Newspaper Page Text
% six — : ■■ ■
ran banker-i -?■-
. MARCH 13 it».
™“ »8ainst :s,,-
gwr ! 7i , "vi r
tbe racney drponite<I In their tonnxs.
For a time farnfera seemi'C to Gla-
truHt banks, but thcv have gotten
over that.
hatter |
Open high low cloae P c
Y 31.05 31.20 30.98 31.25 30.56
y 30.10 30.23 30.06 30.28 30.82
V;... ...26.50 26.57 26.12 26.60 39.91
9. >5.95 26.02 2590,26.04 26.32
1.'... ,.. 25.55 25.72 26.32
sL Open high low cloie P C
Y 1.. .4.30.65 36.60 30.40 30.74 30.56
f ... ...29.85 80.w 29.85 30.22 30.27
.• ... ’..,25.95 2*12 25.93 2616 22.75
SIR BOB HOLMAN is buying up
cattle for the Skull Shouts place ana
bus alreudy about a huncrec head.
Many cattle are being sold, but tne
ptice js very low. Some farmers nre
Betting rid of their semb nine;, to
1 my thoroughbreds.
KINS, two progreslve farmers from
Oglethorpe say a big crop of pea
nuts will bo plunted In their county.
I Not over five acres of cotton to
the plow will be- tho averuge, and
tnuny farmers will pot plant a seed.
the Free Stnto of Mndlson say they
have tho .best county In Georgia or
these United States; that nearly
every farmer has enough hdme-ratB-
cd rations to run him, that wheat
and outs never looked better,- nnd
farmers havo gone to work to matte
the best crops since the War Be
tween the States.
thmey bought. \y,
July. Kclffer sol,
Contracts acarco.
Royston, Oa.. i
heavy In this scrtloi
two weeks further.
Over belt, especially
light showers report
Vllle, Texas; light
rainfall In Georgia '
ern and eentrai Brltn
cloudy, colder with
Professors J. I'hll Campbell, J. K.
Giles, and J. G. Oliver left ror At
lanta. to attend a me tine of dis
trict agents and expert* of the *g-
college. Co-operative
SEVERAL NEW business houses
are arranging to start up in Alli
ens. Trade is so much better man
at this season last year and It.Is
improlug all the while.
rlcultural ...
marketing, among .other piuus tor
the coming year, will be discussed,.
’nstanllyl.End Indigestion, Gas,
: Deartburn, Acid Stomach
Just returned from South Georgia,
where he hus been conducting a
survey of farm financing rn co-op
eration with officials of the tL S.
department eg agriculture.
There are 15 na\v mils In Ogle
thorpe county nnd they are utlll put
ting up others. There Is 100.000.000
feet of lumber to cut In tho county.
A number of dry kilns ana planing
mills will also be erected. People
on the lower section nre p<ay«ng no
attention to farms but are selling
timber and running saw mills. But
above Lexington, they are fixing
to farm right.
DR. M. IV JAKNiOAN is In at
tendance at the southern cattle
men's association, now In session'
at I^oanok$ Virginia. As vice-pres
ident of fhe association, her will de
liver one of the principal atfcres-
Liverpool closed:
Today Yesterday
is just now resting up, hut wlW prob
ably embark In business In Ath
ens later. He says there is no p:uce
like Athens.
Durham of Oconee. , Ht .
physician to denounce bleeding
he first
patients for every aliment. In ye
clden time, when -a doctor was
called In his flrpt treatment was
to take out his lancet nnd bleed
you. Dr. Lindsey Durham de
nounced this practice.
iv Taste pleasant! Work wonders!
Th« moment you chew a few tab
let* of Pape's Diaspepaln all the
MR. E. O. CABANNI8S haa en
tered upon hi* dutle* at the agri
cultural college a* supervisor or
rehabilitation projects. He succeeds
M. W. H.. Colins, who tins gone to
Floyd conty as county agent.
Wendell s Pills Ambitio
Brand, for Run-l)own
Tired Out People
Open Noon
— 11.88—89 11.88—80
............... 11.98—12 11.98—95
— 11.08—04 12.04—08
: 11.03—08 12.04—08
.... 11.91—95 11.9.—93
misery of indigestion and disor
dered stomach ends.
£ Your stomach needs this harm-
lesg help. Get relief for a tex*
cents. Millions of dyspeptics and
MR* W. 8. LONG, denionstating
agent of Walton county says he had
a talk with depot agents In his
county about the exodus of negroes
And from what they could Judge
about one thousand had left Wul-
ton. But since Umt time others
have moved away but not any great
number. He snys plenty or lubor
has been left to work the lund.
