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VOL. "•
No. 16
Fril Associated Press Leased Wire Service.
Single Copies 2 Cents Daily. 5 Cents Sunday.
Famous Broadway Star
iMGirves Himself to Christ
Loosely Kept Diary, and
Perumed Letters May
Aid in Locating Guilty
Letters From a Flock of
Women, Some Married,
Found on Slain Wealthy
X. Y. Man.
NEW YORK — In the penciled
(crawlings In
Fred Stone, Noted Comedian, Buys a Bible, Is Re
converted, and Will Give a Tenth of His
Income to Church and Its Work
Anti Greek War
In Thrace Breaks
NEW YORK—Lured back to
Christianity as he sal idle in a
sleeping car suited in a snow
storm in the Dakotas, Fred Stone,
comedian, one of the gayest lights
ever to illuminists Broadway, has
dedicated the rest of his life ao
Christ and a tenth of his large in
come fo the church. Though not
devotedly religious, Stone has al-
way been regarded aa a man'de-
voted to hia family and his re
conversion—he was baptized many
years ago—didn’t surprise the
White light district.
. . .. .... The strangeness of the incident
1 •» reported from Butte, Montana,
a lodsely kept diary ■ lies m the manner of its occur-
More Equipment, Library
Fund, and a New
Teacher Are Among the
>n ,l the contents of a number of] rcnce. Stone In a telegraphed i He and
‘ " " ” * w« — -
■ f % - i lit , a iricg __
daintliv perfumed envelopes, Dls-.; statement to the New York World I Settle. “I am now'determined to
irtci Attorney oiennon, of the said: live a Christian life” Mr. Stone
Bronx was searching Wednesday I “What you read in the But e I is quoted by Rev. Clifford aa tdl-
lor a clue to the idsntlty of the | Miner is true. I am not looking I ing him. “I mean .to be true to
murderer of Frederick^ Schneider for publicity. It is a simple and Uhls dccisiin to the end of the
natural thing, much too sacred to trail.”
be used as copy.”
It seems that Stone acted on his
resolve by dropping off his train
at Billings, Montana, and buying
a Bible. After reading It and
praying, he was ready when Butte
was reached, to go to the Rev.
Cecil Cliff bid, drop on his knees,
pray again and take spiritual ad
vice. Tlie neat day—Sundry—he
appeared in the pulpit and told his
life’s story to an astonished con
His income is estimated at $125,-
000 annually. He has Urge realty ’
holdings, including a 20 story. ^ ,
building here, and a large farm < More equipment, a library fund
and Long Island countiy house, j add an addztii nai teache- for the
his company now are in j commercial department w »v roo-
~ J-. t ■ *- amm#n( j ec i ror the hmti ocbool »t
Committee to Dispose o:
Natahala and Baxter
Schools. Thrift Syst'm
Is Discussed.
uvultliv contractor. In his automo
Mi,, mi a lonely Bros road Mon
imiunced that a Jealous woman
klllc.l Schneider, the District At
torney was checking ovor the ac
quaintances of the dead man. In
tte meantime, Mrs. Anna Buzri,
with whom Schneider had lived
lor seven years, was held In the
Bronx Jail under (26,000 bend,
while the tangle was being unravel
The pocket diary, in which
Schneider scribbled notes of oc
currences and names, addresses of
iwlal and business acquaintances,
and the letters which he received
from women friends, some mar
ried. were found in the apartment
he i -copied with Mrs. Bussl.
faisctlves continued checking
mi of
the Board of Kducatlco rameeung
Tuesday aflernon.
