Newspaper Page Text
Jl, &*«$£
^ H AG 1
,^hc husband E. J. Bondurant, ana «f “XI company.
I the children of the- said .Mr*.
- Martha S. Mnjs Bondurant^to-wit
Elizabeth Bondurant: Mary Bon- bonis* No:?, with the Will an
nexed on the estate of p. L. Uevis,
late Of said County ddo'd—This Is to
notify all parties :oar.)nii.j, to s.nV
cause, ff any they can tyf»e me on
the first MONDAY In April nest, why
the application'or said H. A. Davis
should not be granted—
Witness my official hand and* alg-
Petltloners desire that said corpora
tion shall have the rlsht tolssue such
parte of the original atoch, aa wen as
such parts of the Increased capital
stork. If any such Increase may be
made, aa - common and preferred
stock, and with such rfehts and
priylleces to the holders of the pro
to appear 'and shdw cause before
the Court-of ordinary for 'said
±-\ - -- :,i
April, 1923, why an brder allow-
’ 'd resignation should not bo
1 and petitioner discharged
of hb said trust. Let the usual
xerviio be made upon the aborc
named parties who reside within
the State and* let those residing
without the State be served by
f iublishihg this citation and order
n.the paper in which Sheriff’s ad
vertisements are printed once n
week for-twrf months.
This the first day of February,
i County on the > first Monday in
April, 1923- wtiv nn Ardn*- allow
ing said
. -granted
miscellaneous hooka lowed on aa (ho
property of K. W. Ramircs to satisfy
an attachment Issued from City Court
of Athena Ip favor of Dodd Mead A
Co., against It. W. lUmlrcz.
This March 9. 1933.
Sheriff, Clarka County, Ca.
Mar. 9-ll-U-so.
.forced stock, If any bo ‘Isouod, aa
'the holders of the common stoAc may
fix and datermlna. »
T. -
Petltloneta desire that said .cor
poration shall 'have tbs rlsht to euo
nee Fiver 28.1 cpaly* thence down
the thread of “Id river to the begin -
nlns point; said tract ot land con-
talnlns two hundred and Mventy-two
(273) aerie, more or lets. Excluding,
however, the three acres covered by
the rlsht of way of the Oeorsia Rail
roads The above described tract of
land la fully described In a plat of fhe
same made by R. L. Hunter, C. 8.
V. Co., In September, lstl. and said
put Is recorded In deed book O. O.,
peace 50,4 and SOS. of the'deed record!
of Baldwin County, OeonRa, record
ed May SI. 1911. Bald Und la part of
the estate of William McKinley, de
The same to be sold by the under-
rlgned aa the ‘property of Mrs. Mary
McKinley Cobb. In pursuance of a
power of ealc contained I na securi
ty deed from the said Mrs. Mary Mc
Kinley Cobb to Mies Lucy C. Flcm-
Inc. dafed February 10. 1914. and
recorded In deed hook •"OO,” folios
637 apd S3S, In the office of the clerk
of the Superior Court of Baldwin
.This March 7th, 1915.
U. C. ORR,
Ordinary, Clarke CSunty.
Mar. 9-II-SS-S0.
0I0R0IA—Clarke Coun-.y:
Will be sold before tlie court house
i door In said county on the first Tues
day In April, 1911, between tbe legal
1 hours of sale at public outcry to the
highest bidder for cash, toe followlns
described ^property ,to-wlt* }
1—A certain tract of Und located
In Clarka Coupnty,’ Oeorsia. pbort
olio and ona-half miles north of Ath
ena on the Newton's Bridge road,
contalnlns elshty-elsht (11) acres,
mors or leas, and fully described in
a deed from A. P. Dearlns to T. C.
