Newspaper Page Text
• i filMMI //.
l e EOK' ''
fib' 1 ;
k S» r ' • ■
\irkc County
».ay concern: Notice
that George C.
f<{ the will of
i has filed a peti-
! •> sell certain lands
aid 1 'ilk*; A. Daniel’s
fitted in said peti-
r.~i upon the same on
day in March next,
j icrested show cause,
a-e, why leave should
.rf as pjayed for.
23 1923
loon " 9th,‘of the said weekly payment*.'
* fltcn due and unpaid for more \
I* E. J; Crawford, Clark of the Mix weeks.
This Oth day
Clerk of Superior
Feby. 10-16-23—Mein 2.
Sr., deceased, late of said
) having filed* his' 'petition
_ *• B- J . Crawford, Clerk of the six weeks, the directors of said I to be’allowed to. resign his trust,
superior Court of Clarke County,{company hive ordered this sale To this h to 15 serve notice upon and
hereby certify that the foregoing I collect the sunu due on said rate. 1 to cite and direct W. I* Moes, peti-
** * WJta «nd correct copy of theiThere will be due on said noth at tioner's co-executor, and the next
application for charter, as thetthe time of sale $149.40, besides [of kin of the said testatcr, to-wit:
same appears of file in this of- the expenses "of the sale. . said W. L. Moss. R. L. Moss, Miss
[THE CLARKE COUNTY BUILD- Sarah H. Moss,-afid Mrs. Martha
sy of February, 1923. rtNG LOAN .tND IMPT. CO. St Moss Bondurant, all of Athens,
E. J. CRAWFORD, j By John D. Mell, Secretary J Georgia; and the divisees, legatees
Feby-10-16-23—Mch. 2. , | and distributees under the will of
, rr~r ~ . said testator, to-wit; ell of sat I
Ctarke County I named next of kin and also the
The return of the appraisers following: the children and grand-
"“'"F ?P* rt / .^* lve ,"’ D ont , hs : »"P- children of the said John D. Moss,
«? U i f^Vb.iw-wit: John Hill Moss, and. his
February, 1923. i»PPH«a to me for Permanent Let-1offlc^ sitdaughter, Nancy. Putnam,
■ten of Administration on the £SdV!l£» £S hl ti 2Sh Connecticut;- R. L. Moss, III, and
c . lted .‘o ^oMf ^causc^by the 6th (d hj|| infaDt (on> John jj, M os-„
mnnikt* .Jit Athens, Georgia;.Mm. Mary V.
graphed 8 Firor, and her infant ilaugh
ej, 1921 *' ‘
Fortran Judge of the Superior
Court: - •
This, February 3rd, 1923.
1 Clerk.
Feby. 10-23—Mch. 16-80.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
ho. April Term, 1923
Clarke Superior Court-Libel for
£ E OR(iiA—Clarke County
To Ah Whom It May Concern:
It. C. ORR,
/ Ordinary.
23-Mch,. 2.
nRGl V Clarke County:
■giii l, "Id on the first Tues-
,ia .Mukii, 1923 before ths
i hi".
sty 1
I Oort
air. 0m
,Roil i
| Tix-l.i-
I prui-
: tm
lour in said State and
>ig the legal hours for
highest bidder for cash
i g property to-wit:
Cabinet, One- Dental
K.-jtal,Engine, One In-
! .'-it, One Iron Safe,
i Desk, One.lot of Den-
11: -. Vulcanizing outfit,
ty levied upon as the
tlie defendant E. M.
nsfy a judgment issued
• iourt of Athens in
li. A. Chandler and
M. Ilrown.
Coumy? f tMs m i. H to d ’cit a e te a °l wtd''JfiSatwHSv'tjS
■t my office within the time al- Wh
f iror, ana ner imam unuRn-
Innc Bvrd Firor, Montefcuma,
lowed by law, and show cause, if
any they can, why, permanent let
ter* of administration should not
be granted , to Ben Held on Sam
Held’s estate.
