Newspaper Page Text
j ft Night Light Burning Keep
west osimtij .
jla' or Thomas Will Give
‘set of Dickens Works to
School Winning First
Civic Pridfe Will Be .Ap
pealed to. Backed by City
Health Laws.
Thu reday.
Him Away From His Brother
Morgan County Man Refuses to Visit Atlantian Be
cause “They Burn Lights All Night.”
Has Never Eaten Meal Away
From Home Near Rutledge
Because they burn light* all night but has never married. Haa never
In Atlanta. Drive Wellborn of Rut
ledge In Morgan county refuaea to
pay his brother a lone promised
Mr. Wellborn Is 5S< years old. He
dves three miles from Rutledge, Mi
miles from- Madison, and the same
distance from Monroe. These pro tne
spent a night away from home. Haa
never been on a train, though be
says he Imagine It would bo pleas
ant riding. .
He has never taken a drink of
whiskey, or eaten a meal away rrom
home. He Is a good fellow, talks
French Cabinet Said to Be
Considering Use of
“Iron Hand” if Trouble (■-
Continues. *
distance from Monroe. These pro me freely on. any suDject and enjoys IVV A R MIYNTKfi
largest towns hs haa ever been In, telling how little he knows of thei" iTlfi'HaililV
Athens will wrlto "twenty-three”
;i flirt, rubbish, trash and. tin
, ,11. Thursday when the “clean-
e.imiiulgn" directed by the Wo
rn.,ns Club gets underway.
with Mayor Thomas offering a
prize m the school whose district 1
,„.,kes tlie beat Job at cleaning up.
„ii,I a .second prise to be offered
I,... .someone else, interest among
the iliililrcn and P. T. A/a will be
very high before the campaign
need a
Nearly every one of the city
zehmilH Is In need of a library and
the set of Charles Dickens warns
which the mayor will give t:io
reliant situated In the district
reaching tho standard In cleanli
ness will be a valuable addition or
While prises will be offered to the
schools and civic pride appealed to
Is order to make Athens free from
zerm-hreeding trash' piles and
empty tin cane os a result of the
eiesa-up campaign, those wno wil
fully neglect to clean up tneir
premise! and allow rubblsn to nc-
rumulte In backyards or front
yards will be made acquainted wttn
the health laws which provides
that the offenders In this line be
haled before the recorder.
However, the clean-up commit-.
It, hue no disposition fb" make It
uncomfortable'foftjpiyone. The co-
and as far away from home as he
has,ever been. He haa never had a
case in court, neVer been n wit
ness. Once, years ago, he went one
time to Prospect church.
He Is not a member of any churcd
and thla one trip Is the.only time
he has ever been Inside of one. He
has loved and courted several girls
mlrnC He Is a clever, good citizen—
Just stays at home. He says he hire. ,
promised hie brother Crawford, to Hnsttacrpfi At Buer Will
go up to Atlanta and spend u lew , 7*“
days with him. but he understands Be Shot As Reprisal
•they burn lights In Atlanta all night Vfpafinrp p ftr Future
and he Just knows that wouldn't RiCaSure TOT rUbUre
perntlon of ihe entire city l»
Uriteil from a standpoint or civic
pride and dMIl*' «" Malar tn*
nreeis. yards and vacant lots at-
tractive as wall as free from breed-
in. places for Insects mosquitoes
The Sanitary deparfinen: oe/ tne
dty. Chamber of Commerce, Boy
he outs and other organisations are
uH'ptlng the Woman’s chin com
mittee. led by Mrs. T.'.v .\ncer-
uon. in directing the Campaign.
The sanitary wagons will b# sent
around every morning.' ]
The mayor hss Issued n proem
million urging all the citizens to
aid. The Boy Scouts wilt help find
the owners of vacant property ahd
they will be ueked to have tne
lota denned. This campaign’ will
hut for two weeks.
fie nn»snn imfe
Citizens Watch Demon
stration of Equipment
Givpn By Athens Fire
Chief G. W. McDorman.
A delegation of Commerce citi
zens came to Athens Monday, to
watch a demonstration of the new
fire truck operated by the depart
ment here.
