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VOL. 9t. No. 23.
Associated Press Service
N. E. A Service
Single Copies S Cents Daily. 0 Cents 8unday.
Bodies of Two Slain'HJIiCK WILL •
Deputies Are Found! QUIT AS 60VERH0R
Covered With Mud
Thanks and Asks Blessing
on Those Saving His Life
FOR U. Si POSITION waiter Bray, Who Monday Afternoon Waa Found
on High Plank, Apparently About
day located* Under
Cow’s Carcass.
alleged slayers
• Georgia Governor to
• Resign Soon to Accept
Appointment . From
President Harding.
The Two Found Were
Members of a Party
Which Raided a Moon-'
shine Still.
KRANUNTON. .La.—The bodies
Wcsylan Cralne and Wiley
deputy Hhcrlrte, slain But-
,i, by moonshiners were founa
i iy Wednesday buried In mud, :n-
uliieh they hpd been pressed and
vml with the caroass of a dead
iv They weri\ found about a
i.,i ier of a mile from a deetroyed
shine still ill the
eight miles from here,
slayers, John Murphy and
mu (lltleen Roster, nvoonsnlrers
,ve inTifessed and led the officers
, : lie burial spot.'It was announced
v .imtrlct Judgq Prentiss B. Clark.
They had previously been round-
l up with ten others andrpmcsd
i nil by u posse of about 800
rmed men. Who had beat tne
I* and swamps for
of Chsthcellor
Giving Position That
Germany Has Taken is
-BERLIN (By the Associated
Press.)—Chancellor Cuno’s declar-
ATLANTA, Ga. — Governor
Thomas W. Hardwick announe-
here Wtdnesday that lie would
„ , .. , accept an appointment as
“so long as the occupation renders,, _
it impartible to estimate our own 1 S P' CI *' Unit, . d 8tal " * Uorn,y
ation that Germany will hold out
in the Ruhr, and his intimation
that no overtures will be made
capacity” rang through tjie Rcisc-
tag Wednesday os the people ap
praised their spokesman’s address
swamps to tha Reisestag.
Asserting that 'France had ob
tained nothing in all the weeks of
PRESSED into mud
The bodies wero found a few feet
mutt ami showed signs of having
lirt-used Into the bud by the
feet of their slayers. The body of
1‘teree wus mutilated with an axe,
' hulleatlng, according to tno «u-
Ihuiillos that it was first planned
t„ iiiumembsr the bodies and dis
pone <>f them In Some other way
than huriitl.
The confessors told the sheriff of
how the deputies bad come to their
home on Buturduy morning, rulded
their util and .Placed both of thorn
under arrest. They wore searched
and then the party starts cn loot
out ot the swatnp. Coming to a nar
row lane the four walked In single
ule. .Murphy, according' to Judss
I lark, pulled a pistol he turn Con
cealed on his person and ahot
deputy l’ierce, killing him,- He then
killed Deputy Cralne. ‘Both bodies
Were carried to the spot wnere
they were found. The bodies were
brought here this morning und pre
pared for burial.
Hardwick to Be Special
U. S Attorney in Pros
ecution of War Fraud
Cases, Said.
to Commit Suicide, Grateful
For Rescue.
French And British
Deadlocked About'
New Membership of Op-
W. T. B»*ay, who was saved from blessings
falling or Jumping off the Seaboard
Air Line railroad trestle late Mon
day thanks those who saved MB
life in a statement sent to The Ban
ner-Herald Wednesday.
Mr. Bray’* letter follows:
“Please allow me space In your
paper to express my greatest
thanks to all dear friends tna:
came to my rescue and saved my
rest and abide
with them all. Is the true and
heartfelt prayer of
Mr. Bray walked to the middle ot
the trestle where he is said to have
have undresed and :ifter wav?ns
"good-by” to some mep on the hill
side prepared to Jump off the
bridge, ninety feet fp.xn the ground.
He finally decided to lie down on
life from disaster and death while'an eighteen inch plank from which
holding to the high pinade on tno |friends rescued him. He*waa fined
Seaboard R R bridge. . 1115.76 In recorder’s court the fol-
“May the good Lordlii richest' lowing day for drunken esc.
General at the expiration
hie term as Governor of Geor-
SAVANNAH, Ga.—Governor
Hardwick will announce hii inten-
ganization to_ Gather] ||, S. OPPOSES OIL,
At Georgian Hotel At
8 O’clock.
Rueter’s Correspondent
Learns That French Fail
to Get Through British
_ , „ -ox rr x Determination of U. S.