Witness my hand and official
witness my hand and official
signature, this 1st day of Febru
ary, 1923.
... C. ORR, Ordinary.
, Ordinary.
’ter, Anm
{Georgia; Mrs. Judith; Elizabeth
II, 1923.
Mch. 2.
ORGIA— 1 Clarke County
jl,,. u.t- y T. Riviere, Guardian
| Amu-
Riviere, has applied
a discharge from her
.;> of Annabelle Riviere
nutj£y ail persons Con
nie their objections, if
isve, on or before the
Mil, w
- they
i* Roby .
KJC,] front, her Guardianship ns
piled for.
* R.- C. ORR,
Ordinasye-GJjujre County.
If it;-!
0-lii 23-Mche?.
Court of
D. Up-
Ri The Superior
pSe petition'of C. LTU;
, F. IViliii's.and.' Mary
reh, if Athens, Clarke County,
jjrgia. n-spectfully showat .
1—That they, desire for them-
|*lres, their associates and suc
tion, to be incorporated and
idt n body* ‘ politic un ier the
ate :.nd style of “Motoi Tire A
Ikppiy CompatjyJ’ for the period
|$ twenty vVars. :
t Tre prif.yipal office of said
■sepany sli-iil-te/in the City of
Ikhens, State. end county aforn-
but pavliot.ors desire the
tht to i-stalijiab branch offices
thin this !|tiuafc.or elsewhere,
kenever thJ-ldWekxa of a muiori
t»: the stock may so determine.
GEORGIA—Clarke Connly
..Mrs. Luella Davis, Guardian of can
Mignon Davis and Nina Davis, has
applied to me for a discharge from
her Guardianship of said wards,
this ii therefore to notify all per
sons concerned, to file their objec
tions, if any they have, on or be
fore the tint Monddy in March
next, else Mrs. Luella Davis will
be discbargtd from her Guardian
ship as applied for.
R. C. ORR,
Ordinary, Clarke County.
AH male citizena of* Clarke
County, Georgia between the ages
cf and fifty years, (ex
cept those exempt , by law, be and
in March next, else they art required, when notified
T. Riviere will be dis- or summoned by the proper au
thorities to work the public roads
el said County during the year
1923 for seven days, or in lieu
thereof pay a eoitunutation tax of
That all citizens paying said tax
i or befora the first day cf April,
1923 be- allowed a rebate of fifty
All taxes to be. paid at Commis-
doners’ Office in the Clarke Coun-
y Court Houae.
By order of the Board of Com
missioners of loads and Revenues
of Clarke County, Georgia.
Feby-10-16-98—Mch. 2-0.
GEORGIA—Clarke County '
Whereas, Win. U-.Most, Admin
istrator of Miss .Elisa B. Moss,
represents to the Court in hit pe
tition, duly filed and ente’red on
record, that he has fnlly adminis
tered Miss Eliza B. Moss' estate.
kloea Harlow, and her infan:
daughter, Judith Mary Harlow, of
36 Manning Street. Needham, Mas*
sarhusetta; - and William Bvrd
M<Mtt> Athens, Georgia; the chil
dren of the said R. L. Moss, to-
wit: Elisabeth Luclde Mess, of At-
Gcorgia; Thomas Strong
Athens, Georgia; R. L.
Unta, Gee
Moss, of
To. J. M. Flanagan, Greeting:
A iiu nre hereby required, person
ally or f by attorney to be and ip-
pcar at the Superior Court of sau!
C-'Vitly, to i,-. hidden in and Voi
r (i ! J -Out ' y. or. .:.c second M-:i
dtj in' Apiil nw. to ar.s.n
l;.-. nfiff s petition tor - total- A
Witness the Honorable,Rlantcn
Fortiv.n Judge of laii'-Court tins
2nd il.iy v f. riiTi>n VL1923.
