Newspaper Page Text
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Make Yoor Ora
WNCS fft°|SigI
Row—DUfermt—Loti of Fun
That Bad Back
T i
tread of thonew
Goodyear Cord Tira
Wwativer Tread
mini smoother
naming. Its new
improved rubber
‘ compound meane
longer mileage. Its
heavier sidewall re
sists nit and curb
blocks of its beveled
Biy Finally Presented By
Senator Harris And
Sponsored by Judge
Grand Effective.
WASHING AON. D. C.—Approxi
mately 500 itste banks In the state
of Georgia may now enter tbe
Federal Reserve System under
provision of the rural credits law
passed on the last day of Congress,
and originally proposed In a sen
ate bill by Senator William J. Har
rls. When the rural credits bill
was beford the House. Represents
tire Charles H. Brand, of. the gth
Georgia district, and a member of
the House Banking Committee, as-
cured Inclusion of the Harris
amendment In the general bill to
help the agricultural Interests of
tbe country.
According to figures given Sena
tor Harris today by the Federal
Reserve Board there are 621 state
banks in Georgia not members of
She Federal Reserve system. There
are 89 state banks now In the
system In addition to the .98 na
tional banks which are required
to be In the system, under tbe
law. Of tbe 621 Georgia bapks
there are several which could en
ter the aystem before the Harris
amendment became a law.
Do you have a dull, steady ache
in the small of the back—sharp',
stabbing twinges when stooping or
lifting—distressing urinary disor
ders? For bad back and weaken
ed kidneys Athens residents rec
ommend Doan’s Kidney Fills. Read
ibis Athens statement.
F. H. Williams, retired express
agent, 601 Thomas St., says: “I
used Doan’s Kidney Pills off and
on and found them to be a most
Reliable kidney remedy. Whenev
er. my kidneya act too freely anti
the secretions begiwio burn hi
passage I always get- Dean’s.; At
times my back manna this'keep’s
me awake at night unless I have
Doan’s on hand to take at once.
Upon 'using Doan’s occasionally I
seldom have pains in my back and
they make my kidneys Set prop
erly. I know that It’s the occa
sional use of this medicine that
keeps me feeling so good. They
have never failed to help me."
Price 60c 'at ml dealers. - Don’t
■imply ask for a kidney remedy—,
get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same
that Mr. Williams had. Foster-
Milbum Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N.
Hills Cassia
■GOITRE caused
Choking and Nervousness. Mt.
Clemens Lady Telia of Relief
From Home Treatment
Mrs. Monroe Osborne, Alt. Clem
ens, Mich., says she will tell or
write how her goitre was removed
by Sorbol-Quadruple, a colorless
i Get morq^ information from Sor-
bol Company, Mechanicsburg Ohio.
- ■ ’ .wevyj»V 'in .. »■
'r<yr iftifto
Methodists Out to Get Pledges
Due Centenary Fund in Athens
Many (Delinquents Come
Forward With Cas/h and
Pay Up Pledges to
‘ Following a threeday conference
here and sermons and addresses
Sunday, by outstanding denomina
tional leaders- from all. over the
country, Methodists are ,out, Ip ear,
riest collect overdue money
pledged to the centenary of mb
sions , movement of the) , M. B.
Church, South. Already as a re
sult of the agitation concerning
the crisb on in Southern. -Mntjio-
dbt harden by reaalp of (tardy
payments to the centeiiafy. fund,
many delinquent subscribers'havo
come forward with cash payments
and others' assert that thej) will
arrange to' pay all or a 'part of
their subscriptions by May 1st.
That this spirit is prevalent b in-
Sold by all drug stores. Locally l ocated by the fact that probably
leaving the gas sjove burning and
Jt la believed the wind from the
open window/blew out the flames.
III si
Coughs and Colds .are contagious
and require prompt treatment as
they spread or develop Into flu
nd grippe. Take no chances when
you can get Foley's Honey and
Tar for a few centa and quickly
check coughs and colds. The con
stantly inirtasing demand, for
Foley s Honey and Tar, for three
generations has made it the larg
est selling rough medicine in the
World. Contains no optatea—in
gredient are printed on the wrap
per. Refuse substitutes. Insist
upon Foley's. —Advertisement.
