Newspaper Page Text
A Renewal of War Is
Expected To Break (hit
In Europe Right Soon
:pl°yraent Said .to
Be on the Increase, and
F< , ft Situation Becomes
Education of the T(oung
Has Practically. Ceased.
New War Generally
DOM — (By the Associated
i - Gloomy pictures of the
ion In the Ruhr with warn*
if an impending crisis, were
,1 Thursday by some ot the
a newspaper correspondents,
neldorf dispatch to the Tele-
Kays that th^ unemployment
situation is dangerous. Economic
conditions arc described as dlsas-
ihous the correspondent asserting
that 25,000 persons ard without
WJ rk in Dusseltort alone, and that
tl.,.-c ages ot those employed are
insufficient. The' workmen were
noticeably, depressed, the corres-
pomient adds and rumors are cur-,
pat that they are beginning to
doubt the issue of the struggle. ,
The French, this dispatch as-1
sorts, aro preparing to deal, with
the food problem which wUI’-’ih-
doubtediy arise with the -Increase
of unemployment. Their kitchens
boycotted at first, are now
Town Hall Taken, School
Surrounded, Police There
Disarmed and Driven
BERLIN. (By the Associated
Press.)—A telegram from Dort
mund states that the French re
entered that city Thursday, sur
rounding the school house and dis
arming the police who were quar
tered there. The force was re-
Ihtoved to an unknown destination.
T?ie French allowed the patrol-
Anita Stewart and -
Her Husband “Agree
to* Disagree” She Says
Broad Street Between
College Avenue and
Lumpkin St Is Place
my husband isn’t. There is no
co-respondent—at least I know of
none. If I erer do get • divorce
.1 shall make all the details pub
lic for motion picture patrons who
are entitled to know the truth
about their entertainers.”
Prominent Men Appeared
Befqre Council and
Discussed Project.- Firor
Athens was assured a Curb
Market for farm products by City
Council in its Wednesday night
session. s
At the close of a discussion of
the need here for a Curb Market
or some agency through which the
farmer can sell his surplus pro
ducts for casji, council designat-
using and that the political ,men to take theri belongings with I ed Broad from College ave-
k.’ . 1 tnnm wntlo fhn Mfidnro worn nPr. . r ... _ at
Stewart,’ motion picture actress
and her husband, Rudolph Came
ron, director, have “agreed to dis
agree for a little while and live
apart”, Mise Stewart said accord
ing to a story in Los Angeles
Times published Thursday.
“I am not contemplating a di
vorce” she added, “and l am sure
rl ten**
ABDUCTED DOCTOR'Daniels and Richard Met Death When
Powerful Road Tractor Passed Over
Their Bodies Crashing Them to
Convicted French Woman
Has Tried Suicide Seven!
His Wife Was Beaten
Off When Slie Tried to
Save Him From Un
masked Kidnappers.
Two Boys Are Also
Whipped By Masked
Men For Intoxicating a
Young Girl.
mo inn
so *s«
Times Is In
and county authorities Thursday
continued tholr .investigation of
a Serious tbe abduction, robbing, and lieat-
Bodies of Men Who Aid
ed in Still Raid Found
in Shallow Graves of
Mud. >
. FRANKLINTON, La.—At ..least
them while the officers were per
mitted to retain their swords. The
town hall was later occupied.
The Cologne correspondent of
3 Women, 3 Men Taken.
roaa street irom \guegw' JJ™*. | Tomb . were watching carefuly to-
nue to Lumpkin as the market day to Drevent M „. Pau ieue
street. If the market grows, os
is expected, more space will be
lag of Dr. Chestou Goldberg, t wo men were expected to be in-
desplte the prosecution’s reluc-; dieted when an extraordinary ses-'
tance to press the case. Dr. Gold *j 0 n Q f the Dashington parish
berg staggered into polica head-
NEW YORK-Attendants at 019 wXsdny moriing™* ^t J Tnv^tlS^th e h sffi”f " P ° n "' ble f0r ,he,r ’ death »’
£ h . a aVa e e en at Se ^ ed “y C^and ^ey^Pifrce
3ghrTh e a Vmor h sa.d he “felt ****
An ordinance, including regula
tions for the market, will be drawn
some.time Thursday by a commit
tee consisting of Aldermen. J. H.
