Newspaper Page Text
investigate Today!
To Regular Subscribers of
jt.Cjo Accident Policy Fred.
VOL 9’
“Laddie Boy,” White
House Dog, Attends
Benefit Bridge Party
field Marshall Says if
Necessary His Country
Will War Rather Than
He Disgraced.
french General Ahr
nouncs Court Martial
Fcr Those Failing to
Meet Obligations.
I'.EItl.lN—Field Mumbai Von
lindi-rLurR la quoted by the
Pj.'cs KHtunjr as having wild at a
*,,ctiiiir of the Hanover agrlcul*
.1! !•■
will never forget «hat we
• Dormans and must' do ou>
id that if decennary we will
\t>n until the hut flag it
. iriecen and the lunt nword
-hattered. It in better to
in honor than to live In din*
Hull i*
Prenn.)—The quentlon of
u the forty per cent tux,
I came to the fore
view of General De
<•'« announcement that re-
10 meet thin obligation mokes
lew liable to trial by court
11 and would renult In the
;jv of coal st the mines,
foie the occupation the coal
v\as paid to the Herman govv-
ent but the mine owner* have
«>•! to turn it over to thu
il> and Belgians,
i.hi the new decrees ship
x to Holland und Switzerland
not be v subject to the
Although' Little Hope is
Held, Search for Miss
ing Seaplane is Being
Remark of U. S. Ambas
sador to Britain At Pil
grim’s Dinner, Given
an airdale pet of tbe White House
too a . hand at helping his “unfor
tunate brethren” when he visited
a benefit Bridge party given Wed
nesday by tiic Animal Jtcscue
League here. Pinned on his col
lar was this note, Learing the ,
W "My %£SJ?*££rL to jo 1 Optimism Pervades Com-
whnt 1 can to help my vnfortunau: | mercial, Industrial, Fi-
brethren”. Laddie Boy shock hands 1 *. . , 7 A
with those present and went back | Bancial Activities, bays
Small Girl and Six Enlisted Men
Perish in Flames; Others Hurt
to the White House conveying—
on his neck—a note o' to
Mrs. Hnrding front the League.
Reserve Bank.
Giant Seaplane Has
Been Gone Since Fri
day. Was Off Florida
STUART, Fla. — With no trace
of Delos Thomas, aviator, and Cap
tain Theodore Tibbs, lost since last
Friday when they left Bimini
LONDON (By the Associated
Press)—Ambassador Harvey's as
sertion that Great Britain had not
been asked to guarantee and never , , „ _
,guaranteed “payment of a single aboard a seaplane for Stuart and,
dollar lnsrei! by lie Urn'*d Staff «! PVer y possible "effort made to lo-
for toe 01 any com > v utlirr i cate ,bem * little hope Is now belli
than Great Britain herself” stood out that Uw have, weathered
out Thursday as one of the note- rou K b . s ™"* *» d they were forced
worthy utterances of hie address * !'* I)( *t sea.
at the Pilgrim's dinner Wednes-1 iMea » hl1 ® t!,e search Is being
day evening. ! rontim. ,-d by air and motor craft.
•Colonel Harvey quoted .from the i ®r. and Sirs. C. A. Brov/n. of
Balfour no t; of last Augsist the i Pittsburgh, being here to direct
phrase “Under the agreement ar-f^he search. They are perci nal
rived at, the United 1 States insist- friends of DeLos Thomas,
cd. in substance if not in form, I fishermen who crossed the gulf i
Agricultural Situation
Movie Director and Steel Trust Agent
at Reno Prove to be *Prohi* Men
Uti.NO, Xev.—Reno's divorce
colony was gasping Thursday at
the discovery that two of its most
recent additions were dry enforce
ment officers whose activities tip to
Thursday had brought about IS nr-
«t.i and the closing of a number
Greatlv Imm’oved Man*' 1 ,f l ' la< ' M wh0,e “ had hef " whl "
VJieauy liuptuveu.iuan |iere(1 thuve knowing the right
ufacture and Building
Show Progress
One of Biggest Athletic
Events Ever Held Here
Began Wednesday 27
Teams Enter.