Women Who
Juries Much Herds
Womeri; Tllan Men
i Jurors.
(By Associated Press.)
BERLIN — German women, re
cently accorded the right to sit
on juries in criminal cases, have
Athens, Ga.
19, Clayton .Street
Seed Irish 'Potatoes
Plant them now
Special 50c Peck-
Arnold-Abney & Co.
Roe Shad. Spanish
Mackerel, Speckel
Trout, Black Fish, and
Norfolk Oysters.
Athens Fish & Oyster Co.
561 E« Broad St.
Fresh fish just received
and very nice Shad. A
very good selection in
Western and native
Fresh Oysters and
Dressed Chickens.
Phone 1446-1447.
<«• AMIt IaAIMMi ilt a
! 'VUI (1011 IcaVciJ wile
Speaks Highly of
This Home Made
Cough Remedy
Says It Acte With Unusual Speed
— Loosens the Mucus—Rc-
Lleves the Irritation and
Stops the Cough
Costs Next to Nothing—For a
Big Supply
Whenever anyone in my fami
ly ettches cold and begins to .cough
and sneeze, and hawk and breathi
heavy, it doesn’t take me many
minutes to fix up a remedy that
will drive away all such troubles
in double quick time.
It's no .secret—anyone can make
a half piht of the finest cough
medicine in the world for a thrilling
sum. ’ ’ .
Get from any druggbt one ounce
of Pannit (double strength)— to
this add a little granulated sugar
and enough water to make one
half 'pint—that’s all there is to it.
But now you’ve got a real medi
cine—mind you—the first spoon
ful you take acts directly on thd
membrane of the throat and nose,
the tickling cesses almost in-
atatly—the inflammation begins to
disappear—up comes the stubborn
mucus and often in 24 hours ev
ery trace of the cough that fright
ened you b gone.
It* really remarkable how ' thb
horn# made remedy acts on the mu
cus membrane ana that b one rea
son it is so helpful to thousands
of Catarrh sufferers.—Advertise
ment 1 ^
urn H im
When you aro suffering with
rheumatism so you can hardly get
around just try Red Pepper Rub
and you wiT
lief known.
Nothing has such concentrated,
penetrating heat as red peppers.
Instant relief. Ju*t at soon as you
apply Red' Pepper Rub you feel
the ttagliife heat In three minu
tes it warms the sore spot through
and through. Free* the blood circu
lation, breaks up the congestion—
tqfl the old rheumatism torfbro b
Ro'wlcs Red Pepper Rub, made
Brings Sad Results £?>*£ JST&tZ S5J!
Use it for lumbago, neuritis, back
ache, stiff neck, sore muscles,
colds In chest. Almost instant re
lief awaits you. Be sure to get the
genuine, with the name Rowles on
each package—Advertisement
Cut etri tjiis sl^, enclose _6c and
j tisement.
Senator Harris conferred Mon
day with Governor D. R. C rise tax
er. the new head of tbs Federal
Reserve Board, and they discuss
ed the efforts of the banks to en
ter tbe system. The Georgia
Senator congratubted the new
Governor' upon his appointment,
as he has shown his great interoat
in the agricultural sections-while
Comptroller of the Currency. A
joint committee to investigate, the
reasons why state banks have not
joined the system was provided In
the ratal credits law, this proposal
being supported by the Georgia
Senator. Two of the reasons
generally given for the,failure of
tbe state banks to join the system
■re the regulations requiring
checks to be cleared at par, and
the failure of the reserve banks
Do pay Interest on the reserve of
the state banks bald on deposit
The Harrls-Brond amendment
now permits the state 1 banks to
come Into , the system If they will,
set aside anndally In ' a special
fund 20 per cent of their net earn
Ingrtb be used as a fund to bring
their capital stock np to the mini
mum requirements of the original
law. The concrete case' Is cited
for Georgia where many state
banks have a capital stock of $16-
000 but the minimum stock of
226,000 to required for a honk to
enter the Federal reserve system.
Tbe bw now permits the creation
of a special fund to raise tbe addi
tional $10,000 needed to bring up
the capital to the minimum, and;
ponding this the hank may enter
the system.