Rucker, H. B. Heywood, Kent Hill
day to prevent Mrs.
Saludes. the little French woman
convicted Wednesday by a Jury of
the murder of Oscar Martllletre
from cheating Justice.
Mrs.' Saludes, who killed the in
surance broker in his office Octo
ber 10 was In a serious condition
th* ritv Atfcornev together Thursday from swallowing poison,
and the City Attorney,, together Throe tlme , a(ter the Jury foreman
with representatives from .the
'civic bodies advocating the Marl
It was made plain, howtever,
Wednesday night the huksters or
Questionable. Cafes and
Stands -Watched. Houses
Closed Up,
the Dally. Express reports that “blue law” enforcement co“M j not^lsh t^^SnilhSelf^ofiMhe
' conditions in Essen and Bochum was given Thursday .-by Chief oi|, C u. k-,.- -n,. mJ.
-be .
wares anywhere
Iling tlk._
anytime. This, it was admitted,
is what “killed" the market , two
fears ago. It was pointed ont
-Wednesday night that {he market
is being established to aid the
an- pitiful and that the death rate
imong -the, children has, risen 20
per cent In tlio last month and
lik Ik almost, unobtainable. Tlio
phrase “hunger blockade” is on the
lips of . tho whole German, pojffljj;
The French military
have given orders to admit all
(oral stuff* to the city but some
oi tho trucks neveir arrive and
part ot the shipments is stolen.
Education, the correspondent
adds, is at a standstill for the
French have odbupted the schools.
The passing of each day finds feel
ing more embittered.
The imprearion that “the Canl-
(Turn to Page Five)
After Three Motions and
Three Withdrawals, Ac
tion Referred to Street
saTSSSifS# ’SS 3|&'S££s£ JS*
ago oi vice. Alter a mra on one, a . c j, or _.
downbawn hotel Wednesday night Ir e ge ‘
and the arrest of three men and PROMINENT
three women, the commanding of-T
iccr of-the district placed
Jortn policeman near tho desk
each of three hotels.
Protests from the hotel manag
ers .who professed
Success of other curb markets
was discussed by citizens appoar-
- - Dave
hn<l spoken Wednesday she nas re
newed previous attempts to take
her own life. Since Martillerles
death she has failed at suicide
"“SET'S toeven times. Unless her attorney
prohibited Jamea A . Turley, succeeds in.hav-
ing the conviction set aside or in
an appeal for a new triat and ob
tains-a stay of sentence. Strip
Saludes will know- her- fate next
Wednesday. She is the second wo
man in three weeks to be convicted
of second degree murder in .New
York City‘for killing a raithtess
lover. . . v Vj ( ,l|
The dark hours in the
wore broken last night liy
Saludca’ effort, to heat oul
brains against her celj \
two previous, all
Three motions and ns many
withciruwnlH -on relaying the Bel
gian block* on, the Lumpkin street
hill enlivened' dUcussiqn of that
subject In Council’s Wednesday
'night meeting;
Alderman | HL ft. Heywood from
ihc Second Ward Introduced a ■««
amazed failed to cause revocation
at the orderd.- The three hotels
affected were De Jonghe hotel on
Monroe street; Planters Hotel on
Clark street, and the Victoria Ho
tel, Clark and -Van Bruon streets.
A bluer tinge ria* given thd
night life, that once-was white and
flaming Chicago’s downtown ele-
veated railway loop district, as
well as beyond its environs, in
antc-Volstead days, when orders
were given to keep crowds mov
ing and to disperse gatherings
around the Ashland Drug store, an
all-night drug store and soft
drink and'lunch establishment at
Clark and Randolph streets in
Chicago’s Rialto district.
