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Fair and Wanner „ }
VOL. 91, No. 2t
• saodated Press Service
Ni E. A 8ervlce
Single Copies 2 Ceuta Daily. * • Ceuta Sunday.
of Wholesale Murder
London Paper Wednesday
(By Associated Press.)
LONDON.—The sensational story of a plot by the
Irish Republican organizations to murder several
British Cabinet members and .commit other outrages,
was bared Wednesday in an edition of the Daily
Sketch. . ,
plot i» connected by the
,,pers with the recent arrest
■ rnl Irishmen accused of be-
iiis'implicated with raids or several
The newspapers give the
“Lr. .11 only » part of the plan
whicli is said to have been carerul-
l,. pared, with the Intenuon of
„ VI ,,inii oil of England.
Thi itory further says that aome
„( th. men marked for death In-
,1,nU- l'comer Bo nor Law, David
George and Sir Hamar Green-
1 mil never*! more ot the moi;
prominent men In the political nnd
life of the country.
sketch, which aaerts that larne
numbers of women, In sympathy
with the Irieh Republicans sought
employment In the homes or promi
nent statesmen, with a v»w ol
learning the Intimate movements
of the men. The movements wokj
then lie communicated to the lead
en in the Idol, who would wen
mike tltelr plans for the murders
of the Intended victims. ’
According to the story made pun-
Ur. the plans for tho murders, which
sere to be conducted on a Whole
sale scale were worked one to tny
Swine Growers Holding
Two Days’ Session There
Wednesday and Thurs
day. Other Speakers
An important meeting for farm,
era in that section of the state is
the Swine Growers meeting at El-
GA. $30,000 WEEK
Vast Timber Resources
In Oglethorpe, Greene
Wilkes and ^Elbert Al
most Exhaustless.
But It Didn’t Worn
There was a community m
Norway when the Innautants
all wanted to set rich.' TheY' de
cided that If everyone 'did mew
rfeishbor's washing at ft. per
washing, every family would
earn $6$ a year more than they
bad earned before. Some how or
other nobody got very rich ex
cept one family who went to a
nearby town and soloclted sev
eral washes there. They learned
that It Is not how much you can
taka away from your fellow
townsman that maxes s com
munity rich but how much It con
sell to the outside wopa'.
No Effort Being Made to
Re-Forest Tracts. Big
Plaining Mills Are Es
tablished* i
The plan by which the murders
,re to be accomplished was com-
piftdy covered by the story in the barton Wedneeday and Thursday.'.
* * * Dr. Andrew M. Soule has
gone to
Elberton to be one of the »peak-
era for the meeting and other ex
perts in that line will also feature
the program,
C. A. Cobb, editor of the South
ern Ruraltet, Roland Turner, J. W.
Vaughan,. Jesse M. Jones, and Julc
Liddell, secretary of .the State
SWine Grower* - Association, will
o among thosa in attendance:
Fifty three registered hogs will
• sold to the highest _ bidder
finest details .and showed not onsylSt "JJi" ‘n. u. .
that much though had been put on 1 ™”*** J^Soad animal and
them but that also the men wuo ggPl. 3*
nude up the 'murder lists" knew) tb * W*™ wiU b « « n h » nd •* “«
to mont Intimate details the move- **■*•
menu of the -men selected to be
the victims. /
No arrests have been made public
uyet. at the officials' wlsh to nave
the movements of the plotters welt
In hand first.