DeLoney. dated February 1*. IMS.
and recorded In deed book 4. folio 447
o( the records of deeds In' the office
of the Clerk of the Superior Court of
I Ctark/ County. (Worsts, to > which,
deed reference le hereby trade for el
more compute description, s’ 191
I—That tract of parcel of Uml. with *
the Improvements therton-Jylng andl
bolus In the city of Athena. CUrtS |
County. (leorsU, loeated on the north :
.l.lw .# Aoi,i>aa l! ft avlnwtiys
1923. .'7 •
R. C. ORR.
Ordinary, Clarke County, Geor-
gls- V ' ‘ '
Fab. 16-23
Mch. 2-9-16-23-30. . . ; ‘
In possession. Deed for tbs' p'urpoeb
of levy and sale filed and recorded' In
office of Clerk Superior Court ol raid
County, before, levy made.
This the Sth day of March. 1911. '
Sheriff, darks County, Ca.
Mar. 9-14-21-10. ’ *
I^TION O^ jjOHN D. Mdss
Tb Kpuien D a _t sL. D.
OEOROIA—Clarke . County:
To' the" Superior Court -of skid «
The petition of L. H. CHAMB1
LAIN, of Fauquier county,'tke S
of Virginia, and H. J. REID, of
Count)* of 'dark# and State of 9
Aa,* respectfully shows:
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
There Will be eokl on the. f|r t
Tuesday In April,IMS, before tha
Court House door In the said shlta
and county, durlnc the legal haufa.tjf
sale to the hlsheat bidder for ce-h the
Mrs. Jennings, south b>A Bloomfield
property, and west bje Matthews prop
[ The. above parcel of land levied up-
[on aa the property of Sweety Nor-
1 flett under'and by virtue of a cev-
taln execution Issued from the City
Court of Athene In favor of MUs
Mary U WllkInLJtealnst Sweety Koir-'
nett and W. D.Norflelt.
(T*l AaLiI . „iu,m smUIaI* aatA seaan.
ttelr associates, .aucceason and
algna, to be Incorporated under
name apd stylo of H. J. REID C|
PANY for a period of twenty
following described property, to-wlt:
One buffeL 1 China Cabinet, 1
Dine,* Tnhle, I I’cdeatat. I Settee, l
Henter. I K Cabinet, 1 Rafrisarator,'
: K,. Tahir.' i Rockln* Chairs, C
Strmlabt Chairs, 4 Curtains, 1 com
forts, t pillows, 1 Dressers, i Chlffo-
necr,. 3 Bads, S Art Squares, X Mat
tresses, 1 Small Tables, 1 Wash
k.m. property levied upon aa the
property of the defendant P. . le
security deed, and In order for the
Sheriff of said county to levy and
sell the property under said execu
tion. quit-claim deed for levy and
sale has bden executed and reeerdM
to the said Sweety Norflett aa re
quired by law.
Written notice to ternCnt In pos
session has been (Ivan as roqolred
by law.
This 9th day of March. 19*1.
Sheriff Clarfcd County. Oeorsia
Mar. 9-11-21-M. '
, OEOROIA—Clarke Ceunty:
| To Whom It may concern:
Notice la hereby alven that Itiiah
W. White as administrator of the es
tate ot lealuh Clements, deceas'd,
having applied to me by petition for
leave to sell the real estat^ of said
hext of kin and also, the
5*®»: the children and grand-
iwn «,i the said John 2). Mots,
lt: Inhn Hill -Moss, and hia
»t daughter, Nancy, Putnam’,
necticui; R. L. Moss, UI, and
hi- infant son,-John D. Moss,
ithrns G*||(Us Mr*.'Mary V;
> iiror, aif her infant daugh-
Am o Byrd Tiror, Montezuma,
That the partlcuh
carried on by salt
either for Itself or
others, the buying
clothing. Ur»goode. I
other furnishings: t
conduct, a. Clothing
.L. all thlnn 'that I
Issued In favor of Wallace Bell and
axs'nst R. I. Shouae.