Some seventy five known vice
resorts still'were.under the zilcqt
guard of a uniformed policeman
at front and rear doors which was
established by the chief two. days
ago ‘after chief .of justice M.” L.
McKinley of the Commercial court
Hhd charged the third successive
grand jury to watch for evidence
of commercialized and police pro
tected vice,’ two previous juries
n ing before the Council,
themselves w .ii im nm nn:
Paddock, well known gocer mer
chant, who was chairman of the
(Turn to Page Five)
Noted Methodists in
Team to "Collect Cen
tenary Arrearages-
•Cover This Territory.
Ten Witnesses Are *
to Be Called Before
. Investigating Jury
BASTROP, La.—Ten names ap
peared on the Ust of witnesses
summoned to appear Thursday be
fore the Morehoudb Parish grand
Jury investigating masked bund op
erations In the Parish loft sum-
nter. Louis Felton, l ."Tot" Daven
port. J. W. N°rsewortny, Frhd and
Rufiia Eubanks and D. 8. Peter
son, who weig ’ to have testified
Wedneeday were not examined and
were Included in Tuesday's 'list.
Mrs. B. ,D. Carlisle, J. M. Keen,
Hugh Andrews aha R. N. Holmes
were the others to be questioned.
All of the witnessed' expected to
be called Thursday testified at the
open hearing In January regarding
the kidnapping on August 24,' wnen
Watt Daniel and T. F. Richard
were spirited away by a nooded
band which the state charges re-
seed fh ms
M« d ’ fYntitherL who had sone wcre found early Wednesday fnom-
^S\JtSSSi. on°a Writ TIf* « ot fSST STmTS
Sight’toTd herTusband h ln n fl"*h! SSrttS Wore d^treyeS ami.r ;
KrbSr d charge/wUh ^- California
. At Tuisa. the fioggers of two i , . M . .. ri , I Now in Go. May Be In-
dured 10
Here - _
re George Price and Fred San- i h | rf i
, dm? ^ fl Sl7! 'Location of n canning plant here
!"■ ? i?S5f , iS2f 1® dl8 l|may bo urged by the Chamber of
Pre il t,s * ®. ^ejlef ! Commerce or some other civic body
the circuit court, and handcuffed ua tt result of announcement made
together Ui<(y accompanied Sheriff; Wednesday that a California can-
J. L. Bateman and other oUicersi nm g executive la in Qeorgta to or-
-.iii.nin, , n id 11° . e 8 c en c before daylight yes-<ganlzo a corporation for operating
whipping place, the youths told; t erday morning. Murpby is said j canning platits in'this state.
police, The boys said tl)Wr to have declared in his confoulon ’ Acordlng to news from Atlanta
luctors questioned them about that he killed both deputies. i Thursday, where tho< man, C. R.
. party and accused them 'l enus , Judge Carter in a statement af-;Warde. Is staying, while in this
,.ug a 17 year old girl to become i ter the burial Wednesday of Crain | state, he hua received telegrams
intoxicated. , Dozens of persons , and Pierce declared that there from Fltigerald. Ocllia ana outer
iw Sandcrs'seized iti front ot a , would be no deity in sumrqi>n|no (towns urging establishment or
* A score of men gathcredent tte
New Theory is Adv
in Connection
Horrible Masked
Skulls of Two Men Mash
ed to. A Pus Liquid.
Anns, Thighs and
Broken. ' •. I
i 1
LASTROP—(By The 'Assoclat.
