Newspaper Page Text
Be Quickly Overcome by
if- y
~ ‘ lArc unloosi
/ rr~
hoys every Wed-
distinguish CdBol
the mitts of'the
nesday and are giving him an op-
tornuity to enjoy a bit of the jaz
zing from, the "outside.”
The weather in Florida seems to
be a favorite topic with Mr. Bill-
•ups these days and just what wear-
!ng apparel is needed while there.
Still F. J. has become a'-new attache
Camera Catch Smiles;
Many Visitors Enjoy as I was at the meeting: Wednes-
Hospitality of Meet. ^ cou,d ,letcrmine '
Abit Mix is a harpy mar. these j
Rotary meeting days. Roaron ? j Those Rotarians Wednesday, and
Movie Man and
Thev do their 'Veil, Biliu's Phinizy has beer tr their guests, including Harry Still
and indig w Florida and Fred J. Orr has been well Edwards of Macon, Judge E.
h. n«— «—.nPrlm to Gainesville and is getting in |Y. Webb o:
*•* the limelight as the (Hub’s lead- i W«lhrMn»
North Carolina, Jack
Wplbridge of Saratoga Springs,
[N. Y., .1 T. Kilpatrick, Roosevelt
W’alker and vours truly, were de
mons at smiling Wednesday. Just
before the meeting closed it was
| announced that Pathc Weekly and
the Atlanta Journal had sent liter
I over to get a picture of the notable
gathering and that all hands would
{kindly smile, that is smile the
best they knew
under the
Local cotton wax down Thursday.
At tho dose middling grade was
quoted at 30 cent a a pound a* again xt
a quotation of 30 3*3 cents a pound
at tho close Wednesday.
NEW YORK—There wan renewed
covering by near month nhortn in
the cotton market Thursday morn
ing. First fleca were steudy at an
advance of throe points ou .;ury
but generally 7 tc 14 points lower
under realising and •scattcretT
southern selling. These early of
ferings were very quickly nhsprbed.
however, and within tho first ha?r
hour May contractu sold up to
31.47 or 20 points net higher and
nil the old crop months made new
high records for .the season. The
strength in these positions putted
the price of QctOfcer up to 20.03 or
J points net higher in shite or con
tinued good weather In me hoik
[circumstance*, with no ladies on land scattered Southern selling or
|hand. First the clubbers ahd the early new crop deliveries. i*:v-
guests, were formed in column
The Shop of Quality
Athens Can Well Boast of Two
Beautiful Office Buildings
’ - 4 ' V -,
Either of them would do credit 'to a city of 60,000
Tliev were built for the profeeeional men of Athene as
wall ae for brokero and resident agencies. They were built
by pioneer citizens of Athene, believing thty would'be ap
preciated—eopeelally by Athena people.
There are yet, a few folks, still doing bualneee -over
•tore*" that should get Into an office building, where
clients can find them readily and where business can ba
transacted Ih real comfort
We Invite you to compare tfie rates of rental In the
Holman Building with what you are paying—and aspecially
with what you are receiving In the way of comfort and
, conveniences. - ■ , .» ,
Real Estate Agents
Agents for the Building
- Ground Floor Holman Building
„ , in
of twos bv Colonel Dwight Rythei
and in this formation they were
mi retied bv tho movie man. and
speaking of Abit again, it is said
it reminded him of the time he
was out in Hollywood. Next came
the ‘‘still" picture and B. R.
Btoodworth wasn’t satisfied with
showing' his face once and had
to run around to the other end
after nearly stopping the camera
on the initial exteremity*
All this came after n splendid
meeting at the Georgian hotel. A
meeting that was full ’o pep.
splendid singing and several good
talks. Eustice Stevens introduced,
through his quartette, two new
songs. “Carolina” and “My Ram
bler Rose” and then Mr. Phinizy
said a word about the district con
vention in St. Petersburg, Fla.,
on the 23rd and 24th of this month.
After looking over the posters
distributed it was evident that a
full attendance will be on hand
from Athchs to respond to the
greetings of all those bathing
beauties ‘negerything. •
The meeting of the 21st of the
month will be the one for nomi
nating new officers and immediate
ly afterwards the Relegation will
leave for Florida.
An enjoyable story, “Wait till
Mattin Comes,” by Harry Still
well Edwards was told to the club
while- Mr. Walbridge spoke in a
happy tone of Athens and the club
and I. T. Kilpatrick told of being
the guest of the Aberdeen, Miss.,
club a few days ago and what tk
wonderful organization it was.