.« 5 ou lee! tired out. on
(despondent, mentally or
j .. , 60 cer
IS on a trip to Atlanta, Cordeie and
Dalton this week In the Interests
of creaiqerles and cheese factories
is now In mld-Oforgla, where he is
lach sufferers never bothered
more. Any drug store.,
HON. N. D. ARNOLD, of Lex
ington was In the city Saturday
nnd cordially welcomed by ms
fi lends. Nat is looking remarkubiy
well, after his long ilness. He says
he Is not yet able to attend to
business. Ho owns tbe telephone
line over his nnd neighboring
counties, and has recently added
Home costly improvements and put
tho system in fine shape.
MR. HALE, who operates a .farm
and also a cundy manufactory on
tho WIntervillo road, was in the
c |‘y Saturday. He says they are
sun making candy and keeps' two
men busy. This year they will
Pant eight acres of cotton to ttie
plow and have laid In plenty ot
arsenate to keep down the pea,
MR. S. D. TRUITT, a nephew ot
depressed, get
Wendell's Pills
Palmer & Son today a
first big step toward
ter right away.
If you work too hard
much, or uro- nervuu*
Pills. Ambition Brand,
you feel better In tin
money back from Pan,
on tho first box pure.
As a treatment for a
the nervous system. .
loss of appetite, sleep
Nervous Indigestion, go
Wendell's Pills. Ambit
today on tho money ba
New York—Liberty bonds opened:
3 1-2's 191.24; First 4 1-4's—;
Second 4 1-4's 98; Third 4 1-4's
98:53—54; Fourth 4 1-4's 98.10—12;
Victory 4 3-4's 100.08.
MR. A. B. C. DORSEY, of Gaines
ville. was the first man to Introduce
embalming In Georgia and his son,
Hon W. li Dorsey, proprietor or tho
Dorsey Furniture Co., was the sec
ond. They organized and started the
business of embalming in our State.
The Dorsey Funeral Co.
set aside permanent ‘pastures ror
the cattle industry In that region.
He is working with the .oo-opera-
tloh of tho Georgia, the Central pi
Georgia, and tho Seaboard ruii-
DR. JOHN R. r aiN has gone to
Baltimore, Mr., where he wt:: tin-
dergo on operation at Johns Hop
kins. H|s many friends are wishing
him a speedy recovery and an
early return to his duties here.
Soule to speak at an agricultural
meet to be held there this weex.
Market Gossip
Received Over F.,\
Linnell & Company’s
, Private Wire
. operates
an exclusvo white undertaking de
Hr. bell’s
Ptoe-iar Honey
set. oi /tmens, miss Jackson is al
so receiving the enthusiastic back
ing of the Shrine Club, by which
she is. sponsored. Her brother,
Thomas Jackson, is a leading
member of the club,.
Miss Jackson is the daughter'
of iMrs. D. W. Jackson, who re
sides at 179 Dougherty street ant
the niece of Councilman R. T
Dottery. When interviewed, she
modestly said that she “might”
Shrine Club better than have theit
,on j nominee in the Popularly Contest
•’Y" I Miss Bessie Jackson, • queen” of
,“ n the big pageant to be staged here
” April 4 when the White Way is
formally opened.
* Miss Jackson, who, modeatly.
tv- oh* has a “chance” to win
in the enthusiastic race for the
hi C0U E B * *>00 in gold, $50 in
•no 801,1 or $ 20 >n gold, is one of the
ro ^ leading candidates.
Very popular with the younger
PROF. J. H. YOUNG has span;
A PROMINENT gentleman from
Arnqldsvllle says that conslderanre
cotton wns held In that section by
> farmers. It la now being sold and
manda it.
MR. PAYNE ' a farn
county says'he will tt
eight acres of cotton
and besides t
manure over the land, w;
er'tq the acre. He
ier of this
lis year plant
to tho plow,
broadcasting stable
BOT pound* of high-grade tgrtlliz-
* * W “1 use poison
the day and hunily
soon respond to Dr.
Compared with laat rear's Mock
cn ship board at Galveston yester
day was 48.000 vs. 74.000, at New
Orleans 27,000 vs. 30.000. Exports
not ltkoi i — «o free ai hereto
fore, In* near future*
Meanwhile prospects are for bat
ter weather which however, la, as ■
scntlal to give new crop prepara
tions • normal start Ivey are
said So be somewhat backward In
southwest Texas- Tomorrow's
weekly private weather report,•!»-
sued at Memphis, probably be reft
er unfavorable aa a whole owing
[ Athens Visitors I
i— t.i
Among those visiting An Athene
Tuesday Were, W. F. Gleenn, At
lanta,. Ge.;M. Marty, New York;
Mr. and Mr*. F. J. Watkins, At
lanta; E. C. Clarke, Atlanta.
Mrs. W. H. Wheaton, Griffin,
Ga.; ' Mlya Emily Boyd, Griffin,
Ga.; M. A. Fields, Washington, D
C.; M. Blumberg, New York City;
F. D. Nelson. Atlanta; Marlon
Nowell, Augusta; M. Hester, At-
DR. H. C. WHITE Is pleased
with the wprk o.’ tho chemistry
department this year and the show
ing made, his classes being In sev
eral subjects larger than ever be-
f hair. Think how attract
you would be. Thbrar
Absence’ of an urgent support de
land tm f A tt ..J __ la iL.