. The delegation was composed or
City Commissioners, C. W. Truitt
and E. 8. Wood; I* F. Brooke, su
perintendent of water works and C.
C. Ward. Resistant chief of police.
J. Lt Plummer, representative of
the American LaFrance Company,
manufacturer* of fire equipment
was present.
Chief of the fire. department D.
McDormqn demonstrated the aux
iliary pump of The Athene depart
ment for the benefit of;,the Com
merce delegation. A-delegationIrum
Winder recehrtf yUtti
department and watcl
ktratlon, later purchasing equ:p~
ment fir that city valued at tig.-,
000. ' ' ' , • J
The efficiency of the Athens de
partment 1* well known throughout
the country.
Commission Met Monday.
Athens Bond Choice Is
sues Sinking Fund of
Athens’ bonded Indebtedness Is
In splendid shape as was shown
by the report's heard by tha Bond
commission at a meeting Monday
when over {20,000 worth of con
tone were destroyed.
The bond commission has on
hand $25,000.00 In dty and govern
ment bonde and in addition has
$7,424.05 In cash deposited tn Sav
ings accounts tn Athens banks,
maklfag a total of cash or its equi
valent on hand of $$$,424.93' as g
sinking fund. ,
Athens’ bonds are considered
choice issues all pver tha country/
When the last ones were sold they
brought a premium thatl not only
surproied financiers bat startled
even those who knew of the high
of.the ciJy are practically
vnobUid^bletrom any b$EFrs and
arc Owned all over the south and
way Recalled. Athi
Irishman Discusses His- "^VWytortown, a negro setti*-
><>' friend H. C. Tuck gave me an
loo-resting bit of news Saturday. Mo
'here had died a few days ago
in this city an old colored mat
turned Wyatt Upshaw at tha ass of
'• His funeral took place lust
^un<ia> and was well attended, ns
h ®d the good will of everyone,
wt-s a typical 014 time darkey, *
»|K. |.-S fast passing away. Wyatt
•m about six feet four Inches URL
<°-il Mack end In Me prime a giant
>0 "t'-neth. Ha had lived |n Athene
'vi-i ibioe Ills freedom, was kind in
ond ii:*,i- w ,uon as a chi’d to
‘he ! i»t.
Thf death of this old negro
to mind tho flrtt atreet mil-
Athena aver had
It was built n 1170 or lSJl. The
r: ‘ n from the corner of College
and Clayton street to the
”, tioorgla depot, then tho only
"“ " ‘d to enter Athena and the
“topped on top of ll.« hill bi
son' 1 the river. The street railway
1,w d for hauling freight only,
"'at time Tilmadge * Hods-
*" ,a <l ® grocery store at tin com-
rr w-i-re th> street railway starter,
were no'business houses, on
11 “t John L. Wimberly was
, ,lr “t driver of .the team to pull
[j ’ 1 The team wart four large
Worses, very fine toimato. But
, found that they could not
"i" 1 '■>' work, ah the t|var hills
:'"! I, ! oik ended, so four MI
from Kentucky were euoatl-
'"•1 ro.» grey*. Wyal: Upshaw.
'hr drive* of these mules tak-
' , . c s, ”“ blare cf Mr. Wligbmly and
.Ml,’ * daugnur, Jflse rfsopney,
n *
*0ULO NOT -“fftalB-S «
COMPETE - *. 1
n| d d’hons reniombof
rzperlpirnt-Wf eireei r ,
(Turn to page two)
tin f
1 hi#
Fifty Houses Destroyed in
Violent Windstorm.
Storm Following Course
of Georgia Railroad.
(By Associated Press.).
THOMSON—Between forty and
fifty houeea In Thomson were de
stroyed hero Monday nglht, by a
severe windstorm which aeams to
bn fo'lro-in- the course of. the Oeir
glal Railroad. ‘t
There was no Idas of Ufa re
ported here '.Tuesday morning,
though many of the,settlements In
the path of the atom had not been
heard from due to the’ telephone
and telegraph wlroa being broken
by tho violence ot tne atorm,
ment three miles from here, U
waa reported that Mn houses had
been wrecked. • .*•
The windstorm was suddenly
followed by a terrific cloudburst,
which did considerable.damage ib
the crops around this section. ,
The damage will amount <10 many
thousands ot dollars.