With twenty-seven teams enter
ed, the largest high school basket
ball tourney ever held In this part
spend the money iu was only on
our security that they were pie-
pared to lend it"
The ambassador said he did not
doubt but that the Bri-iish gov
ernment would “with equal formal
ity and no less explicitness, re
move the misapprehension created
by this unfortunate allusion.”
The dinner was given in honor
of Stanley Baldwin, chancellor of
the exchequer who headed the re-
con'. financial mission to Washing,
ATLANTA. Ga. — By the Asso-
[elated Press)—Optimism prevades
the commercial. Industrial, and rt-
nanclal activity of the Sixth Fed
eral Reserve district, it was de
clared Thursday in the monthly
business review Issued by the Fed
eral Reserve bank of Atlanta. The
district Is composed of the states
of Florida, Oeorgin, Tennessee,
Alabama, Louisiana und Missis
Business men say that condi
tions are nearer normal than at
spy time since the outbreak of
Si, iT Air . !Htream on Fridae and Sattir,Hv ot the state opened here Wodnes-
that though our Allies weie to n ‘ t d _ J , fh i , , j ay. when the teams of Winder
spend the money lU was only on JXmelv rough * nU/ High School and Hartwell High the world war. the review assert-
Radio messages have brought 1 .*£' addln ' [ that ""“ hOU - e![ccp '
no responae.
word could obtain liquor.
One of the agents posed as a
film compun^r director und the oth
er appeared in the role cf "repre
sentative of the steel trust." They
Six Fatalities When Ex
plosion in Boiler Room
of Asiatic Destroyer
Hulbert Occurs.
GIRL DIeFwhEN* 1 ’'
gained admittance to the select co
terie by convincing attorneys that
they sought divorces from fic-
ticiou* wives in order to wed
equally ficticious women. ■ ■
Roth officers, it is said, became ; ftf TjIVPQ IlTlTlPnlpd
highly popular with the feminine! . S
contingent of Jlie, t/4ony. Klght I
places were raided on Information!
obtained by the ugents and com-- •
plaints are to be filed. Friday
against the 13 arrests.'according to I
the United States district attorney. I
Reno today Is said to be the | r
When Volunteer Home
is Razed. Firemen Hurt
in N. 0. Blaze.
driest spot in the United States.
Course In Thrift Is To Be
Inaugurated As A Result
Of L. F. Pope’s Explana
Inasmuch as they have complete
-fl*d a n*ro detandtfct j
I. ;ii>if* to determine what each!NeWSpapBFS *Tn Britain j g U » ty of the charge against him,
Enthusiasm In “Greater
Chamber of Commerce
For Athens” Leaps At
Thursday’s Session.
workers In -the “Greater
Chamber of Commerce for Athens”
<-re In k regular revival sea
"•'iu at tbe pre-canvaaa meeting
Thursday morning and following
additional instructions peppy
speeches were made by Ablt Nix.
Hsrrv Hodgson. M. J. Costa, J. C.
Wilkinson and H. 0. Eptlng. The
si»i of the meeting was, “Let's
* nnd put this thing over.
forgetting the little petty dlfflcul
In the Initial game of the tourna-. tion” reports state that the "out-
I ment. | look Is bright, anil at the present
' The two teams were evenly time there are no alarming develop
matched and the final result show morns In sight.'
ed the score as 11 to 10 with Hart
well on the long end.
The second game brought to
gether Commerce High and car-
nesvllle High, which was another
hot affair, with Commerce holding
the big end of a 21 to 20 score.