E. J. vLAWFORii,
Feby,10-23—Mch. 16-30.
Cut Down Ford 1S1S Model—Motor
No. 10270S0.
This is therefore to cite aU par-1 “o*". < Athens, Georgia, anti
sons concerned, kindred and cred-,a^-' M“*. Athcns,G.ojgis; andj No 4Mf
itors, to show cause, if any they thv husband E. J. Bondurant, and court of Athens
can, why said Administrator I the children of the said ' Mrs, C,TY COURT 0F ATHEN *
should not he discharged from his Martha S. SInss Konduraut, to-wit-
administration, and receive lettars Elisabeth Bondurant; Mary Bon-
of dismission, on the first Mon-;durant; Join Bondurant; Birdie
'day in Makch, 1923. Bondurant, all of Athens, Georgia,
This 6th of February, 1923. [to appear and show cause before
R, C. ORR, Ordinary, j the Court of ordinary for said
“ ~ County on the first Monday in
April, 1023, why an order allow
ing aaid resignation should not be
Under and by virtue of the {granted and petitioner discharged
Power of Sale contained-in a cer- of his said* trust. Let the usual
tain Security Deed to John Han
cock Mutual Life Insurance Com
pany made by Claud D. Williams
and Nettie Williams on May 4,
service be made upon the above
namod parties who reside within
the State and let those residing
without the State be .served by
iblishing this citation and order
_ the paper in which Sheriffs ad-
records of Madison County, Geor- vertisements ore printed tmcc
gia, and on May 8, 1917, in Dead .week for two months.
Book 22, page 317 of the records
Irtuc of or order of Judge of
»yrt of Athcim. above described
cur will be sold before court houae
door between legal tyiur* ‘*n
Feb. 24, 1923.
Sheriff Clarke County, Oeorgia.
It-L’-23.2.1 w
Local Pick-Ups
CHANTS wound the Normal
School are all doing wall . This
is a fine business location as it
catches first trade over the
fereon and Whder roadr.
build a nice residence on the
b- autiful lot on Orio Uorpo ave
nue, nest to Mrs. Lamar Cobbs
' now having his shade tress
S e is no
t out.
MK8. H It A
ail ever the country. I* is a
White Way to take place on the
night of March 29th,’ will bo a
da occasion for Athens. It has
en arranged by the committee
that an open air danco will- be
held by the young people in the
street on /Clayton street. Brass
bands will furnish music, and our
merchants give a parade.
and ixcttie Williams on May 4, wil
1917 and recorded May 9, 1917, in pu
Deed Book K-2, page 162 of the i in
Patricks To Open
Saturday A. M.
circulated to extend the White
Way on Washington street to the
Georgian Hotel, and it is hop$d
to have it installed b jrlhe cele
Dr. Stewart Coes
To Cleveland, O.
ED COLD#if 9R»«
iPToffWlTs dhil NWW’br-
' ~NK7»~your ^cmlkirr aW.r WM» 1 1
Core thoy become sorjuus. If ritg-
U leeted Jicy It .id to influensh;. la
Un.Jera.ty o? Georgia ‘ Somme, ^ -^neratious of use,, have
School left Friday morning for ^ l Jl* d „ an d Tar ?ro u
Cleveland. Ohio, where he trill be '• H ™LSZ
on business for several days.
w a omKrr'Tn r M : ’" 0 Th,. [Worii Mrs'. S. L. Hunt, Cinci.u
WASHINGTON — The House i . ..p„i. v Honev
coughs, colds, croup, throat, chest
and branchial trouble. LarfefiA
! selling rough medicine in thc_
. . ‘ eati. Ohio, writes: “Foley Honey
Abr- Tar cured me of a hacking
I to prog
to see the motor line* leaving Ath-1
era, twice daily, one on the Ath-1
cns-Commercc-Jcfferson line and
the other from Atheqa to Royston.
Now let some one put on a line
from Athens to Washington, Ga.,
via. Lexington.