TIMELY TIP* TO • , ^ .
fnm 12. to « O’clock'One Bl«
’atere Does 70 per cent ot Day’s
Buelneee Then—How About You?
v A e*udy of trscllno hours Iq a
big-city department, store revest-
ed the surprising fee that fully
70 per osiit. of the average day's
butlnttt wee done between the
heure of' no*n end « P. M. Only
10 per cent wse done hefore^l
A. M.
In other *orde, through much
- of the day • the Invented capital'
wee producing only . pertlel re-:
'^Though the figures ere preb-
ably net esme in the leeel
business field. Investlgetlep will
doubtless shew that the bulk of
' the tredlnp le done on eerteln days
/ot the wiek end In eertsln hours-
inure of these dsye. .
To a eoneldereble eatent this
la unavoidable. But, Just es far
«. it can be remedied, there le
profit Id doing 00. .
One way le to advertise the bet
ter service that can be give nout-
side the rush bourp._ •
• Another' 1*1
speclsl' Inducemsitte «or.i.trsd|na
during the Week IfcwH nfMW)^
'"ind such advertising pay. for
tlmts over.
Recorder Imposes $10.75
Cash Sentence Or Twen-
8 r Days in Stockade For
ffenders. *-
(By Associated Press.)
PARIS—It Is understood that tne
inopqsal to strip the '"velvet
glove ’ Cmm i the Ruhr occupit'on
and tn reila.e •• 'Ith the -“UVI
flat" la being seriously considered
by. the French CablneL In view of
the recent Increasing killings and
Minister of War Maglnot. who
recently returned fretn 'a visit to
the Ruhr Is expected to 'furnish
the data upon which the decision
of tho cabinet • will probably rest.
- It Is thought however, that
should the government rwiort to
the Iron band policy It will be use.-
with moderation and very nrc.'uv
ly as the Situation mus: w non*
died In a delicate sniy.
The Orman population In the
Recklinghausen district wnvm war
the scene of the ^aesaelitatlon iw*
days ago of a French officer and
Wench civilian station maater. nag.
been put eri notice that-In ute
event any mare killing oceured
among French troops or ut .-n.-ana,
the Burgomaster of Buer. who is
held' as a hostage together wun
Jour other town officials, will ve
shot at- onro ns a Soeosme sir roe
tallatlou. ' *
Due to tho fact that sweaum
Baptists have always banned
the use of, tobacco, Southern
Baptists plan zing to attend the
Baptist World ■ Alliance at
Stockholm the last week. In July
who are" addicted to the use ot
the weld In any form, are be*
log urged by those who nave
traveled In Sweden and know
the opinion of Swedish uspusta
to refrain from the use or to
bacco In any form while they
are guests at the Stockholm
gathering. J
Viligance. of Free State
Detectives Remarkable,
Newspapers Declare.
Scotland Yard Aided.
on wnis ii
UK Mill EE
Directors Will Be Select
ed By Vote of Member
ship. Primary Ends Next
That Most Dangerous
Raiders Have Been
Gathered in Recently.
' / (By Aescejated Press.)
LONDON—Belief that further
Irish raids are Impending in Great
Britain persists In the press al
though It Is generally reported per
sons considered rite most danger-
one .were gathered In last week,-
Ballota have been, mailed out to
the members of tbs 'Athens Cham
ber of Commerce for the Stecuon
of directors, following (he resigna
tion of the old board during tne
recent' Campaign for -”A Greater
Chamber of Commerce.-
Each- member of the chamber ta
asked to nominate twenty-ettbt
members and when the twenty-
eight receiving the highest num
ber of votqa )■ determined a sec
ond ballot will be taken to select
fourteen from tho twetny-etgni.
The ballots In tha. first primary
must be In the office or tne caam-
bar before 7:10 o'clock P. M. on
Friday, March 14th,
- The ballot sent out soya an Idea;
director ahdUld:
1 ' Be open'minded ana torvram.