The ’ recommendation was made
by the visit.i a committee and \vaaa
referred to a committee for nc
tlon. The committee whlnb visited
Childs street schol re mended
that coat c-louets .be built for the
I uplls pointing out tnat now they
piled their costs and wrap* almost
The work of the commercial de
partment of the high school was
j praised us well as other depart
Last Year Saw Improve-11 Close Friends Are Spur-
ment, Speaker Asserts 1 red to Steps by Moves
In Message to District. Made by Other Would
Be Candidates.
elated Press)
(By the Asso-
Convlnced that
Tax values were better equaliz
ed In Georgia last year than at any
th. nercnil°itoHes“tbat haCTwi P™vlou. time. H. J. Pullbright.
riven by persons ezsmiried by the f 1 * 18 *** commissioner declared halt a dozen aspirants already are
authorities, among them Mrs. hBra Wednesday. 1
Buzzl. She pleade* complete Ig
norance of the crime And Its cause
and declared that she was not out
nf her apartment daring the day
of the murder.
he ” .. , . , I making cautious overtures to test
jrsnssrst ‘sss «- w-* >-•
.orrtol nn—rinWnd.nU ot ih, ;a..U«l —IWHUm .<» 1M4, tom.
Eighth District at the Clarke co in of the friends of President Hard-
ty court honae. The meeting was ing have begun to work to assnre
held for the purpose of equalising Um a re-renomtnsUon.
the tax values in this c.litrict.. ... ... „„ w
Forty-three delegates were at the i. ™ for . the movetten. on be-
ilialf of the prealdent hns not teach
Jewish Festival Will
zneetmi. %n.wo yjrciiiuvui, Aiaa uut $$*»«,$$,
Rffllle the commissioner said the* ed the proportions of a closely
tsx receivers and assessors will | knit organization but it baa pro-
have trouble If they perform their. greased to the point where it pro-
■luties as it should be done, he has ;mlaes to make itself felt In many
found in his travels over the state | states before the coming summer
that the people are'in a nfors opll- ;1» well begun,
mlattc frame of mind than last I The attitude of Mr. Harding him
Celebrated At the Syna
gogue Friday and Sat
The feast of Purlm, a Jewish
festival, which revolves around the
romance ot Queen Esther, who
m-ed her people from persecution,
•ad extermination, will be cele
brated in the Synagogue Thursday
and Friday with appropriate cere
The festival of iPurim Is held In
high esteem by the Jews of all
The Book of Esther, however,
does not prescribe any special re
ligious rites, it commands, only
the celebration and rejoicing by
feasting and pleasure and the al
truistic act ot sending gifts, espe
cially to the poor. '•
The Book ot Esther narrates
that iiamon, the arch-enemy of
the jews In the ancient kingdom
of Persia, plotted to have them ell
killed on s certain day, and tolls
bmv his plot was frustrated thru
the courage of Queen Esther, the
Jewish wife of Ahssnerns, the Uni
of Persia, and Mordeoal, Esther’s
cousin, and. Anally how He man
*as hanged on the same .gallows
he had erected for Mdrdccte.
Mr.’ Fullbright explained that he
Invited the slegtslatora and school
and countv commissioners to at
tend the district meetings in order
that they .may have first band
I self toward a second term remains
unaccounted and It Is considered
Improbable that he will make any
public statement of his intentions*
at least in the near future.
There la quite general agree-
knowledge of the workings of the ment among those on the Inner dr-
tax eqhalliatlon law. In this con-
nectlon be said It would paralyse
the common school system If the
equalisation law is repealed with
out aomethlng aa good rr better
subitttnted for It.
At preaent the city counties par
a surplus ot about fl,000.d00'ln
taxes, he said. It che equalization,
law is repealed the "country coun
ties will be relieved ot spending
this extra money and the school
system will be crippled,” he de
clared. /
Repeal of the tax equalization
tew would mean 60 per cent reduc
(Turn to Page Two)
"mis is"
Proposal -That (U. S. Be
Mrmber of Court Waits
Until Next Term of
"a s11inoTON—Formal eonatd-
cru'iri Of President Harding's
pn.i,..« .1 for American membership
' n " ■ International court eet up
b) '*"• League of Natlona appar
ent - ime to an end Wednesday
■ . -■ ft'
session of congreck
Quit hanging around the ether
»eiicv.-» houte—quit paying rent
"'°nih after month to a landlord
Who doesn't even appreciate your
well enoguh te keep the
•'"•s repaired. ,
Sir.he out for yourself and put
rent money In your own
oorvrt—and learn to knew the
•f free.