Formal opening of Patrick’s
Pharmacy which naa been moved
to 175 Clayton street, across the
street from the fermer place of
of Clarke County, Georgia, the on- 11923,
dersigned the John Hancock Mu
tual Life Insurance Company, will
sell at public outcry to the high
est bidder for cash, before the
Courthouse Door in the City .of
Athens and County of Claric,
within the legal hours of Mie, on
the Firft Tuesday in March, 1928,
the followirfg described property,
to.wit “
• Ir-That tract 6r par-
ccl of land amatfed, lying and be-
ri' The .,bU
I its sha;
. The b'jiS»ss>to bp carrie i on
, said rorpjqatieh, is the solo of
(onobilc tiita. end tubes: nil uu-
i scccssorierf;--gasoline, and oils,
'olesale and retail; and the sale
(uy other merchandise, retail or
i talk, also-the repairing of tlrts
lad tubes and automobile tops; or
Isyttbcr work or stock that may
Ih tatmed proper-by the officer*
|if uid corporation.. /
i The capital stock of Mid
Five Thou-
, liars, with the
ng same to the
houtand ($25,-
i majority vote
i, or dec mass
rporation by •
. stockholder*
I ,J»1JK)0.00) Dol-
^bc divided into
drtd ($100.03)
, cent, of tho
Kint if capital to be employed
Jtheni has baej *
I Petitioners daL,
the ruBsSr!'.
al stock paid- in money nr
grty to he taken at a fair vai-
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
By virtue of a power of sale in
p deed given by Jm. W. Wright to
the Clarke County Building Loan
and Improvement Co., January
18th., *1910, recorded in the Clerk’s
office Superior Court, said county,
Book 7, page 279, will be sold on
the First Tuesday in March next,
during the legal houn ef sale, at
the -court’ house doer in Athens,
Ga., to the highest and bast bid
der for cash, the following describ
ed property mentioned in Mid
All’that lot of land in Mid
Stats and County, im the. city of
Athens, fronting fifty feet on
Cleveland Avenue and running
back one hundred feet, uniform
- - Cast
width. Bounded on the
; by lot
Tract No.
rtd, lying ^
mg in the Three Hundred *nd Eigh
ty-third (383rd, District, 0. M.,
cf Madison County, Georgia,
bounded on North by property- of
Q. H. Massey; on East by propsh-
ty of H. H. Tolbert; on South by
dswer of Mrs. N. C. Musty and
on West by property of A. F. GoTj
dun, containing Twenty-two 'an-I
Three-tenths (22.3) acres, mere or
lots, and more par
scribed by eurveymnd
property by E. E. St
dated December 16th; 1910, afld-
recorded ip Deed Book D-2, page
Tract No. 2—That tract (ft- par
cel of land rituated, lying and be
ing in the Three Hundred and
Eighty-third (883rd) District, G.
M„ of Madison County, Georgia,
hounded on North bV property ot
Hugh Williams; on EMt by dowel
of Mrs. N. C. Massey; on South
by property of Addfe Watkins.
,1 acres, mere or
particularly de-
rand plat 1 of said
S. Stone, C.. E.
™“he first day of February. %%% "^be^h^ Saturday
women and children who enter the
store. The new store is very
tractive on the interior and ex
it. C. ORR.
Ordinary,aClcrke County, Geor-
feb. 16-23
Mch. 2-9-16-22-30.
OkOROIA—Clarke County:
In the Superior Court ef Clurke
County. April Term. 1923.
To Klihu H. McLean. Jr::
By order of the Superior Court of
Clark# County .Georgia, you are re*
qulred to bo and appear at’ the next
t#rm of wiltl Court, to be held In and
for #ald county on the sepond Mon-
Tax Exemptions
Are Explained
RO.ME — The Minister of Fi
nance has made public the regula
tions concerning the taxation* ex
emptions of foreign capital In Italy
Exemption Is conceded to the foi«
day In April, ItZA then and there to
answer petitioner's libel for divorce,
end In default thereof the court will to Justice shall opertaln. , , , -
WITNK88 the Honorable Blanton payments on loans contracted by
creditors, on mortgage^ contract
Fortaen. Judge of Mild Court .thl*
the Ifth day of February. 1923 .