• Be forceful and willing to work.
I Be tactfuL
4 Be non-partisan.
$ .Lend prestige to the board.
t Bo leader in own spseeii..
7 Not use organlatlon for per
sonal use.
8 ’Have absolute faith In Ath
ene and the Chamber of Commerce.
In addition ta>
$23,672.50 in Bonded In
debtedness Destroyed
Monday By City Bond
The Bond Commission of the
city met jffonday and destroyed
coupons to' the amount of $12,<7$,-
50 and the city's bonded Indebted
ness I* therefore lowered con
siderably. $4,000 of these bonds
were first 1 Issue waterworks bonds,
(rased in l$t$ when the city water-,
works were established. Others
retired were Cl|y Hall coupons,
the.f^Tnnnbr"' School coupons, street improve-
VJgllance of the free state secret jmenta It is stated fhat the entire menU coiP 011 *- slreet paving con-
service agents In attacking eneml«n J board shouldi
of the government la Mid to hare
teen remarkably thorough and suj
cegifnL ,
The Daily Express says these
detectives have been working'for
months In co-operation.whh .Scot
land Yard. Without arousing sus
plcioa- they- became Ticqualntcd
with .most of the details-of nun
running and otbar schemes attend
ing most of the secret meetings
ot the plovers.
While therd Is a feeling of se
curity among tha majority'of tho
newspapers, there 'are atilt .some
who thlak that lie raids will,con
tinue until the government la able
to round up'every one inspected
of having any connection with
It is believed that the tears o'
the French .’tiint guerrilla ,Warfare
would follow the German cam
paign of passive resistance and
sabotage -have materialized. ’
Tho m ief ^serious clan) oc.-ured
at Buer Monday whesp sev>» Ger
mans were shot and kl.Vd by
French s/'nlers who .were given or
ders to orlng lm tho slayers* of two
Frenchpn'O—Lleqtenant Cotlln and
If. Joly—found on the outektrrs nf
'Buer jWltn (heir bodies riddled with
bullets. t
Tho French seised two civilians
who were suspected of the crime
and started to lead the prisoners
Fines of -’$10.75 or sentences ot to.the mmtkry barracks. The uer-
$»’ days was Imposed In police mans were killed when they maee
court Tuesday morning agalnet an attempt .to aatape.
throe violators of tho dty sanl- The double' klllng Inflamea me
Ury ordinance. A number of oth* Populace. Mobs, the leaden or
ar cases were continued. Those
drawing penalties were, J. H. Back
ar, Savannah Sears and W. J.
Smith. A total of tan cases wars
called for failure to comply with
gha ordinances. Most of them for
nof malting sewer connections or
not Installing sanitary closets.
A larger amber of drunks have
Be capable of team worn,
2 Be thorough In everything.
4 Be expeditious
5 Be observant of the thlce ot
the Board Meetings.
< ‘ Be representative of Athens
as n whola.
(By Associated. Pres*.) _ * ,7 fT
CHICAGO.—Gradual restoration of telephone and
‘telegraphic service in the storm swept areas of several
states between the Rocky Mountains and the Appalach
ians brought additional details of damage and swelled
the lists .of the dead.
The wont offsets of tha eion (
were felt at Tlnson, Tehnessee and
Dcanburc, Tennessee, where th»'
storm took a toll of approximately
seventeen lives with soino sixty In
jured. Theso two towns were prac
tically demolished as the torrtaaa.
swept over It In full fury. ,,
DEATH LIST " /•”■$£§
Tho total list of the (toad has al
ready passed forty and there ar•
still many persons unaccounted for.
Tho chances arc that the list of
the dead will run ns high as sixty,
or seventy before tho full damage
of tho storm is known. '
Tho damngo to property will b*
In excesp ot ft million oomrs.
Nino deaths were caused by Uio
storm In central Kentucky. Three
persons were reported killed as*
Richmond, when tho wind lifted a
small farm house containing tnreo
adults and ten children from its
foundation, carried It GO yards and
hurled It to the ground in splinters.