Paper Made From Cotton
Stalk CoL Gantt Discov
ers! Highway Urged to
H. O. Epting, real estate agent
•of Athens and who maksu a speci
fy of farming lands, tells me
that in increasing demand \ for
firms around Athens is now on
and they hare a number of in
quiries and several deals in pros
pect. Mr. Epting says that lands
,« nny of Urn highways leading
nt from tho city cannot be bought
for less than $100 to $160 P*r
are, and they- bring that price
When Mid. Cist—from Hie
city does not count much in fix-
inf prices. Lands off from these
National Highways bring from
80 to $75 por acre. While the
boll weevil has cut cotton produc
tion the peal has not much affect
ed the *
Thursday a can load of chickens
will be shipped also from Elber
ton. These chickens have been
sold, to Ho highest bidder in ad
vance, the price being hens ant
•tags, 20c per pound, frier*! ”
per pound, roosters, 60c per
Elbert county farmers,
oun, l,.~* j..., „
they have harqur felt .the roal- ef-
* * boll
feet* of the.boQ weevil, are tak
ing time by the forelock and have
already gone in for other crops
sind live stock rather than cotton
This meeting will bo an epochs!
one for the county and is expect
ed to load to great things for that
section of the etate.
Hugh L. Hodgson Urges
Music Lovers to Attend
Recital At Seney-Stovall
Thursday, * '.
Northeast Georgia's lumber In
dustry has a weeklfr payroll ofjn^
than $>0,000. acordlng to flgu.
obtained here todAy.
Besides several planing mtlla lo
cated in areene, Wilkes and Elbert
countless Oglethorpe boasts of , five
who put out more then '$$,000 each
pay day far labor and lumber rur-
nlahed by hundreds of email saw
Oglethorpe county has around
wo hundred millions of feet In
lumber and It wlU take ten years
at the present rate of sewing to
exaust the suppty/H Is estimated.
Nothing Is being done to re-forest
the timber lends Tbs principal
cause for birth of the lumber in
dustry In the famous "Flntwoods"
section of Oglethorpe, Wilkes and
Blhert and In Grene county, was the
period of depression which hit the
country In lflO. -
Owners ot Umber tracts began
Installing saw mine last year and
the first planing mill woe put into
pperatlpn about last May. Since
that trait the Industry ht* grown to
big proportions and a planing mill
Is now under construction In Lex
ington which will turn out around
$00,000 feet of Imber per day.
bt i
nnmoii M
Four Negroes Killed By
Windstorm Which Swept
Thomson Monday Night.
Three Others Hurt
Tourists Arrive Wed
nesday and Are Enter
tained By Chamber of
Showing This City As
“Hub of Highways” Are
(By Associated Press.)
- WASHINGTON.—Charles F. Cra
mer. who recently resigned os gen
eral counsel for the Veterans Bu
reau, was found dead hare Wednes
day. Police department stated that
Cramer’s body was found In nit
home and that death was apparent
ly due to self Inflicted wounds. Cra
mer was forty-five years of age and
In.good health. j.
Chances ot Settlement
In Ruhr Grow Brighter
Withplew Peace Feelers
as ;
BERLIN.—There is a wisp of a ray of ho:
Ruhr Wednesi
through the gloomy aspect of the
as peace feelers were sent out by both sides in
Co-operation of All Mer-,
chants and Citizens ofi
Athens Requested For
Tbs Asheville-Hendersonville mo
toreadf^ some X0 or more Western BANNER-HERALD TO
Bas Pearson Country
Home Almost Complete
ly Demolished Damage
Over $20,000 Already.
(By Associated Press.)
THOM BON.—News received here
Wednesday morning from the Bas
Pearson place, twelve mlleo from
Thomson told of the death' of four
negroes end the serious Injury of
three others. In tho terrific wind
storm which swept over this sec
tion Monday night
The Pearson place IS a nantsome
country home and Is one ot the
show places of McDuffie. Tho
beautiful'home was almost com
pletely destroyed though the occu
pants sscapod practicaly uninjured.
The nsgroes who lost their lives
were tenants on the plantation.
The story of the death of the four
killed In the storm was told by one
who saw the terrible sight.