F#h. l«*23*Mnr. 23-30.
QEORQIA—Clark# Cdunty:
i Apflrvr^ —
°f_lMne HmM«dc, °n the North u S d Vwest by property r
and Westby UndofJohnD.MMS Lrmerty belonging to Mrs.
aqd^n the South by Cleveland | Ioard( ccnUiBinK Twelve and Six
tenths (12.6) ncres, more or 1mb.
end more particularly describe^
by sprvey and plat of Mid prop
erty by E. E. Stone, C. E., dated
icciractually paid-in.
doigic the right tn
uJriptions * to Mil
-Petitioners desire the right to
•nil be sued, to plead and b*
ailed, tofjava.imd use a coin-
teal, to Anakii pH nbcesMry
H»wi and regulations, and to
•ll other-thing*- that may be
*«ary for tho successful car
at on of said business, includ-
'the light,-hold and Mil
estate anil personal property
ibli- to the purposei of the
nation, and to execute note*
bonds as evidence of indebted-
incurred, or which may be in-
id, in the conduct of the af-
cf the corporation and to sc-
thc same oy mortgage, so-
tjr-deed, or oth&f form of lfen,
it existing latah.
, J. J' 1 *y desiry for laid incor-
IMition the power, and authority
I*, apple- for ntid - nenent amend-
•pply for mid ‘ accept amend-
at* to its charter of either form
•obstante by a .‘vote of ■ ma-
lt Y if its stock outstanding at
time. They also ask authority
•aid incorporation to wind up
affairs, liquidate and disc*n;
* its business at ahy time it
7 determine to db so by a vote
bro.thirds of its stock outeand-
‘ at the time. *
They desire for the said ta
rot: ,n iHe right of renewal
and as provided by the law*
wot via, ahd that it have all
sJ other rights, powers, priv-
and immunities as arc inci*
11 In- iqcorporntions or per;
ier the Jaws of.Geor-
«a.-tl-’., petitioners pray tp
! meoriv- :l ted under the name
? style aforesaid with th- r"”'
Jv pru.i...g4s and immunities
r' ln !l icrth, and na are no#,
"may hereafter be, allowed a
rfrat.oo 0 f similar character
the laws of Georgia.
Ih, Atiorney for Petitioners. '
r* 1 ® off tee Teby 9th. 1923.
g?*'.lA-Clarke County:
"**« ef Clerk nf Snnei-ior
Said deed wa* given to secure a
note made for a loan -of $400.00
granted Mid Wright by said com
pany, and the note was made pay
able at the fate of $2.10 per week
for 260 weeks, in accordance with
the charter and by-lawe of Mid
company, of which company Mid
Wright was a member. The said
deed provides that if any one of
the said weekly payments become*
due and remains unpaid for eta
weeks, then the whole note If due
and Collectible, at the option of
the directors of said company.
Some of the weekly payments hav-
ing become doe and unpaid, tho
directors of the company* have or
dered the sale of the laid proper
ty to collect the sums due on Mid
There will be due on Mid not*
at the time of Mid Mie, $367.60,
besides the cost of the Ml*.'
Also at the same time and place
and on the same terms will be sold
by virtue of a power of Mie in a
deed given skid company by An
nie Laurie Pace, dated July 7th,
AT, recorded in Mid office, Book
_J, page 499. the following dp-
scribed Pwprty, mentioned in
Mid deed. That lot of land in Mid
State end County in the city of
Athens, East of the Athena and
Danielsville Road, in Barberville
ing at a'rock corner on en
cd etreet and running, thence
along the line dividing - the lot
herein conveyed from tho proper
ty of Crawford, 200 feet to a com
ert thence along the line dividini
thince S. 67 3-4 fMt tojs
rock corner on the etfeet
thence S, I? W W, 18 f-t to .
rock comer; thence S. 90 1-2 E
214 feet to the beginning cower.