Ptt-ns.)—Persons who have ex*
omlned carefully the record of the
pathologists on tho condition^
mutilated bodies of Watt
and T. E. Richard found In
I.iFource December 22, : last,
who are familiar with media
devices, declare they beliovo
huvo identified tho so-oalled
ture muchino’’ as one of tUO f
read or farm tractors In
throughout the Parish. .'H
Daniel and Richard were ’ kid
napped August 24 and nothing was
heard of them until four mimin'
later when two bodies viwj nn--
envered tn the Lake and Identified
an those of the missing men. T!ir
tend of each was crushed to a
pulp, t)io scalp, and skin
a sack containing tho
skulls. Tho hands and reet ot ■
had been crushed off and at equal .
distances and tho lower legs, thighs
upinr aims, and forearms w«r.--/
broken. The .chests, had hesn'J
crushed in, the ribs torn from tlio
breast plates under the pressure
and the man Identified ns Daniel
iliad been forced to submit to what
is commonly known us a serious
surgical operation. 'NV3MI
Tho patltologlsta testified at th»
drug store by
masked men the grand jury.
r . ... , -■ .... ...
wearing badges. i fndictments would be speedily re-1 The county agent, J. w. Flrror
Three unmasked men In anoth- 'turned and said that a petit, jury |together with representatives tram
er motor car stopped Im front of would be empanelled and 1rial» :cl v!c organizations will communi-
Price's home, displayed badges and proceed immediately. |cat« with Mr. Wurde with me pur-
sald they were officers. The boys Sheriff Bateman raid Thursday: P°*® °* establishing a canning plant
step father, C. C. Cunningham, at- that more arrests may be made! 1 " Athehs to take care of the sur-
t, unfit ed to Interfere but was today. jPlus food crops raised in Nortli-
■ I threatened .with a revolver. Mrs.! •' least Geurgta.
U T C. Are Likelv to EH-! Cunn, Ufham was kicked from the 111111 TIIITIflRI IIIITH , M . r ' Wards la primarily,Interest-
* * * . ■ mi tin In as hnanl nf (hn mnti’a mntAP
. f. ,,, , t>„„- running board of the men’s motor
ter Candidate Also, itace car W b en Bhe attempted to stop
For Ford Becomes Quite
With the arrival ,tn Athens Fri
day of outstanding’leaders In the
Methodist Episcopal Church. Soutn,
the work of colleetlng centenary ar
rearage* In the Athens district of
the North Georglu conference will
he ’launched, according'to advices
fro.n the Rsv. G. F. Venable, D. D»
prtridlng elheV of the Athens dts-
trist, who together wlth*Dr. N. O.
Instructing the city en-
. relay the b!ivn:s on the
'Lumpkin hill. This was opposed T>>
I'iiptaln J. H. I tucker of tiio Third
W.-inl who declared the, ■ expense
vi.iiM tie too great,
"1 u.iulil he ilolightod to see me
I.umpkln street hill as smooin ns but I an\ not dr. tayor ct ap-
propdutlng money for rtltat l:ur-
p k.- w h.*n We hqvo‘ dozons or
without nny paving’ he de-
three motions on various
» «f the question were pul t<c-
the hone- nnC withdrawn tne
•r finally wis rstertod to the
( ■ eiar.ritios for recommenda-
App'fman Heywood declared If he
• <: ht the expense would he very
i,e wduld not favor the prd,-
lie declared that soon ins'!
ill season will be here line
/title travel Increased on the
l I'.v reason of locatton of San-
"I Field at tho fdot He,said the
k sire 'travelling rough at prea-
Greets Players
ATLANTA, Ga.—Bright, clear
weather greeted baseball player*
oi n ost of the Southern training
Gnrps Thursday encouraging vet-
•tans a, well as “rookies” to put
'r.-'P and dash into their work. Ic
E n ia the tem^erztuxe wa»
fa; ring around fifty degress this
n’.' niing and reported to be »P*
'«■>’ rising at aast coast point*. At
H "t Springs, the rooming sun was.
a ‘| i mpanied by a temperature cm
° - At tM camps along the mid-
gulf coast, the —
ir fl'nil mhiI •
dear and i
having failed' * to " return indict- Slaughter, district lay leader, wm
Sent*.. Tho chief Justice had ex- head up the collection movement
pungad much of the report of the
February grand jury which re
ported that although vice was
somewhat rampant, the police de
partment Was making raids. and
doing its part in attempting to en
force the law.
fiin fue m
Citizens of Fifth Ward
and Those on Lumpkin
Extension Benefit By
Council Action. ' < .