'•tigate today I Oat dew nto
1 tacka right new! begin
» ■» the Want Ad JMWEI
real eetatt men - »how you
•»*y way to heme klMMMABan
Phone 75
For Want Ade
Popular Play v Appears
Last Time Tonight
Norma Talmadge Here
By popular demand,_ “The^ Dan-
irous Age,”
excellent photoytey
which was offend at the
theatre Tuesday, te being held over
today, and the last .showing will
be tonight This fa undoubtedly
one of the beat, strongest pictures
shown in Athens in a great while
and it is quite poaaible that some
saw it Tuesday will sae it
essoin "he picture includes
__ _ Stone and »»»r oth * r »•**■
in love with a girl of twenty, is
about to divoret his wtte wben
the girl surprises hint with the
statement that he is old enough
to bo her father, and then he races
back boms to beat a special de
livery letter to his wife in which
he had asked for his freedom. He
nacbes his home just in time to
sttend tb# wedding of hi* daugh-
ter, but his wife gets the tetter
be had risked his life in a mad
cjuse to km bar from getting,
but in tha end, of course, all. worn
out well and
eles of Washington politics, how<
.ever, that a. desire for public en
dorsement ot.bis stewardship will
impel him to stand for re-election.
It la upon this presumption at
any rate, that those who-want to
see him remain in the White
House (or (mother four years are
proceeding. Included in the group
of friends who have been in con
ference aro some ot the men who
led the successful pro-convention
campaign of 1920, and some who
came to the Harding ranks from
other camgs after the convention
waa over. Aa a result the ulti
mate line up of the Harding jorces
of 1024 te expected to reeembto
only In part the organization that
fought and triumphed in the nomi
nation fight of three yean Ago.
Attorney General Daugherty,
who was tha pre-convention man
ager for Mr. r Hardlng in 1920, te
expected to ngt^n^take a
urging the re-n
monta. The Cbilde street achnul
work was also. commended.
Disposition of the NantahaJa
add Baxter street school building
was referred to a committee. It
waa suggested that the Nanta-
haia building he moved’ to a lot
to be purchased by tbe board In
the Newtown district to take tbe
place of the bulldingg now rented
tor the negro school there.. M. Q.
Michael declared tho building now
used by Newtown woniq not hiake
a good stable, let atoho a school.
L. F. Polk, representing the Ed
ucational Thrift Service, asked
permission to establish Its system
of thrift in Athens Schools. The
matter was referred to Uw tews
and committeo on finance.
Mr. Polk declared Atlanta adopt
ed the system recently and in tour
weeks 85 per cent ot the total en
rollment of the school were ce-
posltors and had banked <18,000.
He said his company has 520 sys
tems and read a letter from Willis
A. Sutton, Atlanta school super-. .
intendent, praising the Work.
He requeated authority of the
boqrd to Install his service in Ath
ens schools stating it would eost
the city absolutely nothing. He
claims the system will require
none of tbe teachers time. His
company selects the depository tor
the accounts.
After the mlnqtes were, read Dr.
A. C. Holiday asked that they be
amended so as to state that Dr.
W. W. Brown will resign as city
bacteriologist in September since
he has been elected os head coach
of athletics* at the high school
ana assistant physical director at
the Y. M. C. A. Dr. Holliday
painted out that it waa mode clear
at the time of Dr. Brown's elec
tion he would resign aa city bac
teriologist. After a vote on the
correction to the minutes they
were changed.