Bogart High and Brasleton High.
a XT ran tho dark horso of the tournament
After Negro Defendant .took the floor next, Brasleton
Is Declared Not Guilty, | emerging victorious by a score of
White Prosecutor IS Royston High and Statham H(;h
Asked For Costs "held the spotlight tn the neat
which Statham High annexed t>
The prosecutor became the defen j th ^ ne , °. f m ” *®, 17 ,',
dant In n case In City Court Wed
nesday when the Jury not only
The teams of Jefferson High
and Colbert occupied tbe center
(Turn to Page Two)
Seem to Welcome News b,,t ,a,<l the e° urt u p°“ the
of Failure of Harding’s 1 tor .
shoulders of the white prosecu-
Pet Measure.
LONDON.—(By the Associated
Press.)—Commenting cn the death
of the American Ship Subsidy hill.
Thursday, newspapers find that the
morale Is “the futility of any gov
ernment's attempting to create In
dustry artificially or to national-1
The negro, Eugene Neely, was
prosecuted by R. C. Chandler of
Wintervllle. Mr. Chandler claims
the negro agreed to* give him part
of Iris cotton crop In payment for
use of land. In event the cotton
was destroyed by boll weevil the
white man was to get 1-4 of the
Mr. Chnndler claims the negro
Synlonmtlc staving will bo taught
A then* school children, it wn* an
nounced Thursday.
Wholesale und retail trade were T "° ,hrlft th< ' Kd “«»-
both said to reflect better busl-;"onil Thrift Service will he In-
ness conditions uved Jpnuary of stalled In Athens public schools,
last year. . [The Beard of Educati-n Wecnea-
dsy was requested to adopt the
system of the Educational Service
after hearing It explained by L. F.
Rope, representative of the com
Tli** matter was referred to the
-MANILLA.—(By the Associated
■res.)—Six enlisted men on the
; U. S. destroyer Hulbert of the Asl-
:nUc fleet were burned to death In
Inn exploeton in tho boiler room
S'cauaed by Hie flare back of oil. No
others were Injured.
MOBILE, Ala.—One little girl
was burned to death and tho Uvea
of a noore of others Imperiled when
.the Volunteers of America home
Property in Eighth Dis- , was destroyed in an early morning,
districts to be Returned "™- K * nxl *-
0 „ j * ., | five, was trapped In the second
on bame It round As ltfloor dormitory and woe carried to
Was in 1099 ! her d ** th when the floor collapsed,
was 111 XV&C,. j The home was located outside the
> Jetty limits and no fire plugs were
Taxable property In the Eighth «''*il»ble firemen fought the blaze
Congressional district win be re- wi,h hand extin * u,ib «r«.
commissioner stated, It Is by lo
means certain the next legtaU-.ure
will do anything In tba. way of et-
With Eugene O’Brien and
a Great Cast, “The
Voice From the Mina
ret” is Good Picture.
Conditions In agricultural’ com
munities wero described as “great
ly Improved" because of the rela
tively greater returns received by .
the farmers for the last season J committees -m ftnnnce and la-.-.
Chop.' Freezing temperatures ex-|iinl ;.icy de-i-nt • .- •!• tin- *.'*•
perienced In many parts of the dls- j xho c.intract does not require
jrjet during February »;ere beUev- | u Mfpi . lllt , on ^ fund , or
H to have destroyed large mim* . . ‘ T,
bors of boll weevils and reduced l" 9 " 80 hv clt > r - Tho Lducatlon-
lhe,amount of weevil damage to al Thrift Service will eelect u lo-
TM^eomlu^ ci*bp'. a -.-■ Icri th-vvciiory wUhin the- oexUtaw
Reports Indicated a material In- .dayit- Cutifn dij'S'ltt the week are
crease planned for cotton acreage, us - ba „k day” and the DUIIcrlE „
Large qnantltlea of fertilizers are j c ^i|dren deposit the money, any i LAST YEAR
oelng purchased by the farmers, it llL n then forwarded to I
was * t f' ed - a " dp r; pa - ra, ‘? n '’ for !* h “ »«•* »» ,h# ■»* The commissioner told the tax
(Turn to j>age Five) ivlce. M#kpvlr(i delegates the tax values were bet-
i hi- Lilucatlonnl Thrift H > r ' lr *|ter equalized tazt year than at any
1" maintaining over 500 «y»‘«m»- t lme previously.' Speaking of the
Atlanta recently ndopte.1 It and to {.""JJStSXn l.w .n"
i four weeks $14,000 was depo*HeO
i in its depository.
turned in 1923 on the same basis
it was given In last year.