Better fire protection will be ktv-
en citizens in the Fifth Word and
those residing on the extension of
Lumpkin street os a reeult of. pty
Council’s action Wednesday.
Upon recommendation .ot, tne
wafer works committee Council in
structed City Engineer J. W. Bhr-
nett’to lay a water mntn.on Lump
kin extension and also on Georgia
avenue to Normal avenue to Ogle
thorpe thence to the city ttmr.s.
Also from the Boulevard on Prince
avenue on out the Jefferson road
to the city limits. ,
Citizens in this seetjon. which
with the extension, out Lumpkin
were brought Into the city by act
of the legislature three pears ago.
have been without adequate- Are
protection. Thousand* of dogate
worth of property Is located in' tne
ares whleh. wilt bp given better
protection frotq. fire pjt eytepston
Visitors wilt be welcomed‘and tne
plans lor pushing the colectlons will
be announced at u banquet to be
held ut the First Methodist churcn
Friday evening at 6:>0 o'clock.
Two or more representatives of me
centenary team of speakers wio
pro pressing th^ centenary appeal
throughout the stats will lie .pres
ent. This Is considered one <St me
st-ongest teams at worn througr.-
oi.l the borders of the Southern
Methodist church and inetuaee
bishop W. n. Murrsb. president ot
the North Georgia conference. Dr.
J. W. Perry of Nashvllle home mis
slon secretary in charge If indus
trial and educational work In city
asd mountain centers and among
Immigrants and negroys: Dr. K. H.
Ruff, rtiral secretary of the Board
cf Missions. M. C. Church South
Dr. nnd Mrs. L. D. Patterson, of
Supng Klang missionaries to Chins.
' Bt Schenk of Noahvtlte stereop
tlcon expert! Dr. W. A. Skelton, of
Emory ‘University; Dr. W.
Alexander, of Atlanta, secretary ot
the Interracial commission and Dr.
W. T. Hunnlcutt, of Atlanta, cen-
ehary secretary of the Nortn Geor
gia conference., (Members or this
team will launch simultaneous
campaign tn Athens Gainesville,
M%rch 8-11. Itds probable
and Monroe, covering the. dates
March 8-11. t' Is probable that Dr.
fturr and Dr. Patterson will be two
of the .speakers ssslgned to Atn
News leaked out Thursda;
Athens Elks, the Jolly good fellow*
will probably sponsor a young
,jdy in the White Way Populari
ty Contest which comes to a close
at the We celebration here April
In addition to rumors that the
Elks will sponsor a candidate
conies the news that the United
Commercial Travelers will nomi
nate a candidate or sponsor some
one already in the race at their,
meeting Saturday night.. Thej Short,
prizes are a Ford cotipe; $100 in
gold $50 in gold and $20 in gold.
If the Ella and U. C. T.’s do get
into the race the Shriners, Kiwan-
Ians and Rotarians will have to I
them from driving away with the
After the whippings the youths
were taken back to Tulsa and
dumped out near their homes.
nr hhth wn
in in m
ed in creating a corporation, simi
lar to others that-he has controlled
tn California and Colorado, which
wtlf be in full working operation
within the next half dozen years,
thus to be In position to. take full
advantage of the Inevitable boom
jin the wgrlcultural production of
j the state which be along w«n oui-
careful observers, sees clsany
for Georgia.
Johns Hopkins Students *»mtag
Make Wav Bv Allow-l^, ll0 v B , lrivei,t ’ na °wn capital in
.tie way oy Allow undertaking and is fully tunn
ing Blood Transfusions <>«nt that in thus linking ms per-
’ gnnal fnetunaa n.ltL tka a.-*..