Planing mills .are located at The victims wen ,1a ons of the
Greensboro, Slloqmi \Vtyto, 'Plains, farm houses, whloh'was listed bod-'
Stephens, Msxnys and Lexington. ||y from lte foundation by the high
Two at Stephens have a comblnsd gale and blown quite a distance,
capacity ofl 160,90$ fssl per day. One of the Injured negroes was
Tho Buffalo Lumber company re hurled against a tree, and severely
building the new planing mill at injured, though It la thought that
Lexington. J. C. WUllome of At- I he will live.
lent* le president
The lumber te shipped principally
to oaetern cities, Bolton, Pitts
burgh, Boston. The lumber brings
$17.00 per' thousand feet at the
planing mills.
Oglethorpe countjr'ai great timber
tracts and large acreage or Umber
In Greene, WUkss and Elbert, kept
dozens, perhaps hundreds of farm
ers In those counties who would
have been forced to leave when the
boll weevil tqbk bread out or their
mouths. It Is d sc lend.
The cash money earned in tne
The damage done property In
and around Thomson by the storm
will/ amount te more then twenty.
thousand dollars.
Effort Made Rob
' Filling Station
It li wondered if the UUeyee that
North Carolina boomers, with their
motor bam flying “Land of the
8ky" banners, rolled Into Athene
shortly before .noon* In charge of
N. Buckner, eecretary of the Asite-
▼tile Motor Club.
The Hendersonville party wu* Do
ing piloted ,BV L. J. Penney, of the
Hendersonville New* and formerly
eecretary of the Chamber of Com
merce of that city.
The motor-coder*' are Fiorlda
bound. Thoy will be on their trip
twb weks, touring both side* .of the
Florida coa*t. ‘
These two boosters are out to ac
quaint the world with what la be
ing called Routs ‘V the longest con
tinuous scenic highway in the
world, leading right through AUi-
Committee Busy Working
Out Program and De
tails of. the Day ,and
Night of April 4th.
Services For Noted At
lanta Attorney Will Be
Heid'Thursday Morning
At Eleven O’clock.
1 The latest developments In the
Ruhr coll to mind the days Just
preceding the algnlng of the armis
tice when both aides, tired of war
were seeking peace to soil an end
to the long struggle. \ . ■' 1 /
/ Despite the fact that the German
government officially states (hot it
will continue the coal war with
France in the Ruhr to the end, and
the constant reiteration'ot Premier
Poincare that France will stay tn
the Ruhr until a satisfactory re- 1
paratlons offer te made and guar-
for Lather Z. Roter, prominent
Atlanta lawyer, who died at his
residence early Taesday morning.
— will be held from the residence at
Hr "“tTsFc;
on'April'4th, when the whiteway Mr. Rosser was one of the most
will be switched on here te expect- noted membra of the bar, not only
ing the co-operation of all of Ath-Un Atlanta 1tat over the state. At
ens. The opening of the whiteway I the. time of his. death, he wax the
on the streets it is being erected —**" “ “* **“ -*
te expected to mark the beginning
France, optimists point out,
jlcft tho way open for tho Gorman,
j government to open negotiations.
■Although Premier Poincare has Os-
services ; dared'that he would nofopen can.
venations at the Instance of a
third party, ho has made It plain
that an offer mado directly by tlio
German government would not bo
of a movement to extend it all
ever the down-town section and
the nlan of the committee in ar
ena, and stretching. from Northern ranging the program for the op-
Florlda gateways to tho grent :.ild- | Cn mg day and Inght te • series
die Wat through Cincinnati. fo f features that will be participate
. ed In by all the met chants and
U2I,a business men of the town as well
NEW ROAD as the eitteenry in .general.
This 1$ not n new road, the party 1 To'lSSUE^lrociAL
Vmvaiinw* 1 condition '’the! Tho Banner-Herald has been re- 1
In Cooke county. Tennessee, by n f JJ "J?™? th*
small and most difficult piece ofj u!L J**n» MB to
bad road. With this adjustment, Additionlout on JthirMe-
through the expenditure of nrerly “2^ |gont thatdata.