This agreement was reached by
nearly llfty delegates from thir
teen counties attending the tax
equlllsatlon meeting here Wednes
day afternoon.
The meeting was addressed by
H. J. Fullbrtght, state tax commis
sioner, who advised the conven
tions that no extra revenue would
be coming Into tbe state by reason
ot the proposed revision tax sys
tem until ItU. Of course, the “JV?” 1 Tl ”
.,.,^1 I. I. „ 1 ?*. bri . Ck .* ,r UCk the ladder, hurllna
NEW ORLEANS.—Fire Ciiplai,,
Fred Smith was probably totally
Injured and atreral other ftremi
were slightly hurt when a brick
wall collapsed during a fire lit..
Wednesday night wHIch practically
destroyed the Hicks building pt
Barrone and Union streets occu-
liled principally by officea of cot
ton firms The police early Thurs
day placed the loss at between
9250,040 and fiOO.OOO.
Captain Smith was half way up
an.uerlul ladder when a section ot
the roof suddenly fell. Tho mass
/America's dream* «f ocean su-
I»r« macy nhatterrd l^’ Drltuln.”
America could not butUl Khlpa an
cheaply an we do. '.r aa well" the. A - mi •
Chronicle said "neither Could 11 AthCIlS UmlllCrS
Senator Calder of New
York in “Swan Song”
Industry." failed to carry out his agreement
"The experiment failed, as all | and disposed of tho crop. Tbe
state ventures In shipping either u,. K ro answered that he complied .
have tolled or are tolling” the l w ltb tile agreement. The Jury!
Telegraph says. "A bureaucracy foumI tho defendant not guilty,
Irrespective of nationality, does and aslted ,h e Judge If the white J
no i. ' I "dv r st“; , 'l buHlness.- „, an cou | d ba charred with the |, IK great things from Norma Tal
The Chronicle hua a headline j The Judge told them he ruadice. udtnltte<lly tho mont popu-
> could If found guilty of mallcIoUH lar actremt on the ficreen today,
jproaccutfon and the Jury ho found, each of her nucceedlng plcturea re-
veain a new N:rmu more perfect,
4 if that were p«ut*!ntc. than tn her WASHINGTON—CmurrcHM bloc
!preceding role.*; more flnlnhed In UIM | H gltatIoh fir gj\ernlnen» op-
n • Ull_ .A iher artistry. Here Is a suir who is'eratlon of railroads were- deplored
1 raise HIDSrtOn not content to rest tin her lustrous | b) . ,H., mtll r Chide,repunllcnn
'laurels; each new porlnyal 1» 1 New/Vork, in a “swan song" u<l-
marked by advince and progress. • drMS Thunulny tn tiic cenute re-
by u Hinccrlty and depth umaxing viewing hla IN yens ci t*on-4ree*
Hlonul ntrvlce which
run them or min them an we do.
Wniihlngton made Home what the
mime miiftake with whipping that
Mohcow made with IndUHtricn.
"Thun end* In catastrophe the
faMteitt ami most futile attempt In
^ ‘the hlxtory to create artlflcuTly n
lie* some citizens are'throwing new Industry. A new empter now - ] yaraab fez weavers Tuesday at a production
In Hie way.” opens for thk British Mercantile
t rising and rouilng vote a Marine."
"wtlon to this effect was made.
tax equlllxatlon law and the pro.
posal to repeal It, the commlsalon-
er. warned the representatives of
the various counties In this group
the repeal would cripple the pub
lic schools.