James White spoke of his busi
ness, cotton manufacturing and
was introduced as a “yam spin
ner." ,
The meeting was a splendid
one, typical of those the Rotarians
{hold weekly and Athens is to be
I congratulated on possessing such
President Morton Hodgson pre
P. S. Jliss Hammond’s standing
in the popularity contest certain
ly took a decided boost following
this meeting. She is being spon
sored by the club and her envelopes
Were very much In evidence at the
meeting. 1
eritool cables Haiti tho mnrkot there
wna chiefly influenced uy the ad
vanced In American markets and
coverings by shortf.
Reports of boll weevil emergency
from hibernation wan much lighter
this year than taut at the Ixmlnlana
stations were a factor I nthe early
afternoon decline to 31.03 for May
and 26.80 for October or about. 9 to
25 points net lower on tho general
list. This was checked by renewed
covering, however, and tho market
.was several points up from the low
est around 2 o’clock will* January
«clalively firm.
Tho early advance mot fi good
deal of realising and offerings in
creased toward midday on reports
that the spot basis was n little
easier In some parts of the South.
T^cre were also reports from New
Orleans that some merchants in the
interior were offering cotton for
new crop’„delivery at 16 cents. This
seemed to encourage reactionary
sentiment on the decline which
carried May contracts off to 31.15
and Octobor to 26.71 around mid
day or about 12 to 14 points net
lower on these positions. July held
around 30.32 or within 2 points of
yesterday’s closing quotations.
Open high low clone F C
May 31.18 31.47 31.1 30.95 31.27
July 0.35 30.60 30.36 ?0.10 30.34
Oct *6.73 26.93 26.73 26.62 26.85
Dec. ... .. -26.2 26.35 26.38 26.00 26.35
NEW YORK—Cotton spot quiet;
Middling 3C.95,
than due, further acounti of the
determination of holders ,of long
March contracts to force delivery
of cotton and the unofficial stute-
ment by a government cotton spec
ialist that there la no Indication
that prices had reached the point
where consumption was being
checked, all combined to put the
cotton market, to a new high level
for the season pu the old crops, tn
the first half hour of'business to
ddy. March rose to 31.18 a pound
and May to 30.79. Here the old
crops were 18 to 24 points up. Oc
tober at Us best traded ten points
net higher at 26.42 after having
made a net loss of ten points
around the opening.
.Selling continued I nthe-afternoon
and the decline was widened but only
moderately as the market* got ihore
or less support whteh many brokers
considered was due to trade buying.
ITp to 1:30 o'clock May trade das low
as 30.72 with prices of the mose ac
tive months one ,to 22 points under
the finals of yesterday.
Reports from Constantinople that
Turkey had called all Moslems'to
the colors checked the advance.
Selling Increased on telegrams frrfm
Tallulah, La., stating that the gov-
ornmeht laboratory there had an
nounced that tho survival of Wee-
Open high low close 4' C
....31.02 31.18 31.00 30.83 31.1
. ...30 75 30.97 30.58 30.61 30.71
. ...30.20 30.41 29.99 30.03 31.21
....26.27 20.(2 26.27 26.00 26.27
, ...25.85 25.95 25.60 15,61,25.98
BOSTON , — New England,,
thoroughly aroused over its aban- '
doned farms and the drift of popula i
tlon from the cojmtry to the city,
which has been more marked than{
ever since the war, is making >
determined effort to bull'd up an
agricultural prosperity which shall
rest on a firm foundation. Co
operation la being atressed as the
great necessity, and not, merely
co-operation' among the farmers
themselves and between the farm
ers and- the agricultural colleges
and the state, experiment stations,
but, between all these elements,
and tbe Industrial Interests of this
section of the country I
At a recent agricultural confer
ence In Bbston the hiterdepedence
of . agriculture and Industry was
emphasised, and means of making
New England more nearly self-sup
porting In its farm products were
discussed. It was brought out that
such products to the value of sp
ot Georgia will take
boll weevil exterminators at half
rate from Wednesday until Rep-
ctember^ 30. 1923, for shipment In-
'terstate between points h
Southern territory and atn> on
shipments Interstate between points
in Georglij.
. For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
ag”lnTl27 9 C year. March'noric” 'prOXimaWy half. • Vfata^tolter.
for about 1,00 bales 'circular
thioughout the morning causingg
liquidation in that position. Late
in v the morning. March wna erf to
30.80 with ithe list seven points
higher to eight points lower than
tho close of yesterday.
FOR RENT—724 Cobb St.
Phone 1036 or 437
Reduction In the fire Insurance
rates for buildings within five hun
dred fast of a firs plug will lie
of the benefits resulting from the ex
tension of the water main In the
Fifth Ward and on Princeton road.
It was learned Thursday.
Buildings located within five hun
dred feet of the fire plug will be
automatically switched from Class
Four ally property to Class One and
tho rato will be reduced from those
buildings from $14.60 per thousand to
$8.00 per thousand.