Tennessee! p* merchants will be urged to
•’tit on special bargains, say dollar
senior partner of the law firm of
Rosser, Slaton and Hopkins.
The funeral services will be con
ducted b;
siding _ .
triet of the North Georgia Meth-i fencing many difficulties because
■Ever since this pronouncement
which was made a few days ago,
became known In Berlin, members
of the government, of Chancellor
Cuno have been busily engaged In
l by Dr. Wellace Rogers, pro- (drawing up a neW reparation
elder of the LaGrsnge dis-} scheme. The government Is exper-
httlf-a million dollars by
authorities, the highway te now In. P ut 0I J »pecl*lb*rg*ini, say dollar
operation. bargains for instance, which will
With the opening ot this Route (wer Inducements for ouUtf-town
’ “A," Athens te in
t"llne with r people to coma hen for the evnet
Asheville and Hend3fi»onvliie“to"re-ind the pfogam
celve the benefit of some 70.0001 , Not only will the merchants
tourists who pilgrimage annually along the streets where the lights
from the Middle West to i iorica, {are to ba turned on be asked to
odist conference, by Hr. Rosser**
request. The ipterment will take
place in the West View cemetery
- The pallbearers will be John M.
Slaton, Stiles Hopkins, Henry
Porter, Carroll Latimer, James A.
Branch, Forrest Adair, Hubert
Culberson and Morris Brandon.
Mr. Rosser te survived by*his
wife, one son, Judge Luther Z.
Roster, Jr., chief judge of the mu
nicipal court of • Atlanta; three
daughters, Mrs. Joseph Eby, of
New York, Mrs. Charles B. Shel
ton and ’Mist Ruth Rosser, of At
lanta: by one brother, Dr. War
ren Rosser of. Bolingbroke, Ga.j
and by one sister, MVs. R. L. Dur-
rente,, of ..Statesboro,
tourists that heretofore have, been |co-oper*te but the program drill In
that au will be inter-
going by way of Aususia sne up' arranged so
the Atlantic seaboard to Washing-! ested.
ton and thence west to Rltteourg.
Secretary E. W. Carroll o-' the
Chamber of Commerce distributed a
large number* of the hlgnway maps
recently published by the .Bsnner-
Atheni te one of the laregit
cities of the entire country that
ti "
hot been without i
• wvuMy iiuuiiaumi wy ■ •• v ( «Mti$sswr- j Cl
Hera*. ESch automobile Was fur- ■ bi
niched with n large supply uf iM
have been operating around fUBng mops for distribution along the
stations In Atlanta have moved to
Athens foa their activities. An at'
tempt was made Tuesday night to
rob the Gulf Refining company's
place, corner at iHancock and Pu
laski streets. About 1S:$0 P. E. D.
sawmills and planing mill. £25 m. pteie .nd
jenablril formres to keep thrir'* 0 ^^ the o«!S CL
farms and proflde 1>read and opan H e called F. C. Shackelford
| meat" ly their families walle
Athens should be glnd (waiting.for a crop to mature. The
opjwrtunUy tolbear Olga depre^on period forred odoptmn
rotf, noted Ruratontiianist whoj o( me cash system even In buying
appears hero Thureday night inj' f .nn necessities and If H baa not
recital at Seney-Stovall, say* Hugh ( , r th . timber tracts an«
L. Hodgson, ' wjio is known
throughout tha south as an aecom-
plishcd musician.
In a letter to The Bsnner-Har-
pricc of fanning lands. aid Mr. Hodgson says:
thto statemSTtTy Mr._E ? ^
"Because of your intereet in tip
is substantiated by infonna-
from other counties not
Zcrgan county farms. totalling courage _ every, movement to give Plans for tho establish- batter advantages to our oommuni-
»ent of model farms in thto sec- ty. . : ' . '
tion and other movements are be- ■ We ehould indee| be grateful
finning to be felt throughout the to Mies Mdl, of Lucy Cobb In'
'mm i, in b-ui|
timber tracts ane
lumber Industry the plight of the
farmers In the boll wepll area would
have been pltlablk, Indeed.