The resolution adopted by the.
convention Wednesday allows ell
property Including farming land to
be returned at last year’s value
basis. The average value basil of
Clarke county land last year was
The total value of taxable pro
perty In Clarke county In 1022 was
$19,914,856. which was about
Unless Owners Can Pro-
5f, 0ne ^ 0r ? e !r Bnd “ balf under the prevl-
ceipt, They Are In Grave oua year’s figures. Of this amount
Danger [seventeen million, throe hundred
Vr. Nix In Ills remarks made clesr
i" the workers Just whst the
American r-lty Bureau was getting
out of the drive and when he
finished all those present seemed
"ttonlshod that anyone should
<"1*“ abjections to the method the
directors have employed In bring.
Car Disappears
As He Sees Game
While attending the Northeast
Georgia Rankethnll Tournament In
Athens Shrlners are still sing-
Ing the praise Of the Elberton:,n th .lr rinesie.
Shrlners who were hosts to tbe ; such is the raw* with her lute*t! folowing hln defeat f »»•
.. c - < - ■* * - ' “The Voice From the' i^clarlng that Arnci l
I thousand comprise city ot Athens
; values.
Automobile owners or drivers
who linvo not received tbelr 1913
license tags or who esnnot pro
duce ;i money order receipt had
big celebration and ceremonial, i Minaret," a First National picture f|Y^"|'," a 'j''' n ot'""kcpV' pan- with out better leave the “old b-is” home
A large number went over on the .which opened at ih« Palace Thru-i Krea i industrial d-vclopmont." * Friday,
special train from here. jtn- Thursday. We went there rx-1 senator Calder derlared that "s v-J According to the law I hose wltn
Among the prominent Elber- peering tn l>e pleased mightily. We|,. rnnient reguntluns a.;•! deounicbi-:out these but who can snow a »on-
tonians mentioned as taking a lead | left wondering whether we wuula. her b and h. ro are slmvly ' y »t>ler receipt will be .-tllowed
in the day's festlvlsles are, Mr. !•'« able to deserlhe In cold type I breaking down" tbe railroads. l ten days In which to got their
Hunter; known here to large circle J''"‘ b,, ' v marvelous a work of net. --This great urm of Anierlrun In-1 tags. Cases will be made against
‘dustry,’’ said Senator Calder “of those without either a tag or mom
Ins lids Bureau here to put the'the Moss. Auditorium W4dnes*!ay |
htovemmt over.
Air Nix made It plain that there
nothing selfish about tho
move by any director, any member
", r «»>' official of tha chamber an(
inm this is a,time when everyone
* 1,0,1 hi null together and put the
proposition over.
Tho meeting was pronounced
*“** '*"*t ever held by the Chamber
"( ' "mmerce and thr-canvassers
“-m oi,t determined all to accom-
"h'h nothing short , of. success.
TV, seemed determined that they
'mill,i no ( „| 0 p 0 ngi every effort
I* made to get every man and wo-
"lan n the city Interested In the
- that means so much to
, future and It was quite
'loarli in the air that so far as
one hundred are con-
''•rr. d anv person who Is lnko-
**"•) to the proposition and lags
* i-onsldered as an obstrnc-
tioni.t | n t ),p city’s growth.
wiU hot sccept any per-
Tcnshsu such as objection
methods employed tn secnr
e subscriptions, opposition
directors of the Chamber’s
* as being sufficient to war
iy hnslnesl man or enter-
rn-i n c ejtizen trim Joining hear*
, the movement.
!’ '"oks like tbe proposition fa
■ ever and going over "Wg."
I'” doesn't than the Influence of
“f the leading man and wt
” conta for naught
night, J. R. Winter left ht» au
mobile, a Ford touring cnr. imr't-
ert o)i the city streets. Athens po
lice Thursday wero searching t <jc
the tAlef.
Morning Games Results
Greensboro 66 Maysvllle 4
Lawrencevllle 16 Washington 9
Laronia 89 Arnoldsvllle 13
Evanlng Games 7:30
Commerce vs. Statham.
Jefferson vs. Danila.
Brasleton va. Watkinsville.