This iMt -mentioned deed wni
girm to secure a note inad* M
*aH Annie L. Pace to said com
pany for $300. borrowed money,
the not* being payable in weekly
Installment* of tI-44^
for 312 weeks, »« 0F i i,, 5, j 0 J-”
charter irta fy-laws of saidcom-
pany, of which company said An-
m of said company. As some
September I3th, 1^10, and record
ed in Deed Book
Hundred and Fifty-ni
Madison County record*.
Tract No. 8—All that tract or
•real of. land aituated^ lying and
ring in the City of Athens, Clarice
ounty, Georgia, described as be-
County, _
gilining'kt a point on the south
side nf Ruth Avenq* Six Hundred
and Twenty-two (622) feet, more
or Iota, Westwardly from Madison
Avenue, arid running thence West
wardly along the Sopth side of
Rath Avenue One Hundred (100)
rooty, and with thia frontage ex
tending Southerly, between paral
lel lines, a distance of Three Hun
dred and-Eighty (380) ft
or leas, and being the M
erty conveyed to C. D. Williams
by J. M. Crawford, on April 30th-
1915, by deed recorded in Book
Eighteen (18), page Nino ' (9).,
Clarke County Records and having
a house thereon known in the pres
ent numbering nf the' streets of
Athens m No. 490 Ruth Avenue;
for the purpose of paying the In
debtedness secured by Mid .Se
curity Deed* tMttt! Ons interest
note for the sum-of On* Hundred
and .Two ($102.) Dollar* du* Oc
tober *, 1922; und One principal
note for the sum of seventeen hun
dred ($1700) Dollar*, due Oct. 1,
1(122, together w<th interest there
on and the egpejues of this sale
■nid property having been con
yed to the undersigned in th
Cd above described as stcurl*-
for the notes therein set forth
and default in the-payment of in
tercet note due October 1, 1922
having occurred and con tinned for
more than twenty day* and th*
further default in the payment of
Mid principal note due October 1,
1922 having occurred, payment of
both of Mid notes secured by the
above deed. A conveyance trill be
executed by the undersigned to the
purchaser at such sale at author
ised in Mid security d*4d. Thia
29th day of January, 1923.
J. D. Bradwril,
Attorney. -,
Feby. 48-23, Mch. 2.
Wft ton April .Term. 1320 ctarkr
Superior I’-i'irt. 1 .ii.rl for Divorce
To James Arthur Strickland, Creet-
By order ot the Court you are
hereby require,! jK-rconally or by al-
lotnay, to l« and appear nt the Hu -
nsrlol- Court of Clarke County; to
be told in and foi* raid County, on
the second Mumlsy In April next,
to answer plaintiff’* complaint, as,
Ih flefalt thereof/ the Court win pro
cess os to Justice shall appertain.
BITNKHS the Honorable Blanton
Fortson ,Judas id said Cobrt, this
lath day of February 1921. e
F*b. 1S-lt-Mch.2-.30. C '* rlt '
securities placed abroad ln-terast
on obligations Issued and contract
od after December 16, 1922, and
pfaebd until December 31. 1996.
tMty display is th* work
lowing: ' ” James A. Bruce, the popular man-
National firms and those coa-s °V th ** ‘Ptandld estabiish-
uted abroad which havo their raent -
■{quartern in Italy which carry
(heir activities hero; Interest
moved into their new quarter* on
the opposite side of Clayton r.*re*t
from their old stand, and luts a
beautiful display of goods. Dr.
Patrick is a South Carolinian and
came to Athens from Spartan
burg, where the writer knew him.
MOSCOW a- Mrs.