In some Instances owners of tim
ber tracts have ben ahle to sett
enough'lumber to pay for then-
original Cost of the lands While
the people ot the timber aeetlon are
not thinking much of re-foreststlon
they pmn to continue the Industry
until cotton can be grown tn large
enough quantities or a system ot
profitable farming evolved.
iding develop-
T. Brown of
ice lived in
to our older
not only a
stituto, in bringing so noted an ar-
tist at Olga Samaroff, to' Athens
She is probably the most noted
woman pianist today.
“While I havp never had the op
portunity of hearing her, I would
consider ntyself very fpnmsts tc
hear her in any largo city for the
price of admission heW vi* $1.W
All of us, who longMar the.
0no of the out
Bents is by Col.
Atlanta, and wh
Athens and is km
ptittns. Col Brown is n— —, _
lading lawyer, bnt u business mail ,;roat artists and-to, toflorUil
Ud agriculturali$t- He owns the fine things pt Oft, Should Certain-
tmritgij .
“Endlosn Csvemr’ one of the show
firms of Virginia. Col Brown baa
"wntly purchased nearly 2£00
Ktn of Morgan county land, with
tie purpote of estghlHmng a mod-
S f*rm along tha la$Mt actentifif
fc*- Mr. Perker who arted an-
S*"‘ for Col. BMuk snb taaf
•Itu tract will comprise about 50(
* crts and when developed win be
Wt «f the finest farms in Morgan
*°unn, both as regards equipment
M thods of cultivation. It
K modeled after the Virginia
“tnt. u i a understood. '
It » hoped that CoL Brown con
"prevailed on visit Athens
* -Mlsh one of those model
“f n ' i I- our section. He b fa-
{b>*ar With all thb county, and
too*- ns possibilities.
A gvntelman remarked to ma
inter. Uy that now
I'* 1 have left the
?* fill their placaa- with"farmers
2" 'he North and Middle West.
5? th. y are the very class of
“tans we net
ITurn to
gU-e n Athbns°the *vriry host Fn art
by boosting in every* ^ay • w
and*c4rtafnl t y dWterewT a large at-
tend ‘ nCe - "Sincerely roW
Bruce Attends Meet
Of Central Agents
J. Y. Brnee, commercial agent
for the Central of Pytyto
road here, rotorned from Saww-
Wodnesdav where he attend**
rt5sirf«' , SL=^-»t
The meeting was held fo
urposc of discusajny t/ierf.
to build up our
ige Seven)
for v ....
Mr, Bruce- ««*)"»,... .
cials, are optimistic over the
ness for the coming season and
predict a big summer t Jurist travel.
• ' V% r
who was also passing about that
hour and the two made an Investi
gation which revealed that the
safe had been moved from Its place
In <h> ntflu
In the office.
Wednesday morning attaches of
the,company said that a flash light
and ballon can of oil'were mletlag
but that the effarifto rob tne sere
was evidently frustrated.
No trace of the thieves can he
route. Thin map shows Athena ue
the. -hub of the highways '
The Chamber of Commerce enter
tained the visitors at a lunchem In
the Georgian Hotel
Cotton Figures
Aye Announced i
whiteway and
the opeping of one here will be
an imports* event in the growth
*nd_ progress of the city. The
|>pafa and lighta are already in
placa and by the opening date ev-
;htn^ b#to ‘ , “ peforthe
WASHINGTON. — Cotton seed
msumed during February totalled
t$0,9:4 bales of Uqt: 47,$11 Itntera,
compared .with $10.$7& lint and 4$,-
$04 linters during January of this
year, the Census Bureau announced
in mu
Looks Like. Five or Six
Candidates Will Win
5,000 Extra Votes This
Captain of 1923 Baseball
earn Elected to Head
Club Tuesday
Night , ;
Georgk Clarke, captain ot the
’nlverelty of Georgia baaeoall
Voting in the White Way Popu
larity Contest which ends when the
formal opening of the bright light
ions occurs April 4, took on fever.