Of course-It will be several weeks
before the Improvements will be com
pleted and the Insurance rates will
not be affected until the Improve
ment Is made.
Athens Visitors
Among thoao visiting In Athens
Thursday were, Edward Brown,
Atlanta; Guy Blalock, Atlanta; L-
P. Smith, Cincinnati; M. U Dug
gan, Atlanta. -
'Miss B. U. Duggan, Atlanta; W.
K. Dunkln, Macon; .a .Preston,
Philadelphia; U C. Scott, Atlan
ta; O. M. Carr, Covington, Ga.;
Fred J. Hunter, Atlanta; W. H.
A yen, Atlanta; E. B. Elder, At
lanta; Roy Hutchlnc.
* 8. O. Rlh, N. C-; H. N. Ogden.
N. O.; G. W. Carlas*, City; Thomas
M. Kuans, Atlanta; D. L. Norris,
Greenville, 8. C.; Mrs. C. V. Tur
pin, Nashville, Tonh.
8. W. Milner, Atlanta; C. J.
Medwedeff, N. Y.; C. W. Adams,
Covington, Ga.; J. W. Byrd, Atlan
ta; J. E. Campbell, Atlanta; H. B.
Carreker, Rome.
VAN-NIL. Satisfies
E xamine the
new Goodyear
Cord Tire with the
beveled All-Weather
Tread. The treadle
semi-flat,the rubber
compound is new
and improved, the
sidewall is heavier,
the treed blocks ere
reinforced. Then
buy it, and you will
find that it U the
longest-lasting tire
you have ever used.
We will give you real
service on it.
Athens, Ga.
19 Clayton Street
NEW ORLEANS—Spot cotton
steady and unchanged; sales on the
spot 103 to arlve 1.667; low mid
dling 30.25; Middling 31.00; Good
middling 31.50: Receipt# 2,518;
Stock 173.673.
LIVERPOOL—Cotton spot Ilmii,-
ed demand; prices steady. Goon
middling 17.01; Fully middling 10.36
Middling 16.76; Low middling
16.51; Good ordinary 16.01; Ordi
nary 16-71. Sales 7,000- males in
cluding 4.500 American; receipts
19,000 bales including I818OO .Amer
ican. Futures closed quiet: MarCh
16.35; May 16.25; July 16.05; Oct.
16.61; Dec 14.24: Jany. 14.13.
NEW RORK—CottonsOea on
closed steady. Enute summer yel
low 11.45; Prime crude 10.25; March
11.10; April 11.40: May 11.70 Juns
11.76; July 11.87; August 11.87;
August 11.86; Sept 11.78; October
11.00. Sales 22,000. ,
NEW YORK—Liberty bonds
closed 3 l-2s 101.30; First 4s
98.10 bid; Second 4s 97.98 bid;
First 4 l-4s 98.20; Second 41-4#
98.12; Third 41-4s; Fourth 41-4s
8; Uncalled Victory - 474s
100.12; U. S. Government 474s
were being brought Into New Eng- j
land annually from other parta of
the country.
Even under present conditions |
the New England farmer Is well
off aa compared with those of oth- '
er sections, according to state and .
college authorities. President ,
Ralph D. Hatsel, of New Hamp
shire College of Agriculture and ,
Mechanic Arts, said In a recent ad-j
dress that the old-time trend to ,
the west had passed, and that .
western farmers were now coming
to New England because they raw
a blight future - for agriculture >
here, duo to the nearness of mar- |
kets. The Massachusetts depart-:
ment of agriculture. In one of its I
publications, said it could le prov- |
ed that the average Massachusetts j
farmer was more prosperous and
got mqre out of life than the aver
age farmer In any of the wheat,
growing statefh'
Add Profitable Land to Your Farm
—atLess Expense
L ?*S hand ntenpUaj
lastywrwithDnmorite. That land U no. ».
ting meow fat tbsbarik for them. It’s as Iccp. ,
losm They ssred money on the job, too.
For Sonorite ghee yon coo-third more stick, p#
doSsr—*t has sfyonarlmsteiy the sameitmuthnkk
Anjhfc w 40% ifrWWki.and tht slow. hmW
•ctkmof Nco-freexing and noo-hcadad*.
Let usghwyoafaH fafcmiatfan on Duocrite ud
other da Foot explosives for land-deortni and ditch
lag work. We can give you quick delivery, ud
me bdpftd advice.