There' win le sold at the some time
end j He,, the following described
property, to-wlt: s4tl
I Lot of hoose hold goods neiUh
Ing of kitchen utensils, house-(Urn Islfj'
Inc. garden tools etc. *
The same levied upon as tbe pro
perty of the ' defeiwUet ,M»» .gle#
•f.ockhart to aatlefya I
lsnwdilaidkuw>f*t "»
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
, Will ^ void before the court house
*tbor*In-Clarke Ceunty. Oeorsia' oh the
Judith Elizghetb
ll.iriow, and her infan:
Indith Mary Hariow. of
cry. to. the highest bidder, for cash.
» f the said R. L.
Lucklc Ml
• Borgia: Thom*
* ■>' Athens, Goon
> Jr-, A than*. Qa(
and turned over to me
0. Htrichland, I* C.
This March * 1923.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
EL A. 'ktvls has applied to tl
every pair of shoes and suppers Must be sold regardless
Everybody’s surprise, the opportunity of a life time awaits you at this tremendous sale of slaughtered prices, unheard of in this country. We
expect this stpre to be crowded to its capacity Saturday, as it Was the last Saturday, so come early and get your pick of this fine stock of Shoes.
* Lot No. 1
720 pairs ot Ladies Fine Slippers in black,
brown and white in all sizes and
Values to $5.00, special for—
Saturday 49c Pair
Lot No. 2
615 Pairs of Ladies Slippers- black, brown,
• gray and white, in all sizes and heels. Values
’ it$o $6.50, special for—r •
■ ' Lot No. 3
905 Pairs Ladies extra fine Slippers, in
black, brown, tail and white kid, in strap
effects, orfords and pumps, with military,
Baby Louis and French heels, in 411 sizes
and widths. Values'to $8.00—
Saturday Sphciaf$1.98
Saturday 98c Pair
Lot No. 4
465 Pairs Ladies very high grade Slip-
pet?, in black, brown, tan, beite aftd com-1
binations, in straps, oxfords, pumps and
fancy makes, in all sizes and widths and all
heel?. Values to $10.00—^
Saturday, Special $2.98 Pair
Lot No. 5
Ladies Slippers made by the finest shoe
manufacturers in the world, all styles- sizes ’
and widths, and all in the newest models.
Values tp $13.50— '
Saturday Special $3.98 Pair
2,345 Pairs Ladies very high grade boots
in black, brown, gray and combination
colors, with all heels, all sizes and widths.
Values to $10^00—-Special for
Saturday Going At $1.00 Pair
1,190 Pairs Ladies fine Booth. Values to
$15.00 pair are going N *
. Saturday at Special Price of*
' $1.98 Pair
Men’s fine shoes and Slippers. They are
going fast and are all going to be sold re-
Men’s shoes and Slippers arranged in
three prices for Saturday, shoes Worth up
to 6.00—
Special for Saturday'$2.98 Pair
Values to $8.00—Special for
Saturday $3.98 Pair 1
Values to $11.50—Special for
. Saturday $4.98 Pair .
This store will open Saturday morning at 9 o’clock sharp, rain or shine, so come early and avoid the rush. We expect thousands at this stpre
Saturday, as we are offering sueh tremendous bargains, the people cannot resist the temntation by staying away. s
Sale Adjuster
Clayton St.
All male, ritizeift of Clarke Jot a Bondurapt; Birdie
between the age,
, (I tvrnty-one and fifty years,
»pt those exempt by law, be and
l«r arc required, when notified
•r «ummon*d by. the proper au-
ftontie. tq. work the pubi/c roads
jfiaid Couhty during the y«sr.
1k3 for shen>'qdyx, or- in lieu
I #ST f pay * 9 onlmut * tion tux of
That all citizens paying said tax
• or before the first day of April,
1M3 be allowed a rebate of fifty
| cents. (>H
.All taxes to be paid at Commis-
[»ncn’ Office in the Clarke, Coun*
If Court House.
By order of the Board of Com-
■wioners of Roads and Revenue,
« Clarke County, Georgia.
lrv.„ Clerk.
*eby-10-16-23—Mch. 2-9.