Edwards to Speak .-
In Athens Soon
Despatches Indicate That
Luthanians Have Again
, Attacked Pole Advance
WARSAW — (By the Associated
Press) — Reports from the Neu
tral zone state that the LUhunians
Tuesday broke the truce agreed
upon by the Polish local authori
ties and representatives ot tha
Lithunlgn forces. Uthnnlan bends
are reported to have resumed their
attacks .against the Polish police,
entering the territory assigned to
A dispatch from Warsaw Febru
ary 26 said representatives of tbe
Polish and Uthnnlan governments
had agreed upon a suspension of
hostilities pendfnf discussion for
tbs delimitation ot the Nantra)
PARIS — A Warsaw dtepdteh to
the Havas agency,.confirms reports
Harry Stillwell Edwards, whose
band In stories both about the old Georgia
aoQ the new are popular through-
ont the South and the Whole coun
try, will be Is Athens on the even
ing of March « to give a reading
from his own works. Mr. Edwards
comes under the ausptdes of, the
Athens Community Cbnndl; the
proceeds will be divided equally
between the Athena Anti-tnbereu-
loels Fund and tbe fond for the anp
port of Mr. Edwards’ protege, a
young girl who is being nursed
back to health from tuberculosis
In an Asheville sanitarium.
Mr. Edwards’ work as a story-
writer and novelist constitutes one
of Georgia’s chief claims to liter
ary Importance. For more then a
generation. In a series of charm
ing and aethenUc stories, Mr. Ed
wards has been revealing both to
us end to the world outste, those
gradous end lovably qualities of
tha Ufa ao familiar to an, these
qualities which, in spite of much
that is unlovable and graceless,
make Georgia a dear name te Its
dtfteas. Outside of the field Which
be has taken aa especially his own,
Mr. Edwards has gained distinc
tion as the writer of Ingenious my
story stories; he has also mads
excursions into the romantic realm
of sdence. No matter from which
of hie resource* he may draw for
his Athens evening, bis audience
will be da Ugh ted; for he hr not
only a writer, but accomplished
and sympathetic reader,
-ownspeople and students alike
.BERNE — (By the Associated
Press) — An anti-Greek Insurrec-
'tion In Thrace attended by sharp
encounters near Xanthi, is report
ed from Bulgarian sources. The
organization ot Thracian national
lets, is said to be starting a gen
eral movement against Greece,
While the entire population ot Wes
Thrace now Is armed.
Fin Fins Fill
Federal Reserve Report
Shows Small Towns
and Cities Have Profit
ed Little.
Nabbed Between Athens
and Monroe, Calhoun
Bates Sent to Monroi
For Trial
. Calhoun Bates* whom police de-
clarc one of the most notorious
burglars ever operating in this
flection* was arrested between Ath-
Situatio nin Industrial
Centers Where Redis
count Rate is Regarded
Is Different .
WASHINGTON — Efforts to
obtain cheaper credit for the far
mers thus far have failed to pro
duce an appreciable effect on the
Interest rates charged by 'banks
vtunil ciiich un*1 towns of
_ . i an win** i • in icn u.i’i vvvvii n v*
and Monroo Tucs ay a .agricultural sections of the west
a white man about twon- “ lld "" uth " according to observa-
ty-four years old, was sent back 'Iona of the Federal
- Monroe where court is in aes- Board In its annunl report made
n. He will bo tried there for public Wednesday. The board says
jorglarixing a store in Monroe J that the interest rates of those
Monday nigW. 'financial Institutions 'ore practical-
Aftcr robb ng Monroe store dMp ite tbe lowering
B **?! Afhcns nnd was redlKount rate , by the Re
caught about fourteen miles Draw nrrvo Uanka , n t be past year and
other movea designed to be of as
hore by city and county police.