Two wero killed at Bowling Green,
three nt South Union and a nlne-
year-old boy wns killed and flvo
other children, wero injured as
“-**“* Portsmouth wlicn tne rqpf
lown from a high schoos
building into a yard wnere tne
children were playing, according to
reports reaching Louisville.
pons, street and bridge; coupon*
and sower coupons.
Cot. C. M. Snelllng, president
of the Bond Commission, presided
nt the meeting which was attend J
James Barrow.
was quattered large detacamenla
’ French military.
The soldiers opened fire on tne
crowd. Five were slain and several
wounded. *
month there
aboat 40 cases
drunkenness. .
Representative of. Con
tractors to Build Alumni
HaD in Athens, For Be
ginning of Work.
Houston A. Brice of the Small-
man-Brice, Construction company
u Birmingham. Abu, the firm that
Is to build Alumni Hall the first
building to be-constructed'on the
Georgia-'campus ottt of the fanes
subscribed In the Million Donor
Campaign. Is In the egy making
connections for the worm
He states .that preliminary work
now under Way and as goon as
tht steel and stone cap be cut tne
real'construction work wlU begin.
It la necessary that these materi
als be cut and made by exact
spaclflatlona and for this reason. It
will be seven) weeks before tne
cheasy work on (he building ta, un
der way.
Mr. Brice Is very favorably Im
pressed with Athens and the Uni-
wVerslty and Is highly lnterrated
In -Alumni Hall, which to to As A
'memorial building to the Georgm
bbys who gaW their Uvea In tub
World War.
Mr. Brice to accompanied here
by C. C. Rodeo berry of the earn*
eombany who will be located here
arwh ohgUM*-In charge is nltt- the
bufMlnflat fthlxHod. Mftobfoped to
dMKrfte"tM»> building, nasi <AnWa-
tied day. -v • <
Mr. Ludlow, the architect, win be
here from New Y°rk Thursaty.
DUBLIN—Michael Creevy, lead
er of the flregubirs, and Henry
Keenan, both Keput^lcana (Were
executed Tuesday, accorcng to
news dispatches . •
The two men. both prominent In.. . - . . „ .
the affair* of war-Urn Ireland h*™ ?! “, »«*?“» commtsion which
were arrested after a raid mad. on I w,ll ( ' n *°, •«« , loultnr*l.«-
a bank at oid Castle. • ?»' Problems, and aummoned them
Creevy and . Keenan were tried 1 10 M,rch , **',
and convlctec* a. possessing large! * A t?°ee appointed arS .con-
Sixtqen Prominent Farm
Leaders Named By
Hoover "To Serve On
.Special Commission.
(iy Aeeaclated Frees.) .
WASHINGTON — Secretary
Hoover today named the 1« mem
Jill c
County-Off i
Busy “Kinj
ing Liquor.
': j
which cried for vengeance for me arms In their possession,
death of Ihe citizen, sttemplea to I Creevy In par.icular hoe been one
storm the police station m which of the outstanding figures in the
eum. of moniy end .too if hiving S%T^m ,, j!ulw tU tadJ!wS;*i
scientific, wotk related thereto.
They are W. p. Jamison, La Veto,
Com.; J.v G. Brown,- IndlanapoUs,
end C. W.. Hunt, D$d Moines,
Iowa, all three officers ot the
American Farm'Bureau federation;
T. C. Atkeson, Washington repre-
aentotivo ot tho .national grange
Emerald Isle since the ceatii of
Michael Collins and hie exocuMon
will doin.u* have a great effect
on the near future of the country,
as he had many followers.
Local Talent Scores Big Hit At .Colonial Monday.
. Final Performance Given *' j
Tuesday Night, jl*
The restaurant union of Athens cess. * Mr' Minor Wheaton of the
should call a special meeting and
vate an appropriation sufficient
to -hny “Chubby” Alton a square
meal, advent of them.lf necessary*.
