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About The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1923)
pffitMtSPiftS mediately follow th. primary the rule that at ieaat a quarter of the duee be paid in advance wm be be a jeyful ranting and an invita tion to the well-dreaded nnap to Join in a trip. I ' ‘ . But all pleading. are m vain— "A-No. 1," moat fumoua hobo of all timea la through wandering. Thirty yearn or more of wonder ing holla the blood of A-;,’o. i every spilng. But he'a now Lecn Ray Llvlngaton, author and publlaher. ao rach year, after a hard etrugole. he vine hla battle against the lure of the road. “Don’t you worry for fear Hell not he able to reelet hla •ItchlMg foet’ " hla attractive wife 1*.naked at thla time. * (He iovea hla family too utuoh r * la her prideful onewer. • committee m Rrtday ,nlght Ifi the preaence of th* counters and checker. and auch members aa care to attend the coupt. These ore all opened at once and the numbered envelope and check Mata are re moved from the root VISITOR MONTREAL — A1 Marlotto New York was arrested after arrived here today and held.w O. A. Brlston >of this city on charge of complicity la awl<! spread counterfeiting plot The Royal - Canadian Mount Police aeiaed a plant for makt spurt one SO-cent pieces, wl which. It Is alleged; Canada h been flooded. Judge Perreault held the prls ere In flSOo bail each. Morrla Michael, formerly of Alb erta but now ap official of the H&pp Overall company of Macon, Is here for a few days da the guest of bis parents and friends. The cverall business .Jfr. Michael If connected with Is one of the largest In the country and Is I growing annually accbrdlrjg to Mr. Michael. strictly enforced. L The entire roster of members | has been sent out with a blank bal lot on which are to no written tho names of the fourteen nominees selected by the members. The It names receiving the highest vote wilt M declared nonJnated and teur Athletic Federation. The in vitations wt re sent out in th* name of the federation, of which Mrs, Hoover is the only woman Vice President. . A statement issued by Mrs. Hoover said that the conference was part o the federation’s “far- reaching plan to bring an oppor tunity for some form of rational, interesting physical recreation to every possible boy and' girl, young man and young woman in the coun try, either directly or through friendly co-operation with tne many existing agencies." ... .... eh there ip no posetblo way by watch the'hal- lot can be Identified. i And such is .the cnanga Ban Cupid has wrought In the famous hobo, who’s mark is peon along every rallroau system In 1 America anil Canada, who has traveled more than 1000,00 miles ht a cost os I $7.(1.’ His splendid homo with wife! and kiddles drowns out The spring-1 time call of tho road.' \ j So far as possible, members are urged to use their best judgment In voting the bdllot and select the very best Cniv Members With Paid Up Dues Qualified to. Vote in Final Primary tion. ,;)ry ballot of the Athena the ba f Commerce baa ; been velope i to thfc members and if*"* 1 ▼ -- Ballot on ’ do so ,'*’d -.nat there wi.l be a sberecy . cast, but members are that the polls close' op 8ECRE -lit at 7:30 and .that USED tlon is necessary to got Into the mall so they As ft reived by that time. opes at tnlicr will not Insist upon 1 at heat It dbf*1<u a qualification opened .otmalss to vpte Me way ls,se^t Irtg sorp* advantage or preferment. CotaiialTheatre-V-g!SL.17 the" result Is ualualiy that a'reuc- tlon is set Aip which' prevents the success''of nny.. ticket ,w abac and, doe* bring out a., real choice of Isadora. ) Meigs B. Russell; field 1 sbcreWy of' 'the American l CUy' 1 ’ Buroaui stated that thla methqd bad been Used In cities whsre there had been very keen sectional and par tisan feeling and that the resul tant board of directors proved eminently satisfactory In every In- GARRICK PRODUCING COMPANY PRESENTS' AMERICA’S FAVORITE MUSICAL COMEDY STARS Smuggling And Selling of Whiskey In Baltic even Easier Than In This . Country t (By Associated Press.) COPBNHAGEN- TAXI SERVICE ofi Day and Night GEORGIAN BAGGAGE lone TRANSFER CO. Phoi C Office Georgian Hotel * £ SECOND CROUP MEETING CALLED ,’ Notices for . a second series of group meetings to be held, 'on Thursday night have