Several Comnuttees HaV* Stick to Its Policy
Been Named. New. Con-1 3^ j n Refusal of
stitution and Revisions Lgggg Asked 4
on Slate.
Pretty Girls Galore
Katherine Park, Chubby
Allen, Minor Wheaton
Hap Harvey, Leads.
the occupation Herr Cuno scoffed tions to resign at nn early date to
at talk of negotiations so long as nccep t the appointment from
this situation remained ns it is. ,-p rcs 1 dc „t Harding as Special as-
“We will agree to no settlement jgUtant Attorney General of the
severing illegally, occupied ‘ertd-I United Slates in charge of war
tory from Germany” he said, “or f raU( l prosecution, according to in-
any agreement which fails to re- .formation received here from AU
store to freedom Germans wrong- ’i an ta today.
fully punished. Tito world ik si-1 . - 1
lent the victims arc still too few.], According to the law of Geor-
I do not a| ’ »- ,_~.i . “ ** ‘ *
sign count) _
that after seven weeks of fighting t0 rm of Governor Hardwick whkh.... _ ......... ...
for our rights and for the peace runs un ti| sometime in June, w#n nal stages and according to an an- bold chief Interest for Detroit vot- appreciated ir they will notify
of the world, we still static! alone.” the incoming admmistrt.tim takes nouncement made Wednesday by *rs Wednesday In tbo spring pri- i th ® chamber Bt onc ® °* th ® omU "
Preparations for the “Frolics of
The first general.knasa meeting
of the membera of the reorganised
chamber of Commerce will be held
on' Friday evening at 8 o'clock at
the Georgian Hotel to act upon a
proposed revision of the constltu- jeought by the Rpxund Petroleum
tion and by laws
WASHINGTON — Determination
of the government to adhere to ns
policy agdlnst oljen control of do
mestic oil fields was seen Wednes
day in tht decision of the Interior
Department denying the lea*,,
LONDON—Rutters’ Cologne cor
respondent learns on the highest
authority that French and Brit
ish representatives are still com
m | pletely deadlocked over the ques-
I corporation to extensive oil lands tion of moving French trops
and for the now o| the Creek mafon tr ibo m oiua- h
Jterday and approved by Secretary
Fall »» his last official act berora
in originally planned retlrln , from ottlce .
ling of'group meetings for secur-jhorns.
. ~~— I Ing suggestions, as to the program 1 The decision was announced yes.
Primary Selects Possible [ 0 r work for the year.
Successor to James | it had Bee:
Comen Would Raise' *° Orf* meeting on Monday The Roxana company tno dwts-
tx„-j I but It was found that other events Ion said le owned by the shell
Salary Paid_ conflicted ao the date was adranc %£?«*£
Jed to Friday night of tola week t , b. owned by Dutch and British
DETROIT, Mich. — Nomination and notices were sent Wednesday
1923,” which is to be the biggest, of two candidates for Mayor, one ®*® jT enrolled member of the
of whom will be elected In April; ghould anyone who has Joined
most spectacular, and best a ms-
vsvassao “»t- * v " • t ACCOrUlIlK Ulc law Wi
intros' 1 T^mereW note ?t?te aennto wlf^fiB'tho °une°Dired 1 teur performance ever offered in ‘to fill the unexplred term of James or „£<> desires to Join, not re-
mtrles. I note sta te senate will fill tho unexptred , Atheni> m into their fi . QoxxtIUM, United States Senator, ceived one of these notlcea It will
a ! * . . . . L . . . . . 1 . . . — . >, _« lu> n hi.mmIsIaA (# 41iam ^|||
up the .reins of the state govern-
Foar for tao lives of the aepu-
tin, In-canto pronounced Humnty
when they tolled to return her* ut
ter netting out Friday night
h„rne-back to raid a still. One of
the liurees returned rlderleae ban-
day inurnliig' and. the other was
found tied in a shack near the alia.
A poiuo was formed. District court
then In session was adn)urnea,
bunkn and other buslnew uousoa
were elosed and a deUcbment ot from Bogamat (H.lned
.n the .“rich.
I'.e authorities believe 1 the <1*I>•
u lire had been slain and their
lea-» cir.|k>eed of, A visit t» lt,»
locality where the raid occurred
revealed n deetroyed still. A dosen
pem-ne living In Ihe vicinity were
arrested and placet) In Jail as sus
pect.. The bloodstained clothing of
cue of the mlasing men eras found
In the hums of one of the suspects.