The man saw the officers, accord
ing to toe police, and hid behind
a tree. They got out of the auto
mobile and chazed him some dis
tance. He wes loaded with ar
ticles of merchandise, state the
Bates is wanted in Athens on a
warrant charging burglary. The
police nave been on his trail sev-1
era! days. He was in Monroe sev
eral days before the store was
'■ ' and upon finding il bur-
Tuesday morning the
_ police at cnee suspected
Bates and notified the Athens au
' According to Chief Buesser
tea is the man who robbed
rdemaq-Johnson’s store so many
.several month ago. Tho
also believes Bate* is the
than who picked tho ldcks of a
half dozen or more stores in the
business dist^ct about eighteen
months ago. Bates served six
months on the county chningang
lost summer after being convicted
on a burglary charge.
slstunce to the agricultural Indus
Tho board notes that there is a
much cdoser relationship between
Interest charged by banks in
industrial centers and the reserve
rediscount rates.
“It is note worthy” tbe report
Prince von Lippe, Ger
man Nationalist, Charg
ed With Working
Against Occupation.
ESSEN — (By The Associated
Press.)—Prince Frlederlch Wil
helm Von Lippe, Oermun National
ist agitator! was created here Wed
nesday by the branch autthorltles.
It Is charged, that he has been
stirring up agitation agalnit the
Franco-Belgian troops In the
Kuhr. V
The Prince was an active factor
In the German campaign for the
retention of Upper Silesia. Papers
found in his room, the French de
clare show he /W&a a member of
the secret order of the Swastika
and the notorious consul of the
reactionary organisation.
The Prince come to the Ruhr
several days ago* on a special mis
sion, v. urging the nationalists to a
program of violence, the French
declare. The Nationalists have
been unusually iptive In the lost
few days, holding 1 protest meetings,
spreading propaganda 'among " tne
strikers and urging the callng of
other strikes.- The occupational
authorities asert tbe nationalists
have been doing their utmost In
Search Was Continued
Wednesday With Little
Hope of Finding the
Lost Machine. **.„.;*
Delos Thomas and Theo
dore Giggs Occupants of
Seaplane Traveling Be
tween Bahamas and Fla.
suys “that the rates charged by tb |, WR y qqd many others to bin-
banks in the small cities * nt -1 (l,r the corylng out of tbe Franco-
1 " Belgian plan tor re-organising the
towns of agricultural ’districta ot
the west, and south, are practical
ly oil the same level as they were
a year ago. This is doubtless due
to the fact that in those sections
it la the custom for banks to
charge a given rate of interest,
usually ranging from eight to ten
,per. cent .the year around, with
oqt regard to interest rates oh-
in liulustrlal sections or Ctermnn tt-oopi, are holding meet-
Unt rates In effect nt the
si .reserve banks. .
“Inasmuch ns the reduction ot
the discount rate at the Federal
reserve banks has not resulted in
a corresponding decline in tho
rates paid by farmers and other
’boron-ers who deal with banks lo
cated in the email cities and
towns V f the agricultural sections
(Turn to pag^ two)
Prominent Business Men
and Women Aid in
Chamber of Commerce
After working only three hours
teams in t*te Chamber of Com-
merco expansion program report
ed 216 members at the luncheon
Wednesday at 2 o’clock. Of the
amount pledged 91,045 was in
sh. Five teams did not report.
About seventy five business and
ofessional men of Athens start
ed ont Wednesday morning on the
canvas of the city for a greater
chamber of commerce for this city.
After receiving final instruc
tions from the experts of the
American CiVy Bureau th: differ
ent team ergenizstions began Ike
mt team ergenizstions began the
ict ial.pledge'campaign and nt two
I’clocic gathered at the Georgian
The communists who oppose the
presence of any troops In thq Kunr
and who before the Invasion ob
jected oven to the presence of
Local Members to Assist t
In Establishing Club in
Sister City Thursday,
This Week. *
ing* to combat the ettorti ot the-
Nationalists to cause trouble. Com
munists meetings have been held
lately In Dortmnd, Bochum and
other towns. The communists claim
the security police have been as
sisting the Nationalists particular
ly In tracing and giving Informa
tion against Germans who have
accepted the occupational regime.