been mailed out. These group meetings nre for those members who were uuuhlc (.» attend the meetings held on tho oc casion of tbs constltutlpp and by laws meetlns. It, la hoped that membera who have not.already at tended and made , their contribu tion to the program of work will Ulalt the Georgian Hotel on Thurs day evening and do ao that Uie program may repreaent the desires am^eugtasUons of the entire mcm- Tho committee In charge of the election comprises Col. D. W. Ryther. chairman; W. Milton Thomaa and Dr. w. u Moss. three gentlemen will act aa modaratom and will be assisted by tba following counters and check- M. J. Conte. A. W. Dozier. J. R. Northcutt. B. R. Blood worth. George Jl. Thornton, j; D. Apple- **■ Wilkins. Carl Conley, Frsd J. Orr. Union Oerdlne, J, c. arii5^L Quu,tan ' °- °- Dav,, ‘’ ghtful, Tuneful, Dainty, Tantaliz ing Musical Comedy Success 'Rum, not epee* iflcully the augur cane prcduct of Ji'inuica and Culm, but rather any kind of alcoholic beverage stronger than claret* and beer, is the basis of a smuggling trade in the Scan dinavian countries and Finland that rapidly Is assuming 'national WITH A SPLENDID CAST OF SINGERS AND COMEDIANS, AND THE RED WIDOW CHORU8, OFFERING A GORGEOUS- LY MOUNTER PRODUCTION WITH LATEST CREATION8 IN COSTUM E8. MR. GEO. DAMERBL AND MISS SyRTLE VAIL, WHOM LOVERS OF MUSICAL COMEDY AND LIGHT OPERA WILL REMEMBER AS THE 8TAR8 OP THE ORIGINAL FAMOUS <*MERRY WIDOW” COMPANY; ALSO STARRED IN “THE HEARTBRBAKER’S" CO. - Field and Garden Seeds ALL yARIETIES OF WOOD’S SEEDS 'White Bermuda Onion Plants Frost-Proof Cabbage Plants 20c per hundred, each. n Call Us Up For Pore Seeds and Pure Drugs Phones 1066 and 1067 W “WE DELIVER” CITIZENS’ PHARMACY Corner Clayton and Jackson Streets Occasionally the runners lose cargo, but this matters not so \e much, for the profits easily ta: c.tre of any such incident Mrs. Herbert Hoover Would Have Them So. Plans Physical Educa tion Courses in tJ. S. oJ jiiotnn iruirt “ ^ J ‘ “ ijr tb hrtp ” j and an an- tor oppor- w-. education and development, championed by Mn. Herbert Hoover, hae been in- doned -by th* War Department ai GOOD CLOTHES The Big Chatthe in Life’ Kang art now undelwilj „ make goddeiiea of ’ Athens other women, according to an nouncement from Waihington. Woman’s right to hr“ tunltisa or physical erd r Mr». Herbert Hoover, haa been In- a part of its •campaign to en- courage athletics and reduce the high percentage of person, physi cally unfit aa diacloeed during the of A-No.-l Due to Work of Dan Cupid. Writes Stories of Life. ERIE, Pa.—A short gray-haired man. with pink cheeka reflecting perfect health, hla carriage and clothes giving a MignUIed air o, prosperity. Is a frequent visitor at the local railroad yards right now. with Interest the Ho watches switching crews making up , trains for California, for Carfada, for Florida. Occasionally hU keen eye catches sight of a tramp ’en route.” He manages to engage, the' wanderer In conversation. which rtpftofnUUves from | Perbape the hobo Is a youngster, and private schools, univer- I fired with an ambition to goo the collggat, playground and i wor,d - Aftor'tbta conversation, the long] associations in the I youth Is moot likely to leave the States wU ba brought TM-i^oda” weaptag and. with money in a conference in Wash-'*™*" h, » n * w ^ the train Stylish Spring Hats Thrbest spring styles are here in our new, haf^Flight tan, pearl and many other colon. 'JP $3. $3.50, $4. $5. The beg’t part of our hats are—after months or wear they will still be stylish—the quality is thiere to hold it. m. j. REID & CO. * The Shop of Quality. Clayton' Street , • Athens, Ga. EVERETT TRUE By Condo r AHA r. Look at STRAIGHT fCUSH AHAll AHAAAlll Mat HAvs. Yo\j Cot f .A'Hat rsj A Satisfied Customer Is the Best Advertisement ; AC|ENTS FOR BOYS’ and GIRLS' , 'Top Fdcint) J , and j j Buy a Kuppenheimer suit this season. You’ll like the way it fik-yc^y[^[^ay|it hdlds, i^ phape, the value you get for y^lrijatoney, the service, and the style. You’ll know krid your friends will tell you that you’ve made a gilt-edge investment in good appearance. auUH’i The Daylight Corner .iliUh ‘HU , . . I»b ,9B«19Y« orii no , .!■ yOqqgri.illW-'^lteubiii ilia arfl m jjailfwjqiil ■ •doe .ln«Lb) lu\ 'yiyiwafl * ni txhrJthhd l.cji ■am iwln ini' . Tbi v 'A