“Chubby” to the premier corne
as of tha burg and 4 tost fall
when the Klwauto club ptaged a
show he was "hongry” from begin-
» end and Monday night with
A. ’R-’a. sponsoring the
’’Frolics of 111)” la wns thought
that with Thanksgiving and Chris*
mo cdmlng In between he certain
iy would have hla appetite satis
fied , '
Sat “Chubby” to.still hungry—
and fanny,. He lores everything
but Ilona and “Frog” waiters and
In addition to being a black face
comedian of the ’ first row he de
veloped Monday nigh) into a drat
rate ctolvoyant, aided and abet
ted by “Hap” Harvey.
The ’’Frolics," produced and di
rected by Jimmie Blibop end spop
sored by the Daughters of the
American Revolution, Is a splen
did show. It gave Its premier par-
at .the Colonial theatre
night and will repeat
II Is an
» talent tat sparkles with
ent superbness to give It *
aided .by as many “Georgia
boys" in milting the show a «w-
Oeorgla glee club carries,the bur
den of (he song numbers and ‘‘Hap*
Hsrvey end “Chubby” Allen do
the comedy etoft
Moot of the scene* are on the
private yacht “Orient” fibund for
“Bangalore,” off the coast of AM
he, on a Uon hunt. The costumes
employed are extravagant -and
appropriate while the scenery was
especially painted'for.the occait-
. A rwfuurant scans with “Chub
by” trying <40 -make e French, welt
er understand tbit he wanted some
steik brought fqrth s- cootln/ous
roun of laughter’while.hto mind
reading stunt tasde Alexander took
like a piker. « .-{j,'* “
flror miller, hfinneapolls; Julius I JCtrlcL
Barnes, president chamber of com- 1 “
meres of .the United States;
George McFedden, cotton exporter,
Philadelphia; Carl WilLante. prest-
ffent Oklahoma Cotton Groweir as-
■oclatlon: .Ralph Merritt, president
California Ralslg and :ucc aesc-
olatlon: fifsomo B. TnyfOr. direc
tor if the Inetfive of fovd re
search, -di.iwford university; Janiu*
A*. Broderick, vice president ■Na
tional *B.i>k tef- Commerce, New
York; A4t y\. Miller, member fed
eral reserve board: Thon; ■•. Wlb-
son,' president American metltutn
0$ Meat fork ore* H. C, Taylor,
depnrtpw it - of • agriculture, and
James K 1 . i-1, Jepartment o: c«m-
^iscce. •' '>•; . ' ■
Busy as a “king bee*
liquor, Vase Hoscb, negro, .W“*
caught Monday afternodn by coun
ty officers and lodged In the Jell
charged with violating the prohi
bition law. ’
Hoscb was distilling and wan
pouring water Intp a container oq
(he apparatus when the officers
walked Into tho outhouse where
the equipment was located. Sur
prised,' Hooch opened hie mouth
wide' and dropped tho bucket. He
made no resistance apd wee ar
Five hundred gallons of beer was
captured at the still. Officers R.
A Saye, Sr., and Roland -Bay*
e assisted by Bailiffs U
Johnson and J. H. Glenn, of Wlrf-
* Tho
Fury ear's
Other reported Ueathn Included
two at Chicago, one at Steubenville,
Ohio; one ot Massillon. Ohio: ore
at Greenwood,- Miss.; one at ril
Dorado, Ark, and one at Mitwau-
p.'inled the storm In all these
Heavy property damage aceom-
acea. In. smoo sections the dam
age was estimated at 1500,000 tn
$1,000,000. .Some towns are
pletely cut off from communli
with outside points, while in 1
instances a single wire
the ouly means of ■)$
Damage to wire service was gen-
cral throughout the entire central
section of the country. Some in
dustries were forced to ntmnnm,
work today owing to lack or elec
tric power. :
Heavy damage was reported
from, many points in Indiana.
Train service waa delayed. ras(
frame being reported as much as
10 hours late. In some Instances
where trains were repc
pud wire commfmlcatlon' ’
be obtained.'radio was u___
port the whereabouts of trains.
Q narratt an .. T. JOUIIWn UUU el. 21. U|CnH, Ot '
i or I tervlUe district made the raid.