CONTINUING IN popularity the
Girl* Rifle, Team I* still gathering
recruit*. Laat week three poured.
Hiss ' Emma Plaster, M7m All.'*
Perry and Miss Fee Kamensky.
Although late In the year these
may develon | n to crock shots be-
mand is felt and as a result tho
bearish Inclined are disposed to
opposo an advance.' As a matter
February: Exports of yarn, pounds
11 million vs; 14. US, 000 exports
of cloth, yards 234 million vs.
3(1; 955,000. Exports from U. S.
66€ r
Prescription for
What do you expect of
a suit of Clothes
Right styles, of course, perfect fit, and long
wear;.every man does.
How can you know, in advance, that the
suit will fully come up to your expecta
tions? Buy
; Good Clothes
• ” "
For more than fifty years the makers of
these clothes have adhered to a policy of
fme quality and^oiund value. 1
We gladly stake our reputation as good
merchants on every garment we sell—we
know you will never be disappointed in a
Kuppenheimer Suit
A Complete Line of Shoes, Hats,
Shirts and Furnishings
Demands Calume
In Western North Carolina.
Colds, Fever and La-
Grippe. It’s the most
speedy remedy we know,
preventing Pneumonia.
Jack Holt Coming
‘ > Palace Tomorrow
Jack Holt* Paramount star. wIJI be'
.seen at the Palace theatre tomorrow
In hlit latest starting vehicle, "No
body’s Money.* This U said fo be
Wanda Hawley heads a strong sup*
porting cast.
“Missing Millions” Scores
Showing Palace Tonight
—because it has more tha
the ordinary leavenini
strength; it raises millions o
baking? every day to a ligni
AUo« Brady has scored heavily In
bet latest Paramount picture "Min
ins Millions.’' now o* ylew at tha
Palace theatre. It la dramatic and
Involed in Startling" situations aa a thrilling 16 a degree and provides ©*-
result of hla frlendwhlp for a crook, cellent entertainment.
perfectly baked perfect!
that cannot be equaled.
—because it contains whit
of-egg—the vital element th
mves the housewives protc
non against using a baku
Nature ' With Pretty
Girls Here , Saturday
"The Red Widow” the Musical
Comedy bit of the season comes
to the colonial theatre Saturday
evening. •
“The Red Widow Is a real mimi
cal Comedy on the Light opera or
der, providing plenty of opportuni
ties fo rtho demonstration of the
talents of some of tbe best Musi
cal Comedy entertainers on. tha
American 8tkge of today. Hearing
the targe cast of fifty Is George
Demeyol and Myrtle v*ll. both well
known to ahe lovers of Light Open-
end Musical Comedy., The Cos
tumes with this attraction are sold
to bt tbe very latest expressions
Pauline Toney .....
Martha McAlplh ...
Lillian Edwards ...
Sarah Hail '.
Katherine Ashtotd .
Elisabeth Arnold ...
Katherine Bradwell
Erma Booth
Carrie Booth .......
Carrie Beer
Nelllj Christopher ..
Iota Ethertdgo
Nannie Etheridge . ,
Hazel Hodgson ....
Frances Holden ....
Ethel Jackaga
Fay ....
Martha Nicholson ..
Mrs. W- D. Uascbal
Katherine Park ....
Janie Powers
(lory Sims
Mrs. Clarence Stone
Louise Upson
MaJhllde Upson-
Nina Sue carter ....
Big Voting Marks
Popularity Race
date 5,000 votes this week lu 'or
der to get the .extra .votes of like
number given by the 'domtuittee
this- week.
Taunadge Bros. & Co.
Distributors '
rnionuo nnn.
Meanwhile all *)he
— — •slldaleo
have enthusiastic ;lrie.t>Is *tw are
working hard for’them. A new
enSrant Tuesday wns Mrs. Jusfh
Davis with 1001 votes,
The Popularity Contest will eml
with the Willie Way opening April
4th, and the winner of tbe Drat
prize wilt get a Ford r. upe, second
$100 In gold; third $50 In gold, and
fourth $20 In gold. •
The standing Tuesday follows:
. Jx)vIo Jower* 7081
Laura Hammond ....... 6670
Bessie Jackson 4073
Harriett 8tc hens 2931
Neill* Oriffe'. i 2191 I
Mable. Parr 1035
Mpi. P. N. Chillvl* 1439
IHOTF^CDTiW* 1177-1
1 Jfjmuboth Harris , 1013
Ctara Bell Rutherford .. lost
Earllue Wilder 1177 j
feminity—alf In ell—tt is said
be best ever. ‘
flranlkce bright by nibbing with
-kerosene—when there’s no Ore, of
FOR RENT—724 Cobb 84.
Phone 1036 or 437
! c i Dch
y ennui sc