Executive Party Basks
in Fla. Sunshine. Mrs.
slon so that tho list may be cor-
iig Stands the THp^XrfcnZS. Kt
Local Bank is Patron
in Athens fo
I chapter of the D. A. R-, and
talent Includes pretty Athens
i and bright handsome Univer
sity of Georgia boys.
Miss Katherine Park and Mr..—
, Minor Wheaton of Griffin are toy
HO 1 Longer De have the'leadmg roles in the 'pre-
— — • ■ duction, and “Chubby” Allen and
“Hap” Harvey trill be the princi
pal comediaps, Mr. Bishop au-
noun ces.
A car load of special scenery
- . and dashing costumes for this
east coast Inland waterway and They’ve resumed coffee making production has been ordered and
another round of golf_were contcm j n q||| Drake’s erstwhile ‘bank. w jn he in Athens this week. Much
The Oglethorpe county farmer, j 0 f very httegt and most tuneful
who a few weeks ago lost ffijfflDimujfc: wrill be beard in this prp-
— .— ^ “deposited” in a perculator hid- • duction, and viewed from evory
The course over which tho *clf den in h is cotton seed house, madei^g, it ufe to predict that
game would be played was vn- n v | s {t to Athens Wednesday and;$he “Frolics” will be an over-
Director Jimmie Bishop, all will There wore six, candidates j’ecVed
i? raised ern^the" initial*<>ffcring 5 or tho mayoraIty nomlnatlon - The j President Hugh White Wednes-
Monday evening. ^voters also had before them a pro day appointed the following _com-
“The Frolics t
sical comedy revue
Interests and to form the control
ling stock of the corporation.
Tna company bhaed Us argu
ments for right to lease on tne
ground that the secretary of the
Interior had no authority to dis
approve tt solely on the ground
U|at the leeseee were aliens, but
Secretary Fall based bie decision
oil a recent Federal court ruling
•aLlak kat.l _. J. —IS l_Jt—
of 1923” is a mu- posal to raise the salary of the mltteo on Group Mettings. These
evue being put on mayor fro m »8.000 a year to 112,- ^
the benefit of the |»» chairman of tbo various group
000 a yaa*
leisurely cruising down Florida’s
plated by President Harding as he
began the second day of Ills vaca
tion in the Peninsula state.
decided early today, according to
advices from tho “pioneer" the
houseboat on which tho President
and Mra. Harding V® takln « tbe
cruise. The plans called tor
which, he held made all Indian
leases "subject to the upproval of
These ' aacretary of the Interior."
i meetings to be held on Friday even
l Ing: Q. A. Booth, J. Costa, A. G.
; Dudley, W. L. Erwin, C. D. Flanl-
jgen, prof, A. Rhode*, E. R. Hodg
son, Jr., J. W. Jarrell, Jr., Thomas
8. Mell. Dr. W. L. Moss, Col C.
Ing, J. U. Jester.
A meeting of these group chair
men has been called for Thursday
at 11 a. m. at the Georgian Hotel
at which time the Group Meeting
plan will be explained and a sam-
In Consequence .of Police
Force* Shops and Houses
Are Entered and People
through tho Brtiah Zone.
General Sir Arthur Godley com
manding tho British troops at Co-
logno and General Payot, French
chief of transportation in the oc-
cupled region held two confer
ences Monday. Tho correapomf-
ent says General Godley flatly
refused tho French demands,
whereupon General Payot said
i would appeal to London.
The French asked the right to
run trains between Bonn and
Ncuss, which would involve a
minute switching operation
part of every train in the
Cologne Central station. The
British contend the.«corrcspondent
asserts that this would seriously
hamper traffic and would lead to
a strike of the German staff,
making the British position un
Nationalist Assembly pie group meeting held.’
' Will Not Accept Treaty.
Further Negotiations ed with presenting a revision of
Are Possible.