Harrison, of Baltimore, the magi
QkOROIA—Clark* Cobnty:
No. 4|M April Term. IMS Clarke Su
perior Court. Libel for Divorce
To Kmma Taylor Byrd. Greetings
you are
zinc writer who has been held un
der arrest for some time by the
Soviet authorities has left here
for Riga late Thursday afternoon.
Dcister Bolden, charged with lar
ceny from the- house In Oglethorpe
MR. B. T. HARRIS, a farmer
near the Ctarite-Oglethorpe line,
‘ -one five-hone farm near him has I
ne t a hand to tU the land. Mr.
SS , a.WJ£.’ , 5Sfu , 3
his cotton m fMt m ginned for
he has no right to speenlat
his creditor’s moMy.
■ounty. was arrested here Thursday j*~" j" 1 *!" “* mura- |
by Athens police ‘and turned over to , eleV6D bales of^cot- |
ihi- Oglethorpe county, authorities.
with passing bogus check* at Maye-
vllle, In Ranks county, was smsted
here Thursday' and turned over to
he Mayevllle imliee.
BJr order of the Court,
hereby required
torney ,to‘ be uni. ....
perior court ot Clarke County to be
netd-ln and fw said county, .-n the
seeead Monday In April, next t, nn„.
wer Plaintiff's Comnlsint, as fn de
fault thereof the Cuurt will pro
*a to Justice shah appertain.
WITNB88 tho Honorable illanlcn
Fortson. Judge of said Court, this
Itftli flhy of February 1923.
K. J, c’UAWFORf),
Feb. 13-22-Mj". 23-30. '-li.X.
1 Clerk of Superior Court
To Resign M Executor of the Be-
Ute of R. L. Mom
Clarke County
Audi Term. 1923
■ Clarke County:
John D. Mom, one of the 9#-.
cutors upon the Estate of R. L.|
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
N®- .4811 October Term. 1922,
Ciarko Superior Court Divorce
Greeting: f
By order ot the court, you arc
hereby required) personally or by
attorney, to be and appear at the
JP*ri°r Court of Clarke County,
1 be hblden in and for said County
1 tho secondMonday in April next
>en end there to answer the
Plaintiff 1 complaint, as, in dc-
.’auit thereof, the Court will pro-
fed n» to jusUe* shall appertain.
V. i:ncs8, the Honorable Blanton
Fortacn, Judge of sold Court, this
9th day of Fsbruary, 1923.
F4by-10-38,^h, 16-30.
Be Careful What You
Wash Your Child's
Hair With
, MR. a A.aMOSELEY, of Mad-,
Ison county, came in town Thors.
Ton he had left over. Mr. Mose-1
Iwo r
ley Mys farmers ta the Fra* State |
bovoetaited to work with vim and
determination rand they
etermination rand they are going I
T. E. Young, a white man. charged "•“* • Crop this year.
now start removing the wooden poles
from streets when the White War!
will be Inetalled and this will do much |
Impmvt tho appearance of these!
larke Count,:
If, TERM, 1921
To the Defendant, J. W. Holmes
Thu plaintiff, B. M. Hoimo,
having filed her petition for tii-
vorce against J. W. Holmes in this
Court, and it being made to ap
pear toot 4 W. Holmes is not a
resident of said County, and does
not reside ta the State of. Geor
gia. anr at, order having been
mad* for service on him by publi
cation. this, therefore, is to notify
you, J. W. Holmes, to be and ap
pear, at th'. -next term of Clarke
Superior Coast to be held on the
second Monday in April, 1923,
then and there to,answer said com-
' Witness th* Honorable
If you want to kee:
child’s hair in good 1 coodftii
careful what you ansh it
Many sokps and prepared sham
poos contain too much free alkali. 1
This dries She scalp, makes the
hair brittle, and is very harmful.