Moss Auditorium.
rif friends as "Major" Hunter. W. r f»'j7 *"■ ,
O. Jones. W. .T. Arnold. Herman ! MIhh Talmuilges Inspired acting
\T' < L M * y0r Denn1 "' Mr ' ^ f y|.Wd«^"rorTi£!W
anu oinera. ^ jflcltnt MuptHirlina cast; u iiplemlld
•t«»r>’. replete with dramatic xltuu-
tions; settinxs that trunHpbint one
th*» utmost Importance-tu all our i ey order receipt,
development Is arad'.ially Indus j Under Hie license tag law, mo*
pnrnllxed throuah («<>vernmenlui; tor cnr owners .are required to pro
mulevoence. It has iiocumt* the I cure their tags on^ or before March
spOrt of politicians to denounce the; |. When the department closed
rail reads.” Wednesday afternoon approxl-
Henator Calder said that it was niatcly 92.000 tags had been issued
inon, veteran 1>1k league pitcher j ” ul t 11 the highlights nfitime to tell the truth. If the rail* j whereas at the corresponding time
hu* been released unconditionally ’°' ee Minaret," J roads were to be kept out of bang*, «*p ftr about 107,000 had been
by the Pittsburgh Nationals it was , „ 1 ^ on,e i ‘J om the •***•<* P en jruptcy und added that senators issued,
unnounced Thursibiy. Harmon re-j^J Robert Hlchens und haa been I were fearful of every move that] ’
tired from the gome several years | j nmjiterful manner^by | we make and every vote that we ^AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL
PITTSBURG. Pa.—Robert *Har-; l,ltH lhe realms of romance—these j
ago to engage Tn -the oil business J J, rftn * c ^loyd. who numbers "The east."
... ... .. RtRrnni Pimm- Discussing the bloc
in his home state of Loulslna. He! ®£f nnI among his nccom
hod been cnrletl on the Pirates re- ! Puehmenta,
serve list but recently asked for Ids
m-i iD I,»4 ..Ml .WV.U.J -wnww .w, ...w, A " Lady Adrienne, Miss Tal-
uncondjtional release, stating that | n, adge^has l»eeti given a rofe that
he Wf*ned to sever all $?onnectlon : only cou,d Play with such skill
With basebpll. !T*° '* }** range
f O (1;.
inr t
to f» ,
Offlt i;
Because He Had A
Wife. And Children
_ ' dramatic emotions that It demands.
mrkKHMa'v TO VATIONAIR !° ne enthralled by the scope of
IHt hr.KMArS to NATIONALS I ulanu and by , he eAm « ith
NEW YORK—Lm Dickcrman, | whloli .tranaporta th. npecwti.,
otic of the molt effective pitchers 1 rrt,m ,b ' drabneiw of everyday life
ih' the Southern Aoiociation last i 1 " romance land.
season, Thursday signed a con- ! f°"U* c,,on wl,h ‘hi* offering
tract wi* the Brooklyn Nationals. """T 1 * BU,ho l> » , “ b «'c «olo..,iwnn-
• t — . , uevi yy i ■ot* ini' uiuuKijru izasiunnii*.
Sentence Suspended tDickcrmafi. a right hander was
'purchased from the Memphis club
Because he line a wife, and tour
snuil' children to support Judge J.
D. Bradivell In CUy Court Wednes-.. .. . ,
day ufterncon wlthh. ld sentence <m uroldered In pei
Frank Haris, n white man onnrged
with having whiskey. Harris en
tered a plea <>f guilty, rtin.-e the
ease was made he moved to Jnclc-
snn county where he llvea.
Husle Hhuw. negress, was freed
I,f the charge of having whlrttey m
CUy Cpurt Thursday morning
Hoyt Stevens, negro, plead guilty
having a email quantity “*
Very sheer while organdie, em-
colon and
designs, is very, popular for collars
and cuffs for the new spring
frocks. Entire frocks of em'-rold-
ered organdie surely will grow In
popularity as the winter wans.