BALTIMORE, Mdv-Stodenta at
sonal fortune* with tbs fortunes ot
Georgia, he is making tue sorest
ahd wisest investment uvuliable for
his monpy.
rtnl.ri tao the Johns Hopkhts medical school
uniy $t)» Bre paying for their tuition with
_ Talmadge blood money, literally and without
Would Raise This Much;
Quicklv. s,on nt V s0 * transfusion. It iz
| an ea»y\wajf to make n>6ney ao
| cording to Dr. John. & Hucif, pro
sit up and take notice. When the I Mrs. Julius Talmadge. chairman, fesaor of medicine. vUl the itu-
Elks'and Knights of the Grip • of the Crawford W. Long memorial
start anything thky usually see it .for the Hall of Fame (unit of this
through. (county Is desirous to close'the cam.
According to tabulation of votes |l>alKn in. Clarke emmj Mm week.
Thursday Miss Bessie Jackson I in fuct the time has paemM (iut Mhc
sponsored by the Shriners jumps was anxious to secure the
into third ' ' •
and Miss
dent has to do is to Ue down, sac
rifice a little blood and then col
lect the $50.
But the fly in the ointment from
the students’ standpoint, is that
all arc not 5 eligible to be bled. The
lace with MUs/owem-W™*" from th* famous physlcjan’s subject mbit to ths firat place'to
‘ first and aec-jp. 1 ? homeland has kept it open ror perfectly healthy. Then his Moot!
Dr. Venable will preside over the
din nee meeting Friday .night and
will make a brief address, stating
the. purpose df th* mset’ng and
urging the support of local metbo-
..Pastor* and,lay leader# of Ath-
W»l!wWho„jg|ll aaslstdthe gnwMtog I
elder and 4tfff|ctriiJ‘*K-lrtlsad'afc P
intatlng this movement ore; Finn
r~"~ l
ond pl^re^lvely^MU. „ ne< *,e: to
V , g ' ish out the quota of 810U0 and '.
Clarke couhty citixemi ore urged
to respond to thej call tor
small adltlonal anfounl.
Capitol Jokes
U. S. Representative from Wiscon-'
eta. Tenth District ,
. HE bargain-1
hunting instinct'
must measure up to a certair
standard. “A red blooded man"
for transfusion purposes must be
more than a movie hero,
a ®!°re -than one hundred itu-
denU, Dr. Huck says, have listed
themse vea as being read/ to tell
•heir blood. The blood .of each of
•‘1““ “e« has bran faalized and
ijJJ5**l^ l * d in a definie blood group
t When a transfusion becomes nec
essary the student whose blood
E. T. Austin of the General Elec-
trio company. Atlanta, was In Ath- „ ...
*"* Wednesday helping to put the! short line
[finishing touches on the local(
whiteway. Mr. Austin has been
is supposed to]
he more or less j % • .
a feminine pok- • > *
session, but the! "The Pilgrim,” a'comedy classic
most incorrigi- ;in which Charles Chaplin rises to
bargain- hven"greater heights 1 of subtlety
group correajDonde,to that of the
patient la called for the Operation-
Each student is now limited to
whkh “-
strict! his blood money to a max-
imum of $150.
NEW^YORK — Patrolman John
**••• • *ori<l war hero rescued 6
hunter I ever .than he has ever-before attained,
heard of ws» a‘began a , two . day engagement
newspaper cor- Thursday at the' Palace theatre _
f respondent ithat threatens to rival to point of children and two women from a
: He wu sent popularity his unforgetable fea-1 burning tenement to Brooklyn ear-
J to Beriin some tore, “The Kid.” j Iy Tuesday. Ho made three’ trine
time after the A fr>nr-«*«! feature production,. from the building, the tart time
I war, when the ( rich to true humor, it provides en- < throwing his coat over his head
mark was filing tntainment that appeals to all’and crawling along the front of
_ • • . , rapidly, and he classes of theatre-goers and again the third story to reach a helpless
figured that there ought to be a 1 reveal* Chaplin as . the greatest | woman,
lot of stuff he could pick up'living pantomimist. ; - ’ .
cheaply. TfcriDs, humor and pathos per-!