Many government officials be
lieve the change In the bw will
greatly assist in affording addi
tional credits to the fanner* with
the present banking ayatem.
“California Fig Syrup” is
Child’s Best Laxative
iry church in Athena and vicin | shown an Indinpalon to 'impose
has reported money in hand j even mere severe punishment than
and the work of collection already | men ■,particularly in cases where
started to bring up arrearages. : the defendants themselves have
So great has been the enthu
siasm stirred by the presentation
of the needs of the centenary that
many individuals as well as
been women.
’ll always feel sorry for a wo
man defendant, ’’said a Berlin
judge commenting on-women’s un
church groups have said that even try into the jury box, “When a mi-
Even if cross,.feverish, bQi
constipated or full of cold, cl
ten love the “fruity” taste
“California Fig Syrup.” A
poonful never falls to
Tver and bowels.
spoonful never
you can see for yourself b«/w
clean %
In a few hours
thoroughly It works uli the sour,
ing food and nast’blle out of the
stomach and bowels, and yob
have a well, 'playful child again;.
Millions of mothers keepi ‘Cali
fornia Fig Syrup” handy. Thai
know a teaspoonful today saves a
sick child tomorrow. Ask your
druggbt fog genuine “California
Fig Syrup” which' has directions
for babies and children of all ages
printed on the bottle. Mother!
You must sar “California” or you
may get an imitation fig-*yrup.—
Love Triangle
of a girl that mirrored the like
ness of her dead mother—
An “idyllic love triangle,” cbm-
ptotely void of all the usual tri
angular situations, as sordid sag
and illicit companions hi pa.
Those aro the laments of
strange tragedy in which Made
line Wrnblesky, aged 16, finds
herself the. innocent cans*.
Her husband, Alex Wrnblesky,
b dead—a suicide.
Her father, Harry L. Johnson,
b dying—shot down by the bus-
And Madeline faros the world
.alone, a mere child in yearn and
| When, five years ago, Madeline's
I mohter died, tnl tether found much
compensation in the fact that the
I child bore a striking resemblance
Ito the dead Woman.
f As Madeline grew older the like
ness grsw stronger.
II It b almost as if eh* w«U la'
I the house,” Johnson would say to
the child. He could not bear to
! think of the day when thb "mlr-
|ror" that seemed to bridge tbs
veers back to hb happy .mgrrbd
life would leave him.
But that day camel
A few months ago Madeline, m
high school student, eloped with
Wrnblesky. v.
Secretly eh* feared the consc-
4 Both men loved her with an “idyl
lie love.” This she well knew.
Johnson toot steps to have the
marriage annulled. The girl was
under legal age, he hcM.
Wrubiccky vowed he Wonld not
He arranged a meeting with the
tether. There were heated words
and then three shots.
“I worshiped her because I had
mother," was the
' of-Johnson i
mail it tp Folsy A Co., 2836 Shef
field Ave., Chicago, Ill,, writing
? »ur name and address clearly.
ou wfll receive in return a trial
paekan containing Foley** Honey
and Tar Compound for coughs,
colds and eronp; Foby Kidney
Pills for pains in sides and bock:
rheumatism, backache, kidney and
bladder aflinenta; end Foley Ca-
tharic Tablet!, a wholcsopie and
thoroughly cleansing cathartic -for
constipation, biliousness, headache*
and eluggbb bowsb.—Advert is o-
fjimnii smut hm*si
a much like ,
■ £89unip
Keller Motor find
Machine Co.
Rheumatism to no respecter of
age, sex, color-or rank. If sot the
most dangerous of Auman afflic
tions it to ope of the'most pain
ful. Those subject to rheumatism
should eat no sweets for awhDe,
drew as warmly as possible, avoid
any undue exposure and-above all,
drink lots of pure water.