FT. SMITH, Ark.—The South-
western coal commission was or
ganized at a meeting of operators
sad representativep of tha 1 United
whlekey and-Ursa fined 140. PtedeTMine worketpl-of "Awerica,' district
Dye aMO plead guilty i.t'ha*lit*' , 4 (aiJ' follMroirJniA .tjnAa' of^a «on4
small qukntlty of whiskey dhd vsss,tract puiWouslyillJnafilflt 'Kshsss
fined $;o. I City by operator* and workers.
1st has n special organ program
und between picture* stags to the
delight of the audience.
Finland Minister
Talks To Mellon
About Their Debt
WASHINGTON — The minister
of Finland. Dr. Axel Leonard As-
Aatrom, Thursday made an ap
pointment with secretary Mellon
for tomorrow to begin preliminary
conversations over the refunding
of tbe Finnish Rovenunenta debt
to the United States, .mounting
$*.981,928 In principal and about
8F.1CQ.OOO' In seemed aad iunpaid
interest , , T7i
movement, j
Henutor Culder Haiti:
•T should like to appeal here f:rj Governor Hardwick Wednesday
the ending of all blocs or net,;. pointed nine new trustees for
sectionalisms: for n better spirt;,: ^hc Tenth District Agricultural
a mure thorough updcretgaJlog | Kl -hool at Granite Hill, as well sz
und a more whole..,1c regard toi j onp trustee for the Seventh Dis-
each other among the Icgisiatorr i trict , t Powder Springs.
Who Should represent our nntc-i. Earrv Wright, prominent attorney
LPttea. ■ of Rome was named to tho lat-
, "“"T _ !tcr place, while the following
SALES ALMOST, DOUBLE | were chosen for *ie Granite Hil)
CHICAGO—February sales of !****><“•’ .. .
•Montgomery A WuTu company a*-. W.. C. Clay, Hpriem: Herbert
sre -ated $o,o«3.304. e aopared with A. Williamson, Gibson; IL S. Far-
Athenians Present For
Charter Presentation.
Soecial Train Carries
Big Delegation.
hltn to the street nnd fracturing
his spine.
Many Pr6tty Athens Gii’ls
In Race For Ford Coo»
And Gold Prizes Offer
f'hey'rc off!
With 51 las Lovlce Jowssm‘pret
ty and popular Casblsr of . I>s
Georgian I’ulm Garden In the lead >
voting Is brisk 1n the White Way
I'opularlty Contest.. In which
twenty-three Athens girls . hnvs
been nominated.
Although the votlngdid not begin
until sfondsyi twenty.sfree girls
have been nominated and Ijeforo
the day for nominations closes
Saturday If Is expected the field
will be full. Those nominated by ,
Saturday will receive the 1.000 bo
nus vote.
The ilremler prise in the contest
Is a Ford coupe. The second pnz<-
Is $1.00 la gold, third ISO In gold
:-nd fourth 820 in gold. Votc3 arc
one penny aach and tho surplus
will he used In the establishment
Of the pluyground system In Ath.
ens. The contest ends on tho day
ot the White Way opening April.*'
A large delegation of Athent
Rotariana, Including almoat the
entire membership, will go
GalneavRIe Thursday afternoon for
a charter presentation meeting of
the new club In that city. The
delegation will leave here /it 8:30
on a apeclnl train after being Jo'n-
ed by a crowd of Klberton Rotart-
ana. The party will return Thurs
day night In time for tho Elberfml
ens to catch the midnight train
Calneaville la one of the largest
cities of tjie state not to have a
civic club of this nature before
Rotary went there nnd shonld
boast of one of U)« best In the
Among those giilng over will be.
Gasner Palmlssano. ,L. P. Palmer,
KvE'S. ' .'.c!'. , miu iJouisville - Marvin G Pound - T L.‘Sexton. John E. Talma^ge.