3&S0 Pah" o»i'
~ Lumpkin Street"**-
Tomato Soup
Broiled Spanish Mackerel
String Beans Tarter Sauce
V; Vegetable Salad ‘
Blackeyed' Peai Candled Yatbs
Muffins and Biscuits
Raisin Pudding
Coffee, Tea or St ilk
50 Cents
50 Cents
calf Liver and Bacon
Cauliflower" Cube Potatoes
Stewed Prunes Green Peas
Hot .Biscuits
Great For Bad
Coughs and Colds
Make Your Own Medicine
and Have the Best
There Is. ,
You’ll Sey It’s Good When All
Mncni Disappears and Clean
Healthy Membrane to Your
Here is an inexpen»hre home
made remedy that’you can’t beat
and one that will quickly brine
up that phlegm, stop the snuff
ling, relieve the clogged nostrils,
make breathing easy and cause
stubborn colds and persistent
coughs to vacate—many times ov
er nighL
Try it right away if you suffer
from Catarrh, Chest Colds or any
Irritating hose or throat trouble*
and yonll be gl*d you run aeroee
this little bit of gdvice.
Get from any druggist, one
ounce of Parmlnt, double strength
and, add to it a little sugar and
enough water to make one half
pint You can make It in two
minutes and when it to mixed you
can pride yourself on having.a
medicine that acts directly on the
membrane of the nose, throat and
acts so effectively that all phh
all tickling and inflammai
lily di
VAN-NIL Never Disappoints
Complete Line of
D. & M .
90c to $1350
75c *o $ 4.00
2S» to $ ZOO
19c to $ 1.7S
“Farming in Massachusetts,”
ssld this publication, “has chang
ed from extensive to Intensive
crop production. The Importance
of a state agriculturally Is usually
rated according to her production
of grain,, beef cattle and swine,
with little attention to such crops
as potatoes, onjons, market garden
vegetables, orchard fruits ,and
berries. It to In these agricultural
specialties that Massachusetts tncj,
the other New England states ex
Giving detailed figures compare
lng farm costs and. production Id
Massachusetts and In a certain
western grain growing state, tbe
publication sets the general value
of tbe whole farm crop per acre
here at $59.10 and In the western
state at’ $19.20.
Various methods to -tiring about
the-desired result are being work
ed out. Farmers are being encour
aged to devote thousands' of acrei
of land, which havo been proved
toe barrhn for raising crops, to
the creation of new/ forests to re
place those cut down by lumber
men. Dairy farmers, livestock own
era, and fruit growers are f6rm
lng cooperative associations for
buying' feed, fertiliser and other
supplies, and for marketing their
products. '
In Aroostook county,' . Maine,
which Ireds tbe country in potato
raising, • campaign la In prngross
to Increase interest In bettering
the crop, grading 19 properly for
market, and ahlllng It to the best
advantage. In Vermont livestock
owners are getting together In a
’’better sires, better stock” .effort
In New Hampshire the extension
qptwice of New Hampshire Col
lege has mapped out * program
of aaslstance to farmer* which in
cludes detailed studies of selected
(arms In different parts which In
cludes detailed studies of selected
farms tn different parts of the
state In order to point the way
to a better, organised farm unit;
surveys of the beet methods of
crop rotation in order t opromote
soil fertility jind. examination of
production and cost records to de
termine the m,ost profitable farm
methods. vPrunlng and spraying
demonstrations are being arranged
for fruit growers. -
Professor John C. Graham, of
the Massachusetts Agricultural
College, thinks that New England
should go in more extensively tor
poultry raiding. “A great and
growing agricultural production,”
he says,'“can be based upon the
ben as It can not'upon any other
element In our New England term
Athens, Georgia
•* ’ *>• „ V • r • V '
E VERY man’s careet is like a
tree. In order to have flow
ers and fruits it. must have deep
roots. The roqt of business suc
cess is what a man has saved.
Plant the tree of your success by a
savings account with this bank.
m *,
Commercial Wank of oAthens
“Ask Our Depositors.”
Farmers In Northeast Georgia
will be glad to lenrn that ball wee
vil exterminators,' can be chipped
over the Cctyral of Georgia rail
road at one-halt rates.
This announcement was macs
Thursday by-J. Y.' Bruce, eommer
clal ag*nt for the railroad <n Ath
ens. Thoss who desire more Inror
nation on the matter can t I Atr.
Banner-Heraid Want Ads
We have just secured the services of a Euro-
n baker, and will offer the public a full
of Pumpehiickel, Rye and Frei
and rolls.v'rk
Friday and
nch bread
em ovejv-take some home
Fresh Cocoanut',
r— 45c
hen# 113*. ’
WANTED—Three unfarplabed room;
cloee ln. Phone 1635, m-3-c.
Fresh Lady Baltimore, 3 Layer 45c
, Fresh Pineapple, 3 Layer 25c
All 2 Layer Cakes 25c
All Coolaes, doz. 15c
Doughnuts, doz. 15c
Angel Food Cakes, Luge, each 25c
These prices ar6 special for Saturday, be sure
K to come in and see our line.