Rheumatbm b caused by uric
acid or body waste matter, and Js
often generated in the bowels and
absorbed in the blood. It to the
function of the kidneya to filter
thb poison from the. blood and cast
it out in the urine; the pores of
the skin are also a means of free,
ing the blood of thb impurity. In
damp and chilly, cold weather the
akin pore* aro dosed, thus forc
ing tbe kidneys to do double work;
They become weak and sluggish
and tail to eliminate thb toxic
add, which keeps accumulating
and dic , >’.:'.i|>g through the sys
tem, eventi'dly settling in the
jofnts and muscles, causing stiff,
ness, soreness and pain, called
rheumatism- . -
At the first twinge dl rheuma-
bm get from any pharmacy about
four ounces of Jad Salta, put a
tablespoonful in a glass ox water
and drink before breakfast each
morning for a week. Thb b help
ful to neutralize, acidity; remove
waste and stimulate the kidneys,
thus helping to rid the blood of
these rheumatic poisons. '
Jsd Salts b inexpensive, and to
mad* from the. acid of grapes and
lemon juiee. combined with lithia
and b used with excellent results
by thousands of fqUcs who are sub
ject to rheumatbm.—Advertise'
menL .
wro y
For a tew cants you can ward
[off Flu and Gripp# by promptly
checking your roughs and colds
,with Foley’s Honey and Tor. Also
gives quick relief from coughs re
sulting from Flu, Grippe, Whoop
ing Cough, Asthmn and Bronchi
tis. Fortr-alohi. a
Honey and Tfcr the'World’s larg
est selling cough medicine. Con
tains no opiates—ingredients are
printed on ti* wrapper. J Refuse
if it called for sternest sacrifice
they would make arrangements to
meet their centenary promises.
An immediate collection pro
gram will be put in operation, it
b announced. At Young Harris
Church the collection team took
the field Sunday afternoon, under
the direction of the Rev. M. S.
Williams, pastor; W. R. Tindall,
by leader; C. A. Fowler, cente
nary treasurer; Cobb Lampkin,
president of the board of stew
ards and F. G. Bell, secretary-
treasurer board of stewards^ Mem'
bers of the board of .stewards will
serve as a collecting team, each
member selecting an assistant.
At First Church, Dr. J. M.
Pound, lay leader, reports that
that congregation b aroused to do
its best That the time seems
ripe for a big boost to collections
is indicated by the report of Du
pree Hunnicutt. centenary treas
urer, to the effect that nearly a
thousand dollars has been turned’
over to him for thb cause.
Dr. S. E. Wasson b pastor of
First church - and together with
the by leader and centenary treas
urer will supervise the work of
collections in that congregation.
Captains of the collection team
for Firat church are: J. D. Apple-
white, L. C. Mitchell, T* B. ■ Hin
ton, R. S, Hancock, Horace pars-
bold, Will Hancock, Ab Dorsey
and George Abney.
At Oconee church, tbe pqstor,
the Rev. J. A. Quiilian, the by
leader, E. S. Kirk, and H. G. Cal
lahan, centenary, -treasurer, will
have charge of the movement to
round up delinquents. Members
of the collecting team are: W A.
Kent. Roy Wilson, Charles
Bridges, George H. C. Stone, H.
H. Fitzpatrick, J. L. Garvin and E.
L. Jackson. An every-member
canvass* of the Oconee church WiU
be inaugurated next Sunday, it to
announced. ,
Similar collection programs
were inaugurated at nearby potato
or will take up the work at an
early date, it is reported. Thirty-
two Methodist churches were
reached in the recent intensive ef
fort here, and throughout the
Methodism of thb section there
seems to be more interest in the
matter of payment of cantenary >
pledges following tbe vtoit of ds-;
nominations! leaders and the vig-l
orous• preparatory work of local;
Methodists. - i
The concensus of opinion b tbai}
Athens Methodbta will work ar
one to complete the financial ob-t
Jcctivc of the centenary, which b*
$35,000,000 for the entile connec-,
tion, $19,000,000 of which remains i
to be collected in church territory. I
The immedbte goal, as stated by;
leaders here, is to coll set $4000,- f
000 by May 1st. The pro rata of
Athens Methodbta on this total b
In the neighborhood of $50)000. i
The Rev. G. F. Venable, presiding
eider, and Dr. N. G. Slaughter, Uy|
leader for the Athene dbtrict, will
’direct the general movement here
and hear reports of the progress
of .the campaign inaugurated here
jority of the jury is composed of
tho fairer sex. My experience so
ter has been that the women have
less mercy than men, and hold out
for verdicts aconrdlnxly”
'‘Ever since Germany became a
republic and women gained tbe
right to tbe ballot, tbe question
of-permitting them to sit on juries
ha* been, brought np for dlscns-
sion from time to time, there being
many opponents to 'the advance
ments of women's right among the
public generally and especially in
the legal profession. It was lone
contended that women were too
tender-hearted to listen to sordid
detalto of criminal cases. Bnt the
women demurred to these conten
tions, kept np tbe struggle for ad
mission as jurors and, after nearly
four years have dually won their
i Misses. Otis Cain and Mary
.Pentecost had as their Sunday
vtoitor*' Mrs. W. O. Cain, Sara
Cain, Dorothy Thompson, Elisa
beth Pentecost and C. E. Monfort.