Civil Service Commis
sion Lauds Athens
Polibe Chief For Excel
lent Work.
from Angora state that the Turk-
put the recovered money In e | whelming success.
safety deposit vault I In addition to Mr. Bishop who xi. National assembly has decided
Mr. Drake has deposited around Ij, the director of the show, a M*-1 that the Lausanne treaty is unsc-
86,000 in a local institution. This Bremblette, New York musical Iceptable. The government, how-
--- is about the same .amount he comedy stage director will be in l evar was authorized to continue
game at one of two or three Pl«** have loit whenJble cof- Athens on the two nights of next negotiations on conditolns that
depending on ‘he speod of the fee pot Imnk" w« rifkd a few'week that the offering ie liven, X £tt£l In conform!-
houseboat which cast off here Ute i wce ks ago. To be «*«<*, 'Mr. Monday and Tuesday. »y with the complete independence
yesterday, after the prudent had 'Drake declared he had 86500 de- X special feature of the protjuc- - - ■ —
had a galna ovey 'thfl Ormond I positted in the coffee pot which | tion will be the famous “Bull-
Beach couree. New Smyrna, -0 [,j kept in his cotton seed house. do g>> orchestra,
miles sofatb of .here seemed to |bo He ia ta id to have dlecovered —
the most BkeV place. “■
the Constitution and by-laws to be
(Turn to. Page Five)
of the Turkish Nation, and all oc- i _
cupled territory be evacuated Im- 1AVO
mediately after the signature of — ‘
, >82600 In the seme coffee pot only
The relaxation not to mention . )srt WMk .
the recreation he has been able t T he atory of BUI Drake’* coffee
to obtain since leaving Washington [pot bank and the robbery which
already has helped him, members f ed to the arrest of his sons and
of the vacation party eay. .subsequent release when they
Despite the long railroad trip J stoutly denied any knowledge of
the visit to this land of perpetual the theft, caused a great amount
summer, alto has been of Imme- [of interest and was -followed by
dlate benefit to Mra. Harding, wbo 'advertisements by banka in —-
Is gradually regaining her former
Planes Hop For
oral leading citiee, pointing out
the safety in placing money in
banks instead of coffee pots, stock-
or in the hay loft.
Mr*Drake, it wili be recalled be-
For Miami, Fla. nflu’^t buiw he got kinder
ig his money in the
PALM BEACH J no.—The SIX - . ...
army plane* arrived late yctercay he aI ;y, of , th ' ,
. enroutc from San Antonio. Texas, would be deposited m a realg
Dan A Sutherland and
Department of Com
merce Principals in Con
WASHINGTON—a row featured
by the charges from Dan 'A. riuut-
rhaiges from Dan
tf Li nil, delegate to Congreaa from
Alaska that the Ccmmeece depart-
has "handed the Sawsoip
hah, rio* of Alaska over to the CM-
< Sau Francisco fish trust” hae
l iewipiuted by action of tne
>h artment •>>' temporarily extend -
h - the KuvSrnment salmon reaerve
In Alaska, ttt protect th* Indue-
he delegates attack, made rn s
tement put into the Congres-
i d record before his departure
home Tuesday was declared in
tespenee from Assistant Secre-
v Houston of the department to
the moat complete demagogic
A: ever put over,’
: was contended that th* action
•he department In extending the
■■rve and ordering that no new
■ f , lie* Should be erected pend-
action by Congress to protect
Industry, had given to three
Salmon pocking conoenuj the
unpoly ot dishing rights. ,
Ir. Houston replied that In tajt*
these temporary measures to
ot a great food resource from
ucUoa the government nad
'••>1 precedents set by I’rert-
itnoseveit and had the fuUest
>rt Of Alaskan citizens and In-
"• .a ■'
trf Porto Rico were expected to hop
off today for Miami. While five of
th* machine, alight® at Neptune
beach safety, one met mishap in
trying to land, taking a sudden
nose dive lnto / the water several
feet deep near the shore.
Lieut Guy Klrksey, pilot
Lieut E. T. Sflscr were ir
plane end were uninjured.
J£n members of the Boston Na-
tionals including Manager Fred
Mitchell, arrived ^Sunday
Misses Jowers, Hammond
and Jackson in Lead
Others Are Receiving'
Mone Votes.
Chief of Police Henry Beusaee
waa preload by th Civil Service
Commlston Tuesday night tor tbe
effective campaign against' traffic
violations waged by tbe depart
Chief Beusse’s report snowed one
hundred and fifty-tour cases were
docketed tor traffic violations dur
ing th* month.
Bixty-three people were arrested
land tried for operating cars with-
... . _ oktt tall lights; five for reckless
Women tO Face driving; fifty-eight for operating
Trial For rtont-h nf an automobile with glaring neaa-
lnai ror ueaul 01 'lights, total of two hundred and
Several Husbands. Select' oXhty-mm, case. w. r . docketed.