Jsh proportions Tuesday when the
•standing of five candidate! took a
decided spurt. -
Mrs. Jonah Davis who was nomi
nated Monday was given 467 voter
Tuesday. Mbs Bessie Jackson led
the field for the day with 1500
votes. The Shrinera seem to be
determined to make their boast a
reality—elect Miss Jackson queen
of the spring festival.
•»“ Tuesday night
-“■imtsd 40. 472,000 Unt sn<2 niously elected to the presidency of
42,000 lintefs.
Sanitary Department
Will Send Wagons to
Homes Each Morning.
Scouts Will Help.
, Athenians Wednesday were get
ting ready to “deaa-up" the cay
Thureday and eld the Wofnan s
Club and othfr dv|p organisations
In their campaign to not only-Beau
tify the town but do away with all
Inaect breeding places.
Majror Thomas bog Issued a proe-
lacted as the cleanest uy a com-
the campaign, which will loot two
weeks. In addition the mayor will
give a set or. Charles Dickent\ worn
to the\aphap$ whoa# district Is eta
lected 1* the cleanest y a com-
The .sanitary
send trash wag
department will
■ntm to homes each
morning earing the two weeks of
I the earypalgn. - Residents are urgad
Ito have the trash la a aOe or in a
container ready for the wagon whan
it. AUXINS; , * .
Jhfw” loll _
their names to the city authorities.
Grandmother of Tax Receiver J. H. Dorsey Threw
* Away Glasses .When Third Set of Teeth
s Came. Unde Henry Luthi Sets
Section “A-Talldng”.
A clsrke county tyoman not only
■row a third set of teeth after ihe
waa sixty yean old bnt the expe*
rtence restored her almost lost eye
sight. according to J. H. Dorsey,
tax receiver for Clarke county.
Mr. Dorsey says he knows the
above, to be a fact Ia tact,'It is
a boat bis grandmother,'Mrs. An^
drew Dorsey, that he talked when
he said he knew of a ^former resi
dent of this county growing a third
set of teeth.
Discussion-of the unusual expe*
Hence of Mrs. Andrew Dorsey wee
brought ou by the story of Uncle
Henry Luthi. the Oglethorpe county
cea‘<euarlau who has set all ot
Georgia “a-gossipylng” by cutting
his third set of teeth.
While Athens dentists smile sad
of people, some, their own kins
folks, who have cut the thJnl' and
“Impossible" third set ot teeth.
Mrs. Andrew Dorsey was-one of
the pioneer citlxcns of Athene,
whose husband was the. tint, flown
marshal of Athens. - 8b*’not only
cut a thM set of,.teeth In her six-
tg year hut'.the. new teeth,
brought about recovery of her eye
sight.' it <j •, .• . .
the "G" club. Dave Colllnge was
re-elscted to serve aa ..secretary-
treasurer, .The athletic association
of the University waa host to the
“O" members and one of the
greatest meetings In their 1 history
I was held. Every member
called upon for a few words and
the queeton of “Georgia spirit" was
discussed.. Tears, came . into tne
eyes of everyone^when Mark.An
thony and Sheldon Pitta spoke to
the men on '■Georgia spirit." These
two men have been very unfortu
nate during their college career)
both sustaining Injuries which have
kept. them out of athletics during
the last year.
The members decided to bold a
weekly meeting with'a Banquet
cvjry month. A committee woe
appointed to take 'charge of tae
“G" room fix up the room
In club fashion, so that Itt mem
bers might have a place for study
and recreation.
with stories that they have known > before.
According to Can'ain Dorsey,
his grandmother (ted lost every
tooth In her heed and not • vest
ure of • "grinder" remained. Her
eyes also,, were defective end she
bad to wear very strong glosses.