All the security police in Bochum
have been disarmed.
It Is reported from German
sources that Karl Radek, chief of
publicity for the Russian Soviet
government has been prohibited by
the Inter-Allied high commission
at Coblens from entering the oc
cupied area. The Ruhr Echo, tne
communist organ, has been sus
pended by order of the French.
The Belgians have seized lfiO.-i
000.N0 marks at Dul
amount they claim, was intended
for use aa n strike found. The
French made n like seizure of 2N,-
000.000 marks V KupfArdech.
STUART, Fla. — Search con
tinues Wednesday tor a missing
seaplane with at least two persona
aboard which Is believed to have
been lost some where between the
east coast of Florida and the Ba
hamas. Though radio messages
have been sent out every two
hours In an effort to gain same in
formation concerning the mts9<ng
boat no word has been received
Delos Thomas, of Roanoke, Va.,
and Captain Theodore Gibbs left
here Friday morning aboard tho
Piano, reached Bimini ’and started
on tbe return trip that afternoon '
according to information reaching
Search instituted Saturday has
so far revealed no trace ot the
mjsslng flyers.
Four hosts sent ont from hero
are tiding In tho search and mes
sages are continuing to be broad
cast by radio from the Navy sta
tion at Jupiter.
u, sms mi
Noted Negro Educator
. Places Beginning Wien
Cdih Slew Abel. Adjust
ment Needed.
CHICAGO —The roco problem
at encountered In America as-be
tween the white and black races
first started when Cain slew Abel,
according to Dr. R. R. Moton of tho
Tuskfgee Normal and Industrial
institute, speaking Wednesday lie-
fora the Chicago Woman’s club.
“The race problem I* tbe adjust
ment of man's relation to his broth
er” be aald.
Many persons believe, Dr. (Moton
■aid, “that tbe negro wants to bo
with white people becanao they
are white.” There te no founda
tion in fact for this, ha declared,
adding that the negro enjoys tho
companionship of bis race and nev
er loses an opportunity to bo with
Athens Rotartens will gfi to
Gainesville Thursday afternoon
where they wtU Install a Rotary
The meeting of the cinb will be
tebara. which
. "When a negro shows an Incllna
tlon” to be with white people It is
not because he wonts to bo with
white people as much, but because
be wants to get the beet tend, posi
tion, education, comforts, conveni
ences and protection” he said.
evening. It has
atafO'.wo have had the chance to
heair aa gifted » story teller as Mr.
SSriutifi f ■“
toll one of his
In person. ..The price of admit*
slon will be fifty cents. Tho exact
time and place will be announced.
cry business
of the
hotel for reports and luncheon.
Great interest his been worked
up over the campaign nnd those
who have kept in touch with I*
feel confident that it will be a
complete success.
Daring the next few days ev-
lineas and professional man
city will be called upon to
subscribe to the “Greater Athens
Chamber of Commerce” fund. The
individual membership* have been
placed ut *20.00 per year over •
period 6f three yearx while id is
als(> hoped to raise a working cap
ital Aunt by subscription* from
business . houses over arid above
the. memberships.
Col. D. W Jtythcr is head of the
canvassing teams and he has an
organisation ,of- majors, captains,
lieutenants and tei-u members to
comb, tbe city thoroughly.
held Thursday at 2 o’clock Instead
of Wednesday, the regular day. I
District Governor Porter will be
tbe guest of the elnb and will ac
company them to Gainesville for
tbe installation ceremony in that
The Athena cinb will leave for
Gainesville at 6:20 o’clock Thors
day aftornoon. Every member who
1s not imperatively detained here
will be In the delegation to Gaines
ville, declared President Morton
Interest in East St Louis
Races Shifts to Election
in April After Tuesday
The campaign will dose Friday
with, a find luncheon at the Geor
gian hotel.