So he went out in search of her- meate every foot of this film chat
gains and returned to-the bar of at once convulses and intrigues
the -Adlon Hotel, where the other the onlooker,
correspondents were grouped, late
one afternoon.
“FeUowa,” he
leading tad;
— cried, excitedly, i First National releus
“I’ve just run across toe moot rc- vianco is again bis .
markable bargain you ever’ heard end in , connection wit
ofribWhat do>ytm thlnk Pr-Uiis?—grim” amdbsg
Iknctojriwre^cmrgrtrttauralfitX Palace,thta wefaemtn.i i|,
of tatooing ink for $12.” ■ | . £7? r>». frri D.
No Free Seats
Paying pew rent doesn’t guar-
intee a seat In Heaven anq t>e-
oause a man pays his taxes
hen he 1ms to) la’no sign that
tie bos discharged his r‘.ve
. r ° bj* • eommnnlty' which
«*»tilnrhls> tiring; '
■ nin
E. T. Austin of Atlanta
Here Wednesday. Lights
Will Be Turned on
April 4.
•/pen hearing herb tn January thui
an examination of the muscles o(
the stumps ot the legs and arms
and at the’fractures indicated tno
wounds had been Inflicted boro
ur 'Just at lie
ions upon traces of blood fi
the muscles. Tho heart of <
they said, hod been drained ot
blood. Indicating that virtually mi
of the fluid bad. escaped from the
bodies. . Eggg
About three miles from Bastrop
on the Boatrop-Collinston-M
(Turn to Page Five)
Need For’Such in Athens
Discussed. Would Mean
More Industries. Credre^
S. West ia one of our
most enterprising young men and
ha has given careful consideration
to the needs of Athens and Mr.
Weat la familiar with ail the
country tributary to-our city and
its possibilities. Yesteniay, in a
talk with that genUeman he re
marked that for Athens to become
a manufacturing center the first
requisite, is access to the coal field*
and cheap coaL When the'loca,
tion of a'manufacturing plant i|
under consideration the first ques.
tion is that of coal;
, Mr. West says that Athens ii
exceptionally well located for ac-
cess to the coal fields; but tw«
both not ex.
miles, must
'“""•T. ssr. Austin has been tn- be hn t b.™ il.. l.ii . '
merchants on other streets ivherr i C0 H d •“reached by buildini
The opening of^the white, sy jm*
ern to Lula to tap the Air Line.
been set'for April 4th when A bis th*t_ road. btrilt the branch
celebration la planned. It will be on
line to TeUnleh Falla, and for
Clayton street, from Lumpkin ,o F««W there the 1
Jackson and on College « V enur, J“ ‘Ime U wa* extend
from the campus to ''■'nshlngtoii. Un * N. O^tod there it basi
. — ■ ^ • •to another, halt. It is only twen-
TIMXLP TIPa TO , jtl-five or thirty miles from Frank
Athens merchants lln to Maryville and [f this short
R*P is filled to Athens will have
Whsr# and When a Fortune
Was Built on This Principle of
Retell Advertising)
“Rise* your • sdvsrtlsemsnts
whsr# tho people went them I”
Thio wot the crystallised policy
of tho late John Wanam*ker,ono
ot tho moot successful merchants
In th* world’s history.
' If hi* earlier year* he tried out
*11 sorts of agencies foe sotting
hi) message to th* people whoso
trade ho wanted. Gradually he
settled me re and more on now#,
paper column) on hlo one hoot
• avenue of publicity.
More than e dozen yooro ago,
after cartful Investigation of cem-
» earatlvm results, he began defln. *
the coal fields.
(' realized of di-
by railway to
And Mr. West says that the
building of this short line would
place Athens fifty miles nearer
the coal fields than is Atlanta,
and which would be a very great
advantage. And not onlv this but
the route via Athens would E
hundred and fifty miles ■
distance from Cincinnati ar...
large middle western cities
Panama Canal than by i
all ave routo now “ operation. .
all ave- . CBn Beo t , g ]ance what -
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