..^'.llittivle turn, to looted In Fury
district . -
Besides Mr. A'Uen’s, Mr.AV’Ueat-
on’s and Mr. Harvey’s singing.
Misses Katherine Park. Katherine
Ashtard. Muicl Hodgson. Ixiulse
Upson. Sarah Hall nml Miss Helen
Ashford hail song numbers. Miss
Marian Bailey danced two special
ties, a “hula" md an "oriental."
Misses Haael Hodgson and Kather
ine Ashford do a rag doll dance
that Is very good Indeed and Miss
Math!Jde rnson-and Tody Watson latter,
do a graceful exhibition ot soclolx race , * T o
aaaii; sx
for gehulhe •njcrhftnt and not n surprl ic by giving theli
a It I* of local talent and (Turn to Page 8lx)
(Tunf to P»g« Tiro) * . V
Soviet Russia Asks ‘ Fo
Scientific Fanning Bui
letins Tj
Country Self-Sustaining
(By Assoclsttd Press.)
ORONO, Maine.—An Indication
that many reeldcnt* of Sovtdt Rus
sia era Joining in an pffort to
place their country on a self-sus
taining food totals is seen by offi
cials of the Maine agricultural ex
periment Station IA the fast that
841 iwquasta for bulletina on sri*
_ entlflc farming were rocelvod hero
Several Candidates After J™ ra Ko “i* dufNr'u>c past y*
Kflfin Alta— This was the srtest number of -^-
quiries received flora .fmhqf
conntriea Canada woe second with.
<4145 rernfafi* and countries In
Enrobe, Asia,,Africa, South Amor-
y »*•*, Australia .and the East and
Determined to win the 1*00 ek- West Indies were reprotenetd. ,
tra Votes In fha Popularity Contest Farmers in all states in the
which closes with the White Way Union sent inqtdriet. ' Ten thw-
opening April 4. friedds of Mika:land Maine farmers receive but-
Lovle Jowera and Mlsa Laura Ham I letins at regular Intervals polr.t-
mond gave their candidates overling the Way to successful anricul-
fourtran handred votes each Man-ltural practices. The station ia
day. I engaged in research in the nutri-
Mtos Hammond led Miss Jowirs tion and breeding of plaMa and
by a few points receiving 144b animals, control of plant diseases,
votes as sgalnst 14)1 cast for tha and the study of insoet friends
Other candidates la tho and'foes. Ita. »tudje*.,of the .Igws
trengrn of «mrinh«Mw>s1l. MT& d f'P|Mi^
men in all farts t*f
5,000 ExtrrVotes Offer
ed This Week By Conv-
E0HBIV V*»«a4F
spring management w
'• sdl- useful by farn
’the country.
Regulations to Serve Aa
Guide For Work in Fi-
nancially Aiding Fariper.
Are Announced.
(By Aiuclated Pres..)
‘ WASHINGTON — The federal
farm loon board, charged with ad
ministration ot the new govern
ment financial Intermediate craqit
banka completed Tuceday me reg-
Otatiuns which are to serve an ttiw
guide tor the system's operation In
aid of the (srmer.
The 160.000.0110 capital authorized
by thu law. creating the new banl
automatically has been uccredlti
to' the farm board by" the m.y
and Indications were glVcji. •*ollow-
Ing n conference Monday between
Commissioner Lolidell or me br *--*
and Secretary* Mellon., that a
lloh. dolars will be turned over
each of the twelve, banks immedi
ately upon the Issuing of charier..
'Additional funds, up to the aggre-
gate of slgty millions, will be «up-
plleJ as needs arise. * '
'The board ptons, temporarily sq
least, to hold loans made under t:i„
new tow to a basis of am moans
maturity. Mr. Lobdell explainer,
however that this would be dona
only because no one knew the- ex
act extent to which tne system
would be called apon to aid la ag
ricultural financing. The first few
months or t perhaps a year, he said,
would l». regarded as a period of
experimentation. riTS.
, »
Make a thin paste of olive oil and
salt and spread It on the marks
caused’ by setting hot dishes on
your dining table, let It remain for
nn hour or so and rub oft with a>