15.7X4,085 for February 1022. un In- ™ u i JAJUISVHIS, marvin u, ruuno . T , , ,,,, n r _
'Sparta: Dr. W. H. Estes, Lincoln* ,™ ln,ad g«. Ablt Nix. Dr. C.
ton: John T. West, Thomson; !»• Walker. Phsrloa A. ficudder. M.
Judge Henry G,
‘ *■ — uminuui d, u* uueuTiim. si.
kins. J. B. Joel, A. Rhodes. M. 8.
Hodrson. F. B. Hardeman, Brant-
pany announced Thursday. Tiic j
lota I ordora reachc-tl ilio l.irfriq.
figure for the month of Feiiruu
on any year of (he
Hammond, Au- J * ro,t ''* J - Warren Smith. C. H.
feiiste: Thomas J. Davis, Tennille, Uompton, J. O. Ooetohlus. J. J. WII
ampany'8 Id/-J and .Miss Marian Colley, Washing
SAVANNAH, Ga.—The ltosinl
uuthurillse In Savannah . today
stnrted tu enforce the rale of nu
mull box no mall. Several hundred
Suvanneblans have tolled tu put
mall boxes on tbelr irshlences und
must go to theipn*ta*KM'U tor thelt
insIL There., Isusf, d n4a*t« oSfiltt lari
famine .in Sswannehiithsuo tUslrtS
having none. <•
WASHINGTON— Nominations
to fill vacancies in three Georgia
pnstoffiecs wero sent to the sen
ate today for confirmation, as fol-
lowar Covington, John L. Calla-
gratrj Jonesboro, Cicsco DJiDuffoe
sad,. i*i. v»J tr SpriugSy. Ezma D
lev Dozier. J. B. Rilling, C. D.
Flanlcen. Billups Phluizr, M. M.
Arnold. T. H. Dozier. Jr., If. H.
Gordon, Jr.. Sidney Boley, E. F.
Porter, A. O. Dudley, R. B. Mood-
worth. H. W. White. Hucb Hodg
son. Charlie Eckford. Dr. Pope
Hollldav. Howard Benson, James
White. Dr. W. L. Moes. Dr. W. H
Boencki, T. H. Nickerson. O. A.
Booth. Dr. Ralph Qoos. Harry H;'g
son. F. J. Orr. Pol. D. W. Rythor
•nd J. W. Jamil, Jr. t
The voUng Is aa follows;
.Miss Lovlce Jowei-s, test.
MIhs llvssle Jackson. 1206.
Ml»s Pauline Tuny, 10»o.
•Miss Nellie Griffcth, 10C0.
•Miss Martha McAlpIn, 1050.-
Mlsa I-iurn Hammond, 101:,.'
Miss Katherine Ashfbrd. loin.
Miss Katherine Bmdwell, looi.
Mbs Lmmu Booth. 1002.
Jllas Hassl Hodgson. 1001.
51 Is Elisabeth Harris. 1007.
Miss Frances Holden, 1001.
Ml„* Sarah Hall, 1001.
MIhs Chios Kemp, 1010
MIhs Sarah .Maddux, loll.
MIhs Martha Nicholson.Tool.
Sirs. W. D. Paschal. 1001. •
Miss Katherine Park. 1001. ' '*>
Miss Mary Sima, 1001.
5!re. Clarence Stone, 1*0*.- • r P
atbw Louise Uiwun, lOOl.
Sllss Mathllde Nnsvn. 1001. . ' '
Mis Moliie Whitehead 1001.
in life by
You .can't
Jumping men—and Jo;
Censldsr salmiy thoie quallile,
In your possseslen that you be.
Ileve will make fee sventu.i big.
nets In Ilfs.
Settle your mind on ONE line
of wsrk that you KNOW will fit
ysur abilities, than sut loose and
find that work.
It's caiyl
Read tha “Help Wanted" col-
««ni ef the Banner Herald Want
Ada avery day and Join the army
Of successful men In Athcn. who
pet their Jabs In exactly tha sam<
Nsw Read The Went Ad».
Bre >s - 1