mob sec nos arc well ban-
From a photographic viewpoint.
-Jmnuinla." Isp^ .jnMterpIcce. This
lecture aiiswi rN*'the'demand for i*vp
idciure prograiks:
Farmers on the street’today say
tbat while the rains and cold spell
have set them back, more land has
been broken than in many years
at this season. But the freezes
help land like a deep plowing:
( Mr. Hugh Price has completed
a nice new home on Hancock near
MlUedge arentie.
* A party from Indiana was !n
| town last week looking around
i The . gentleman says he Is w*ell
i pleased with Athens and expects
i to return In some sixty days.
= (Big Double Program) =
The steppiest, peppiest, most pulse-quickening and eye ( -filling
strip of celluloid ever enlarged on a screen.
The merchants on Broad street
■re now talking about having tha
White Way extended here on four
blocks from the campus, on tl<Ir
. thoroughfare.
Farmers were never more hope
ful than they are this year, and
they will all use poison on their
cotton. 1-ast year not one In ton
applied calcium arsenate nod this
is what alls Hannah.
|al estate agent Says the tray
*>, Vjf&Pf.
ays there will not be n va-
cant store-room or shelter In Ath
ens.- Several parties are looking
tor stands to begin business.
It is said the recent hitter cold
oil irouiilv that always end* in hla weather Insures a good frtilt crop
hating hla juk. by setting back trees. -
Tho contrast between the oxtravas- -■
unre »r her vt.luaa and the cruel j Several car loads of nnc mules
reality uf hla exlatenee affords situa- have recently been sold in Athens
tlona that-are paeked rellh Ills laughs.
In tho end Buster la forced to come
homo, tfrokc and dlaouuraged. At the
darkest hour a detective arrives from
thrco-reel , ho r |, y w m, H Urge reward for Bus-
sorely, e qnaito-d the rut-1 ter, who. Ill hla wild explain!, hod un-
« "t a rial WtOIT' proflueBon he-i knowlndy helped the police capture
of li i sqlrnri til. seta, flao proto.jtwe desperate rrlmlnala. With this
Pell!, rxi-elleinidfrceilon. story In-1 money Buster huya the dudv's swell
k«>t Olid a rlWmTOB- endless atrluc, ear, which he is aliout to lose lie-
s nnr ami rioutm. xuns. Ktldlo nine pause he cannot |my an Instalment.
and this points to better times.
The bronto cross worn by ex-
iiSb “
ronfedcsntn soldiers all over the
South originated with and -was
designed by Mrs. Alex Erwin, of
Athena, tho eldest daughter ol
Gen. Howell Cobb.
U Is only a question of a very
short time when tbe accoinmoda-
with in this <-nr Buster unit the girl drive tlons of the Normal School must
“Day Dreams”
be doubled and then quadrupled. |
It is said by a gentleman who has
traveled all over Georgia that 10,-
000 girls are now preparing to at
tend this institution. '
Every manufacturing plant In
uni around Athens Is running on
full time, and several with a dou
ble shift of hands.
ever seen. It ren
breath of spring.
Pimples Quit
I Mr. King Howard says a large
| planing mill Is now being erected
I in Lexington, and which Is quite
j an enterprise. Heretofore lumber
I was shipped away to be drened,
j but tho work will be done at home
henceforth. This adds to the value
og the lumber being cut In Ogle
Better get a new tag for your I
par J>.v March 1st, if .you. do not j
want to get Into trouble. i
Mood-Cells Increase! S. S. S.
Mr. Payne a prominent young
lawyer, of Elberton. was In the
city SaMirdav on legal business.
He report everything as moving
along smoothly In Elbert, and
farmers are preparing lo plant
some cotton and bumper toed
RnIMt Thet* Red-Bleed Cvllt.
While It Is getting near spring
I time tho trees nnd landscape rosem
I ble bleak and tlronr winter. , This
j is well for the farmer'and fruit
Tea can be sere of this, nature hms no
asbstttito for rod-blood-eeUo. Pimple-
poison can’t tin la the rod rivers of
In epite of tho bad spell of
weather, roads . leading Into- the
city are In falriy good condition.
A number of farmers around Ath
ens are this year going Into the
trucking business, and will raise
vegetables for shipment.
• The Guarantee Trust Co., I*
I building up a nice business and baa
u lawyer Installed in their bank to
J investigate titles to - land. The
.company Is putting out consider-
table money o nfarmlng land*. It
I Is something badly needed In Ath
The Confederate monument In
Athens was unveiled In 1X71 and
tho late Judge Alex E. Erwin de
livered the addrese on that occaal-
Plenty of Money to Lend On Real Estate
Commission: 3% ON AMOUNTS OVER *1,000.00. .
10% on amounts up to 01^100.00.
dOS Holman Bldg. Athens, Gs.
Hodgson’s "Odorless”
Convenient Size for Small Lawns and ■
(gardens .i^j.-.ilu: > *.:-t
.1 ...'..i -aJ'-n aft- j
15 Pound Package .. ..... $1.00
25 Pound Package 1.50