Fines collected amounted to
third husband, Frank Kftpcxyk,
one of the several persons, hus
and relatives, alleged by
the state to have been poisoned
night and k prepared lob the first
workoqt Monday morning. In
cluded In the ^arty were^ pitcher*
skittish* of. banks. H* remarked,
however, after the theft that if
of the money it
j {n a real, non-
cst-to-goodness tank. The kind
with the wicketl, tellers, cashiers,
n’. everything. •
Whether Mr. Drake’* declaration
that he would fetor the banks had
anything to do with the return of 'while
the money is not known. However 18719,
end the money, or part of it, waa found 2699 foUow closely. Misses Neb
the by Mr. Drake only a few daye age H, Griffeth, • Harriett Stephens
'and re‘land* haste to pat in intolgnd MoUie Whitehead are inereas-
repl bank, tjfj (imr their lead considerably.
■ • •' ' 1 »The Rotorians, Kiwknians and
Shriners, each organisation having
a candidate in the race, declare
i LIIUUUU UUkllkheir candidate will win the first
Iprixe, a Ford coupe. The other
prizes are $100 in gold; |S0 in
i gold and 830 in gold.
Voting becomes brisker each
ms asked jn-
yesterday in ___
' . rors by the prosecution.
I LONDON—(By The Associated' Investigation* of. the deaths of
Press.)—The excitement s roused in former bus bonds of tbe women and
the House of Commons ana tne po- t relatives resulted in charges of , ni
litlcnl clubs over the defeat of Jctm murder against them when coro- • r\
C^S'GoSdy 1 md OteChltoSrii Jt
and Devlin.
ATLANTA, Oa.—The Oeorgtn
Bottler’s association which held Its
annual coiurentlon here Tuesday
was adJouSed with tbe election of
the following offSere: Fred B.
Gould, of Atlanta, president: John
C. Nay, of Augusta, vice president:
A. E. Kelley, secretary and treas
urer. The convention was attended
by about seventy-five representa
tives of the industry. * ■
. dies in savannah
Mean Cotton
Acreage Reduction, Bet
ter Machinery, and New
Crops. ,
Mr. Martin Abney sayt that
while the leering of so many ns-j
gross for the North may temporart-,
Iy Interfere with farmers In end Itj
will prove a good thing for tbe 1
South. In the first plact It will force
a reduction of tbo acreage planted
In cotton and Is. an Insurance
ngafnst ■ our fsstners growing eny
! *Hiniat» i '«seope ot toe staple.
Msto Niton 'Mto toaa’kMto-oe
production. Henceforth' wanatwlke*-
sured n fair'pries tor this etop and
tbe grower, will be pald a profit on
(Turn to Page Five)
Secretary of Treasure bends
Third to Loss Lately tw0 .
Labor Candidate SUC | Indications that the death pen-
Ceeds Him.’ laity would be sought
Miss Sue Carter ie tbe latest'
nominee in the White Way Popu
larity Contest which closes April
4 when thousands of people from
Northeast Georgia will flock here
for the day of big entertainment.
Wwfantoav* Mina Clovis °Jowcr* lof th* treasury to u parliamentary poison in the exhumed bodies.
metatetoWlead srito 4139 votre JS’JTb.'IJSS Th ® haa the the-
> M& M !K. W ?S^terau n «hou. "to to m ^, W to. in"
’ r “low eloseiv. MU.*. Nel-. n ®7*5“P«?- ^ JsursTKo of the deceased persons.
Aside from .the .unprecedented
defeat of three ministers In succea-
slon, only a few months after tne
new government came Into power,
the significance of tho breaen tn
the solid conservative Phalanx of
Liverpool, Impress, the public.
Mr. Hills was defeated In tbe Edge
HUI division of that city by a plur
ality of about 1,000 votes. The seat
was won by J. H. Hayes the labor
With the exception of tho Scot
lend division of Liverpool, which
the veteran Nationalist Thomas P. _ - , ,
O'Connor has repreented by a con-1 (jUGSt. LiUtlCn At
servativ* for many years. fointi 9 (Vslnalr
An the factor In Mr. HIU’s defeat a L* HW.A.
according' to some, observers Was
the woman’s vote. There ore more „ Wr l 1 —in »
than M.eee women elector. In tbo th^wSL fSuSlSfV^^KStare
constluency and It Is among »he Thnrfite^ at s Svi^-lr. Fhltw^H
women that the hostility toward tn* l. nn f* < *k7 •* * 0 *•***, Fleetwood
government Is generally manifest. I Lanier, secretary announced Wad-
Mr. Hill’s defeat Is regarded ...
a staggering blow at the govern- Secretory L«nler haa made ar-
ment. Mr. Hays, tho now member! rahgements to have luncheon
lx a formed London i? 1 (Iceman. He' Mnrw * OV th# College Cafeteria.