Two Athenians At
Religious Session
Two Athenians, C. A. Rowland
and F. L. Slaymaker are attend
ing the eighth biennial convention
ot the Laymen’s Presbyterian Min-
slonnry movement which opened nt
Richmond, Va.. Wednesday.
Mr. Rowland Is chztlrman of the
southern . laymen.« misslnriiy
work and Mr. Slaymaker
cannot afford to miss Mr. Edwards', eatery. Among the speakers nt the
convention will be Mctte Martin. Into
Cento Free State, who spoke In
' hetu.'a tow day. agi); te-
. Delegates from aU'part* dr'the
Clobe. span. Korea, <Y>lna. > Aerfc*
and South America orb ■ attending
EAST ST. LOUIS. III. — Interest
in the local political situation
Wednesday turned to tbe munici
pal election to be held in April
folio wing the primary Tuesday In
which three candidates alleged to
have been supported by the Kn
KIux Kten were nominated as city
commissioner* and tiro others sup
posed tb be'Kten candidate* were
The Rev. William R.
Ralph Cook and August If.
maun, are .the three victori a
candidates- who were aald tb bare
been Indorsed by the Kten. They
polled three of the tear largest
votes fpr commissioner. ’The de-
When Arrested For Hav-i*? 818 ? c * nd i4*t»s, who were d«
‘ ctored to have been Included In the
ing Booze, Man Con- alleged “state” of oVe put out hy
tends Vessel
. -put on
Hia the kten were M.,IS Harris, fpr
mayor, and S. F. porter for com
Widespread Interest was foens-
rtenteinl 8 * 0,1 11,8 r88,,lt the Primary
VkteS u firing which three men were ar-
owntoir cldT* IMMOW on ““f* 88 <* lUtribuUng
mbtten nlrtnra nJSterir chInrIU i 8Btmo ^ moM P°Htlc*l circular*.
Tuesday with failure to report! IjVfJ 1
elrtV7aU0« Ofllq^r ^road to;!? 8 * 88 ’-W to bo Catholic, or
L declared the craft waa hi*
home and he was entitled to have
llqzur In It.
DcMIlle supported McNnry*s
statement that tha Seaward was
hie home and said the skipped had
it stored abroad the Tatch
afnec before tbe Boistead act went
to have been supported by catho
lic organisations. .
Hie St Louis Post Dispatch
printed an article stating that the
alleged kten “elate” had pledfed
, to appMnt protes-
imen to public ot-
“It Is self-evtdsnt that tbo ne
gro baa practically no share la Urn
making or execution of tews. He
knows that when he is segregated
that underneath the segregation Is
tbe idea that be it inferior ami
unfit for association with decent
people of, any other race. He
knows that 4n hia section of the
city the streets are not paved;
that criminals of hia own and of
ten of other races an allowod to
run at large and prey upon tbo
Innocent and tho ignorant
- “I believe that unless democracy
is a failure, and Christianity jk
mockery,,lt Is entirely feasablo ami
practicable for the black and white
race* ot America to develop site
by aide in peace, In harmony ami
In mutant helpfulness, each ugM.
ion to be Held There
Last Week, But Called
Off on Account of Du-
Pree Death.
The Rlwanls dab win meet it
the Normal School Thursday night
at 7 o’clock. Tho meeting wag to
have been held test Friday night
hot waa postponed on aeconnt of
tho death of Dr. Dan Du Free and
Mrs. coke O. Talmadge.
Secretary Fleet Lanier declares
Dr. Pound and tho Normal girls
hay* prepared an excellent pro-
"— and tbs K
rram nnd tho Klwanltns
the,tips of thcJpJ&El
' The meeting , wlli b*
will have
Winnie Da
ivi$ hall and
1 his assistants are get
ting ready to serve the
a delicious dinner.
. -