Mulsified *:«coanut oil sbamiloo
(which it pure end entirely grease-
1 less), much better than anything
elie you can use for ahampooing
m this cannot possibly injure the
hair. • . /,
Simply put two or three tea-
spoonfuls of Mulsified in a cup or
glass with a little warm water,
then moisten the hair with water
and rub the Mulsified in. It will
make an abundance of rich, creamy
lather, and cleanse the hair mid
scalp thoroughly. The lather rtas-
ea out easily, and removes every
particle of dust, dirt] dandruff and
oxtjta* oil. The hair dries quickly
•ml evenly, and iu/leaves it fine
and eilky, bright, fluffy and easy
to manage.
Yon can get Mniaifiad cocoanoi
oil shampoo at any drug store.
on snampoo at any drug
It la. very cheap, anti a Mw
will last everyone in tho family
for months. Be sure your drug
gist give* you Mulsified.—Advcr-
So Easy to Drop Cigarette
Cigar or Chewing Habit
No-T >-r«o has helped
sands to break ths eostly.
shattsrtixg tobacco habit. 1 Whan-
aver you bravo a tanging for •
smoko or shew, lust place a ham-
Thia style will re*(Uly appeal to tlu
woman who drain# freedom aad 00m
fort m applied to Moomora. Batten
crept, serge, Oanael aad silk are tool
materials for tala model.
The pattern Is
RST **
'StiJ**** “ uri » l -
are. A medium size re-
woft when he fell at the seige of
^•LuCt. tot) aJe.tJlll.L'1’ ell, *<7e$. i
Mias Julia Barton Hunt of New 1
York, offered the aivord, which j
would be deposited in the nacon- j
al museum.
The log book of the Endtavor,
with Captain Cook’s diary of his
first voyage to exploration In the
South Seas, In 1764. is soon to be
be sold In London.
At Ayscougb Lake. Spalding. I Don't waste Umt trytnr to kUI I
England, perch have been trained \ with powders. Itqulda or any txi
to come to the surface when the Pretars'l™ 1 *- sniwrth.nTmn.
gardener splashes the water, to Ready for Ueo-Better tnanTrape
eat from hie hand, and even to let 90s. bo*. Mo 1x0*. box, mo
Um tickle their snouts.
Abney’s windows looks like spring
with the display of all kinds of I
“THE BRADtO’S” is the name
af a new stationery store just [
opened Clayton street and College 1
avenue. Tbey have ordered a!
handsome fountain and ta about
ten 1 day* will have a formal open- ]
ing. Lookout for their anaounee-
arranged a beautiful display of
goods in their windows, and which
attracts much attention. The I
And the merchants from whom they buy am
frequent subjects of their conversation!
They talk of us just as they talk of others.
What do they say?
We don’t know what people say of us 'except
as we judge by what they, do. Last season we
sold mote clothing to our old customers th»n
ever before in ournistoiy—thousands more!
Their action told us better than words that
they had confidence in the styles, the quality,
the prices, the service, and that they appreciat
ed the r ' '
: convenience of a
You too will be just as well pleased as they
were and you are cordially invited to open an
account with us on your own terms of payment
Men*a Dept.
I 1 Suits-M the new J
sport models in all the |
new fabrics. Conser
vative models for con
servative men.
grades in the standard |
Spring models.
Trouaera-A very i
good assortment of |
patterns and sizes, all j
first quality material
and workmanship.
Boya Suits Sag* I
and mixtures, with belts
or without many twopents
suits. Special bargains
atfff.## "V"
. Women** /
\Dept. /
I CoOtS- Distinctive^
models and colon in the
[new total coats ot mam
I I quiet models.
Dresses- a great
I variety m the team's
I materials and colorings,
Sfcirte-Plenty of the
I new Ryle* and fabric* to
I dwo#B from#
, WaiStS- A lovefy
amortmeia of Georgette.
Canton Crepe, Pongee,
in ucugnuui vsnciy. *
Hats- Our Millinery
Department always has
the newest at very low
195 Clayton St rc«t