Is now secretary of the National .The meeting will begttl at
Police union. (and dose at 3.
Fire Chief D. W. McDorman re
ported the department answered
twenty-one alarms In FebruaiV,
BIX of these wera at business
housss; ten residences and five
• Kl
Taken From
Front Yard.
Found of
Who Was
ESSEN—In consequence of a
lice force, now outrages are re-
..jrtod dally. Shops and houses
nre entered by marudors and rc*i-
drilts of tho city nro held up and
m ■
fire brigndo has taken over
the duties of tho police. The
French will not permit them to
carry arm*; so they have equipped
themselves with pieces of rubber
tubing loaded with lead and with
wooden revolvers.
The firemen are very active ir
their new duties and find eager
ailstance in tho commnniats who
teem anxious to show that they
are not connected with the dis
orders. • •
Masked Band Activities
Including 2 Deaths, and
Girl’s Expulsion Investi
His Own
day and hardly an Athenian can
be found now with a (pare pen-
(Tum to Page Five)
Mighty “Willln” Oxen
A farmer once sold a pair of
oxen and guaranteed them :o
be f the most "willin’ ” pair he
had ever seen. Th* man who
bought them cogiptalnec snout
them saying that one did all tn.
pulling and the other sturxed
and lay back In the yoke. When
we took the former owner t»
look the reply Was “I guaranteed
them to be willin' and they ars
on* of ’em's w|}lin’ to work and
**“ —* 'llln he should.’
.■-* ^ f‘• I put nit motor car up fSi
trace had been found early Wed
nesday of Dr. B. Cbeston Gold
berg, local physician who was
' Tuesday, night outside hie
home by four unmasked men and
whisked away in a motor car.. ,
The physician returned home
last night from- a visit to. a pa
tient with his wife and small son.
When he entered hiei i
put hie motor car up fsr
the grand ;
Cafe and digged Him to the
where they forced him into a mo
tor car and drove away.
Mrs. Goldberg, who had entered
the hones heard Mr husband call
ing for help. She rnshed out and
struggled with th* kidnapper* but
wasbeaten off. Mr. Goldberg de
clared that so far aa she knew the
physician had no enemies.
sion are Loots E. Elkton, J. L.
Daniel, father of Watt; Sidnov
White, Mrs. Lktsle Inadct, "Tut”
Davenport George Eckles, E. W.
Andrews Rufus Eubanks, Red Eu
banks, D. J. Peters and J. W
18 o’clock
annual session of the medical sec
tion of the American Life Associa
tes pres
to ■
The Morning Post, the Staunch- Miss Harriett Stephen*, student ftion with about £00
eet organ ot the conservatism >n,*t the Stat* Normal School, whom 'ent opened a three
HWiJWtofeStt* club ia speneoitog in to* Pop- that at Signal MoonUfa Inn here
Contest, will W a guest at Wednesday. The • convention was
/aa 1 iiCwia '£V£i‘f$?£?£2(
S“'~* *
BASTROP. La.— Fourteen wit
nesses-have MSB summoned to ap
pear Wednesday before the More
house Parish grand Jury investi
gating masked band activities, and
particularly kidnapping and tho
slaying of Watt Daniel and T. F.
Richard, of Mer Rouge, last Au-
■ st- laid at the door of the Ku
ux Klan by state officials res
ponsible for tho inquiry.
Twelve 'of toe prospective wit
nesses testified before the open
hearing in January concerning the
ipping on August 24 of five
including Daniel and Richard
bn th* Baitrop-Mer Rouge high-
Ada May Hamilton, the 17
year old girl wf-o was warned by
a masked band *4b leave her home
on pain of-being tarred and feath
ered,'and her mother were among
tho witnesses to be questioned to-
who will appear before
during today's
Pay Taxes Now
and Save Money
Clark*srnunty citizens Hvlns nut
side tbe corporate limits of the
three'towns Athena wlntervllle
and Whitehall who are subject to
the commutation rohd tax will save
fifty cento by paying the amo nr
tots month. .
This tax i* IMS per year and la
now da*. It Is payable to Tate
Wright, clerk ef the County Com-
mlsloners, In the court house. If it
Is net paid By April first a fra «t
fifty cents will ha added to the
M.oe, making the total » no.,
who default In the payments will be
subject to roud duty.