To her surprise she began tn cut
a new set of teeth sod soon her
mouth was fi»ed with hsauttful
and well pro nor loot'd t-sth. They
were as flnp end serviceable as her
first teeth qnd remained nntil her
death at,tha N8*«fi“ "
. iTcqat tflimy
her vision van el
Bad Check Artist
Brought Back Here
From Fulton Gang
such a scheme must please three
factors—tho Ruhr Industrialists, tho
German people and France.
The authoritative statement of
the Getynan government, made
Tuesday, concerning the bdaic prin
ciples of the new proposition which
has been dovlsed 1s generally con
sidered a feeler, which will bo un
officially or seml-offlclolly discuss
ed by the governments of rnutqe
and Belgium,
Germany's new plan, It was
stated, Includes the following prin
ciples: The appointment ot a com
mission to establish Germany's abil
ity to pay; tho floating of n sortes
of tntcrnatlorfhl loans from which
Franco would be paid: settling tne
indemnity figure not to exceed 30,-
000,000,000 goldtmarks. c ,•••.. 'TJ
That, section of the French press
which, Invariably speaks tho mind
ot.tho Quai.d'Orsay is.qtso engaged
In broadcasting, feelers, political oh-
sorvers of Parts newspapers, who
have tho complete confidence of
Premier Poincare, _ _
that Germany pay two and a half •
blllio - ngold marks annuaiiy to
France for a period of $S yean. %
Sandbars, Presideni
Houseboat* Resumes Tri p
Make Miami .Wednesday.
(By Associated Press.)
dent Harding's
cruise down the Florida
Monday became even more nomota
Jowen, Stephens end
Hammond also were given big
blocks - of. votes. Misses Jowers
and Hammond are leading the
field but rumor has it that one or
two other young ladies who here
tofore have been pacing will be
given a big lump of votes this sandbars and
wash in order to win the 5,000 ex
tra votes, ,
Miss Hammond) was the guest
, (Turn to Pahs Seven)
m t '
Deputy Huff went to Atlanta
Tuesday and brought-bask‘ to this
county. W. R. O’Neal, white, who
te wantedehere on *two charges, one
for passing worthless checks and
the other tor beating his. board
bill. He bos just finished a sen
in the Fulton county gang
and was turned over to officers
from Clarita county upon tha ex-
piration of his term.
Ha te abo wanted in Wi
Ballots are pouring into the of
fice of the Chamber of Commerce
for the twenty eight directors nom
ination. As son as It te determined
the twenty eight members who re
ceived the highest number o votes
a second primary, or election, will
be held to select Brarteen from thb
Election Ballots For New
Directors in Chamber of
Comerce Sent to Mem
bers. ■ 1 • K If I
The crulge has been entirely ce-
pendent upon the whims of ttn
members of the cruising party, hut
Tuesday, the whims ot the orutaee
were forced to take a back seat be-
tMl" SMI *att
foro tho whims of tho rise nml t
ot the tide.
Tho houseboat Pioneer, on whloh
the president Is making tho cruise
Tuesday resumed It's battle with
sandbars and at eight o'clock was
reported to havo pased Hillsboro
Lighthouse, eight miles above Fort
The/ tentative schedulo was re
made, duo to tho delay caused
tho sandbars, but tho party Is -
pected to arlvo at Miami I
day, as was planned.
Ballots were mailed out Mon
day night to an the members and
th* primary closes Friday night
▼cry member te urged to rote
if day member has failed to
rre a ballot one can be -oh-
Circle” Wilf Discuss
Important Phase
sociation Work.
Mrs. Clifford Walker, ef
roe, chairman of the * “
Circle" of the Georgia .
of Parert-Tearheri, will a
the members of the Athens 1
Teacher council Thursday
noon at 4 o’clock in tho .
Men’s Christian Association
lira. E. B. Hudson, r „
tho association urge* all
of tho associations who
hear Mn. Welker discuss tMflj