soUthehjT railway
60C %
Baked Red 8oapper Fish
Tartar Sauce Spring Onions
Boiled Turnip Sabd
Pickled Beets candled Yams
Muffins and Biscuits
Haisin Pudding
. Coffee, Tea or Milk
Supper 50c. . •
Fried Uver and Onions
Hominy Grits
American Fried Potatoes
Vegetable Salad 8tewed Prunes
Cream Muffins ,
Coffee, Tea or Milk
Strawberry Short Cat*.
F'esh Berries Friday and
Saturday Special*
Black Walnut Macaroons
. 20c Dozen
Honey Cream Cake 25c lb
Fresh Cocoanut Cake 3.
layer 60c Cake for 45c
Kfesh Black Walnut Cake
3Xayer, 60c Cake for 45c
Fresh- Lady. Baltimore
Cake, 3 Layer, 60c Cake
for 45c
All Cookies 15c Dozen
Bread, Wholewheat, Rais.
In, Graham and White
- Rolls
Breakfast Rolls 12c dozen
Wholewheat Rolls 12c dot
French Rolls 15c doz.
Don’t Mias That Good
Strawberry Shortcake
cars and locomotives costidg $17.-
000.000 baa just been ordered by
Southern Railway System, this tn-
Ing In addition to equipment cost
ing >18,000,000 purchased In 1982,
making a total outlay of $30,000,-
$00 for equipment by Southern Rail
war, in the two years, according
to, an official announcement Is
sued Wednesday.
Phone 247 269 N. Lumpkin Street
Athens, Georgia
If you would be a successful COTTON RAISER now,
- you must plant a cotton which has the fololwlng charac
teristics: Light follegh, fast fruiter, good staple and one
that fruits l*t* Into the season. We have these klndi, and
know wo ate right from experience, study and observation.
A liquid mixture with calcium araanat* as tho bull fl
for poison will attract and control the. cotton boll wtovll
and COST ONE HALF .what other mixtures cost Apply
with a mop, easy and simple; do It In the day time. Wo
•carry this In atoek, come to see about It or write for particu
lars. Also our stock of FARM, GARDEN, AND FLOWER
SEEDS aro fresh and complete and we are Athens head
quarters fop-j
VAN-NIL Satisfies
has'been told $250,099 awaits him
In France. Charles R.. SpeecMoy.
a tapestry weaver, continued • to
stand by.Ma loom today. . 1
Spaechley enlbted. In 4ha, 5 th
Rrtiment of Marines at the out
break of the war and was station
ed in Paris after the armistice.
According to a story he told to
day. he was returning .from a dance
In tbe outskirts of Parts when he
raw a young woman tel$ from I
tie Alexander III, Bridge over the |
Seine. He plunged Into the stream'
■nd saved her. The legacy wax'
made by Mme. Tuacum. mother of
tbe rescued girL
Will Last Only Two More Days
Slashed to Pieces to Make
Ttese Shoes Maw
YOU. *>
Our Shoe Repair Shop in tbe rear of our store is pperating a*
usual, so bring your shoes to Martin’s to be repaired.
[main* and Domqnlc Montalann,
street cleaners, were kU'od by goal
in their two-room opartmcpL No.
326 Melrose Street. Krroldyu, ■■
- It had
, A‘«
125'Clayton St.